groups of food

Groups of food Done by : Mohammed A Qazzaz

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Post on 06-May-2015




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Page 1: Groups of food

Groups of foodDone by :Mohammed A Qazzaz

Page 2: Groups of food

Our bodies need different kinds of nutrients, but we need them in different proportions, the balance between them is the key to make our food healthy, and because all the food is important to our bodies, we must make sure we can have the right amount of each kinds of food. All the food we eat can be divided into five groups. Try to choose a variety of different foods from the first four groups.

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Fruit and vegetables.

Starchy foods, bread and


Meat, fish, eggs and beans.

Milk and dairy foods.

Foods containing fat and sugar.

Groups of food

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So a starchy foods such as pasta and rice, with some fruit

and vegetables, some protein rich food like meat and fish,

and some dairy foods but not too much of fat, surer, salt.

That is all the nutrients you need.

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Fruit and vegetables.

They are the vital source of

vitamins and minerals. It's

recommended to eat five portions

of a variety fruit and vegetables

every day. People who eat fruit

and vegetables every day are in

low risk of heart disease cancers

and stroke.

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What dose I mean with five portion of fruit?

One apple is a portion; one banana is a portion, a Bunch

of grapes is a portion when its not too big or not too

small, a slice of melon, watermelon or ever a pineapple

is one portion. Having one portion of the fruit with the

cereal in the breakfast is a very common way to get your

first portion of fruit in the day, don’t eat biscuits in your

mid-morning and swap it to another kinds of fruit, add

the salad to your lunch and add a portion of vegetables

to dinner, this may make you to have all your portion of

fruit and vegetables in a day.

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Starchy foods

Bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes, maize and cornbread, all of these

foods are a very important part of our healthy diet, they act like a fuel

for our bodies and they are a big source of a great group of nutrients

needed in our diet, and because the are the source of the energy; they

must make up one third of all our food every day. Our food is based on

this kind of nutrients.

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Bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes, grains, brown rice, are

the main members of this group. But the brown rice, the

whole meal bread and whole-wheat pasta are very rich

of fibers and can provide the body with a greater

amounts of vitamins and minerals than the white


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Meat, fish, eggs and beans

They are the big source of protein. Protein is essential

for growth, building the body and repairing it, and this

group of food is also a great source for vitamins and

minerals such as zinc and B vitamins. But meat could

be a source for fat too.

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Fish is another important source of protein, and contains many vitamins and minerals. Oily fish is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids. And it's important to have at least two portions of fish a week. The fresh and frozen sources of fish are better than the canned and smoked fish, because the canned and the smoked one could be high in salt.

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Eggs and pulses (including beans, nuts and seeds) are also great sources of protein. Nuts are high in fiber and a good alternative to snacks high in saturated fat, but they do still contain

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Milk and dairy foods

Milk and dairy foods such as cheese and yoghurt

are good sources of protein. They also contain

calcium, which helps to keep your bones healthy.

To enjoy the health benefits of dairy without

eating too much fat, use semi-skimmed milk,

skimmed milk or 1% fat milks, lower-fat hard

cheeses or cottage cheese, and lower-fat yoghurt.

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Fat and sugar:

They are a big source of energy for the body, but the problem is that, we eat too much of them and we don’t consume most the calories we take from them, and then the calories is stored in our bodies, and this will lead to put on weight and become obese, which increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease and stroke.

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There are different types of fat. First the saturated fat

which is the dangerous one, and its found in the as

cheese, sausages, butter, cakes, biscuits and pies. This

kind of fat can rise the cholesterol level in your blood and

increase the risk of heart disease

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The unsaturated kind of fat and this kind

is the good kind of fat, this one can

provide us with the essential fatty acids

that we need to stay healthy, it also help

to lower the cholesterol level in the

blood. Oily fish, nuts and seeds,

avocados, olive oils and vegetable oils

are sources of unsaturated fat.

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Sugar is a normal component for many foods and

we found it naturally in the fruits and milk, and

this is not problem because it's found there in a

healthy portions, but its added to a lot of food

and drink such as cakes, biscuits, chocolate,

pastries, ice cream and jam. It's also contained in

some ready-made savory foods such as pasta

sauces and baked beans.

And all of us don’t need to have much added

sugar food.

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