gallery please rise and join us? father tzortzis.f' steven nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e...

STATE 01 ILLINOIS 83R5 GENERAL âSSEK:tY EOUSE OF BEP'ESXNTâTIVES TRAXSCEIPTION DEBATE 100tE tegislative Day âpril 5. 198% Speaker Greimanz ''The hour of twelve having arrivede the House vill now be in Session. The Chaplain for today is eather Anthony Tzortzis, Pastor of Saint ânthony's Church in Springfielde Illinois. Fatber Tzortzis is a guest of Aepresentative Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true light. vhic: lumens and sanctifîes every 2an v:o co/es into the vorldy let the light of Thy coqntinance be s:ovn upon a1l our state Representatives and a11 loyal officqrs of our governaent of our country; that in it we ma# be called the ligbt ineffable that guide our footsteps, our eye to the keeping of Thy cotlandlents throqgh the decisions of Thy a11 pqre dotber, and all the Saints. A/en.l Speaker Greiman: ''Representative Eopp will lead us in the pledqe to the flag.'' Ropp et a1: ''I pledge allegiance to the fta: of the Dnited States of âzerica and to tEe :epublic for vhich it stands. one Nation under God. indivisiblee with liberty and justice for a1l.'' speaker Greimanz ''Roll Call for âttendance. âlright, 8r. Clerk. 112 :embers having ansvered to khe quoruz calle a quorua is nov present. Take the record. Hr. Clerk. :r. Katijevicb are there any excused absences oq the Deaocratic side?e' iatilevich: 'lYese let the record shox that zepresentative John Vitek bas been excused for illness in tbe fawily.n Speaker Greiaan: ''Let the record so show. :r. Vinson. are khere any excused absences on the Eêpqblican side? :oy there is no excused absences on the Republican side. âlright, thank you. On page four of the Calendar appears Constitutional Aaendnents Second Reading. ând on Constitutional âmendments Second Eeading appears H.J.B.C.A.I. :r. Clerk 1

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Page 1: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


100tE tegislative Day âpril 5. 198%

Speaker Greimanz ''The hour of twelve having arrivede the House

vill now be in Session. The Chaplain for today is eather

Anthony Tzortzis, Pastor of Saint ânthony's Church in

Springfielde Illinois. Fatber Tzortzis is a guest of

Aepresentative Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e

gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f'

Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true light. vhic: lumens and

sanctifîes every 2an v:o co/es into the vorldy let the

light of Thy coqntinance be s:ovn upon a1l our state

Representatives and a11 loyal officqrs of our governaent of

our country; that in it we ma# be called the ligbt

ineffable that guide our footsteps, our eye to the keeping

of Thy cotlandlents throqgh the decisions of Thy a11 pqre

dotber, and all the Saints. A/en.l

Speaker Greiman: ''Representative Eopp will lead us in the pledqe

to the flag.''

Ropp et a1: ''I pledge allegiance to the fta: of the Dnited States

of âzerica and to tEe :epublic for vhich it stands. one

Nation under God. indivisiblee with liberty and justice fora1l.''

speaker Greimanz ''Roll Call for âttendance. âlright, 8r. Clerk.

112 :embers having ansvered to khe quoruz calle a quorua is

nov present. Take the record. Hr. Clerk. :r. Katijevicb

are there any excused absences oq the Deaocratic side?e'

iatilevich: 'lYese let the record shox that zepresentative John

Vitek bas been excused for illness in tbe fawily.n

Speaker Greiaan: ''Let the record so show. :r. Vinson. are khere

any excused absences on the Eêpqblican side? :oy there is

no excused absences on the Republican side. âlright, thank

you. On page four of the Calendar appears Constitutional

Aaendnents Second Reading. ând on Constitutional

âmendments Second Eeading appears H.J.B.C.A.I. :r. Clerk


Page 2: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


100th Legislative Day April 5. 1984

read :he âaendment.''

Clerk O'Brien: ''qouse Joint Desolution Constitutional âmendnent

#1y Olson. Resolved by the nouse of Bepresentatives of the

83rd General àssembly of the Skate of Illinoise the Senate

concarring herein, there shall be subaitted to the electors

of the state for adoption or rejection at tbe general

election next occurring at least six zonths after the

adoption of this Eesolutiony a proposition to aaen;

sections 8 and 13 of àrticle I of the Constitution to read

as follows. Article 1. Section 8. Rights àfter Indictment.

In criminal prosecqtions, t:e accused shall bave the right

to appear and defen; in person and by counsely to denand

t:e nature and cause of tbe accusation and Eave a copy

tbereof, to neet the vitness face to face anG to have

process to compel the attendance of viknesses in bis

bebalf, and to have a speedy public trial by an impartial

jury of the county in vàich the offense is alleged to :ave

been coœaittede except tbat the General Assepbly by lav aay

abolisk the right of a jury trial for prosecutions ofoffenses punishable by imprisonment of no aore t:an six

nonkhs or by a fine of no aore tban $500. Section 13y

Trial By Jury. The right of trial by jury as heretofore

enjoyed sball remain inviolatee except that the Geaeral

Assembly by Iag 2ay abolish the rigbt of jury trial for

prosecutions of offenses punishable by imprisonzent of no

more than six nonths or by a fine of no more t:an $500.

Schedule. Tbis a/endwent of Sections 8 and 13 of àrticle

I of the Constiiqtion takes effect on January folloving

its approval by tbe electors of this state. Aaendaent #1

adopted in Committeee amends Bouse Joint zesolution

Constitutional àmendaent #1 as follovs on line 22 and 29 by

deleting khe following: 'imprisonment of no œore kàan six

months or by.: secon; Beading of *he Constitutional


Page 3: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


100th Legislative Day April 5, 198%


Speaker Greimanz 'l0ut of the record. for what purpose does t:e

Gentleman from Dekitt. dr. Vinsone seek recognitionp'

Yinson: l'gas tbat Constitutional àzendment read a second time?ll

Speaker Greimanz 'IThat's what ve vere doing just at tbat moment./

Vinson: NAnd that was coapleted?f'

Speaker Greinan: nke conpleted it. It was for the purposes of

reading...of doing :he actual readings. ke are going on an

Order which would be Constitutional âmendments, Second

Peading. subject matter vhàc: vouid be those Bills that

have not yet been read a second tine. That vonld be the

Bill just rêad and tNe Bill I a? about to calle which is

Constitutional àmendment 1%. On the Order of

Constitutional àmendments Second :eadinge Bills that :ave

nok yet been read a second tiae: appears B.J.R.C.A. 1%.

Hr. Clerk, read tàe àmendzent.''

Clerk O'Brien: 'IHoase Joint Resolution Constitutional Amendaent

#14: Ralph Dunn. Resolved. by tâe House of zepresentatives

of the 83rd General àssembly of the state of Illinois, the

Senate concurring hereine there shall be subaitted Eo the

electors of this state for adoption or rejection at the

general election next occurring at least six Donths after

the adoption of this nesolution, a proposikion to amend

Section 1 of Article X of the Eonstitution to read as

follovsz Article 1e Educatione Section le Goal - eree

schools. à fundamental goal of khe people of the state is

the educational Qevelopment of all persons to the liwià of

tbeir capacities. T:e state shall provide for an efficient

syste? of :igh quality public educational institutions and

services. Education in public schools througà tbe

secondary level shall be free. There 1ay be sucb other

free education as the General Asseebly provides by lag.

Tàe state shall finance at least 3/5 of the cost of the


Page 4: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


100th Legislative Day àpril 5. 1984

system of public education. schedule. This Amendment

shall take effect upon its adoption by the electors of this

state. âlendaent #1 adopte; in Coumittee. awendse House

Joint Resolution Constitutional âmendment #1q on page oae.

line 21y by deleting :375: and inserting in lieu thereof

#1/2'. Second Reading of tbe Constikutional âmendœent.'l

Speaker Greiman: ''Out of the record. On the Order of Nouse Bills

second Eeadinge on page three of t:e Calendary appears

House Bill 1632. ;r. 'arzuki? Is Kr. Karzuki in tbe

chamber? Do you vish to proceed wikh 1632?.1

Narzukiz ''I woald like ko :old thaE on Second neading for a

possible âaendment latere :r. Speaker./

Speaker Greinan: ''But you vant to zove it to Third Reading you


'arzaki: 'lNo.'f

Speaker Greimanz ''Out of the record. Out of the record. On the

Order of House Bills Second neading appears nouse Bill

z3...appears House Bill 2360. Kiss Topinka. do you vish to

proceed? Out of the record. On t:e Order of House 3i1ls

Second Eeading appears House Bill 2%10. ;r. Keane in the

cha/ber? Out of 1:e record. On the Order of House 3ills

Third Reading ...On the Order of House Bills Third geading

on page tbree of t:e Calendar appears nouse Bill 569. House

Bill 569. Ou* of the record. On the Order of Eouse Bills

Third neading appears Bouse 2ill 1128. :r. Klen1? Out of

the record. On the Order of House Bills Third Aeading

appears House Bill 1587. qr. :onan in t:e cham:er: 0ut of

the recorG. On the Order of House Bills Thir; neading

appears House Bill 1839. Out of the reeord. On the Order

of Rouse Bills TEird Reading appears Bonse Bill 230:. :r.

Van Duyne in the chamber? :r. 7an Duyne. vould you like to

proceed on the'order of Third neading on House :ill 230:?

Out of t:e record. On the Order of House Bills Thir;


Page 5: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


100th Leqislative Day âpril 5. 198%

zeading appears Boase Bill 2332. 2332. Is Hr. Bowman in

the chamber? Out of the record. On the Order of House

Bills Third Peading appears House Bill 2355. :r. elinn.

0ut of the record. kell. we have 1007. Gentleman froa

De@itt, ;r. Vinson. Do you have a Bill you gish to proceed

with, :r. Vinson?

Vinson: HNo. :r. Speaker. but given the fact that nobody seezs to

vant to call Bills I thought I would call a very serious

disorder in House procedures to your attention. ïesterday

in t:e Hoqse Executive Cowmitteee and I vill give you a

copy of this: tbe Speaker of the Housee :r. Hadigan, sent

to the Clerk of the Housee :r. t'3rien. a letter advising

the clerk that Eepresentative Greiman vould replace

nepresenàative Berrios on the Execqtive Conmitkee Deeting

for kednesdaye April %e 1984. Nov that appointment was

madeg of course, and I have here a noll Call that vas taken

in that Coz/ittee regard to House Bill 2509. ând

on that noll Call Representative Berrios was crossed ou:

appropriately and aepresentative Greiœanes name uas

entered: and he cast a 'yes' vote on that Bill. So there

is certainly ao probleœ on tàat. B?# then subsequently on

nouse Bill 703, on tbe quorum Roll Calle Bepresentative

Berrios ended up voting in that committeey being recorded

on votes in that Committee. ânde of coursee ke had been

replaced there. Idd call the Chaires attention to Eule

13(b) which says that a Nember can only be replaced for

purposes of illness on a Cowmittee and to Rule 26(h) which

says that a Heaber can only cast a vote on a Comœittee if

:e's present and in person voting. So quite obviously

tàere is a serious probleu tbere with either Representative

Greiman shouldnet be voting in Committee or gepresentative

Berrios shouldn't be there. Ande in fact. both of then

were t:ere at different points voting. Eo there is


Page 6: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


looth Legislative Day April 5. 198%

obviously a very serious problea in tbe operation of the

Executive Coaaittee ygsNerday. And tbose Bills and its

deliberations have been tainted by t:aty and I would ask

you to bring that to t:e attention of t:e Speaker and to

cause a proper investigationy and for the proper people to

be censored in that respecte :r. Speaker./

Speaker Greimanz IlRell. thank you for bringing this to t:m

attention of the Chair. I vill bring it to the attention

of the speaker. I would suspect that nothing is untoward

in that' I am sure tbat it's vithin thm rules. But

cqrtainly ge will make khe appropriate investigation anG

inquirye Nr. Vinson. Thank you. ïes, 5r. #inson./

Vinson: >Kr. Speaker vould ve expect to have a report in regard

to t.hose tainted activities by the Execntive coaaittee?''

Speaker Grqiaan: 'laepresentative iadigan in the Chair.''

Speaker Kadiganz ftHr. Vinsone I heard your point of order and

your request for an inquiry. Re'd be very happy to conduct

an inqairy and to get to tàe bottoœ of the discrepancies

that occured in tbe Coaaittee. I trast t:at you'll give ae

an opportunity to consult vith the Attorney General of t:e

state on this matter because of his presence in the

Cowziktee yesterday at the time that the incidenk occurred.

Kr. Vinson.''

Vinson: ''Qelle :r. Speaker, I thinà a couple of things. I tbink

perhaps those Bills, because of the tainted activities.

should be recomaitted to the coœmittee for proper and

untainted consideration. I aw sure the Attorney General

would not vant to bave anything he vas involved vith so

tainted. And if perhaps you should encounter any

difficulty in comnunicating uith hia on that, I vould offer

the good services of tbe House Eepublican Ieader who I#D

sure would be glad to intercede in that respect.'l

Speaker Kadiganz HThank youy hr. Vinson. Ladies and Gentleaen.


Page 7: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


lootb tegislative Day April 5. 1984

the Chair has already called a1l of those matters on the

Calendar vhich coald be considere; today. do Hember bas

c:osen to move their Bill. ând the C:air has also called

a1l of the Datters on the Order of Constitutional

âmendments, and no one cîose to move those natters either.

so that everything has been called and the Chair is

prepared to adjourny unless there is soae Hember vho has

soletbing to bcing before tbe BcGy. ànd gbile everyone

thinks on that for a vhilev ;r. Clerà. do we have any

àgreed ûesolutions? On the Order of Resolutions, ër. Clelk,

read the nesolutionol'

I'clerk O'Brien: ''Senate Joint Resolution 97. :esolved by t:e

Senate of the 8324 General Assembly of the State of

Illinoise the House of Representatives concurring herein.

that when the Senate adjoqrns Rednesdaye April 4. 1984. it

stanGs adjourned until Tuesday, âpril 10. 198% at 12:00

noon; and vhen the gouse of Sepresentatives aijourns on

Thursdaye ipril 5: 1984: it skands adJourned until Tuesdaye

April 10. 198:. at 12100 noon.''

speaker Hadigan: >On the guestion of tbe Eesolqtione tbe Chair

recognizes Hr. Kcpike-/

Ncpikez 'IThank youv :r. Speaker. A aove for the adoption of tbe

âdjournzent nesolution.''

Speaker Radigan: f'Tàe Gentle/an moves for the adoption of the

Resolution. Tbose in favor say eaye'. those opposed say

eno'. TNe 'ayes: have ik. The Resolution is adopted. For

those of you gào may not have received a schedule in your

office. please be advise; that Me are planning a tgo-day

veek next veek. ge are planning to be in session only on

Tuesday and Rednesday. 9e have prepared a condensed

Committee scàedule vàich vill perait as to consiGer in

Co/littee a1l the legislation currently assigned to those

Coamittees ia two days. For v:at purpose does


Page 8: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


100th Legislative Day âpril 5. 1984

Pepresentative Currie seek recognitiono/

Cqrrie: 'IThank you :r. Speaker. I zove to suspend tàe posting

reqaireaents so that these 9ills can be beard in the Hoase

Appropriations 11 Committee next *eek...l'

Speaâer dadigan: Opêpresentative. have you spoken vith tbe

Kinority Spokesman?''

Currie: 'lHy understanding is that the Kinority group :as been

spoken too''

Spêaker 'adigan: 'lMr. Vinsone are yoq avare of t:e Iady's


Vinson: 'INoe ;r. Speaker, I an not. I uas chatting witb :r.


Speaker Hadiganz ''hr. Hastert. you're in support of the Kotion?

Proceede Representative Currie.l'

Currie: 'IThe Bills are nouse Bills 2637. 26q3. 2654 and 2711.

The subject matter is a discussion of a CoMaittee Bill on

disability adjudicakion.''Speaker Hadigan: ''Youeve all heard tbe tady's Hotion to suspend

the posting requirezents. Is there leave? Ieave is

granted. The posting requirements have been suspended for

khose Bills. Is tbere anytbing fœrther ko come bifore t:e

Body? Kr. Clerk, read the Agreed zesolutions./

Clerk O'Brien: 'Inouse Resolution 79q. Krska; 795. satilevicb -

Churchill; 796, dadigan - HcGann; 797, Van Dayne; and 798.


Speaker Hadigan: llThe Chair recognizes Kr. Katijevic:.f'

Katijevich: 'lHr. Speaker. îadies and Gentleaen of the Rouse.House Besolution 794. Krskae congratulates Ed and 'ary

aeinke on kheir silver anniversary; 795. Katijevicb. refers

to the gaukegan Barbor Cleanup; 796. sadigan: congratulates

the First Baptist Cburch of Burbank on its 50tb

anniversary; 797. Van Duyne e congratulates the KSKJ on its

90th anniversary; 798. RcGann, cozneneaorates the


Page 9: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


100th Legislative Day zpril 5. 198%

anniversary of a church in his disttict. move tbe

adoption of the àgreed Besolutions. :r. Speakerw/

Speaker 'adigan: 'lThe Gentlenan moves for the adoption of the

âgreed Eesolutions. à1l those in favor say 'ayele all

those opposed say 'noê. The eayes' have it. The âgreed

Besolutions are adopted. Is there anytbing furtber to coae

before tNe Body? There bging nothing furtler to coae

before the Body, the Chair recognizes Kr. Kcpike for a


Hcpike: ''Tbank you ;r. speaker. I aove the Bouse stands

adlourned until Tuesday, âpril 10th at tbe hour of 12:00Z00D *. '1

Speaker 'adiganl ''Gentlenan wovqs khak tbe Hoase stand adjoarned

uutil Tuesday at 12:00 noon vith a provision tbat t:ere be

a Perfanctory Session today until q:00 p.2. à1l those in

favor say eaye'e all tbosq opposed say eno#. T:e 'ayes:

have it.' The dotion is adopted. ke stand adjourned.'l

Clerk OlBrien: ''Comaittee aeports. Eepresentative teverenze

CEairnan of tEe Coluittee on àppropriations 1. to ubich the

folloving Bills gere referred, action taken àpril 5. 1984,

reported t*e saae back with following recoamendations: 'do

pass: House Bills 2549. 263% and 26359 'do pass as anended'

House Bill 2353 and 2669. nepresentalive Jaffee Chairpan

of the Coanîttee on Judiciarye to whicb khe folloving Bills

vere referrede actioa taken April 5. 1984, reported the

same kack with folloking recommendations: *do pass' House

Bills 237% and 2387. Representative Piercee chairman of

t:e Committee on zevenue: to vhic: t:e follo'wing Bills vere

referrede action taken âpril 4. 198q. reported the same

back with folloving reconmendations: 4do pass. House Bill

1855: 'do pass as amended Consent Calendar: Bouse Bill

1R27; #do not pass' Bouse Bill 2399. Eepresentative

Steczo, Chairman of tbe Compiktee on Counties and


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100th Legislative Day âpril 5. 198%

Townships. to wkich tbe folloving Bills vere referred,

action taken âprîl qe 1984, reported the sale back with

following reconmendation: #do pass as amended: Bouse Bill

1qq8: 'do pass Short Debatee House Bill 2365: 'do pass as

azended Short Debate' House Bill 239R: êdo pass Consent

Calendar' House Bill 2395. gepresentative 7an Duyne,

Chairman of the Comnàttee on 'nvironnent, Energy and

Natqral Resourcesg to which the following Bills were

referred, action taken April %. 1984. reported the same

back with following recom/endation: *do pass' nouse Bill

2366. nepresentative Jaffe. Chairman of *he Cozœittee on

Judiciary, to which the following 9iàls were referred.

action taken âpril %e 1984* reported kbe saoe back with the

following recomlendation: 'do pass' :oqse Bill 2380 and

2515: :do pass as amended: Senate Bill 294: :do pass as

amende; Consen: Calendare doese Bill 2398.4:

Clerk Leone: f'Introduction and First Eeaiing o; Bills. aouse

Bill 2781. Bogman - et ale a Bill for an âct to azend

Sections of the Paternity âct. eirst Beading of the Bill.

nouse Bill 2782. Neff - Giorgi - et a1. a Bill for an âc't

aakinq appropriations to the Illinois Transportation study

Comzission. First Reading of the Bill. House Bill 2783.

Yourell - capparellie a Bill for an âct to aaend Sections

of the Revenue Act. First :eading of the Bill. Eouse Bill

2784. sam kolf, a Bill for an Act to amend Sections of khe

Illinois Vehicle Code. First Readinq of the Eill. House

Bill 2785. teverenze a Bill for an àct aaking

appropriations to the Attorney General. First Eeading of

the Bill. House Bill 2786. Leverenz. a Bill for an Act

aaking appropriations to the State Conptroller. First

aeading of the Bill. Hoqse B1ll 2787. icpike * :icks. a

Bill for an âct to create the State Kiqratory Raterfail

stamp Fund in the State Treasurey and to create the state


Page 11: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


100th Leqislative Day âpril 5. 1984

Duck Staap Conzittee. Pirst Peading of the Sill. douse

Bill 2788. Leverenze a Bill for an âct to appropriate funds

to the Illinois gepartzent of Transportation for the repair

of Nort: âvenue. First Beading of the Bill. nouse Bill

2789. Leverenz. a Bill for an âct to appropriate funds to

the Illinois gepartment of Ttansportation for the repair of

Rossevelt Eoad. First Reading of the 9ill. Bouse Bill

2790. teverenze a Bill for an âct wakinq appropriations to

the Department of Transportation. rirst Eeading of the

Bill. House Bill 2791. Pierce and :arnese a Bill for an

àct making appropriations to the tegislative âdvisory

Copmittee to the Eeqional Transportation Authority. First

Beading of the Bill. House Bill 2792. Delaegher - Stuffle

- satterthuaite, a Bill for an àct to amend sections of t:e

scbool Code. First Beading of the Bill. House Bill 2793.

Pullen, a Bill for an âct to apend Sections of the

Bnemployment Insurance àct. First Peading of the Bill.

nouse Bill 2794. Curriee a Bill for an âct relating to tEe

dissolution of special districts. First Deadiag of the

Bill. House Bill 2795. Kulas - et ale a Bill for an âc:

making appropriations to t:e Xthnic Beritage commission.

First Beadinq of the Bill. Eouse Bill 2796, Hastert -

Barnes - Jaffe. a Bill for an âct aaking appropriations for

the ordinary and contingent expenses of t:e Illinois

Legislative Investigating Comzission. first Beading of khe

Bill. Conkinuing with IntroGuctions and First Readinqs.

House 2797. cullerton, a 5ill for an Act to amend Sections

Uniforn Iizited Partnership Act. 'irst meading of t:e

Bill. House Bill 2798. Frederick dautiuoe a Bill for an

;ct to amend Sections in hotor Euel standards âct. eirst

:eading of the 9ill. House 5i1l 2799. Cullertone a Bill

for an zct to anend sections of the code of civil

Procedure. Pirst Beading of tbe :ill. nouse Bill 2800,


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ltoth Legislative Day àpril 5e 198:

cullerton, a Biil for an àck to add Sections to the

Illinois Vehicle C ode. First Readlng of the Bill. Rouse

Bill 2801. Haqtinoe a 3111 for an âet to add Sections to

t:e Illinois Insurance Code. eirst Reading of tNe Bill.

noase Bill 2802, Shaw, a 5ill for an àct to aaead Seckions

of the School code. First Aeading of the Bill. aouse Bill

2803. Pierce, a Bill for an Act to enlarge tbe corporate

limits of the Ketropolitan sanitary District of Greater

Chicago. Pirst zeading of the Bill. aouse Bill 2804. a

Bill for an Act relating to the sale of at

rekail of merchandise by or on the property of state

institutions of :igher Aearning and to repeal aa âct herein

nazed. First :eadiag of tbe Bill. Eouse Bill 2805. doœer.

a 3ill for an âct to awend Sections of the Setailers

Occapation Tax âct. first Reading of the Bill. House Bill

2806. Boaer, a Bill for an àct to add Sections to Consuaer

fraud and Deceptive aasinesa Practices âct. rirst zeading

of t:e Bill. uoase Bill 2807. nomer. a 2ill for an âct to

aaend Sections of the Illinois 7ehicle Code. 'irst Eeading

of the Bill. House Bill 2808: aohn nunne a Bill for aa Ack

aaking appropriations to the Capital Developzent aoard.

First Eeadiag of the Bili. House aill 2809. John Dunne a

Bill for an âct relating to county and aunicipal jéils

amending certain âcts herein na/e. firsk Eeadinq of the

Bill. House Bill 2810. Deuchler - Karpiel, a Bill for an

Act to a/end Sections of the Tovnship tav. First Beadinq

of the Bill. Eoase Bill 2811. Deuchlerv a Bill for an âct

to aaend Sections of tbq Illinois Public àid Code. First

Readinq of tbe Bill. Bouse Bill 2812. noffœan. a Bill for

an âct to alend Sections of tbe âct in Ielationship to

zone...county zoning. First :eaGing of t:e Bill. Hoqse

Bill 2813. 'cGann - Keane, a Bill for an àck to amend

Sections of Pqbltc Coalanity Colleqe âct. Ficst Qeadinq of


Page 13: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


100th Ieqislative Day âpril 5, 198%

t:e Bill. Eouse Bill 281:. HcGann - et al: a Bill for an

âct to reduce the rate of taxation of certain gross

receipts from the sale of gas or electricity or

transzissioa of messages. First Reading of the sill.

Bouse 3ill 2815, Priedrich - Leverenze a Bill for an Act to

amend Sections of Pqblic Conmunity College xct. First

Reading of the Bill. Bouse Bill 2816. Brqœzer - et ale a

Bill for an âct in relationsbip to State Occupation aBd Bse

Taxes on repair and replacement of packs for graphic arts

machinery and equipment. First Reading of the Bill. 2817

(sic - House Bill), Keanee a Bill for an âct aaking

appropriations to the ordinary and contlngent expenses of

Local àccounting Task Force. 'irst xeading of tbe Bill.

House Bill 2818. Boppy a Bill for an âct to aaend Sections

of t:e Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety àct. First

Reading of the Bill. House 9i1l 2819. Qoodyard. a Bill for

an àct in relation to the state qross recelpts tax on

messages, gas. and electricity. first Beading of the Bi11.

House Bill 2820. Cullerton, a Biil for an âct aaking

appropriations to the Data Information systeas Commission.

First Reading of tbe Bill. nouse Bill 2821. hatileviche a

Bill for an Act makinq appropriations to the capital

nevelopment Board. First Eeading of the Bill. House Bill

2822: currieg a Bill for an âct paking appropriations to

the nepartment on Aging. First Eeading of t:e Bill. Eoase

Bill 2823. Bogœane a Bili for an âct Daking appropriations

to the Departpent of Corrections. First Reading of the

Biil. Bouse Bill 2824. Bowœane a Biil for an âct aaking

appropriations to the DepartKent of Corrections. first

Reading of the Bill. Bouse Bill 2825. 5haw - et ale a 5ill

for an âct in relationship to job training programs. Pirst

:eading of :be Bill. nouse Bill 2826. teverenze a 5ill for

an âct to amend Seckions of the Revenqe âct. First Reading


Page 14: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


100th tegislative Day zpril 5. 1984

of t:e B:1l. House Bill 2827. Levin - Topinka, a Bill for

an >ct in relationship to cqstody of children. rirst

Reading of the 9ill. Bouse 9ill 2828, Iaurinoe a Bill for

an âct aaking appropriations to the Election tavs

Commission. First Readiag of the Bill. :ouse Bill 2829.

Nelsone a Bill for an âct to aaend Sections of the school

Code. First Eeading of the Bill. nouse Bill 2830. selsone

a Bill for an âct to add Sections to tâe School Code.

First Eeading of the Bill.''

clerk O'Brien: ''House Perfunctory Sessioa vill be at ease until

2:00 o'clock to àntroduce more Bills at that time right

afker I introdace House Bill 2831: Satierkhvaite. a Bill

tor an àct naking appropriation of the Comaission on Kental

Hea1th and nevelopœental nisabilities. First Beading of

the Bill. T:e House vill :e in recess until or at ease

until 2:00 to introduce aore Bills at that tiœe. 1be Hoase

will be back in Perfunctory Session. Introduction and

first Reading of Bills. House Bill 2832. nastert -

Brunmer. a Bill for an âct to amend Sections of the Eevenue

Act. Pirst Reading of the Bill. Bouse Bill 2833. Slape. a

Bill for an <ct to alen; Sections of the kildlife Coëe.

First neading of the 9il1. House sill 2834. Farley - et

al, a Bill for an âct Daking appropriation to thm

tegislative Space Needs Coœaission. Firsk Rqadinq of the

Bill. Further introductions at this tiae. Tbe Bouse will

stand at ease until 3:00 oeclock for further introductions.

T:e Boqse uill be in Session...i? Perfqnctory Session.

Introduction and 'irst :eading of gills. Bouse Bill 2835,

saltsman: a Bill for an Act to amend sections of the

Illinois Pension Code. First neading of the Bill. Bouse

8111.2836. Panayotovic: - Giorgie a Bill for an Act giving

preference on public works projects to lllinois citizens.

First Readin: of tbe Bill. No furtber introdactions at


Page 15: gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Steven Nas:. ând vill khe guests in t:e gallery please rise and join us? father Tzortzis.f' Pather Tzortzis: $10: Christ, the true


loit: tegislative Day âpril 5. 198%

this time. The House vill stand at ease unkil 4:00 o'clock

for nore introductions. Tbe House vill be back in

Perfunctory Session. Introduction and First Reading of

Bilis. House Bill 2837. dadigan - :onany a Bill for an âct

in relation to a Local Governzent Inftastructure âssistaace

Prograœ. Pirst zeading of the Bill. nouse Bill 2838.

Levin - Bowzan, a Bill for an âct concerning procedures for

the determination and reconsideratioa of disabilities.

Pirst neading of khe Bili. Bouse Bill 2839. Brookins, a

Bill for an àct to appropriaie œoney fox the ordinary and

contingent expense for the Probation Challenge Program.

First Beading of the Bill. House Bill 28R0. Younge. a Bill

for an Act to zake an appropriation to the

Department of Brban Developzent. First Aeading of the

Bill. House Bili 28:1. Youngee a Bill for an âct zaking aa

appropriation to the Departaenk of Cozœerce and Coœmuniky

Affairs for the Illinois Procurement Institute. First

Beading of the Bill. Hoase Bill 2842. Youngee a Bill for

an Act nakinq suppleaental appropriations to the Department

of Public âid. first Eeading of the Bill. Bouse 5ill

2843. Youngee a Bill for an âct making an appropriation ;or

a Fazily Eesource center at state Community College in Bast

St. Louis. First Readinq of the Bill. nouse Biil 28R4.

Toungee a Bill for an Act makinq an appropriation of the

Departlent of Comœerce and Cowzunity àffairs. First

Eeading of t:e Bill. nouse 5i1l 2845. Iounge, a Bill for

an âct aaking an appropriation to the nepartzent of Public

àid. Pirst zeading of the Bill. aouse Bill 2846. Toangee

a Bill for an lct makiag an appropriakion to the Illinois

Industrial Developaent âuthority. eirst Reading of the

Bill. House Bill 2847. ïounge. a Bill for an àct aaking an

appropriation of the Department of Commerce and Coznunity

âffairs. Picst EeaGihg of t*e Bi11. noûse Bill 2B%Ee


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100th Legislakive Day âpril 5. 198%

ïounge, a Bill for an âct uaking an appropriation to the

Department of Urban Developaent. First Reading of t:e

5111. qouse Bill 2849, Youngee a Bill for an Act naking an

appropriamion to the Departaent of âgricqlture. First

Readinq of the Bill. Eouse Eill 2850. Ioungey a Bill for

an Act making an appropriation to the Illinois :nergy

Resources Commission. Pirst Readànq of the Bill. House

Bill 2851, ïounge, a Bill for an âct to add Sections to

Civil àdzinistrative code of Illinois. First Eeading of

the Bill. Hoqse Bill 2852. Rarpiel. a Bill for an âct to

aœend sections of the Civil àdainistrative Code. Eirst

Eeading of t:e Bill. There being no furkber :usiness. Tbe

Boqse nov slands adjourned.''


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