going global 2016: social enterprise in a global context: the role of higher education institutions

Research findings Allice Hocking and Judith Reynolds Social Enterprise in a global context: the role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

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Page 1: Going Global 2016: Social Enterprise in a global context: the role of Higher Education Institutions

Research findings Allice Hocking and Judith Reynolds

Social Enterprise in a global context: the role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

Page 2: Going Global 2016: Social Enterprise in a global context: the role of Higher Education Institutions

Background to the study The British Council commissioned Plymouth University to conduct global research to identify the benefits and challenges of partnership between HEIs and SEs.

Context •  Growing interest in Social Enterprise amongst students •  HEIs increasingly focusing on employability skills •  UK HEIs engaged in social enterprise activity •  Little known about global HEIs and social enterprise

Methods •  Literature Review •  Mapping of HEIs •  Online Survey •  Interviews

Page 3: Going Global 2016: Social Enterprise in a global context: the role of Higher Education Institutions

Study countries There were 12 countries included in the research:

Canada Mexico UK

South Africa Greece

Kenya Slovenia


East India

Thailand Hong Kong


Page 4: Going Global 2016: Social Enterprise in a global context: the role of Higher Education Institutions

•  Widespread activity: 75% of HEIs engaged in some level of SE activity.

•  Wide level of interest: 77% of those not working with SE intended to

•  International: Most activity in own country but over half (52%) involved in international SE activity

•  Scale: 24% had 17 or more active partnerships with SEs •  Geographical differences:

Highest concentration in Hong Kong and Kenya, followed by UK and Mexico  

Key findings: scale of activity

Page 5: Going Global 2016: Social Enterprise in a global context: the role of Higher Education Institutions

Social Enterprise activity by country

Page 6: Going Global 2016: Social Enterprise in a global context: the role of Higher Education Institutions

Activity varied: •  Joint activity with a SE •  Facilities and expertise •  Incubation space •  Student led SE •  Underpinning curriculum •  Purchasing of products

Motivations: •  Part of HEI strategy •  Addressing need •  Improving student experience

Key findings: type of activity

Page 7: Going Global 2016: Social Enterprise in a global context: the role of Higher Education Institutions

The Social Enterprise advantage HEIs Students Partners Communities

Enhanced profile

Employability skills

Access to expertise and facilities

Social and economic improvement

Funding and research potential

Understanding social issues

Product and intellectual property development

Increased self-reliance

Attracting students

Entrepreneurial development

Networking and visibility

Page 8: Going Global 2016: Social Enterprise in a global context: the role of Higher Education Institutions

•  Understanding and impetus from Senior Management

•  Sourcing and sustaining appropriate funding •  Identifying, training and making time for staff

to deliver •  Working with partners •  Building understanding

with social enterprise networks locally and internationally

Doing Social Enterprise better

Page 9: Going Global 2016: Social Enterprise in a global context: the role of Higher Education Institutions

•  Opportunity for enhanced research activity •  Build on the experience of student social

entrepreneurs •  Create international partnerships for student and

staff exchanges •  Work with communities to identify key

developmental issues

Creating forward momentum