happenings 2005-10-vol 2 issue4-5 - sons in...

Download Happenings 2005-10-Vol 2 Issue4-5 - Sons In Retirementsirinc.org/sirhappenings/Happenings-2005-10-Vol-2-Issue-4-20071230.… · Big Sir John Keyes, ... with the Santa Clara County

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  • Have Fun and Net 5 in 2005!

    A Nonprofi t Public Benefi t Organization for Retired Men Devoted to the Promotion of Independence and Dignity of Retirement




    Internet Address for Sons in Retirement:


    Las Positas Branch 121, Livermore

    Village Square in France named after Village Square in France named after Sir John ShirleySir John Shirley

    Saturday, the 14th of May 2005, was a great day in the life of John Shirley, a member of Branch 121, and also in the life of the Alsatian village of Bennwihr, France 60 years ago, John had the experience of being wounded, being taken prisoner, and escaping all in the space of four hours... 60 years later -- Place John Shirley -- commemorating the liberation of the Village, was dedicated in the presence of numerous regional and local dignitaries including the Mayors of Mittelwihr and Bennwihr, the villagers, children, and many guests. It was a marvelous ceremony, with John and the Mayor, unveiling the sign and a brass plaque in the Village Square to much applauseSchool children even sang a special song for John.

    The genesis for the Bennwihr project came after Veterans of the 3rd Infantry Division visited Bennwihr as part of their European tour and

    Continued on Page 13Continued on Page 13

    Mayor Fuchs of Bennwihr and Mayor Fuchs of Bennwihr and John Shirley.John Shirley.

    President Jims ColumnHow fast this year has gone! This is my

    last column for SIR HAPPENINGS.

    The year has fl own by which always seems to happen when you get older. State Offi cers, Directors and Governors have all been elected for 2006. President-elect Bob Curley is also busy fi lling out his committees for next year.

    In reading your bulletins, it is clear that the summer months were fi lled with Branch activities including many picnics. Summer is still vacation time even for us empty nesters even though we are retired.

    I would like to thank the Offi cers, Directors, Governors and the State Committees for their contributions during this year. I especially would like to thank those Branches that invited me to their Luncheons. I particularly enjoyed meeting and presenting the HLM Award honorees. There is a great deal of vitality in our Branches that serve to indicate that Sons in Retirement, Inc. will long endure.

    As I write this article, the horror of Hurricane Katrina is still playing out in real life and in the media. It brings home the fact that in this great land of ours, it is possible to have American refugees. Thousands of people have lost everything; their loved ones, their homes and their jobs. How many had fl ood insurance in New Orleans?

    Finally, Ive truly enjoyed being your President for 2005. The pace at times is fast with lots of travel involved but it has been fun. Ive enjoyed all of the people Ive met and look forward to working with a few in the future.


  • 2

    Sirs in the News

    Hesperian Branch 26, Oakland

    Hockey Star Pictured is Sir Larry Silvestri, an active member of

    Branch 26, since 1986. Larry was quite a hockey player in his day and one of his teams, the Santa Rosa JC Polar Bears, was recently inducted as a unit, into the Santa Rosa JC Hall of Fame. He is one of just three surviving players from that team. Larry is responsible for getting his brother-in-law, Sir Jim Culleton, to join Sons in Retirement and Jim later went on to become SIR President in 1996.

    Mission Trail Branch 35, Palo Alto

    Only Living Charter Member Honored100 year old Sir Alec Matthews was recently honored

    as the only living charter member of Branch 35. Alec is a Navy veteran, an avid golfer, and a world traveler. He is also a past Golf Chairman of Branch 35 and was active in the program up until he reached 95.

    Shown in the picture from left to right are: Harry Soderstrom, Stan Anderson, Ned Banton, Region 5 Director presenting a plaque to Alec Matthews Past Big Sir John Keyes, and Don Wilson these men are all old time golfi ng friends of Alec.

    San Jose Branch 10

    Life-Long Musician Honored Gary Pelton

    Earlier this year, 91 year old violin player, Sir Frank Triena, who has been a member of Branch 10 for 32 years and a life long musician and teacher, was honored by San

    Jose State University and the community for his achievements in the arts and humanities. At a large ceremony, Music Professor Emeritus, Brent Heisinger, said of Mister T as he is fondly called He has left a legacy here at San Jose State University.

    After graduating from San Jose State in 1936, Frank taught music and choir at several high schools and went on to become

    the concertmaster of the San Jose Symphony. Frank also founded the San Jose String Quartet and played with the Civic Light Opera. He also performed for many years with the Santa Clara County Fair Band with many famous entertainers, including Frank Sinatra.

    In looking back, Frank fondly remembers playing along side such greats as Jascha Heifi tz and Issac Stern under some well-known conductors during the 12 years he played with the San Francisco Symphony.

    President Jim is shown President Jim is shown throwing out the fi rst pitch at throwing out the fi rst pitch at SIR Day at SBC Park.SIR Day at SBC Park.

  • 3

    State Bowling

    Would you like to Receive your Copy of the SIR Happenings Newsletter By Email?If you would like to receive future issues of SIR Happenings by Email, please send your name and Email address to:

    Dwight Sale

    SIR Area 7


    Thanks to those people who provided material for this issue of SIR Happenings.

    Please contribute stories and high resolution photos for use in a future issue.

    Email your Branch news items to:

    Editor Don MacGregor

    Bill Cooper, Chairman

    Hello Bowlers are you aware that in 1942 the ABC Tournament held in Columbus Ohio lasted only two months? The ABC was organized in 1895 and incorporated in 1903 under the Laws of Illinois. The sport has come a long way since then and you dont have to be a super star to bowl in the national tournament. The associations at the national level have become one United States Bowling Association as of January 1, 2005 in due course all the state and local associations will be under the USBC. Some local associations have already merged into one organization. Its time for you, as a bowler, to get more involved with the sport of choice participate in our state and local tournaments meet new friends have some fun and you can also win some money.

    We have not decided on the site for the 2006 Sir State tournament, but It will most likely be held in Region #4. In other news, Sir Paul Dilley reports that there were about 150 participants in the YUBA Area Tournament in July.

    Well, all good things must end my term of offi ce will be up in January, 2006. I have enjoyed working with my committee members and my fellow bowling Sirs. Sir Nat Lord, of Branch 59, will be replacing me come January.

    Big Sir Big Sir Robert BrownRobert Brown of Branch 73 on the left of Branch 73 on the left with Big Sirwith Big Sir Robert Aiello Robert Aiello of Branch 2 in front of Branch 2 in front of the SIR displayof the SIR display

    Area 7

    Senior FaireGlen Schimelpfenig, Area 7 Governor

    2005 was the second year that the fi ve branches of Area 7 participated in the City of Richmonds Senior Information & Health Faire. The 23rd Annual Faire was an opportunity to provide information to hundreds of faire attendees. Members of East Bay Branch 2, Peralta Branch 12, Buena Vista Branch 64, Alvarado Branch 73 and Potrero Branch 148 alternated manning the SIR Booth during the day-long event. This was a great opportunity for us to inform the general public about SIR and to discuss our variety of events and activities. Flyers and other literature were made available for distribution. A number of new members were solicited and signed up including the Faire Master of Ceremonies, who subsequently joined Alvarado Branch 73.

    Progress in Aviation:

    These days a fl ight attendant can get an airline pilot pregnant

    An old pilot can remember when sex was safe and fl ying was dangerous.

    Mankind has a perfect record in aviation we never left one up there.

  • State RV Column State SIRARC


    Jack Streckfus, ChairmanI thought I might write about what your State RV

    Chairman is up to between our State Rallies.My RV club, The Rolling Roamers, is composed of 21

    SIR members from Area 6, in Marin County. We meet for lunch once a month and in addition, have outings once

    a month eight months out of the year. We also conduct a picnic in July and an elegant Christmas Party at our favorite restaurant.

    The highlight of this year, of course, was our hosting the State RV Rally at Manteca in April two

    years in the planning, gave us many spirited meetings and we are still reviewing the event to make the next one even better.

    Our trips this year have taken us to a number of different locations, but I have to tell about our last trip to the town of Likely, in Modoc County. Its our longest trip, but has been quite popular with our members. Most stayed from Saturday until Friday and the outing was hosted by our members, Otto and Joyce Littler. Every morninglibation, pastries, barbequed peppered bacon, sausages, and eggs. The highlight of the breakfasts was the make your own omeletthis is done by putting your choice of 20 different condiments into a zip lock bag making sure all the air is out and then, Otto would boil your bag for exactly 12 minutes. They are so good yours truly had two! Dinners ranged from hot dogs and hamburgers, to a barbequed Sturgeon, to deep fried turkey, to a fabulous Basque Dinner, and a Prime Rib dinner at the golf club -- WOW! -- are we having fun yet?

    The bottom line on all of this is the great camaraderie at all of our gatherings ...thats what its all about. If any other club out there would like to tell of their goings on, feel free to contact me.

    Roger Spindler, Chairman

    Walter Cronkite--George Pataki--Chet Atkins--Curtiss LeMay--Marlon Brandowhat do these famous people have in common with our SIR Radio Club? These men and many others well known to the public are all Radio Amateurs. We have several hundred amateurs in the SIR Amateur Radio Club (SIRARC) who may be less known but who are equally important in times of emergency. We share our ability and equipment in case of earthquakes, fi res, hurricanes, and other natural or man-made emergencies. In the disaster going on in New Orleans, radio amateurs will provide emergency communications as well as health and welfare messages. It is traditional for amateurs to set up their equipment in Red Cross shelters and schools to assist in providing relief of all kinds.

    SIRARC is alive and well and has just welcomed several new members into the club. New offi cers have been elected and will be inducted during our October 21st meeting at J.J. Norths in Fairfi eld. We have a social gathering around 11:30 AM and then have lunch at noon ...all are welcome. Our program will likely be put on by Al Montoya, WB6IMX, who will give us a slide presentation on his recent SIR trip to Alaska.

    If you want to know more about Amateur Radio, please email our Secretary, Richard Shappee, at [email protected].

    Happenings would like to recognize four more SIR golfers that have achieved that remarkable feat of acing a golf hole.Honorees this Quarter are:Gaylord Costa, from the West Santa Clara Valley Branch 21, got his hole-in-one on the 155 yard 4th hole at the Spring Valley Golf Course, using a 5 iron.Roger Murray, of the Mid-Peninsula Branch 51, made his ace on the 5th hole at the Popular Creek Golf Course, using a 5 iron on the 172 yard hole.Rich Sullivan, a member of South Bay Branch 74, put his shot in the hole at Los Lagos on the 87 yard, 7th hole.Don Cummings, from Chico Branch 63, also had a hole-in-one, but his Branch would not provide further details.


    The next time you hear a politician talk about a billion dollars, here are some perspectives:

    A billion seconds ago, it was 1959

    A billion minutes ago, Jesus was alive

    A billion hours ago, our ancestors were living inthe Stone Age

    A billion days ago, no-one walked on two feet

    A billion dollars ago, was only 8 hours and 20minutes, at the rate our government spends it

  • 5

    State Golf

    State Golf Column Nino Pompilio, Chairman

    I have just fi nished hosting the Area Team Championships at the Reserve GC at Spanos Park in Stockton. We had 34 teams participating in this eventsome from as far away as Fresno and Yuba City. The weather was comfortable, the course was in excellent condition and the competition was fi erce. The winning team of, L. Pankratz, R. Keyawa, G. Drennan and J. Izatt are from Magalia/Orland in Area 23 and were 8 under par in the team scramble.

    In June, we completed two -- one week -- tournaments in Reno and played the two courses at Red Hawk and a new course (to us) at Thunder Valley. Based on inputs from the participants, everyone had a great time you can see all the winners on the SIR Golf Website

    In September, we will have played our tournament in Solvang and we will have open play at Poppy Hills on November 1st and 2nd Our Individual State Finals will also be held at that time. In November, we have also planned two one week golf tournaments in Ixtapa, a brand new location for us. However, sign-ups have been sluggish, unlike our golf cruise last year. If you wish to participate, call Golden Gate Tours at (800) 874-4345 or go to their website, www.ggtours.com, and click on SIR

    Is This a Is This a Gimme Gimme Putt?Putt?

    Golfyou can register online.For 2006, we have decided not to have the San Diego

    Tournamentthis decision was based on the low sign-ups we experienced this year for that event. We will have two -- one week -- tournaments in Las Vegas in March and April and we will again have the two -- one week -- tournaments in Reno in mid-June. We have also tentatively scheduled Solvang in September, as well as two -- one week -- tournaments in Mexico in November.

    For those of you who are not aware, this is my last year as State Golf Chairman. I have served in that capacity for the last three years and by SIR Rules and Procedures, I am term limited. Our new President Elect -- Bob Curley -- will soon appoint a new Chairman. During my term of offi ce, I have tried very hard to be responsive to the needs of our membership; to present them with new opportunities and locations to play tournament golf; and to advance the spirit of the game. During my term of offi ce, I can honestly say that I was happy to serve and enjoyed the duty. I have met -- worked and interfaced -- with many friendly and great people in all facets of my job. I wish to thank them for their help and cooperation for any success I may have had.

    For more detailed information regarding the SIR State golf program, please visit the SIR Golf Website, which can be reached on the internet by inputting the following webaddress: www.sirinc.org When that page appears, click on Activities, then click on Golf, and you have the Golf web site. Make it a favorite bookmark!

  • Baseball News from the Branches

    State offi cers for 2006 were photographed at the August 1st meeting in Vallejo. From left to right State offi cers for 2006 were photographed at the August 1st meeting in Vallejo. From left to right Gary Gruber, 2nd Assistant Secretary, Bob Rath, 1st Assistant Secretary, Tom Ross, Vice President, Gary Gruber, 2nd Assistant Secretary, Bob Rath, 1st Assistant Secretary, Tom Ross, Vice President, Bob Mannell, Treasurer, Bob Curley, President, Bill Short, Secretary, Mike Berry, Assistant Treasurer.Bob Mannell, Treasurer, Bob Curley, President, Bill Short, Secretary, Mike Berry, Assistant Treasurer.

    State Offi cers for 2006


    Damien Reynolds Branch 1, San Mateo

    Take Me Out to the BallgameRay Lang

    Take Me Out to the Ballgame was a multi-generation event for these Branch One folks, including: Anita Lang, Sir Joe Lewis and wife Bea Lewis, Peggy Baikie with ALL SIRS DAY State Chairman Sir Jim Wyatt, and a handsome trio of Wyatt offspring ...again left to right: grandson, Brian Wyatt, grandnephew, Kevin Willsher, and granddaughter, Kaity Navarro. Like many other Peninsula fans they took Caltrain, which deposits passengers just a block south of SBC Park. Sir Ray Lang was behind the camera.

    Amador Branch 96, Jackson

    Even a long Pitchers Duel makes for fun day at the Ball ParkLee Suess, Big Sir

    It was a delightful outing for Branch 96 at the River Cats game beginning with Bill Andrews chauffeuring a group of us to the game in a deluxe seven passenger van followed by an all you can eat brunch at Raley Field and then a very competitive 14 inning game, with the River Cats fi nally winning over the Portland Beavers 3 to 2. We had 12 members attend the game, that saw State SIR President, Jim Donovan, throw out the fi rst pitch.

    Pictured left to right are: Lee Suess, Big Sir, his wife Joan; Bill Andrews, past Big Sir; and Keith Creighton, Secretary, with his wife, Gail.

  • 7

    News from the Branches

    Little Sir Joe DiCarlo (left) presents a token of appreciation plaque to speaker Dick Bridgeford.

    Delta Branch 66, Stockton

    Aviation PioneerTed Hardy, Bulletin Editor

    Clear left -- Clear right were the words heard thousands of times by guest speaker Richard Atherton Bridgeford. Those words continue to echo in his mind as he remembers instructing more than 7,000 students during in his long fl ying career.

    Dick Bridgeford truly is an icon in the history of fl ying profi cient in more than 100 different aircraft ranging from the Interstate Cadet to the Lear Jet. He has also piloted six different helicopters, fi ve gliders and three seaplanes. He founded the Bridgeford Flying Service in Napa and then operated the fl ight service at Stockton Metropolitan Airport for more than 20 years.

    Bridgeford spoke about chronicling his experiences in a book titled, Flying the High Life, which he wrote and dedicated to the thousands of fellow pilots. In the book, he told of one of his more spine-chilling experiences involving an incident at San Francisco International Airport: Following normal procedures at SFO, I requested clearance to taxi and takeoff on runway 28 Right. Takeoff and climb were normal and I then executed a right turn to my assigned direction of fl ight to Stockton, as directed by the tower. At 1900 feet while still climbing I was suddenly hit hard by a Pacifi c Southwest Airlines, Boeing 727. The impact was something that is very diffi cult to describe the PSA aircraft was on my right side and had crashed into my Cessna 182. The noise was tremendous frightening and indescribable! The belly of the PSA aircraft appeared close to my windshield and I experienced a terrible blast of noise and air turbulence from the other aircraft. His belly was right in my windshield and I was in danger of losing control and thenall of a suddenhe was gone. My propeller and engine were still operating, but lateral control was reduced because my right wing was so heavily damaged and my aileron was also badly mangled, with most of it gone so, I only had a few moments to react. I desperately needed to compose myself and negotiate a safe landing back at SFO. The tower told me to land on any runway that I could and I somehow made it in successfully I had instantly become famous, for all the wrong reasons.

    He wrapped up his interesting talk by saying I could go on and on, but these are just a few of the great experiences I have had as a 91 year old pilot and few people are privileged to view life from so many different perspectives, while truly Living the High Life.

    Sierra Hills Branch 79, Auburn

    Fun Time In Reno Don Dill, Little Sir

    Branch 79 golfers took part in the June State SIR golf outing in Reno. We had a fun-fi lled, three-day, golf tournament, playing two championship courses at Red Hawk and one very challenging mountain course at Thunder Mountain. Great food and drink -- coupled with true SIR friendship and hospitality made for a great boys night out. We want to thank the SSGC for hosting this great event next year the Sierra Hills Branch hopes to double its participation.

    Seen in the picture at the awards banquet are left to right: Don Dill, Jim Peters, Tony Oliveira, George Maring and Andy Arvay. Tony won $90 and George walked away with $270.

  • Have Fun and Net 5 in 2005!Have Fun and Net 5 in 2005! 8

    News from the BranchesWestgate Branch 125, San Jose

    Sirs and their Flying MachinesChuck Roberts, Social Activities Chairman

    A small group of us from Branch 125 recently drove over to Moffett Field for a guided tour of their Historical Society Museum. We were guided through the museum by docents and found it most interesting. We saw lots of artifacts from WWII ranging from, aircraft, uniforms, weapons, and much more. There is even a unique scale model of the USS Macon Dirigible on display.

    Two Dirigibles the USS Macon and the USS Akron were housed in Hanger One during the early 30s and had the mission of patrolling the waters off the West Coast, but unfortunately, both crashed. The Field is named after Admiral William A. Moffett, who perished with 72 others, in the crash of the USS Akron. These rigid airships were replaced by non-rigid blimps, which fl ew from Moffett until 1947, when P-3 Orion sub-hunters took over their mission.

    After our interesting tour of the museum and the gift shop, we went over to the airstrip and were able to climb up into two famous WWII aircraft a B-24 and a B-17. Two of our Sirs were particularly interested in the aircraft. Bob Stephens, because he had logged over 1200 hours in a B-24 in the early 1940s and long time Branch 125 member, Phil Olavarri, who piloted 35 missions out of Italy during WWII in a B-17. We found that both planes were very confi ning -- no doubt partly due to our expanding waistlines -- but very interesting to see. We were even offered a fl ight in either aircraft for 400 bucks but declined the offer.

    Tours of the museum require a $2 voluntary donation and are conducted Wednesdays through Fridays, from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Reservations are required and can be made by calling (650) 603-9827

    Sir Sir Jack FeinemanJack Feineman, Sir , Sir Chuck RobertsChuck Roberts and Sir and Sir Bob StephensBob Stephens (L to R) in front of a WWII B-17 (L to R) in front of a WWII B-17 at Moffett Field, Sunnyvale, CAat Moffett Field, Sunnyvale, CA

    Amador Branch 96, Jackson

    Branch Posts Happenings on their Bulletin BoardPaul Murphy, Publicity Chairman

    Sir George Bengston, Sir Lani Dare, and Sir Vic Traver-so look over the new Branch 96 Bulletin Board prior to at-tending the monthly luncheon Notices of special interest, travel brochures, intra-club notes and a copy of the latest SIR Happenings are posted each month.

    Sierra Hills Branch 79, Auburn

    Branch on the MoveEd Gilligan, Big Sir

    When we think of Branch 79, we think of friendship and a developing attitude of family toward each other. By listening, understanding and compassion for other members, we help to develop the goals of dignity and understanding. Our greeter plays an important part by the way he greets and welcomes each member or guest as they come to lunch. The Sunshine committee, also, plays an important role in the Branch by making contact with those members who are ill and tries to be supportive of members who are in need.

    Activities play an important part in the life of the Branch. A new fi shing group has been formed under the leadership of Earl Montgomery. The group meets for breakfast monthly and has planned several fi shing trips for the members. Treasurer Louis Sigmond formed a hiking and walking group which will certainly be an incentive to those members who have been told by their doctor or wife to get out and walk. Sir Roger Lewis handles the large group of members who golf weekly, and Past Big Sir, Joe Malek, hits the bowling pins with his Wednesday bowling group. As with other SIR Branches, there are many members who

    Continued on Page 10Continued on Page 10

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    News from the BranchesNapa Valley Branch 65

    Wine Tasting in the Napa ValleyJohn Harrison, Past Big Sir

    Thanks to arrangements made by John Roche, the Big SIR of Branch 65, members of the Branch and their wives enjoyed a visit to an art collection, a wine tasting and a picnicall in the stunning beauty of the hills above the Napa Valley.

    With John and Carol as our hosts, we fi rst visited the Hess Collection Winery on Redwood Road. The art collection at the winery is known worldwide and amazed all of our gueststhe collection includes paintings, mechanical art, visual displays, and still-form art. There is also a beautifully photographed slide-show depicting the interaction of the seasons on wine making at Hess. The art was not everyones cup of tea, but it did generate a lot of conversation and comments.

    The next stop was at the Chateau Potelle Winery, located even farther up in the hills above the Napa Valley, with wonderful views of the surrounding countryside. Here we tasted fi ve very fi ne wines, including a desert wine complete with chocolates. We then moved to the picnic area and enjoyed our lunch with another beautiful overview of the Napa Valleya truly enjoyable day!

    There are four branches in the Napa Valley, including Branch 65, with a total membership of some 530 Sirs.

    Placer Gold Branch 37, Auburn

    Global HawkJim Petruk, Little Sir

    Early morning headlines read: Pilot Dies, as U.S. Spy Plane Crashes in Southwest Asia Manned aircraft have been used for reconnaissance from the First World War to this day. These reconnaissance missions are generally performed by standard combat aircraft modifi ed to carry cameras, or by light utility aircraft with observers using binoculars to survey the terrain. With the turn of the century, a new type of very sophisticated aircraft called an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has saved countless lives and is now an important source of reconnaissance.

    Lt Colonel Craig Morris Chief of Wing Plans and Programs at Beale Air Force Base spoke to a Branch 37 luncheon about the amazing UAV, called the Global Hawk, and its impact on modern warfare. This versatile unmanned aircraft is being used extensively in both Afghanistan and Iraq, providing battlefi eld commanders with near real-time, high resolution imagery. The Global Hawk can carry out reconnaissance missions at a loiter altitude of 65,000 feet without endangering a pilot while conducting surveillance over an area the size of Illinois.

    In April 2001, the Global Hawk made aviation history, when it completed the fi rst non-stop fl ight across the Pacifi c Ocean by an unmanned, jet powered aircraft, fl ying from Edwards AFB, California, to the Royal Australian AFB, Edinburgh, South Australia.

    The Colonels talk was quite informative and drew many good questions from the audience when he fi nished speaking.

    Signs of the TimesChicago Radiator Shop: Best place to take a leakOn a Septic Tank Truck: Yesterdays Meals on

    WheelsOn a Proctologists Door: To expedite your visit,

    please back inOn a Plumbers Truck: Dont sleep with a drip

    call a plumberOutside a Muffl er Shop: No appointment

    Necessarywe hear you coming

    Meeting new friends if you think its hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball

  • 10

    News from the BranchesIgnacio Pacheco Branch 22, San Rafael

    A Great Picnic!Bob Farwell, Bulletin Editor

    More than 120 members of Branch 22, and their signifi -cant others, enjoyed the 31st annual picnic at the Marin French Cheese Company, located in Petalumas western rural area. The picnic crew did their usual excellent job of feeding the hungry crowd with steaks done to order chicken, potato salad, corn on the cob, green salad, an-tipasto, garlic bread and dessert. White and red wines and coffee and tea were readily available on the tables.

    Live music was provided by master accordionist Ed Burdisso; keyboardist Doug McKeehan; and guitarist Lisa Sanchez. The music was enjoyed by all, while they ate and socialized with friends, both old and new. Picnic co-chairman and master of ceremonies, Sir Nick Dollwet, pre-sided over the presenting of prizes, which included bottles of premium wine, and toiletry items. To add to the festivi-ties, Sir Dick Endy brought his 1930 Ford for all to ooh and aah over, and reminiscenearly everyone could remember back in the old days when that car was so popular.

    Sir Nick Dollwet, Sir Chuck Chiapellone, and the entire crew out did themselves again this year Nice job fellas!

    Sir Sir Gus KvickGus Kvick, Sir , Sir Joe VirgaJoe Virga and Sir and Sir Stan Stan SpaldingSpalding (left to right) have been involved (left to right) have been involved with the Carson City Tournaments for 8 years. with the Carson City Tournaments for 8 years.

    San Juan Branch 102, Carmichael

    Jackpot in Carson CityDon Wagner, Big Sir

    Everyone that went to Carson City on our annual golf trip was a winner and once again we had lots of fun and made some new friends.

    There were 60 Golfers and 20 Ladies that joined us. We had Scramble Teams at Geona Lakes on the fi rst day and 7 individuals, in four different fl ights, on the second day at Silver Oaks. Sir Joe Virga coordinated this trip for the 8th year and did a great job with the support of Sir Stan Spalding, our Golf Chairman and Sir Gus Kvick. We enjoyed three nights of hosted cocktails, buffets, and some great jokes.

    The new Carson City Grand Champion was Sir Lloyd Browning with a net score of 64 in D Flight. Our Grand Champion received the Carson City Blue Jacket which is almost (I said almost) an exact replica of the Green Jacket which is presented to the winner of the Masters. That puts him in the same league as Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus. Regardless of who won and who didnt, everyone had a great time!

    have little knowledge of the computer Harry Bedell has formed a computer group to teach our members to be confi dent in using the computer.

    Branch 79 has recently joined with the neighboring branches to jointly sponsor travel. A number of exciting trips have been planned including Yosemite, South Pacifi c Wonders and Branson.

    Our newest project is the development of our own Website. Programs have been purchased to develop the site. The interactive website will provide members with up-to-date information regarding activities and general monthly events. It is hoped we will have the site operational in the fall.

    Branch 79 members look forward to the monthly luncheons where there is good food and interesting speakers. Menus have been established after the membership has been surveyed for what they want. Little Sir, Don Dill, has provided a variety of topics at our luncheons including: the history of the bridges and trails surrounding Auburn, outlook for growth in Placer County, innovations in energy development, and the work of our Sheriffs Department.

    All of these areas help to develop an enthusiastic and friendly Branch. Growth of our Branch comes from the members who invite retirees to join them because they are proud of their Branch, their friends, and the SIR organization.

    Sierra Hills Branch 79, AuburnContinued from Page 8Continued from Page 8

  • 11

    News from the BranchesVacaville Branch 99

    Fun in Palm SpringsEd Morris, Bulletin Editor

    For a number of years, members of Branch 99 have made an annual spring trip to Palm Springs, staying at Club Trinidad for golf and relaxation. This year there were 12 Sirs, some of whom brought their spouses. As you can see in the picture, a good time was had by all!

    From L to R Sir From L to R Sir Dick BabingtonDick Babington, Sir , Sir Al SmithAl Smith, , Sir Sir Frank VigilFrank Vigil, Sir , Sir Lee KovistoLee Kovisto, Sir, Sir Joe Lopez Joe Lopez, , and Sir and Sir Hal MudgettHal Mudgett

    Mace Meadow Branch 15, PioneerAmador Branch 96, Jackson

    Joint Golf Tournament Paul Murphy, Branch 96 Publicity Chairman

    The Golf Club of Branch 15 and 96 held its 2nd Annual Championship Golf Tournament and thirty-one members of the Golf Club played 18 holes at the Mace Meadows Golf Course. The Club Champion was Sir Bob Martin with a low net of 66 .followed closely by Sir Don Sandbach and Sir Tom LaFavre, who both netted a 69 and Sir Bud Francesconi with a 70.

    All four par 3 holes on the Meadows course were utilized in the Closest to the Pin contest, with Sir Dave Martin, Sir Ed Maloney, Sir Al Clark and Sir John Wagner taking home the trophies. Martin was the closest, measuring out at 196 from the hole.

    Following the tournament all members and their wives gathered at Bob Martins home in Surrey Junction for a great BBQ and Awards dinner, complete with music and dancing.

    Branch 15 and 96 golfers line up for their pictureBranch 15 and 96 golfers line up for their picture

  • 12

    Letters to the Editor

    Dear Editor:What a great issue (July) so many

    wonderful stories from a great group of men. We should all be proud to be associated with such interesting, energetic, patriotic, and talented and yet humble men.

    My hat is off to you for pulling everything together and producing such a great newsletter.

    Ron Smith, Little Sir, Branch [email protected]

    Thanks, Ron, for those very nice comments.

    Dear Editor:Happenings is an excellent newsletter, but from what I can determine, it is only available over the internet. I estimate that only 10 to 15 percent of our members are on the internet. Do you have any suggestions as to how hard copies can be delivered to each of our branch members, maybe some way that other branches are using ?The cost of making copies of a 10 or 11 page quarterly document for 110 members, or so, and then mailing them is prohibitive for a branch with a treasury short on money, such as ours. Even making enough just to hand out to members attending a luncheon would be very expensive. Do you by chance offer paid subscriptions that can be mailed to members homes? Any ideas you have on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

    Bill Sleeth, Membership Chairman, Branch [email protected]

    Early on, we made a policy decision that Happenings would be a totally electronic publication, so, there would be no cost to the SIR treasury printing and mailing copies of Happenings would cost the SIR treasury a bundle. Your idea of a paid subscription is an interesting idea, but I dont think its practical, at least for now.

    Your estimate that only 10 to 15% of your members have access to the internet may be on the low side, but many Sirs that are not on the internet have friends print out copies for them some Branches print out a few copies and then circulate them during the luncheons and I know there is at least one Branch that displays Happenings on a bulletin board before each luncheon. Im sure other Branches have come up with some other ways of distributing hard copies to members without computers.

    Im glad you enjoy the publication and I do hope you can fi gure out a way to read every edition.

    Dear Editor:I fi nd SIR Happenings to be very interesting. The

    readers might fi nd the following interesting: I am a second generation member of SIR. My late father, Hank Mathews, was a member of the Fort Sutter Branch 14 back in the 60s & 70s. When I was going through some of his memorabilia a while back, I found a bulletin from 1971. The next meeting was to be Ladies Day in the Martinique Room at the Sacramento Inn and the dinner of steak or chicken was to cost $4.00. SIR day at Candlestick Park for a Giants baseball game was $ 7.50, including transportation. A trip to the Oakland Coliseum, for the Ice Follies with Peggy Fleming, was $8.50 including transportation.

    Jim Mathews, Treasurer, Branch [email protected]

    Thanks, Jim I wonder how much a gallon of gas cost back then.

    Dear [Publisher] Dwight:IM not happy, the reason is that in May I sent in pictures

    and wrote an article about Branch #94 having a golden fraternity that is for couples that has been married for 50 years or more in 2005. I wrote a nice article and sent pictures of all the couples. The person from Sir Happenings paper said that he will put it in the July newsletter. Guess what he didnt. I was mad as Hell about it. The only thing I saw in the paper was branches in the north bay, nothing in the south bay. I talked to a few Branches down here, and they said the same. They put nothing in the paper except from your area. I will not send any more to Sir Happenings again. The other branches here said the same.

    Ron Bianco, Branch [email protected]

    Chairman, State Publicity Advisory Committee

    Ron, apparently you have not read the July edition of Happenings, because your article about the Branch 94 Golden Fraternity did, in fact, appear on Page 11. In addition to your article, there are other articles about South Bay Branches in that same edition. You will notice that on the same page there is an article on Westgate Branch 125 in San Jose. We also included an article from Los Gatos Branch 141 on page 12 and San Jose Branch 10 on page 7. I think thats pretty good representation from the South Bay. We welcome stories from all branches. A newsworthy, well written story that makes our job easier will fi nd it easy to get into the newsletter. High resolution, quality photos always complement a good story.

  • SIR Happenings is published by the

    Information Systems Committee.

    Dwight Sale, Chairman/PublisherEmail: [email protected]

    Send news and questions to:Don MacGregor, Executive EditorEmail: [email protected]

    John Skarpelos, Assistant Editor and Production ManagerEmail: [email protected]


    News from the Branches

    the service commemorating the liberation of the village. At that time, Mayor Fuchs was approached with the idea of placing a sign in Bennwihr that prominently displays the 3rd Division Marne Patch. It was suggested that the village honor the Division or a member of the Division. He very much liked the idea, but wanted to name a place after a living veteran so that the children could touch and hear living history. John has visited Bennwihr numerous times over the years and he so impressed the villagers, with his friendly manner and his very interesting relationship with the village, that the Mayor decided to name the square in front of the fi re station -- just below the school -- in Johns honor. The Mayor said that it his fervent hope that the children will long remember John, and the event on May 14th, and pass these memories on to their children so that what the American soldiers did for the village 60 years ago will never be forgotten. Both John and the Mayor stressed these thoughts in their respective addresses.

    Johns visit to Bennwihr lasted two days and while there, he was able to visit many of the places where the liberating action took place and meet many of the Villagers, who were only children at the time, but they still have vivid memories of that time and were able to relate many interesting stories.

    At the conclusion of his visit, John said, It is hard to imagine how they can appreciate their liberation with their village completely destroyed and 20 civilians killed by our fi re and another 15 dead from exposure, heart problems, stress, etc. The fact they are grateful for the liberation is a commentary on how much they disliked the German annexation and

    Parade Marshall Sir Parade Marshall Sir John ShirleyJohn Shirley leads the parade leads the parade

    Mayor Fuchs of Bennwihr and a French military Mayor Fuchs of Bennwihr and a French military offi cer places a wreath on a plaque honoring offi cer places a wreath on a plaque honoring fallen soldiers while fallen soldiers while John ShirleyJohn Shirley and another and another French offi cial assistFrench offi cial assist

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