handbook of the ion todt 111

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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111



    WehnBacht8ffefo^eM This is the all-inclusive military tern forOT personnel since the entire organizationwas put on a war footing in 3ept. 1939. Atthat time the OT was sti^l exclusively GernafrLater the term was extended to all foreignworkers including Zwangsarbeiter (see 21 be low) (forced labour except Jews)* Only thatpart of OT personnel, however, which rated theservice status of Frontarbeiter (see 3 belo w)was issued a Dienstbuch, identification discsand a uniform. The Dienstbuch contains aform, printed or pasted in, entitling thebearer to the possession of arms and makinghim liable for combat duty. The possessoris described as 'belonging to the Wehrmacht'*This Dienstbook establishes definitely themilitary status of the Frontarbeiter* Therest of OT personnel, including Zwangsarbeiterthrough lectures are impressed with the factthat, as part of the Wehrmacht, they are subject to military discipline. Obviously themotive behind this is to leave the Armed Forces the freedom of arming such personnel ofthe OT as may be deemed desirable while atthe same time keeping the rest under militarylaw. While no official documentary evidencehas been found, there are indications thatthe OT has been reclassified as part of theWehrmacht proper, since the late summer of1944,The following is a translation of a Germandocument bearing on the definition of theterm*

    "General Regulations of the MilitaryCommander cf France, No* 19 of26 March 1942272. Wehrmaehtagefolge* Wehnaachtsgefolgschaft.

    The term 'Wehrmachtsgefolge1 is explai&ed in the Heerea-Verordnungs-Blatt(HVB , Army Journal, Section B article 55 8,1940). According to this* 'Wehrmachtsgefolge1 is the more comprehensive term* Itincludes all persons who in any way serveunder or have contact with the Wehrmachtor otherwise are billeted with it or attached t o ^ t . This also includes, for example, native labourers and employees working for German establishments. Jfembera ofprivate Ger man firms who are wording inoccupied France for German Wehrmacht units

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    QT*Personal(OT Personnel)

    3 Frontarbeiter(Front Worker)

    will also be regarded as Wehrmachtsgefolge', provided they are explicitly subject to the military penal aod disciplinaryregulations* (See HYB -C333/4O and HVBB.858/40).

    The term 'Wehrmachtsgefolga-chaft ',on the other hand, is to be Interpreted ina narrower sense and comes within the fieldof German labour legislation* Within itslegal meaning, 8Gefolgschaft comprisesonly those Reichsdeutseh employees and day*labourers who are dispatched by Wehrmaohtestablishments from the Reich to Wehnaachtestablishments in occupied territory andwho are subject to the tariff regulationsset forth in T.O.A* (Tariff Ordnung *Arbsiter, or Bay Scale > Labourers) andT,O,D. (Tariff Qrdnung s Dienstangestellte,or Pay Scale 1 Office Employees)."Whereas 'Gefolgschaff personnel normally receives service pay, free rations,(army rations) and free billets,the Wehrmachtsgefolge is not entitled to receivearmy rations, neither are they entitled tofree billeting by the Wehrmacht. Nevertheless, precisely defined"groups of the 'Wehrmachtsgefolge may, in special cases, beauthorised by the OKH (Army High Command)to receive free rations and billets%From the administrative point of view OTpersonnel is restricted to OT-Sigenes Personal (see 4 below) and OT-Firmenangehorige (see 5 below) (OT>Organie Personnelor cadre and OT-Firm Personnel)* The termhowever, has been somewhat loosely used inpractice* For the sake of simplicity,references in this study to OTJPersonnelshould be interpreted as extended to include the entire OT organization from thehead of 0P& down to forced labour*This term originated when the OT was puton a war footing in 1939* It is a designation for the German OT worker exposedto enemy action, including air attack*It was subsequently extended to Volksdeutsche (^Racial* Germans) and *Nordie*Volunteers* The Frontarbeiter is swornin like a regular soldier, with a slightvariation in respect to his OT status*He is issued a Dienstbuch if German , orif not, an rsatzkarte (substitute payaid Identity book). He possesses an Erkennungsmarks (Identity Disc) and wearsa uniform* He is armed, for self-defenseagainst enemy attack and is committed onoccasion to combat* At the present tiiasthe average age of the Frontarbeiter is

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    page ^

    estimated to be about 4 5 - 5 0 , and hisfighting qualities are not above thirdrate.Person^ This term is used to designate 0T organicpersonnel or cadre as distinct from 0T(0T Organic Personnel) Fina Personnel* The organic personnel comprises the various 0T administrative staffs,from Amt Bau OTZ downwards, and the OTSupervisory^Personnel such as Hilfspolier

    and Lager-fuhrer (see Table II ) and theServices personnel, but excluding NSKK OT (see Tables Illb and IIIc) which isattached to OT.OT-Firmenange- This term is used to designate personnel ofhorige firms working for OT as distinct from OTorganic personnel* This firm personnel(Firm Personnel) is composed essentially of the constructionpersonnel in a supervisory capacity (seeIIIB on Construction Personnel) from the

    firm executive down to the foreman* Therest of the staff consists of the clericalpersonnel* (See also Stanraaanschaft, 12below).Dienstverpfl ichtete German and Volksdeutsch conscripted throughthe Wehrmacht recruiting offices into tte(Conscripts) OT itself or into OT Firms; also Frenchworkers employed in the OT in France wherethe OT was officially classed as a vitalindustry.

    Germans, Volksdeutsche and "Nordics" whovolunteered into the OT directly. This(Volunteers) term is used only when it becomes necessary to distinguish this class from Germanand foreign conscripts* Otherwise theterm Frontarbeiter is used. Freiwilligeare subject to eventual army induction.Employees hired by theOT or by OT firms.3,. Freianges te l l te Usually Germans not subject to military ser (Voluntary Employees) vice, female clerical help or foreign technicians.German city engineers or other governmentprovincial or municipal officials in simi(Delegated Personnel) lar functions, assigned to the OT ondetached servi ce.German administrative officials exercising1 0 . functions of governmental Inspection and

    (Of f i c ia l s ) control in the OT. Usually found only inhigher echelons, Such as technical departments*German government workers such as railroador post office employees, assigned to the

    (State MonopolyEmployees)

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    12* 3 1 gfraf-(German FirmPersonnel)

    (Office Baployees)15* Bins atzarbe iter

    16. OT Lsgionar(OT Legionary)

    17. ffacharbeiter

    18. ff^lfaarbelter(AuxiliaryLabourer)

    The permanent or basic German staffs ofthe firms working for the OT includingthe irreducible minimum of German supervisory personnel directing constructionactivities, comprising Stammarbeiter,Poliere and/or Schaehtmeister, Oberpolier,Oberschachtmeister, Teehniker* (See TableII). Such personnel normally should be employees who were with the firm prior to itsenrollment in the OT, Transfer of employ*ees from one firm to another has, however,made this assumption not always a safe one*Same as above.This term is used when a distinction has tobe made between office workers and manuallabourers! it designates the former.This term is used to designate a foreignworker of collaborationist complexion whoqualified after three months trial period*It is a sort of consolation prize for"non-Nordics" inasmuch as "Nordics0 only*could become Frontarbeiter. (See 3 above)*Non-Nordic" volunteers of all nationalitiesexcept Czechs, Poles and Jews may qualify*The Einsatzarbeiter renders an oath, wearsan arm-band marked *Qrg Todt* but does notpossess a Dienstbueh or an firkennungsmarke*He does not carry weapons normally, but maybe issued these in an emergency*Assignmentsi On the job, mostly those ofan assistant foreman or Senior Workman,(see Vorarbeiter Table II). In camp he isassistant to the Hilflagerfuhrer, (seeTable II)*An Sinsatzarbeiter (see 15 above) working ina Front-OT zone*

    Term used to designate an OT worker whopossesses the qualifications as officiallyrequired for skilled personnel by the OTPay Tariff regulations. (See H I S ) * This term originated in the early days ofOT when a Bautoujp (Construction Detachment)consisted of German formations of skilledworkers, of about 125 to 150 men, who per*formed or supervised the skilled work andwere assisted in the heavy labour and unskilled work by foreign Hilfsarbeiter.When all, or practically all, work was per*formed by foreign labour, the term Auslandische Arbeiter (see 19 below) replaced thatof Hilfsarbeiter and the latter fell intodisuse. At the present time "Hilfsarbeiter"is used only in contra-distinct ion to Fach*arbeiter (see 17 above).

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    19* AuslafldischeArbeifrer(Foreign Worker)

    20 .


    21 (Forced Labourer)

    This ter m is most commonly used to designateall foreign personnel except Trontarbeiter,(see 3 above), Einsatzarb eiter (see If ab ov e)and Zsrangsarbeiter (see 21 below). It isused loosely, however, and on occasion mightinclude any category of foreign worker*Vol unt eer Ostarbe^ter (workers from the Ukra in e. White "Ruthenia* and regions furthereastward)* The term is usually contractedto "Hiwi.Assig nment s! Manua l and mecha nical labour(skilled and unskilled).This t erm is used to designate captured Ru ssian and Balkan pa rtisa ns, Russian and Sp anish Commu nist s, Jews, penal and convictlabour of all nationalities.Assignments s Hard labour and 'dirty1 jobs*

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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


    uo 8S r 1 **5 I 5- Iu u jaCO o 4> 4 * 3 3o) m a Q. dI 38 S3 5oIs

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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


    ILagiqft SffBBR N3KK (Transp ort Korps SBEER)*

    Kraft fahrerOberkraftfahrerHauptkraftfahrer

    Unterfahrms is ter

    t d Fahrmeister g ^ Oberfahrmeister

    Hauptfahrme is ter


    g Eapitan^ Stabskapitanw Chefkapitan


    I t i s now p o ss ib l eyanks and uniforms


    ScharfuhrerOberseharfuhrerTruppfuhrerObertrupp f uhrerHaupt trup pfuhrer

    SturmfuhrerObers turmruhrerHaupts turmfuhrerS t a f f e l f u h r e rObers taffelfuhrerStandartenfuhrerOberfflhrerBrigadefuhrerGruppenfuhrerObergruppenf uhrerKorpsfuhrer



    unterof f iz ie r

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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111




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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111




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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


    |H 4 '. -HHsi 9



  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


    SO O ft 44 edir t a QD CQ ft 45ft 3 g > ri J a

    n too o 8 *r( itjffl d 43 *H OO+ 45 - a 1, TJ O fl ft 8 ho* ^l Cft -P. O d - O -P O O -P 1 s d s p H l8 c) i dd d *H H ffl H H i -H -p ftSoI oS 43 3 H O O O, H43 tH 43H 4*a o9t -P o t> o QO O - H f t - H O - H S a, +aO d

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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111




  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


    TABUS V iaMANPOWER DATA( F o r T e x t t S e e IVD)

    (a) Call-up for National Labour Service in trance by Classes.

    Class of1919





    Called U P . etc.Prior to Aug. 1943

    . 1943

    (see above)(see above)(see above)

    Called up at sanetiae as classes of1919-22Dec, 1943

    (Same as class of1923)

    Jun. 1944

    Feb. 1944Sep. 1944Sep. 1944Dec. 1943

    1943Dec. 1943

    Feb. 1944

    Promised exemption fromcompulsory transfer toGermany.Scheduled for transportto Germany with the exception of those classifiedUK ("deferred9 from servicefor occupational reasons)*

    (see above)(see above)

    As above, however no UKclassifications granted.SsBmpted froa compulsorytransfer to Germany.

    Agricultural workers inAmiens* Rouen Svreux,Aloneon, St. Lo Laon,St. Cloud, Caartres* Bloisconscripted for OT untilMar. 1944*(see above)

    All Tews and those ofcoloured race conscriptedinto QT.Conscripted into OT,Last third conscriptedinto OT.Conscripted into OT,Scheduled for conscriptionprior to D-Day.Scheduled for transfer toGermany*Conscription resultsvery unsatisfactory^,Exempted from transfer toGermany.Subject to transfer toGermany,

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    MANPOEBR DATA(For Text s See ITO)(b) Labour Conscription Measures in France for the Benefit

    Sep. 1942

    8 HOT. 1942 to2 Jan. 1943

    Jul* 194315 Sep. 194321 Oct. 1943

    2 Deo. 1943

    Dee. 1943

    Jan* 1944

    of the OT.

    Last third of class of 1939 and class of 1940 calledup for OT.Campaign to raise 100,000 men for OTg1) 20,000 -killed workers quota to be raised by theDelegates (one for each French Department) ofthe Coinite d1Organisation du Batiment et desTravaux Publiques. (Results up to 15 Nov s1,000 men raised).2) 20,000 quota to be raised locally by the GermanArmy Feldkonwandanturen through the French Prefectures. The above 40,000 quota represented

    immediate EGW requirements for Atlantic coastaldefenses, construction of V-sites etc* (Theabove 40.000 men to be raised by the so-oalledAktion Drouayfl).3) 60,000 additionally to be raised by a.comprehensiverecruitment campaign*All Jews between ages of 20 - 31 conscripted for 0T.A number of released French prisoners of war retransported to Germany to work for 0T.Decree issued by Reich-'i||w' n M'fc#r'lumKrlegsproduktion (SPEER) classifies 0T in Franceas S-Betrieb (Sperrbetrieb or Closed Industry) fromwhich no manpower may be removed, not even by theWehrmacht, except for induction into active militaryservice. (This in the case of Germans only)* Con-Tersely, unauthorised absence from an S-Betrieb issubject to a court-martial.German authorities assume Jurisdiction over the Qhanfriers de J* aftflgft (Vichy French Youth Labour Organ*ization) and put 21,000 members at the disposal of0T*French veterans of the First World War and nativesof Alsace-Lorraine may not be inducted into the 0Tby Vichy or German Labour Authorities. French employees of the Services dea Ponts et Chaussees(French Higgmy and Bridge Repair and MaintenanceSystem) henlfeprth will co-ordinate their work withOT's interestedAgricultural workers of elaa-s. L923 (see TableVia) conscripted tor 0T until eh 1944*Vichy Government drive to raises 10,000 non-Frenchresidents in France for 0T, mostly from SouthernFrance* Also 4,000 Indo-Chinese*

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    TABUS VIb page 2

    Jaxu 1944 (contd)F e b .Jun. 1944

    5#000 short -ter m employees of flet des Chauaseea also co-operated with 0T.Class of 1927 conscripted for 0T.A ll Jews and menbers of colour ed rac es of c la s sof 1924 conscripted for 0T,

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    (c) National Labour Conscription Regulations inGermany and in German Occupied Europe (Underthe Over-all Control of GaA Fritz SAUCKBL)



    FRANCS (Vichy)


    ITALY (Fascist)NORWAY

    Male l6-60$ female 18-45, (At the present timecompulsory service in emergencies is unlimited asfar as age is concerned)* Labour control areasj42 Gauarbeits&mter (District Labour Control offices)each under a "Reichstreuhander fur die Arbeit"as far as administrative control is concerned.Actual control over the disposition of manpower isvested in theflpn'U*tAT n his capacity as ReichDefense Commissioner* The area of the G-auarbeitsamtcorresponds w ith that of the Nazi Party Gau. TheGauarbeitsamter are furthermore subdivided intoArbeitagmter. totalling sane 420 in the Reich,These are in turn sub-divided into (Arbeits) Leits t e ll e n to ta llin g some 1,300. 0T in th is respectis under jurisdiction of Arbeitsamt Nebenstelle(Branch Office) Grunewald near Berlin situated inthe 0T camp there*Workers jo in ing 0T are r elea se d from compulsorylabour in Germany.Males l6-6O; females 13-45*Males 16-60j females 18-45, Youths 13-21 must giveone year service to the State in labour camps.Males 16-601 females 13-45* Youths 16-18 were compelled to enter the Chantiers de Jeunesse for oneyear of State Labour Service.Males 16-60; females 13-45.Males 16-601 females 13-45.Males 16-60j females 13-45.Males 16-60j females 19*23| compulsory registrationfor Labour Service*Males 16-60, including all Italians in Greece,(Jan. 1944); females 13-45*Males. 13-601 cl a ss of 21-21 ca lle d up May 1944.

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    TABIB YIdMANPOfBB DATA( F o r T e x t i S ee IVD)


    A. question mark (?) indicates that in all likelihood at least some workers of the listed nationality were employed in the country in question although probably not in a large number*Norwegians (n)Danes (d)Finns (f)

    Dutchaea (d)Belgiams (b) Frenchmen Italians Spaniards(Loyalists) 3 thoniansLithuaniansLatvians

    Hungarians(h )Croats (c)Slovaks (3)BulgariansGreeksSerbs

    Ostarbeiter Russians(Anti SovietCollaborationistVolunteers)

    Poles (p) Czechs (c) *Colonials 1North Africans Indo-VForced Labour'Coownists*Par t i sans



    FINLAND 50 0 5*000 (f )NORWAY 2,000 15.000 (a) 10,000 (d & b) 1,000 1,000 5.0QP 1,000 2,000DENMARK 50 0 5*000 (d )POLAND 5,000 15.000 (n & 2,000 (d 4 b)*** 500 ** 70,000 (p) 15.00015.000 (c)BALKANS 1,500 10,0005,000 TnTCo) 30,000

    5-000 SalITALY 4,000 ?5.oooFRANCS 15,000 1,000 (n & 10,00010,000 (d )(b) 6*5,000 20,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 5.ooo 25.000 (p )10 t000 (c) 25,000BELGIUM 1,000 20,000 (b )HOLLAND 1,000 20,000 (d)TOTAL 30,000 41.000 72,000 86,500 95.000 15.000 11,000 25,000 31.000 10,000 5,000 92,000 25,000 65,000 Partly Forced Labour. Predominantly foreign personnel except for staffs which are German. ** fa SK (Schutzkommando) % While the majority of forced labour are Jew* t* Comma s ts 1 and penal units, those 0strbiter, Poles and Czechs whose 'attitude' ori Guard Units) WOrk output is considered unsatisfactory, are l ikewise c lass i fied in thfs group.

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    T AB U Vi sMANPOWER D ATA(For Tex t t See IVD)E s t i m a t f P r e s e n t M a np ow e r D i s t r i b u t i o n i n GermanyE s t i m a t e d T o t a l t 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0


    Germans Norwegians (n)Danes (d)Finns (f)Dutchmen (d)Belgians (b) F renchmen I t a l ia ns Spaniards BstnoaiaasLithuaniansLatvians

    Hungarians (h)Croats (c)Slovaks (s)BulgariansGreeksSerbs

    Qstarbeiter Russians PolesCzechs ** Co lo nia l s i F o rced La bo ur* .1*No rt h Af rica ns Ca uminis t s *Indo - Chinese et c* P a rt i sa ns

    P0ff*s( ma inlyRuss ia nsK3-KK-OT Tto ansp ortf l o t t o *Speer 4:

    G3RMANY 175.000 100,000 I75.ooo 250,000 20*000 10*000

    ^ T i v-

    Partl y Forced Labour, Predominantly fore ign personnel except f or sta ff s which are German* * Mostly in SK (Schutzkonjnaado) * * While the majorit y of forced labour is composed of Jews Conmunists* and penal unit s, th ose Ost arbe ite, Poles and Czechs whose at titu de" or(or Security Guard Units) * work output is considered unsatis facto ry, are likewise clas sifie d in this group*

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    INDEXThe fo l lowing index inc ludes bo th t e rms and t o p i c s , the former",k e p t i n t h e i r o r i g i n a l l a n g u a g e (for E n g l i s h e q u i v a l e n t s , see Annexe * ,,A b b r e v i a t i o n s and co n t r ac t i o n s have been used whenever they are in commonusage , suoh as for example, G estapo . Cross re fer en ce s have als o beensuppl ied when they are b e l i e v e d to be h e l p f u l . The t op ica l cohes ionprov ided by the sub- indexes to such sub jec t s as the OT, OT-Firms, Transpor t ,Bay , Pe r sonne l , Un i t s , Worke rs , L ia i son , Lage r , and Training Camp3 andS c h o o l s , w i l l be found ano the r he lp fu l f ea tu re . The number referencesa re to pag es . Those und e r l ined re fe r to the main d i scuss ion of the t o p i ci n v o l v e d .

    AbgeordneteAbschlags rechnungAbschnitt (Army Fortress Engineer sector)Abschnitt (NSKK-OT)Abschnit tsbaule i te rAbschnitt sbauieitungAb sennit tsftthrung (NSKK-OT)AbteilungAbteilung (NSKK-OT)Abteilung (SK)see SK-Abteilung.Abteilung (Worker unit)Abteilung Arbeit (Wehrmacht)Abteilung Betrieb (Marine)see Marine BetriebsabteilungAb tei lungsftthrerAbwehrsee also Counter-intelligenceand SecurityAction social aux ChantiersAct iv it ie s of the OT (l is te d by Country)Administrative sta ff s (OBL andlower levels)Aerodrome repairsAfricans (North) in the OTAge groupsAir Forcesee LuftwaffeAir Raid damage repair (France)Air Raid damage repair (Germany)Air Raid defenseAir Raid protectionAktion FrankreichAlbaniaAlbanians in the OTAlderney (Island)Allocation of Firmssee OT-Firm (Allocation)Allocation of laboursee ArbeitseinsatsAllocation of manpowersee Manpower allocationAllotmentsAllowance (Clothing)Allowance (Quarters and subsistence)Allowance (Travel)Allowances

    AmmunitionAmt BauAmt Bau, Decree putt in g OT in control of

    - 1

    121,5713080 , 61409 , 26, 30, 31, 38, 1048 0 - 8 1 , 82.3981-82 . 119, 128, 129175127, 12911213342-49116, 119-120, 121, 131-134.15 180166, 171, 177-181

    , 2318-19 , 44 , 91 , 93 , 107,129-130, 167125$4170, 172, 173-175.4818029, 47, 92 , 132, 176

    96, 161-1636151, 161, 16316196, 117, 138, 142, 150, 152157, 159, 161, 162, 163,I64, 16876A, 13520, ^t 44 ..* +22-24

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


    nt'fi)Amt Bau-OTZsee als o OT Zen traleAmt Bau-OTZ, Abteilung,So z i alv er 3o rgungAmt f&r zentrale Bauaufgaben der LuftwaffeAfnt Marine BauwesenAtnt sgruppeAmt sgruppe B itm ck lu ngAmt sgruppe P ionier e und FestungenAn ges te l l t eAnhaltlagerAnnamites in the OTAnti-Aircraft constructionArb e i 13 ab t e ilu n gsee Abteilung (Worker unit)ArbeitaamtArbeitsbereitschaftsee Bereitschaft (Worker unit)Arbeitseinsatz und Sozialpol i t ik(see al so W orkers, Foreign (OT p o li cy inregard to-)Arbeitseinsatzsee Manpower allocationArb e i t s e in s a tz s ta t i s t ikArbeitsgemeinschaft (Arge)ArbeitskluftArbeitsstabsee Administrative st a ff sArbeitsstab BauwirtschaftArbeitstruppsArea Control sta ff3see also Einsatzgruppe, ElnsataArgesee ArbeitsgemeinschaftArmbands

    se e OT brassard sArmed Forcessee WehrmachtArmenians in the OTArmsAnnyAxw Portress Engineerssee yestungspioniereArmy Groupsee HeereagruppeArmy High Commandsee CJberkommando des He erasArmy OfficersArmy - OT tran spor t l i a i s o nArmy Post Office (APO)AssignmentsAtlantic Wallsee Forti f icat ions (Atlantic Wall )A t r o c i t i e sAuditingAuf t ragsbedingungen3ee Specif icat ionsAu sg leichazula geAuskflmmungskommi s s ionAuslanderlohnzahlstel leAusl&ndischft ArbeiterAusrlstungslager_Ausrtls

    3 , 20-21 , }}-}$> y?f 52, 90, 93TT1OO, 1027 HO, 111, 122,124, 134, 168, 169.1611109733,405297142, 343, 1458818094, 106168, 169, 172

    39, 40, 42, 76, 125, 130,132-133, 162, 168.

    5732, 61, 62138111129121, 134

    175116, U7, 135, 137, 14035 , 91-93, 106* 1O8-1O9A17, 118,130, 1%, 175, 178

    13811584 40 4741150174153121-12276A, 137138, 139

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


    A (oont'd)Aussenstelle ( S D )Aussenstelle ?ss)Aussenstelle (WehrbezirkskosBnando)Awards

    see Decorations and awardsAzione Graziani

    BBaghdadBalkansBarrackssee LagerBase payBattalion (Pront-OT)see Pront-OTBau (Administrative section)Bauab sennit tBaubeauftragter beim HeichsverteidigungsKonsnissarBaubeauf tragter .im GauBeaubeauftragter Ruhr des GeneralBevollmachtigten BaaBaubevollm&cht igteBaubevollxnSchtigter des ReiehsrainistersSpeor la Bezirk der R&stungsinspektionVI.Baubriga&esee SS-BaiibrigadeBaudispositionBaufacharbeiterBauherrBauleitungBauplanung and BaaeinsatzBaustab Speersee also Transport (NSKK-Baustab Speer)BaustelleBaustellen TruppffihrerBaustellenbtreuungBaustelleribewertungBautagebuchBautruppssee also PestungsbautruppsBautrupps (Army)Bauwesen der LuftwaffbBeamteBeauftragter der NSDAPBeauftragter der 0Tsee also 0T-Beauftragter-Beauftragter der 0T be i dieRtts tungskoBnciissionBeauftragter der 0T be i dieRttstungsunterkoramlssionBeauftragter der 0T beim General derPioniere und PestungenBeauftragter der 0T beim General-IngenieurBeauftragter der 0T beim General-Ingenieur des Oberbefehlshaber StldostBeauftragter der 0T boim Kniglichenungarischen Honved-Ministerium,Budapest

    - 3

    88, 104168


    4 4 , 45, 48, 75, 78, 86, 92,117, 118, 181


    28, 84, 94-9562 21 , 36, 91, U520, 36442044

    40 165-16662 , 634 0 , 125, 1289 , 26, 30-31, 38, 88, 103,104, 132.34, 351 1 , 78, 118, 1209, 18, 31-32 , 38, 1175613257 56 Qp 13, 93, l l Z i l l B , 119,' 12994121, 142, 143102, 1031091099 2 , 108

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    B (contd)Beauftragter des GSA ftlr Italien:SondertreuW*nder der Arbeit flir die OTBeauftragter des Reichs Arbeits Ministers

    fftr soziale Versicherung "bei der OTBelgians in the OTsee FlemingsWalloonsBenefitsBereitschaft (Bewachte)Bereitsschaft (SK)see SK-Bereitschaf tBereitschaft (Worker unit)BereitschaftsftttirerBe rgnannkompanieBe rgungs regimentBetreuung (for Foreign Workers)see Workers, Foreiga (Welfare)Betreuung (for Germans)see GefolgschaftsbetreuungBe t reuungs ftSh re rBetriebsabteilung (Marine)Betriebsdienststelle fLufttraffe)Betriebsdienststelle (Marine)BetriebsfohrerBetriebskrankenkasseBe t r ieb sobzaannsee D.AF - BetriebsobmannBevollmSchtigter fftr dieMaschinenproduktionBewachte BereitschaftBezirksbauleitungBe z ir ks t ar if ordnungsee Tarifordnung (Bezirk)Billetssee LagerBinnenflotteBlack Market

    BlinkerBlueprintssee Plans and blueprintsBonusBook-Keepingsee Records and reportsBookssee LibrariesBQRMANN Martin, ParteikanzleiterBridge buildingsee also BrttskeribauleitungBrigade (Front-OT)see Fronfc-OTBrigade (NSKK-OT)British Radio PropagandaBrflckenbauleit ungBrdckenbauleitung ErtlBuilding industrysee Construction industriesWirtschaftsgruppe BauindustrieBuilding Restrictions ActBuilding suppliesBulgaria


    142, 153126, 128H 9 , 126, 128, 133126-127, 1281212

    127, 132, 1339799-1004 3 , 12516276A-7712693

    11 , 8388, 1038796, 98, 143

    10747, 130


    373 , 35, 37, 43, 76A-77, 9697, 98, 134.3 , 48, 101

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    B ( c o n t ' d )Bu lgar ian s i n the OTBunker construct ion

    see P i l l - b o x and bunker con stru ct ionBunkerbau WestBureau des Mutations

    C a i s s e d ' A l l o c a t i o n s f a m i l i a l e sCamp supervisorsee LagerfOhrerCampssee LagerCaptured equipmentCentre paysanCentre soc ia l franco-europeenCentre syndical iste de PropagandeChain of CommandChannel Defencessee Fort i f icat ions (Channel Defences)Channel IslandsChef Amt Bau-OTZs e e DQRSCH, XaverChef des Bauwesen der Lu ftwaffeChef des Marine BauwesensChef der Mil itarverwaltung, Hauptabtei lungArbeit Chef Kriegsmarine Wehrs e e WARZECHACHRISTIANSEN, Gdfc. der Lw,C i v i l i a n a u t h o r i t i e sC i v i l i a n c o n s t r u c t i o nC l e r i c a l s t a f f sCo l labo rat io n i s t agenc ies andc o l l a b o r a t i o n i s t s

    Clo th ingsee Equipment, PersonalComite d'E ntr 'aid e aux vo lo nt ai re s RNPde la Legion volQntaire francaise Waffen SSComite d'O rga nisa tion du Batiment e tTravaux publiquesCommissionaire regionalCommittee for Liberating the peoplesof RussiaCommunications (Signals)see Signals CommunicationsCommunists and PartisansConcentration CampsConscr ipt ionsee Recruitment methodsOT-Firms (Conscription and enrollment)Construct ion agencies

    LuftwaffeMarineSSRegionalReichsverteidigungskommissarCons tr u c t ion and P la nn in g Commitment Branch(see Bauplanung und Baueinsatz)

    78 , 179


    1401131131139, 2JL, 26 , 42 -^ 5,124-127177, 180

    94, 96, 11096109

    914 0 , 90, 107-108,17035, 36, 37, 49, 90, 101, 107, 115, 134, 167117, 120, 121, 125, 165, 1661 , 2, 59, 87, 101, 102, 103, 105, 108, 111, 113-114, 115, 120, 122> 123, 124, 126-127,132, 133, 136, 138, 140, 171. 175, 176, 177, 179, 38111359, 101, 111113179

    121, 122 128, 166, 180-181181

    36,94363* 9 312D-21, 22, 23, 24, 35, 35, 36

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    Co n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r i e sConst ruc t ion personne lContract, Example of asee also QT-Pirm (Contracts andCon t rac to r s )Contrac tors and cont rac tsControl commissionsConvict elementsCos t con t ro l(se Preisbi ldung)Co u n t e r - i n t e l l i g e n c esee a l so S ich e rhe i t s d iens tCo u r t - m a r t i a lCrimeaC roa ts in th e OTCzechs in th e OT

    3759, 62 , 63 , 101 , 116 , 044, 145* 167122-13163-68, 79-8040, 59, 60-74, 83, 8817050, 86, 126, 128, 166,180-18188, 90, 103, 104, 112* 132*134, 167, 174, 176*47, 9111878, 17776, 102, 121, 177, 180-181

    DDAPsee Deutsche A rbe i tsfro ntDAF-Auslandsorgariis at io nDAF~BeitragsnachweiskarteDAF-3et r iebsobmannDAF-Binsa t zbe t r i e b sobmannDAF-GauobmannDAP-GruppenbetriebsobaiannDAF-HauptbetriebsobmannBAP-Kr i sobmannDAF-Mi tg lia d sb u chDAP-OBL Bet r ie b sobmannQA F-Zentralab tilun gDAP-Zentral inspektionDAP-Zent ra l s t abDanes in the 0TDARNAND, JofiephDAUBS, WalterDecorations and awardsDeductionsDenmarkDepar tment (French)Depotssee LagprDerubausee Deutsch-rumfinischa Bau G es ell sc ha ftDese r t ionsDetached ServiceDeubausee Deutsche Bau AktienGaae l l schaf tDeutsch-Afrika Korps (DAK)Deutscha Arbeitsfront (DAP)Deutsch Bau A ktien G es ells ch aft(Deubau)Deutscho KrankenkasseDeutsche Zent ra lkasseDeutsches WohnungshilfswerkDeutsch-f ranzf is i scher Le is tungsvr t ragDeutsch-rum&nische Bau GesellschaftDlenst UniformDienstbi


    102102^5, 103, 125, 131102102102132102102102, 103102102-10310278, 1335 177113, 17460140-1A1156, 157, 161-16247, 59175

    13 , 16, 88, 91, 103, 10k,134, 17818, 96, 98, 112, 138

    117, 40, 55, 101-103,111-112, 116, 117, 131, 132,1397457 , 85.1623748, 101, 11113741, QS9 102, 116, 117,U9# 125, 137, 138, 139,140, 1^9

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    D (cont'd)D i e n s t s t e l l e n l e i t e rDienstverpf l ichteteDiens tree rpf l i c h t ungssc he inDirection de la Main d'Oeuvre encadreeDischarges

    Diszipl inar s t e l le see Rechts-und DisziplinarstelleDispensariesD3TTMSR, Lt.d.SchupoDONETZ, Gros-AdmiralDon RiverDonetz BasinDQRSCH, Xaver, MinisterialdirektorDraught animalsDumpssee LagerDurchgangs t rasse Dutch in the OT

    EEconomic agencies co-operating withOTEfficiency groupsEichkanpEinheitsee OT-FirmEinheitsftthrerE in hei t smannscha f tsftthr er(see MannschaftsfUhrer")Einh eit sprinzipEinsatzEinsatz (equivalent to Rttstungsinspektionboundaries)E ins atz , Mob H erEinsatz, Station&rerEinsatz-Bataillon (Vplkssturm)Einsatz- Rhein-MainEinsatz RuhrgebietEinsatz SeefalkeEinsatzarbeiterEirsatzbetriebsobmannsee DAP-Eins at zbe t r ieb sobmannEinsatzdienste l leEinsatzgeldEinsatzgruppesee also Einsatzgruppe DeutschlandEinsatzgruppe Deutsohland I-VHIEinsatzgruppe ItalienEinsatzgruppe Ruhrsee Einsatz RuhrgebietEinsatzgruppe RusSland-SddEinsatzgruppe WestEinsatzgruppe WikingEinsatzgruppenleiterEinsatzkQste WestE i n s a t z l e i t e r

    40141, 167, 169168175138, 140, 163, 169-17050 , 79-80, 84, 86-89, 91-92 , 93, 98, 104, 112,123 , 125, 126, 127, 128,131, 134, 136, 136, 172.858996, 9744473 , 9, 25, 33, 94, 97, 99.774878 , 133, 177

    100-101, 110-111155873 , 30, 32, 55, 93, H7,

    120, 120, 122, 124-125493, 9, 26, 28-29, 118, 13417, 36-37,"WT91, 102,107, 109, 134.4 , 8, 50-51, 92-93, 1171184,8,49-50,93,118-11910810911, 44. 48, 16663121, 138291573 ,9 ,26-28,35,51,85,87, 92,94,118,129,134,16917,35-36,102,109,13422, 408727-28,35,49,81,91,92,101, 118,119,165,179-18022, 40, 8735-36,37,40,91,109836-37, 40, 91

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    E ^cont'd)

    E i s eribahnb aup ionie r eEisenbahnpionierstabEisenlagerBnergency detachmentssee Mobile emergency detachmentsEnglish in the OTEnlistment procedure (for foreign workers)Enlistment procedure (for Germans)Entertainmentsee Kraft durch FreudeEntfernungszulageEntlassungsb eih i If eEntlas sungslagerEn tvre slings t ruppsEquipmentEquipment, PersonalEquipment repairsee Repair (Equipment)Erfassung der Best&ndeErfassungslagersee HaupterfassungslagerErkennungsmarkeErsatzabteilung (legion SPEER)Ersatzabteilung (SK)Ersatzregiment (Legion 3PEER)Ersatztei l lagerErsatz-und AusbildungsheerErschwerniszulageEr z ie hungsla ge rEsthonians in the OTEstimating

    PacharbeiterFALKENHAUSEN, von, Osn.FamilienausgleichskasseFamilieribeihilfeFascio govt.Federation des Ouvriers travaillant enAllemagneFederftthrendes UnternehmenFirmenangehftrigeFeldbahnbatl.FeldgendarmerieFeldkomraandantur(see also Military administration)Feldluf t gaukommandoFeldpostFSPFestungsbaupionierstab

    see FestungspionierstabFestungsbautruppsFes tungspionie reFestungspionierstabField Post

    see Army Post OfficeField security

    145076A177174-180168-1691611631386 2 , 6 3 , 76A-77, 91 , 93 ,96, 9 7 - 9 9 , H 9 , 129137-140 , 169

    574 1 , 125, 169793779 76A4 9 , 106, 1081 5 7 , 1609 1 , 1367 8 , 1795 1 - 5 2 , 134

    112, 1539 1152162 17811361120, 121-122, 141,144- , 165, 167, 169 .11888-8914 , 88, 91 , 104, 172,175 , 176, 1779384100 136, 14, 46, 116, 165, 16633, 42, 43, 46, 50, 91,92, 96, 130,166'


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    F (contfd)FinlandPinnen Binsatzsee OT-Firm (Allocation)Pinnen Stammannschaftsee under OT-FirmPirmenangehBrigeFirmenangestelltesee FirmenangehflrigeFi rmenangestelItentarifFinossee OT-FirmsFirst aid treatmentFlak

    see Anti-aircraftFlemings in the OTFliegerschadensofortmassnahmenFlughafenbezirkFlughafenkommandanturForced laboursee Bewachte BereitschaftConvict elementsZugewiesene AuslttnderZwangs arbe i te r

    Foreign Manpowersee Manpower, ForeignForeign Workerssee Workers, ForeignFortif ica tion s (Atlantic Wall)Fortifications (Channel Defences)Fortifications (Denmark)see Fortifications (Norway and Denmark)Fortifications (Norway and Denmark)Fortifications (Russia)Fo rt if icat io ns (West Wall)FRHNK, Dr. (SS Abwehrbeauftragter)Franco-German Armistice CommissionFreiangestellteFrench building industryFrench in the OTFrench PoliceFrench (Vichy) Govt#see under Collaborationist agenciesand collaborationistsPRICK, ReichsministerFriedensgebtthrnisseFriesackFRITZ TODT PreisPront-OTPront-OT firmsFront-OT payFront social du TravailFrontarbeiter

    ProntbezttgeFronteinsatzFrontfahrer and Frontftthrung

    Frontftthrer and Frontftthrung (for fo re ig iworkers)Pro n tftthrerschuleFrontftthrung j5ersonnel

    120, 121-122, 141, 144-153,165, 167, 169157-1588578, 133, 177199393 , 94

    4 2 , 46-47 , 51, 92, 18147, 924 7 , 181475 , 6-7, 45-46 , 5 1 , 771.12179 , 17116959, 170-17178 , 82, 132, 165-166, 170-171 , 172, 173, 17788, 175, 176

    10715787140-1414 , 19, 21-22 , 34 , 119,129-130, 16834142-1631132 1 , 4 1 , 116-117, H 9 , 121,125, 131, 137, 138, 140,

    :U*5, 147 , 151, 159 , 1601422 2 , 76 A, 84, 1667 , 30, 3 1 , 32 , 3 9, 4 1 , 7687 , 102-103 , 104, 117,123, 124, 125, 127,3 1 - 1 3 4 , 135, 136, 168126, 132, 136132, 134, 136

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    P (contd)Front zulagFtthrerFtthrerschuleFuel (Transportation)see Transport (Petrol)FUNK, ReichsministerFunkerFurlough'see Leave

    GAPsee LuftwaffeGau (Party)Gauarbe i t saintG a u l e i t e rsee also Reichsverte' idigungskommissarGauobmannsee DAF-GauobmannG&uwohnungskonsnissarGBA (Genera l B ev ollm Sc hti gte r fttrd e r A r b e i t s e i n s a t z ) s e e SAUCKEL, F r i t zGBAF (Gen eral B ev oll m llch tig ter ftir derA rb e i t s e in sa tz in F ra n k re i ch ) see RITTER, Dr.GBAF organizationGeb ie t sin ge nie urGefo lgschaf tsbetreuungG e f o l g s c h a f t s m i t g l i e d Gefo lg scha f t s s t e l l eGehal t sg ruppe nGeheime Fe ldpol ize iGeheime Feldpolizei GruppeGemeente Arbeids BureauGemeinde verbaltung des ReichsgauesGemeinsc ha fts la ge rGeneral Bauinspekteur der ReichshauptstadtGeneral-BevollmAchtigter Bausee also DORSCH, XaverGeneral-Bevol lmUchtigter f t tr denArbei t se insatz (SEA)se e SAUCKEL, F r i t zGene.ral-Bevol]machtigter f t tr die Regelungder Bauwirtschaf tGeneral-BevoHjnflchtigter fttr dieReichsverwal tungGeneral - Bevol lmacht igter f t tr d ieW ir t sch a f tGeneral der Luftwaffe Bautrupps beam

    Chef de s BV Bauw esensGeneral der Pioniere und Festungense e JACOB, A lfr ed , Gen-der P io n ie reG en era l - In g en ieu r

    317, 3A2,157, 159, 161137, 1421 3 5 , 1366 0 , 10787

    36, 37, 90, 91, 102, 1018 , 34, 168, 17420, 36, 107-108, 168


    175, 17613 , 109102, 125, 131-132, 133162133246-148, 149-152157-1582, 113113U 411213111, 7820, 33

    7, 2011244110


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    G (oon t d)

    Generalinspekteur fur die OT bei aerZentralinspektion ft!Lr die Betreuung derau sli nd isc he n A rbeitsk rftfte der DAPGeneral Inspector fdr das deutscheStrassenwesensee also TC0DT, PritzGeneral Inspektor far Sonderaufgaben desV i er j a h res p l a n esGeneral Inspektor fur Wasser und EnergieGeneralluftzeugmeis terGer&t InventarGerate KarteiGeratelagerGeratemeldungGer&teraietvertragGerman Manpowersee Manpower, GermanGerman Supreme Commands e e Oberkozunando der WehrmachtGerman wofrkerssee Workers, GermanGestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei) GOEEONG, ReiohsmarschalGotenhafenGreeks i n the OTGroupement de Travailleurs encadresGroupement de Travailleurs etrangersGruppe (NSKK-OT)Gruppenbeauftragter des ArbeitsstabesBauwirtsohftftGruppenbeauftragter des SondertreuhSnders

    der Arbeit fftr die OTGrupperibetriebsobmannsee DAP-GrupperibetriebsobmannGuernsey (Island)H

    HafenamtHague ConventionHauptab te il u n gHauptabtei lung Ar bei t , M i l itarverwaltungParis Hauptamt TechnifcHauptausschuss BauHauptbaulei ter HaupterfassungslagerIiauptkolozine -(N3KK-OT)HauptreferatHauptringeHaupt unte rne hne rse e OT Firm (Co ntra cts and Co ntra ctor s)Hauptv.e rk eb rs di en s tHaus cter garneradschaf tHeadquarters (on various le v e ls )see under OTHea l thsee San i tary condi t ionsHeeresgruppe A

    - 1 1

    102 , 1115 -6 , 8 , 9, 10 , 25, 54111,116, 117, 165771095757 76A576 2 , 63

    7, 10, 11, 60, 93, 94, 96, 107 , 173, 17499118 , 377, 178, 18011377111168


    31171391741 , 7 .^, 5230135 , 136, 137, 168, 169,7 7 , 81403315135

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    H (cont fd )

    Heeresgruppe WestHeimatbeztlgeHeimatseinsatzHENRIOT, M in is t reHESS, RudolphHi^i Command (OT)Hi l f sarbe i t erHilfslagsrfUhrerH i l f s p o i l e rH i l f s w i l l i g eHIMMLER, HeinriohHinterbliebeneribezttgeHITIERHitler Jugend (HJ)Hit lergrussHJ (Hitler Jugend)see Hitler JugendHfthere Pionier Kbamandeur, 7 ArmeeH&here SS und PolizeifBhrerHBhere VerbindungsingenieureHOTZEL, OberregierungsratHoheitsabzeichenHomosexualsHospitalsHundertschaft (SK)see 3&-fiundertschaftHundertsGhaft (Workers unit)Hungarian Engineer BattalionsHungarians in the OTHungaryHydro-electrical power

    JIdent i f icat ion Disc

    (see Erkennungsmarke)Indo-Chinese in the OTIndoctrination(see Nazi ideo log y)Induction Centresee HaupterfassungslagerInduction processingsee Enlistment procedureIns igniassee Uniforms and Insigni&sInspekteur de MarinebauwesensInspektuer ftlr die OT b e i derZentralinspektion fttr die Betreuungder ausl&ndischen Arbeitskr&fte der DAFInsuranceInsurance, Medicalsee InsuranceInventoryIt a li a n s in the OTI t a l y

    42, 92, 12914222, 16817410725-26, 32-35, 96-97118124, 126-127, 130, 137120, 124, 125, 126-122133152, 18023-24> 76, 105* 106,107, 112, 1791623 , 6, 7, 9 10, 20, a , 22, 25, 2 6 ,4 2 , 45 , 78 , 84 ,129, 140, 17537, 106, 115, 167138

    108, 10997, 10017313917885119, 128-129, i33118, 164167, 179, 180, 18137, 18


    97, 100102, 111161-16241 , 56133, 175, 177-17845 , 59, 60, 78, 83

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    JACOB, Alfred (Gen. d. Pioniere)Jade RiverJersey (island)Jews in the OTJOST, NSKK-Gruppenftthrer


    Kameradschaftsee Haus der KameradschaftSK-KanradschaftKasseKatastropheneinsatzKEITEL, Genfldm,Kennzi f fern (Administrat ive sub-sect ion)K i e lKievIfOHL, KriminalratKolonne (WSKK-OT)Kolonne (Worker unit)Kolonnenfflhre rKomitee fttr sozialenPriedenKJomitee und LigaKompanie (Pront-OT)see Pront-OTKoxapanie (Legion SPEER)Kra-WestK raft durch Preude (Kdp)Kraftfaiirwesen (Ad ministrative se ct io n)Kr a f twagenhaup t ko lon ne Kraftwagenl6itung WestKraftwagens taffel Krankenkassenverband OTKreis (Party) Kreisobmannsee DAP-KreisolanannKRETSGHMANNK ri eg s g eb i e tKriegsmarinesee l larineKriegsverwendungsffthigKripo (Kt*iminalpolizei)KftstehbefehlshaberKultur, Presse und Prooaganciasee a lso Library

    42, 92 97 2916 , 76* H 9 128, 130, 153, 167, 180-18178

    4 11310777997911277, 81119, 1281281761768177, 1064 139, 418 177, 10681, 82 85, 153, 161, 162102

    no9216629939 , 40* 42

    UHCLASS- 1 3

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


    Laboidfe Foreignsee workers, ForeignLabour allocationsee Manpower allocationLabour controlsee Arbeitseinsatz und Sozia lpol i t ikRecruitment methodsSAUCKEL, F r i t zSCHMELTER, Dr.Labour recruitmentsee Recruitment methodsLabour unionsLagerAnhaltlager

    Auarustungs lagerEisenlagerEntlassungslagerErsatzteil lagerErziehungslagerGer#te lagerHaupterfassungslagerLehrlagerNachs chub lager0 T-Re ichslehrlagerPersonallagerSarameilagerSchu lu ngs la gerStammlagerVerpflegungslagerWehrmachtlagerLagerbe treuungLagerfuiirer

    LagerschuleLagerwesenLagerwesen (schule)LAMMERS., ReichskanzleileiterLastkraftwagen StaffelLatvians in the OTLAVALS PierreLazaretsee HospitalsLeaveLegal codesee DisciplineLegion SPESRLegionifr (Legion SPEER)Legion^r (OT)LehrlagerLeistungslohnLeistungsvertragLeistungszulageLeistungszusammenstellungLeitungLetts in the OTsee Latvians

    1018876A, 13776A13876A9 1 , 136135, 136, 137, 168, 169, 17287, 136, 13776A87, 13630, 86, 123, 124, 127, 130-131,

    132, 166,17591 , 13616976A14013231 , 56, 76, 120, 121, 124, 126,

    127, 130, 1371371361361077778 , 179174


    11, 78-80, 81, 82, 83, 10679-80, 82-83.21, 119, 121, 145, 15187, 136 , -137157, 15962 , 63-74, 161157, 160,. 16157

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    Lia isonWehrmacht - OTArmy - OTAir Force - OTNavy - OTSS, SA and SD - OTDAP and NSDAP - OTNSKK - OTRAD - OTHJ - OTTeno - OTReichsverteidigungs koramissarVolkssturmEconomic Agencies - OTLiaison (L is t of OT li ai so n agencies)Lib rar ie saee also Kultur, Presse und PropagandaLiga ftir Sozi al e Ordnung undGerecht igke i tLinienchefLith ua nia ns in the OTLKW - S ta f f e lLohnausfal l

    Loh nempfngerLohngruppeLohnnebenkostenLohnsteuerL or r i e ssee Transport (Motor Vehicles)Luf tgau in t e nda n-barLuf tgaukommandoLuftgaukommando/Verwaltung/BauLuftwaffeLuftwaffe BaubatlLuftwaffe Bau-ErsatzbatlLuftwaffe BautruppsLuftwaffe BauwesenLuftwaffe Betr iebsdienstel leLuftwaffe Construction agenciesLuftwaffe Construction personnel andequipmentLuftwaffe PeldbauamtLuftwaffe Signals Communications

    M.Mail service3ee Army Post OfficeMannschaftsftfhrerManpower

    Manpower (Foreign)Manpower (Foreign; policyManpower (German)Manpower (foreign workers) ClassificationManpower (German) classificationManpower allocation

    - 1 5

    90-91, 108-109, 13491-93, 108-109, 130, 13493-96, 109-110, 13496-100, 110, 134100, 1O>1O53 112-113, 134101-103, 111-112106, 114-115106106, 115107107-108, 115, 134108100-101, 110-111108-11541, 1251763078, 17977 1 5 7 , 160, 161142151157, 161163939393, 94-9635, 36, 42, 43, 60, 93-96,106, 109-110, 134, 1359696110949636, 9^969615, 43, 93, 94, 95-9695

    }2 , 55, 56, 124, 125, 126,127, 1333, 16, 49, 56, 75, 90, 91,106, 107-108, 117, 118,119, 129-130, 134, 1 ^3, 16, 43, 86, 118-119, 122,129-130, 165-166, 170-181171-1733, 17, 85-86, 116, 118, 119,123-124, 129-130, 165-170174-175166-16817 , 76, 78-79, 94

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    (contd.)Manpower controlsee Arbeitseinsatz und SozialpolitikRecruitment methods

    SAUCKEL, F r i t zSCHMELTER, Dr.Manpower raidssee RaaziaManpower recruitmentsee Recruitment methodsMarineMar i n e - Bauam tMarine-Baudienstellen

    see Marine Construction agenciesMarine-BauleitungMarine-Bauv/esenMar ine~Be t r ieb sab te i lu ngMarine-Betr iebsdienststelLsMarine Construction agenciesMarine Construction personnel andequipmentMarine OberbauamtMarschanzug

    Material estimatingsee EstimatingMater ia lssee Building suppliesMedical Insurancesee InsuranceMedical servicesMedical standardssee Phy sica l stand ardsMedical unitsee Sanit&tseinheitMEINCKB, 0berr6gierungsratMethods of Operationsee Standard Operating ProcedureEinsatz, MobileEinsatz, Station&rerMilit^rbefehlshaber Prankreich GkruppeVerkehrsee under TransportMilioesee French Police

    Militttrbefbishaber Prankreich/QruppeVerkehrMilitaTverwaItung P ar is , HauptabteilungArbeitMili tary administrat ionsee alsoPeldkommandantur RastungsinspektionMil i ta ry d isc ip l inesee DisciplineMilitary engagementsMil i ta ry l ia isonsee under LiaisonMili tary Policesee FeldgendarmerieMi l i t a ry secur i tysee SecurityMi l i t a ry t r a in ingsee Training, MilitaryMinderleistungM inde s tbauprogramMine exploitation

    96-100, 106, 11036, 42,13443, 96, 999696, 9797, 99-10099-10036, 96-10097-9999138

    35-36, 99


    83174 93-10091-92,172, 17586, 89, 118

    15713, 484 4 , 47

    - 1 b

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


    M . ( c o n t d . )Mi n i n g e x p o r t sM i n i s t e r i a l r a t f f l rMi n i s t r y o f E c o n o mM iss ion o f th e OTM i t t e l l o h n

    d i eic s

    R e i c h s v e r t e i d i g u n g

    M i t t l e r e I n s t a n z ( M a rin e )Mobi le emergency detachmentss e e a l s o B a u t r u p p sMobi le method of Operations e e E i n s a t z , M o b i l erM o b i l e r E i n s a t zt ls e e E i n s a t z , M o b i le rMOHNE Dam

    MOKse e Oberb efehl shaber Mar ineober -KommandoMora leMo r a le a n d W e l f a r e O f f i c e rs e e B e t r e u u n g s f f l h r e rM oroccans in th e OTM o t o r V e h i c l e ssee under TransportM o t o r t r a n s p o r t b r i g a d es e e u n d e r T r a n s p o r tM o t o r t r a n s p o r t s t a n d a r t es e e u n d e r T r a n s p o r tM u n i c i p a l C o n s t r u c t i o n a g e n c i e s

    N .NachrichtenftfhrerNachr ic h te nftfhrerinNac hrichten he If er inne nNachrichtenkameradschaftN ac hric h tenmAde 1see Per sonn el (Na chrichtenh elf erinnen )Nachr ic h te nwe senNachschub (Administrative Section)NachsohublagerNachschubtruppsNachunternehjnersee OT-Firm Sub-contracts and Subc o n t r a c t o r sNAGEL, W i l l iNationaal Arbeida FrontN a t i o n a a l - S o c i a l i s t i s c h e B e w e e g i n gN a t i o n a l s o z i a l i s t i s c h e d e u t s c h eArbeiterpartei (NSDAP)N a t i o n a l s o z i a l i s t i s c h e V o l k s w o h l f a h r t(NSV)Nat iona l sozdAl i s t i s cher Bund deut scherTechnikN a t i o n a l s o z i a l i s t i s c h e s K r a f t f a h r k o r p ssee NSKKNavysee MarineNaz i eng ineer ing and t echnica l exper t sNaz i ideo logyNazi Partys ee N a t i o n a l s o z i a l i s t i s c h e d eu ts ch eArbeiterpartei (NSDAP)


    1 3 - 1 4 , 18-19 , 129 -130

    8, 13, 16, 54, 75-76, 102, 103,106, 123, 127, 166, 167180

    22, 23, 99

    848484, 120, 122, 138, 1668739, 41, 8 439, 41, 76A, 77614

    78, 80114114101-103, 111, 138, 16737

    136, 1674 1 87, 101, 104, 112, 125, 131,136

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    N (contcL,N00 cadres e e P e r s o n n e l ( S u p e r v i s o r y P e r s o n n e l )N e b e n s t e l l e ( A r b e i t s a m t ) 169, 172N e d e r l a n d s c h A r b e i d s d i e n s t 114Nederlandach Verbond van Va k v e r e e n i g i n g e n 177N o r d i c s in the OT 117, 129Norway 4 5 , 47 , 59, 78 , 8 3, 117,118, 119, 180Norwegians in th e OT 78, 177NSEtAPsee Nationa lsozial ist ische Arbei terpar teiNSKK-Baustab SP3ER 11, 78, 106NSKK-Freiwillige 85NSKK-Gruppe SPSSR 80 , 106NSKK-Gruppa TODT 80 , 82, 106NSKK-Motorgruppe Luftwaffe 8 3 , 106NSKK-Motortransportbrigad 3PEER 78NSKK-Motortransportstandarte SEBER 11 , 78, 106 NSKK-OTsee under TransportNSKK-OT l ia i son 90, 106, 114-115NSKK-OT transport units 14, 77-78, 8O-83NSKK-Staffelfflhrer 77NSKK-Transportbrigade Heer 83NSKK-Transportbrigade Luft 8 3 , 106N3KK-Transportbriga.de SPEER 4 , 78, 106NSKK-Transportbrigade TODT 4 , 7 7 - 7 8 , 82, 106, 118N3KK-Transportgruppe 3PKER 6NSKK-Transportgruppe DODT 80-83,-106NSKK-Transportkorps SPEER

    aee Transportkorps SPSSRNSICK-Transportstandarte SEBSRsee NSKK-Motortranspartstandarte SPJSERNSKK-Transportstandarte TODT 77 , 106NSKK-Verb indungsfi3hrer 81, 114, 115NSKK-Verbindungaftlhrer des Eransportstaffels 115NSKK-Verbindungsfflhrer zur OKL 1140,

    Oath of a l l e g i a n c e 3, 78O b e r a b s c h n i t t 30 Ob erba uf t lh re r 55O b e r b a u l e i t e r 30 , kQ, 84, 124, 13 1, 133O b e r b a u l e i t u n g 4 , 9, 2 9 - 3 0 , 37, 43, 4 9 - 5 1 ,53 , 56, 81, 83, 84, 85, 36,91 , 92, 93, 94, 1 0 2 - 1 0 3 , 104,109, 111, 112, 114, 118,11^-120 , 121, 123, 124, 125,131 , 132, 133, 134, 136, 137 ,168, 172O berb aule i t un gs be t r ieb s obcia nnsee EiAF-OBL BetriebsobmannOberbeftehlshaber Marinegruppen Kommandos 97Oberbefeh lshaber Marineober-Koramando (MOK) 97, 9J8Oberkommando der Marine 100Oberkominando der Wehrraa.cht 26, 4 2 , 49Oberkommando des He e r e s 92O b e r p o l i e r 123, 125, 128

    O b e r s c h a c h t m e i s t e r 1 2 3 3 1 2 5O c c u p a t i o n a l c l a s s r f i c a t i o n 151-152O c c u p a t i o n a l t r a i n i n gs e e T r a i n i n g , O c c u p a t i o n a l

    - 1 8

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    0 . ( c o n t d . )O f f i c e n a t i o n a l du T r a v a i lO i l p i p e l i n e sOKHsee Oberkommando des HeeresOKM

    see Oberkommando der M a r i n eOKWsee Oberkommando d e r WehrmachtOperational efficiencyOperational methodssee Standard Operating ProcedureEinsatz, MobilerEinsatz, Station&rerOrdnungskoramando (SK)see SK-OrdnungskommandoOrganisation TODTsee OTOrganisation territoriale (province) du K N POrtskommandanturOrtskrankenkasseOstarbeiter in the OT0 s tbauver tragOstmontagevertragOstwallsee Fo rt if icat ions (Russia)OT Activ iti es (l is te d by Country)"Current11 and permanent" types of OTorganizationDifferences in regional organizationDivision of Germany in to OT areasEdicts, decrees and orders concerningthe OT

    Evacuation from PranceFront-OTFront-OT payHigh CommandH.Q functions on various levelsH.Q. structure on various levelsMission of the OTMoraleOrigin of the OTOT as militiaOT's place in the "New Order inEurope""Permanent11 and "current" types of OTOrganizationPersonnel problems and policyPlans to meet Allied landing in PranceResponsibility for air raid damagerepair within GermanyStatus of the OTTasksOT Battalionsee OT (Pront-OT)OT-Beauf tragtersee also 3eauftragter der OT


    11448, 101

    113130162145, 155, 156, 162, 1806363

    42-492526-28, 29179-10 , 19, 20, 21, 22-24 , 26,

    33, 36, 94, 96, 101, 129,16215-164, 19, 21-22 , 34, 119, 129-130,168142-16425-26 , 32-35, 96-9740-4238-425, 928, 13, 16, 54, 75-76 , 102,103, 106, 123 , 127, 166,16763, 5, 119, 1671, 76, 122, 126, 1272575 -76 , 122, 124, 131, 132-13313-1525, 94, 1733, 5, 10, 22-24 , 25, i*4, 91, 92,119, 169, 172-17345 , 4 8 - 4 9 , 92, 117

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    0 .OT-Beauftragter dea Generalingenieurs inSofiaOT-besonderes Vorhabensee SonderbauvorhabenOT br ass ard sOT Brigadesee OT Specia l BrigadesQT-elgenes PersonalOT-Einheitsee OT-FirmOT-Firms

    Allocation of-Arbe i t sgerae inschaf tAverage strength of an Cler ica l s taffsConscription and enrolment of Contractors and contractsEquipmentExecutive of an -PirmenangehorigeForeign OT-firmsFormation of Sondereins&tzeFront-OT firmsOperat ional d iff icul t iesOrganizationOT oontrol expressed through the OBLOT-f irms as members of Wirschaf tsgruppeBauindustrieOT-f irms a3 OT u n itsOT-f irms v s . non OT-f irmsPermanent firm s ta ff ssee StammannschaftPersonnel administrationRationalization of OT-firms in GermanyRegulation of RemunerationReports and recordsStammarbeiterStammannschaftSub-contractors and sub-contractsTechnical staff (see Stammannschaft)TransportW ithdram l from the OTOT-Kompanie3ee OT (Front-OT)OT-Krankenkassenverbandsee Krankenkassenverband OTOT-Legionitrsee Legion#r (OT)OT Liaison agenciessee under LiaisonOT-Nationalsozialistischer Ftfhrungsoff iz ie rOT Regimentssee OT (Front-OT)OT Re ichsleh rlagerOT Reichsschule Plassenburg


    138, 139,119-120, 121, 123,143-144, 166, 167

    4032, 61, 6256, 170-171117, 120, 121, 125, 16534, 53, 167, 168 .40, 59, 60-74,- 83, 8862, 63, 76A-77, 91, 93, H9,1293, 30, 32, 55, 93, 117, 120,122, 124-125, 130120, 121-122, 164, 167, 16959-6018 34 54, 1725^56 29-30, 31, 32, 53, 55, 118,12V-12853-54, 1013, 53, 54, 55, 60, 116, 117,119, 124, 130, 16834 55-56, 76, 103, 12IM27, 130,1331753-54, 118, 119, 171, 1728, 66, 70-7156-5754, %, 16832, 54, 121, 122, 123-126,167, 169-17054, 59-60, 61, 68-74, 88, 165,170-17159169-170

    10487, 1365, 112, 136

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    0 . ( c ont d . )00>-SoloLsee SoldOT S pe cia l Brigadese e a l s o OT (Front-OT)OT-Verbindungsfflhrersee also VerbindungsftfhrerOT-Verbindungsf

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    P. (contd.)ErschwerniszulagePacharbeiterFamilienausgleichskasseFamilienbeihilfePinaenangehttrigePirme na nge s te 11 te n tar i fFriedensgebtfhrnisseFrontarbeiterFrontbeztlgeFrontzulagePfthrerGef olgschaf tsmi tlgl iedGehalts^ruppenHeimatbeztfgeHilfswil l izeHinterbliebenenbeztfgeInsuranceJewsKrankenkassenverband OTLeaveLe i s tu ngs 1 ohnLeistungsvertragLeistungszulageLohnausfallLohnempfAngerLohngruppeLohnsteuerLohnnebenkostenMinderleistungM.ittellohnOccupational classificationOrtskrankenkasseOstarbeiterOT-eigenes Personal0!IV-LegionrOvertimePay (miscellaneous)

    Pay scales and regionalclassif icat ionsPolesPremiumsRanks and GradingsReichsaufsichtsamt fttr das KreditwesenReichstreuhander ftir den ArbeitseinsatzSammelkontoSaving (Compulsory)SchmelterSelbstkostenerstattungsvertragService regional des AssurancesSocialesSold (Einsatz)Sold (Prontarbeiter)SozialbetreuungStammarbeiterStundenlohnTariffs (miscellaneous)Tarif ordnung A, BTarif ordnung (Bezirk) ftlr den Leistungslohn ira BaugewerbeTarifordnung (Pront-OT)Tex i f ordnung (Reich) ftlr den Leistungslohn im Baugewerbe

    157, 160153152162141, 144-153157-158157I45, 147, 151, 159, 162I42 161117, 142, 152, 157, 159,142162146-148, 149-152, 157-15814215316257, 85, 153, 161-16215385, 153, 161, 162164157, 15962, 63-74, 161157, 160, 161157, 160, 161142151163157, 161157159151-152162145, 155, 156, 162141, 143-144145, 151155, 157, 15921, 22, 34, 75, 79, 96, 9117, 119, 167, 169, 178179, 181143, 148-150, 154-155162142, 16O, 161157163144145161, 16363, 14462, 63, 1A4162153117, 142, 143, 157, 158-1162141, 15162, 63, 142152-153143144142, 145, 151144. 145

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    P. (contd. )Technische AngestellteTransportspanier TrennungszulageVersorgungsverfahrenVorstandsmitgl iederWegegelderZuge-wieaene Ausl^nderZwa ngsa rb e i t e rPay and Identity Booksee DienstouchPay sca les and regiona l c la ss i f ic a t io nsPenal ColonyPermanent firm s ta ff s

    see Stajnmannschaf tPersonal (Administrat ive Sect ion)Personal equipmentsee Equipment, PersonalPersonal Kar te iPer s ona ll a gerPersonnelAbgeordneteAb te ilungsffihrerA dm in istr ativ e s ta ff (OBL and lower

    l e v e l s )Anges te l i t eArea Control st af fsArray officersAuslitadische ArbeiterBaufacharbei terBeamteBere i tschaf tsf#h rerBe t r ie b sf tthrerCle r i ca l s t a f f sConstruct ion personnelConvict elementsDefini t ion of M0 personnel"Detached service personnelDevelopments in the composition ofpersonnel E in he i tafffhrerE inheitsmannschaftsfuhrersee MarinschaftsftfhrerE insa tza rbe i t e r Facharbei ter F irrae na ngeh 6r ige Firmenangestel1tesee FirmenangehorigeF re i a nge s t e l I t e Front-OT personnelF ron t a rbe i t e rFrontf&hrung personnelFtthrerGefolgschaf tspi tgl iedH i l f s a r b e i t e r Hilfalagerftfhrer H i l f spo l i e r

    161141, 153145, 153, 162

    143, 143-150, 154-15547

    39, 42, 105

    5730, 86, 123, 124, 127, 130131, 132, 166121, 142127, 129116, 119-120, 121, 131-134142, 143, 145121, 134138121-122165-166121, 142, 143126-127, 1284 3 , 125117, 120, 121, 125, 165, 166122-13150, 86, 126, 128, 166, 130-18112118, 96, 98, 112, 138116-1203, 30, 32, 5% 93, 117, 120,122, 12V125121, 138117, 153120, 121-122, 141, 144-153,

    165, 167, 1691684 , 19, 22, 34, 119, 129-1^0,142, 145, 151, 16321, 41, 116-117, 119, 121,125, 131, 137, 138, 140,145, 147, 151, 159, 162132 , 134, 136137, 142162118124, 126-127, 130, 137% 9 120, 124, 125, 126^122,133

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    P. (contd.)H i l f s w i U i g e HomosexualsJewsKolonnenftfhrerIagerftfhrerLegionr (OT)Manns chaf tsf flhrerNachrichtenheIferinnenNSKK-OT personnelsee under TransportOberpolierOberschachimeisterOT-eigenes PersonalOT-Firm technical staffsee Stammanschaf tPo l i er Regiearbe it e rReorganization of supervisory f ie lds ta f f s SA-OT personnelSchach'tme i s terServices personnelSkil led personnelSS-OT personnelStammarbeiterStammannschaf tS tammper sonalsee StammanschaftSupervisory f ield personnelTechnische AngestellteTransport personnelsee under TransportVorarbeiterVorstandsmitgliedWehrmacht personnelWestwall ArbeiterWomenZugewiesene AuslfinderZwangsarbeiter

    Personnel administrationsee Frontfuhrer and FrontfuhrungOT-Firm (Personnel administration)Workers, Foreign (OT policy inregard to)Personnel problems and policyPetrolPhysical standardsP i l l - b o x and bunker constructionP i l l a uPlans and blueprints

    PlassenborgPoland- 2 4

    153, 18018016, 76, 119, 128, 130, 153,167, 180-1811283 1 , ^t 76, 120, 121, 122,,126, 12Z, 130, 1372 1 , 119, 121, 145, 15132, b% %, 124, 125, 126,1 2 7 ' 1 3 3 a rr

    84, 120, 122, 138, 166123, 125, 128123, 125119-120, 121, 123, 141,143-144, 166, 16755, ^, 120, 121, 123, 124,125-126, 127, 128, 135121124102^105, 132, 136, 166bb, tf, 123, 124, 125-126,12712118-19, 93, 107, 117, 119,120, 124-126, 129-130, 137,165-166, 167, 170, t7110V-105, 132, 136, 16754, 5^9 141, 151, 16832, 54, 121, 123-126,168, 169-17055, 76, 93, 104, 112, 120,121, 122-127. 137, 1661 4 2 , : : 5

    127, 128145166116122, 138, 141, 166, 173, 174,175141, 153119, 123, 128, 129, 138, 145,152, 162, 166, 178, 180-181

    75-76, 122, 124, 131, 132-13316, 18, 8386, 117, 124, 134, 166, 17551-52, 63, 69994 2 , 43, 965, 112117

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    Poles in the OTPolice, Frenchsee French PolicePolice, Military-

    see Pe34gendarmeriePolice Regiment TODT

    see SS Polizei Regiment TODTPolierPolitical crimesPolitical discrimationsee Arbeitseinsatz und SozialpolitikPolitical indoctrinationsee Nazi ideologyPolitical interneesPolitical policePolizei Regiment TODTsee SS-Polizei Regiment TODTPontset Chausse'es (Dept# in the Vichy

    76, 102, 119, 121, 162, 166,172, 175, 177, 180-181

    55, %9 120, 121, 123, 124,125-126. 127, 128, 135103, 104


    Govt. Ministere de Production et Transport)i11POPOVPostal servicesee Army Post OfficePrefet (Vichy Govt)Preisbildungsee Irice controlPremiumsPrice controlPriority programmesee also MindestbauprogramPrisoner of War labourPruf ungskommissi onPromotionsPropaganda Allied

    R.R a c i a l d i s cr i m i n a t i o ns ee A rb e i t s e i n s a t z und S o z i a l p o l i t i kRAD (Reichsarbe i t sd ienst )s e e R e i c h s a r b e i t s d i e n s tRahmenbauRahmenbauvertragRailway Engineer St af fsee BiseribahnpionierstabRai lways, FunicularRanks and t ra d i n g sRassemblement national populaire.Rat ionsRazzia (Manpower raid)Rechta und D i s z i p l i n a r s t e l l eReconstruction, Post-Wars ee "New Order"Records and ReportsRecruitment methodss ee a l s o P r i s o n er of War labourSAUCKSL, F r i t zSCHMELTER, Dr.

    - 2 5


    175, 176-177

    142, 160, 16140, 10135, ^6, 43, 90, 13451, 78, 86, 118, 177, 181174123, 13676

    63634840, 79, 85, 67 , 88 , 105 , 121 , 123 ,126, 136, 157113127, 13288, 89, 172, 17586, 88

    4 1 , 43, 56-57 , 84, 88, 99,103, 104, 12727, 75, 101, 118, 134, 167-180

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    R. (contcU)R e f e r a tR e g l e a r be i t e rRegiment (Front-OT)

    see Front-OTR e g i ona l c l a s s i f i c a t i onssee Pay sca le s and Regiona l c l as s i f i ca t i o n sRegiona l cons t ruc t ion agenc iesReichsarbei tsdienst (RAD)Re iohsa rbe i t smin ia t e rReichsarbe i taminis te r iumReichsaufsichtsamt fur das KreditwesenRe ich sa u tobahnenReichsbahnR eic hs be au ftra gt er ftfr den HolzbauReichsbehordeReichsgruppe I : Industr ieReichsinnungsverband dea BauhandwerksReichskommissarReichskommissar fOr Pre i sb i ldungRe ichs lehr l age rsee OTV-KeichslehrlagerR eic hs m inis teriu m ftlr Bewaff nung undMunitionsee also Reichsministerium fflr Rttstungund KriegsprodnktionSFSER, AlbertReichsministerium ftlr Rtlstung undKr ie gsp r oduk t ion

    see also SPSER, AlbertReichsministerium ftir Berwaffnung undMunitionReichspropagandalei tung technische undKunst ler ische Ausgestal tung vonGrosskundgebungenReichsschuiesee OT ReichsschuieReichs ta r i fordnungsee Tarifordnung (Reich)Reichstreuhi tnder f t t r den Arbei tseinsatzReichsver te id igungsausschuss

    Reichsverteidigungskommissarsee a lso Gaulei terRepair (Equipment)see QT-Firm (Equipment)Transpor t (Repairs and replacements)Replacement and Training Armysee Ersatz und AusbildungaheerReplacement pool Replacements (Equipmentsee OT-Firm (Equipment)Transpor t (Repairs and replacements)Replacements (Personnel)see Ersa tzReports and recordssee Records and repor tsRITTER, D r ., GBAFRoad bui ldingRohstoffamtROMMEL, Genfldm

    39, 40121

    20-21, 22, 23, 24, 35, 36,37, 94, 97, 1006, 46, 106, 108, 116, 118,165111173

    163& 36, 116, 16534360%., 60, 101, 1102791

    7, 9

    11, 20, 33, 40, 52, 90, 94,96, 101, 107, 170, 173


    21, 107, UO, 14433, 11520, 2 1 , 35, 36, 37, 40, 9 1 ,107-108, 110, 115


    172, 173, 174, 17547, 48,3342- 2 6

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    R. ( c o n t d . )R o t s p a n i e rRdstungsamtRt i s t u n g s i n s p e k t i o nRfi s tungskomm andoRn1 stungskoramissionRfls tungss tabRflstungsunterkommissionRumaniaRumanian Eng ineer B a t ta l i on sRum anians in th e OTRUNDSTEDT, Genf ldm vonRu s s i aR uss ian s in the OTR uth en ian s i n th e OT

    S.' S 1 i n d u s t r i e ss e e S p e r r b e t r i e b eSASA High CommandSA-OT personnelSabotageSAGER und WERNERSalvage and Repa i r In du st r ySammelkontoSammellagerSANDER, Dip1-IngS a n i t a t s e i n h e i t3 a n i t t s k r a f t wa g e nS a n i t S t s we s e nS a n i t a r y c o n d i t i o n sSankraSAUCKEL, F r i t zSAUGKEL-LAVAL agreementSaving (Compulsory)Schaoh tme is t erS c h a c h t r a e i s t e r l o h n l i s t eSoh lussrec hriu nge nSCHMELTER, Or

    see a l3O Sonder t reuhander der Arbe i tfu r d ie OTSCHMBTZER, Gen ltSCHNEIDER, Chef FrontftLhrungSchonl ie i t der Arbe i tSchoo l ssee T ra in in g Camps and Sch oolsSchu Jbunga la g e rSchupo (Schu tzpo l i ze i )Schu tzkomma ndoSchutzkommando SFEERSchu tzkanmandof tfhrungSchutzkorps (GBAP)Schutzkorps (Schutzkcmmando)

    17890, 10017 , 20, 36, 40, 90, 9137, 9133, 36, 37, 90, 91, 107, 1099036, 37, 91, 107, 1093, 48, 101113, 16517913, 42, 9227, U 47-48 , 49 , 50a 51,75, 83, 86, 92, 11876 , 78, 86, 102, 118, 119, 132,136-137, 166, 172, 175, 177,179, 180-181180

    2, 104-105, 112, 132,105104-105 132, 136, 167.41, 88, 103 104, 176517314517512, 44858539, 41, 8585-868510, 21, 22, 90, 91, 107,168, 170, 171, 172. 173,

    175, 176174161, 16355, ^t 123 124, 125-126,127579, 63, 91, 110, 144, 168, 169,

    171, 173


    91, 1368986-88, 89, 118, 120, 123, 128,136, 137, 1408886, 8717686, 87

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    S. (conSD (sich erhe itsdi enst )see SicherheitsdienstSD-Aus se nkomma ndoSD-KommandoSecretariat General a Main d'OeuvreSecuritySecurity Guardsee SchutzkommandoSenegalese in the OTSerbs in the OTSEYD, Grosskapit&nSeekommandantSelb s tkos teners ta ttungsver tragSelbstschutzService de Liaison et de Defense desEntrepreneurs franoaia aupres de 1'OTService regional des AssurancessocialesService social de Ohantiers de TravauxService Unitssee Units (Service)Service volo.ntaire de TravailleurswalionsServices of SupplyServices PersonnelSiamese in the OTSicherheitsdienst (SD)

    see also Counter-intelligenceSicherstellungS icherungsbereichskommissarSiegfried Linesee a ls o Fo rt if icat ions (West Wall)Signals Communicationssee also NachrichtenSK (Schutzkommando)see SchutzkommandoSK-AbteilungSK-Bereitschaf tSK-ErsatzabteilungSK-HundertschaftSK-Kameradschaf tSK-OrdnungskonanandoSK-ranksSK-SchuleSK-SonderkommandoSK-StreifendienstSK-StreifenkommandoSK-Wachab te ilungSK-Wachmannschaf tSK-ZugSkilled personnel

    Slave laboursee Bewachte BereitschaftConvict elementsZugewiesene AuslAiderZwangsarbeiterSlovakiaSlovaks in the OT

    11211217586-89,. 103, 104, 109, 112,118, 132, 16718078, 118, 177, 180839962, 63,1259, 111162132-133

    76A-781211802 , 89, 1O>1O5, 112-113, 175176170109384, 95, 98

    8787878787888713687888887888718-19, 93, 107, 117, 119, 120,12ip-126, 129-130, 137,165-166, 167, 170-171, 178

    48 , 10178, 179-28

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    3 . (contd . )Sold (Einsatz)Sold (Prontarbei ter )Soldgruppesee SoldSonderbauvorhabenSondereinsatzSonderkommando (SK)see SK-SonderkommandoSondertreuhitnder der A rb ei t ftlr di e OTSon dertre uh nde r de r OT beimGeneral Bevollinftchtigter des Arbeits e i n s a t z

    see SCHMELTSR, D r.SonderzeichnungenSozialbeauftragter and SozialbeauftragungSozialbetreuungSozia lpol i t ik und Arbei tse insa tzsee Arbei tse insa tz und Sozia lpol i t ikSp ani ards in the OTSpare par tssee OT-Firm (Equipment)Transport fRepairs and Replacements)Spec i f i ca t ionssee also Standardizat ionSPEER, Albertsee a lsoBaustab SPEERBergungsregiment SPSERLegion SPEERNSKK M ot ort ra nsp ort st an dar te SIEERNSKK Transportbrigade SPESRReich sm inisterium fttr Bewaff nungund MunitionReichsministerium ftlr Rttstung undKrie gs pr oduk ti o nSchutzkommando 3PESRTransportflotte SPEBRTransportkorps SESSRSPEER Ministry-see Reichsministerium fflr Rfistung undKriegsproduktionSPEER SchuleSPEER Stab fur die Ruhr

    Sper rbe t r i ebeSSSS-Abwehrbeauf t r a g te r fttr d ie gesamteOTSS-BaubrigadeSS Co nstruction agen ciesSS Lia ison Officersee also SS Verbindungsfu*hrerSS-Ober s turmfn1hrerSS-OT personnelSS-Polizei Regiment TODTSS RottenfflhrerSS Training School Plassenburgsee OT Reicha schule Plasse nbu rgSS-UnterscharfflhrerSS-Verbindungsfuhrer andVerb indungsf hrung

    153117, 142, 143, 157, 158-15994, 10318, 29110,

    43 , 51133132, 133, 162128, 150, 175, 178, 180-181

    51-52, 61, 62, 691, 3, 8, 10-11 , 17 , 21 ,22 ,25 ,33, 36, 37, 42, 49, 60, 78,80, 94, 107, 118, 141, 162,170

    8312, 44172, 1732, 34, 36, 49, 88, 100, 118,132, 134, 136, 176, 18111218136, 10041 0 4 132, 136, 1678910410439,41-42, 88-89, 103-105, 112,123, 134

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    S. (contcL)SS-Verb indungs s tabSS (WaffenSS) Foreign LegionsSS-Wirtschaf ta-und VerwaitungsHanptamtStaffe lS tamrnann schaf tStanaaarbeiterStanambaus te l i eStammlagerStand-Bataillone (Volkssturm)Standing Operating ProcedureBalkansEG WestGermany

    Russia3tandardizationStandarte (NSKK-OT)STAFF, Otto, GenS ta te le ss workers in the OTStatic method of Operationsee Einsatz, Station#rerStation&reinsatzsee Einsatz, Station&rerS t a t i s t i kStellungsbaubatl STOBHS-33BTHI^PSENS t o l l e n b a uS t r a b a gsee S t ra ssenbau Ak t i engese l l scha f t S t r a s s e n b a u Ak t i e n G e s e l l s c h a f t ( S t r a b a g ) S t r a s s enbauba 11Strecke KommandoS t r e i f e n d i e n s t StreifenkommandoS TflLENAGEL, v on, Gen.S tundenlohnS tunden ioh nv e r t r ag Sub-cont rac t , Example of a see a l s o OT~Finn Su b- co nt r ac ts and s u b - c o n t r a c t o r s ) S u b - c o n t r a c t o r s a nd s u b c o n t r a c t s Subterranean constructionSupervisory field personnelSupplysee Services of SupplySurete d' EtatSwastika brassardsee OT brassardsSwedes in the OT

    T .Tank type pi l l~boxTar i f f s (Misce l laneous^Tarifor&nung A,BTarifordnung (Besirk) f t f r der Leistungs-Xohn im BaugewerbeTarifordnung vPront-OT)Tar ifordnung (Eeich) ftr der Le is tungs lohnini 3augewerbe

    10417918177, 81, 8232, 54, 121, 123-126,168, 169-17054, 56, 141, 151, 168191691084442-44, 49-5232-3844, 50-51 , ^42, 49-50, 51-52, 61, 6377 9078, 82, 180

    43* 5511820, 4440

    8, 60, 93, 94, 1171,18^'3088889114262, 6368-7454. 59. 61. 68-74.170-17149, 9555, 76, 93, 104, 112, 120,

    121, 122-127, 137, 16c.11378

    51153-154143144142, 145, 151144, 145

    - 3 0

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    T. (oontd)Tasks of the QTTechnical datasee SpecificationsTechnical personnelseeArea Control st af fsSupervisory Pield personnelStamina nnschaf tTechnical research and inventionsTechnik (Administrative section)Technische AngestellteTechnische Nothilf eTechnisches AmtTenosee Technische Nothilf eTHOMAS, GolOHQMAS, Gen d. Inf.319 Inf. Div.Tiefbausee Subterranean constructionTiefbaubatl.TO/WE of Front-OT unitsTobrukstandTODT, F r i t z , Dr.

    Todt Organ iza t i onsee OTTrade GuildTraining, MilitaryTraining, OccupationalTraining Gamps and Schools

    ErziehungslagerFrontftfhrerschule"Haup te rf as sungslagerHaus der KameradschaftLagersohuleLehrlagerOOVRe ichslehr lager OT-ReichsschuleSchulungslagerSK-Schule

    TransportAb'schnitt (NSKK-OT)Abschnittsftthrung (NSKK-OT)Abschnittsfflhrung WestAbteilung (NSKK-OT)Army-OT transport liaisonBerlinBinnenflotteBrigade (NSKKjDisciplineDraught fltnimalsBins tellungsverftf^ingSrsatzabteilung (Legion SPEER)Srsatzregiment (Legion SPEER)General Staff (NSKK-OT)Gruppe (NSKK-OT)Hauptkolonne (NSKK-OT)JOST, NSKK-GruppenfMfhrerKievKolonne (N3KK-OT)

    , 2*8-49, 92, 117

    52, 136,30, 39, 40-41, 43, 92, 95,131, 134142, 147-14812, 89, 90, 107521759047118129-130511 3, JHS, 7, 10, 1 1 , 25,46, 45T 49, 78, 101, 116,136, 140-141123, 12612, 87, 104, 1j& 136, 13718, 79, 80, 83, 112, 126,132, 135-137. 16991, 136'126 , 132, 136135, 136135, 136, 13713513787, 136, 1378 7 , 1365 , 112, 13691, 13613680, 818 0 - 8 1 , 8281-8281-8211579 , 8311 , 83

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 111


    T. (contd.)Kompanie (Legion SPEER)Kra-WestKraftwagenhauptkolonneKraftwagenleitung WestKraf twagens taffelLastkraftwagen StaffelLegion SPEERLegionar (Legion SPEBR)LKW StaffelMilitrbefehlshaber Frankreich/GruppeVerkehrMotor VehiclesNAGEL, W i l l !NSKK-Baustab SPEBRNSKK-FreiwilligeNSKK-Gruppe SESERNSKK-Gruppe TODTNSKK-Motorgruppe LuftwaffeNSKK-Motortransportbrigade SPEERNSKK-Motortransportstandarte SEEERNSKK-OT co nv a le sc en t h o sp it a lNSKK-OT l i a i s o nNSKK-OT transport unitsNSKK-StaffelftihrerNSKK-Transportbrigade HeerNSKK-Transportbrigade Luf tNSKK-Transportbrigade SEEERNSKK-Transportbri^de TODTNSKK-Transportgruppe SEEERNSKK-Transportgruppe TODTNSKK-Transportstandarte SPEERsee NSKK-MotortransportstandarteSEEERNSKK-Eransportstandarte TODTNSKK-Verb incbungsftfhrerOriginal transport unitsOsloP a r i sPay-Personnel (Foreign)Personnel (German)Petro lRanksReorganizationRepairs and replacementsSEYD, Grosskapit&nSPEER, Alber tSPEER SchuleS t a f f e lStandarte (NSKK-OT)Training, OccupationalTransport contractTranspor t d i f f i cu l t i e sTransportflotte SEEERTransportgruppe TOUTsee NSKK-Transportgruppe TODTTransporthauptkolonneTransportkolonneTransportkorps SESERUniforms and insigniasU n its (NSKK-OT)Units in the WestWaterways ia&asportation

    cottffcract^ personnelTransport units

    8177, 1068177, 10681, 8211, 78-80, 81, 82, 83, 10679-80, 82-83778339, 41, 77, 81, 83-84, 9778, 8011, 78, 1068380, 10680, 82, 10683 , 1067811, 78, 1068590. 106, 114-11514, 77-78, 80-83778383, 1064, 78, 1064 , 77-78, 82, 106, 1181068O-83, 106

    77 , 10681, 114, 1157779797978, 80, 82-83, 150, 177, 17882-8316, 18, 837980848378, 808377, 81, 827779, 808383-8411, 83, 10681814 , 41, 80, 106, 13877, 7814, 77-78, 8O-838211, 83, 978183 , 177, 178

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    T. (contd.)Transport units in the WestTransp ortbrigade

    see under TransportTransportflotte SHEER 11, 83, 106Transportgruppe TODTsee NSKK-Transportgruppe TODTTransportthauptkolonne 81Transportkolonne 81Transportkorps SPEER 4, 41, 80, 106, 138Transportoffizier (Army) 14Transportspanier 150, 178Transportstandartesee under TransportTruckssee Transport (Motor Vehicles)Truppensonderdienst 96Trupps 129Tunnelling experts 178Turkomans in the QT 180Types of OperationseeEinsatz, MobilerEinsatz, StationtfrerU.

    U Meldumgen 57Ukrainians in the 0T 78, 180Unabkommlich 166, 167, 170Underground constructionsee Subterranean constructionUniforms and Insignias 77, 78, 98, 122, 128,, 163-164Union de Travailleurs manuels eti n t e l l e c t u a l s 114Unit designations 38-39United Europesee "New Order"Unit numbering 128, 129Units (NSKK-OT)see NSKK-OT Transport unitsUnits (Service units)Bergungsregiment SPEER. 12Nachrichtenhelferinnen 84, 120, 122, 138, 166Nachrichtenkameradschaft 87Nachschub trupps 14Sanit&'tseinheit 85SK-units 87-88SS-Poli ze i Regiment TODT 89Transport units 14, 77-78, 80-83Units (Worker units)Abteilung 119, 128, 129Arbeitstrupps 129Bautrupps 8, 13, 93, 117-118, 119,Bereitschaft 119, 126, 128, 133Bewachte Bereitschaft 126Convict elements 50, 86, 126, 128, 166, 168,180-181Front-OT 4, 13, 21-22, 34, 119, 129-130Hundertschaft 119, 128-129, 133Kolonne 119, 128Units attached to the 0T (exceptTransport units)BergmannkompanieHungarian Engineer Bns

    Rumanian Engineer Bns- 3 3

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    ( c o n t d . )uSS-Baubrigade' 'Vlassov" Russian unitsUnterbez irkUntere Instanz (Marine)Unternehmersee OT-Firm (Contracts and C o n t ra c t o rs )

    Verb indungsftfhrerse e a l s o OT-Verb indung sf tlhrerVerbindungsft fhrer H eer esg eb iet AVerb indungs ing e n ieu rV er bin du ng sste l ie zu den Gl iederungend er F a r t e i see OT-Verbindungsstel ie zu denGl iederungen der ParteiV em es s u n g s d i en s t s t e l l e ( l A a f t w a f f e )Verpf legu ngs lagerV erp f l i ch t u n g s b es ch e i dVers orgungsverf ahre nV er t r g e ( R e f era t )V e r t r a g s a b t e i l u n gVertragsurkundeVertragswesenVer trauensmannV e r t r e t e r de r OT beim OKW/Chef d esTransportwesensV er tr et er de s L e it e r s der Amt Bau-OTZbeim Generalstab des HeeresV er tr et er des L e i t e r s der OTZ beimGeneralstab des HeeresVerwaltung (Adm in i s tra t ive se ct io n)Verwaltung-Abwehr (Referat VA)Verwaltung und PersonalVerwaltungsgruppe Bau (Luftwaffe)Vlaamsche Oud-Stri jders(De) VlagVLASSOV Gen."Vlasso*1 R u s s i a n u n i t sVOGL, D i p l . In g."V olksdeutsch e" in th e OTVoUcssturmV o r a r b e i t e rV o rs t a n d s m i t g l i edV r i j w i l l i g e A rb e i d ers v o o r V l a a n d ereu

    Wachabteilung (SK)see SK-WachabteilungWachmannschaf t (SK)see SK-WachmannschaftWAEGER, G en lt .Wage Groupssee GehaltsgruppenW alloons in th e OTWARZECHA, AdmiralWassers trassenamtWaterways repairs (Frencli and Belgian)Waterways transportat ionWaterworks


    10897, 100

    9676A17416260 , %.59, 12561 , 62kO1031089210839, 4 0 , VI112349V-95114114119, 179179108117106, 108127, 128145114

    9078, 17796 , 97 , 99, 10031151 1 , 83, 9795

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    W, (contd.)WeaponsWegegelderWehrbauten und AuslandWehrbezirkWehrbezirkskommandantWehrbe zirkskommandoWehrkreisWehrmacht

    Wehrmacht decorationsWehrmacht personnelWehrmacht propertyWehrmachthaushaltab teilungWehrmachtlagerWehrmach tmeldeamtWehrmach tsangehorigeWehrmachtsausschussWehrmachtsgef olgeWehrmach tsgef olgschaftWehrsoldsee SoldWehr und Ausbildungsgemeinschaf tWehrwirtschaf tsamtWEISS, OberbaudirektorWelfaresee GefolgschaftsbetreuungWorkers, Foreign (Welfare)WestwallseeSiegfried Line

    Fort if icat ions (West Wall)West Wall ArbeiterWilhelmshavenWirtschaftsgruppe Bauindustriesee* also Construction industriesWomenWorker Campssee PersonallagerWorker detachments and unitssee Units (Worker units)Workers, ForeignAfrican (North)AlbanianAnnamiteArmenianBelgian (see Flemish, Walloon)BulgarianCroatCzechDanishDutchEnglishEsthonianFlemishFrench


    16125109109167, 16890 . 107, 108, 10940, 44, 76A, 85, 86, 90-91,92, 96, 98,. 100, 101, 106,108-109, 116, 135, 138,167, 169, 170, 172, 173,175140-14116676A76A140167119437, 96, 116, 121, 16798129042 , 92, 173

    11699, 1008, 34, 54, 59, 60, 77, 101,110122, 138, 141, 166, 173, 174,175

    18018018017578, 17978, 17776, 102, 121, 177, 180-18178, 133, 17778, 133, 17717778, 17978, 133, 17778, 82, 132, 165-166, 170-171,172, 173, 177

    i 118> 177,

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    (contd.)LatvianLithuanianMorocoanNordicNorwegianOstarbeiterOT policy in regard to foreignworkersPolishRumanianRussian

    RuthenianSenegaleseSerbianSiameseSlovakSpanishStatelessSwedishTurkomanUkrainian"Volksdeutsche"WalloonWelfare of Workers, GermanWorkssee Construction

    Z .ZeelandZentralamtZentrale Instanz (Marine)Zentrale PlanungZentralstelle fttr Zement undMas s ivbarrackenZug (Legion SPEER)Zug (SK)see SK-ZugZugewiesene AusldfnderZuwe isungskommiss ionZwangsarbe i ter

    78, 17978, 179180117, 12978, 177145, 155, 156, 162, 18076, 85, 122, 125, 130, 132133, 17976, 102, 119, 121, 162, 165,170, 175, 177, 180-18117976, 78, 86, 102, 118, 119,

    132, 136-137, 166, 172,175, 177, 179, 180-18118018078, 118, 177, 18018078, 179128, 150, 175, 178, 180-18178, 82, 1807818078, 18011778, 177102, 123, 126-127, 132-133116-118, 123, 125, 145


    141, 153174119, 123, 128, 129, 138, 145,153, 162, 165, 178, 180-181