gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-03-10 [p...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 10 W06 Il 1 r n ti- i g = + > ONE Cewty SdMM nil KM A UWKW NUHWEft OF wtotVanti sjf Few Permfca te- Tata Ml Piet Meet far Mart Tl ef- e4e d yla- Fltarat JG D B- J O OsMea OC F W halites sad J F fcasaf aalled t eder the at laMBMetiacarerearanve- dA fcllawrlag bills were eadited- IffL Wle te slit ff NO W M- la jatifs IMr fell Telephea Cat Eat ficrtt Teleaaeae- Gtx labs 3 I H Wieaf- tIMt If Wieaaes late Aadi e9f X8Caevee rtaJeVratteatK Gaiae- ettttoQaeaadKlt tri FwwerCe ser- vice H F faer aed- ririsjtiag C aastrait aeto fer clerks Aw H Fetae PaMiealajc aid MMtaC C rekiadiati ae ka AecaM Weaske heat H H Matfraaff aaaltaalag eeUeeter1 re- fMtf I12W H H HeCreary- MMla fara at jadgeaeAee 8ftO- F A XMS ala Mag K T L Boul W aw BjBfWt WWW WV sWaTH f 9 9 DtaUaaw eelleeter eeranttsioa- IMJB W if Baaemac treasure- r70JC Ball assist State Aadltor 9137ft H A W B Braw cooks for clerks of IT JO H 4 W B Drew Co oflce 11886 J B Fleteaer Mr of poor farm 14373 W O Jed MOB professional services feaaert DM Hill 10 Hodgsoa A Weed banal 4 SO H O- Maeaa exaaiaatiea of lunatics Wm MaKlalev aid Sarah Harris 21 It P Laatpkia eereaer witness jars sad icqoett Gee Bradley Its K O Bpeaeer astistiag tax as- ia Disuses No 3 99 J W Meietlaf tax assessor la trie Me 10 9190 George P Minis ietlag tax assessor ia- ftfetffeft Ke I 9480 T C Hoi 4M BMittiBf tax aMM or ia- Dtolrlat H 8 80 J Wilts initilag MS MiiiMr la Dtetrici No It HH J K Saaw aattetiaff tax a- to Dtocrid 117 A B Cox ff Ux aaMiaor la District No 2 K MaCbmtok A Howe andri for J O Dampier Mr- tiMt J G Oateca Mr F F Paalllng read 8 J F TownMad ea read Me road work sun etc I1MSO L W Ftaaell tariff ea eolleetio- aHI43 L W Feaaell sheriff tat luaatic to asylum 16030 A R Turner J P LjBea sad L I Y mpM each fCMiplied with the requirements of tow that they be gritted a permit to wa ad earry a rifle G W Young L I TuBMrt H C Collins DG Melhii J P Lyach A Keen L Later sad I G lacllth each having corn with tke reqairemeau of law Itel ekej each be granted a permit to wa aad arry a pistol Wkanapea the adjourned Wednesday moraiag at 8 oclock Wednesdays Session The Board met this Wednesday aeraiag parasaat to adjouromvat of Tuesday a fall board being pretest The neetlag being called to order the following orders were made That the turn of 200 be appropriat- ed U F F Paulliag IfiO to J G Dam- pier and 100 to J i O te n for road bride That the commiHioneni l paid the aauMiaU opposite their name quar- ter ceding March 7 J 0 Dampier 826 J G Oateen M 0 C 1t rick F Paulling 134 J F 29 That bill for road work amounting to 0010 b paid That L W Fennell hvriT be paid for feeding prisoner 17 iu That the following named fvnnnt he for criminal fees the amount opposite their reiprctiTe nnmf II U Ma un county Judge 254 Ueo 31 l oitnau 1551 L W Fen well sheriff 11 The Heard djoaraed c ElMO WAS QUIT uw TruIKtti tM I ILLS tics paymstt TIM ef caasr e nl h 17 r hit for- M 112 II i I Ce lad I j 1 Mat Di W II 701 18 If Iou eon That i haY r hat r i ell I fur f18 F pall t 1wi11IM 9 tr Mid Foram si and a t4s iii wag U1111S Cerrase usrta Beard 7 as skis r aleraeasia f IsMN x uadiasteeataat4edrd paid W MIA Xse Pier Mla isIMtis l tIM1a Nw sa- Obtty ape 8P f aleskr me tItt sst 7i 4 set sewn i fag lea dssbe4f r sheriffs 4 pauper sasisW cite saesac Ile fii INr fibres t read iisw ii read sere Elsa r sinus drill i OM red whereas wkren plied sit Town- send L 4 > ¬ > > ¬ = + > < DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK Kilac Treabk Makes You XlscraM Almott evvryVj whores rc papers t know of the rfui 5tanj II Root the liver and Iau It i great mc l l nineteenth century H divxncrrlaftervear- vj of tcienttbc research Dr the eminent ki and t i wonderfully successful in promptly lame back uric acid bladder and Bright Disease which t the wont forts trouble Dr 5waaaf KaeO not rec- oaoBeaded for but if you have or builder trouble it be fooad the remedy you need It bets in to many ways in hospital work aad in practice proved in every that a- nt been made by Bot already tried it may have a sample bottle sent free by alto a big more aboat and bow to uTe trou- ble When writing mention reading generous paper and send your address to Dr Kilmer Co Binghamton X Y The regular and one dollar sire bottles ae sold all druggists Eont make any mistake but remember the name Swaai Root D Irncr SwampRoot sad the address U ghamtou ea every bottle TIMBER HAS TEEN SOLD Trees tn Way ef University Buildings Bought by E J Baird The trees which are standing oa the University plat which have been de eland in the way of the building BOW being conducted have been pur- chased by E J Baird of this city who owe and operates a butt and crate fac- tory in south Gainesville The tract contain from fifty to seventyfive trees and Mr Baird who made the bid personally stated that he wa willing to pay per tree Th sum of 50 wa paid down a a bona and workmen will at once begin cut- ting away and removing the trees The timber purchased by Mr Baird i very flae and gives opportunity of production of lumber Gives Health Vigor and Tone Heroine is a bOOR for sufferers from aeaaiia By its use the blood quickly regenerated and the color be- comes aormal The drooping strength i revived The langaor is diminished Health vigor and tone predominate New life sad happy activity results Mm Belle H Shriel Middle boroog- hIIIwrites I have been troubled with liver complaint art poor blood and have found aothiag to benefit me like Herbine I hope never to be without- it I have wished that I had known of it ia try husbands lifetime 0 cents sold by W M Johnson AT BAPTIST CHURCH- Dr Spurgeon Will Favor Congrega- tion With Fine Sermon Sunday- Dr William Spnrgeoo the great London preacher who has entertained two audiences at the Chautauqua op- ening the great attraction kindly contented to deliver the sermon at the First Baptist Church in city Sun- day morning Dr Sporgeon i a great man and a great speaker and U goes without say lag that the house will be filled Cone promptly and get a good seat CASTOR Per lafamU aad CkiUrta- HM KM YM Nin was 1 1 sears the tfaatare of L Withstood 39 Operations Plttnlun Marrh 9 George Lee of Im urtf is after seven y i h a back to a fall frn i freight train Ho- successfnlv withstood p on his r i buck and in succumb rh fortl th To Cure a Cold in Ore Day Take LVXATIVK HKOMO Qjmine Tablets refund ii ney if it fail to cure E W Grove mnaMre- it on each box 1V h b I eat nf tiff the iced of b dtkr and is 11 jut to case has wluch rpders of per ho have this o c l It eBt 1 Iit hal brock n flue fa Ion I a I i tr sure to Rl crcc s- J K1 net g remedy i the t by K our has successful all this w it or bl add cr t a- rise ii has this living ear i s hart ii- I bruiuNt > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < + + NEWS OF CITY AND j COUNTY CONDENSED W L Itodwn of Kirflld in city H wn en roje bnmf Bron ob he had b en um montd on business Mr and Mr T J Con of Raleigh are in the city for a few days They are oa a to their ton who i at- tending the lTniTr ity High School- H P Laaglvy E H Waters aad Sam Leonard hue retaraed from a successful hunt in the tieiaity of Wae ahaota They enjoyed a tae oetinc aid had all the gases they could eat Two carload of the beet mules ever shipped to will be OB ex- hibitioa at Edwards oa Satur- day Merck 10th It will pay you to wait aid Me theat before purchasing O P Mom The Otterbetn Male Quartette who have bees here for the pest few days- at the Chautauqoa left yesterday for Melbourne ladlaa River where they will ill an eagageaitat This quar- tette owe of the awia feat are of the Gainesville Chautauqoa aid made quite a hit here J B McDonald formerly of city but sow residing Carrabeile where he i eiteaiifely engaged in the lumber business it here for a few days Mr McDonald uffring terely frost blood poiioa with the re- mit that he it sow walking on crutches friends hope that he will recover jn a short time Pilgrim Commandery No 7 Knights Templar held a very Interfiling meeting sight an ioipec the Commandery having been called At the conclusion the members present repaired to a restaurant where they were curved with a delight- ful Pilgrim i one of the progressive in State and always keeps itself ijpto date Prof J G K llum of Tallahassee secretary of the state Botrd of Educa- tional Control who been in this city for the pat foot days ha returned from Alachua wher he been on a visit to friends Prof Kelluin for m rly resided here and at one time wa principal of the Gra- ded and High School He I one of the mot widely posted men on educa- tion in the State and welt Sited for the position he hold Geo McLean and on John who came here a few days ago from Lura have returned to their home They came for the treatment of Mat- ter John who had the misfortune about two years ago to wallow a quan- tity of potash and who under the treatment of Dr Phillip for a few month preceding Feeling that at- tention again necessary the brought the lad to Gainesville again but was assured that further treatment was unnecessary atd re- turned with the child to hit home Bishop L H Holien of the C M E Church with heaiiqifferter in Atlanta probibly the greatest bishop among the colored people of the South has arrived in the city and will be here for a few days on a visit to hi congre- gation He preached at the C M K Church West Columbia street night and will deliver another sermon there tomorrow morning He i a tine speaker and will prove interesting to those who hear him A special invi- tation i extended to white people and seats will be reserved for them tomor- row morning geibel Bros dog and pony shows which begin a one engagement- in Gainesville next Monday afternoon come very highly spoken of by the press of Jaftknmville and other cities The Milwaukee Free Preua newspaper on amusements For a purely dog pony and monkey circus Seibel Bro are enti- tled to take the lead Their animal actor are far and above any others seen here in the matter of intelli and their training and educa- tion nothing short of astounding So exhibition under canvas even in Milwaukee The papers everywhere speak of both per- formance ard management and K koma the powerful educated Chim- pnrtzie who i the tar actor with the how Meenn to be creating a small sired ty marvelous yesterday from bIN this I His Wednesday lion of supper most the has lilt last most once Iii was has was the s where visit was is see Commander has Gainesville s was iras lath- er days con- servative says k tier ever high y sensation tt4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > MT 1 Does Yoj Heart Beat I oc I I u z t tendp 111oteNie N Ls > For Infant Children AVrgetatileiVeaaxatkNirarAs The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature VOT HAMCOTIC Uiarrtwca Worms Xonvil iopsFovrn h- nrss and LOBS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature cT NEW YORK For Over Thirty Years EXACT CCF1T Of WEAVER t msm VMM ci- vAferaeea and Night March ONE DAY ONLY Only HijjhClass Dog and Pony Show coming this year The exhibit beautiful performance incomparable SEIBEL BROS DOG AND PONY Introducing 20 of the finest trained animal In the world A program replete with novelties Watch for the Every Morning at 11 Oclock M Nit Monday 31 luily Performances an Hour Later Dont Mi the Parade T Gainesville Gulf Railway Company THE FRUIT A VEGETABLE ROUTE OF FLORIDA in February 25 me No 5 No 3 No 1 Daily Dally Dally Sun M Lv A M Lv P M- n oo s 20- Ar 1 15 Ar 0 Lv i51 STATIONS Sampson City Cyril A L Crowing Lower I union s Crom S No 4 No 6 Dally Ex Sun Ar ArPM Ar IM- J 7 15 12 40 7 03 12 21 8 88 fi rn m- tf W 11 3f 12 t5 14 11 15 OS tl l 6 11 i tf W 6 0 11 CO- LHlrkcsnn rt 1 Kalrneid J B CLTuEK GealSopi t J rrootes neir I of AllrSIM s- Jj I A I faun Sour I IiI I CASTORIA- n 12 SHOWS KrnrnDrD I 2 I 100 Thoroughbred Ponies Wonderful Dogs Marvelous Openl3O and Time Table effect H So I nail I A Pi i 131 A 1 8 I I P 1 111 a I 65 d 3 hi fI 6 rlo lt P C L ii I Ha1neevUle t L4 4 460 1 1 p UI tlh Ii 11 I Point 0 r I p I l I lj r ar I 3 v I r 8 30 11 I 1 IL b I i UIo wo I r UP UunllrCIID rrv r Jf r r i I L TralJclgr LlETCATORIA lit I and 4 Di eetiofiCkerfu4I- IlS88f1a ltOrltdl rttt 0 x Use Remedv P4m frreNv MOMDwY fhe Street Parade arc 5 2S Monkeys hoots sec Daily 1 1 3 4fi i I 45 lt 0 let 15 A Crossing I I as iS sky 15 t hoota Clyatt 1o hwood Tt coma ki- fi attnpy- b 3A caailla i db Ake dttu n in iii b t 0S- a rata 5 l t tr ASS Ar 5 L i LvA 1lSILvAM E BARKER A > < > = = > + = = +

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-10 [p 2] · 2009-08-03 · THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 10


Il 1



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Cewty SdMM nil KM


wtotVanti sjf Few Permfca te-

Tata Ml Piet Meet

far Mart Tl ef-

e4e d yla-

Fltarat JG D B-

J O OsMea O C

F W halites sad J F

fcasaf aalled t eder theat laMBMetiacarerearanve-

dA fcllawrlag bills were eadited-

IffL Wle te slit ff NO W M-

la jatifsIMr fell Telephea Cat

Eat ficrtt Teleaaeae-Gtx labs 3 I H Wieaf-

tIMt If Wieaaeslate Aadi e9f X8Caevee

rtaJeVratteatK Gaiae-ettttoQaeaadKlt tri FwwerCe ser-

vice H F faer aed-

ririsjtiag C aastrait aeto fer clerksAw H Fetae PaMiealajc aid

MMtaC C rekiadiati ae kaAecaM Weaske

heat H HMatfraaff aaaltaalag eeUeeter1 re-

fMtf I12W H H HeCreary-MMla fara at jadgeaeAee 8ftO-

F A XMS ala Mag K T L BoulWaw BjBfWt WWW WV sWaTH f 9

9 DtaUaaw eelleeter eeranttsioa-IMJB W if Baaemac treasure-

r70JC Ball assistState Aadltor 9137ft H A W B

Braw cooks for clerks of

ITJO H 4 W B Drew Cooflce 11886 J B

Fleteaer Mr of poor farm 14373W O Jed MOB professional servicesfeaaert DM Hill 10 Hodgsoa AWeed banal 4 SO H O-

Maeaa exaaiaatiea of lunatics WmMaKlalev aid Sarah Harris 21 ItP Laatpkia eereaer witness jars sad

icqoett Gee BradleyIts K O Bpeaeer astistiag tax as-

ia Disuses No 3 99 J WMeietlaf tax assessor la

trie Me 10 9190 George PMinis ietlag tax assessor ia-

ftfetffeft Ke I 9480 T C Hoi4M BMittiBf tax aMM or ia-

Dtolrlat H 8 80 J Wiltsinitilag MS MiiiMr la Dtetrici NoIt HH J K Saaw aattetiaff tax a-

to Dtocrid 117 A B Coxff Ux aaMiaor la District No 2

K MaCbmtok A Howe andri forJ O Dampier Mr-

tiMt J G Oateca MrF F Paalllng

read 8 J F TownMadea read Me road work sun

etc I1MSO L W Ftaaelltariff ea eolleetio-

aHI43 L W Feaaell sherifftat luaatic to asylum 16030

A R Turner J PLjBea sad L I Y mpM each

fCMiplied with the requirements oftow that they be gritted a permit towa ad earry a rifle

G W Young L ITuBMrt H C Collins D G MelhiiJ P Lyach A Keen L Latersad I G lacllth each having corn

with tke reqairemeau of lawItel ekej each be granted a permit to

wa aad arry a pistolWkanapea the adjourned

Wednesday moraiag at 8 oclockWednesdays Session

The Board met this Wednesdayaeraiag parasaat to adjouromvat ofTuesday a fall board being pretest

The neetlag being called to orderthe following orders were made

That the turn of 200 be appropriat-ed U F F Paulliag IfiO to J G Dam-

pier and 100 to J i O te n for roadbride

That the commiHioneni l paid theaauMiaU opposite their name quar-ter ceding March 7 J 0 Dampier826 J G Oateen M 0 C 1t rick

F Paulling 134 J F29

That bill for road work amountingto 0010 b paid

That L W Fennell hvriT be paidfor feeding prisoner 17 iu

That the following named fvnnnt hefor criminal fees the amount

opposite their reiprctiTe nnmf IIU Ma un county Judge 254 Ueo31 l oitnau 1551 L W Fenwell sheriff 11

The Heard djoaraed



uw TruIKtti tMI


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Kilac Treabk Makes You XlscraM

Almott evvryVj whores rcpapers t know of the rfui

5tanjII Root the

liver and IauIt i great mc l

l nineteenth centuryH divxncrrlaftervear-vj of tcienttbc research

Dr theeminent ki and

t i wonderfullysuccessful in promptly lame backuric acid bladder andBright Disease which t the wontforts trouble

Dr 5waaaf KaeO not rec-

oaoBeaded for but if you haveor builder trouble it be

fooad the remedy you need Itbets in to many ways in hospitalwork aad in practiceproved in every that a-

nt been made by

Bot already tried it may have a samplebottle sent free by alto abig more aboat and bow to

uTe trou-ble When writing mention readinggenerous paper and send youraddress to Dr Kilmer

Co BinghamtonX Y The regular

and onedollar sire bottles a esold all druggists Eont makeany mistake but remember the nameSwaai Root D Irncr SwampRootsad the address U ghamtou eaevery bottle


Trees tn Way ef University BuildingsBought by E J Baird

The trees which are standing oa theUniversity plat which have been deeland in the way of the buildingBOW being conducted have been pur-

chased by E J Baird of this city whoowe and operates a butt and crate fac-

tory in south GainesvilleThe tract contain from fifty to

seventyfive trees and Mr Baird whomade the bid personally stated thathe wa willing to pay per tree Thsum of 50 wa paid down a a bonaand workmen will at once begin cut-ting away and removing the trees

The timber purchased by Mr Bairdi very flae and gives opportunity of

production of lumber

Gives Health Vigor and ToneHeroine is a bOOR for sufferers from

aeaaiia By its use the bloodquickly regenerated and the color be-

comes aormal The drooping strengthi revived The langaor is diminishedHealth vigor and tone predominateNew life sad happy activity resultsMm Belle H Shriel Middle boroog-hIIIwrites I have been troubled withliver complaint art poor blood andhave found aothiag to benefit me likeHerbine I hope never to be without-it I have wished that I had known ofit ia try husbands lifetime 0cents sold by W M Johnson


Dr Spurgeon Will Favor Congrega-tion With Fine Sermon Sunday-

Dr William Spnrgeoo the greatLondon preacher who has entertainedtwo audiences at the Chautauqua op-

ening the great attraction kindlycontented to deliver the sermon at theFirst Baptist Church in city Sun-day morning

Dr Sporgeon i a great man and agreat speaker and U goes without saylag that the house will be filled Conepromptly and get a good seat

CASTORPer lafamU aad CkiUrta-

HM KM YM Nin was 1 1

sears thetfaatare of L

Withstood 39 OperationsPlttnlun Marrh 9 George

Lee of Im urtf is afterseven y i h a backto a fall frn i freight train Ho-

successfnlv withstood pon his r i buck and insuccumb rh fortl th

To Cure a Cold in Ore DayTake LVXATIVK HKOMO Qjmine

Tablets refund ii ney if itfail to cure E W Grove mnaMre-it on each box 1V

hb I


theiced of

b dtkr and




to casehas

wluch rpders of per ho have

thiso c




brock n flue

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livingear i

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W L Itodwn of Kirflld in

city H wn en roje bnmfBron ob he had b en um

montd on business

Mr and Mr T J Con of Raleighare in the city for a few days They

are oa a to their ton who i at-

tending the lTniTr ity High School-

H P Laaglvy E H Waters aadSam Leonard hue retaraed from asuccessful hunt in the tieiaity of Waeahaota They enjoyed a tae oetincaid had all the gases they could eat

Two carload of the beet mules evershipped to will be OB ex-

hibitioa at Edwards oa Satur-day Merck 10th It will pay you towait aid Me theat before purchasingO P Mom

The Otterbetn Male Quartette whohave bees here for the pest few days-

at the Chautauqoa left yesterday forMelbourne ladlaa River where theywill ill an eagageaitat This quar-tette owe of the awia feat are ofthe Gainesville Chautauqoa aid madequite a hit here

J B McDonald formerly ofcity but sow residing Carrabeilewhere he i eiteaiifely engaged inthe lumber business it here for a fewdays Mr McDonald uffringterely frost blood poiioa with the re-

mit that he it sow walking oncrutches friends hope that hewill recover jn a short time

Pilgrim Commandery No 7 KnightsTemplar held a very Interfilingmeeting sight an ioipec

the Commandery having beencalled At the conclusion the memberspresent repaired to a restaurantwhere they were curved with a delight-ful Pilgrim i

one of the progressive inState and always keeps itself ijptodate

Prof J G K llum of Tallahasseesecretary of the state Botrd of Educa-tional Control who been in thiscity for the pat foot days ha returnedfrom Alachua wher he been on avisit to friends Prof Kelluin form rly resided here and at one timewa principal of the Gra-ded and High School He I one ofthe mot widely posted men on educa-tion in the State and welt Sited forthe position he hold

Geo McLean and on John whocame here a few days ago from Lura

have returned to their homeThey came for the treatment of Mat-

ter John who had the misfortuneabout two years ago to wallow a quan-

tity of potash and who underthe treatment of Dr Phillip for a fewmonth preceding Feeling that at-

tention again necessary thebrought the lad to Gainesville

again but was assured that furthertreatment was unnecessary atd re-

turned with the child to hit home

Bishop L H Holien of the C M EChurch with heaiiqifferter in Atlantaprobibly the greatest bishop amongthe colored people of the South hasarrived in the city and will be herefor a few days on a visit to hi congre-gation He preached at the C M K

Church West Columbia streetnight and will deliver another sermonthere tomorrow morning He i a tinespeaker and will prove interesting tothose who hear him A special invi-tation i extended to white people andseats will be reserved for them tomor-row morning

geibel Bros dog and pony showswhich begin a one engagement-in Gainesville next Monday afternooncome very highly spoken of by thepress of Jaftknmville and other citiesThe Milwaukee Free Preua

newspaper on amusementsFor a purely dog pony and

monkey circus Seibel Bro are enti-tled to take the lead Their animalactor are far and above any othersseen here in the matter of intelli

and their training and educa-tion nothing short of astoundingSo exhibition under canvas

even in Milwaukee The paperseverywhere speak of both per-

formance ard management and K

koma the powerful educated Chim-pnrtzie who i the tar actor with thehow Meenn to be creating a small

sired ty marvelous





Wednesdaylion of

suppermost the








was thes




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iras lath-er




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MT 1

Does YojHeart Beat

I oc




t tendp 111oteNie N Ls


For Infant Children


The Kind You Have

Always Bought

Bears the



UiarrtwcaWorms Xonvil iopsFovrn h-

nrss and LOBS OF SLEEP

Facsimile Signature cT


For Over

Thirty Years


msm VMM ci-

vAferaeea and Night MarchONE DAY ONLY

Only HijjhClass Dog and Pony Show coming this year The exhibitbeautiful performance incomparable


DOG AND PONYIntroducing 20 of the finest trained animal In the world

A program replete with novelties

Watch for the

Every Morning at 11 Oclock

M Nit Monday

31 luily Performances an Hour Later

Dont Mi the Parade T

Gainesville Gulf Railway CompanyTHE FRUIT A VEGETABLE ROUTE

OF FLORIDAin February 25 me

No 5 No 3 No 1

Daily Dally DallySun

M Lv A M Lv P M-n oo s 20-

Ar 1 15 Ar 0Lv i51


Sampson City


A L CrowingLower

I union s Crom

S No 4 No 6Dally

Ex Sun

Ar ArPM Ar IM-J 7 15 12 40

7 03 12 218 88 fi rn m-

tf W 11 3f12 t5 14 11 15OS tl l 6 11 i

tf W 6 0 11 CO-


rt 1


J B CLTuEK GealSopi



rrootesneir I of

AllrSIMs-Jj I


faun SourI







I 2I100 Thoroughbred Ponies Wonderful Dogs MarvelousOpenl3O and

Time Table effectH

SoI nail


i131 A 1

8I I P1111 a I 65

d 3hi fI6rlo lt P C L ii

I Ha1neevUle tL4

4 460 1

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Street Parade arc5 2S Monkeyshoots



1 1

34fii I

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asiSsky 15t hootaClyatt 1o

hwoodTt coma ki-

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3A caailla i

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arata 5

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