holiness anointing and glory

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  • 7/25/2019 Holiness Anointing and Glory


  • 7/25/2019 Holiness Anointing and Glory



    I wrote this booklet as a result of a three part sermon series for our local Church. As we were a

    young Church and needed to lay a foundation for where God wanted us to be, I felt that what I

    ministered would help prepare us.

    Foundations are important in any building, therefore just as important in the life of the believer. The

    ministry of the Church is also built on the foundation of the Apostles and the prophets.

    As much as we accept the apostles doctrine and the prophetic word already spoken, we have to hear

    how the Holy Spirit is instructing us today.

    The message of holiness, anointing, and glory has been around and spoken about for a long time.

    But God instructed me to connect the three together to be used as an instruction for our Church and

    as a platform from which we are to be launched.

    I trust that this will bless you as it did us, and cause you to become more like Jesus, the One who

    saved you from sin, delivered you from the wiles of the enemy and given you hope for a future.

    Yours For His Kingdom

    Pastor Tony Sands

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    Having read all the scriptures on holiness, I want to impart these truths as a reminder to you about

    the state we should be in. There was a season in the Church where holiness was a big thing and has

    since died a slow death. We mention the word but hardly a sermon is preached on the subject and

    for that I was guilty too.

    We understand that we must be different to the world but somehow we have come short in

    impacting the unchurched due to the lies of the enemy and the influence of the world and perhaps

    the modern gospel or seeker friendly messages that get preached.

    The word holiness has a number of meanings depending on the scripture you are looking at, but for

    all intents and purposes, they are connected and mean the same.

    Holiness is the state of being holy. It is defined as a separation from other things. Holiness is also

    connected to moral qualities that we should possess. It has meanings such as;

    Apartness, sacredness, separateness, a sacred place or thing, consecrated, dedicated, hallowed,

    reverence, respect, godliness, moral purity, purification, sanctity, in a moral sense.

    So you get the picture! Yet it all talks about something or someone that is set apart for a particular


    The Old Testament tells us that certain items to be used in the temple were to be holy. That is, thatthey had no other use except what they were dedicated to do.

    Today under the New Covenant we understand that He calls all people, even those who dont know

    Him yet, to be holy.

    For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness 1 Thessalonians 4:7

    If He has called us to holiness then that means we have a responsibility to get rid of anything that is

    unclean in our life and be separated unto Him. Some say that He makes us holy! I have not read a

    scripture that tells me that, but there is certainly enough instruction that we must get rid of things,

    that we must be separated, consecrated. It means that the decision is yours to live a life that is fit for

    the masters use. You must decide NOT to be connected to anything that does not reflect the

    holiness of God, because God is holy.

    Let me remind you of scriptures that tell us of His holiness;

    Psalm 47:8God sitteth on the throne of His holiness (KJV)

    Psalm 60:6He hath spoken in His holiness (KJV)

    Psalm 48:1He is greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness (KJV)

    Psalm 97:12give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness (KJV)

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    Everything about God and what He does is holy! As we believe His word and choose to serve Him,

    we MUST be as He is, holy! The only way to be identified as belonging to Christ is if we stop trying to

    look like and behave like the world! We are a separated people, living a consecrated life, dedicated

    to serve Himhallelujah!!

    It is prophesied in Isaiah 35 that the place of blessings has a highway of holiness on which the

    unclean shall not pass over it nor fools err therein. The walk and lifestyle of Holy people is compared

    to a highway. It is not the same as an arterial road or country dirt road. Did you notice that bicycles

    and horse-carts are not permitted on the highway? They do not have the correct calibre of engine

    that allows them to keep pace with vehicles that are travelling at higher speed than on country


    We who are set apart for Gods service move differently to those who remain attached to

    uncleanness. We are progressive in faith and moving with God whereas they are as if they are

    standing still.

    The prophet Jeremiah was shaken by the words of His holiness so much so that he was like a

    drunken man. There is no other word like Gods word. No other book can compare to what He has

    provided for us. When that word is declared and ministered to us in power, our lives are shaken. It

    reminds me of the scripture that says;

    And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things

    that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.(Hebrews 12:27)

    Holiness is not something we as believers can overlook. It might not be the message of the day BUT

    still it must remain the position of Gods children.

    The apostle Paul helps us when he writes to the Ephesian Church saying; and that ye put on the new

    man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.(Ephesians 4:24)

    When you take seriously the meaning of being sanctified, purified, separated, or consecrated for

    Godly service, then you will see the manifestations of a Holy God who confirms His word with signs


    If you feel that you do not match up to the requirement of being holy, the good news is that you can

    cleanse yourself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit,perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

    (2 Corinthians 7:1)

    And once you have set yourself apart for the service of God, to be His witness and testimony on the

    earth, then you must continue in faith and charity and holiness.(1 Timothy 2:15)

    And with no surprises, the result will be that you will have your fruit unto holiness.(Romans 6:22)

    A holy life will make the deepest impression. Lighthouses blow no horns, they just shine

    D. L. MOODY

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    Moving on from holiness, the Lord instructed me to speak about the anointing. Many Churches talk

    about the anointing with some even having anointing services or anointing oil services. Regardlessof your position on what the anointing is or what it looks like, I hope to bring you a fresh perspective

    on it through this teaching.

    The anointing is identified in only two ways in the Bible. It was either through the anointing or

    setting apart with oil, and the other is the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament is filled with illustrations of

    men being set apart for service by the anointing oil being applied on their head. Prophets were

    anointed to their office. Priests were anointed for their office. Inanimate objects were anointed for a

    particular use in the temple.

    In the New Testament the only times we read about the anointing of oil is in the gospel of mark and

    in the book of James. In both these instances they were praying for the sick.

    And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them

    (Mark 6:13)Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him,

    anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:(James 5:14)

    In the Old Testament a deliverer is announced who would have the title of Messiah and Anointed

    One (Isaiah 61:1). We understand that this spoke of Jesus who was to come and confirmed in the

    book of Acts 10:38 saying; How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with

    power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was

    with Him.

    There is nothing recorded that Jesus was anointed with oil. He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and

    with power! Now the application of oil today is often done willy nilly, with many believers running

    to where the next service is going to take place so that they can be anointed with oil. The oil is only

    symbolic of the anointing. It does not empower you nor does it confirm your appointment to any

    ministry office. Your ministry gift is confirmed when you walk in power and demonstration of the

    Holy Spirit.

    The evidence that Jesus was anointed is seen in that He had authority when He ministered the word.

    Demons would cry out and the sick were healed!

    And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power. (Luke 4:32)

    Here is a statement the Lord gave me;

    Holiness is something you do in that you must perfect holiness,

    but the anointing is something God does!

    The question we have to ask is whether we have an anointing today? The truth is that it is God who

    anoints you and sets you apart for service regardless of the function. You cannot witness without theanointing! You cannot pray without the anointing! You cannot preach without the anointing! You

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    cannot break free from sin without the anointing! You cannot flow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit

    without the anointing! You cannot be part of the worship team without the anointing! In fact you

    cannot be a believer without the anointing!

    Allow me to break it down a bit further. As a believer you have an anointing! It is an anointing to live

    right and to be a witness wherever you go whether in the work place, in your neighbourhood, or

    amongst your family. The Holy Spirit in you is the anointing! Yes, you have the holy Spirit in you! He

    empowers you to get rid of sin and make the changes necessary in your life to reflect His goodness

    and grace.

    Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God(2 Corinthians 1:21)

    Do NOT seek a mans anointing!! What Iam sharing with you through these teachings is that you are

    made in His image, set apart for His service and empowered by Him! You need never seek to be like

    another man or minister like someone else. You are an unique individual called to be holy as He is

    holy. As you give your life to Him He anoints you or empowers you. You have a strength and wisdomto be able to deal with any challenges that come your way. Lets read further in the Bible;

    Butthe anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach

    you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it

    hath taught you, ye shall abide in him(1 John 2:27)

    I dont need to be taught or go to church I hear you say. That is not what this verse means

    otherwise it contradicts other scripture that says do not neglect the gathering together as some do.

    My understanding is that it is the anointing or the Holy Spirit that helps you when no natural wisdom

    is available. It is the anointing that will tell you the truth allowing you to discern what people tell

    you. It is true that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into all truth. Isnt that great! That means

    you dont have to wait for Sunday for God to teach you anything. You need not wait for the Bible

    study group to meet to get more revelation. He is ready to speak to you at any time! I can be

    encouraged while Im driving my car. In the restaurant, playing sport. The anointing is the best thing

    that can happen to you!

    The anointing is an indicator of the presence of God on your life. You are able to deal differently with

    issues such as attacks from people or the enemy. Your level of grace towards others increases. You

    come across more peaceful in spite of a storm that may be raging around you.

    However, you can have an anointing to be more than a Christian. God anoints you to fulfil a

    particular ministry function in the body of Christ. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? (1 Corinthians

    12:29) Obviously not! The ministry gifts cannot be gotten from a man either. It is something in you.

    You just know that you know, that you want to reach the lost for Jesus. He anoints you to be an

    evangelist. And if God anoints you to be an evangelist, there is nothing I or anyone else can do. And

    so it is with the other ministry gifts. You might think it is your charisma, but remember that they will

    know you by your fruits!

    Walk in what He has given you. You have an anointing to be a believer! He comes to empower you

    with an ability to be an overcomer. And as you seek the giver of the gifts, He will anoint you for a

    ministry function as He wills!

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    If I had to ask you to write down what you think the glory of God means, I know that there would be

    as many answers as there are those who are reading this. Some would describe the glory as a cloudcoming into the meeting or place of worship. Perhaps you say that it is a weightiness or maybe you

    call it the Shekinah glory.

    Just out of interest, the word Shekinah is not found in the Bible. It literally means in Hebrew,

    residence, or dwelling. It is from a Hebrew root that is in the Bible, often translated as to

    dwell. For example, God dwells among His people.

    In the Old Testament as Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, the place of bondage, they

    experienced the glory of God. It was represented or seen when the cloud covered them by day, and

    at night it was seen as fire. When Moses would speak to God in the tent or tabernacle they knew the

    glory of God was there because of the cloud that often covered the entrance. When Moses spoke to

    God on the mountain, they heard the sound of thunder and lightning and also the cloud that

    covered the mountain. All of these told them that God was in their presence.

    The glory of God is not people falling over in a meeting. Neither is it believers standing in worship to

    God. It is not when the spiritual gifts are flowing, neither can it be limited to a new song being

    birthed. These moments that we have

    are awesome, I agree, but the glory is more tangible than that. If thats all it was, then it could never

    be explained because we all have so many different experiences as believers.

    What I want to share with you will surprise you, but more importantly open your eyes to the truth so

    that you understand what the glory of God is. Allow me first to mention scriptures that talk about

    the glory. Later I will come back to these and you will understand then what I am saying.

    Arise, shine: for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.(Isaiah 60:1)

    And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

    (Philippians 2:11)

    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;(Romans 3:23)

    Jesus saith unto her, said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory

    of God?(John 11:40)

    I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven

    images.(Isaiah 42:8)

    And the glory which thou gavest me, I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are

    one...(John 17:22)

    When we talk about the glory, most of us will agree that it simply means that it is His presence. You

    might describe the different manifestations in the Church as His glory, but I want to challenge yourthinking as I remind you of the account of Moses and his encounter with God.

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    Now Moses was the man chosen by God to lead the Children of Israel. This allowed Him the

    opportunity to be in His presence on the mountain and in the tent of tabernacle. You could well say

    that He experienced the glory of God! At one time while he was speaking To God on the mountain,

    he was instructed to go back down because the people God said, was a stiff-necked people and have

    corrupted themselves. As they (Moses and Joshua) come down they see that the people are dancing

    and worshiping around a golden calf that was made from their jewellery. Moses in his anger

    smashes it to pieces. The people had committed a great sin and Moses has to go up again to talk

    with God and perhaps make atonement for their sin (Exodus 32). In chapter thirty three of Exodus

    Moses is in the tabernacle seeking the Lord. Again the cloud appears at the entrance. Moses asked

    God a very unusual question. In verse 18 he asks; I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.

    If Moses had seen His glory, then why is he asking to see it again. This is the first time such a

    question is being asked. Moses had experienced the cloud, the fire, and the thunder and lightning,

    but he never really knew God. Lets read what he says in verse 13;

    Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way, that I may know


    Moses knew at this moment that in spite of his experience with God, he never really knew God. He

    wanted to know God and His ways. Doesnt it remind you of the apostle Paul who said about Jesus;

    that I may know Him in the power of His resurrection.

    Believing friend, we must know who He is for us to be more like Him! You could sit in Church and any

    other spiritual gathering and never really know him. The good news is that here is a revelation that

    you might never have considered yet, but it will empower you to be more like him. Gods intention is

    to get us to the promised land, but we are held back because we havent understood the position hehas called us to. So I asked the question, why did Moses ask God to show him His glory?

    Do you remember how you speak to someone on the telephone but you have never met the

    person? You can have endless conversations with the person discussing your business etc, but you

    will never meet them, and therefore never really know what they like etc. So it is with those who

    believe in God. They hear preaching on the word of God, but they themselves dont really know who

    He is and His ways.

    God explains to Moses that he will show him his goodness as He passes by him covering his eyes so

    that he cannot see the face of God. Lets read in the scriptures what happens;

    And the LORDpassed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORDGod, merciful and gracious,

    longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,7Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity

    and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the

    fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth

    generation.(Exodus 34:6-7)

    The words that God spoke to Moses is whats important. Perhaps you have a revelation of what the

    backside of God means or that as some say, its not where He comes from but where He is going.

    But I believe the answer is in what He said to Moses. Remember that Moses wanted to know His

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    ways. And now God says to him what He is like. God is merciful and gracious! He is longsuffering!

    He is abundant in goodness and truth!. He keeps mercy for thousands! He forgives iniquity and

    transgression and sin!

    Therefore, the glory of God that Moses wanted to know about was the nature and characterof God!Thats right! God is nothing like us. If we want to see His glory then we must understand that it

    means that we must have His nature and character. Let me explain;

    But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same

    image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.(2 Corinthians 3:18)

    When you look at yourself in the mirror, not with your face covered, you should reflect his glory.

    That is, His nature and character! The glory of God is seen when you behave like God! Some

    Christians are not merciful and gracious! Longsuffering is never something we aspire to become! We

    can be so unforgiving at times! No wonder the world struggles with the Church because we are

    nothing like Him!

    I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

    Mahatma Gandhi

    Apostle Paul warns us; Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be

    put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one

    another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:31-32)

    Is it starting to make sense now? You want His glory? Then start having His nature and character.

    Moses has this most amazing experience until the day God instructs him to speak to the rock for

    water to come out. Instead of speaking he takes his rod and strikes the rock. Moses, I hear you say,

    you got to know a God who is merciful and gracious, and suffers long, and now you go and do the

    opposite!And because of his ungodly like response, he never gets to take the people into the

    promised land. You could be missing out on reaching your promised land because you are dont have

    His nature and character!

    Jesus explains this principle in one of his parables where the servant was forgiven a great debt by his

    master. The master showed the man amazing kindness, grace and forgiveness. Yet, no sooner was

    the servant forgiven that he finds a man who owed him a small debt, even half choking him until he

    paid up. The one who experienced great love and forgiveness showed no mercy in return! (Matthew


    Now let me re-quote the scriptures I mentioned early in this chapter with the word gloryreplaced

    with the words nature and character, and hopefully you will understand it with a renewed mind.

    Arise, shine: for thy light is come, and the nature and character of the Lord is risen upon thee.

    (Isaiah 60:1)

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    And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,to the nature and character of God

    the Father.(Philippians 2:11)

    For all have sinned, and come short of the nature and character of God;(Romans 3:23)

    Jesus saith unto her, said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see thenature and character of God?(John 11:40)

    I am the Lord: that is my name: and my nature and character will I not give to another, neither my

    praise to graven images.(Isaiah 42:8)

    And the nature and character which thou gavest me, I have given them, that they may be one, even

    as we are one...(John 17:22)

    Can you see it now? This is an awesome revelation of who He is and what we should be like. Gods

    desire is that the whole earth be filled with his glory (nature and character).(Psalm 72:19)

    These three messages has surely laid the foundation for us as a Church to walk and live in so that we

    go cross over to what He has promised for us.

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    These messages were given to me to preach to our local Church because it would lay down the

    foundation for what He was going to do through us. Our hearts need to be right by being a holy

    people. A people that would set ourselves apart for His use. That we would know that He has

    anointed us with the Holy Spirit and power and therefore empowered us to be awesome Christians

    in a world that struggles with us. And finally to have His nature and character in our dealing with

    others. He is the judge and has the final say on anyone and everyone.

    What Ive shared with you is not rocket science, but simply the power of the written word of God!

    This word is not only for our congregation but for every believer who desires to get to their

    promised land and cannot understand what the hold upis.

    Examine yourselves. Be honest about your life! Stop pretending! Get rid of the things that disqualify

    the anointing on your life. Be ruthless with sin and walk away from it! You deserve to be blessed!