guided caliphs (questionanswer)

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  • 8/16/2019 Guided Caliphs (QuestionAnswer)


    Guided Caliphs (Question/Answer)Paper 2. [optional] The period of rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphs

    and their importance as leaders

    Candidates should study:

    • the main events of the rules of the four Caliphs• their policies in maintaining and expanding the state• their approaches to leading the community• their main achievements• the main difficulties they encountered• their significance as examples of leadership• the importance of their rules as models for government today• their importance as examples for Muslim communities in their relations withother states.

    (Note that the lives and activities of the Caliphs during the Prophet’s lifetime areincluded in the ylla!us in Paper ".#

    Candidates should $now the main events of the rules of the four Caliphs% andshould explore the significance of these events for the early and later history of&slam. 'hey should also understand the importance of their rules as examples forlater times.

    &n the examination% there will !e either one or two uestions on this topic.

    2 (a) Write short accounts of the lives of any two of the Rightly Guided Caliphs.

      [2 x 6] (!"!#$%(&% 'xplain the signicance of one of your chosen gures during his reign asCaliph. [$]

    (a% )n each case loo* for accounts of the caliph+s life up to the ti,e of his rule [2,ar*s]-

    and then his ,aor achieve,ents as caliph or the ,ain events of his rule [$,ar*s]./o not exceed the ,axi,u, allowed.

    (&% 0ere there should &e so,e atte,pt at analysis- not further description. 1oo*for co,,ents a&out the i,portance of what happened or what the individualdid e.g. 3&u 4a*r+s defeat of the false prophets safeguarded the young faith of)sla,5 +,ar+s organisation of the state gave it a sound &asis for develop,ent5+th,an+s collection of the 7ur+an preserved it for posterity.

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    Question 4

    (a% 8his part see,ed surprisingly di9cult for ,any candidates. )n each casethey had to give su9cient relevant facts a&out the two Caliphs to earn six,ar*s. 4ut what ,any did not notice is that the :uestion as*ed the, to coverthe whole life of their chosen gures- including their period as caliph- and not ust the lifeti,e of the ;rophet. 3fter all- this was signaled in the wording of the

    :uestion itself- where it ,entions the, not &y na,e &ut &y the title of Caliph.Good answers gave a few facts a&out the chosen gures< activities with the;rophet- and then went on to outline the ,aor events of their caliphates.

    (&% 0ere- candidates were not as*ed to give factual accounts- &ut to discuss thesignicance of one of the chosen Caliphs during his ti,e as Caliph. )n theiranswers- they were thus invited to &uild upon what they had written in part (a%.Good answers explained how the activities of the Caliph contri&uted to thedevelop,ent of )sla, as a faith (for exa,ple- the part played &y 3&u 4a*r and=th,an in collecting the 7ur#] [?!@!>2]

    )n this answer candidates can choose to write a&out the i,portant events thattoo* place inthe period of any two of the Rightly Guided Caliphs. 8he ,ar* is not divided ABA&etween thetwo caliphs instead exa,iners ,ust read the answer as a whole and ,ar*sshould &eawarded accordingly. or the reign of 3&u 4a*r candidates could write a&out theapostasy,ove,ent- the false prophets- the co,pilation of the 7ur

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    are all worthyof ,ention. )t is detail and develop,ent in the answer that will help candidatesgain top,ar*s.

    (&% 4riey state why any one event you have written a&out in part (a% was ofspecial

    signicance. [$]

    nce again a variety of answers could &e given &y the candidates. 8hecandidates in thisanswer need to write their reasons for why the event they have written a&out inpart (a% wasi,portant to the ?usli,s e.g. if they write a&out an event fro, the reign of=,ar they canstate how the expansion strengthened the )sla,ic e,pire etc.- &oosted ,oraleetc. ratherthan write a&out individual &attles or each ad,inistrative refor,. Good

    evaluation rather thanrepetition fro, part (a% should &e rewarded.

    )uestion * +,- +M/0/12"1

    This question was generally well answered with some candidates giving very detailedresponses with dates of events and names of the maor people involved. !f the four RightlyGuided Caliphs the most popular ones were "a#rat $%u &a'r and "a#rat ($li. )any

    candidates 'new *slamic history well. +ery few wrote on the caliphate of (,mar and whenthey did the focus was primarily on the %attles fought and won during his period. -ot muchwas written a%out the administrative reforms %rought a%out during his reign which wererequired %y the question. hen writing on $%u &a'r many candidates wrote a%out thespeech he made after the Prophet/s passing away. That speech was %efore him %ecomingcaliph so candidates simply lost time. *t is very important to read the question carefully andanswer what is %eing as'ed.

    Part (!# of this question had some interesting answers with candidates giving valid reasonsfor their choice of event they considered most important. $ few candidates made referencesto events that were not raised in part (a# even though the question specifically demanded

    that. 0ome discussed more than the one event and hence made it difficult to go %eyond asatisfactory level as the question only as'ed for one. The most popular caliph was $%u &a'r and the event candidates mostly wrote a%out was the compilation of the 1ur/an.

    ABU BAKR(R.A.)4 (a) Write an account of the ,aor contri&utions ,ade to )sla, &y 3&u 4a*r(i% during the ;rophet

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    H 0e was the ;rophet

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    Candidates could give a si,ple answer a&out the election of 3&u 4a*r as caliph&y statingthat +,ar too* &ait at the hand of 3&u 4a*r and the people fro, all sidesrushed to pledgetheir loyalty to hi,. ther answers will descri&e the gathering of the ansar atDa:ifahLiL4ani to discuss the appoint,ent of a caliph where they were oined &y3&u 4a*r- =,ar and other e,inent ,uhaireen. Whether the caliph was to &e

    fro, the ansar or the 7uraish could &e discussed here- 3&u 4a*r+s no,ination of +&aidah &in @ana could also &e ,entioned. 8he general pledge was ta*en thenext day. Good answers ,ay well include an extract fro, 3&u 4a*r

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    tri&es. [>#] (!"!#O%

    3nswers could have &asic references to the false prophets- the tri&eswithholding Ka*at andthe apostate tri&es. Do,e could go on to give fuller accounts of thesechallenges- faced &y3&u 4a*r. )n the answers it could &e descri&ed that at the ti,e of 3&u 4a*r+s

    caliphate therewere a nu,&er of people in 3ra&ia who clai,ed to &e prophets li*e ?uha,,ad. 8he ,ainones were ?usayli,a a,ong the 0anifa tri&es in Ma,a,a- 8ulayha a,ong thetri&es of 3sad and Ghatafan- alL3swad in the Me,en and Daah a,ong the 8a,i, tri&e.3nswerscould give accounts of how 3&u 4a*r sent forces against all of the, and writea&out theghting against ?usayli,a in the &attle of Ma,a,a- which was the ,ost erce-and one in

    which ,any ,e,oriKers of the 7ur+an were *illed. 8he revolt against )sla, &ytri&es that hadpledged loyalty to the ;rophet and the refusal of so,e tri&es to send taxes to?edina couldalso &e descri&ed. 'xcellent answers will give a full account.

    (&% Why is 3&u 4a*r called the Daviour of )sla,N [$]

     8o gain top ,ar*s in this :uestion candidates need to show a goodunderstanding of thereason why he was called the Daviour of )sla,. 3 satisfactory answer would

    si,ply explainthat he fought to prevent the &rea*Lup of )sla,. 0owever- ,ore co,pleteanswers willexplain that the false prophets and apostates threatened the uni:ueness andunity of )sla,and could not &e allowed to continue their activities. 0ence when he &eca,ecaliph he notonly gave new heart to the ?usli,s after the ;rophet passed away &ut helpedtheco,,unity of ?usli,s against its ,any ene,ies. )n his short ter, as caliph hedefeated thetri&es who withdrew fro, )sla, and ,ade the, stay ?usli, and he fought and

    won againsttri&es who refused to pay Ka*at. 0e also defeated the false prophets and thus*ept the unityof )sla, when there was ,uch danger. Candidates could ,ention hiscontri&ution in theco,pilation of the 7ur

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    candidates confidently wrote a%out the false prophets and $%u &a'r/s activities againstthem. "ere * would again li'e to add that candidates should %e encouraged to writerelevantly e.g. in the case of the false prophets there was a lot more to write on )usaylimathan the other three. Candidates however went on to write reams on the other three as wellwhich was not necessary. Their understanding and 'nowledge a%out the apostate tri%eswas in comparison to the false prophets not thorough. $lso very few gave dates in theiranswers to this question.

    3 (a) Write an account of the ,aor challenges that faced 3&u 4a*r during hiscaliphate. - [>#](D!;!#O%(&% 'xplain why he was *nown as the 0onest ne (alLDiddi:%- and the Daviour of)sla,. [$]

    (a% 1> for &asic references to the false prophets- the tri&es withholding Ka*at andtheapostate tri&es12 for a fuller account of these- including details

    1P and a&ove for a full account- together with suggestions of why these werechallenges and why it was i,portant for the Caliph to overco,e the,.

    (&% 1> for a &asic reason for one title12 for lin*s &etween alLDiddi: and the ;rophet

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    3nswer 20aKrat 3&u 4a*r was a good ,an even &efore the ti,e of )sla,. 0e never dran*or ga,&led.0e &elieved the holy ;rophet when he told a&out the isra- and so the ;rophetcalled hi, alLDiddi:. When he &eca,e the rst caliph he gave the ?usli,s strength in theirhearts and he

    ,ade the tri&es who refused to pay Ka*at pay it. 0e perfor,ed ,any servicesfor )sla,. Do heis called the Daviour of )sla,.

    1evel 2 8here is so,e ,ore detail here- and ,ore precise reasons for the two titles. 4utthe answer isstill rather &rief and not well thought through.

    3nswer PWhen the holy ;rophet declared that he had &een ta*en to @erusale, in one

    night- ,any peoplesaid this did not happen. 4ut when 0aKrat 3&u 4a*r was told this he said thatthe &elieved the;rophet. Do the holy ;rophet called hi, alLDiddi:. 0e was also a good ,an andlived a cleanlife even &efore )sla,. 3fter the sad de,ise of the holy ;rophet the ?usli,s didnot *now what they should do. 0aKrat 3&u 4a*r gave the, a lead at this ti,e.0e also fought against the tri&es who refused to pay Ka*at- and against the falseprophets. Do he saved )sla,.

    1evel P

     8his is ,uch fuller. )t gives so,e detail a&out the actions of 3&u 4a*r thatearned hi, thesetitles- and ,ore i,portantly shows the lin* &etween these actions and the titles.

    3nswer $ 8he holy ;rophet travelled on 4ura: fro, ?a**a to @erusale, and fro, there tothe presence of 3llah hi,self in heaven. 0e returned fro, there to ?a**a in onenight. When he told peoplethey did not &elieve hi,. 4ut when 3&u 4a*r heard this he &elieved that,o,ent withouthesitation. Do the holy ;rophet called hi, alLDiddi:. 0e was called the Daviour of )sla, &ecause when he was caliph he helped the co,,unity of ?usli,s tosurvive against ,any ene,ies. )n the rst place- he gave new heart to the?usli,s after the ;rophet passed away. 0e told the, that the ;rophet ,ust dieand that only 3llah never dies. 8hen in his short ti,e as Caliph he defeated thetri&es who withdrew fro, )sla, and ,ade the, stay ?usli,- and he fought andwon against the tri&es who refused to pay Ka*at. 0e also defeated the falseprophets who clai,ed that they were real prophets. Do he *ept the unity of)sla, at a ti,e when there was ,uch danger.

    1evel $

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     8his answer shows extensive understanding of the reason why 3&u 4a*r wasgiven these titles.1i*e the 1P answer it lin*s the titles with precise action of the caliph- &ut it givesfuller details- forexa,ple saying that 3&u 4a*r expressed instant &elief in the "ight @ourney ofthe ;rophet- andexplaining the i,portance of his suppressing insurrections at a sensitive ti,e.

    2 (a) Give an account of how the 7ur#%or this answer candidates should write a clear and co,prehensive account oftheco,pilation of the 7ur

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    some inaccuracies in answers e.g. saying at the time of (,thman copies of the 1ur/an withmista'es in it were circulating. here it was answered poorly candidates wrote a%out therevelation and the scri%es writing verses on %ones etc. 0ome candidates did not writea%out the compilation under (,thman at all. $ fair num%er of candidates gained full mar's.(!# There were some good answers to this question %ut generally answers were vague.The %est answers offered insightful reasons for the need to compile the 1ur(an e.g. that the1ur(an needed to %e compiled for future generation who would not learn it %y heart or would

    not have $ra%ic as their first language and the fact that the compilation allows )uslims tohave access to the 1ur(an in all times and places without any changes. "owever there wasalso a tendency amongst a fair num%er of candidates to repeat some description from (a#e.g. the loss of hafi# and merely add that Caliphs feared the 1ur/an would %e lost withoutany e5planation of the implications of the 1ur/an %eing lost and why it was then compiled.

    4. (a) 8race the ,aor stages in the co,pilation of the 7ur+an in the ti,e of thecaliphs 3&u 4a*r

    and Ith,an. [2 x A] (!"!#6%(&% Why did these caliphs thin* it was i,portant to ,a*e a co,pilation of the7ur

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    7uestion $(a% 3 high nu,&er of candidates answered this :uestion and it was generallywell answered. ?ost candidates gained ,ore ,ar*s in the description of theco,pilation under 3&u 4a*r. ?anycandidates confused Caliph th,an with Caliph ,ar. Candidates could havegiven &etter details of the way in which the 7ur for ,ention of the ,ain outline- including the part played &y 3&u 4a*r-=,ar-=th,an and Qayd )&n 8ha&it12 for further detail- including the parts played &y ?usayli,a- 0afsa- and theCo,panions who wor*ed with Qayd1P for adding the reasons why 3&u 4a*r and =th,an ordered collections1$ for a full account of all the a&ove details- together with references to the,ethodsused &y Qayd and his colleagues

    2 (a% 8race the ,ain stages in the co,pilation of the 7ur+an in the ti,e of thecaliphs3&u 4a*r and =th,an. [>#]

    3nswer > 8he holy 7ur

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    widely.?any people with diEerent languages not 3ra&ic &eca,e ?usli,. 0aKrat=th,an learnt thatso,e of these people were reading the 7ur

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    versions of the 7ur extra ,ar*for a further co,,ent that shows fuller understanding5 and the third ,ar* forco,pleteexplanations] 8he false prophets threatened the uni:ueness of the ;rophet ?uha,,ad 8heir clai,s suggested that ?uha,,ad was not the last prophet sent fro, Godnless they were overthrown )sla, could not uphold its clai,s

    )f variant readings were allowed the ,essage of the 7ur

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    3 (a) 4riey descri&e the ,ain events of the caliphate of any two of the rightlyguidedcaliphs given &elow(i% 3&u 4a*r(ii% =,ar(iii% =th,an [>#] (!"!2#>>%

    )n answering this part of the :uestion the candidate needs to give an account ofwhat theindividual caliphs did. ocus should &e on the ,ain events of their rule.

    3&u 4a*r

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    tas* they haveselected to discuss was i,portant- what &enet ca,e out of it and perhaps what,ay havehappened had it not &een dealt with eEectively &y 3&u 4a*r. 8his is anevaluative answerwhich gives the candidate a chance to show their understanding of the topic.

    )uestion * (,xaminers -eport#)ost candidates chose to write a%out $%u &a'r and (,thman. hen writing a%out (,mar itwas important to include the administrative reforms %rought in %y him. *t was also importantnot to mi5 up events %etween the three.

    *n Part (!# some candidates wrote a%out the speech $%u &a'r made when the Prophetpassed away %ut the speech was made %efore his election and so was not relevant."owever if candidates wrote a%out him unifying the )uslims then that was relevant. 6orthis question candidates needed to choose one tas' and state why it was important what

    would have happened if it had not %een dealt with and what %enefit came of it not ust writea list of the tas's.

    UMAR (R.A.)

    4 (a) Write an account of the ,ain activities of 0aKrat I,ar(i% during the lifeti,e of the ;rophet-and (ii% during his caliphate. [2 x 6]

    (&% What does the ,anner of 0aKrat I,ar

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    died or failed to show how his assassination %ore any significance as an indication to hischaracter.

    3 (a) 8race the expansion of the )sla,ic e,pire under the rule of the caliph=,ar. [>#] (?!@!#O%

    4asic answers ,ay show so,e *nowledge of the ,ain &attles and areas &roughtunder?usli, rule during the caliphate of =,ar. 4etter answers will &e a&le to expandon thepoints ,ade earlier and &e a&le to na,e and date the ,ain &attles. Do,e of thei,portantdates!&attles are 6P63/!>A30 &attle of Mar,u*- 6PJ3/!>30 &attle of alL7adisiyya-6$23/!2>30 &attle of "ihawand. 4etter candidates should &e a&le to give acoherent

    account of the progress of ?usli, ar,ies- the &attles won and the landcaptured. ullydetailed and dated answers showing a gradual expansion of the answer willena&le thecandidates to get top range ,ar*s.

    (&% What does the way he died tell us a&out his characterN [$]

    Candidates ,ight &egin &y showing signs that they have so,e *nowledge ofhow the caliphdied. Do,e ,ight go on to descri&e how =,ar was assassinated &y his servant.

    0owever a,ore co,plete answer will explain why the servant *illed his ,aster- and willshow anawareness of the severe fairness of =,ar this reveals. )t was =,ar

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    were mi5ed. 0ome candidates gave detailed and coherent accounts of the progress of)uslim %attles under the caliphate of (,mar whereas others confused dates wars and thenames of the commanders. They seemed more confident a%out the Persian wars andconcentrated more on them. *n part (!# candidates found it challenging to move %eyonddescri%ing how the caliph (,mar died to show how his manner of death reflected hischaracter.

    3 (a) Write a detailed account of the ad,inistrative ,easures put in place &y=,ar duringhis caliphate. [>#] (?!@!>>%

    Candidates could give a &asic answer &y saying that the )sla,ic e,pireexpanded rapidlyduring his caliphate and he undertoo* ,any ad,inistrative ,easures to,anage the aEairs of the state in an eEective ,anner and they could go on to list a few of the,easures he too*. 3

    few exa,ples are he divided the state into several provinces and appointed:ualiedgovernors called Wali5 he separated the udiciary fro, the executive to ,a*e itco,pletelyi,partial. 8he 7adi was the head of the udiciary5 he esta&lished a depart,entof nanceunder the na,e of /ewan etc. Candidates could discuss so,e or ,any of=,ar

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    the more important ones. $s in all part (a# answers it is detail and development that achievehigh mar's. )ost candidates who attempted this question answered it well. 0ome howeverwent on to write a%out all the %attles fought during ,mar/s reign and the e5pansion made.0uch answers were given no credit as they did not relate to the question. Candidatesshould %e encouraged to answer the question that is %eing as'ed. *n part (!# there weresome good responses. "ere candidates who mentioned ,mar/s e5pansion were credited aswell as those who wrote of the prosperity during his reign and the internal consolidation etc.

    Question 4 (O/N/03)

    Do,e co,,ents have already &een ,ade a&out answers to this :uestion (seeGeneral co,,ents earlier%. )n (a% ,ost candidates who wrote a&out =,ardisplayed an i,pressive a,ount of *nowledge of the territorial con:uests underhi, and were a&le to gain high ,ar*s &y giving details of &attles- dates andplaces con:uered. 8hose who were also a&le to co,,ent on his organisationalarrange,ents within the e,pire gained high ,ar*s in this part.Candidates who wrote on =3li in (a% also usually *new a&out the di9culties heencountered and the internal strife within the e,pire in his ti,e. 8he &estanswers detailed the events surrounding the &attle of the Ca,el- the &attle of

    Di9n and the &rea*Lup a,ong his supporters following the latter. Dtrangely-so,e answers stated that he was the last caliph5 while he is *nown as the last of the RightyLGuided Caliphs- he was a,ong the rst in a long line that stretchedfor ,any centuries through )sla,ic history. 3 noticea&le a&sence fro, answerswas any co,,ent a&out =3li fro, a Dhi

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    caliphate was not a hereditary concept in )sla, and a for, of de,ocracy waspractised.H 8hey consulted the ,alis e shura in all aEairs of the state.H 'veryone was free to express their opinion and criticise the caliph.H 8he caliphs were availa&le to all and at all ti,es.H 8he udiciary was independent and no one was a&ove the law.H 8he &ait ul ,aal was pu&lic property and was so treated &y the caliphs.

    'xa,ples to all or so,e of the points given a&ove could &e given &y thecandidates to showhow the caliphs were exa,ples of leadership- not only to the people of theirage- &ut totoday

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    H 0e ,igrated to ?adina.H 0e did not ta*e part in the 4attle of 4adr &ecause of his sic* wife.H When Ru:ayya died- he was given her sister ,, Fulthu, as wife.H 0e acted as the ;rophet

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    /etails of areas con:uered and re&ellions put down could &e given here. 8herst ?usli,naval eet was &uilt during the reign of =th,an. )t was =th,an who during hister, ascaliph ordered a full edition of the 7ur

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    %ut the %etter answers not only dealt with the two aforementioned points %ut also dealt withthe e5pansion of )uslim territories that too' place during his time giving names of territoriesadded sometimes even with dates they wrote of re%ellions that arose in $#er%aian and

     $rmenia and how they were crushed. The revolt of the Romans was mentioned %y someand good answers also went on to write a%out how the first )uslim naval fleet was startedin the caliphate of (,thman. !nce again it was detail and development which earned the candidates higher


    Part (!# answer to this question saw a lot of repetition from Part (a#. 9valuation of some ofthe points made in Part (a# was needed. $lso candidates needed to write a%out (,thman/sassassination.

    A! (R.A.)

    4 (a) /escri&e the ,ain events of the caliphate of =3li. [>#] (?!@!#O%

    3 very &asic answer will show so,e *nowledge of the ,ain events- including the

    &attle of 

    Ca,el and the &attle of Di9n. 3 slightly ,ore developed answer will descri&e

    the pro&le,s

    faced &y the caliph in so,e detail. 8he &etter candidates will give a full account

    of the


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    disagree,ent over =3li

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    H 0e was ta*en &y the ;rophet as his &rother when pairing 3nsar and


    H 0e was one of the fore,ost warriors of the )sla,ic co,,unity.

    H 0e oEered to ght singleLhandedly &efore a nu,&er of &attles.

    H [> ,ar* for details- e.g. his feats at the &attle of 0unayn.]

    H 0e was a scri&e of the ;rophet.

    H 0e wrote the 8reaty of alL0uday&iya.H [DhiIas &elieve the ;rophet designated hi, as his successor.]


    H 0e &eca,e caliph after the ,urder of Ith,an.

    H 0e did not i,,ediately ta*e steps to punish Ith,an

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    Question 4

     8his proved a challenging :uestion- and while it &rought a few very good

    answers- there were also so,e ,uddled answers- in which the 4attles of the

    Ca,el and Di9n were ,ixed up- or the achieve,ents of =3li and =,ar or even

    3&u 4a*r were confused. )n (a% ,ost candidates were a&le to descri&e the two

    parts of =3li

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    H 0e was confronted with the decision of how to treat the assassins of +th,an.

    H 8alha and Qu&ayr- with the support of +3#] (!"!2#>#%

    =3li &eca,e caliph after the ,urder of =th,an. 0e did not i,,ediately ta*e

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    steps to punish

    =th,ans *illers for which he was opposed &y 8alha and Qu&ayr. 8he &etter

    answers will

    give further details li*e he was also opposed &y 3yesha who supported 8alha and


    and &y =th,an

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