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  • 7/27/2019 Herbs W,,,


    The Herbal Encyclopedia - W


    Juglans nigra (Black Walnut)

    MEDICINAL: Walnut bark is used to treat dysentery and skin diseases.The nut is used to promote strength and weight gain. The ground hull of the

    nut is used to treat skin diseases, herpes, head and body lice, and internalparasites. Walnut leaf is used to treat eczema, hives, and boils. Diluted

    walnut oil is used to treat dandruff. A strong decoction of walnut leaves,

    painted around doorways and woodwork, will repel ants.

    RELIGIOUS: The nut still in its shell is carried to promote fertility. To

    discover if a Witch is in your midst, legend has it that you should drop a

    walnut still in its shell into the lap of the person suspected, and if that

    person is truly a Witch, they will be unable to rise from a sitting position as

    long as the walnut is in their laps.GROWING: Walnuts are trees that grow to 60 feet tall. They prefer fullsun, deep and well-drained soil, and regular water. They grow well in areas

    such as the eastern and midwestern United States.

    Wild Cherry

    Prunus serotina

    MEDICINAL: Wild Cherry Bark is a very good expectorant. It is therefore

    useful for all ilnesses that have related lung congestion. The bark is boiled

    down into a syrup, which is safe to use even for children.

    GROWING:Wild Cherry grows throughout North America in moist areas,

    and along riverbanks. It is either a tall shrub or small tree, depending upon

    growing conditions of the area.

    Wild Yam

    Dioscorea villosa

    MEDICINAL: Wild Yam is helpful to the liver and the endocrine system.

    It is also used in regulation of the female system, particularly duringmenopause and menstrual distress, as well as used in treating infertility.

    Used with chaste berry and dandelion it is an effective treatment formorning sickness.

    GROWING:Usually found wild in the eastern half of North America, it is

    a perennial plant that is a low creeper, and occupies average to poor soils

    and full sun.

  • 7/27/2019 Herbs W,,,


  • 7/27/2019 Herbs W,,,


    and prefers full sun and average to poor soils.