gamification-supported exploration and practicing for ... · of gamification and proposed the...

Stefan Diewald, Andreas Möller, Luis Roalter Technische Universität München, Distributed Multimodal Information Processing Group, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich, Germany, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Tobias Stockinger, Marion Koelle, Patrick Lindemann, Matthias Kranz University of Passau, Innstr. 43, 94032 Passau, Germany, e-mail: <firstname.lastname> Gamification-supported Exploration and Practicing for Automotive User Interfaces and Vehicle Functions Stefan Diewald, Andreas Möller, Tobias Stockinger, Luis Roalter, Marion Koelle, Patrick Lindemann and Matthias Kranz Abstract When driving an unknown car, the interaction with its user interfaces and the operation of (comfort) vehicle functions can be very challenging and thus cause safety concerns. However, this problem can be overcome already with a short learning and practicing phase. For this reason, we analyze the potential of gamification for exploring and practicing the use of automotive user interfaces and vehicle func- tions. Based on the analysis of available examples, we have created a gamified automotive exploration and practicing framework. The framework allows exploring vehicle functions and user interfaces in real vehicles as well as in applications for mobile devices. By reflect- ing on the results of a first user study with the framework, we deliver a set of guidelines for designing and evaluating gamified applications for the automotive domain, which can serve as a support for future developments.

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Page 1: Gamification-supported Exploration and Practicing for ... · of gamification and proposed the following definition: “Gamification is the use of game design elements in non-game

Stefan Diewald, Andreas Möller, Luis Roalter

Technische Universität München, Distributed Multimodal Information

Processing Group, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich, Germany,

e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Tobias Stockinger, Marion Koelle, Patrick Lindemann, Matthias Kranz

University of Passau, Innstr. 43, 94032 Passau, Germany,

e-mail: <firstname.lastname>

Gamification-supported Exploration and

Practicing for Automotive User Interfaces and

Vehicle Functions

Stefan Diewald, Andreas Möller, Tobias Stockinger, Luis Roalter,

Marion Koelle, Patrick Lindemann and Matthias Kranz

Abstract When driving an unknown car, the interaction with its user

interfaces and the operation of (comfort) vehicle functions can be very

challenging and thus cause safety concerns. However, this problem

can be overcome already with a short learning and practicing phase.

For this reason, we analyze the potential of gamification for exploring

and practicing the use of automotive user interfaces and vehicle func-

tions. Based on the analysis of available examples, we have created a

gamified automotive exploration and practicing framework. The

framework allows exploring vehicle functions and user interfaces in

real vehicles as well as in applications for mobile devices. By reflect-

ing on the results of a first user study with the framework, we deliver

a set of guidelines for designing and evaluating gamified applications

for the automotive domain, which can serve as a support for future


Page 2: Gamification-supported Exploration and Practicing for ... · of gamification and proposed the following definition: “Gamification is the use of game design elements in non-game

2 Diewald et al.

1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation

People like gaming, winning, comparing, and sharing (Hsu and Lu

2004). This has been known for thousands of years and has been ex-

ploited in so-called serious games (Abt 2002) in many different areas

such as the military, academics, medicine, or professional training

(Zyda 2005). Serious games make use of the entertaining gaming ef-

fect to educate, train and inform their “players” (Michael and Chen


However, applications that are not framed in game scenarios can

likewise benefit from gamification. Especially with the success of the

location-based application Foursquare in 2010, which has made heavy

use of game design elements in its application, the research and design

community started to pay more attention to the so-called “gamifica-

tion” of non-gaming applications. Since then, the buzzword “gamifi-

cation” stands for the method for boosting the users’ motivation, com-

mitment, and participation. Deterding et al. researched the current use

of gamification and proposed the following definition: “Gamification

is the use of game design elements in non-game contexts” (Deterding

et al. 2011). However, a discussion about the term “gamification” has

recently emerged. Some researchers and game designers think that

many companies abused gamification by adding an independent

“game layer” to an existing application and/or by using extrinsic re-

wards to achieve short-term success. The use of game design elements

in non-game contexts with the goal of achieving long-term effects

based on intrinsic motivation is often referred to as “gameful design”

(Deterding et al. 2011). The term “gameful design” shall emphasize

the fact that game elements should be part of the concept already dur-

ing design and should not be added by an independent “gamification

layer.” Applications equipped with game design elements we call

“gamified” applications.

Since gamification can arouse sustainable motivation and strong

commitment, it has found its way into the automotive domain. Auto-

motive manufacturers are currently applying gamification approaches

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for three prominent use cases: marketing (Tillström 2012), eco-driv-

ing (Inbar et al. 2011), and driving safety (Shi et al. 2012). While mar-

keting aims at convincing customers to buy a certain car, eco-driving

and driving safety applications are integrated in the vehicles’ infotain-

ment systems. These in-vehicle applications try to educate the drivers

by awarding points and badges for safe and ecological driving.

In our research, we investigate a new use case for gamification in

the automotive domain: exploration of automotive user interfaces and

practicing of vehicle functions. In a recent study1, it has been found

that cars ranging from compact to premium level are suffering from

user experience problems. Misplaced or too many controls, mislead-

ing labels, too deeply nested menus, and unreliable speech recognition

are demotivating the users. In addition to the non-self-explanatory in-

terfaces, users are often avoiding manuals for technical systems

(Novick and Ward 2006). These circumstances entail unsatisfied cus-

tomers that are able to use only a fraction of their (often expensively

bought) cars’ functions2. In addition, a study of the U.S. National

Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has revealed that

secondary and tertiary tasks in vehicles, such as adjusting the radio

and other devices integral to the vehicle, contribute to over 22 % of

all investigated crashes and near-crashes (NHTSA 2009). However,

it has been shown that many of these problems can be overcome by

practicing (Rouzikhah et al. 2013).

Therefore, we propose a gamification-supported framework for ex-

ploring and practicing automotive user interfaces and vehicle func-

tions. The framework consists of a mobile application that recreates

the vehicle cockpit for allowing offline exploration and training, and

an in-vehicle application that replaces the owner’s manual and pro-

vides hints and tips for the driver.


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13 May 2013 2, last ac-

cessed 12 May 2013

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1.2 Contribution

In this chapter, we contribute a review of gamified applications in the

automotive domain and an overview over gamified learning environ-

ments. By examining the gathered examples, we point out potential

limitations and challenges of gamification on both considered areas.

Based on these findings, we contribute the concept and implemen-

tation of a gamified framework for exploration and practicing of au-

tomotive user interfaces and vehicle functions. Results of a first user

study and experiences gathered during the development are summa-

rized and serve as basis for some first guidelines that can support fu-

ture researches in designing and evaluating gamified automotive ap-


1.3 Chapter Overview

In Section 2, we first present the game design elements and game

mechanics that are commonly used in gamified systems. With this

knowledge at hand, we analyze existing gamified examples in differ-

ent automotive areas (Section 3) and briefly summarize important as-

pects of gamified learning applications (Section 4). In Section 5, the

results of the analyses of Sections 3 and 4 are summarized to chal-

lenges and limitations of gamification. Based on these findings, we

present the concept and implementation of our gamified framework

for exploring and practicing automotive user interfaces and vehicle

functions in Section 6. Parts of the framework have been evaluated in

a user study. The study and its results are summarized in Section 7. In

Section 8, we compile guidelines for future gamified automotive ap-

plication. The guidlines are based on our experiences from the devel-

opment of the framework and from our experiment with the frame-

work. Finally, we conclude by summarizing the presented ideas and

by giving an outlook to our future work (Section 9).

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2 Elements and Mechanics of Gamification

In order to analyze the currently available applications, the basics of

gamification are summarized in this section. For creating a sustaina-

ble effect and lasting commitment, the source of motivation is im-

portant. Intrinsic motivation comes from the activity itself, whereas

extrinsic motivation comes from the outside (Deci et al. 1972). While

intrinsic motivation seems to be desirable, one also has to think about

the users that do not get intrinsic reward solely from the activity. In

that case, extrinsic rewards can substitute the missing initial intrinsic

motivation. However, there is the danger that by giving too much ex-

trinsic reward, the intrinsic reward diminishes (Deci et al. 2001) and

the person has to be kept in a reward loop forever (Zichermann and

Cunningham 2011, p. 27). In order to create intrinsic motivation, ac-

cording to McGonigal, four things need to be considered: satisfying

work (consisting of a clear goal and next actionable tasks), the

hope/experience of being successful, social connection, and meaning

(McGonigal 2011, p. 53). Satisfying work and the experience or hope

of being successful can be fulfilled by the characteristics of games

(McGonigal 2011, p. 29ff):

Goal: The sense of purpose. It focuses the users’ attention

and gives orientation.

Rules: Limitations on how the goal can be achieved. They

boost the users’ creativity, foster strategic thinking, and

help define the next actionable tasks.

Feedback system: How close is the user to the goal? (pro-

gress bar, points, levels)

Voluntary participation: Freedom to enter the game. Leads

to acceptance of rules and feedback.

The goal of social connection can be achieved by involving friends

via social networks or by teaming up people that have a common

unique goal. McGonigal claims that meaning can occur when users

are part of something “epic” (McGonigal 2011, p. 61ff). That means,

for example, that they can contribute to a superior goal that is carried

out and lasts for a longer time (e.g., fighting climate change). People

need something to master that adapts to their progress and their skills

(Zichermann and Cunningham 2011, p. 29). All of these factors make

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6 Diewald et al.

up games and, as a result, they are important parts of gameful design.

In our analysis, we concentrate on game mechanics, since these are

the basic components of a game (Hunicke et al. 2004). According to

Zichermann and Cunningham (2011), the seven primary game me-

chanics are points, levels, leaderboards, badges, onboarding, chal-

lenges/quests, and engagement loops.

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3 Gamification in the Automotive Domain

In this section, examples of automotive applications are examined.

The analysis is split up in two parts: applications outside vehicles and

applications for in-vehicle usage (Diewald et al. 2013). The analysis

focuses on applied gamification elements and includes a view on the

chosen type of motivation.

3.1 Gamified Automotive Applications outside Vehicles

3.1.1 Automotive Marketing with Gamified Applications

Outside vehicles, the main areas of application are marketing and

brand forming. By applying gamification, the automotive manufac-

turers want to create customers that are more attracted to their brands

and more profitable.

An example is Volkswagen’s BlueMotion Roulette3. In order to pro-

mote the lower fuel consumption of their new BlueMotion car,

Volkswagen created a game in which users could win the car by guess-

ing how far it can drive with one tank of fuel. However, instead of

creating a simple competition where the participants could enter their

guesses, they took a real car and drove along a selected road in Nor-

way. The route was visualized on Google Maps and the users could

bet via their Facebook account on a single road segment that had not

been taken by another player. On the competition day, the players

could follow the car’s journey live on the map and discuss it on Fa-

cebook. Since each user could only bet once, one could maximize

her/his chance of winning by finding out more about the car and its

fuel consumption before entering.

It can be assumed that for most users the possible extrinsic reward

of winning a car was the decisive factor for joining the “game”. How-

ever, the gaming experience caused by the roulette association, the

easy onboarding by presenting the facts about the car and the game in

a short simulation, and the challenge to beat other real players also

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8 Diewald et al.

caused intrinsic motivation for many players, which can be seen by

the large amount of Facebook likes and comments4.

Many applications reward users with badges etc. just for driving

around without having a clear goal. For example, the social driving

application Smileage5 rewards its users for meeting other vehicles that

are also using the Smileage application. Another example is MyFord

Mobile, which rewards its users, for instance, for driving 100,000

miles with an electric vehicle. The objective of such applications can

be seen in marketing, since its main purpose is sharing these badges

on different social networks.

3.1.2 Gamified Speed Monitoring Applications

The speed camera lottery6 was designed to reward people for doing

the right thing. Instead of just taking a picture of speeding cars, a mod-

ified traffic camera would photograph all passing cars. A portion of

the fines from the speeders would be pooled in a lottery in which each

of the law-obeying car owners would have a lottery ticket. A demo in

Stockholm lasting for three days resulted in a drop of the average

speed from 32 kilometers per hour to 25 kilometers per hour. In this

example, the motivation is mainly caused by the extrinsic reward,

which is the chance of winning the lottery. A deeper analysis of this

application is difficult, since there are no numbers for comparing the

effect against a standard traffic camera or for a longer period. How-

ever, it can be assumed that this gamified traffic camera could also

lead to undesired effects. For instance, more traffic could occur on the

road since people want to enter the lottery. Gamified road signs7,

which display friendly or unhappy smilies depending on whether the

speed limit is obeyed or not, are another example of applied gamifi-

cation. The effect of these signs is based on instantaneous feedback

and social pressure as all passersby can see the breach of rules.

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3.2 Gamified Automotive Applications in Vehicles

The following sections describe gamified applications that are in-

tended for use in real vehicles.

3.2.1 Navigation and Efficient Driving

A popular gamified application is the community-based traffic and

navigation mobile application Waze8. It rewards its users for mapping

uncharted areas and reporting traffic issues. Points and leaderboards

create a competition between users. However, these points are not

only used for comparing with other users, they are also used as a con-

fidence score for a user’s contribution. The top x percent of users are

further upgraded from Waze Grown-Ups to Waze Warriors, Waze

Knights, or Waze Royalties. The contribution to an active community

that has the goal to make driving more efficient partly creates an in-

trinsic motivation, which can cause users to diverge from their route

to join in9

The I-GEAR (incentives and gaming environments for automobile

routing) project aims at changing users’ behavior in order to reduce

traffic congestion (McCall and Koenig 2012). For example, users

could be rewarded for taking a later bus or going to a suburb shopping

mall instead of the one in the city center with free bus tickets or dis-

counts at a store in the selected suburb mall. In addition to the imme-

diate rewards, users also would get points for sticking to the applica-

tion’s recommendations. These points could be converted into

material rewards later. Drivers could also team up and gather points

to win prizes like free car insurance for one year when their team has

the highest score at the end of the year. This project sets a lot on ex-

trinsic rewards.

3.2.2 Safe Driving

The mobile application Driving Miss Daisy by Shi et al. (2012) per-

forms a gamified driving style assessment. Instead of just showing a

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10 Diewald et al.

score of points, the performance is evaluated by a virtual passenger

on the backseat (‘Miss Daisy’) who cheers or whimpers depending on

the driving performance. In addition, a game summary is presented at

the end of a drive. Besides the instantaneous feedback over thumbs-

up and thumbs-down, the driver can earn virtual money on each drive,

which is accumulated over multiple rounds for comparison with other

players. The application has several levels of difficulty which are in-

creased based on the former performance. The performance of a drive

can be compared to historical drives on the same route of the player

him/herself (self-competition), and with the performance of other

players (public competition).

CleverMiles10 is based on an external device that has to be con-

nected with the vehicle’s on-board diagnostics II (OBD-II) port. The

device logs and analyzes the driving, and when safe driving is de-

tected, the user gets CleverPoints that can be redeemed against prod-

ucts from different partners. In order to improve the players’ driving,

the system displays driving style recommendations. The application

further allows users to share the driving performance data with Face-

book friends and other drivers. Since the application is still in closed

beta-trial, no information about the effectiveness is available so far.

3.2.3 Eco-driving

Gamified eco-driving applications can be found in many cars. An ex-

ample is Ford’s SmartGauge with EcoGuide11, which was developed

for hybrid vehicles. It informs the user about the current state and ef-

ficiency level of the vehicle’s drive. When the car is driven at the most

efficient level, “efficiency leaves” are growing on the right part of the

dashboard as a reward for the user. Other examples are the color

switching eco-gauge of the Chevrolet Volt, or Kia’s ECOdynamics

system12 which offers different setups that challenge the driver to get

the best economy rating. With Fiat’s eco:Drive13, drivers can analyze

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their eco-driving-related behavior in real-time or afterwards at home.

In addition to a score in form of an eco:Index, drivers can earn

eco:Badges and contribute with their savings to create a better virtual

place called eco:Ville.

The examined eco-driving applications challenge the users in a

very emotional way (Tractinsky et al. 2011): Efficient eco-driving is

indicated by green colors or by flourishing nature. In less efficient

conditions, the displays are changing to the colors yellow or red and

the leaves are disappearing. Thus, the user gets the feeling that some-

thing is broken or the vehicle is being mistreated. Competitive eco-

driving can create a very strong intrinsic motivation. According to

Deterding14, the gamified EcoChallenge application by Ecker et

al. (2011) was so motivating that users would even go through red

lights, which is an unintended behavior.


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12 Diewald et al.

4 Gamified Learning and Exploration

The second pillar of our automotive training framework is gamified

learning and exploration. Since there are several examples and an ex-

tensive theoretical background analysis of gamified learning and

training environments in Chapters “EDUCATION” and “From Mar-

ket Place to Collusion Detection: Case Studies of Gamification in Ed-

ucation”, we concentrate in our overview on the basics and only pre-

sent a few examples that were considered in the conception phase of

our proposed framework.

4.1 Gamified Learning

Already in the 1980s, Malone conducted experiments to find out what

makes computer games fun and how this can be used for instructional

computer games (Malone 1980). A thorough literature review on the

positive impacts of gaming in learning, skill enhancement, and en-

gagement settings has been presented by Connolly et al. (2013). Their

review revealed that gamified learning application and serious games

could boost knowledge acquisition, content understanding as well as

increase the learner’s affection and motivation. However, they also

point out that the learning effectiveness is not automatically optimized

by integrating game mechanics in learning applications.

When analyzing current examples of gamified learning environ-

ments (Muntean 2011; Simões et al. 2013), the use of game elements

does not directly optimize the learning efficacy, but has mainly an

impact on the learners’ motivation (Domínguez et al. 2013). This is

also an important factor for our framework, since our goal is getting

the drivers to explore the user interface of the car and practice the

usage of other vehicle functions as early as possible and best before

the first drive with an unknown vehicle.

4.2 Gamified Tutorials, Training and Exploration

Gamification is also applied in tutorials for online services and com-

puter applications. For example, the online cloud storage service

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Dropbox15 offers a tutorial mode that visualizes the users’ ‘learning’

progress and rewards them with 250 MB extra space when completing

the tutorial. Additional space can be gained by completing other dif-

ferent tasks on a task list with progress display. By using the space as

extrinsic reward, the service lets its users take over advertising on so-

cial networks etc.

GamiCAD is a gamified interactive tutorial system for first time

AutoCAD users (Li et al. 2012). A comparison of the gamified tutorial

with the default in-product interactive tutorial system revealed that

users of the gamified version showed higher subjective engagement

levels and completed test tasks 20 % to 76 % faster. Ribbon Hero 216

is a game for learning Microsoft Office. The interactive tutorial con-

sists of game setting challenges, which expose students step-by-step

to more Office features. Students are encouraged to explore and learn

on their own through points that are awarded for using basic functions

as well as new functions that can be unlocked by completing chal-

lenges. Another motivation is the score sharing functions that allows

publishing the current score via social media.

Orientation Passport by Fitz-Walter et al. (2011) is an example of

a gamified mobile exploration application. The smartphone applica-

tion is targeted at new students during their university orientation

phase. It provides a digital orientation schedule of important student

events accompanied with other helpful tools, such as an interactive

campus map, a contact list, or a service information page. By check-

ing into events, adding people to the contact list or answering ques-

tions to university services, the new students can unlock a maximum

of 20 achievements. The results from a pilot study show that the

achievement system motivated students to visit events and explore the

campus and its services. However, downsides of the gamification

were that some users only visited places once for unlocking an

achievement and added random people as “friends” to their contact

list to get the respective badge.

In order to enforce or train certain behaviors, aspects of behavioral

economics can be combined with game elements. An example is the

mobile application SmartPiggy (Stockinger et al. 2013). In this app,

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14 Diewald et al.

color-coded progress bars and badges support the task of saving

money. In contrast to other implementations that only award badges

to users, this application makes use of people’s loss aversion and takes

away gained badges when users fail to reach their goals.

Gamification cannot only persuade end-users to explore a system

or application, but can also be used to explore the use and spread of

technology. An example is the mobile application NFC Heroes

(Kranz et al. 2013). The app is set in a trading card context and awards

users with gadgets and points for documenting Near-Field Communi-

cation (NFC) technologies in their environment. The gathered data is

used by researchers to explore the use of NFC and to measure the

adoption of this technology.

Gamification is not only used for exploration and tutorials but also

for different kinds of personal training. Example areas of mobile per-

sonal training applications are mobile fitness coaches (Kranz et al.

2013; McCallum 2012) or training applications for teaching methods

in (higher) education (Möller et al. 2011). Especially for training ap-

plications, it is important to match the way of information presenta-

tion with the target audience. Expert users may not be willing to “play

through a game” in order to access the information they are looking


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5 Potential Limitations and Challenges of Gamification

Looking at the examined examples, some challenges, and limitations

of gameful design can be derived:

Games are voluntary and have no serious consequences: All of

the applications examined here fulfil the voluntary nature. However,

when gamification approaches areas such as electronic road pric-

ing (Merugu et al. 2009), the voluntary nature could be limited when

the driver has to either take part in the game or stay out of the game

area. The competitive eco-driving example showed that the serious-

ness of traffic regulations could be surpassed by the intrinsic motiva-

tion coming from the gaming character. Applications that can have an

influence on the driving style should be analyzed and extensively

tested before they are released or integrated into vehicles.

Games abstract and simplify complex processes for a better

gaming experience: In order to have a clearer relationship between

the actions and the goal, games often simplify complex processes.

However, when gamifying a real process, the precision and accuracy

has to meet the requirements of the process. For example, a safe driv-

ing assessment application that only rewards the user based on rules

like “drive slowly and do not brake” would not meet the requirements

of safe participation in road traffic.

Games live from instant and unambiguous feedback: To en-

courage desired behavior, immediate and unambiguous feedback is

important. However, during driving it can be very difficult to clearly

present feedback without distracting the driver from the driving task.

Although little icons in the dashboard or audio feedback could reduce

the distraction, these could be ambiguous so the driver might know to

have achieved something without knowing exactly what was

achieved. A solution could be to shift the detailed explanation of the

achievement to the next stop (e.g., at red lights).

How to phase out extrinsic rewards: When the motivation of a

gamified application is mainly based on extrinsic rewards, it can be a

difficult process to phase out these rewards. An approach could be to

draw the “player’s” attention to the intrinsic rewards one gets from

using the application (e.g., focus on the social connection, the mas-

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16 Diewald et al.

tered challenges, or the learning progress). At the same time, the ex-

trinsic rewards, which perhaps helped to attract the user, could be

gradually reduced. The use and height of extrinsic rewards should be

looked at in detail during the testing phase. The reward should not

exceed a certain value that motivates users to execute unnecessary,

rash, and unsafe driving maneuvers.

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6 Gamification-based Framework for Automotive User Interface


6.1 Purpose of the Framework

In order to investigate the potential of gamification for exploring au-

tomotive user interfaces and practicing the use of (comfort) vehicle

functions, we developed a prototypical framework. We had the fol-

lowing research questions (RQs) in mind during the conception phase

of the framework:

RQ1: Does gamification have an influence on the training

motivation of the subjects?

RQ2: Does gamification during the training phase have an

influence on the driving performance?

RQ3: Does gamification influence the acceptance of recom-

mendations given by a training system?

RQ4: Will subjects perform safety-critical actions or even

follow dangerous recommendations while driving in order to

get a higher score from the framework?

While RQ1 (effects on motivation), RQ2 (effects on driving per-

formance) and RQ3 (effect on acceptance) focus on positive aspects

of gamification, RQ4 is intended to unveil possible negative gamifi-

cation effects (see also Chapter NEGATIVE ASPECTS). The focus

of our research is on the effect of gamification on the actual driving


6.2 General Functionality

The framework is split up into two gamification-supported explora-

tion and practicing modes (see Fig. 1). The first approach is the online

mode that is running directly on the car’s in-vehicle infotainment

(IVI) system. Similar to classical step-by-step tutorials, the ‘tutorial

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18 Diewald et al.

and quiz mode’ guides the driver through the most important func-

tions and awards points and badges with ongoing progress. Examples

of trained functions are e.g. (1) adjusting the seat, (2) activating the

hazard warning lights, (3) activating the adaptive cruise control, or

(4) changing the radio station. The different learning units are inter-

rupted by randomly selected quiz questions to rehearse already

learned functions. By answering the questions within a certain time

limit (in a safe driving situation and vehicular context, e.g. while the

car is parked on private property), the user can earn bonus points. In

contrast to the ‘tutorial and quiz mode’, which is only available when

the car is parked, the ‘background mode’ is monitoring the driving

while the car is moving. Whenever the user performs a secondary or

tertiary task (Kern and Schmidt 2009), i.e. a task not directly related

to driving, the driving behavior is analyzed in order to estimate the

driver’s distraction (for algorithms cf. Alonso et al. (2012)). At the

end of the drive, the application calculates a score where 100 % means

that the driver is using the human machine interface (HMI) without

noticeable distraction and 0 % means that a high amount of distraction

was detected for each performed secondary and tertiary task. As a re-

sult, the application suggests the driver what should be further prac-

ticed, and – when available – it suggests less distracting control alter-

natives, e.g. using the steering wheel volume control instead of the

radio’s volume control, or controlling a function via the voice com-

mand system. This score is also saved in a high score list.

Fig. 1 The gamified exploration supports two modes: The online mode is running on the car’s

infotainment system, the offline mode is a mobile application for exploring the human

machine interface (HMI) independent from the vehicle.

Online Mode(in car)

Tutorial and Quiz Mode

Background Mode

Offline Mode(mobile app)

Exploration Mode

Quiz Mode

Page 19: Gamification-supported Exploration and Practicing for ... · of gamification and proposed the following definition: “Gamification is the use of game design elements in non-game


a. The main menu of the mobile application (offline mode). The cockpit mode al-

lows free exploration of the vehicle’s recreated cockpit (see Fig. 2 b).

b. The cockpit mode of the mobile application. By clicking on an interactive ele-

ment in the cockpit, the application shows usage details (see Fig. 2 c) and awards

points to the user for newly found functions.

c. The details view explains the usage of the different interactive elements. There is

also a walk-through for the vehicles infotainment menu. The example in this figure

shows details on the wiper stalk switch.

Fig. 2 The three figures depict example screens of the mobile application that rep-

resents the offline mode of our proposed framework.

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20 Diewald et al.

The in-car mode is complemented by the offline mode that is real-

ized as a mobile application for smartphones and tablet PCs. The ‘ex-

ploration mode’ allows exploring the human-machine interface. For

newly identified functions, entries from a ‘to explore’ list are ticked

off. In the ‘quiz mode’, random questions have to be answered by the

user and points are awarded. When a set of questions on a special

topic (e.g. the navigation system) has been successfully completed, an

‘expert badge’ is awarded to the user.

Both modes have been prototypically implemented. The online

mode is implemented on a driving simulator based on a real car cock-

pit (see Fig. 3). By analyzing messages on the CAN (Controller Area

Network) bus, the Java-based application can log the use of the car

functions. In addition, the online mode also controls parts of the dash-

board and the display on top of the center stack, which allows showing

the feedback and the tutorial instructions directly on the car’s built-in

displays. The offline mode has been realized as mobile application for

the Android platform. In both applications, the gamification elements

can be turned off. This allows analyzing motivation and learning ef-

fects caused by gamification.

Fig. 3 The driving simulator used for the evaluation of the in-vehicle mode (online

mode) of the framework. It is the real cockpit of a BMW 5-series. The framework

controls parts of the dashboard and the display on top of the center stack, and can

log most controls by monitoring the vehicle’s CAN bus.

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6.3 Sample Scenarios for the Gamified Automotive Training


6.3.1 Interactive Tutorial for Car Buyers

The proposed framework can be used in different scenarios. An ex-

ample is its usage as an interactive tutorial for car buyers. The explo-

ration and tutorial functionality of the online mode can be used as a

replacement for the owner’s manual. It could be automatically started

before the first drive with the new car and later on started on demand

whenever the driver needs help or wants to explore unknown control

elements or menu points.

The offline mode could be interesting for buyers that are waiting for

the delivery of their ordered car. Using the mobile application distrib-

uted by the car manufacturer could increase the buyer’s excited antic-

ipation and ensure that one knows how to use the car’s functions right

from the beginning.

6.3.2 Guidance for Rental Car and Car Sharing Users

Especially when driving an unknown vehicle – as is often the case

with rental cars and car sharing vehicles – drivers can be overtaxed

by the operation of tertiary car functions (Kern and Schmidt 2009).

This could, for example, be overcome with a gamified preset mode

that automatically starts when the driver enters the car. The online

mode could be a virtual guide that shows the driver what one can ad-

just before the drive in order to have a less stressful drive. This could

contain things like seat and mirrors adjustments, choosing the desired

radio station, or setting the temperature of the air conditioning. Be-

sides the intrinsic motivation of having a more convenient drive, pos-

sible extrinsic rewards could be the reduction of the insurance deduct-

ible or free car sharing minutes.

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22 Diewald et al.

7 Evaluation of the Offline Mode Prototype

In a first test, the offline mode prototype has been evaluated in order

to answer the research questions presented in Section 6.1.

7.1 Evaluation Setting and Methodology

For evaluating the effects of the offline mode on the driving perfor-

mance and vehicle function handling, subjects had to perform given

secondary and tertiary tasks while driving in a simulator (see Fig. 3).

In order to measure the effect of the gamified training application,

the participants were randomly divided into two groups (between-

subjects design):

(1) Without any training (control group).

(2) 10 minutes training with the offline mode (experiment group).

The metrics were time to task completion, lane deviation, subjec-

tive perceived workload, and ratings on a questionnaire. The per-

ceived workload was measured by the NASA Task Load Index

(NASA-TLX) questionnaire. The additional questionnaire asked

about previous knowledge of the subjects and let them rate statements

concerning their motivation as well as their perception of the game-

fulness of the overall experiment.

7.1.1 Tasks

The driving task was the so-called Lane Change Task17 by Daim-

ler (Harbluk et al. 2007). The maximum speed was set to 60 km/h.

The secondary or tertiary tasks (operating tasks) to be performed by

the subjects were shown on the lower part of the dashboard and were

triggered automatically based on the driven distance. The subjects

were instructed to focus on their speed, to perform the lane changes

indicated by the simulation tool, and to keep their track. Although the

participants should focus on driving safety, the displayed operating

tasks should be performed as fast as possible. The operating tasks are

summarized in Table 1.


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Task Description Start




T1 Increase radio volume via steering

wheel control 400 m 600 m

T2 Change radio station via steering

wheel controls 800 m 1000 m

T3 Play CD: Sheryl Crow 1200 m 1800 m

T4 Activate the Active Cruise Control 2000 m 2400 m

T5 Start Navigation to ‘Home’ 2600 m 3300 m

Table 1 Overview of secondary and tertiary tasks users had to operate during the

drive. The tasks were displayed on the lower part of the dashboard and were trig-

gered automatically based on the driven distance. The task instruction was active

from start distance to end distance and was hidden when the task was fulfilled.

The experiment began with a brief introduction for both groups. In a

pre-experiment questionnaire, demographic data, driving experience

and experience with technical systems such as smartphones were


Afterwards, the experiment group got a short introduction to the

mobile application prototype (offline mode). Then, the subjects could

freely explore and use the gamified application for a maximum of

10 minutes. The subjects in the control group immediately progressed

with the driving task.

The driving task consisted of four laps (each around 3300 m,

~ 3.5 minutes) in the Lane Change Task (LCT) simulation. In the first

lap, subjects got an introduction to the simulation environment and to

the Lane Change Task. In the second lap, ground truth data on the

driving performance was recorded. During ground truth, no extra op-

erating tasks had to be performed. For the last two laps, subjects had

to perform the additional operating tasks (cf. Table 1) in parallel to

the normal driving task. After the third lap, a summary of their oper-

ating performance in form of an automatically calculated score (com-

posed of accomplished task score and time bonus) was presented to

the subjects. Before they started the fourth lap, the experimenter told

the subjects that the score is rather low and they could get into a high-

score list when they perform the operation tasks faster and more ac-

curate in the next lap. After each lap, subjects had to do a subjective

assessment of their mental workload with the NASA Task Load Index


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24 Diewald et al.

After the driving experiment, the subjects filled in a post-experi-

ment questionnaire. The questionnaire included questions on the driv-

ing and operating performance. The experiment group further an-

swered questions on the tested gamified mobile application.

7.1.2 Participants

For the first test, we recruited 30 subjects between 19 and 28 years

(median = 25 years, standard deviation σ = 2.53). There were 5 female

and 25 male participants. Most of the participants were students or

research assistants. The average experiment duration was 35 minutes.

Subjects received a direct compensation for their participation in form

of a 5 € gift card for an online retailer. The average driving experience

was 6.0 years (σ = 2.53). The subjects were randomly assigned to the

experiment and control group. A Student’s t-test (α = 0.05, two-tail)

on the driving experiences of the control and the experiment group

showed no significant difference (P(T ≤ t) = 0.069). In addition, there

were no significant differences in experience with and interest in tech-

nical devices between both groups.

7.2 Results

7.2.1 Results of Driving Experiment

The presentation of the results focuses on the parts relevant for

providing answers to our research questions.

The analysis of the LCT track deviation data gave the following

results. In comparison to the second lap (ground truth) without addi-

tional operating tasks, the lane deviation increased for the control

group on average about 48.7 % (σ = 0.43) for the third lap and 39.6 %

(σ = 0.46) for the fourth lap. The experiment group had slightly better

results. Their lane deviation increased by 42.1 % (σ = 0.27) for the

third lap and 23.7 % (σ = 0.27) for the fourth lap. However, no signif-

icant differences could be found between the results for both laps

(lap 1: P(T ≤ t) = 0.65, lap 2: P(T ≤ t) = 0.26).

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Lap 1 Lap 2


n = 15


n = 15


n = 14


n = 14

Task 1: Increase volume

via steering wheel 93.3 % 93.3 % 100 % 100 %

Task 2: Change radio sta-

tion via steering wheel 80.0 % 73.3 % 78.6 % 78.6 %

Task 3: Play CD: Sheryl

Crow 80.0 % 73.3 % 100 % 92.9 %

Task 4: Activate Active

Cruise Control 33.3 % 60.0 % 35.7 % 71.4 %

Task 5: Start Navigation

to ‘Home’ 73.3 % 66.7 % 100 % 78.6 %

Table 2 Accomplishment rates for operating tasks. There were 15 participants in

both groups for the first lap. For the second lap, in each group one subject decided

to end the driving experiment early.

The task completion rates were almost equal for both groups (see

Table 2). The only significant difference can be seen for task 4. The

completion rate for the active cruise control task is twice as high for

the experiment group as for the control group.

The results from the subjective assessment of the mental workload

with the NASA-TLX (weighted score from 0 to 100) correlate with

the average lane deviation of the LCT. No significant difference was

found between the groups. For the second lap (ground truth without

operating task), an average NASA-TLX score of 24.7 (σ = 13.9) was

calculated. The third lap (first experiment lap with operating tasks)

had an average score of 57.0 (σ = 21.3), the fourth lap resulted in an

average score of 39.4 (σ = 18.4). The average NASA-TLX scores of

all users split up into categories are depicted in Fig. 4.

In addition, the subjects rated statements on the driving experiment

on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree).

The results are summarized in Table 3. The goal was to measure

whether the usage of the mobile application changes the perception of

the driving task. However, no significant differences between both

groups could be observed.

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26 Diewald et al.

Figure 4 Average NASA-TLX scores for all subjects. The subject could assess the

different categories on a scale from 0 to 20 with 0 = very low and 20 = very high.






Mental demand Physical demand Temporal demand

Average NASA-TLX scores

2nd lap (ground truth) 3rd lap 4th lap






Performance Effort Frustration

2nd lap (ground truth) 3rd lap 4th lap

Page 27: Gamification-supported Exploration and Practicing for ... · of gamification and proposed the following definition: “Gamification is the use of game design elements in non-game


Statement Control Group Exp. Group

Mean σ Mean σ

The operating tasks were

too difficult for me. 2.07 0.59 1.87 0.74

My goal was to drive

safely. 3.27 1.03 3.67 0.98

My goal was to accom-

plish the tasks quickly. 4.34 0.62 4.27 0.70

My goal was to reach a

high score. 4.07 1.03 4.20 0.77

The experiment felt more

like a game for me. 3.47 0.92 3.34 1.05

Table 3 Mean and standard deviation (σ) of rated statements concerning the driving

experiment. The statements had to be rated on a 5-point Likert scale with

1 = ‘strongly disagree’ and 5 = ‘strongly agree’. No significant differences between

the control group and the experiment group can be observed.

7.2.2 Results related to the Mobile Application

The subjects in the experiment group (n = 15) further rated statements

on the mobile application on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly dis-

agree, 5 = strongly agree). The fun factor of the application was rated

with an average score of 4.20 (σ = 0.56). The usefulness of the appli-

cation was confirmed with an average rating of 4.27 (σ = 0.46). The

subjects can further think of using such an application for unknown

cars (mean = 3.80, σ = 0.77). Participants further thought that the use

of the application made the operating tasks easier during the driving

experiment (mean = 4.47, σ = 0.52). Regarding the motivation, the

subjects stated with an average score of 4.73 (σ = 0.46) that the quiz

mode with the ability to make a high score motivated them to improve

their initial score.

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28 Diewald et al.

7.3 Discussion

Based on the results from the performed experiment, answers to the

research questions shall be provided in the discussion of the results.

7.3.1 Influence of Gamification on the Training Motivation (RQ1)

Subjects in the experiment group clearly stated that the possibility to

improve their score in the quiz mode of the mobile application was a

good incentive to perform the quiz several times. However, so far the

quiz mode only asks for the location of input elements. For that rea-

son, the quiz can quickly become boring. Subjects suggested to im-

plement different categories of questions or to ask multiple-choice

questions on the operating elements and their functions. In addition,

the idea of unlocking new application features by exploring the virtual

cockpit was appealing.

The individual statements of the subjects match with the rating of

the application presented in Section 7.2.1. In summary, game ele-

ments had a positive influence on the training motivation. However,

users need the feeling that the quiz evolves with their growing exper-


7.3.2 Influence of Gamification on the Driving Performance (RQ2)

Although the subjects in the experiment group stated in the post-ques-

tionnaire that the use of the gamified mobile application had helped

them during the driving experiment, no significant difference in the

LCT results could be observed compared to the results of the control

group (see Section 7.2.1). That means that the training application had

no direct influence on the driving performance.

For the operation tasks, the results were comparable for both

groups. The only significant difference was in task 4, which was the

activation of the active cruise control. This was the only function in

our operation task set that is not yet widely available and had to be

operated through a small lever located behind the steering wheel. This

indicates that the mobile training application is beneficial for func-

tions that are not yet common in cars and/or are not plainly visible.

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7.3.3 Influence of Gamification on Recommendations (RQ3)

Subjects stated in the final interviews that the mobile application had

both informative and game character. Especially the cockpit view and

the function list have been seen as an information source. The quiz

mode was rated to be more like a ‘learning game.’ However, when we

observed the users interacting with the mobile application, we noticed

that the informative character faded into the background. Most sub-

jects tapped systematically or completely randomly on the virtual

cockpit in order to find all functions. When a function was found, the

description was often just quickly scanned and possible recommenda-

tions or usage hints were overlooked. When we mentioned this in the

interview, the subjects stated that their goal was to activate the quiz

mode quickly.

7.3.4 Negative Aspects of Gamification (RQ4)

One negative aspect of gamification was already mentioned in Sec-

tion 7.3.3. Instead of reading the information, subjects tried to keep

the game flowing. A solution could be to implement a short compul-

sory break that allows the user to read the text. Another idea is to cut

down the amount of information presented at a time. Alternatively,

the textual explanation of functions could be enhanced with interac-

tive graphics, video snippets, or audio.

For evaluating the game element ‘score’ and, thus, ‘competition,’ a

score was computed during the driving experiment and displayed to

the subjects after completing a lap. We further intensified the ‘com-

petition’ after the first lap by saying that they can enter a high-score

list when they get more points in the second lap. From the values in

Table 3, it can be seen that on average the subjects concentrated more

on the operating tasks and their score than on driving safely. Although

both groups had only slightly the feeling that the experiment is more

like a game (see Table 3), they disregarded the instruction that the

main objective was to drive safely. When we asked the subjects why

they had concentrated on the score, they mainly named the competi-

tion as decisive factor. The high-score list influenced even subjects

who stated in the pre-experiment questionnaire not to be very com-


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30 Diewald et al.

8 Towards Guidelines for Gamification in the Automotive


The experiences gathered during the development and the first labor-

atory test with the framework could serve as a basis for future gami-

fied automotive applications as well as their evaluation. The follow-

ing statements summarize our findings:

Abstraction can be dangerous, details also: Games often abstract

complex tasks in order to offer a better game flow experience (see

Section 5). However, especially when gamifying real processes that

could cause safety issues, the precision and accuracy has to meet the

requirements of the process. For example, in a first version, we only

delivered a very short and simplified description for the adaptive

cruise control stalk switch, which lead to situation where subjects did

not know how the set speed of the ACC could be reset. Some subjects

activated the adaptive cruise control and the car in the simulation ac-

celerated automatically to more than double the predetermined speed.

However, also too much details can be dangerous during driving. Fol-

lowing the rule of immediate feedback (cf. Section 5), we created dif-

ferent icons with a short reward text that were shown on the dashboard

of the simulator as soon as a task was solved. The message was only

shown when the car drove straight and at a constant speed. However,

some participants found these reward messages so interesting that

they partially ignored the primary driving task they should focus on.

Therefore, when designing a gamified application one has to find a

balance for the right degree of detail and abstraction and how unam-

biguous feedback can be provided.

Make game rules clear: In our first experiments, we tried to hide

the game mechanics, and did not offer an explanation on how points

or awards can be earned. However, as soon as the subjects found out

that they got points for a certain action, they repeated this action as

often as possible to get as many points as possible. This led to drastic

performance drops as the subjects’ focus was on finding out the rules

for getting more points. As already stated in Section 2, rules are im-

portant parts of games and need to be clear for the “play-

ers” (McGonigal 2011, p. 29ff).

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Test in a non-gaming context: The first iterations of the frame-

work prototype were tested with a computer steering wheel in front of

two large displays on a desk. The driving simulation software was

similar to Geoquake’s 3D Google Maps simulation18. Already during

the first test rounds, we noticed that most participants had the feeling

that the situation was unreal and more like a game. For that reason,

we changed to the realistic car cockpit simulator afterwards (see

Fig. 3). This hugely changed the perception of the subjects (see Ta-

ble 3). On the software side, we changed from our own satellite im-

age-based simulation tool to the established Lane Change Task. Its

analysis tool further allows measuring the lane deviation (see Fig. 4)

and comparing the subjects’ driving performance when performing

secondary or tertiary tasks with their baseline driving when they only

concentrate on the driving. In our experience, one can only find out

the caused gaming effect of a gamified application, when it is tested

in a non-gaming context, i.e. with a realistic driving simulation or a

real car. In that way, it can be found out whether the gamified system

has an influence on the seriousness of the driving task.

Do not gamify the task of driving: An important aspect we no-

ticed during the experiment was that a gamified automotive applica-

tion should not gamify the task of driving. For example, at an early

stage, our framework suggested to use a different input modality for


last accessed September 27, 2013.

Fig. 4 The figure presents an example output of the track analysis tool of the Lance

Change Task (LCT). The solid black line depicts the ideal track; the dotted line

indicates the track driven by a subject during a task. By calculating the area between

the two lines, the quality of the track keeping can be analyzed. This allows drawing

conclusions on the subjects’ distraction.

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32 Diewald et al.

controlling a function when it noticed that the driver left the lane dur-

ing an operation task, and awarded points when the driver success-

fully used the suggested modality (Diewald et al. 2012). Although the

application chose the drivers’ preferred modality, the subjects mainly

concentrated on gaining points and the driving performance drasti-

cally decreased.

Our results further show that competition is a very motivating fac-

tor for users to lose focus from the primary driving task (see Sec-

tion 7.3.4). This coincides also with the observations of Deterding

presented in Section 3.2.2, which means that competition for safety

critical applications should be avoided.

The most important experiences from the tests during the develop-

ment however were that the concept should be developed iteratively

and that after each slight change of the game mechanics a test is nec-

essary. Even the change from one game element to another can be

critical and needs to be evaluated thoroughly.

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9 Conclusion and Future Work

In this chapter, we first looked at common game elements and me-

chanics and then analyzed several examples of gamified applications

in the automotive domain and for learning environments. Based on

these analyses, we brought out limitations and challenges of gamifi-

cation in the automotive domain, which were considered when creat-

ing our proposed gamified framework for exploring automotive user

interfaces and practicing vehicle functions. After presenting the con-

cept and implementation of this framework, we summarized the re-

sults from our first study. Based on these results and experiences dur-

ing the development, we formulated some guidelines that we share in

order to support further research on gamification in the automotive


We are currently enhancing the mobile application and conducting

an experiment with the online mode of the framework. We will inves-

tigate whether the training effect with a recreated virtual car interface

(offline mode) is comparable to the effect when training with a real

car interface (online mode). The comparison of the offline mode and

the online mode will also be used to determine whether gamification

in the real car distorts the perception of the seriousness of ‘driving a

real car’.

Although gamification also has several negative aspects that need

to be considered, we are convinced that our approach could improve

the situation for people who often switch cars, but want to have stress-

free and comfortable rides.

Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the assistance in research and im-

plementation of our student Duc Ha Minh and thank the Institute for Human-Ma-

chine Communication at Technische Universität München for letting us use their

driving simulator.


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