help wanted - the forest city ·...

THE FOREST CITY NEWS, FOREST CITY, PA 18421 * WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 2016 * PHONE 570-785-3800 * email [email protected] - PAGE 13 Forest City Library Forest City PA, 18421 570-785-5590 fax: 570-785-4822 email: [email protected] Open Monday-Wednesday 9am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Thursday 9am-1pm & 2pm-6pm Friday, 9am-1pm HELP WANTED Legal Notices PA# 020553 Daniels & CONSTRUCTION FULLY INSURED 570-222-5791 Serving NEPA Since 1993 All Types of Masonry Concrete - Brick - Block - Stucco - Dryvit - Retaining Walls Garages - Porches - Decks Cabot Oil & Gas announced that the company has signed a 10-year sales agreement to be the exclusive provider of natu- ral gas supplies to Invenergy LLC’s Lackawanna Energy Center power plant, located on the Casey highway, at Jessup. The proposed facility is a natural-gas fueled 1,500 mega- wa combined-cycle generat- ing station located in Lackawa- nna County, which is expected to commence commercial op- erations in mid-2018 and reach full-scale operations by year- end 2018, according to the company’s press release. Once it reaches maximum capacity, the plant is expected to burn up to 240,000 dekatherms of natural gas per day. The Lackawanna Energy Center will be one of the most efficient power plants in the United States, Invenergy said in a press release that an- nounced the combined-cycle plant’s groundbreaking on April 25, 2016. The company said the plant will be equipped with three of GE’s highest ef- ficiency gas-powered combus- tion turbines, three heat recov- ery steam generators, and a steam turbine. The company said the plant will use less fuel and generate fewer emissions. Cabot’s acreage is located primarily in the Marcellus Shale, with much of the gas to the Jessup plant coming from wells in Susquehanna County. COG’s deals to supply roughly 400 MMcf/d directly to power generators who are “in our backyard,” as Cabot Chair- man, President and CEO Dan Dinges put it, will allow the company to offload some of the production that has been trapped in the North East United States due to the lack of pipeline infrastructure. Susquehanna County natural gas will be used at Invenergy electric plant in Jessup. Cabot’s Susq. County natural gas to supply 1,500 megawatt Lackawanna Energy Center Exercising for 15 minutes/day Boosts life span Just 15 minutes of exercise a day, low moderate or high activi- ties, can lower older adults’ risk of early death by 20 percent, 28 per- cent and 35 percent. It is well established that regular physical activity has a beer over - all effect on health than any medi - cal treatment. Fiſteen minutes a day could be a reasonable target for older adults. Small increases in physi- cal activity may enable some older adults to incorporate more moder- ate activity and get closer to a rec- ommended 150 minutes per week. People should not make drastic changes to the amount of activity in their lives. Instead they should progressively increase the amount of activity they are doing. 127th Gelatt Family Reunion Sat., July 30 The 127th Gela Family Re- union will be held on Satur- day, July 30th at 12 Noon in the Gibson Grange Hall on Rt. 92 in Gela, PA. John Gelat was born 1722 in Limoges, France the son of a French nobleman who fled from France at the age of 18 to escape the war and arrived in Massachuses where he be- came a farmer and started the American branch of the Gela family tree. This year’s reunion will be held at the same site as the first reunion in 1890 in Gela, PA Setup and meal prep will begin at 11 AM with opening prayer and pot luck meal start- ing at noon followed by music and games for young and old alike. For more information or to confirm aendance, please contact David Gela at hor- [email protected]. 34t4 APPRISE program At Area Agency On Aging Representatives from the APPRISE program are avail- able at the Area Agency on Aging office in Montrose to counsel individuals regarding Medicare, Medicaid, Advan- tage Plans, Medigap/Supple- ment, prescription plans and the Pennsylvania PACE pro- gram. Information is available on the numerous medical in- surance and prescription drug eligibility programs available. Assistance with the comple- tion of various medical forms and applications is also avail- able. These services are offered as part of the Agency’s AP- PRISE program. The Area Agency on Ag- ing representative is available to discuss insurance and pre- scription medicine issues for all ages and advocate for the individuals as necessary. This service is confidential and of- fered at no cost. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, call the B/S/S/T Area Agency on Aging, Inc. at 1-800-634- 3746. The APPRISE program is al- ways in search of people that are interested in volunteering. Helping people understand their benefits can be such a highly rewarding opportunity. You can be part of our team. To volunteer as an APPRISE Counselor or to receive more information about the volun- teer opportunities, please call the agency at 1-800-982-4346. The APPRISE program and the B/S/S/T Area Agency on Aging, Inc. are funded in part by the Pennsylvania Depart- ment of Aging; the United Way of Bradford County; the United Way of Susquehanna County; and the Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, and Tioga County Commissioners. For additional information on Area Agency on Aging servic- es, please call 1-800-634-3746. LEGAL AD Clifford Township seeking bids for course black cinders, PennDot approved. Bid to be price per cubic yard, delivered, with a copy of PennDot Certi- fication included. Send quote to Box 339 Clifford Pa 18413, with cinder bid marked on envelope. Bids will be opened August 9th, at 7pm. Township reserves the right to accept or reject, any or all bids. 35t2 ______________________ LEGAL AD WANTED High School Principal Full Time – 12 Month Position Available Immediately Grades 7-12 Requirements: Experience as principal or assistant princi- pal at the high school or mid- dle school level is preferred; knowledge of standards-based curriculum and instruction, as- sessment, data-driven decision making, teaching and learning theory and practice, and pro- fessional development. Seek individual with leadership experience in supervision and teacher evaluation with excel- lent communication and prob- lem solving skills. Submit a leer of interest, resume, transcripts, copy of principal certificate, Act 34, 151, and FBI clearances and five (5) current (within two years) leers of recommenda- tion by August 1, 2016 to: Dr. Jessica Aquilina, Superintendent Forest City Regional School District 100 Susquehanna Street Forest City, PA 18421 t1 ______________________ ESTATE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Leers Testamentary have been granted in the Estate of John E. Tomazin a/k/a John To- mazen, late of Wayne County, Pennsylvania, on July 19, 2016 to Joseph Tomazin. All per- sons indebted to said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to David F. Bi- anco, Esquire, 707 Main Street, P.O. Box 84, Forest City, PA 18421. DAVID F. BIANCO, ESQUIRE Aorney for the Estate 35t3 ______________________ ESTATE NOTICE In the Estate of ANNE EDWARDS a/k/a ANN ED- WARDS, of Greenfield Town- ship, Lackawanna Counly, Pennsylvania. Leers of Administration in the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment and all hav- ing claims against said estate will present them without de- lay to: Linda Stephens 140 Bell Mountain Road Jermyn, PA 18433 Michael Briechle, Esquire Briechle Law Offices PC 707 Main Street, P.O. Box 157 Forest City, PA 18121-0157 35t3 ____________________ ESTATE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Leers Testamentary have been granted in the Estate of June Allen, late of Susque- hanna County, Pennsylvania, on July 15, 2016 to Thomas Gately, Jr.. All persons indebt- ed to said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to Marisa McAndrew, Esquire. 707 Main Street, P.O. Box 157, Forest City, PA 18421. MARISSA MCANDREW ESQUIRE Aorney for the Estate 35t3 ______________________ ESTATE NOTICE In the Estate of REGINA A. STATKUN, of Clifford Town- ship, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Leers of Administration in the above estate having been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment and all hav- ing claims against said estate will present them without de- lay to: Susan M. Statkun 1124 State Route 2023 Clifford Township, PA 18421 David F. Bianco, Esquire 707 Main Street, P.O. Box 84 Forest City, PA 18421-0084 34t3 ______________________ ESTATE NOTICE Notice is given that Leers Testamentary were granted on July 6, 2016 in the Estate of Roseann Huon, A/K/A Rose Ann Huon, late of Pleas- ant Mount, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, who died on 05/25/2016. All persons in- debted to said decedent are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands, to present the same without delay to Paul E. Smith, Esquire, Aorney for the Estate, 1015 N. Main Street, Forest City, Pa 18421, or to the Executrix, Judith L. Huon c/o the same address. 33t3 _______________________ ESTATE NOTICE RE: ESTATE OF DONALD F. GUMPERT, Deceased, (died June 8, 2016) late of Clif- ford Township, Pennsylvania, Susquehanna County. Leers Testamentary having been granted, creditors shall make demand and debtors shall make payment to J. Freder- ick Rohrbeck, Esquire, Kre- der Brooks Hailstone LLP, 220 Penn Avenue, Suite 200, Scran- ton, Pennsylvania, 18503. 35t3 ________________________ LIBRARY TIDBITS by Nancy Narma “The dandelions and but- tercups gild all the lawn: the drowsy bee stumbles among the clover tops, and summer sweetens all to me.” ~James Russell Lowell With the firecracker-hot month of July, comes the 100th birthday of Actress Olivia De Havilland. No doubt you rec- ognize the name as one of her most famous roles was that of Scarle O’Hara’s Cousin, Mel- anie Hamilton Wilkes from Margaret Mitchell’s award- winning novel, “Gone With the Wind”. Miss De Havilland is the lone survivor among the top stars of that unforgeable movie. Perhaps you did not read the book before viewing the movie—you are able to check it out from your local Library location. You may also borrow “Scarle: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind” by Author Alexandra Ripley which is on a shelf just waiting for your perusal. Olivia De Havilland also has the title of Author in her credits, as she has wrien her autobiography entitled “Every Frenchman Has One”, published in 1962. At pres- ent, this tome is not available at our local Library Branches, but may be requested. The annual Blueberry Festi- val, scheduled for August 5th and 6th,is only a lile over 2 weeks away and, as a remind- er, the Susquehanna County Historical Society & Free Li- brary Association will be ac- cepting donations of clean, saleable items for the White Elephant Sale from 9AM to 2PM on Tuesdays and Thurs- days during the month of July (To & including July 21st). Please note there is a new drop-off location this year at the former Loomis Pipe Plant, located across from Tractor Supply on Route 706. You will see the signs for direction. Please, do not drop off books at this location. The 2016 Library Loery will be held at the Montrose VFW, located at 16972 State Route 706, Montrose, on Sat- urday, August 20th from noon to 4 PM. Only 2000 tickets will be sold, with every $100.00 ticket being eligible for every prize. You have a chance to win up to $50,000 and help the Library Association and the Historical Society as well. You can download an application by going to the Library web- site: You can’t win if you don’t play! The Forest City Branch Reader’s Group met at 1:00 PM on June 29th and dis- cussed their June Selection, “In a Sunburned Country” by Bill Bryson. Author Bryson has previously regaled us with his memorable travel “Log” con- cerning the Appalachian Trail (“A Walk in the Woods”—a National Bestseller), but, this time, he reports on an en- tirely different location, Aus- tralia— a continent, which he discovers has the friendliest inhabitants, tremendously hot and dry weather, and some of the most peculiar and lethal wildlife to be found on planet Earth. Mr. Bryson combines humor, wonder and curiosity into his fact-filled adventure tale. Linda Krause led the dis- cussion as Facilitator. Linda has lived in Australia and add- ed colorful insight and detail to this meeting. If you want to join the reader’s Group, please stop by and speak with Diana, Joan or Andrea and they will be more than happy to sign you up. As I pick some zucchini squash from our garden, I leave you with this thought: “The serene philosophy of the pink rose is steadying. Its fragrant, delicate petals open fully and are ready to fall, without regret or disillusion, aſter only a day in the sun. It is so every summer. One can almost hear their pink, fra- grant murmur as they sele down upon the grass: “Sum- mer, summer, it will always be summer.” ~ Rachel Peden Blue Chicory Blossoms— Strawberry Shortcake—Flip- Flops ENJOY!! Roast beef supper slated July 30 A roast beef supper will be held Saturday, July 30, at the Thompson United Methodist Church, 536 Main St., Thomp- son at 5 p.m. Takeouts 4:30 p.m. Donation of $11 for adults, children 6 to 12 $5.50 and chil- dren under five are free.

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Page 1: HELP WANTED - The Forest City · tion by August 1, 2016 to: Dr. Jessica Aquilina, Superintendent Forest City Regional

THE FOREST CITY NEWS, FOREST CITY, PA 18421 * WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 2016 * PHONE 570-785-3800 * email [email protected] - PAGE 13

Forest City LibraryForest City PA, 18421

570-785-5590 fax: 570-785-4822

email: [email protected] Monday-Wednesday

9am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Thursday

9am-1pm & 2pm-6pm Friday, 9am-1pm


Legal Notices

PA# 020553




Since 1993

All Types of MasonryConcrete - Brick - Block - Stucco - Dryvit - Retaining Walls

Garages - Porches - Decks

Cabot Oil & Gas announced that the company has signed a 10-year sales agreement to be the exclusive provider of natu-ral gas supplies to Invenergy LLC’s Lackawanna Energy Center power plant, located on the Casey highway, at Jessup.

The proposed facility is a natural-gas fueled 1,500 mega-watt combined-cycle generat-ing station located in Lackawa-nna County, which is expected to commence commercial op-erations in mid-2018 and reach full-scale operations by year-end 2018, according to the company’s press release. Once

it reaches maximum capacity, the plant is expected to burn up to 240,000 dekatherms of natural gas per day.

The Lackawanna Energy Center will be one of the most efficient power plants in the United States, Invenergy said in a press release that an-nounced the combined-cycle plant’s groundbreaking on April 25, 2016. The company said the plant will be equipped with three of GE’s highest ef-ficiency gas-powered combus-tion turbines, three heat recov-ery steam generators, and a steam turbine. The company

said the plant will use less fuel and generate fewer emissions.

Cabot’s acreage is located primarily in the Marcellus Shale, with much of the gas to the Jessup plant coming from wells in Susquehanna County. COG’s deals to supply roughly 400 MMcf/d directly to power generators who are “in our backyard,” as Cabot Chair-man, President and CEO Dan Dinges put it, will allow the company to offload some of the production that has been trapped in the North East United States due to the lack of pipeline infrastructure.

Susquehanna County natural gas will be used at Invenergy electric plant in Jessup.

Cabot’s Susq. County natural gas to supply 1,500 megawatt Lackawanna Energy Center

Exercising for15 minutes/dayBoosts life span

Just 15 minutes of exercise a day, low moderate or high activi-ties, can lower older adults’ risk of early death by 20 percent, 28 per-cent and 35 percent.

It is well established that regular physical activity has a better over-all effect on health than any medi-cal treatment.

Fifteen minutes a day could be a reasonable target for older adults. Small increases in physi-cal activity may enable some older adults to incorporate more moder-ate activity and get closer to a rec-ommended 150 minutes per week.

People should not make drastic changes to the amount of activity in their lives. Instead they should progressively increase the amount of activity they are doing.

127th Gelatt Family Reunion Sat., July 30

The 127th Gelatt Family Re-union will be held on Satur-day, July 30th at 12 Noon in the Gibson Grange Hall on Rt. 92 in Gelatt, PA.

John Gelat was born 1722 in Limoges, France the son of a French nobleman who fled from France at the age of 18 to escape the war and arrived in Massachusetts where he be-came a farmer and started the American branch of the Gelatt family tree.

This year’s reunion will be held at the same site as the first reunion in 1890 in Gelatt, PA

Setup and meal prep will begin at 11 AM with opening prayer and pot luck meal start-ing at noon followed by music and games for young and old alike.

For more information or to confirm attendance, please contact David Gelatt at [email protected].


APPRISE program At Area Agency On Aging

Representatives from the APPRISE program are avail-able at the Area Agency on Aging office in Montrose to counsel individuals regarding Medicare, Medicaid, Advan-tage Plans, Medigap/Supple-ment, prescription plans and the Pennsylvania PACE pro-gram. Information is available on the numerous medical in-surance and prescription drug eligibility programs available. Assistance with the comple-tion of various medical forms and applications is also avail-able. These services are offered as part of the Agency’s AP-PRISE program.

The Area Agency on Ag-ing representative is available to discuss insurance and pre-scription medicine issues for all ages and advocate for the individuals as necessary. This service is confidential and of-fered at no cost.

For additional information or to schedule an appointment, call the B/S/S/T Area Agency on Aging, Inc. at 1-800-634-3746.

The APPRISE program is al-ways in search of people that are interested in volunteering. Helping people understand their benefits can be such a highly rewarding opportunity. You can be part of our team.

To volunteer as an APPRISE Counselor or to receive more information about the volun-teer opportunities, please call the agency at 1-800-982-4346.

The APPRISE program and the B/S/S/T Area Agency on Aging, Inc. are funded in part by the Pennsylvania Depart-ment of Aging; the United Way of Bradford County; the United Way of Susquehanna County; and the Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, and Tioga County Commissioners. For additional information on Area Agency on Aging servic-es, please call 1-800-634-3746.

LEGAL ADClifford Township seeking

bids for course black cinders, PennDot approved. Bid to be price per cubic yard, delivered, with a copy of PennDot Certi-fication included. Send quote to Box 339 Clifford Pa 18413, with cinder bid marked on envelope. Bids will be opened August 9th, at 7pm. Township reserves the right to accept or reject, any or all bids.35t2



High School PrincipalFull Time – 12 Month

PositionAvailable Immediately

Grades 7-12Requirements: Experience

as principal or assistant princi-pal at the high school or mid-dle school level is preferred; knowledge of standards-based curriculum and instruction, as-sessment, data-driven decision making, teaching and learning theory and practice, and pro-fessional development. Seek individual with leadership experience in supervision and teacher evaluation with excel-lent communication and prob-lem solving skills.

Submit a letter of interest, resume, transcripts, copy of principal certificate, Act 34, 151, and FBI clearances and five (5) current (within two years) letters of recommenda-tion by August 1, 2016 to:

Dr. Jessica Aquilina, Superintendent

Forest City Regional School District

100 Susquehanna StreetForest City, PA 18421


ESTATE NOTICENotice is hereby given that

Letters Testamentary have been granted in the Estate of John E. Tomazin a/k/a John To-mazen, late of Wayne County, Pennsylvania, on July 19, 2016 to Joseph Tomazin. All per-sons indebted to said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to David F. Bi-anco, Esquire, 707 Main Street, P.O. Box 84, Forest City, PA 18421.DAVID F. BIANCO, ESQUIRE

Attorney for the Estate35t3



EDWARDS a/k/a ANN ED-WARDS, of Greenfield Town-ship, Lackawanna Counly, Pennsylvania.

Letters of Administration in the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment and all hav-ing claims against said estate will present them without de-lay to:

Linda Stephens140 Bell Mountain Road

Jermyn, PA 18433

Michael Briechle, EsquireBriechle Law Offices PC

707 Main Street,P.O. Box 157

Forest City, PA 18121-015735t3


ESTATE NOTICENotice is hereby given that

Letters Testamentary have been granted in the Estate of June Allen, late of Susque-hanna County, Pennsylvania, on July 15, 2016 to Thomas Gately, Jr.. All persons indebt-ed to said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to Marisa McAndrew, Esquire. 707 Main Street, P.O. Box 157, Forest City, PA 18421.


Attorney for the Estate35t3



STATKUN, of Clifford Town-ship, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.

Letters of Administration in the above estate having been granted to the undersigned.

All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment and all hav-ing claims against said estate will present them without de-lay to:

Susan M. Statkun1124 State Route 2023 Clifford Township, PA


David F. Bianco, Esquire707 Main Street, P.O. Box 84 Forest City, PA 18421-0084



Notice is given that Letters Testamentary were granted on July 6, 2016 in the Estate of Roseann Hutton, A/K/A Rose Ann Hutton, late of Pleas-ant Mount, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, who died on 05/25/2016. All persons in-debted to said decedent are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands, to present the same without delay to Paul E. Smith, Esquire, Attorney for the Estate, 1015 N. Main Street, Forest City, Pa 18421, or to the Executrix, Judith L. Hutton c/o the same address.33t3



RE: ESTATE OF DONALD F. GUMPERT, Deceased, (died June 8, 2016) late of Clif-ford Township, Pennsylvania, Susquehanna County. Letters Testamentary having been granted, creditors shall make demand and debtors shall make payment to J. Freder-ick Rohrbeck, Esquire, Kre-der Brooks Hailstone LLP, 220 Penn Avenue, Suite 200, Scran-ton, Pennsylvania, 18503.35t3



“The dandelions and but-tercups gild all the lawn: the drowsy bee stumbles among the clover tops, and summer sweetens all to me.”

~James Russell Lowell With the firecracker-hot

month of July, comes the 100th birthday of Actress Olivia De Havilland. No doubt you rec-ognize the name as one of her most famous roles was that of Scarlett O’Hara’s Cousin, Mel-anie Hamilton Wilkes from Margaret Mitchell’s award-winning novel, “Gone With the Wind”. Miss De Havilland is the lone survivor among the top stars of that unforgettable movie. Perhaps you did not read the book before viewing the movie—you are able to check it out from your local Library location. You may also borrow “Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind” by Author Alexandra Ripley which is on a shelf just waiting for your perusal. Olivia De Havilland also has the title of Author in her credits, as she has written her autobiography entitled “Every Frenchman Has One”, published in 1962. At pres-ent, this tome is not available at our local Library Branches, but may be requested.

The annual Blueberry Festi-val, scheduled for August 5th and 6th,is only a little over 2 weeks away and, as a remind-er, the Susquehanna County Historical Society & Free Li-brary Association will be ac-cepting donations of clean, saleable items for the White Elephant Sale from 9AM to

2PM on Tuesdays and Thurs-days during the month of July (To & including July 21st). Please note there is a new drop-off location this year at the former Loomis Pipe Plant, located across from Tractor Supply on Route 706. You will see the signs for direction. Please, do not drop off books at this location.

The 2016 Library Lottery will be held at the Montrose VFW, located at 16972 State Route 706, Montrose, on Sat-urday, August 20th from noon to 4 PM. Only 2000 tickets will be sold, with every $100.00 ticket being eligible for every prize. You have a chance to win up to $50,000 and help the Library Association and the Historical Society as well. You can download an application by going to the Library web-site: You can’t win if you don’t play!

The Forest City Branch Reader’s Group met at 1:00 PM on June 29th and dis-cussed their June Selection, “In a Sunburned Country” by Bill Bryson. Author Bryson has previously regaled us with his memorable travel “Log” con-cerning the Appalachian Trail (“A Walk in the Woods”—a National Bestseller), but, this time, he reports on an en-tirely different location, Aus-tralia— a continent, which he discovers has the friendliest inhabitants, tremendously hot and dry weather, and some of the most peculiar and lethal wildlife to be found on planet Earth. Mr. Bryson combines

humor, wonder and curiosity into his fact-filled adventure tale. Linda Krause led the dis-cussion as Facilitator. Linda has lived in Australia and add-ed colorful insight and detail to this meeting. If you want to join the reader’s Group, please stop by and speak with Diana, Joan or Andrea and they will be more than happy to sign you up.

As I pick some zucchini squash from our garden, I leave you with this thought:

“The serene philosophy of the pink rose is steadying. Its fragrant, delicate petals open fully and are ready to fall, without regret or disillusion, after only a day in the sun. It is so every summer. One can almost hear their pink, fra-grant murmur as they settle down upon the grass: “Sum-mer, summer, it will always be summer.” ~ Rachel Peden

Blue Chicory Blossoms—Strawberry Shortcake—Flip-Flops


Roast beef supperslated July 30

A roast beef supper will be held Saturday, July 30, at the Thompson United Methodist Church, 536 Main St., Thomp-son at 5 p.m. Takeouts 4:30 p.m. Donation of $11 for adults, children 6 to 12 $5.50 and chil-dren under five are free.