harness the power of possibility

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  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    Your potential is limited by

    one thing: - YOU.

    You only do what you feel like

    doing. You only do whats

    comfortable. Thats why youdont have what you want.

    And you are not alone

    Take Possession of Your World.

    Harness the Power of Possibility

    To Take neXT STepS


    How to be Authentic, Make a Difference, Profit and ProsperBy Giselle P. Hudson

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited




    I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on believing in yourself enough to get this

    information. You have proven to yourself to be one of those rare individuals that will take the

    actions necessary to change their lives for the better.

    You are the best judge as to what is the best thing for you right now.

    If there is anything here that does not sit right with you then, by all means, question it. The

    greatest disservice we can do to ourselves is first tojust follow rules without questioning them

    and second to ignore our internal guide, the little unseen voice inside that guides and tells us

    what we need to do at any point in time. Because this voice, our intuition, is so quiet, we

    sometimes wait until someone figuratively pelts us with a stone for us to pay attention! Lets

    hope thats not you. Getting hit with even a figurative stone is painful.

    And if you feel so strongly about something that you need to tell me about it then email me

    ([email protected]) I want to hear your ideas and your feelings. This is not a lecture

    its a conversation!

    So are you ready? Lets go..

    Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said

    iteven if I have said itunless it agrees with your own

    reason and your own common sense. BUDDHA

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    a Seed iS planTed

    In 2009 I was invited to join a Master Mind group to study the

    book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I had read this

    book a long time ago and I was uncertain about the studying

    of it. Yet something inside of me said say yes and I did!

    During one of the meetings an idea came to me: that I should

    share the information that I was gaining with other people in

    Trinidad and Tobago, who might be struggling with unfulfilled

    lives and life goals never completed or even attempted, through

    a series of three (3) simple steps that individuals could use to

    change the direction of their lives if they so desired

    permanently. And right then and there the Possibility to

    ProfitTriangle of Transformation was born (the details

    of which I will share with you later on in our conversation.)

    The first thing I did was to write a piece for the Business

    Newsday, an excerpt ofwhich you can read herethe title the

    Business Editor aptly gave it was

    If you dont already have a copy of

    Think and Grow Rich, I urge you to

    go get a copy as soon as possible.

    It is not expensive. All the possibili

    seekers I do business with must

    read this book.

    I have a facilitators outline which

    share for FREE with anyone who

    wants to start a group study for


    Week by week you study and

    discuss chapter by chapter. The

    information in this book WILL

    change your life!

    If starting such a group interests

    you call me on 750 7859 or emai

    [email protected]

    will get you started!

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    Brain vs. brawn [Article published in the Business Newsday Thursday, May 14 2009 by Giselle

    P. Hudson]

    Never in the history of America has there

    been so great an opportunity for practical

    dreamers as now exists. The hardships of

    these recent tough and unsettled economic

    times have put many people back at

    square one. A new race is about to be run.

    The stakes represent huge fortunes which

    will be accumulated within the next few


    We who are in this race for riches should

    be encouraged to know that this changedworld in which we live is demanding new

    ideas, new ways of doing things, new

    leaders, new inventions, new methods of

    teaching, new methods of marketing, new

    books, new literature, new features for the

    mass media, new ideas for entertainment.

    The paragraphs above could well have been

    written today, yet they were written way

    back in 1937 (70 plus years ago) in

    Napoleon Hills classic Think and Grow

    Rich in the first chapter aptly titled


    The unsettling time that Hill made

    reference to, was the Great Depression and

    one that can be used as an example of how

    far the worlds economy can fall.

    Yet amidst all this devastation in virtually

    every country rich and poor, Napoleon Hill

    offered these encouraging words making

    Think and Grow Rich (a bestseller selling

    over 30 million copies) a possible good

    guide for navigating todays rocky times.

    Regardless of the economy, some will

    succeed and others will fail and the main

    reason will perhaps seem trite in the eyes of

    those wanting a larger, deeper explanation.

    But Ill share it anyway.

    The person who is going to succeed will be

    that person who:

    1.Knows precisely what she wants

    2.Has a plan for getting it

    3.Believes in her ability to get it

    4.And devotes a major portion of her time

    to acquiring it

    Not my blueprint, but Hills. However lets

    put this simple formula to the test. How

    many of us can say we know precisely what

    we want?

    If you ask 100 people what is their definite

    purpose in life, 98 of them will answer with

    something like, Id like to make a good

    living and become as successful as I can.

    Sounds good to you?

    My friends, this is vague and if this is your

    purpose then you are just going to get the

    leftovers of the truly successful folks who

    know exactly what their goal is and have

    laid out the steps by which they intend to

    reach it.

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    The person who acts with purpose and a

    plan attracts opportunities. How can life

    give you anything if you dont know what

    you want yourself?

    According to Hill You are never ready for a

    thing until you believe you can acquire it.

    Your state of mind must be BELIEF not hope

    and definitely not just a mere wish!

    Before I get to asking you Do you know what you want? let me ask another question:

    Do you know who you are?

    Sounds like a strange question I know but do you? When we were children we walked in a

    special world where each day was similar to the one before. Our rules of operation were

    spelled out for us by parents, teachers, and other authority figures in our lives. We knew "the

    rules and as long as we followed them, everything worked out right, people loved us and we

    felt wanted.

    Later on we used our first experience as a guide and assumed that the way things were for us

    as children was in fact the way things were supposed to be in the world. At that point we

    learned to be quiet if that got us the love and attention we deserved even though we were by

    nature a noisy child. Everyone has their own set of survival contracts but these contracts

    shaped us to the point where we began to believe that we had become who we initially just

    pretended to be in order to get something.

    And therein lies our PRESENT confusion and why answering the next question is difficult for


    What do you want? i WanT SUcceSS!YoU SaY

    The person who is going to succeed will be that person who:

    1.Knows precisely what she wants

    2.Has a plan for getting it

    3.Believes in her ability to get it

    4.And devotes a major portion of her time to acquiring it

    Not my blueprint, but Hills. However lets put this simple formula to the test. How many of us

    can say we know precisely what we want?

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    If you ask 100 people what is their definite purpose in life, 98 of them will answer with

    something like, Id like to make a good living and becomeas successful as I can. Sound good

    to you?

    My friend, this is vague and if this is your purpose then you are just going to get the leftovers of

    the truly successful folks who know exactly what they want and have laid out the steps to

    attracting the same.

    The person who acts with purpose and a plan attracts opportunities. How can life give you

    anything ifyou dont know what you want yourself?

    I agree with Hill completely: now is the time for new ideas and new methods of teaching.

    What is your dream? You know the big idea you had that when you first made it public, friends

    and family started telling you that you were crazy. Worse, they started telling you to your face

    that your idea was stupid! How dare they? Yet you probably shelved your big idea and wentback to your job. You most likely simply started doing things in a more acceptable fashion,

    chasing more realistic goals and having zero fun while doing it!

    Chances are what youve brought into your life so far is an inherited purpose, just as you have

    a shaped personality, based on how you felt others needed you to be. I see it all the time with

    kids at 16 when they are forced to choose a career path in school. Who do they ask for advice?

    Why, their parents and teachers of course, but is this the best course of action?

    Whether you choose to continue our conversation or leave it behind right now and move on to

    something else, please remember one thing:

    You dont have to live your life the way other people expect you to.

    Who should you listen to?

    There are always two voices inside of us. One voice knows all the rules, follows the rules, knows

    what he/she should/shouldnt doknows right from wrong and good from bad. Then there is

    the other voice. The one we tend to ignorethe one who shares a grand idea but gets bashed

    by your other voice that tells you that you have to follow the tried-and-true-way.

    Give the softer of the two voices some time. Nurture it. Listen to it

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    Then folloW YoUr aBcSin reVerSe

    C is for clarity

    Gain clarity on what is truly important FOR YOU! What are your dreams? Do not be afraid of

    them WRITE them down. In fact get a notebook now, simply dedicated to jotting down ideas

    that come to you throughout your day. Recognize that you are richly blessed every day with an

    abundance of ideas, of thoughts. Where do you think those are coming from? Be respectful of

    your ideas. With every idea not considered, you may be discarding an opportunity, a path to

    travel, and the NEXT step that might take you in the direction you need to go.

    The answer is within. No one will know what is best for you better than you. In Put Your

    Dream to the Test bestselling author John C. Maxwell says that we need to ask ourselves the

    following questions whenever we decide on a dream.

    If you can answer them positively, then the odds of your achieving your dream increase

    dramatically. So here are the questions:

    1. The Ownership Question:

    Is my dream really my dream?

    2. The Clarity Question:

    Do I clearly see my dream?

    3. The Reality Question:

    Am I depending on factors within my

    control to achieve my dream?

    4. The Passion Question:

    Does my dream compel me to follow it?

    5. The Pathway Question:

    Do I have a strategy to reach my dream?

    6. The People Question:

    Have I included the people I need to realize

    my dream?

    7. The Cost Question:

    Am I willing to pay the price for my dream?

    8. The Tenacity Question:

    Am I moving closer to my dream?

    9. The Fulfilment Question:

    Does working toward my dream bring


    10. The Significance Question:

    Does my dream benefit others?

    Look within

    The secret is inside you.


  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    Your gifts and talents are just the tip of the iceberg. The next thing you must do is


    If you do not believe in yourself, you will begin to doubt yourself and pretty soon you will start

    to sabotage your efforts.

    Believe in your strengths Believe in your talents Believe in your skills

    You may not know the HOW right now, but just believe that

    it is possible.You dont have to do it alone and I will show you

    the best way to go about ensuring that you achieve your


    You want to ensure that you will not fail? According to

    Napoleon Hill You are never ready for a thing until you believe

    you can acquire it. Your state of mind must be BELIEF not

    hope and definitely not just a mere wish! BELIEVE THAT YOU



    Nothing Happens until Something Moves is the subtitle to abook written by Robert Ringer called ACTION

    He saysI have always believed that the difference between

    success and failure in ANY area of life is not nearly as

    great as most people might suspect. I have also been

    consistent in my belief that the slight difference between the

    two is primarily a result of whether or not one practices

    certain success habits that are based on universal wisdom,

    or, in simple terms, common sense.

    As the years have passed, however, I have increasingly zeroed

    in on action as the most important success habit when it comes to determining how an

    individuals life plays out.

    I was fired from every job within

    six months of getting itattitude

    problems. But thirteen years ago I

    started working on a book about

    the photographer George Platt

    Lynes. I got a grant from the

    National Endowment for the Arts,

    some friends loaned us some

    money and The New York Times

    called it one of the best books of

    the year. Robert Mapplethorpe

    showed up, and Bruce Webber,

    and they said, I want one too. I

    thought, Well God, maybe I can

    do this. I can be my own boss. A

    lot of people have come to me foradvice about getting started in

    publishing and I say, I dont think I

    can give advice, because Im not

    really sure what happened Jack

    Woody, editor and owner of

    Twelvetrees Press and Twin Palms

    Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico


  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    Most times we remain inactive because we are afraid to take the first step. I understand this. I

    have been there countless times. But unless you do take that first step, unless you act on what

    you KNOW you should be doing, you will be sitting on your dream and continuing to live a very

    frustrated life.

    At this point, many excuses will come up for you in the form of good reasons why you cant

    do it now:

    No money No time No support No knowledge No education [no passes]

    You can fill in your own excuses on the right of my list. It doesnt matter. Know that this is going

    to come up. Expect it. I want to prepare you for the journey.

    When this happens go back to the dreams to the test list and also try this exercise which was

    very instrumental in me reaching a goal of making $25,000 in three weeks when I wanted to go

    to a writing course in Miami.

    When you write down what you want, sit and come up with twenty reasons why you want what

    you say you do. This is powerful.

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    You can start a business for example with $100.00 [TT] and a burning desire! And I will tell you

    that the money is not as important as the desire to get whatever it is you want. Think about

    your desire like a pot of water put on the stove to boil. When you first put the pot on the stove

    it heats the pot up first and then, gradually, begins heating the water. Bit by bit you see some

    movement in the water and then you see little bubbles begin to break at the surface.Experience tells you that the water is about to boil. Your desire must be at the point of boiling

    water for it to move you to take action. Make sure and get your desire to boiling point!

    How badly do you want what you say you want?

    Taking risk vs. procrastinating

    So youve covered the bases above. You are clear. You believe in yourself and your ability. And

    you have a burning desire to achieve your goal. Yetwhy arent you taking action? Simply put:

    you are afraid. Breathe - this is normal.

    How we talk to ourselves, plays a large part in perpetuating our procrastination. Before I tell

    you what some of those negative statements are, let me share with you an explanation forprocrastination from the book The Now Habit by Dr. Neil Fiore procrastination is not the

    cause of our problems with accomplishing tasks; it is an attempt to resolve a variety of

    underlying issues, including low self esteem, perfectionism, fear of failure, fear of success,

    indecisiveness, ineffective goals setting and negative concepts about yourself and perhaps your


    Procrastination is a mechanism for

    coping with the anxiety associated

    with starting or completing any taskor decision Dr. Neil Fiore

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    5 helpful sentence changes

    I have to [My grandmother always used to say Idont HAVE to do anything!] Replace that

    with I choose to

    I must finish Replace that with When can I start?

    This is so big Replace that with I can take one small step.

    I must be perfect Replace that with I can be human and I will take responsibility for

    all my actions

    I dont have time to play Replace that with I must take time to play

    Memorize these replacement suggestions and you will be taking one more step in moving

    towards your dreams.

    Interesting Before and afTer STorieS

    Paul spent most of his time at the Liverpool Institute fooling around. Rather than studying

    intently when he got home, he devoted the majority of his hours out of school to listening to

    rock music and learning the guitar. This turned out to be a smart choice for him. He had always

    loved music, but never enjoyed music lessons at school. His teachers thought they could convey

    an appreciation for music by making kids listen to crackling records of classical compositions.

    He found this just as boring as he found everything else in school.

    He went through his entire education without anyone noticing that he had any musical talent at

    all. He even applied to join the choir of Liverpool Cathedral and was turned down. They said he

    wasnt a good enough singer. Ironically, the very choir that rejected young McCartney

    ultimately staged two of his classical pieces

    I was a total void in academic work, and no one knew why. I had a learning disability at school

    and still do. I had no understanding of Math at all. None. Id be hard pushed right now to recite

    the alphabet backward. Id be lucky if I got it right going forward quickly. The tapping business

    became the driving ambition in I my life when I visited my sister in London and went to some

    little place in Chelsea with this piano player. There were people playing what I now know was

    Miles Davis. Id watch them and saw the beginnings of this other world and the atmosphere

    sucked me in. I felt comfortable. I wasnt fettered. That was my dream. Back at school I held on

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    to these images and I dreamt my way out of that world. I didnt even know if I could play with

    people, but that vision got me out of the morass of this academic bloody nightmare. Mick

    Fleetwood is one of the most famous and accomplished rock drummers in the world. His band

    Fleetwood Mac has sold tens of millions of copies of their recordings.

    Me and my best friend, Nina, we were always hanging around, just as close as friends can be.

    One day when I was fourteen, the two of us followed my brother and his friend to this bowling

    alley to play and decided to check it out. We were there for a while and then got really bored.

    And then we found out that they had gone to something called a poolroom.

    I had never heard of pool. We followed them up there and I remember, the minute I walked in,

    I reacted to it right away. I loved the whole thing-this dark room with lights over each table and

    the clicking of the balls. I just thought it was mesmerizing right off the bat. From that moment

    Ewa Laurance, the most famous female billiards player on the planet knew she wanted to

    dedicate her life to billiards.

    Excerpted from The Element by Ken Robinson Ph.D.

    The m Word no one WanTS To diScUSS

    Yes I am talking about money. We do not like to discuss money. We are afraid to talk about

    money. We think that if we talk about money and how badly we want it that this is wrong.

    Remember that whatever we think about anything are just our beliefs at that time, subject to

    change, once we have information with which to replace those beliefs.

    Im sure youve said/heard the following statements about money:

    The rich keep getting richer and the poor - poorer

    Money doesnt grow on trees

    Money is the root of all evil

    Money isnt everything

    Talking about money is taboo. If you get involved in serious discussions of money topics you

    might reveal to your friends how much you earn or how much wealth you have accumulated.

    That can inspire envy. Or you might make yourself look foolish because of the things you spend

    money on.

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    We pay a HUGE price for keeping silent about money.

    It is human nature for us to compare ourselves with our peers. If you see a friend who you went

    to school with, driving an expensive car, there is going to be a voice in your head saying why

    dont you have such a car too? If you knew that your friend had saved $100,000 in his first five

    years out of school, there would be a voice in your head saying I could have saved $100,000 in

    my first five years out of school too.

    We dont need to engage in talking about money to learn that a friend is driving an expensive

    car. We can see the car. But if we dont engage in talking about money, we are unlikely ever to

    learn that a friend has saved $100,000 in his first five years out of school.

    Spending communicates itself visually in a way that saving rarely does.

    We see the benefits of spending everywhere we turn. That makes us want to spend. We rarely

    see the benefits of saving. That weakens any desire we possess to save. If we engaged in more

    talk about money, we would be better able to assess effectively the pros and cons of spending

    and saving decisions.

    If we talked more about money more openly it would allow us to rein in wasteful spending and

    develop a greater self confidence in ourselves about our relationship and how we handle


    This is why so many turn to financial advisors to help them deal with money problems. People

    sense their need for hand holding as they do combat with their money problems.

    Financial advisors get paid a lot of money for assuming these hand holding duties. And they do

    not always give the best possible advice. Sometimes thats because they are compromised by

    having goods and services to sell. Other times it is just because they do not know the people

    they are trying to advise well enough.

    Feelings matter more than facts when it comes to dealing with money issues. If you want to

    become a more effective saver, you need to work through the emotions that are holding you

    back from doing so. You cannot work through emotions by reading a book or attending a

    speech. If you need help in understanding whats holding you back then email me

    [email protected] we will work out what course of action is best suited to you

    at this time in your own FREE 45 minute Possibility to Profit Discovery Session.

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    You will fail

    I was tempted to write nothing else here, but I figured I needed to say something about failure.

    No one likes to fail, yet failure is the lubricant for success. As shitty and as paralyzing-ly painful

    failure may be, it is an essential building block needed to succeed.

    How you handle failure is going to be the hardest battle you must face as you charge towards

    your dream!

    Work through your failures. Notice the plural there will be many failures but if you know now

    that you are going to fail, and this has absolutely nothing to do with you and everything to do

    with just how life is, then you can quickly go on to

    Learn from your failures. Grow from your failures. Redefine your failures Depersonalize your failures Minimize the negative impact of your failures, and finally

    With renewed spirit, energy and resolve!

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    Get HELP!

    I struggled for a long time because I did not ask for help. I believe if I had asked for help earlier

    on in my business I would have shortened my learning curve by about ten years! However I

    chose to go it alone because I wanted to be the only person responsible for my success. Seewhat I did? Look what I achieved ON MY OWN! Ah the downside of pride. I - I I ME

    ME ME!

    Dont get trapped in this false sense of I-Achievement. Its great to be proud of yourself, but not

    to the detriment of your own advancement and success.

    How do you choose?

    Shadowing can be good - provided you are shadowing someone who is successful and happy.

    However there are people who may be successful in your field of choice and not happy. Whatwould be the value of shadowing them? There are also others that are not in your specific field

    that would have valuable information worth gathering so dont rule them out completely.

    Beware however of those who are neither successful nor have information worth sharing.

    Reminds me of my nephew early on before he got his first tattoo he was asking amongst his

    peers what the experience was like. One girl volunteered that it was VERY painful. So he asked

    her to see her tattoo. You guessed it she had none to show! Sounds ridiculous but think about

    how many times we approach people ill-equipped to give us advice, yet we tell them our

    situation anyway!

    I know that it is not always possible to find someone who is doing precisely what you would like

    to do. In the absence of a real person you can get a lot of information from books and off of the



    What I have found to be the most practical approach is to find in your group of friends and

    associates, people who are like-minded who are fed up of where they are and want to make a

    change. I am not referring to those friends who are going through the motions, forsaking their

    true gifts and dreams because of outside circumstances and forces.

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    Form a group seven is a good numbertwo is enough to start. Buy a copy of the book Think

    and Grow Rich. Make sure that everyone on your team has the same edition. If you cant find a

    copy email me possibility2profit.com and I will help you find a copy. If you want to start a

    group I will be happy to give you the facilitators guide FREE, and will attend at least one of your

    sessions to help get you started. It is your life. YOU ARE IN CHARGE! You are the only one who

    can change your life! Be a leader and seek out six other people who want their dreams as badly

    as you do and GO FOR IT! You have NOTHING to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain by this one small


    The Possibility to profit Triangle of TranSformaTion

    You may not be aware but you have already been exposed to the seed that was planted in my

    mind during the master mind session and study of Think and Grow Rich.

    While many people already know the steps (I mean come on this is not rocket science!) -

    There are two things to consider:

    One - I remember hearing years ago at an Amway seminar, one of the speakers saying - to

    know and not to do, is not to know. That stood out for me and stayed in my memory from that

    day. Every time I get cocky and say I know, I know I hear the speakers voice, and it humbles

    me, because if I am not doing, what I am knowing then I DONT know!

    Two Whenever something is simple, we have a habit of glossing over it. This is why people

    continue to teach goal setting. Folks arent reaching their goals. This is not for the lack of

    understanding of the process. It is because there are some deep seated limiting beliefs holding

    them back and without the necessary time and introspection in other words knowing - and

    going through the motions of goal-setting, those goals will continue to not be met by the good

    men and women who know all about goal setting.

    So here it is in its simplicityThe Possibility to Profit Triangle of Transformation 3 simple

    steps to getting you from where you are to where you want to be.

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    Develop the Possibilities Mindset Many of the circumstances that seem to block us in our daily lives

    may only appear to do so based on a framework of assumptions we carry with us. Draw a different

    frame around the same set of circumstances and new pathways come into view. Find the right

    framework and extraordinary accomplishment becomes an everyday experience. Its all about bringing

    possibilities to life!

    Understanding and Actualizing Personal Leadership: Work with your own resistance to finding your

    purpose. Your egos resistance to knowing your purpose is your number one obstacle in this exploration.

    If you do not work with your limiting beliefs conscientiously then you lessen your chances of finding your

    purpose. So believe in your ability to find it and seek to identify the limiting beliefs that may be holding

    you back - be it beliefs about your ability, your belief about money (sometimes a big one), and anything

    else that might be getting in your way.

    Creating Your Business and Your own Brand Buzz You have a moral obligation to market your brand

    and service. Marketing is your way to authentically share your experience and gifts with those who can

    use it to shape their lives, empower their work and shorten their path to success.


    So if theres an artist, a musician, a philanthropist, someone who loves to sell, a business owner or an

    entrepreneur inside of you longing to come out FREE that person the you with your gifts wanting to

    create a life that you love.

    Do you want to be living your life?

    Or do you want to be living someone elses?

    Next steps

    1. Begin sharing the ideas you picked up during our short conversation. Learning doesnt comeabout in a flash. Thats why books, speeches or even personal experience can never do the

    complete job. We learn in stages, little by little, bit by bit.

    Talking about these success generating ideas permits this learning process to unfold naturally.

    You learn something about creating the life you want to live and you talk with your friends

    about it. Then, a few months later you are in a position to build on the earlier insight, and you

    talk with your friends about it a little more, focusing on a different angle. Its a good idea to go

    back over this information so that you can come to terms with the full implications of these


    2. Encourage your friends to subscribe at www.gisellehudson.wordpress.com to get their own copyof this report. Theyll thank youfor this later once theyve gone through the information!

  • 8/7/2019 Harness the Power of Possibility


    Copyright 2010 Purple Business and Life Enhancement Series Purple Marketing Limited



    3. If this conversation has meant anything to you, send me any thoughts you may have had orquestions that may have come up for you while reading. I would love to hear from you

    [email protected]

    4. Buy a copy of the book Think and Grow Rich5. Form your own master mind group and get help from me in starting it

    [email protected]

    But firSTif YoU are aBSolUTelY readY noW To Take The neXT STep in YoUr

    business or life thenSchedule a FREE Possibility to Profit 45 minute Discovery Sessionby

    clicking on the link.

    At this stage you have a lot of ideas and thoughts in your head and you may not be sure where to start. I

    will sit with you; address at least one of the issues you identified as a burning issue for you (in the

    preparation before our meeting) and then Ill help you put your ideas into a framework so that you

    could better see the many possibilities that exist in your life right now. In this session you will:-

    1. become aware of what is REALLY causing many of the challenges you might be facing right now2. renew your energy and motivation to take your life and/or business to the next level3. leave with a next step action plan for moving your life into the next phase of power, profit,

    growth and flexibility.

    Come join me

    It is my mission to plant possibility seeds and a possibility mentality in every one I meet. I want

    to unleash the greatness in those who dont know that greatness exists within. I want to help all

    those who sort of know that theyve got a message but have no confidence in their ability and

    doubt their own wisdom. I want to help those who on the outside their life looks great but on

    the inside they are struggling.

    Some final ThoUghTS.

    If you do nothing else, do me a BIG favour and remember the following:

    1) You dont have to live your life the way other people expect you to.

    2) The world is waiting for you for your light to shine. The world is waiting for you to figure

    out what ONLY YOU can contribute. Make the time and put in the effort in finding that answer,and then when you dodont delay GET STARTED NOW!

    Giselle Hudson is a speaker author and Possibilities to Profit Coach planting possibility seeds and
