holiday assignment worksheet grade: ix

Holiday assignment Worksheet Grade: IX Subject: English Your holiday homework this year is a fun mix of all the aspects of the language. It has been designed to ensure that you enjoy and learn at the same time. 1. Collect any five news items on the given issues. Paste them in a scrapbook and comment on any two in120-150 words 2. List the various stages of man’s life you know, if you don’t know- think, guess and let your mind run wild and write whatever strikes you from the poem ‘The Seven Ages’ . a. Why does the poet compares the world to a stage? b. Which stage of man’s life do you like the most? Give reasons to support your a nswer. c. Explain the line they have their exits and entrances. d. Why does the extreme old age is compared to the second childishness. e. Make a flow chart to describe the Stages with their Characteristic features. Environmental Issues Technological Developments In the poem, the poet compares life to a drama, in which a person plays many parts as he / she progresses through life. Man in one life plays these seven parts progressively: Infant – School boy –Lover – Soldier – Justice – Old man – Extreme old Age.

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Page 1: Holiday assignment Worksheet Grade: IX

Holiday assignment Worksheet

Grade: IX

Subject: English Your holiday homework this year is a fun mix of all the aspects of the language. It has been designed to ensure that you enjoy and learn at the same time. 1. Collect any five news items on the given issues.

Paste them in a scrapbook and comment on any two in120-150 words

2. List the various stages of man’s life you know, if you don’t know- think, guess and let your mind run wild and write whatever strikes you from the poem ‘The Seven Ages’ .

a. Why does the poet compares the world to a stage? b. Which stage of man’s life do you like the most? Give reasons to support your a

nswer. c. Explain the line they have their exits and entrances. d. Why does the extreme old age is compared to the second childishness. e. Make a flow chart to describe the Stages with their Characteristic features.

Environmental Issues

Technological Developments

In the poem, the poet compares life to a drama, in which a person plays many parts as he / she progresses through life. Man in one life plays these seven parts progressively: Infant – School boy –Lover – Soldier – Justice – Old man – Extreme old Age.

Page 2: Holiday assignment Worksheet Grade: IX

3. Make a beautiful bookmark for your Literature reader. Decorate it and write a famous quotation by a well known poet or author. 4. Write your experience of your summer holidays in the form of a diary-entry. (15 days) (120-150 words)

Subject: Tamil

1. Fwpg;gpl;l gj;jpia (Paragraph) Nju;T nra;J mjid vOjp mg;gj;jpapypUe;J 5 tpdhf;fisAk; mjw;fhd tpilfisAk; vOjTk;. 2 xg;gilg;Gfs; (Assignments) rku;g;gpf;fTk;.

2. nghJf;fl;Liu: ePupd;wp mikahJ cyF.

Subject: Hindi


Aagao baZ,tI BaartIya maihlaaAaoM sao saMbaiQat ica~aoM ka saMgah krko ]nka saMixaPt jaanakarI paPt krko ilaiKe.

1 pI TI ]Yaa

2 pI vaI isaMQau

3 AartI saaha

Page 3: Holiday assignment Worksheet Grade: IX

Subject: Science -I


Name of the Student:

MCQ: Matter in Our Surroundings

Q.1: On Kelvin scale 0OC is equal to –

(a) 273 K (b). – 273 K (c) 0 K (d) 100 K

Ans: Q.2: Liquids have -

(a) fixed volume and fixed shape (b) fixed shape and no fixed volume (c) fixed volume and no fixed shape (d) neither fixed volume nor fixed shape

Ans: Q.3: Dry ice means –

(a) solid SO2 (b) solid water (c) solid CO2 (d) solid CO

Ans: Q.4: Materials existing as liquids have -

(a) boiling point and melting point above room temperature (b) boiling point and melting point below room temperature (c) boiling point above room temperature and melting point below room temperature (d) boiling point and melting point below room temperature


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Q.5: Which of the following is accompanied by cooling?

(a) vaporization (b) evaporation (c) condensation (d) none of these.

Ans: Q.6: Intermolecular force of attraction is maximum in -

(a) solids (b) liquids (c) gases (d) plasma particles

Ans: Q.7: When we add sugar in water, particles of sugar disappear because they -

(a) are very small (b) get into the spaces between water particles (c) are moving (d) all above

Ans: Q.8: One small crystal of potassium permanganate may contain particles -

(a) more than 103 (b) more than 104 (c) more than 105 (d) more than 106

Ans: Q.9: Which of the following statements is not correct?

(a) The density of ice is less than the density of water. (b) To convert a temperature on the Kelvin scale to Celsius scale, subtract 273 from the given temperature. (c) To convert a temperature on the Celsius scale to Kelvin scale, add 273 to the given temperature. (d) Vaporization of a liquid causes cooling.

Ans Q.10: Which of the following pairs will not exhibit diffusion?

(a) hydrogen, oxygen (b) oxygen, water (c) salt, sand (d) sugar, water


Page 5: Holiday assignment Worksheet Grade: IX

Q.11: Which of the following substances is not a liquid?

(a) butter (b) glass (c) sponge (d) rubber band

Ans Q.12: The temperature at which the solid melts to become a liquid at the atmospheric pressure is called –

(a) boiling point (b) melting point (c) freezing point (d) none of these.

Ans Q.13: Which one of the following properties are not characteristics of liquids?

(a) fluidity (b) definite shape (c) definite volume (d) compressibility

Ans Q.14: Large volume of compressed natural gas (CNG) is available in small cylinders to us due to its property of -

(a) high inflammability (b) easy availability (c) high compressibility (d) low density

Ans Q.15: The compressibility of which state of matter is high –

(a) solid (b) liquid (c) gas (d) all of these.

Ans Q.16: A state of matter which has neither definite shape nor definite volume –

(a) solid (b) liquid (c) gas (d) none of these.


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Q.17: Gases are liquefied under

(a) high pressure, high temperature (b) high pressure, low temperature (c) low pressure, high temperature (d) low pressure, low temperature

Ans Q.18: Which of the following changes represent sublimation?

(a) solid ó liquid (b) solid ó gas (c) liquid ó gas (d) gas ó liquid ó gas

Ans Q.19: Gases do not have -

(a) high compressibility (b) high fluidity (c) high density (d) large volume

Ans Q.20: Which of the following is the simplest form of matter?

(a) element (b) mixture (c) compound (d) none of these

Ans Q.21: Evaporation of a material takes place -

(a) above its boiling point (b) above its melting point (c) below its boiling point (d) below its melting point

Ans Q.22: Particles of a liquid -

(a) are most ordered (b) move randomly (c) have large intermolecular spaces (d) can slip and slid over each other


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Q.23: Which is not the characteristic of matter –

(a) particles of a matter are continuously moving, (b) particles of matter move faster on increasing temperature, (c) particles of matter intermix with each other on their own, (d) particles of all maters have same kinetic energy.

Ans Q.24: The fluorescent tubes and neon sign bulbs glow because of -

(a) presence of charged particles (b) high density of gases (c) high temperature (d) high applied voltage

Ans Q.25: Which of the following will not sublime ?

(a) Camphor (b) ammonium chloride (c) bromine (d) iodine


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Matter and its surroundings

General Instructions:

Students are advised to write suitable answers in a separate A4 sheet. Submission date: 07.06.2017.

Answer the following questions in short:

1. Sponge is a solid, yet we are able to compress it. Why?

2. When 2 ml of dettol is dissolved in 100ml of water, the smell can be detected even on repeated dilution. Identify the physical nature of matter.

3. If the food is being cooked in the kitchen, name the process which brings smell.

4. A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. Which property of matter does this observation show?

5. Mention two factors that need to be varied to liquefy atmospheric gases.

6. Write the chemical name of dry ice. Justify its name. How it is stored?

7. How can we liquefy gases?

8. Why do clothes take more time to dry on a rainy day?

9. A wooden chair is solid at room temperature. Give two reasons.

10. Rate of diffusion is faster in gases. Why?

11. Solids have negligible kinetic energy. Why?

12. Why gases exert pressure on the walls of container?

13. Naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving any solid.

14. A gas fills a vessel completely. How?

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15. Mention two properties of water to justify water is liquid at room temperature.

16. What is meant by latent heat of fusion?

17. State one difference between gas and vapour.

18. The boiling point and freezing point of water are 1000C and 00C respectively. Convert these temperatures in K.

19. Sublimation occurs only when the solid is heated. Is it correct? Justify your answer.

20. Osmosis is a special kind of diffusion. Comment.

Subject: Science -II

Make a 3D innovative model of either plant cell or animal cell. Materials like cereals, beads, woollen threads, cotton etc can be used.

Subject: Mathematics

1. Find the decimal expansion of .

2. Simplify: .

3. Rationalise the denominator of .

4. Give the rational numbers whose: (i) difference is a rational number. (ii)

sum is a rational number. (iii) product is a rational number. (iv) division is

a rational number. Justify also.

Page 10: Holiday assignment Worksheet Grade: IX

5. Give an example of two irrational numbers whose: (i) ) difference is an

irrational number. (ii) sum is an irrational number. (iii) product is an

irrational number. (iv) division is an irrational number. Justify also.

6. Is a rational number or not?

7. Write the simplest form of a rational number .

8. Calculate the decimal which represents the fraction .

9. Calculate the value of in the form of p/q, where p and q are integers

and q≠0.

10. Identify a rational number among the following numbers: , , ,


11. Is zero a rational number? Justify your answer.

12. If 7x = 1, then find the decimal expansion of x.

13. Calculate the value of 0 in the form of p/q, where p and q are integers

and q≠0.

14. Find the decimal expansion of .

15. Find three rational numbers between and .

16. Find six rational numbers between 3 and 4.

17. Represent √5 on a number line.

18. Simplify:

19. Simplify:

20. Write the equivalent of .

21. Calculate the value of .

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22. Simplify:

23. Simplify:

24. Simplify: .

25. Simplify: .

26. Find the product of

Subject: Social Science

1. HISTORY: Write biography of Hitler and his party Nazism. Write about the Life style of tribes in the forest.

2. GEOGRAPHY: Poster presentation – River Pollution. Depletion of forests and ecological imbalance.

3. CIVICS: Prepare a chart - various political parties symbols and flags.

4. ECONOMICS: Visit a few farms in a village and collect the details of food grains cultivated. Visit a nearby ration shop and collect the details of goods available.