growth hacking | workshop at epitech

By Julien Barbier, Sr Dir of Growth, Marketing & Community at Docker – 11/20/2014 – 1h presentation

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Growth hacking presentation and workshop at Epitech, 11/20/2014 with e


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By Julien Barbier, Sr Dir of Growth, Marketing & Community at Docker – 11/20/2014 – 1h presentation

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About me

• Julien Barbier

• 2004-2008: Software engineer (Epitech 2006) & Product Manager (Paris, France)• 2008-2012: Entrepreneur (Paris, France & Miami, FL)• Oct 2012-now: co-Founder of #while42

(International French Tech Engineers Network, 1500+ members in 30+ chapters around the World)• Oct 2012-now: Sr Director of Growth, Marketing &

Community at Docker (ex-dotCloud, San Francisco, CA)

• Contact me: julien@docker | @julienbarbier42

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What is Growth Hacking?

Growth hacking is a marketing technique developed by technology startups which uses creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure

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The 5 important steps of your funnel

• Acquisition• Getting visitors to your website• Getting the product in front of the users

• Activation• Signing up• Make users actually use your product for

the first time

• Retention• Make users use your product more• More often

• Revenue• Monetize users or visitors

• Referral• Getting people (in any of the above

steps) to refer others

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FIRST: Track and monitor EVERYTHING

• Track and measure EVERYTHING• If it is useless now, it WILL be useful later

• Integrate tracking and metrics EVERYWHERE• Should be part of your product release

cycles• Should be part of every offline & online

marketing campaign

• Measure the impact of every change, update, new feature, campaign, tweet, meetup, event, press release…• Be DATA DRIVEN!

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The most well know Growth Hack of all time

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Hotmail – PS: I love you

• Launch in July 1996• Marketing = buy billboards and radio ads• PS: I love you. Get your free e-mail at Hotmail• 18 months later, Hotmail had 12M+ users and got

acquired by MSFT

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Ok but, we are not Hotmail

• You could be!

• Let’s growth hack NOW! :)

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• You buy a battery = 0.05 EUR• You sell a battery = 0.90 EUR• People usually buy only one battery• Average sell = 0.90 EUR• Average profit per sell = 0.85 EUR• Huge stocks for small sell volumes

• What would you do to increase the average sell and solve this?

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• Average sell = 7.2 EUR• Average profit = 6 EUR• More volume so we could negotiate a better price with the suppliers

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• Adwords for “battery” is very expensive• Conversion rate for “battery” is very low

• How do you solve this?

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• Target all references one by one• Target every battery with ALL its references

• Exemple: AA is also LR6• Some batteries have hundreds of references

• The less used, the better conversion rate and the smaller the price on Adwords

• Go directly to the right product page

• Profits +80%

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• Lots of visits, and re-visits but low conversion rate

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• We added a live countdown timer on the shop

• Conversion rate +9%

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• Visitors would register, add items to their cart, and then leave

• How growth hack this?

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• We had their email address• We knew what they wanted

• So…

• 1. we sent them a reminder => +5% conversion rate• 2. if they still don’t buy, we sent them a promo-code for

the item they like => + another 10% conversion rate

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• We target Hacker News• You want to be on the front page as many times as

possible• You want to be part of the conversation as soon as

possible• But there is not tracking tool so you don’t know• When to upvote• Where to go

• How do we solve this?

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Build your own tools

• You are engineers! You can build tools. No other marketers can.• We built• We are pinged all the time someone talks about Docker

(or a competitor…)• We have lots of sorties on the front page• We can join the conversation right away, help people, and

have the right messaging out there

• +200% UV

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• Track keywords and more on Hacker News• Users register, setup their

keywords• They receive links to great

articles and comments• And never come back to the


• How do you get more visits?

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• Iframe the links and add social buttons to share them• Traffic +300%• Signups +30%

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• Docker Global Hack Day #2• 1500+ hackers in 30+ cities• The community votes for the


• How to growth hack this?

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• Teams need to produce a video and a description• => User content creation, good SEO

• Community votes for the best hack via Social Media• => Thousands of tweets, Likes and

g+1• => Effective reach over 3M only on


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Last advice

Do not prioritize Growth Hacking over UX

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Imagination & time are the only two limits to growth hacking

“'Imagination is more important than knowledge”

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Thank you!

• Any questions?

• Ping me to chat more about Growth Hacking:• [email protected]• @julienbarbier42

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Don’t miss: Marketing & Community at Docker

• Friday 12-Dec-2014, 11am to 12:30pm• At Epitech• Register here:•

• See you in December!