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316 MCAST PROSPECTUS 2013/14 A health and social care student during a work experience at Residenza Sant’Anna in Rabat, Gozo

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A health and social care student during a work experience at Residenza Sant’Annain Rabat, Gozo

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A health and social care student during a work experience at Residenza Sant’Annain Rabat, Gozo

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Institute of

The MCAST Gozo Centre offers Gozitan students a selection of the courses available at the College’s ten institutes on the island of Malta. MCAST’s course provision in Gozo is intended to meet the Gozitan young people’s demand for VET opportunities close to home, as well as to meet the skills demands of the Gozitan economy. Our training is offered through two sub-centres. At the Xag˙ra centre, we offer courses in business and commerce and ICT. At the Xewkija Centre, we have workshops, lecture rooms and a hairdressing salon for our programmes in mechanical, electrical, building and construction engineering, as well as for courses in community services. The MCAST Pathway for Independent Living Programme is also offered at the Xewkija Centre.

MCAST Xag˙ra Centre

132, Triq it-Ti©rija, Xag˙ra,

Gozo XRA 2013

00356 2155 6275

00356 2156 4521

E [email protected]

Director: Godwin Grech



MCAST Xewkija Centre

Triq tal-Óamrija, Xewkija,

Gozo XWK 9034

00356 2156 4146

00356 2155 1529

E [email protected]@

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Page Course Code Course Title324 13/04/01G MCAST Introductory Certificate in Construction Engineering - Level 1*

325 13/09/02G MCAST Foundation Certificate in Care - Level 2*327 13/05/02G MCAST Foundation Certificate in Computing - Level 2*328 13/04/24G MCAST Foundation Certificate in Engineering Skills - Level 2*329 13/09/03G MCAST Foundation Certificate in Hairdressing - Level 2*

331 13/03/03G Diploma in Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures) (C&G 2365) - Level 3333 13/09/05G Diploma in Hairdressing - Women (C&G 6902)334 13/04/10G MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Construction335 13/03/04G MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Engineering (Electronics)336 13/09/07G MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Health and Social Care337 13/01/03G MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Mechanical Engineering339 13/05/03G MCAST-BTEC Diploma in IT

340 13/03/05GA Diploma in Electrical Installations (Buildings and Structures) (C&G 2365) - Level 4341 13/09/10G MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Social Care)342 13/05/04G MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in IT (Software Development)343 13/05/05G MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in IT (Networking and Systems Support)344 13/06/08G MCAST Level 4 Diploma in Financial Services345 13/09/12G MCAST-BTEC National Diploma in Children’s Play, Learning and Development

347 13/06/09G AAT Diploma in Accounting

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skond il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.







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A practical session at the Gozo Centre’s engineering workshops

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“The ICT courses offered at the Gozo Centre provided me with a stepping stone towards a career in this sector. They combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills, from crimping a network cable to managing a server environment.”

Christian GaleaMCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing and Systems Development(ICT Systems Support),ICT Governance Officer at the Ministry for Gozo

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“After completing a course in care, I found a job in a home for the elderly. Yet, I soon realised that I left school too early and decided to continue my studies at a higher level. I particularly look forward to work placements, where I get to work in different care settings, such as homeless shelters or hospitals, while learning about the specific needs of different people in need.”

Catrina PortelliSecond year student, MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Social Care)

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“As part of my course, I was offered a work placement with one of Malta’s most established banks. This was to be an important opportunity for me as eventually the same bank offered me a full-time job in Gozo, which I took up as soon as I completed my studies.”

Franklin VellaMCAST Level 4 Diploma in Financial Services,Clerk at HSBC Bank Malta’sGozo Services Centre

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“The first time I installed a complete electrical system in one of the installation cubicles at the workshop, I was overjoyed. After several theory and practice classes with our lecturers, I realised that I had learnt how to build and test a complete functional electrical installation on my own.”

Daniel MerciecaSecond year student, Certificate in Electrical Installation/Maintenance (C&G 2330)

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130401G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the importance of

following workshop safe practices and of handling hand tools safely

2. Follow instructions on how to mark simple templates

3. Follow instructions to produce simple products from various materials

4. appreciate the link between workshop practice and key skills.

the programme provides an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to explore the underpinning principles of common construction engineering skills.

it presents students with vocational practice to demonstrate the opportunities that can be followed in various sectors. this includes woodwork, plumbing, sheet-metal, bench-fitting and electrical practical exercises.

By the end of the course, provided you are successful, you would have experienced and gained sufficient basic knowledge to follow any foundation certificate level 2 programme offered by the institute of Building and Construction engineering or any other institute.

the course includes a significant key skills component which will help you improve your language, literacy and numeracy skills. it and personal development sessions are also part of the key skills component.

il-programm joffri opportunità lil istudenti li jkollhom Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja biex ikunu jistgħu jifhmu sew prinċipji bażiċi tal-inġinerija tal-kostruzzjoni.

il-programm jinkludi l-prattika vokazzjonali u b’hekk tkun tista’ tifhem aħjar l-opportunitajiet li jeżistu f‘setturi diversi. hemm elementi ta’ xogħol fl-injam, plumbing, xogħol fil-metall, bench-fitting u eżerċizzji prattiċi f’xogħol tal-elettriku.

Jekk tmur tajjeb, sa tmiem il-kors tkun ħadt biżżejjed prattika u ġbart l-għarfien meħtieġ biex tkun tista’ tidħol għal kwalunkwe kors tal-foundation certificate fil-livell 2, li joffri l-istitut tal-Bini u l-inġinerija tal-Kostruzzjoni, jew xi istitut ieħor.

ikollok lezzjonijiet fil-malti, l-ingliż u l-matematika. irrispettivament mill-kors li tixtieq taqbad, dawn is-suġġetti ma tistax tgħaddi mingħajrhom. magħhom ikollok ukoll lezzjonijiet fl-it u tal-iżvilupp personali.



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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130902G

the programme provides an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to follow a structured programme of study in an area which is close to their interests.

the programme offers students the opportunity of obtaining work experience. this helps students get a better idea of the nature of this calling. this course provides the basic skills necessary for further training.

you will be required to sit for tests in maltese, english and mathematics. Following these tests, mCast shall draw up a list of those who are found to require significant help in their studies. these learners will stand to benefit by joining the introductory Certificate course at level 1 instead. this is a one-year course which is intended to help the students to progress to level 2 courses the following year.

il-kors jipprovdi opportunità lil dawk li spiċċaw l-iskola obbligatorja u għandhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja biex isegwu kors f’qasam li hu ta’ interess għalihom.

il-kors joffrilek opportunità biex tikseb esperjenza ta’ xogħol li jgħinek tifforma idea tajba tas-sengħa jew vokazzjoni li beħsiebek issegwi. dan il-kors jipprovdi l-ħiliet bażiċi li jwasslu għal aktar taħriġ fis-settur tal-kura.

tkun trid tersaq għal testijiet fil-malti, fl-ingliż u fil-matematika. Wara dawn it-testijiet, l-mCast iħejji lista ta’ dawk li jkunu jeħtieġu aktar għajnuna biex ilaħħqu mal-istudji tagħhom. dawn l-istudenti jidħlu għall-introductory Certificate course fuq il-livell 1. dan il-kors ta’ sena jgħinhom jgħaddu għall-korsijiet fuq il-livell 2 is-sena ta’ wara.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests and interview

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand basic care principles2. practise own proper personal care and

presentation3. understand basic scientific principles

needed to be an effective carer4. Work safely to protect yourself and

others within the care environment, under supervision.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130502G

the programme is designed to allow students with a school leaving Certificate to follow a study in the area of it. the course includes a significant amount of vocational practice that will help students to form a clear idea of the nature of the trade or vocation of it.

students will receive a proper understanding of the basic areas that make up information and Communication technology (iCt). this course is not intended to prepare you for immediate employment. however, it is the first in a series of programmes that will eventually prepare you to work within the computing industry.

dan il-programm iwassal biex l-istudenti, li għandhom iċ-Certifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja, ikunu jistgħu jaqbdu l-istudju fil-qasam tal-it. il-kors fih element tajjeb ta’ prattika vokazzjonali li għandha tgħin biex l-istudent jifforma idea ċara dwar x’titlob is-sengħa tal-it.

ikollok tagħrif siewi fuq l-oqsma bażiċi tat-teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni u l-Komunikazzjoni (iCt). dan il-kors waħdu ma jkunx biżżejjed biex issib impjieg mill-ewwel. madanakollu, huwa wieħed f’serje ta’ programmi li eventwalment jippreparawk għal xogħol fl-industrija tal-kompjuter.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. identify the main hardware components

of a computer system2. Carry out simple programming tasks

using a high level language3. use several office applications in a

proficient manner4. Create simple web pages using several

web design tools.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130424G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateorFiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the basic characteristics

of wood, construction, welding, fabrication, mechanical, auto and electrical fields of study

2. interpret different types of information and ideas in terms of core skills in mathematics and science, language communication, information technology and basic technical documentation

3. use basic hand tools effectively in a workshop environment

4. take responsibility for completing simple assigned tasks and assignments.

the course is designed for school leavers who are in possession of a school leaving Certificate and who wish to follow a structured programme of study in an area which is close to their interests. the programme includes elements of vocational practice that will help students to form a clear idea of the nature of the trade or vocation they intend to follow at further levels of vocational training.

the course thus provides practical and theoretical aspects of a number of useful trades (electrical, mechanical, Welding and Fabrication, Woodwork and Construction in stone).

you will be able to gain experience in the use of tools, materials and processes relating to these trades. the course will enable you to choose and progress in one specific trade as a career.

dan il-kors huwa maħsub għal studenti li jkollhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja u li jkunu jixtiequ jsegwu programm ta’ studju f’xi qasam li jinteressahom. il-programm jinkludi elementi ta’ taħriġ vokazzjonali li jgħinuk biex tifhem aħjar in-natura tas-sengħa li tixtieq taqbad u li tkun tista’ ssegwi f’livelli ta’ studju ogħla.

Għaldaqstant, il-kors jinkludi aspetti prattiċi u teoretiċi f’għażla ta’ snajja’ utli, bħal ma huma l-elettriku, il-mekkanika, il-Welding u x-xogħol tal-ħadid, ix-xogħol tal-injam kif ukoll il-bini.

tieħu esperjenza fl-użu tal-għodda, il-materjali u l-proċessi skont is-snajja’ li semmejna. il-kors jgħinek ukoll biex tagħżel is-sengħa li tgħodd għalik u l-karriera li tixtieq taqbad.

simple assigned tasks and assignments.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130903G

the hairdressing programme provides an opportunity to school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate to follow a structured programme of study in an area which is close to their interests.

the programme does not only consist of vocational practice. it includes the study of key skills which will also help you to get a better idea of the nature of your preferred calling. in other words, the course provides the basic skills necessary for further training in the hairdressing trade.

il-kors tal-hairdressing jipprovdi opportunità ta’ taħriġ fis-settur lil dawk li jkunu spiċċaw l-iskola obbligatorja u li għandhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja.

il-programm ma jikkonsistix biss fi prattika vokazzjonali. Jinkludi wkoll is-suġġetti ta’ qofol li jgħinuk biex tifforma idea aħjar ta’ x’titlob is-sengħa li biħsiebek issegwi. Fi kliem ieħor, dan il-kors iservi ta’ bażi biex, fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, tkun tista’ timxi ‘l quddiem u titħarreġ iżjed fis-sengħa tal-hairdressing.

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCateor FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment testsapplicants may be called for an interview.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. describe basic hair and scalp structures2. practise proper own personal care and

presentation3. demonstrate an understanding of

basic scientific principles relating to hairdressing

4. Complete a range of basic tasks required to assist a hairdresser.

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AWARDING BODY: CITY & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130303G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: City & Guilds examination Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: mathematicspreferred: physics, english, Computerstudies, technical design, Chemistry,design and technology, engineering drawing and Graphical Communication

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindnessis a necessary requirement to attend forthe course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the safety requirements of electrical installation2. interpret wiring regulations and

requirements for domestic electrical installation

3. design, perform and test domestic electrical installations to given requirements

4. troubleshoot, repair and modify existing single phase installations.

Career opportunities: assisting the qualified electrician.

Candidate will be able to assist in the construction of a domestic single phase electrical installation work under supervision.

allows candidates to learn, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression

in the electrical installation sector.

this is a one-year full-time programme for those interested in a career progression within the electrical installations industry. the course contributes towards an understanding of the relevant theory and allows candidates to develop practical skills required in this field. this is a qualification for candidates to work as electricians in the building services engineering sector. it allows candidates to learn, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression in the electrotechnology sector.

the course is a practical programme which covers all the basics of wiring and testing electrical installation circuits, using different cables, containment and testing instruments. it also addresses electrical installation regulations.

this course includes opportunities to develop one’s competences in technical english, maltese, mathematics, engineering drawing while supporting iCt skills.

dan huwa programm ta’ sena full-time u huwa mmirat għal dawk interessati li javvanzaw fil-karriera tagħhom fl-industrija tal-installazzjoni tal-elettriku. il-kors jikkontribwixxi biex l-istudenti jifhmu aħjar it-teorija marbuta ma’ dan il-qasam, filwaqt li jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet prattiċi meħtieġa għal dan ix-xogħol. din il-kwalifika tapplika ghal studenti li jixtiequ jaħdmu bħala electricians fis-settur tal-inġinerija dwar is-servizzi tal-bini. l-istudenti jitgħallmu, jiżviluppaw u jipprattikaw il-ħiliet meħtieġa biex isibu impieg jew jimxu ‘l quddiem fil-karriera tagħhom fis-settur tat-teknoloġija elettrika. il-kors huwa programm prattiku li jkopri l-elementi bażiċi marbuta ma’ sistemi ta’ wajers u ttestjar ta’ ċirkwiti ta’ installazzjonijiet elettriċi bl-użu ta’ cables differenti, kif ukoll l-immaniġġjar u l-ittestjar tagħhom. l-istudenti jitħarrgu wkoll fir-regolamenti dwar l-installazzjoni tal-elettriku. tul il-kors l-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jtejbu l-kompetenzi tagħhom fl-ingliż tekniku, il-malti, il-matematika u d-disinn tekniku, filwaqt li jsaħħu l-ħiliet tagħhom fit-teknoloġija tal-informatika.

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A work experience at Toni & Guy Gozo

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AWARDING BODY: CITY & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130905G

this course leads to a City & Guilds diploma (C&G 6902) which is designed for students wanting to start working in a hair salon, or who may want to work independently. the diploma provides a wide range of theoretical and practical skills in hairdressing.

such skills include shampooing, styling, massaging, cutting, colouring and perming. you will also learn to be aware of health and safety issues as well as how to manage a hairdressing reception. there is also the opportunity to practise your skills both during salon sessions at mCast as well as on your work placement.

dan il-kors iwassal għas-City & Guilds diploma (C&G 6902) li tista’ twassal biex l-istudenti jibdew jaħdmu f’salon tax-xagħar, jew għal rashom. id-diploma toffri firxa wiesgħa ta’ ħiliet teoretiċi u prattiċi fil-qasam tal-hairdressing.

dawn il-ħiliet jinkludu l-ħasil tax-xagħar, l-istil, il-massage, il-qtugħ, iż-żebgħa u l-perm. titgħallem dwar is-saħħa u s-sigurtà, u dwar l-informazzjoni u l-appuntamenti li tagħti lill-klijenti. ikollok iċ-ċans ittejjeb il-ħiliet li titlob is-sengħa tax-xagħar kemm fis-salon tal-mCast kif ukoll fuq postijiet tax-xogħol.

Course duration: 2 years full time

Fees: City & Guilds registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passespreferred: english language, art, home economics, Biology, physics, Chemistry, General science

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Cut, style and colour different hair

varieties2. manage a hairdressing salon reception

desk3. manage client consultations4. maintain health and safety standards

within a hairdressing salon.

Career opportunities: hairdresser

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130410G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the importance of health,

safety and welfare in the construction industry

2. understand the diversity of the construction industry and the contribution to society by those who work within it

3. apply construction drawing standards and conventions

4. describe the methods and techniques associated with pre-construction, ground works, substructure, superstructure and building services systems of low-rise domestic buildings.

Career opportunities: draughtsperson assistant land surveying assistant Quantity surveying assistant Joiner assistant mason assistant

the course consists of college-based training on the various subjects related to the building and construction sector.

this qualification gives you the knowledge, understanding and skills needed in this specialist area of employment and/or to continue your studies in the same, or related vocational areas such as Construction, Civil engineering or Building services.

during the course you will be introduced to the different types of technical drawings used in the construction industry. additionally, you will be able to apply construction drawing standards and conventions to produce sketches and professional working drawings.

F’dan il-kors, it-taħriġ isir fl-istitut stess u jipprovdi l-ħiliet meħtieġa fuq diversi fergħat li għandhom x’jaqsmu mas-settur tal-bini u l-kostruzzjoni.

din il-kwalifika tagħtik l-għarfien u l-ħiliet li titlob is-sengħa li bi ħsiebek tagħżel. tkun tista’ wkoll tkompli tistudja, kemm jekk tissokta fl-istess linja kif ukoll jekk tagħżel xi qasam relatat, bħall-Kostruzzjoni, l-inġinerija Ċivili jew il-Building services.

matul il-kors ikollok taħriġ fuq id-diversi tipi ta’ disinn tekniku li jintuża fl-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni. Barra minn dan, tkun tista’ tapplika l-istandards u l-konvenzjonijiet tipiċi biex tipproduċi sketches u working drawings professjonali.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130304G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematicspreferred: physics, english, Computer studies, technical design, Chemistry,design and technology, engineering drawing and Graphical Communication

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness is a necessary requirement to attend the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work safely, efficiently and effectively in

the engineering workplace2. use mathematical concepts and

principles related to electrical and mechanical sciences

3. understand the function and operation of electrical and electronic system components

4. install, test and configure pC hardware systems, components and software packages.

Career opportunities: assistant electronic technician line setup technician

il-programm iwassal għal kwalifika ta’ bażi li għandha rabta max-xogħol prattiku. din hija opportunità tajba biex tikkunsidra tixtieqx tkompli tistudja l-inġinerija f’livelli ogħla.

il-kontenut vokazzjonali tal-kors jirrifletti l-ħtiġijiet tal-industrija tal-elettriku u l-elettronika.

is-settur tal-inġinerija għadu jbati minn xi nuqqasijiet f’dawk li huma ħiliet u jeħtieġ li jkollna ħaddiema li kapaċi jlaħħqu mal-iżviluppi tal-lum. Bla dubju ta’ xejn, din il-kwalifika toffri l-għarfien kif ukoll il-ħiliet speċifiċi li teħtieġ l-industrija tal-inġinerija ta’ żmienna.

the programme provides a basic work related qualification and also provides an opportunity to consider progression to higher level courses in the field of electrical and electronic engineering.

the vocational content of the course is designed around the needs of the electrical / electronics industry.

the engineering sector continues to suffer from a skills gap and needs to keep up with rapidly developing technologies. undoubtedly, this qualification gives new entrants the underpinning knowledge and specific skills required to meet the needs of the modern engineering industry.

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2 years full-time

BteC registration Fees

mCast-BteC exteNded diploma iN aGriCultureor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory i-level: Biology or Chemistry

interview and portfolio

1. understand and apply principles of animal biology including those related to ecology, animal adaptations, animal breeding, nutrition and animal behaviour

2. Carry out practical work on specific animal farm sites and undertake specialised tasks related to animal husbandry

3. undertake practical tasks related to veterinary services including animal nursing and veterinary regulatory affairs

4. understand and plan land based policies to build on sustainable development principles and business development.

Career opportunities: Farm manager (entry level) assistant veterinary clinic manager veterinary clinic manager NGo administrator pet shop manager assistant veterinary pharmacist veterinary assistant



AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130907G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes preferred: english language, Biology,physics and Chemistry

Note: as from 2015, the entry requirements will be:

mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes preferred: english language, Biology,physics, Chemistry, maltese, social studies, Nutrition Food Consumer studies (home economics)

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand individual rights within the

health and social care sectors2. identify individual needs within the

health and social care sectors3. ensure safe environments for particular

client groups4. recognise human lifespan development.

Career opportunities: health and social care worker

this diploma course provides the knowledge and skills required at an operational level in the care sector. the programme helps you to progress to vocational qualifications in a variety of sectors such as early childhood education, social care and health.

you will be assigned work placements with various service users in different settings. among other skills, you will have special sessions on moving and handling as well as infection prevention and control.

as part of this programme, a key skills programme complements the vocational units so that students are given the opportunity to develop competencies in subjects such as english, maths, maltese, it and personal development.

dan il-kors, li jwassal għal diploma, joffri l-għarfien u l-ħiliet prattiċi fis-settur tal-kura. il-programm jgħinek timxi ’l quddiem fil-kwalifiki vokazzjonali f’diversi setturi, bħal ma huma l-edukazzjoni tat-tfal iż-żgħar, il-kura soċjali u s-saħħa.

tingħata prattika fuq il-post tax-xogħol ma’ diversi nies li jagħmlu użu mis-servizz f’oqsma differenti tas-settur. it-taħriġ jinkludi wkoll għarfien siewi dwar sitwazzjonijiet li se tiltaqa’ magħhom, per eżempju, kif terfa’ persuna, kif ukoll tagħrif speċifiku fuq il-prevenzjoni u l-kontroll tal-infezzjonijiet.

il-kors jinkludi tagħlim fil-ħiliet bażiċi li jikkumplimenta s-suġġetti vokazzjonali u ta’ prattika biex l-istudenti jkollhom iċ-ċans jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet tagħhom fl-ingliż,il-matematika, il-malti, l-it u l-iżvilupp personali.

et shop managerssistant veterinary pharmacisteterinary assistant

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130103G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passesfrom mathematics, physics, Graphical Communication, design and technology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. Work safely and effectively in mechanical

engineering fields2. interpret engineering related drawings

and diagrams3. perform basic machining and fabrication

processes4. apply mechanical and electrical

principles to address basic mechanical engineering problems.

Career opportunities: engineering apprentice handyman Fitter

dan il-programm tal-mCast-BteC huwa l-ewwel pass fis-sistema tal-BteC li jwasslek biex taqbad karriera fl-inġinerija. il-kors huwa wieħed prattiku u rilevanti għad-dinja tax-xogħol. titgħallem billi taħdem fuq proġetti u eżerċizzji li għandhom rabta sħiħa ma’ sitwazzjonijiet, attivitajiet u ħtiġijiet realistiċi.

il-programm ikopri għarfien bażiku u ħiliet prattiċi, u joffrilek bidu siewi għal numru ta’ karrieri fis-settur tal-inġinerija. ikollok l-opportunità ttejjeb il-ħiliet tiegħek fis-suġġetti relatati bħalma huma l-matematika, il-Fiżika, id-disinn tekniku u t-teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni.

this mCast–BteC programme is your first step in the BteC system to embark on an engineering career. this course provides a practical, work related course. learning takes place by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands.

it covers the basic knowledge and practical skills, providing a good foundation for future career opportunities in engineering. you will be exposed to a wide knowledge in related subjects such as mathematics, physics, engineering drawing and information technology.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130503G

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor 2 seC/o-level passes Compulsory: mathematicspreferred: english language and one subject from Computing, physics, accounting and Business studies

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the fundamentals of computer

hardware2. understand the fundamentals of

communication and networks3. use multimedia graphic applications4. make use of basic techniques of

programming and software development.

this course is the first step in a block of athree- year training programme, designed to provide the necessary skills to work in the computing industry.

the course is a pre-requisite for the follow uptwo-year level 4 extended diploma programme, which we strongly recommend if you intend to embark on a career in it.

at this level of study, you will be introduced to fundamental subjects in both the networking and the software development areas. you will also be given the opportunity to upgrade your key skills.

dan il-kors huwa l-ewwel tarġa f’sensiela ta’ programmi li jdumu tliet snin. il-programm joffrilek għadd ta’ ħiliet li tkun teħtieġ biex tibda taħdem fl-industrija tal-kompjuter.

Jeħtieġ li tgħaddi minn dan il-kors jekk tixtieq li titla’ tarġa oħra u tkompli tistudja fuq l-extended diploma, programm ta’ sentejn tal-livell 4. dan aħna nirrakkomandawh jekk inti biħsiebek tidħol għal karriera fl-industrija tal-it.

F’dan il-livell ta’ studju, titgħallem is-suġġetti ta’ qofol kemm fil-qasam tan-networking kif ukoll f’dak tal-iżvilupp tas-software.

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AWARDING BODY: CITY & GUILDS more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130305GA

Course duration: 2 years part-timeon an apprenticeship

Fees: C&G examination Fees

Entry requirements:CertiFiCate iN eleCtroteChNiCal teChNoloGy (C&G 2330)ordiploma iN eleCtriCal iNstallatioNs (BuildiNGs & struCtures) (C&G2365)– level 3

Other entry requirements:a medical certificate for colour blindness is a necessary requirement to attend the course.

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand domestic and industrial

electrical principles to apply them in real electrical installation situations

2. understand the safety requirements of domestic and industrial installations and be able to apply them in real situations

3. design, perform and test domestic and industrial electrical installations and machinery according to regulations and requirements

4. Find faults, troubleshoot, repair and modify existing domestic and industrial electrical installations, motors and switchgear.

Career opportunities: Qualified electrician

Candidates will have the abilities to design, set up (erect) and test single and three phase electrical installation systems in accordance with the i.e.t (institute of engineering & technology) regulations.

industrial electricians’ job duties depend on the position and may include cleaning contacts or circuit boards, replacing worn components and performing inspections.

Candidates may also perform preventative maintenance, such as checking motors condition erecting new installations and troubleshooting a breakdown in the installation.

the course provides opportunities for students to acquire accreditation in more advanced areas of electrical installations and maintenance. it provides progression from the diploma in electrical installations (Buildings & structures) (C&G 2365) - level 3 course and has been carefully designed and structured to integrate practical skills with the related technology. this will enhance the candidate’s knowledge and skills to a higher stage into the electrical installation industry.

the course will provide an understanding of the regulations and health and safety requirements governing electrical installation processes. students will also gain knowledge of the organisation and structure of the industry within which these activities are carried out.

at the end of the first year of studies, students will sit for the Wireman’s licence ‘a’ examinations. successful students will gain knowledge and experience in a domestic and an industrial electrical installation environment.

il-kors joffri opportunitajiet biex l-istudenti jiksbu ċertifikazzjoni f’oqsma avvanzati tal-installazzjoni u l-manutenzjoni elettrika. il-programm, li jittratta t-teorija kif ukoll il-prattika tas-settur, jibni fuq id-diploma in electrical installations (Buildings & structures) (C&G 2365) - level 3. permezz ta’ din l-integrazzjoni, l-istudenti jkabbru l-għarfien u l-ħiliet tagħhom u jkunu jistgħu jidħlu għal xogħol ta’ installazzjoni li jitlob impenn akbar.

il-kors joffrilek tagħrif siewi dwar ir-regolamenti tas-saħħa u s-sigurtà f’dak li hu xogħol marbut mal-installazzjoni elettrika. ikollok għarfien aħjar tal-organizzazzjoni u l-istrutturi tal-industrija li fiha jsir dan it-tip ta’ xogħol.

lejn l-aħħar tal-ewwel sena tal-istudju, inti tersaq għall-eżamijiet tal-Wireman’s licence ‘a’. l-istudenti li jmorru tajjeb ikollhom għarfien u esperjenza ta’ xogħol tal-installazzjoni, kemm dak li jseħħ f’ambjent domestiku kif ukoll f’dak industrijali.tal-installazzjoni, kemm dak li jseħħ f’ambjent

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130910G

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN health aNd soCial CareormCast diploma iN applied sCieNCe- level 3or4 seC/o - level passespreferred: maths, english language, maltese, physics, Chemistry, social studies, Nutrition Food Consumer studies (home economics), Biology

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. provide a safe environment for adults and

children2. deal with challenging behaviour3. use effective communication in health and

social care settings4. use different psychological perspectives

when dealing with clients

Career opportunities: social support worker

the mCast-BteC extended diploma in health and social Care (social Care) has been developed to prepare learners to work in care-related careers in a professional capacity.

it provides a holistic approach in that the subjects covered are sociology, psychology, communication studies, human biology and law. it equips you with the skills and knowledge which are of utmost importance in the care sector.

this qualification prepares you for employment in various care sectors as a social support worker.

l-mCast BteC extended diploma in health and social Care (social Care) għandha l-għan li tiżviluppalek dawk il-ħiliet prattiċi li teħtieġ biex taħdem fil-qasam tal-kura b’mod professjonali.

il-programm huwa wieħed komprensiv u jiġbor fih numru ta’ suġġetti, jiġifieri s-soċjoloġija, il-psikoloġija, l-istudji tal-komunikazzjoni, il-bijoloġija umana u l-liġi. il-kors irawwem fik il-ħiliet u l-għarfien li teħtieġ biex tkun tista’ taħdem fis-settur tal-kura.

din il-kwalifika tippreparak għal impjieg f’setturi differenti fil-qasam tal-kura soċjali.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130504G

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN itor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics and Computer studies preferred: english language and one subject from physics, accounting and Business studies

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. design, implement and administer mid-

sized computer networks2. assemble and troubleshoot computer

hardware3. apply modern technologies in software

development4. develop and maintain websites with

interactive multimedia content.

Career opportunities: software tester programmer programme developer systems analyst

this intensive course aims to take further the knowledge and training you received at level 3. it also provides you with the required skills to work in the it industry.

in the second year of the course you will specialise in software development. you will study those subjects which are relevant to the needs of industry.

dan il-kors intensiv għandu l-għan li jtejjiblek l-għarfien u t-taħriġ li tkun ħadt fil-kors tal- livell 3. Jagħtik ukoll il-ħiliet meħtieġa biex tkun tista’ taħdem fl-industrija tal-it.

Fit-tieni sena tal-kors, tkun tista’ tispeċjalizza fl-iżvilupp tas-software u tistudja dawk is-suġġetti li huma rilevanti għall-ħtiġijiet tal-industrija.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130505G

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN itor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: mathematics and Computer studies preferred: english language and one subject from physics, accounting and Business studies

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. design, implement and administer mid-

sized computer networks2. assemble and troubleshoot computer

hardware3. apply modern technologies in software

development4. develop and maintain websites with

interactive multimedia content.

Career opportunities: Computer technician Network administrator help desk and systems support technician

this intensive course aims to take further the knowledge and training received at level 3 and to provide students with the required skills to work in the it industry.

in the second year of the course, students will specialise in Networking and iCt support. they will study subjects that are relevant to the needs of industry.

dan il-kors intensiv għandu l-għan li jtejjeb l-għarfien u t-taħriġ li l-istudent ikun ħa fil-livell 3 u jħejjik aħjar biex tkun tista’ taħdem fl-industrija tal-it.

Fit-tieni sena tal-kors, l-istudenti jispeċjalizzaw fin-Networking u fl-iCt support. ikunu jistgħu jistudjaw wkoll suġġetti li huma rilevanti għall-ħtiġijiet tal-industrija.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130608G

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: examination Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN BusiNessor4 seC/o level passesCompulsory: english languageand mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. develop analytical and evaluation skills

and understand the relevant moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental issues in financial services

2. understand the need for and the value of effective customer service within the sector

3. develop an awareness and understanding of the ways in which regulation and legislation impact on and are relevant to an organisation and the financial services industry in general

4. develop technical and management skills for a managerial career in financial services and for strategic decision-making.

Career opportunities: on completion of this course students may

find employment across the financial services sector including commercial and specialist banks, fund management and administration, investment services, together with related entities.

this course leads to a qualification which provides knowledge about the local and the european financial services sector. students develop and learn how to apply specialist knowledge within particular areas of banking and finance and on the financial services environment. students will learn about and acquire skills in how to handle financial transactions, how to deal with customers and how to use and manage available information.

they will also acquire the necessary knowledge on available services for customers and how to market and sell them. the course provides a solid base enabling one to find employment in this sector or continue with further studies.

dan il-kors iwassal għal kwalifika li tipprovdi għarfien dwar is-settur tas-servizzi finanzjarji lokali u dak ewropew. tul il-kors l-istudenti jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet u jitgħallmu kif japplikaw tagħrif speċjalizzat f’oqsma partikolari tal-banek u tal-finanzi u fl-ambjent tas-servizzi finanzjarji. huma jitgħallmu kif jagħmlu transazzjonijiet finanzjarji, kif igibu ruħhom mal-klijenti u kif jużaw u jimmaniġġjaw l-informazzjoni li jkollhom f’idejhom.

l-istudenti jakkwistaw it-tagħrif meħtieġ fuq is-servizzi li jeżistu għall-klijenti u kif jirreklamaw u jbiegħu dawn is-servizzi. il-kors jipprovdi bażi soda biex wieħed isib impieg f’dan is-settur jew biex ikompli jistudja iktar.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/130912G

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN health aNd soCial Careor4 seC/o-level passesCompulsory: english language, maltese and mathematics

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. plan activities for babies, toddlers and

children 3 to 5 years old2. maintain health and safety standards in

childcare and kindergarten settings3. implement activities and construct

resources for children aged 0 to 54. monitor and record the development of

children aged 0 to 5.

Career opportunities: Child care worker

this course is designed to enable students to work in a professional capacity with children in child care and kindergarten centres. the qualification provides the skills, knowledge and understanding required in an early years environment.

students are exposed to the most innovative teaching techniques and are also trained on observation techniques required to monitor the development of children.

there is a major emphasis on the practical components carried out in this course. in fact there are four different placements, namely: with a baby (age 0-18 months), with a group of toddlers (ages 19-23 months) and with both 3 year olds and 4 year olds in kindergartens.

students must possess a clean, full conduct certificate.

dan il-kors iwassal biex student ikun jista’ jaħdem professjonalment mat-tfal fiċ-ċentri tal-kura u f’dawk tal-kindergarten. il-kwalifika tħaddan il-ħiliet u t-tagħlim li wieħed mistenni jkollu f’ambjenti bħal dawn.

Bħala student fuq dan il-kors inti tiġi espost għall-aktar prattiċi innovattivi fit-tagħlim. tirċievi wkoll taħriġ fit-teknika tal-osservazzjoni sabiex inti tkun tista’ ssegwi l-iżvilupp tat-tfal.

issir enfasi fuq il-komponent prattiku tal-kors hekk li jkollok erba’ opportunitajiet ta’ taħriġ, jiġifieri, ma’ tarbija ta’ bejn it-twelid u t-18-il xahar, ma’ grupp ta’ tfal li għadhom kemm bdew jimxu (bejn 19 u 23 xahar) u ma’ tfal kemm ta’ 3 snin u ta’ 4 snin fil-kindergartens.

l-istudenti jrid ikollhom ċertifikat ta’ kondotta nadifa.

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Course duration: 3 years full-time

Fees: aat registration Fees

Entry requirements:4 seC/o-level passes

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. apply finance administration skills such as

double entry bookkeeping, basic costing principles, and purchase, sales and general ledgers

2. understand the processes and acquire the skills necessary to carry out the role of a finance officer

3. lead a finance team4. apply the appropriate professional ethics

required in the accounting environment.

Career opportunities: accounts administrator accounts executive accounting technician audit assistant Credit management officer senior accounts clerk

this course is intended for students who wish to work in the accounting and financial sectors. it provides you with the necessary academic and practical knowledge and skills to seriously consider a career in these sectors.

you will learn how to carry out a range of technical accountancy tasks such as management accounting skills for evaluating budgeting and performance and preparation of final accounts. you will be prepared to act as specialist support staff for employment in accounting and finance.

successful students will be qualified to carry out accounting or financial duties in the offices of practising accountants and in industrial and commercial organisations depending on the level of studies and the competences they manage to assimilate.

il-kors maħsub għal dawk l-istudenti li jixtiequ jaħdmu fis-setturi tal-accounts u l-finanzi. il-programm joffrilek l-għarfien u l-kompetenzi li teħtieġ biex tkun tista’ tikkunsidra taqbadx karriera f’dawn is-setturi.

titgħallem dwar għażla ta’ xogħlijiet ta’ natura teknika bħal ma huma l-kompetenzi maniġerjali tal-accounting li jwassluk biex tkun kapaċi tevalwa sitwazzjonijiet li jitolbu budgeting u t-tħejjija ta’ accounts finali.

dawk l-istudenti li jmorru tajjeb fil-kors ikunu kwalifikati biex jidħlu għal xogħol fl-accounting u l-finanzi f’uffiċini ta’ dan is-settur kif ukoll f’organizzazzjonijiet industrijali u kummerċjali. dan skont il-livell ta’ studju u l-kompetenzi li jirnexxilhom jakkwistaw.