handbook of the ion todt 109

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  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 109


    ANNEXE D .

    OT Finns

    The following list of firms does not claim to be complete.Non-German establishments have not been included, although it is realizedthat they had a large share in the work that m s done by the OT in theWest. As to German firms; only those which available documentary evidenceproves under contract to the OT, are listed.The firms are in alphabetical order, the name and address beingfollowed by the type of work they are engaged in. In many cases it has

    been found advisable to show the German designation with the translation inbrackets*

    AIBEBT, P.NEUNKIECHEN/Saar, Am Biedersberg,Hoch- und Tiefbau (surface and underground construction).

    ALT, HansLEKACH/Saar, Herman G6*ringstr.,Surface and underground construction.

    ANGELE & SCHMIDSTUTTGABT/kAD OANNSTATT, Wauheimerstr. 37,Hoch- und Tiefbau, Eisenbeton und Bruckenbau (surface and undergroundconstructions, concrete structures, bridges).

    AHBEITSGEMEINSCmFT DER LAKDSCHAPTSGiETNEEA ,Working combine of gardeners (landscaping).

    ARMBRUSTER, EarlFREIBURG i.Br., Kirchstr.l,Lageraufbau, Bunkerbau (camp construction, pillboxes).

    BAIERLE, EdmundMUNCEEN,Mechanische Entrostung und Eisenanstriche (mechanical derusting andpainting of ferrous metals)*

    BASSOW, Hans HeinrichLftBECK,Betonbauten (concrete constructions) .


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    BAU-IBAD KREUZNACH,B e t o n - und S t o l l e n b a u ( c o n c r e t e s t r u c t u r e s and t u n n e l l i n g ) *

    BAUGEMBINSCHAET WESTK6LN, MackabAerstr* 6 5 , a n dBEUGOEN/ERPUET ,L a g e r a u f b a n ( c a m p c o n s t r u c t i o n ) *


    G*m.b#H*DtfeSELDORF/OBERKASSEL, B u r g g r a f e n s t r * 5 ,S t e e l n e t t i n g ,Rem arks: F a c t o r i e s i n DtiSSELDOHF, GLEBTITZ 0 / S , GBLSENKIBCHEN,HAMM, Kto/taEJHLHEIM, W&ZDNIEV^drh., BRUCK/Steiermark*

    BELLINGHAUSEN, P e t e rKBKNEF a.d ^S ieg j, B oi m ers tr . 3 2 ,Booh* und Tiefbau (su rfa ce and underground co ns tru cti on s)*

    BERGER, Julius, A.G.BERLIN-GRUNEWALD, B e t t in a s t r * 4 ,Underground construct ions , Rem arks: B ra nc hes i n WISSBADEN (W ilh e lm s tr .3 8 ) , RASTATT, FRANKFURT


    Baumaschinen- und Motorenwerk (construction machines and motorworks)*BLATZHEIM, Hans

    GQDESBEBG/Bhein^lheinallee 13a,Tiefbau (underground construct ion)

    BLSESSTOLBBRG-BfiSBACH, Ad olf H i t l e r s t r . 1,Bunkerbau (p i l lb o x c on stru ct ion )

    BLUM, KasparS C H & N B S / Malermeis ter (pa in ters )

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    HAMBURG- 36, Meurerwall 73/75,Hafenumachlagsarbeiten (loading and unloading of ships).

    BOCK, HermannERFUKD,B u n k e r b a u ( p i l l b o x c o n s t r u c t i o n ) *

    , HichardGOTHA.Hoch- , T i e f - u n d Eiser ibetonbauten (surface , underground andconcrete constructions)*Remarks: oimer ESI, Ludwig*

    BOERSCH, oH*G.KASSEL, Kurfttrstenstr.8,S t ra s seh b a u ( ro a d b u i ld ers ) , Remarks s branches i n DttSSELDORF, ESSEN and MARIENBAD*

    BRASS-BERNEBURG,HAJfl-IOVER-LBrEEN, B ee th o v sn str , 7 ,Kiesgevdnnung, Sandstrahl (gr av e l product ion , sand b la s t in g) .

    BRANDT, CarlDOREN (also located i n SAARBRECKEIl),Hbch- , T i e f - und Eisenbetonbau (surface, underground andco n cre te co n s tru c t io n s )*

    BRAKHP, F r i t zKfiDf,Sanitary installations*

    BRDTCN, BOVERY & CO.HAKMHSIM, Augustaanlage 3 2 ,Motorfabrik , Kraf tanlagen (motor manufactur ing p la nt , s e t t i n gup of p o w er s ta t io n s )*

    BURLEISTER, GustavHAMBUROLOKSTEDT I , S u d e r f e l d s t r . ,Tiefbau, Strassenbau, Ste inhauere i , Kiesgrubenbetr ieb (undergroundco n s tru c t io n , roa d b u i ld i n g , m a so n s, g ra v e l p ro d u c t io n )*

    BUSSEMIUS, A* & 0*, H.G*,K8LN,Stahlbau, Schweisswerk, Wasser- und larmeanlagen (s teel structures- M ^ ; i a D l M ^ | M . 9 r a n d heating instaUations)* *

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    BUTZER, Heinrich, o*H*G*,BERLIN,Bauuntemehmen (construct ion f irm).

    CONRAD, F r i t zSAARGEMftND, Josef Burckelstr. 68,Lageraufbau (camp construction)*

    HEELER, Dipl*Xng*FranzRASTATT/BADM, Murgtalstr.18,Bauunt ernohm ung ( cons t ruct i on f i nn) ,

    DEQLER & SCHMESEL,RASTADT,Bunkerbau , Panzergraben ( cons t ruct i on o f p i l l b o x e s a n d tank traps)KUEL,Mining*

    DEUBAU (DEUTSCHE M U ) BERLIN, W.50, Tauentzien 16,Baf enausbau, Tiefbau- und Eisenbotonbauten (work on harbourinstallations, underground and concrete constructions)*Remarks: Large concern employing many subcontractors*

    DEUTSCHE ASPHALT A*G*,BRAUNSCHWEIG,P r o d u c e r s o f a s p h a l t * Rem arks: f a c t o r i e s a t ESCHERSHAUSM and

    DEOTSGHS ASPHALT UND TISPBAU A*G., (DEBAG),BRAUNSCHWEIG,A s p b a l t e a n d u n d e rg r o un d c o n s t r u c t i o n f iz m *Remarks: branches in BEBUH. BR04EN, ?RAMFORTa/k>, HAHBUBG( B le io h e n b r io k e 1 0 ) , HANIOVER, LEIPZIG, USAABBR6CKM, STUTTGART*

    DIETRICH, BAUUNTERNEBHUNG,JAJJBACE/Samina,Hoch- und Tiefbau, Holzhaus und Barackenbau (surface andunderground construction, erection of nooden houses andbarracks).

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    DIO!TGM9 Kommanditgesell'schaft, ^SCIQdELS/Saar,B u n k e r b a u ( p i l l b o x c o n s t r u c t i o n ) .

    D0BTM3NDER UNION A .G . ,DORTMUND,Stahlbau (steel construction).

    & BDSETZYSTUTTGART,S tr a s se r ib a u ( r o a d b u i ld in g )*

    EBENHECHP, W i l h e i a ,L E I P Z I G , I t a i e t t a s t r . *& 9B e to n -Ku n s t s t e imie r k ( c o n c r e te and s to n e

    EG&EBS & C O . , G.nub.H. ,? H o i n e r l a n d s t z a s s e 3 3 8 , S t a hl b a u ( s t e e l c o n s t r u c t i o n ) *

    VOLLMARS'EEIN,Bunkerbau, Eisenbetonbaci . Bochbau (pi l lbos3 p c o n c r e t e s u r f a c e andu n d e r g r o u n d c o n s tr u c t io n ;*EXSEKEEIIH, E a r l , G.m*b*H,

    BJEBLXN, W*8, MDhrenstrasse 6*Tiefbau , Hochbau, Beton- und Sisenbetonbau, S trassenbau (undergrounds u r f a c e , c o n c r e t e c o n s t r u c t i o n s , r o ad b u i l d e r s ) *HJSLB-OSTEHTAGr

    HEXLBBDNN, A u s t r a s s e 1 4 ,S i se n b a h n -Ar b e i t e n , Ho c h - u n d - Tiefbau (work o n r a i l w a y s , s u r f a c ea n d u n d e r g r o u n d c o n s tr u c t io n )*

    y Gebr*,BSQBURG-ERFUBTHo c h - unoV T ie f b a u , S t r a s se n b a u te n , In d u s tr i e a n la g e n ( su r f a c e a n dundergrD und c o n s t r u c t i o n s , r oa d b u i l d i n g , i n d u s t r i a l i n s t a l l a t i o n s ) *

    FAKLEE, AlbertMISIMINGEN/ALLGiU,A n s t r e i c h e r a r b e i t e n ( f i n i s h e r ) *

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    FIGHTER, A u g u s t , O.H.G.,FRANKFURT a/k, Iferienstrasse 3 , I I f i f f * t $ U>3nEDBRZWEHEEN, Korbacherstrasse 75/77,Bauunternebmung (construction firm)*

    FRdH,Booh- unoV Tie fba u, Bunkerbau (su rfa ce and underground co ns tru cti on ,p i l l b o x e s ) *

    FUCHS, W ilh .,KDBI1IZ, Maxkenbilockenveg 16,Bunkerbau, Vasserversorgung (pil lbox oonstruction, vater supplies)*

    QAKRE ,DOETMaMD-APLEEBBCK, Bodenbergstr* 17 ,Kiesgewinnung, Brdarb eiten, Bunkerbau (gr av el prod uction, exc ava tion s,pi l lbox construct ion)*

    GA5SEN, Franz,IM, Dflsseldorferstr.14 ,fll/fMDHIHEIM, ( d tiefbauarbeiten (underground construction)

    GEHLEN, Konmanditgesellschaft,K&ISERSLAIJTERN,Stollenbau (mining^

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    i ; 4 ^ i ^ i% L 'SL' h ^, AlbertIITinker

    GEBDI3M & BBEUEEKASSEL9 Kxonprinzenstr 5E i s e n b e t o n b a u ( c o n c r e t e c o n s t r u c t i o n s )

    BERLIN, Jt id ens tr . 18 -1 9 ,T i e f b a u und Bagger (underground construc t ions and d r e d g i n g )GBDSSDEDTSCHB SCHACETBAU UND TIOTOHR G .m .b .H .,

    V , Sandstr. / 9Tunnel und Bergbau (tunnelling and mining)*

    GKOTH &C0.,STOLP/Spommern.Ei senbabnbau (ra i l -Ray bui lders )*

    GHONZIG, G.nub.H*,AACHBN-STOLBEBG,Bauunternehmung (construct ion f ixm)

    GROSSER, Ghristoph,LUDWIGSHAPEN, Oppau-lfoaaxtstrass 2 9 ,Eisenbetonbauten (concre te s truc tures) , ,

    GOGGMBERGER, Dr. A l f r e d ,AUGSBURG, Viktoriastrasse 2 ,Pappe und m e t a l l f r e i e B a u t e n i s o l i e r u n g e n ( i n s u l a t i o n of b u i l d i n g s b yus ing cardboard)* Remarks: Depots and workshops a t SCHSTABaiMDNCHEN b/AUGSBURG, B u r g s t r a s s e

    HASEER & MA.YER,SCMXBISCH-HALL,S t r asse n b au ( r oad b u i ld in g) *

    HAKAUER, Hugo Johannes,BERLIN/CHAHOTTMBUBG 4 , Wilmersdorfer Strasse 95,Booh- und- T ie f b au ( su r f ac e and underground construct ion) .

    HARDT, Ludwig,PIHMAJSENS, Bogens^r. 17a, j

    ^ c o n s t r u c t i o n ) I , ^ J^(!? ,;

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    HAUCK,WGRZBURG, E p p s t r a s s e 1 3 ,Eiaer ibahnbau ( r a i l w a y c o n s t r u c t i o n ) . rr* *L "fJ.

    HEBEL, Josef ,STRaSSBURG-MSMMINSE2T,H o c h - und T i e f b a u ( s u r f a c e a n d u n d er g ro u nd c o n s t r u c t i o n ) *

    HEILMANN & LITTMAHN, Bau A . G . ,STUTTGART, Kanonierweg 1 2 8 ,T u n n e l b a u t e n , S c h a c h t a n l a g e n ( t u n n e l l i n g and s h a f t i n s t a l l a t i o n ) .R e m a r k s : I d e n t i c a l w i t h : G r o s s d e u t s c h e - S o h a c h t b a u A . G . )

    HELM,SAARBHOCKEN, M o z a r t s t r . 1 7 ,E l e k t r o t t n e c h n i s c h e s U n te m eh m en ( E l e c t r o - t e c h n i c a l f ix m )

    HELMUS, A. G.m * b.H. ,COESFKEJD i n W e s t f a l e n ,S t r a s s e n v a l z b e t r i e b , N e u s e i t l i c h e r S t ra ss en b a u ( r oa d b u i l d e r s ) .

    HERBERTS & C O . . Dr.K.WUPPERTAL,F a r b e n f a b r i k (dye f a c t o r y ) .

    HEUER, Kommandi tgese l l schaft ,BERLIN. W.15 L i e t z e n b u r g e r s t r .H o l z - H a l l - u n d I n d u s t r i e b a u , L a g e r a u f b a u (-wooden s t r u c t u r e s , c a m p c o n s t r u c t i o n ) .

    H3PFELI, Arthur,G^EPINGiN, Latzestr. 3 2 ,G a r t e n g e s t a l t e r ( la n d s ca p e a r c h i t e c t ) .

    HOCHTIEP A.G.KfllWLINDMTHAL, R o b e r t - K o c h s t r * 6 l ,H o c h - u n d - T i e f b a u t e n ( s u r f a c e and u n de rg ro u nd c o n s t r u c t o r s ) *Re mar k s : B r a n c h i n O

    , Pritz , PIEMASENS, Bogenstrasse 17a,Bunkearbau (pillbox construction).

    HOFPBITZ 0 0 . , R i c h a r d , ^sSCHWEINPUBT, Friedhofstrasse 7,Baxackenbau, Zimnerer (barracks construction, carpenters),

    D 8

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    H0XS4ANN, Ft&ilipp, AG,

    FBANKFURT /Hoctar und- Tiefbau, Baton und Strasserihauten*Remarks: Offices at H3 RUN, HAMBURG*

    , Claus & Sohne9, GUbertstrasae 60,- , BK?h- und Tiefbau ( co ncr et e, sur face aniunderground construction)*

    B O S SBITBURC^WAXWEIIZIR,Bauunternehnen (construction firm)

    BAUMASGHINKIiPABRIK,I^EUSTADT, an der Veinstrasse^Baumaschinen (construction machines)

    JENEESS,9Brunnenbau (veil builders)*


    Lageraufbau (camp ooastruotion)JORDAN,

    KARLSRUHE,BauunternehBong (construetioa firm)*

    JONG, Albert,TRIER, gberhar&str* 55Bauunternehoer, Sisenbetonbauten (oonstrnotion firm,ooncrete structures)*

    EAIMER,9(underground cons traction)

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    KEHL &DUISBURG-HAMBORN, K a is e r - W i lh e L n s t r . 262 , B u n k er b au , H o c h - T i e f - u n d E i se r ib e to n b au ( p i l l b o x a s , s u r f a c e ,u n d e r gr o u n d a n d c o n c r e t e c o n s t r u c t i o n s ) *R e m a r k s : R e p o r t e d l y n a r k e d o n s e c r e t - w e a p o n s i t e s .


    E i s er ib a h n - u n d G l e i s b a u ( r a i l i r a y a n d t r a c k b u i l d e r s } *

    KNIFFLBR, Heinrich,1 , Z a h r i n g e r s t r . 1 6 , B a u un t er n eh o u ng ( c o n s t r u c t i o n f i r m ) .

    SHOP W i l h . ,

    G r o s s a n s t r i c h - S a n d s t r a h l a r b e i t e n ( f i n i s h i n g a n d s a n d - b l a s t i n g ) ,

    KDCH, Adolf,PBEIBUHB in Bsw S d w sa rz w al d st r. 5 ,I n n e n d e k o r a t i o n u n d V e r d u n k e lu n g s a n la g e n ( i n t e r i o r d e c o r a t o r , andblack-out installations)*

    mwsacm.B e to n ba u ( c o n c r e t e c o n s t r u c t i o n s ) !K0EST3R & ADOLPHS,

    WUHPERTAL,K a b e l a r b e i t e n ( c a b l e i t o r k s ) <

    J o h a n n e s ,itfta, BB a uu n te rn eh m u ng ( c o n s t r u c t i o n f i r m ) *

    KBflCKEL, K a r l ,KA1SEEISLAU1ERN ,Bauunternefa iDung (cons truc t ion f i zm)*

    EBONIBUS, P. AN.,KASSEL,Bauunternehmung (construction fizm)*

    P 10

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    II! ^KUBALL, Franz,

    STOLP/fcommern, Friedrichstr* 3 5 , Kie sge wi im u n g (gr ave l p r od u c t ion )*

    KABL KUEBLER A*G,STUTTGART,Be ton und M^n ie rb an ( c o n c r e t e c on s tr u c t i on s )

    KUNSTER & SOHN, Jakob,OLDENBUBG,C o n s t r u c t i o n f i r m *

    KOBZ,ULM a/bONAU,Bauunternefamung u n d L a n d s c h a f t s g e s t a l t u n g ( c o n s t r u c t i o n f i r m an d lan d sc ap in g)*

    KURZ & HOLLERN^HNBERG,T io fb au (u n d e r gr ou n d c on s tr u c t ion )*

    LAHL1E C * ,KASSSL, Koblensser3tr* 3 0 ,T i e f b a u u n d S i se n b e ton b au te n (u n d e r gr ou n d a n d a o n o r e t e c o n s t r u c t i o n ) .


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    LIESENKLAS, Hermann,KIRCHHEJLLEN ( W e s t f . ) fTiefbauunternehmer (underground construct ion) .

    LJHDWIAM, A u g u s t ,KflLN-RADEEEHAL, Brtthlerstr. 2 9 8 ,Bauunternehnoung (construct ion f irm) .

    LIPWINSCHUH & BONK,GBRSWEILER/Saar,B u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l s , makadam, c e me nt .

    LUCHDEHHAKD,NEUSEAIJT a.d.V/einstrasse,Stahlschalung (s tee l cases ?)

    LUDWIG, Emil,MBNCHEN 1 5 , P aul- H eysestr . 27 ,Eisehbetonbau (con cre te co nstr uctio n) ,

    M&AR,KA.ISERSIADTEHN,Construct ion f i rm.

    MALCPIOW, B a u g e s e l l s c h a f t nubH9, M i l i t a r - H i n g s t r . 4 . , S t o l l e n i s o l i e r u n g ( i n s u l a t i o n o f t u n n e l s ) .MLTROWITZ & CO., Kommanditgesel lschaft ,

    BEBLIN-TEMPELHDP,Bauunternehmen (construction f irm). R en ar ks : On 23 May A4 e n t i r e firm t r a n s f e r r e d to HOBHAX.MEYER, F r i t z ,

    .ANGeBRBUBG/Ostpr.St ra sse n und Tiefb au (road and underground con stru ct io n) , Oskar & CO.,

    ESSEN,V u l k a n i s i e r - r A j i s t a l t ( v u l c a n i s a t i o n ) .MICELS & COLLIGNON,

    DOSSELDORF, Kreuzs trasse 22 , S c h l o s s e r e i ( l o c k s m i t h s ) . D 12

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    y r v w * & ji

    15, Lindmmastr.

    Hooh -and Tiefkau (surface and underground construction),

    G>rossznal@ri, Tamung (painte rs , caioo


    (pi l lbox

    D X3

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    NUSSBADM, Josef,TRIER, Pferderaarkt 5. ill

    OHLIG, oH,

    p i l l b o x c o n s t r u c t i o n ) visor (Junior Rank).(2) OT Rank equ iva len t t o L t.Construction Supervision.Term employed by WirtscfaaftsgruppBauindustri ( q .v ,) fo r an OTSector on OBLConstruction Landlord (OT).Secondary Building Materials.

    Grade in Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials .Grade in Civil Servantof Construction Officials*March Formation of a Worker Columnof 20 men.Building Control (Periodic In sp ect ion ).Construction Efficiency.(1) Assignment; Construction Sup ervisor(Senior Rank).(2) OT Rank eq uiva lent to M ajor.1) Sub-Sector of an OBL.2) Sub-Sector Control Staff.

    Industries Allied to the ConstructionIndustry.Regulations governing Building PriceControl.Regulations Governing BuildingConstruction Costs.Grade in Civil Servant Hierarchy ofConstruct ion Off ic ia ls .NSKK Transport Unit of Baustab SPEES.Construction Site.Construction Area pass.Welfare of Workers on the ConstructionS i t e .(Monthly) Construction Report.Testing of Building Materials .Daily Work JournalGrade in Civil Servantof Construction Officials .Construction Detachment.

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    BeamterBeauftragterDer Befehlshaber derSicherheitspol izei unddes Sicherheitsdienstes

    (SD) beim Militarbefehlshaber in Frankj-eichBeifahrerBeihi l feantrageBeitragsnachwe isk ar teBekleidung and AusrustungBefcLe idungskanmerBe kleidung szentraleBelegschaftBeobachtungsstandBerechnungsmertonaleBereitschaft3ere i t schaf ts fuhrerBergaannkompanieBer gungsr e gimentBeschaffungsabteilungBesoldung oderBe sender s VbrhabenBestandslagerBetreuungBetreuungsftthrerBetriebsftthrerBetriebsobmann


    Projected Construction.A Building or a sp eci f ic piece ofConstruction on a Baustelle.Construction Industry, Economyand Control.

    Government Official.Deputy in Charge.The Commander of the Se cu rity P o l ic eand the Security Service with theCorananding General in France.

    Assistant driver.Applications for monetary allotments.Membership card.Clothing and Equipment*Clothing office. Main cloth ing o ff ic e. Membership.Observation point.Basic Factors governing PayComputation.March Formation of a body

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 109


    Olmacbfcigtei*die ICasehinenprodukfcionBevoUm&chtigfcer far2wangsarbeitBewaohte BereitsohaftBesirksbauleitung

    Bi lanzBin&enflotteBlitaaftdelBrflokenbauleitung (BBL)

    BfiroBurofGfarerBunkerbauChantiers do JeuaesgeCcmlte d* Organisation duBatimenfc et des TravauxPttbliquas (OOBETP)DevisenDerubauDeutsohe ArbeitafrontDeutsohe KranksokasseDeutsches WohoungshilfswerkDienstbekleidungDienatbuohDiens tbuch stel leDienstgolderDienst s te l l enkarte iDieoatstel luEgDienstutdformDienatirerpflichtetoD iens t verpf liohtusig^sche inDiplcm

    for the ProductionofMachinery.Plenipotentiary for Forced Labour*Speci a ll y guarded Worker Form ation.

    employed by WirtsohaftsgruppeBauindustrie for an OT HQ on OBLl e v e l .Drawings forFinanoial statements.Inland Watenray Fleet.see Hachrichtenhelferin.Bridge Constraotion Sector HQ*Priority Programme.Off ice .A&ainistrati?e Officer.Pil lbox Construction.French Youth Labour Organisation.Office of the Organisation forConstruction and public Works(French).Foreign Currency.see Abbreviations.German Labour Front.G&man Health Insurance Company.Gezman Housing A ux iliar y P r o je c t.OT C loth es & Uniform*pay and Identity Book.Pay aad Identity Book IssuanceOff ice .Service Pay.Index of Office Personnel Cards.Assignment.Basic Uniform.Conscripts.Labour Conscription Form.University trained Architect

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    Diplcm Ingenieur

    Diplom Kaufkaon

    DisziplinaratelleDisziplinordnungDisziplinarsachhearbeiterDurcharbeitDurohgangslagsrDurohgangatraaaeE & Fo Betriebe


    S in h e i t amannsehaf ta f tthreror MannsohaftsfuhrerE inhe itamiet vertragEinsatz

    BinaatzarheiterEinaatzarztEinsatzdienatate l leEinaatzgeld

    EinsatzgruppeE i n s a t z l e i t e rEinsatz le i tungBinstellungsverfugungEisanbahnEiae nbahaeinsatzEiaenlagerEisernes SparenElelctroversorgung

    University trained Engineer(Academic Degree).University trained Businesamaa(Academic Degree).Diaoiplinary Office.Disoipl inaiy Regulat ions.Sp ec ia list on Diaoiplinary Matters*24 Hour Working Schedule,l ) Quarantine Camp.2) Transit Camp.

    Through Route or Trunk highway.Priority Classif icat ion of Agrioultur@ and Lumber Industrie a.Unit or OT F i m .

    -OT-Fiwa Person nel O ff ic er .Standard Rental Contract.[ Cosmitment (Operational).;2) Allocation (of Manpower, Firms).3 Sector of a special or temporarynature.(4) Area Control Sta ff (Army L ev e l) .

    Established worker.Medical Officer (General rank).Manpower Control Office.Allowance for Foreign Workers fordefrayal of personal expenses ina foreign country, correspondingto the OT So ld of the Gem&nWorkers.Area Control Staff, Azray Group level.Chief of Einsats. see Einsatz (4}Contract which a member of th e"Legion &PEER"* s ig n s .Normal gauge Railway.Railroad Construction Sector.Iron Supply Depot."Iron" Savings Accounts.E le ct ri ca l I n st al la tio n and Maintenance.

    F 7

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    E at las sungsbeihilfeEntlassungslagerEKtsehadigungEntweaungstruppErfassung d@r BestandeErf as sungsstempel

    Erholungsheim (Kurhotel)Erholun&surlaubE2*ke nnungamaxkeSrsatz&bte iluagEraatzbetrEgeBrsatzkarte


    Ei-ziehungs lagerFachar belterFaohfremde Arbeiter

    i? achgebiet

    Fahrbere itschaf tPabrgeldFamilienaus^Leiciskasse

    F amilie obe ih i l f eFamille nversicherungFederftihrendes


    Electrioal Power Supply.Travel Allowance to and from Work

    Si te .Discharge Allowance.Discharge Camp.Compensation.Decontamination Unit.Unused Material Report.Registration Stamp (found on firstpage of OT Dienstbuch) *Convalescent Home.

    Convalescent Leave.Identification Disc.Replacement Battalion.Compensation.Substitute Pay and Identity Book,mostly issued to Alsatians andGerman Poles.Spare Parts Depot.Bonus for Dangerous Work.Disciplinary Camps.Specialist Craftsman.Workers sk illed in Trades other thanthe Construction Industry.Specialty.Expert Mechanic or Craftsman.Transport Unit.Car Fares.Family Allowances section of thePay Office for Foreign Workers.Family Allowance.Family Insurance.Deputised Firm in an Arge.

    Narrow gauge (auxiliary) Railway.Military Police.Military District Command.

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    Feldpoatnanaer (FPN)F erntransportst af f e lF estungsbautruppF estungspionierFirmenabrechnungFirmenangeh&rigeFiimenanges t e l l t e nt arifFiemeneigenes PersonalFinneneinsatz & Baudispos i t ionenFlra e nst ammper sona lF l i e g e r a u s f a l lFltichtiger ArbeiterF lughaf enbe z ir kFlughafenkoninandanturFraue nhetreuungFre ianges t e l l t erFr e i w i l l i g eFremdl&ndischer AuslanderFriedensgebdhrnisseF r i t z TOOT,i'rontarbeiterFrontarbeitersoldFrontarbei tex t ar ifFrontbezageFront ein sa tzFrontfflhrer (OBL)

    Frontfuhrerschul eFrontftthrungF r o n t l e i t s t e l l eFrontltthnungFrontzulageFtthreranwarter


    F ie ld post (APO) Ntanber.Long Distance Transport Bn.Fortress ConstructionFortress Engineer,F inan cia l Statements (of OT-Firras).Firm Personnel.Pay S ca le for Firm Employees.see Firmenangeh&rige.'Allocation of Firms to ConstructionS i t e s .Permanent Firm Staff.Time l o s t through a ir attac k.Deserter .Air Port Distr ic t .Air Fort Regional Command.Welfare of Female Personnel.Free Agent Bnployee.Volunteer,Foreign Worker in Country a l ien to him.peace Time Wages.see TOHT,Front Zone Worker.Front Line Duty Allowance.Front Zone Worker Pay Scale.Front Line Fay*Front Area Coamitnent

    Front Area Personnel Officer.OT Hank equivalent to Lt

    FrontftUbrer Training School.Front Area person nel Se ct io n.Personnel A lloc atio n Off ic e (FrontArea).Front Line Pay (for Service Abroad).Front Line Bonus.Officer candidate.

    F 9

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    & is

    FtthrersshuleFiifarer vom Dienst

    , Loft, FeuersohatzGau*rbeitsamtGauleiter

    Sohutskorps (S)Geb i e t sbeauf tragfcerGebietsingenieurGefolgschaftGef olgsohaf tmit gLiedGefolgsohafts BetreuungGef olg sch afts m ietg lied imOff en tlieh en Dien stGefo lgschaftsste l leGehaLtssAtzaGensralbauratGeneral bevollm icht i gfcerfUr den Arbeitseinsatz

    ftlr di WlrtschaftGeneralbevollm&ehtigterfflr die Regelung derBauwirtschaftGeneral beT ollmgchtlgterfttr die Regelung derBainrirfcschaft imVierjahresplanGeoeralbevollm&Bhtigfeer

    fdr die Rfiatungsaufgabenim V ier jahresplanGeneralinspektor far dasdeutsche Strassenwesen

    Leader Training School.Duty Officer.Radio Man.Gas, Air Raid, Fire Protection.District Labour Bureau.Chief of a par ty Gau.Rank in the Deutsche jfcrbeitsfront' German Labour Front).Guard Units employed in AktionFrankreich ( q/v . ) Regional Deputy.Amp D is tr ic t L iaison Engineer atOBL.Personnel Cadre.Member of Personnel Cadre.Personnel Welfare.Civil Service Baployee.Personnel Services Office.Scales of Wages.Grade in Civil Servant Hierarcfyof Construction Officials .Plenipotentiary General for ManpowerAl loca t ion .Plenipotentiary General for PublicEconomy.Plenipotentiary General for theRegulation of the Building Trades.Plenipotentiary General for theRegulation of the Building Tradesin the Four-Year Plan.Plenipotentiary General far

    Armaments within the Four-YearPlan.Inspector General for GermanRoadways.

    F 10

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    0f '-. * , * Genera l inspekteur fur d ieOT b e i der Z en tra l inspekt ion f f lr d ie

    Betreuung der Ausl&ndisc he n A rbeitskra*f te derDAPGeneral inspektor fur dieRe ichshaup ts ta d tGeneralinspektor ffir Wasserund EnergieGenera to re inbauGer&teGerateabrechnungGerate KarteiGerfltelagerGerftte MeldungGer& tem ie tv er tr agGer*t InventarGrossprogrammGrossrev ierG^undvergtttungGruppenbau l e i tangGruppenbetriebsobmannHafenamtHaferibauHauptab t e ilu n gHauptausschuss BauHauptbe t r i e b sobmann

    HaupterfassungslagerHauptlagerHaup t quar tierm e ia te rHauptringHauptunternehmer

    OT Inspector General of DA? CentralInspectorate, Welfare Administration and Indoctrination ofForeign DAF Members.

    Inspector General for the Planningand Rebuilding of BERLIN.Inspector General for Water

    Installations and Water power.Power Station Installation.Tools.Tool Inventory. Equipment File. Tool Depot.(Semi-monthly) Report on unserviceable

    Equipment.Contract far Lease of Tools and

    Machinery.(Semi-monthly) Equipment Inventory.Large Construct ion Project .Dispensary .Basic Compensation.WO term fo r an OBL.Rank in the Deutsche Arbeitsfront(DAFi German Labour K*ont).Harbour Bureau.Harbour Construction.Bureau.Central Committee for Construction.

    Rank changed in Summer 1944 to:Oberbaule itungsbetriebsobmann(q.v.).

    Main induction camp.Main camp.Chief billeting Officer.Main Ring (in SPBBR Ministry).Main Contracting Parly.11

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    Haup twerkehrsdiens tHaua der KameradschaftHausverwaltungHeimHeimatbeztigeHi If sarbe i te rHilfslagerfflhrerHi l f spo l i erKiLfsmannschaftHilfssacharbe it e rHilfswi l l ige (Hiwi)Hinterbliebenenhilfe orFflrsorgeHinterbliebenen undVermissteribezttgeHitler Jugend (HJ)HochbauHdhere FtihrerH ohe i t sab ze ichenHolzgasHolzverkohlungHundertschaft

    Im Dienst der Org. TOUT,InseleinsatzInva lide nvers ioherungInventarJudenabgabeJudenbetreuerKaliindustrieKasinoKassea le i terKatastropheneinsatz

    Chief Transport D ire cto ra te (M ilitar y)Fellowship House.OBL Quartermaster1s Office.

    Convalescent Hospital.Home Monetary Allotm en ts.Auxiliary labourer.Assistant Camp Supervisor.Assistant Foreman.Foreign Workers in a German Bautrupp.Ass i s tant Spec ia l i s t .Volunteer Ostarbeiter.Bou nties to F am ilies of Deceased OTWorkers.Allowances for Families of WorkersKilled or Missing in Action.Hitler Youth Movement.Above-Ground (Surface) Construction.O ffice rs of General Rank.National Emblem.Producer Gas.Wood Carbonisation.Century (March Formation of approx.100 Foreigi Workers).Brassard In scr ipt ion "In OT ser vice ".Construction Sector on an Island.Disabi l i ty Insurance.Inventory.Levy on Jews.Administrative Officer for JewishWorkers.Limestone Industry.Officer's Mess .Finance Officer.OT Commitment in the case of MajorAir Raid Damage.

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    Kaufmannische AbteilungKen naif fernKleidergeldKolonneKolonnenftttirerKomitee fur Sozial FriedenKomitee undKontingentefeteilungKraftfahrerKraftfahrwesenKraf ts to ff nachs chubKraf twagenleitung West(Era-West)KrankenkasseKrankenkasse nverbandKreis

    Kre isbaume i s te rKre isku1turbaumeis terKriegsberiohterKriegsdienstbeschildigungenKriegsgebietKrie gsvem e ndungsf A higKflchenchefKfichenleiterKurzeinsatzKurzmontageLagerLageraufbauLagerbetreuungLagerfflhrer

    F 13

    Commercial Section.Equipment Markings.Clothing Allowance.Column (20 Workers).Leader of a column.Committee for social peace.Committee and League (part ofAktion Frankreich, q .v .) .Quota Section,Driver.Motor Transport.Fuel Supply.Early designation for NSKK-OTUn it in E(Health Insurance.Health Insurance Association.(1) D istr ict in the RegionalOrganisation of the DeutscheArbeit sfront (DAP: German LabourFront) .(2 ) Subdivision of a Party Gau.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials.War Correspondent.Inju ries or I ll n e s s suffered in Lineof Duty.Theatre of Operations.Fit for combat duly.Mess Sergeant.Kitchen Chief.Short Term Commitment or Contract.Short Term Job.Camp.Camp Construction.Camp Routine Welfare.Camp supervisor.

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    Lager s tflrkemellu ngjlLagerschuleLagerverwaltungLagerwesen


    Lastkraftwagen-StaffeIn(LKW)Lebe namit telkar te ns te l i eLegion SPEERLehr lagerLeihweise erhaltenLeistungslohnLeistungsvertragLei stungsver ze ichn i sLe i s tu ogszulageLe i s tungszu sanmen s te HungLeitstelle


    LichtpausenLiga ftlr Soziale Ordnung& GerechtigkeitLinienchef

    LohnabrechnungLohnabrechnungszeitraumLohnausfallLohnau sf a lien ts cMd igungLohnausgleichLohnbtlroLohnempfflngerLohnerfassung

    (Bi-monthly) Camp Strength Report.Camp School.Camp Administration.Camp Administration (a mere comprehensive term than the above).Deputy for Agriculture and Planting.Grade in Civil Servant Hierarchy ofConstruction Officials.Lorry or Truck Battalions.

    Pood Ration Card Office.Part of the OT lEransport Branch.Training Camp.Received on Loan.Efficiency Pay.Efficiency Output Contract.Works Schedule.Efficiency Bonus.(Monthly) Work Progress Report.

    Branch Office.Personnel Allocation Office.(1) Executive Directorate.(2) Leadership.Photostats.League for social security andjust ice .HQ on OBL-Einsatz level responsiblefor maintenance of supply routesin i t s sector, e . g . , Durchgangsstrasse (DG: Through Route).Pay Records.Wage Account Period.Loss of Wages.Compensation fo r Time Lost.see Lohnnebenkosten.Pay Office.Wage Earner.Pay tariff .

    F 14

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    LohngebietseinteilungLohnnebenkostenLohnsteuer3>if t - & FeuerschutzLuftschutzbautenLuf t gauk ommandoLuftwaffe FeldbauamtMagiatratabauratMangelLeistungMannschaftenMannschaftserziehungMannschaftsftthrer orEinheits-MannschaftsfflhrerMarine BauamtMarketendereiMarke tenderwareMarschanzugMaachine ninge hieur

    MeldehundMeldeweaenMilitftr BefehlshaberPrankreichMilizMinder leiatungMiniaterialdirektor


    MiachliogMitgliedsbuchMittellohnMobileinsatz(Mobiler Einaatz)Monatagehalt

    Wage Scales on Geographical Baal s . Extra Allowances. Tax on Wages.Air Raid and Fire Protection.Air Raid Shelters.Air District HQ.GAF Field Construction Bureau.Grade in Civil Servant Hierarchy of

    Construction Officials.Inadequate Output.Enlisted Men/Other Ranks.Education and Training.Personnel Officer (in an OT-Firm).

    German Navy Construction Bureau.Post Exchange.Canteen or PX goods.Travel Suit.Grade in Civil Servant Hierarchy ofConstruction Officials.Messenger dog.Registration and Reports.Commanding General of France.

    Militia,Inadequate Work Output.Grade in Civil Servant Hierarchy ofGerman Government officials.Grade in Civil Servant Hierarchy ofGerman Government officials.Part Jew.Membership C e r t i f i c a t e . Mean Hourly Wage.Mobile Method of Operat ion. Monthly Pay.

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    Motor transpose* tb rig ad e SPEERMotortranspartbrigade T0D3?Motor t ranspor t a t anda r t eM oto rtra ns po rtb rig ad e TOHCN&ohrichtenbe tr i e b swe se nNaohrich te nfuh rerNaohrichtenftihrerinNachrichtengebietsft ihrungNachr ichtenheIfe r inNa c h ri ch te nkamerad s oh aftN a c h r i c h t e n l e i t e rNaohrichtenrofldelNachr ic h te rtwe se nNachscfaubNach s chub s la g erNachschub s l e i t e rNachunternehmerNachzahlungN a t i o n a l s o z i a l i s t i s c h e r(N.S.) Bund deutscherTechnikN a t i o n a l s o z i a l i s t i s c h e rFtihrungsof f iz i e r (NSFO)N a t i o n a l s o z i a l i s t i s c h e sKraftfahr Korps (NSKK)NSKK AusbildungswesenNSKK Di sz ip lin ar w es enNSKK EinsatzNSKK G eric h t (West)NSKK Hauptkolonne


    see NSKK M oto rt ra nsp ort b ri gade SPEERsee Transportkorps SPEER,*,see NSKK M o to rt ra n ap o rt b ri ^d e SPEES*see Transportkorps SPEER.Signals Communications Administration.Chief of Signals Communications Section.Female communication supervisor*Communication Zone Command.Signals Communications Assistants(Female).Communication unit,see Nachrichtenfuhrer .Signals Communication operatorSignals Communications Administration.Supply.General Supply Depot.Head of Supply Section.Sub-contracted Party (Party of thesecond part). .After payments.National Socialist League of GermanTechnic ians .Na t iona l So c ia l i s t Ind oc t r ina t ionOff i ce r .Nat ional Socia l is t Motor TransportCorps.NSKK Training.NSKK D is c ip li n e .NSKK Operational Commitment.T ri al s & D isc ip lin e Se ctio n in NSKKAbsohnittsfflhrung West.NSKK U nit (Company L ev e l) .NSKK U nit (P lato on L ev el ).NSKK U nit (Company L e v e l ) .NSKK U nit (Company l e v e l ) .

    F 16

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    NSKK M otor tran spo rtbr igad e

    NSKK MotortransportbrigadeTOOTNSKK MotortransportstandarteSPESRNSKK MotortranapartstandarteTODINSKK Transport.NSKK VerbindungaftthrerNefcenstel leNi cht e i serne ( Ne) M et a l l eOb erab sen n i t t

    Oberbaulei tungOberbaule itun gs be tr ieb sobmannOberbaurat


    Oberre gierungsra t

    OberreicharatOberschachtmeisterOrdnuagsk amnando

    Ordnuagspolizei (Orpo)Organisation TODT (OT)Or t akra nkenka sseOstarbeiter

    Originally the transport unit forBaustab SFEER; partly incorporatedinto NSKK-OT.see Transportkorps SPEER.

    see NSKK Motortranspor tbrigade SPEER.

    see Transportkorps SPEER.

    see (l) NSKK Motortransport(2) Transportkorps SPEER*

    NSKK Liaison Officer to the OT.Branch Office.Non-ferrous Metals.A designation for a Construction Sectoron the 3evel of an Oberbauleitung;generally replaced by the latter

    term.Basic OT Construction Sector andAdministrative HQ.Rank in the Deutsche Arbeitsfront(DAF: German Labour Front).Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials.Senior Foreman in the OT.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction officials.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof German Government Officials.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof German Government Officials.Senior Foreman in the OT.Special Security Unit of the Schutzkommando.Regular Police (National)TODT Organisation.Local Branch for Health.OT Workers from parts East of theUkraine A White Ruthenia.

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    0 s tmontagever tragOstwallOT Eigenes PersonalOT Sold (Wehraold)Org. Todt - Zentrale (OTZ)Pass i ersche ins te l l e PatengauPersonal & HaushaltPersonalabteilungPer s onalange leg e nhei tenPersonalbttroPersonal KarteiPersonals te H ePionier FestungsbaustabP lankammerPlanungsamtPol ier PreisbildungPresident des GauarbeitsajntesProvinzialbauinspektorProvinzialbauratPrtifungPrflfungskomissionQuart i e r am tRahmeribauRahme nbauvertragHangstufeRazzia

    "East" Contract (a type of co ntr ac tmade between the OT and Firmsemployed in Ru ssia, Poland and .parts East) . see Stundenlohnvertrag.The equivalent in Russia of theSiegfried Line or Westwall.OT person nel proper (organic pe rso nn el)Basic Military Pay.OT Cen tral HQ, BERLIN (changed in June

    to Amt Bau-OTZ).Pass Issuance Office.Regional Division used in connectionwith Aktion Frankreich (q.v.).Personnel & Budget Sub-Section.Personnel Section.Personnel Matters.Personnel Administration Office.Personnel Fi les.Personnel Sub-Section.Army Fortress Engineer Staff.Planning Room (Blue Prints).Plans and Blueprints O ffic e.OT Foreman.Price and Cost Control.District Labour Bureau Chief.

    Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials.(1) Audit(2) Inspection.Examining Commission.Bi l l e t ing Off i ce .Standardised Frame Construction.Frame Construction contract.GradeCompulsory Labour Service or ForcedLabour Raiding Party.

    F 18

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    UN SIFJEORechnu ngsprftf e rRe ch tsa bt ei lungRechts - und Disziplinars t e l l eReferatReferentRegelbautenRegen &. Omnibus AusfallRegiearbeiterRegierungsbauas se ss orRegierungsbaudirektorRegierungsbaumeisterRegieru ngsinspektorRegierungsrat

    Regierungsverme ssungsra tReichsarbeitsdienst (RAD)Re ich sar beits m iniste r iumReichsaufsichtsamt fttrdas Kredi-taesenReichsautobahnen (RAB)ReichsbahnReichsbahnsekretdtrReichsbauratReichsbeauftragter fdr den

    HolzbauReichsbehdrdeReichsgruppe IndustrieReichsinnungsverband desBauhandwerks

    Inspector of Accounts, Auditor.Legal Department.Legal and disciplinary Sub-Section*Sub-Section or Section in charge ofa Referent ( q .v .) .Spec ia l i s t Of f i c ia l .Standardised Construction.Working Time Lost through Rain andTravel.Government Monopoly employee.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials. Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials. Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials. Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof German Government O f f ic ia ls .Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof German Government O ff ic ia ls .Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials. Reich labour Service.Reich Labour Ministry.Reich Bureau for the Control of CreditI n s t i t u t i o n s .Reich Highway System.National Railways.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof German Government O ff ic ia ls .Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials.Reich Deputy for Timber Construction.Government Office.Autonomous Industry Group (onNational Level) .National Guild of BuildingCraftsmen.

    P 19

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    Reichsinnungsverbandedes HanctarerksHe ichsjugend f fchrungReichskcnraisaxReichsminister ftlr Rftstungund KriegsproduktionReichstrasseReichstreuhander feir dieArbeitRe ic haver si c her ungReichsverteidigungsausschussReichsverteidigungskommissarReichswirtschaftskammerReichswirtschaftaainisteriumReisekostenRei sekostenstufenRevierRichtl inien ff ir dieBemessung der Geratevorhaltung (Ger&temieten)RohstoffamtRohstoffeRot - SpanierRustungsamtRustung & Beschaf fungaStabRfistungskommi s s i onRustungsinspektionRdstungs & Verpf leg un gsbet ri eb e (Rtt und VBdtriebe)RostungsunterkommissionSachbearbeiterSachgebietSammellagerSand Si Kiesindustriee i n s c h l i e s s l i c hNassbag^ereien

    National Association ofCraftsmen's Guilds.Reioh Youth Directorate.Reich Commissioner.Reich Minister for Axmament andWar Production.National Highway.Reich Trustee for Labour.National Insurance.Reich Defence Committee.Reich Defence Commissioner.Reich Economic Chamber.Re ich M inistry of Economics.Travel Money.Travel Status. Dispensary.D ire ct ive s concerning Rates forRenting Tools and Machinery.

    Raw M ater ial s Bureau.Rao* Materials . "Loyalist Spaniard".Armaments Bureau.Armament and Procurement Staff.Armament Commission.Armament Inspectorate.Armament and Food (Essential)Industr i es .Armament Sub-Commission.Specialist.Field of Competence (Administrative)Collecting Point.Sandpit and Gravel industries

    including Water Dredging IndustryF 20

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    Sanitatskrankenwagen(Sankra)SanitatswesenSchaehfaaeisterSchachtae iater loh nl is t e



    SohlussreohnungenSchneef lsenbauSchnee zauneerhaltungSchulung


    SchutskorpsSecretariat General a laMain d'Oeuvre, Directionde l a Main d'Oeuvre Encadree,Bureau dcs MutationsSibstkostenerstattung&vertragSelbstverpfleguagServices de Liaison t deDefense des EntrepreneursFranc ais Aupres d'OTServices des Ponts et Chaussees

    Service Regional desAssurances SocialaService Social de Chantiersde TravaurSioherheitsdienst (SD)Sicherstellung

    S ioherungsfflhrerF 21


    Medical Services.OT Foreman.Payroll made up on the Basis ofa Record of Workers present,Hours worked etc., kept by theForeman.Construction of HedgehogPos i t ions . Water Transportation.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials.Final AccountSoSnow Plough Co nstruction.Snow Fence Maintenance.(1) Training.Disciplinary Training.Disciplinary Camp.Security Guard (see also SK).Obsolete forms see SohutzkooB&ando.General Secretary for Labour,Control of Labour, Office ofTransfers (Vichy Governmentpos t ) . Cost Reimbursement Contract.Per Diem Status.Office for Liaison and Protectionof French Contractors JLn theOT.French Higfrvay and Bridge Repairand Maintenance Department(in the Vichy Ministry

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 109


    SK Bereitschaf t

    SK KameradschaftSK StreifenkomnandoSK WachabteilungSK ZagS of ortprograram



    SonderffihrerSonderregelung f flr dasKtlstengebietSosderstabSonder Treuh&nder derArbeit fflr die OTSoaderurlaubSender ze iohmingSosialbeauftr&gung

    SozialbetreuungSoziale AbgabenSozialpolitfkSozialversioheruiigSpar berecht i gt


    3FEES: Stab ffir die RuhrSperrDetriebe

    SS Folizei Regiment TODT

    Security Guard Unit (Companyleve l ) .

    Security Guard Unit (Squadleve l ) .Security Guard Patrol.SK Special Guard Unit .Security Guard platoon.(Building) Programme with hi^iestpriority Hating.Special Construction (e.g., V-s i t e s ) .Special Construction projected.(1) Special OT OperationalCommitment.(2) Area Control Staff, ArmyLevel (Speoial Sector).Specialist Officer (or EnlistedSpecial Pay Scale for CoastalRegion.Speoial Staff.Special Labour Trustee for the

    OT.Emergency Leave.Speoial Blueprint.Administrative Supervision of aHundertchaft (q.v.).Social Welfare.Deductions for Social Services.Social Policy.Social Insurance.Privileged to Keep SavingsAooountEfficiency Engineer*Materials Efficiency Comaissioner.SPEER Speoial Staff for the RuhrRegion.Industries with highest PriorityRating.SS Police Regiaent TODT.

    P 22

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    SS Verbindungsf tthrungSS Verwaltungs & WirtschaftshauptamtStaatenloseStabsftthrerStadtbauinspektorStadt bauneiaterStadtingenieurStannnlager

    Stainra perso nalSt at ion&reinsatzS t a t i s t i kStellungsbauS tollenbauan gelege n heitenStrassenbfeuStrecke KonsnandoStreifenkoomaiKloStatzpunktStundenlohnStundenlohnvertragTar i fTarifordnungTarnmattenTechnikTeohnische AbteilungTechnisches ^atTechnische Kothilfe (Teno)TechnischerTecbnisches BttroTiefbau

    P 23

    SS Liaison (with the OT).Central Bcoaaaio Authority of theSS (SS Administrative andEconomic Department).Men without N atio na lity .Senior Ranking Officer.Grade in Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials.Grade in Civil servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials.Grade in Civil Servant Hierarchyof Construction Officials.

    1) Permanent! 2) Induction Gamp.see Firmenatamwpersonal.see Fiuaenstammpersonal.Stabilised Method of OT Operation.A Sub-Section in the TechnicalSect ion.Building of Fort if ied Posit ions.Subterranean Tunnelling.Road Construction.Company sector.Special (SK) Security Unit.Strong point.Hourly Wages.Hour-Wages Contract.Tariff, Pay Scale.Tariff, Pay Scale Regulations.Camouflage Nets.Technical Aspects of Construction.Technical Section.Technical Bureau of SPEER Ministry.Technical Baergency Corps.Technician Employee.Technical Office.Subterranean Construction,

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    TiefbauingenieurDr. Fritz TOET EhrenmdelF r i t z TOUT Pre i sTransportTransportflotte SEEKSTransportkorpsTransportleitungTransportspanierTransport st andarteTransportvertr&geTreibstoffTrenmngszulage

    Treuhander dorU Boot StfltzpunkteU MeldmsgenUmsatzsteuerUnabktanlioh (UK)

    Unentschuldigtes Fehlen(or) EntfernungUnterakmohnitt

    UnterfOhrerUntttchaltungabereohtigteUntarkunft &Untericunftsper social



    Grade it, Civil Servant Hierarchyni* Construction O ff ic ia ls -

    F r i t z TODT Honor P in .F r i t z TOM! P r i z e .See NSKK Mbtortransport-Waterways Transport Fleet of the OT.Latest designation of OT MotorTransport branch.Transport Directorate."Loyalist Spaniards11 in NSKK-OT.see NSKK Motortransportstandarte.Transport Contracts.Fuel .Allowance on travel or non-travelstatus when OT Subsistence andQuarters are not at a l oronly partly furnished.Trustee for Labour.Submarine Bunkers.Daily Absence without Leave Reports

    Classified "Essential* in connection with Deferment fromact ive Mi l i tary Service .4VOL.Operational Sub-Sector on jlevel; term replaced by thatof Absohnittsbanleituag.(OT) H00.Survivors enti t led to Subsidies . B i l l e t s & scores AocoHinodatioEuCamp Cadre.Fiim undor OT contract or sub

    contract .Lia i son Off icer ,Lia ison St af f of Army M ilit ar yAdministration (in UncoupledTransport.Railroad and Motor Vehicles

    Traffic Office.

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 109



    Vermesau ngsinge nieur


    Vextaes sung sob eri nsp e kt or

    Ven ue ssungsrat

    Ve roes sungste chniker

    Ve zm s st nbe i3 ge

    VerordnungVerpflegungVerpf leguiogsabreohnungVerpf e gungskartenVerpfle gungslagerVerpflegungszuschxss beiNichtteiloahne an derGemeinsohaf tsv erpf l e gangVerpf lichtung sbesch eidVersicherungV&rsorgangVersorgungsre ateVer sorgungs vierf ahr nYerfceidigungsstand raitpanzerkuppelVertragsabteilungVertragsurkundoVertragawesen

    Vertraue nsmann

    Verwa ltungsinspekt or

    Surveying.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchy of Construction Officials.Grade in tbe Civil Servant Hierarchy of Construction Officials.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchy of ConstructionGrade in tbe Civil Servant Hierarchy of Construction Officials.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchy of Construction Officials.Grade in the Civil Servant Hierarchy of Construction Officials.Fay Allowance for Families ofWorkers Missing in Action.Decree, Regulation.(1) Hations.(2) Supply of Rations.Rations Accounts.Food Ration Coupons.Rations Depot.Subsistence Allowance when OTmessing faci l i t ies are notavailable. C er tifi ca te of (Labour Ser vice)Obligation.Insurance.Benef i t s .Social Security Benefit .Claim of Benefits.Strong Point iith Pillbox.Contracts Sub-Section (on BGl e v e l ) .Legal Agreement.AX1 Matters pertaining toContracts.Undercover Agent or Agent*provocateur amongst WorkerGroups.Grade in Civil servant Hierarchy of German GovernmentO f f i c i a l s .

  • 8/14/2019 Handbook of the ion TODT 109


    VerwaltungssachbearbeiterVolksdeutacherVorarbeiterVor best ra fte rVorgeaetzte Dienstste l leVorprflifdienst

    WachabteilungWasserstrassenamtWegegelderWe ge ze iten e nt scnadig&ngWehrausbildungWebr~ > AusbildungsgemeinschaftWehrbe zirksam tWehrbezirkskonraando (or

    Wehrbezirkskreis?) Ausl&ndWehrerziehungWehrmacht saus schussWehxmaoht MeldeamtWehrmacht sfahrscha i nWehrmacht s gefolgV/ehzmacht sgatWehrsaclibear b e lt erWehrsachgebietWehrwirt sohaf t samtWerkstatteT/firtsohaftWirtschaftsgruppeBauindustrieZentrale PlanungZ en tr a ls te ll e f ttr Zement undMassivbarrackenZentralverpflegiiiigslager (ZVL)Ziege l s te in industr ie

    P 26

    Administrative Special ist . Person of German Ancestry.Senior Workman,Previously convicted man*Next hi^ier office in echelon.Preliminary Checking of Accountsof 0T- firms (dos at OBLl e v e l ) .see SK Waohabteilung.V/aterways Bureau.Travel Allowances.Travel Time Allowance.Combat Training.Combat Training Combine.Distr ict Recruit ing Off ice .Distr ict Recruit ing HQ f o rGermans Abroad.Military Training.Armed Forces Cocmittee.Mil i tary Registrat ion Off ice .Armed Forces Travel Tickets.Armed Forces'Auxiliary.Amed Forces Property.Mi l i tary Spec ia l i s t .Military Field of Competence(Administrative).War Economy Office.Workshop.(Public)Economic Groupj Con str uc tionIndustry.Central Planning Board.Central Office for Cement andPermanent Hutments.Main Food Supply Depot.Brick Industry.


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    Zwangsarbeiter Forced Labourer.ZuXage Bonus, ExtraZuweisungakoajaission Class i f icat ion andGamaission (of AktionPranloreich, q.v.).Zwangsar bei te re i n sa t z Allocation of Forced