gug proposal for the option of examinations of gozitan students to be held in gozo

GUG Proposal for the option of examinations of Gozitan students to be held in Gozo 2011/2012

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GUG Proposal for the option of examinations of Gozitan students to be held in Gozo


Page 1: GUG Proposal for the option of examinations of Gozitan students to be held in Gozo

GUG Proposal for the option of examinations of Gozitan students to be held in Gozo


Page 2: GUG Proposal for the option of examinations of Gozitan students to be held in Gozo

ADDRESS: Grupp Universitarji Ghawdxin, GUG - Unit 8, Wistin Camilleri Centre for Arts & Crafts, JF De Chambray Str

Ghajnsielem, Gozo, Malta.

WEB: EMAIL: [email protected] Mobile: 00356 79256904


The Gozo University Group originated in the 1980s and was then officially established in 1987 as a student organization. Since its inception, GUG committed itself to represent and promote the interest of Gozitan students’ life at university and cater for their particular requirements. Nonetheless, we also feel the obligation to represent the needs of Gozitan students attending Mcast and ITS. This was already successful since the government accepted our proposal to give equal supplementary grants to all Gozitan students attending any institute. GUG is aware that many students live in apartments close to the campus to decrease travelling time during week days; but we are also aware that others commute to and fro Malta and Gozo on a daily basis. Moreover, a good number of Gozitan students that reside in Malta during the week opt to go back home during the examination period. This is done to secure moral support from families and friends during such a stressful period. Therefore, we propose that Gozitan students are given the option to sit for their written exams in Gozo. The rationale behind this is to minimize the time lost whilst commuting and the added pressure Gozitan students face when having to commute for a relatively long distance. The issue of the possibility of undertaking the examinations in Gozo has been placed forward for the past 10 years with no serious action being taken. This year, our executive has made this ongoing concern one of its main priorities; in order to make all that is within our potential to change the achievable and to present solutions needed for this current issue to be finally settled. We already managed to get the a letter of commitment from the Ministry for Gozo in which the Minister for Gozo clearly states that the Ministry is willing to pay all the extra expenses required for the possibility of undertaking the examinations in Gozo to take place. Therefore all expenses related with this proposal are to be paid by the Ministry for Gozo.

2.0 Operational Framework

2.1 Registration

Being aware of possible problems in absence of a rigid framework, GUG would like to propose that students do not randomly select which examinations to sit for in Gozo and in Malta.

Page 3: GUG Proposal for the option of examinations of Gozitan students to be held in Gozo

ADDRESS: Grupp Universitarji Ghawdxin, GUG - Unit 8, Wistin Camilleri Centre for Arts & Crafts, JF De Chambray Str

Ghajnsielem, Gozo, Malta.

WEB: EMAIL: [email protected] Mobile: 00356 79256904

We propose that the student is given the option to sit either for exams in Malta or in Gozo by:

1) Selecting which campus the student prefers while registering for his studies at the University of Malta within the office of the Registrar;

2) Will have the option of changing the campus 1 month ahead of an examination session in case of extraordinary circumstances;

3) Additionally, we recommend that the choice has to be made en block and thus, it is not based on individual credits but on all the credits one would be sitting for in the upcoming examination session;

4) Once the students have registered, the Office of the Registrar would then submit to the faculties the number of students that would be sitting for the exam in Gozo.

2.2 Transfer of Examination Papers

GUG understands the sensitivity of the matter and the importance of security. Thus, for such reasons and transparency’s sake, GUG recommends the following procedure with regards the transfer of examination papers:

1) Upon receiving the examination paper, the faculty clerks can put aside the number of papers required according to the number of students who will be sitting for the exam in Gozo;

2) These papers are then all taken to the Registrar’s office and subsequently transported to Gozo;

3) It is advisable that a courier is sent with all the papers. This would be a secure mechanism as opposed to a fax machine or email;

4) Upon arrival at the examination centre in Gozo, the papers may be

distributed in due time. Examination scripts would be readily and abundantly available at the Gozo Examination centre.

Page 4: GUG Proposal for the option of examinations of Gozitan students to be held in Gozo

ADDRESS: Grupp Universitarji Ghawdxin, GUG - Unit 8, Wistin Camilleri Centre for Arts & Crafts, JF De Chambray Str

Ghajnsielem, Gozo, Malta.

WEB: EMAIL: [email protected] Mobile: 00356 79256904

The Ferry can be a major issue, mainly for the January/February session, during which bad sea conditions are quite frequent. GUG is aware of this and thus proposes that:

1) Should the ferry not be working, all examination papers will be sent by fax;

2) Or by email.

We believe that establishing a fixed procedure is vital for the success of this proposal. GUG would also like to highlight two crucial points:

1) Examinations of the courses followed in Gozo, do have their examinations in

Gozo at the same time of Malta;

2) In case of bad weather and if by chance the ferry is unable to work according

to schedule, Gozitan students in Gozo are able to do their exams in Gozo.

3.0 Venues

Venues remain a central issue. GUG has identified 4 central locations where exams could be held, these being:

1) the Gozo Examination Hall; 2) the Gozo University Campus; 3) the Gozo Sixth Form (this can be used after 15.00); 4) the Sir Wistin Camilleri Gozo Centre for Art & Crafts.

GUG proposes that exams are held in large halls to minimise the expenses of invigilators, which is to be covered by the Ministry for Gozo. According to the latest registered number of Gozitan students attending a course at the University of Malta in Malta is that of 881 dated 2nd December 2011. This does not mean that 881 students will be doing their examinations in Gozo.

Page 5: GUG Proposal for the option of examinations of Gozitan students to be held in Gozo

ADDRESS: Grupp Universitarji Ghawdxin, GUG - Unit 8, Wistin Camilleri Centre for Arts & Crafts, JF De Chambray Str

Ghajnsielem, Gozo, Malta.

WEB: EMAIL: [email protected] Mobile: 00356 79256904

4.0 Conclusion

The recent increase in the number of students attending the University of Malta is also reflected in the increase of Gozitan students. This leads to new circumstances that require attention. GUG encourages that the concerned authorities are to be engaged in discussion on a more regular basis to analyse and discuss the needs of the Gozitan student community. GUG also encourages the University of Malta Gozo Campus to take a more proactive role in facilitating the life of Gozitan student community. GUG also proposes that a mechanism facilitating the:

submission of assignments;

and the return of books of the University of Malta library in which the above mentioned items are given to the Gozo campus instead of having to travel a whole day for the sake of a one-minute task; that of giving an assignment or returning a book.