health & fitness training brought to you in association with claire roe – fitness trainer

Health & Fitness Training Brought to you in association with Claire Roe – Fitness Trainer

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Health & Fitness Training Brought to you in association with Claire Roe – Fitness Trainer. Yummy mummies was formed 6 months ago by Claire Louise Roe a Mother, Semi-Professional Model & Personal Fitness Trainer!. Who are yummy mummies ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Health & Fitness TrainingBrought to you in association with Claire Roe Fitness Trainer

Who are yummy mummies ?

Yummy mummies was formed 6 months ago by Claire Louise Roe a Mother, Semi-Professional Model & Personal Fitness Trainer!The company was created with the specific objective of guiding andempower, expecting and existing mummies to improve or maintain their physical and mental wellbeing through levels of scheduled training.

What is Scheduled Training?

Scheduled training as the name suggests are training sessions designed around achieving improved physical & mental well being and noticeableresults over time.Training sessions are completely tailored to the individual or groups needsand tackle the key areas identified by the trainer and the yummy mummyvia 1on1 consultation & discussions on what their own personal goals are.

Who is yummy mummies for?

Yummy Mummies is primarily aimed at women of all ages at any post or prenatal stage. Our main focus is to provide motivation & encouragement for women to achieve their health & fitness goals.As everyone's fitness levels and progress is as different as each person we work with so will the training & fitness regime they undertake.

What is different about our training is the way we motivate every individual.

How do I Join yummy mummies?

To Join or simply find out moreSimply pick up one of our cards today and give a call us!Our new website currently in creation will on online by: ( August ) 2013At yummy mummies we recognise every woman as an individual with their own abilities and expectation we are here to help you excel.

We can arrange initial training & assessment appointments with you today by collecting your details on one of our booking and enquiry forms

Pick up a form today and be the YUMMY MUMMY you want & deserve to be..! CALL US : 07545 322 004