gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-02-18...

ii X- f THE DAILY SUB eiDflSVlElE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 1 I d 1906 4 > M MwraeiaM BMktl oatMr- H H UcCUCAKY Editor Publisher W W ASHLEY LESSEE BURTZ A vx ie Editor CUT Bdlsor 7 M PREWITT Supt OFFICE IOKTKR BLOCK V Mafia Street S TiLcriio R 4J THE IMILY Sfx publithnl every riornlnx apt Moeday delivered by carrier in the city or Bailed to any part of the Stitc postage fct forj a year JJjo months I hre- aaoth oi 50 cent for five weck trietly in Reading not let In locjtoulumn rant n line stint Insertion and 5 cent for each additional lucrttoa- Eates for dUpUy a4verti Inic made known on Ta TwlelYrk Sun i an eigbtpagc forty ehuaa paper pwblUhtd every Monday and Ykaraday coataia all the new of the local State and general and will be Bailed pottage free to any nrt of the Inited Mate or Caaada for Jiooa ytarin advance All advertUing bill become due after fif t appearance of advertisement unite otherwise in contract Partie nut known to us be required to pay for advcrtUing In ad- Addras TIIK DAILY SCN MANY BLESSINGS While we do not claim everything far Gsfaesrllle a winter resort an there are other places in Florida that kale many advaatagv we do he tU oaten PGe Otte at and Room nital and week latrd will G4LfUVlLLIlo l DAIt V sae oahaeewe bias Cost oulrar at tam- s Mraatt- a t Y r Fla as > < << = = + claim that for health and comfort vlthoat xtortloasta price we hare- M pleasiag a section as can be found aawhere People come here in the hepa to Lid relief from rattans bodily allmeats sad are aot disappointed Those who coma here for absolute flat caa have their fondest hope real lied W have one important bfossiag for which each person who ernes South is looking for pore driaklag water and situated the way we r IB the highest altitude of the Wow we have an abundance of pare air ami rainfall than any conntyI- B the States BeIdes the Bible Conference slid Wiater Chautauqaa which furnish feed Pet the tool and wholesome en- tanalameat our city supplied with charcaea varied in denomination to suit nearly all worshippers and at mad 17 the members and it is a welcome that i most cordial There are many secret aeeieties here that always welcome YiiitiafcbrcthrcB aad the people are always sociable and te the stranger There io no more orderly city in the country at large thus Gainesville and the people who once come here are gene sure to come again for there is health and happiness for many that Bra afflicted to found here and these two things make life worth the living the be 1 lee t Et k there all are welcome I gen- erally agree- able With the roadbed covered with tack lad oiled at least twice a year the Florida East Coast will b the any singletrack railroad in the United totes There is liD road in the South that affords moro comfort for the traveling public and it has fewer accident or delays tlinu any road in the country The management IK in good hands the train are handled by men of experience and n trip user tilt Ken Coast i a pleasure to the trav- eler lui U tuiusloiiit touil Ihf t e aed comfort that cnn be furnished by a thoroughly equipped ntilnud- Alaohna county unrige are cutting quite a figure in the market ni pre The people who Went on the Bunion to Mlcanopy Friday over tin1 G A i railway were invited to help themselves at the beautiful grove of Dr Schlater and judging from the large number they brought bnek they did Hut Renerou ootor unit tilt hearts of nil l y hi generosity Those whn art tusking their tint visit to Ciainesrillew I IIH quite certain tocome attain Whil w an riot over- crowded with all of amuinii nti there is ouflicirnt doinu for those who desire to rest and recuperate The operator and mirnr do nut seem to poMe much of belligerent spirit and it look us though no sen out trouble ought to wont Many of our winter vmitor are loud in their praise of Florida and err d lighted with the title winter weather A Tampa editor was tiUtd tlCo for Selling the troth j I of u the I a Railway peer t i4 4 r a s- eat rz V ort r s n a U i ¬ > >> + + + + + + + KNEW IT IEFORE Many people who have been in for year and thought they had struck a beautiful section of For Ida never knew until they went to Micanopy on the excursion Friday that Alachua county had such delight- ful and fertile firm a they way Th r n v r b ii ary Tort t how up the of to th tin nme one inittitt t r on or two nut to liow np a piece of wild land or something- of that tort There is no lInn Florida that on surpass portion nf Alich in county anti if an fT t would only l made to xsuriorn fit fr i tent intervals to ome the viior might return home with more of an idea nf hit we have in fertile A l chii county tn induce people to Incat li r Many who hot fro dayi ago beh 1 the beautiful rolling farm lund b- twoen this eity null Mieannpy n Vfr had he remotest idea of th b auty of the country the htndsnni orinB grove the well tilled truck farm and handsome stock ti be en in many pine The t Ry hould have n motor- car and give regular exurions slung line through this ctioi of country and there U no doubt of the feet that it would be paying invest- ment both to the company and the resorts that would h established along the line There i enough In Alnchtis county to entertain if they did bit know it and had aceen to it Gal tlflle I saw altlg I oar ounlJ r I f III It their fin th pop NEVER the has nude b antis strang lt mall give point a the tt a ¬ > ¬ + + + + EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting of County With National Meeting The following communication sent out from the Educational Department of the State of Florida will be of inter vet to all educators and those interest- ed in the subject To the County Superintendents of Publio Instruction In my letter addressed to you on the 9 h ultimo I said arrangements- were being made to have you accom- pany we in a body to Louisville to at- tend the Annual Convention nf County Superintendents in connection with the Annual Meeting of the Depart- ment of Superintendence of the Na- tional Educational Association Feb- ruary and March 1906- I take pleasure in announcing that on February 25th at 715 p in we will leave Jacksonville fir Louis- ville via the Southern Railway A special through IVjIlnnn car will be provided for our comfort lining car attached service a la carte By leaving Jacksonville on the evening of the Win we will arrive at Liuisville on Monday the 26th at 8p m In time to get rested suit attend the rlrt meeting of the convention Tuesday morning the 27th at 9 oclock 7th h Superin- tendents let ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I think wv shall hove a goal df le- gation to Louisville a I am daily oeiving liters In regard to the trip Aside from ilif erlncationai be in til- t he derivel from attending this meeting there will be an opportunity given to visit Mammoth Cave at an ei- treniely lox rate and other places of interest Kemember a rate of ono fare plus 5 cents for the round trip will be iriven from very point In State IUt fruit Jxik onville will lu i iieiiure to your tick- ets via S lUthern Railway nit of Jack Mtnvilie in nriler hit ymi in iy jin tilt party in the special Iullnuii Hopinc to have you nil join me on the trip I urn Vrtir vtry truly Public ructiun There mure tvitnrrh in tliUectiiin j of the country thitn nil other ili t e rut mid until the lat few yenr it wa iuiioftl tn he iiicurat Fur i urent tnmiy yenr iloctur tlOUIieeil It H Inca dl eil e toll lifi scribed local rnt Ji i Knit hy eun tautly falling tuLMirc with lueal treit- meia prnnotine d it iii unit Sctenc has proren ettnrrh to be a eon utitiilioiiHl and therefore n- qtlirec irmiitiliitiotial irfHtin M Hail Catarrh Cur iniiiiufmtiirfil by F F Cheney Co Tidedo Ohio 14 the only cDiiMitiiiiotril Iurc DM tilt junrk- et It u tnkrii internally in iu i from Jo drnpM teaspoonful It net directly on the blood nnd mncoiiii nor facet of the py tem They tl r for any oa e it fail to cure Brad fur ciriMtlnr null te timoniaU Atltrc B K J 1nustv Co Ohio J Sold tty ilrupcUt 7J Take Halls Family fills for consti- pation I I r i 1 JU rill tt Ilth1I t I1 I i It r iii ij 0 tutu t foe 1 v rem tie t cln the l ain purchase tvtt pros rant Ion II dn ¬ > ¬ > < > > > < < + + + + + + + + NEWBERRY NUGGETS Enjoyed a Fox Very Pleasant Social Event Personals Newberry February W Aptry of sportsmen headed by tt W nnrning and brojg it lit to ho r thjr Wire ti e fil t Valentin1 t j wa greatly enij- ojed b our p opi Hrd many iomiia a hatd ine Viilentttie ex changed tine nf the fViitiU ntTnin- ment of th doli w tt h hom tti Mi I iij Vfiit d y niLht The JOI g people got ti LtKT 111 I h- pirty wa in th n tir of iifpri Tri t evtoiig t pliyuii- kame and till hnii i nt1 tun Aui- othoe prr fent vrrn Mi e tyili K nedy Ads Peirje Molii wm li Sarah Will all I Smith and Fanny L io lc M r Meiirego- rMjsa a pcr Bur Kl anJ- Vetheriiigtnn Dr McLeod i erecting a neat offi e- iifit to Mnyi iidcket Store Mi I torn Uiy Pont Tjeday in- A aha Atmpi t ilftpfilc nil iipNy at Jeo W lani ortio weighinx I11 is A pn d itt uf 1 XV Hrf firm at allot S la Mr had hnotliir pine over 15 p utiJ but wa d troj l acji je it ally Bradiitown Hermd HuntA ill n had an swift hale lUll 111111 Well 4 wore pnt i I II I IJlltdtl i L t exciting fos chaste 11e 1neday I s II s a 1 s oils ye l trial y weigh nt > > < > > < + + + + + + + + + The Tampa Tribune warns evildoer that herenft r natiies will lie pubs lithed in that paper when they are liroiicht into court charged with oils Sockittutm Stanton Foundry Ma- chinery Co Inc PALATKA FLORIDA Iroi aid Brass CasUigs aid Maciiery Grate Bars Castings Railroad art Mill Castings and Repairs Our Jo faeitle eerd to c r In t e Mine KND c YOUH ORDERS BAD BREATH I h 1 rr l tr nM wlthmr tntn fli ant i k nl r m l Inn t t n Ii r n r mjr l r ti LTICC a ir tri r Cki ir t I ilnIbrn I ran wiliieci- jrrhrrri r 4j i t th i aiirrer I Ihrrf irt ri u know tint I i r r o4 IIU t r ir utttlit ft IT IU I tr Ublf Chaj II IUlp rn Ill E la St N York X T bear For their demeanor t l lfactuter P spate I CART VERY DAY For moth cI t3 I a U a T rP a lnn p1 a I cI I I r ul I act tc t nua a a u i > w U attar 1 mae a The Ooavelal- CaNev aTSturTtC ¬ > > > > > < > + + P Mit IV t M IVt nt T t O TVtOnod- t r urtt XVr el itll 10 5 M ni T gf t ft fifr j CCC t r lit Of r In J tit Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY 59- 8ANNUAL SALE TEN MILLION BOXES ORINDax- ative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to The new laxative Does not gripe or nauseate stomach and liver troubles and chronic con ttipation by restoring the natural action of the stom- ach liver end K ir b J M nlliini X n MEN WOMEN I III Ik I l- C I t u r AND P OCrCNOC- DP P C j i kui r O C I Oar I take bowels Uo J Co 1111 f I I t 0 t t fi r l tint 1 air a JTil- r i t14s t- a tuIErlt- C t 1ta N1 I r rrn tltlts s wren ROe tD Air t MR E5 1 Y g WAl tIN rON r > < < > ¬ > > + + > KINO OF ALL LINIMENTS CURES RWUMATISM AND AU PAM READ THIS WtMAJUCABLE CURB I was muck afflicted with rbenmatlsa writes Ed C Nnd lowaville Sedgwick Kansas going about on cratches and a deal of I was induced to try Ballard Snow Liniment which cured me after three 50c bottle IT IS GREATEST LINIMENT I EVER USED haverec- cmmended it to a eutaber of persona all express themselves as being benefited now without crutches am able to perforaa a great deal of light labor on the am THREE SIZES 25c SOc AND 100 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO- ST LOUIS U i A SOLO AND RECOMMENDED BY If You Are Insured Iu a Company that is lNponible parr a Jolicy Correctly Written With Liberality of I iliey Contract end the Company Pays Lorses You Are Assured TIt no er ou los eau overcome jou without you have some refuge Fire Life Accident and Health lusoraoce None blt Reliable Companies KepreenteJ A M CUSHMAN Information cheerfully furnisbed GAlNKbVILLE FLORIDA irs a eNA i- Mam eil C f MI I TUB n M JOHNSON Gainesvllle- I C C C raetseate0 I aaets S s as e rMritl- rateNae clothes eueutUee aee vaarwTs s e1 man a W 0eow a e ca er I 0 eo o 1 0 ewe eseacaeoeoe aee ABSTRACT REALTY COMPANy E E VOYLE MGR Abstracts of Title and lull information furnished regarding lands in thir county Our manager lived in this county thirty yearr and is thoroughly conversant with land titles E E VO STIiE FIRE ACCIDENT BUKGLAKY AND IXlEMVITY INSURANCE P crt h number of prominent merir n and English UKAL KSTATK ANI CITY LOANS if Title the r tiin f o r THE ALACHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Inc l mr r liible erriee of every urt Land TUIn the Situ of iit htia county SIKCI UTIIIS Ali lrit of Titlrs Tax Mile Si arrhe- senl rn ViiiiiMenl Liml 0 nr r CiMiiitir 1 C l 5uu uf tiiiinerille M t- SI Us Your Next Order for Job Work Inoorporatod1 has I Iomlf nit GaiDesVillo Floridht I I ill lUII Fir III nd 00- B A R RES r t rretp aNC IUU oCt It III t r t t t r- GAINES71TlLE FLOP TT r n d I 0 denting rrlntlttll- i hi gied11uu glnng the rf partieularly first canid I late rlit rive tot IIt- Ilrfrrrrtr t ijJl trr- Ynb1 lH7t1 i o utcToN Oil a rnert Jr a rrat d WQe1lc EierGCe TIr accoart i a nn era rrlrtfu endOtrerl etrt rt r Iras Wt err a ea w t > > > + + ±

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-18 · iif X- THE DAILY SUB eiDflSVlElE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 1 I d 4 1906

ii X-





M MwraeiaM BMktl oatMr-

H H UcCUCAKY Editor Publisher



A vx ie Editor

CUT Bdlsor



THE IMILY Sfx publithnl every riornlnxapt Moeday delivered by carrier in the city or

Bailed to any part of the Stitc postagefct forj a year JJjo months I hre-

aaoth oi 50 cent for five weck trietly in

Reading not let In locjtoulumn rant n linestint Insertion and 5 cent for each additionallucrttoa-

Eates for dUpUy a4verti Inic made known on

Ta TwlelYrk Sun i an eigbtpagc fortyehuaa paper pwblUhtd every Monday andYkaraday coataia all the new of the

local State and general and will beBailed pottage free to any nrt of the InitedMate or Caaada for Jiooa ytarin advance

All advertUing bill become due after fif tappearance of advertisement unite otherwise

in contract Partie nut known to usbe required to pay for advcrtUing In ad-



While we do not claim everythingfar Gsfaesrllle a winter resort anthere are other places in Florida thatkale many advaatagv we do

he tUoaten PGe Otte at









sae oahaeewe bias

Cost oulrar













= =


claim that for health and comfortvlthoat xtortloasta price we hare-M pleasiag a section as can be foundaawhere People come here in thehepa to Lid relief from rattans bodilyallmeats sad are aot disappointed

Those who coma here for absoluteflat caa have their fondest hope reallied W have one importantbfossiag for which each person whoernes South is looking for pore

driaklag water and situated the waywe r IB the highest altitude of theWow we have an abundance of pareair ami rainfall than any conntyI-B the States

BeIdes the Bible Conference slidWiater Chautauqaa which furnishfeed Pet the tool and wholesome en-

tanalameat our city supplied withcharcaea varied in denomination tosuit nearly all worshippers and at

mad 17 themembers and it is a welcome that i

most cordial There are many secretaeeieties here that always welcomeYiiitiafcbrcthrcB aad the people

are always sociable andte the stranger

There io no more orderly city in thecountry at large thus Gainesville andthe people who once come here aregene sure to come again for there ishealth and happiness for many thatBra afflicted to found here andthese two things make life worth theliving






k there all are welcome


gen-erally agree-able

With the roadbed covered with tacklad oiled at least twice a year theFlorida East Coast will b the

any singletrack railroad in theUnited totes There is liD road in theSouth that affords moro comfort forthe traveling public and it has feweraccident or delays tlinu any road inthe country The management IK ingood hands the train are handled bymen of experience and n trip user tiltKen Coast i a pleasure to the trav-eler lui U tuiusloiiit touil Ihf t eaed comfort that cnn be furnished bya thoroughly equipped ntilnud-

Alaohna county unrige are cuttingquite a figure in the market ni pre

The people who Went on theBunion to Mlcanopy Friday over tin1G A i railway were invited to helpthemselves at the beautiful grove ofDr Schlater and judging from thelarge number they brought bnek theydid Hut Renerou ootor unit tilthearts of nil l y hi generosity

Those whn art tusking their tintvisit to Ciainesrillew I IIH quite certaintocome attain Whil w an riot over-crowded with all of amuinii ntithere is ouflicirnt doinu for those whodesire to rest and recuperate

The operator and mirnr do nutseem to poMe much of belligerentspirit and it look us though no senout trouble ought to wont

Many of our winter vmitor are loudin their praise of Florida and err dlighted with the title winter weather

A Tampa editor was tiUtd tlCo forSelling the troth













a s-

eat rz



r s n















Many people who have been infor year and thought they

had struck a beautiful section of ForIda never knew until they went toMicanopy on the excursion Fridaythat Alachua county had such delight-ful and fertile firm a they

way Th r n v r b ii aryTort t how up the of

to th tin nmeone inittitt t r on or two nut to liownp a piece of wild land or something-of that tort

There is no lInn Florida thaton surpass portion nf Alich incounty anti if an fT t would only l

made to xsuriorn fit fr i tentintervals to ome the viiormight return home with more of anidea nf hit we have in fertile A l chiicounty tn induce people to Incat li r

Many who hot fro dayi ago beh 1

the beautiful rolling farm lund b-

twoen this eity null Mieannpy n Vfrhad he remotest idea of th b autyof the country the htndsnni orinBgrove the well tilled truck farmand handsome stock ti be en inmany pine

The t Ry hould have n motor-car and give regular exurions slung

line through this ctioi ofcountry and there U no doubt of thefeet that it would be paying invest-ment both to the company and theresorts that would h established alongthe line

There i enough In Alnchtis countyto entertain if they did bitknow it and had aceen to it

Gal tlflle

I saw altlg

Ioar ounlJ r

I f



their fin

th pop


the hasnude b antis

strang lt















Annual Meeting of CountyWith National Meeting

The following communication sentout from the Educational Departmentof the State of Florida will be of intervet to all educators and those interest-ed in the subject

To the County Superintendents ofPublio Instruction

In my letter addressed to you onthe 9 h ultimo I said arrangements-were being made to have you accom-pany we in a body to Louisville to at-

tend the Annual Convention nf CountySuperintendents in connection withthe Annual Meeting of the Depart-ment of Superintendence of the Na-

tional Educational Association Feb-ruary and March 1906-

I take pleasure in announcing thaton February 25th at 715 p in wewill leave Jacksonville fir Louis-ville via the Southern RailwayA special through IVjIlnnn car willbe provided for our comfort liningcar attached service a la carte

By leaving Jacksonville on theevening of the Win we will arrive atLiuisville on Monday the 26th at 8 pm In time to get rested suit attendthe rlrt meeting of the conventionTuesday morning the 27th at 9oclock

7th h










I think wv shall hove a goal df le-

gation to Louisville a I am dailyoeiving liters In regard to the trip

Aside from ilif erlncationai be in til-

t he derivel from attending thismeeting there will be an opportunitygiven to visit Mammoth Cave at an ei-treniely lox rate and other places ofinterest

Kemember a rate of onofare plus 5 cents for the round tripwill be iriven from very point InState IUt fruit Jxik onville will lu i

iieiiure to your tick-ets via S lUthern Railway nit of JackMtnvilie in nriler hit ymi in iy jin tiltparty in the special Iullnuii

Hopinc to have you nil join me onthe trip I urn

Vrtir vtry truly


There mure tvitnrrh in tliUectiiin j

of the country thitn nil other ili t erut mid until the lat fewyenr it wa iuiioftl tn he iiicuratFur i urent tnmiy yenr ilocturtlOUIieeil It H Inca dl eil e toll lifiscribed local rnt Ji i Knit hy euntautly falling tuLMirc with lueal treit-

meia prnnotine d it iii unitSctenc has proren ettnrrh to be a eonutitiilioiiHl and therefore n-

qtlirec irmiitiliitiotial irfHtin M HailCatarrh Cur iniiiiufmtiirfil by F F

Cheney Co Tidedo Ohio 14 theonly cDiiMitiiiiotril Iurc DM tilt junrk-et It u tnkrii internally in iu i

from Jo drnpM teaspoonful It netdirectly on the blood nnd mncoiiii norfacet of the py tem They tl rfor any oa e it fail to cure Brad furciriMtlnr null te timoniaU

Atltrc B K J 1nustv CoOhio J

Sold tty ilrupcUt 7JTake Halls Family fills for consti-





1 JU rill tt Ilth1I t I1









t foe




tie t cln

the l

ain purchase





II dn







> >



+ +








Enjoyed a Fox Very PleasantSocial Event Personals

Newberry February W Aptry ofsportsmen headed by tt W

nnrning and brojg it litto ho r thjr Wire ti e fil

t Valentin1 t j wa greatly enij-ojed b our p opi Hrd many iomiia

a hatd ine Viilentttie exchanged

tine nf the fViitiU ntTnin-ment of th doli w tt h homtti Mi I iij Vfiit d y niLht The

JOI g people got ti LtKT 111 I h-

pirty wa in th n tir of iifpriTri t evtoiig t pliyuii-kame and till hnii i nt1 tun Aui-othoe prr fent vrrn Mi e tyili K

nedy Ads Peirje Molii wm li

Sarah Will all I Smith andFanny L io lc M r Meiirego-rMjsa a pcr Bur Kl anJ-Vetheriiigtnn

Dr McLeod i erecting a neat offi e-

iifit to Mnyi iidcket StoreMi I torn Uiy Pont Tjeday in-

A ahaAtmpi t ilftpfilc nil iipNy at

Jeo W lani ortio weighinx I11

is A pn d itt uf 1 XV

Hrf firm at allot S la Mrhad hnotliir pine over 15

p utiJ but wa d troj l acji je itally Bradiitown Hermd


ill n

had answift hale

lUll 111111

Well 4 wore

pnt i I


I IJlltdtl


L t

exciting fos chaste 11e 1neday






1 s

oils yel trial y

weigh nt



< >












The Tampa Tribune warns evildoerthat herenft r natiies will lie pubslithed in that paper when they areliroiicht into court charged with oils


Stanton Foundry Ma-

chinery Co Inc


Iroi aid Brass CasUigs aid MaciieryGrate Bars Castings

Railroad art Mill Castings

and Repairs

Our Jo faeitle eerd to c rIn t e Mine KND c YOUH ORDERS

BAD BREATHI h 1 rr l tr nM wlthmr tntn fliant i k n l r m l Inn tt n I i r n r mjr l r ti LTICCa ir tri r

Cki ir t I ilnIbrn I ran wiliieci-jrrhrrri r 4j i t th i aiirrer IIhrrf irt ri u know tint I i r r o4IIU t r ir utttlit ft IT IU I tr UblfChaj II IUlp rn Ill E la St N York X T

bear For




l lfactuter

P spateI


For moth cIt3 I a Ua

T rP a lnn p1a I



r ul


act tc

t nuaa a ui > w U

attar1 maea

The Ooavelal-

CaNev aTSturTtC





>> <

> +


P Mit IV t M IVt nt T t O TVtOnod-t r urtt XVr el itll 10 5

M ni T gf t ft fifr j CCCt r lit Of r In J titSterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY 59-


ORINDax-ative Fruit Syrup

Pleasant toThe new laxative Doesnot gripe or nauseate

stomach and livertroubles and chronic conttipation by restoring thenatural action of the stom-ach liver end

K ir b J M nlliini X n


I l-

C I t u






j i kui rO C


Oar I



J Co


fI I t

0 t

tfi r l tint1



r i t14s t-

a tuIErlt-C t 1ta N1 I r rrn tltlts



ROe tD

Air t MR E5


Y g






> >





READ THIS WtMAJUCABLE CURBI was muck afflicted with rbenmatlsa writes

Ed C Nnd lowaville Sedgwick Kansas goingabout on cratches and a deal ofI was induced to try Ballard Snow Liniment whichcured me after three 50c bottle IT ISGREATEST LINIMENT I EVER USED haverec-cmmended it to a eutaber of persona all expressthemselves as being benefited nowwithout crutches am able to perforaa a greatdeal of light labor on the am




If You Are InsuredIu a Company that is lNponible parr a Jolicy CorrectlyWritten With Liberality of I iliey Contract end the CompanyPays Lorses

You Are AssuredTIt no er ou los eau overcome jou without you have somerefuge

Fire Life Accident and Health lusoraoce

None blt Reliable Companies KepreenteJ

A M CUSHMANInformation cheerfully furnisbed GAlNKbVILLE FLORIDA

irs a eNA i-Mam eilC f





M JOHNSON Gainesvllle-





raetseate0Iaaets S s as e rMritl-

rateNae clothes eueutUee aee vaarwTs s e1 man


W0eow a e caerI





ewe eseacaeoeoe aee


E E VOYLE MGRAbstracts of Title and lull information furnished regarding lands in thircounty Our manager lived in this county thirty yearr and

is thoroughly conversant with land titles

E E VO STIiEFIRE ACCIDENT BUKGLAKY AND IXlEMVITY INSURANCE P crth number of prominent merir n and English


if Title the

r tiin f o r


l mr r liible erriee of every urtLand TUIn the Situ ofiit htia county

SIKCI UTIIIS Ali lrit of Titlrs Tax Mile Si arrhe-senl rn ViiiiiMenl Liml 0 nr r CiMiiitir

1 Cl 5uu uf tiiiinerille M t-


Us Your Next Order for Job Work




Iomlf nit

GaiDesVillo Floridht







B A R RESr t

rretp aNC IUUoCt It IIIt r t t t r-





rrlntlttll-i hi gied11uu

glnng the rfpartieularly

first canid

I laterlit rive tot IIt-

Ilrfrrrrtr t

ijJl trr-

Ynb1 lH7t1i o utcToN

Oil a rnert Jr a rrat d WQe1lc EierGCeTIr accoart i a nn era rrlrtfu endOtrerletrt rt r Iras Wt

err a ea wt





