gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-02-24...

v- im i THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 24 1- f IHftfi 10 tr4 Nw arav G r rsarwnw t wy i v- rL e < = = = ° She DAILY BBMTS4 a fce Put OBee M w M erd iM Ml cmter- v H HCCSKAKY witor pjtMr WW ASHIXY A wo l te Editor UM6MBLHUH1V ctr tAilOr V M FREW ITT Supt COK iMBir Room wrtcJJ FOBTKR BUOO- CeajV B TBLKTHOJIK 4 r- TBB DuLY Bes published every morning ex- CSft Monday delivered by strict ia Ole city or to f frt forf3 1130 month ftij three AtBtkor9 ctmti ire wtck trictly Is BlTfTB etlce ki local column to cnu liac- farAbpUy arntWac made kaowa oa TatoaWctk ftaa fawn tM aH die el tk toed Mil aad frarral sd will k free to say part of Use Ualtcd- r GMaca tot a yeu4a educe ill srfiiinllitia Wile fcaccaii dae after in teat eUunriM eaatrart Attic sot kaewa to IM- fecnaaind to fay far adrertiatac toad TUB DAILY fatal sue are raa aa the EM Cent tuiiaata aarrf the loges erawdi SraJataff Everglade aad at the MM tone dralaiag the aablie toss af flee bravely aa TIe sHaadard Oil Compaay has d aiand a dlvidead of lllOOOCO- OWaafa la UMla Jaha 9kt ef Gaiawvlll will show Hfrraafaffac ia the year ta core fer tIe aat ive jean Jl ay aa aeceatary fer Flarida to aMdaia bjfaiataaf at fnlaJkt aad raald traaei- ttke Oath eity aaaaeil aae declared be rend by JIM faliftMf hffeafiff for yard work Tka will refer be eiv- Uawd MaaUakaMklBecdabaMbor1 bad mt lack ta rte Ualted States tt be eiTiililaff aeHtietaa- tJadf lag tart reaerle ef the day is- vwrlaM eitiee Wathriftea still Urea ia rte atarts ef hie eeaatrjmea sad hto Mrtkday aaaivenary is renaenber- ad by gratefol people Dr Marrie deaiaadia publla apology fnai tke fretWeat for firing Mre Bet it ariljteft be fertaaaaiiBff to the Doctor to afraid ta go Lore Oaagrewaiaa Loaoworth tad wife did aot try to eeaeeal their detiiaa tier Ike eablio They didn- tut to crowd oat cry of the Hckni Myth so they didat BBBoaac- etkeir taste la The Atlanta Joaraal- Ta re are some of the best terra in Fteridatoba IB the eooatles- winre there BO card of drainage i If the gassy reed la draiaiag the in building ajaed roads these lards would be oc led very soon I There is so lack of entertainment in Gaiaesville this wiater Betides the BMetlaga at the Tabernacle thorn have theaters street shows musical aatertaianeata sad all war for all assM GaiaecTille has ceriaialy lively tie winter The new cement sidewalks being aallt In Uainetrille are adding much ta its appearance A Rentlrman was heard to remark a few Maya ago that with macadamized residence streets walks GalneiTille would th haadsomest city in the State We know that bat there are many people who are looking for a location who Ire rot aware of the tact The Jasper News is seventeen year aid and has started out on Its eight staff year The venerable John M Caldwell was at the helm when it started and although he was for a dirt otherwise engaged he is sow wok again at the helm and is making TIle News one of the leading weeklies iatto State Brother Cadwell is an abb writer a thorough newspaper and the fraternity will unite in wisiag rim prosperity for they all 1tn O1I1l1e and H Skeet Ule raUed tlutn tap Jar fi k IIIIII1IGa aaJ s ccaU for uW1dcu1 JJ aL fort eay too ftI1f t- Ie Eat D- ell Ie Ilse IU MRIe Whla Horne fOil ooald be uNd I If DIe lie BlaB me Uaele Jib i Ra- t x r lists T raped uy pet uA w Nwer IrNrslaa- r ettltgege a qtr Iat WreA Ii Yy ad rte rrre tlttrl trttlM yaetge salsas r i f Iw idltorr oAarrnaAa trel of- t tl Itlalai rte s get raaeaatl- eu et t1Mi MteNe rwt get t eyeaed J r S htit for tilde gala Is Zgergladea tz lace left tad F x Bi- r r p s a 1 < < > > > > = > > + NEW RAILROADS- The 8 abo rd is afi r a l n from Cirrlnnati to Month thrnuuh Ken- tucky TenneMf and G nrn to- r ci some point in Flnriiln Ve t There is a plan on font to put through a railroad from to Atlanta and urn mi it nil thete lines that are surelr coming it would term that Oame vtlle niiRht to on And there i a good prospect that h will A direct line to Cincinnati would be a good thing for thU section ard it wmid n for the wholeialer at Cincinna Rue whether the Seaboard or an in dependeat trunk lint would b the most besefleial remains to be teen At present we are hampered by high freight rate and slow traaslt The opo date wants a line that can httstle hi goods from the whole sal at a rapid rate a ad have them here waea eea oa opens tad it should alto b so rtgalattd that the freight OB a eonaignaieat of goods should rot ftieeed the pries of the goods at wholesale When these dUB sallies MIl b avercome and the ship- per of prodaee scad hit stuff to market- at a reasonable price we ear compete with the world Tha iaterlor of Florida woofs core petiag litter of railroad with sofflcieat rolling stock to haadle the euilaess that the rapid growth of the enantry dead TIna wateh Florida grow GOOD STOCK The deaiand for meats in Florida her caused racy of our farmers to look aroaad and see if the home market scald rot be supplied with homerais ed stock instead of being obliged to tenon to embalmed tuff that ia ship- ped IB as Western meat The retail has ben that we are steadily becom- ing Independeat of outsiders and can row take care of onrielves The St Locie Tribune IB its last is- sue gives 9 H Galtskill a time leadoff ia describing cirload nf beeves sad hog wheb the E st Coast Cattle Co received froaa Mr Gaitikills stock farm in Marion county wear Helm cab There were thirty head of softie and tong hoes ia the butch for which Mr Gaitsklll received over 11000 The beet cattle were mixed blood a pure male Hereford and na- tive soave two yon old and dressed from 800 to 400 pea ads each The pig six noaths old Berkshire stock dresr ed from SO to 120 gourds The above Is only aaother illustration of what can be Bore the stock Use by those who understand sad thoroughly appreciate- the situation and Mr Gaitskill is one of these sad in setting a splendid ex- ample for other Marion coatttyites to follow The Live Oat Daily Democrat of the 23d says that Deputy United States Marshal T J Bundrix went down to Wilnarth yesterday and arrested e Hart who is charged with selling Hopolene without scouring a gov- ernment licenM Mr Hart was tak- en to Jacksonville last night The gov- ernment officials term to all s Hop oleos as malt liquors and are to exact from the venders a li- cense If they take nut a government license in a dry county it it prima faflln vl 1 nfff that they are violating the local option laws they be- tween two flres and only way to sold arrest seem to be to deal ugly in red lemonade and peppermint drops for which no liquor license i required Judge of the United State court ha under advisement a cate in- volving 600001 acre of land now held by the State but claimed by various railroad in the State If the railroads are succesful thU suit others of a- like nature will be brought There is more catarrh in ih ectinn of the country than all other dien put together and until the t few years it was tuppoted to b men ruble For a great many yean doctor pro nnunced it a local and pre rcribed local remedies and hy con tautly Sailing to cure with local treat- ment pronounced it incumble- Sciene her proven catarrh to lid a con- stitutional disease and therefore re- quires constitutional treatment Catarrh Care manufactured by F J Cheney A Co Toledo Ohio i the constitutional curt on the mark- et It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a It acts directly oa the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system Thoy otter f ICO for cane it fails to cure Send for circular and testimonial Address F J CHKXKT A Co To ledo Ohio Sold 75c Take Halls Family Pills for coasti the on th Coast Tampa b tome of them be lUer lIaM h Jell the i arne I I I rtltioa It new good scheme neaten the a trotted between deter- mined era are Ida disease Halls ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + + + TEACHERS SALARIES Now that h Haolimsn cv ra p eij thro the orjenl f h high t ciur in tlx tttf i jirov- iniir ill fo nii J wih j i t H i r1- po iible by the stste IVmrd f Con- trol The new regime nil btfd y do ttood work in elevating the and of the teaching profe ion in Flor- ida The moral Herat ion of taihr calling i beyond attack for teachinc An office of power that can only he fully demonstrated in the future liven of the pupil of ufulne tht can only fully eatimaud in the light of eternity But and here is the path of th argument parents have no riuht to expect teachers to take their pay in the eousaiouuve of power iu thr moral exaltation of their callina or in over possession of influence upoa the future Florida seeds the brat tcahers and public opiaion will support say move made by the State Board of Education- to ix salaries that will command the service of the best Instructors The salaries of the women teachers in this city and in other aites should be raised Th qoeition may be Irked Where is the money to come from By way of reply let it be suggested that tome nf the money that is bring spent sad is to be spent in drainage plate that can be of no immediate ben- efit be used in Increaiing the educa- tiosal facilities of Aogus tine Record Lakeland people have subscribed liberally for a voluntefr fire company NIP IT IN THE IUD rtrwt Arr rmrr of DMlraSI ml Fmtmt BMItta M That such Is th hall ron eluflvely rrovn by cl ntlflc re earrh Prof Unni th noted European vkl- nPcall t ilclar that dandruff Is burro ATip ciitlcl rf scalp caused by para t i d trny nsr the vitality In hair buh The hair ct mt llfeteti- n t In tlms aft eta TW an bo pr rented Newfro ITrp rd in th dndrtfT- f rri an1 rftr v th hair to Its natural ofr v j Aburdin y- l In r v 11 i by ihf u nl of r I fitl that It I th T nkrl hair preparation on the J t torfjy- M by lf dlnr drtjprl P n1 1 In- s tti for mpe to The lleriilctd Co It MJch J M stellford A Ce Sprclal Aava- tsME YOU TO FAKIRS SINO FOil FREE SAMPLE COPY O The Financial World taJ flnloit It i r t t ni i- offurv lr In tbl in l rri f irrtt i n- Urrnfl i4lj Urmijr U ri r ihr 1- 1niuu r n Inv uiit f i t r Ujrunllirt iwlilbr T f r ft i- frrlr l r tuu c r a unifr ii r n I r lirltuf oWl hrl rot tli irlon IU r 1 I cit r Etfittrs FREE Advice toYtlUtor r In MCI rug trrr rr GRIND Illative Fruit new laxative Does oat tripe or nauseate Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con- stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach liver and bowels For Sale by J tT JfcCollum k Co MEN AND WOMEN I 1 i runn tur l- l i c84TOtU lliiOi- irt 4I r ul r llon- jf mil r tnr- l I But aitllD- CIK UTI0- r i or i i l m f rt r l r Npr t r J lot f I mi r til II 7- 5tlrcuur rot uo tf ucM- It t uui it n uU- c r urU IM ALL COUNTRIES i It trill H j K- ft i Ifl Pmt ind l frl jem flt Prictc Cieuilnil- Vr if i HIHI u itittt crt vtLiitt num oat WA8HINCTON D C CASNOW l hil ut It th I be I I I FloridaSt I nil case the the the t and mot I r I SEIIDINI MONEY > I 1 I I I > Tn i t r a I t eU- Adot LIf lag 1kaIw twa PInt to take The I I I t PROCURED ANO DCINDED I r If ns laW und stand largo a ref r Feet bran rot mar- c art t r M ur tuauulrcturcr hr tl r- rrr at r runyt gal ar th rrratet rrlur r ell b nr TNF 11AArrIA4 altace M p I r RP tn at ih her tiunt uuut rr a rrrrMMlrrlrr rr ae TMFIIp1Chl1llCitlrO arnt r rt m ar Holm 4T Battale a our f n i rIntr4r- J r t 1 tr ru rt uf tr t s I r M forgot rant a < > ¬ ¬ < > < > < > > > < > < >> < ¬ ¬ < > + + + + + + + + + + + + + ° + + + + A Sure Curs Galls Bruises Contracted Mutclss Lame Back Stiff Joint Frosted Fast Bums Scald etc AN ANTISEPTIC that steps Irritation subdues Inflam- mation and drives out Pain PENETRATES the Pores loosens the Fibrous Tissue a tree circulation of the Blood giving the Muoclea natural elasticity HIT LHUBKNT ON KARTH HOC TMU ALWAYS USU CURED SGUTIO IMEBMTlii Mrs A 900 Craig CTiaa Hot Springs Ark for edtfc raeaauiisas bat I gt sort free Ballasda anew Liaisaeat- thaa aar audidae or I tart am tried laclosed fad for 100 Scad BM large bottle THRU SIZES 25c SOc AND 100 M sum YOU MT TM omt- eBillard Snow Liniment CoS- T LOUM U JL A SOLO AND D B- YGadnesxr 3JL- eIf You Ire Insured Iu a Company that i K poiimble Have a Policy Correctly Written With Liberality of Iohcy Contract and the Company Payi Lo s Promptly You Are Assured That no serious lots can overcome you without you have some refuge Fire life Accident and Hdtb Insurance but Reliable Companies Heprefeuted A M CUSHIMIIAN Information cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JAI M OBAHAM Preoiiient- GRO W HTDI Vicepresident H E TAYLOR Lea GKAHAM Asut Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN ALACHUA CO Capital 50000 u Surplus and Undivided Profits 80000 00 Does cackles basiceM wu facltlUeieqtihl to oar bank to the Swie SoUot- ttte aeeoaou of Mercb tu CorporkUont etc loterett aUowed br ii ecftl rr ueKeci Aii bu oev trmciacted proKpUj 187- BTP Do iceceral caniciw hu c our end r Oou jtilc Eietamte Tbc Account or t a MDttcrncoriH rutior fkrnieniBercsftDU otbera or ua Stucia to m kw eoieciocs oa all tcccMlble voleiito ibe UcUrJ State THE ALACHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Inc The question K ndTs r liat Ir iervuet of tv ry rt Hlmi tr tar if of Title the Land Titles m thf State Ferula part ie ilnrijr Alnchim ioi y Brat coniil- fn SlEnVLTIES AIMrarN Tux Salt Minli Agents fur un iKiieiit Uml Oniivrs 1lat tountle the inveitor Towns Klc Reference First National Bank of utinfrviMe K F Dutton A Co Hanker I i for Rheumatilm Cuts Sprains Wounds Old Sores Bunions Eli I Tess 1 tile ttathe i i t 1 w J C C- oDe C- I Cashier OF GAINEBVILLE ate larttelr a E TAYLOR CahIll 00- E A ERS a Fore z and led favorable raciI te GAINESVITLE1 FLOnrI1 A rat of Tit I erauo r rat THE DAILY SUN 10 a W t to r i I a R writes taT mot ist 2 JOHNSON oisv i io o s r- e r 1 e- e I q 1 t 1 0 0 far en Fateblitied F TAIILIbHFF r N r ¬ ± > > > > < > = > + + +

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-24 · v-im i THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 24 1-f IHftfi

v-im i



f IHftfi

10 tr4 Nw arav G r rsarwnw

t wy






= = =



BBMTS4 a fce Put OBee Mw M erd iM Ml cmter-

v H HCCSKAKY witor pjtMrW W ASHIXY A wo l te Editor

UM6MBLHUH1V ctr tAilOr

V M FREW ITT Supt COK iMBir Room


TBB DuLY Bes published every morning ex-

CSft Monday delivered by strict ia Ole city orto f

frt forf3 1130 month ftij threeAtBtkor9 ctmti ire wtck trictly Is

BlTfTB etlce ki local column to cnu liac-

farAbpUy arntWac made kaowa oa

TatoaWctk ftaa fawn

tM aH die el tktoed Mil aad frarral sd will k

free to say part of Use Ualtcd-r GMaca tot a yeu4a educe

ill srfiiinllitia Wile fcaccaii dae after inteat eUunriM

eaatrart Attic sot kaewa to IM-

fecnaaind to fay far adrertiatac toadTUB DAILY fatal

sue are raa aa the EM Centtuiiaata aarrf the loges erawdi

SraJataff Everglade aad at theMM tone dralaiag the aablie toss

af flee bravely aa

TIe sHaadard Oil Compaay has daiand a dlvidead of lllOOOCO-OWaafa la UMla Jaha

9kt ef Gaiawvlll will showHfrraafaffac ia the year ta core

fer tIe aat ive jean

Jl ay aa aeceatary fer Flarida toaMdaia bjfaiataaf

at fnlaJkt aad raald traaei-

ttke Oath eity aaaaeil aae declaredbe rend by

JIM faliftMf hffeafiff for yard work

Tka will refer be eiv-Uawd MaaUakaMklBecdabaMbor1bad mt lack ta rte Ualted States

tt be eiTiililaff aeHtietaa-

tJadflag tart reaerle ef the day is-

vwrlaM eitiee Wathriftea still Ureaia rte atarts ef hie eeaatrjmea sadhto Mrtkday aaaivenary is renaenber-ad by gratefol people

Dr Marrie deaiaadia publla apologyfnai tke fretWeat for firing Mre

Bet itariljteft be fertaaaaiiBff to the Doctorto afraid ta go Lore

Oaagrewaiaa Loaoworth tad wifedid aot try to eeaeeal their detiiaa

tier Ike eablio They didn-tut to crowd oat cry of the Hckni

Myth so they didat BBBoaac-etkeir taste la The Atlanta Joaraal-

Ta re are some of the best terra inFteridatoba IB the eooatles-winre there BO card of drainage i

If the gassy reed la draiaiag thein building

ajaed roads these lards would be ocled very soon I

There is so lack of entertainment inGaiaesville this wiater Betides theBMetlaga at the Tabernacle thorn have

theaters street shows musicalaatertaianeata sad all war for all

assM GaiaecTille has ceriaialylively tie winter

The new cement sidewalks beingaallt In Uainetrille are adding muchta its appearance A Rentlrman washeard to remark a few Maya ago thatwith macadamized residence streets

walks GalneiTille wouldth haadsomest city in the State

We know that bat there are manypeople who are looking for a locationwho Ire rot aware of the tact

The Jasper News is seventeen yearaid and has started out on Its eightstaff year The venerable John M

Caldwell was at the helm when itstarted and although he was for adirt otherwise engaged he is sowwok again at the helm and is makingTIle News one of the leading weekliesiatto State Brother Cadwell is anabb writer a thorough newspaper

and the fraternity will unite inwisiag rim prosperity for they all





Ule raUed tlutn tapJar


k IIIIII1IGa aaJ s ccaU for uW1dcu1




ftI1f t-








MRIe Whla Horne


ooald be uNd





me Uaele Jib







raped uy petuA

w Nwer


ettltgegea qtr Iat WreA Ii Yy ad

rte rrretlttrltrttlM yaetge


r if Iw idltorr

oAarrnaAa trel


t tl Itlalai



get raaeaatl-eu et

t1Mi MteNe rwt gett




Shtit for












sa 1


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The 8 abo rd is afi r a l n fromCirrlnnati to Month thrnuuh Ken-

tucky TenneMf and G nrn to-

r ci some point in FlnriilnVe t There is a plan on font

to put through a railroad fromto Atlanta and urn mi it nil thetelines that are surelr coming it would

term that Oame vtlle niiRht to onAnd there i a good

prospect that h will A direct lineto Cincinnati would be a good thingfor thU section ard it wmid n

for the wholeialer atCincinna

Rue whether the Seaboard or an independeat trunk lint would b themost besefleial remains to be teenAt present we are hampered by highfreight rate and slow traaslt Theopo date wants a line thatcan httstle hi goods from the wholesal at a rapid rate a ad havethem here waea eea oa opens tadit should alto b so rtgalattd that thefreight OB a eonaignaieat of goodsshould rot ftieeed the pries of thegoods at wholesale When these dUB

sallies MIl b avercome and the ship-per of prodaee scad hit stuff to market-at a reasonable price we ear competewith the world

Tha iaterlor of Florida woofs corepetiag litter of railroad with sofflcieatrolling stock to haadle the euilaessthat the rapid growth of the enantrydead TIna wateh Florida grow


The deaiand for meats in Floridaher caused racy of our farmers to lookaroaad and see if the home marketscald rot be supplied with homeraised stock instead of being obliged totenon to embalmed tuff that ia ship-ped IB as Western meat The retailhas ben that we are steadily becom-ing Independeat of outsiders and canrow take care of onrielves

The St Locie Tribune IB its last is-

sue gives 9 H Galtskill a time leadoffia describing cirload nf beeves sadhog wheb the E st Coast Cattle Coreceived froaa Mr Gaitikills stockfarm in Marion county wear Helmcab There were thirty head of softieand tong hoes ia the butch for whichMr Gaitsklll received over 11000 Thebeet cattle were mixed blood

a pure male Hereford and na-

tive soave two yon old and dressedfrom 800 to 400 pea ads each The pigsix noaths old Berkshire stock dresred from SO to 120 gourds The aboveIs only aaother illustration of what canbe Bore the stock Use by those whounderstand sad thoroughly appreciate-the situation and Mr Gaitskill is oneof these sad in setting a splendid ex-

ample for other Marion coatttyites tofollow

The Live Oat Daily Democrat of the23d says that Deputy United StatesMarshal T J Bundrix went down toWilnarth yesterday and arrested eHart who is charged with selling

Hopolene without scouring a gov-

ernment licenM Mr Hart was tak-en to Jacksonville last night The gov-

ernment officials term to all s Hopoleos as malt liquors and are

to exact from the venders a li-

cense If they take nut a governmentlicense in a dry county it it primafaflln vl 1 nfff that they are violatingthe local option laws they be-

tween two flres and only way tosold arrest seem to be to deal ugly inred lemonade and peppermint dropsfor which no liquor license i required

Judge of the United Statecourt ha under advisement a cate in-

volving 600001 acre of land now heldby the State but claimed by variousrailroad in the State If the railroadsare succesful thU suit others of a-

like nature will be brought

There is more catarrh in ih ectinnof the country than all other dienput together and until the t fewyears it was tuppoted to b men rubleFor a great many yean doctor pronnunced it a local and prercribed local remedies and hy contautly Sailing to cure with local treat-ment pronounced it incumble-Sciene her proven catarrh to lid a con-

stitutional disease and therefore re-

quires constitutional treatmentCatarrh Care manufactured by F JCheney A Co Toledo Ohio i the

constitutional curt on the mark-et It is taken internally in dosesfrom 10 drops to a It actsdirectly oa the blood and mucous sur-faces of the system Thoy otter f ICO

for cane it fails to cure Send forcircular and testimonial

Address F J CHKXKT A Co Toledo Ohio

Sold 75cTake Halls Family Pills for coasti


on thCoast


btome of them


lUer lIaM




i arne







good scheme





era are































Now that h Haolimsn cv

ra p eij thro the orjenl f hhigh t ciur in tlx tttf i jirov-

iniir ill fo nii J wih j i t H i r1-

po iible by the stste IVmrd f Con-

trolThe new regime nil btfd y

do ttood work in elevating theand of the teaching profe ion in Flor-ida

The moral Herat ion of taihrcalling i beyond attack for teachinc

An office of power that can only hefully demonstrated in the future livenof the pupil of ufulne thtcan only fully eatimaud in the lightof eternity

But and here is the path of thargument parents have no riuht toexpect teachers to take their pay inthe eousaiouuve of power iu thrmoral exaltation of their callina or in

over possession of influenceupoa the future

Florida seeds the brat tcahers andpublic opiaion will support say movemade by the State Board of Education-to ix salaries that will command theservice of the best Instructors

The salaries of the women teachersin this city and in other aites shouldbe raised

Th qoeition may be Irked Whereis the money to come from

By way of reply let it be suggestedthat tome nf the money that is bringspent sad is to be spent in drainageplate that can be of no immediate ben-

efit be used in Increaiing the educa-tiosal facilities of Aogustine Record

Lakeland people have subscribedliberally for a voluntefr fire company


rtrwt Arr rmrr of DMlraSIml Fmtmt BMItta M

That such Is th hall roneluflvely rrovn by cl ntlflc re earrhProf Unni th noted European vkl-nPcall t ilclar that dandruff Is

burro ATip ciitlcl rf scalp causedby para t i d trny nsr the vitality Inhair buh The hair ct mt llfeteti-

n t In tlms aft eta TW an bo prrented

Newfro ITrp rd in th dndrtfT-f rri an1 rftr v th hair to Its naturalofr v j Aburdin y-

l In r v 11 i by ihf u n l ofr I fitl that It I thT nkrl hair preparation on theJ t torfjy-

M by lf dlnr drtjprl P n1 1 In-s tti for mpe to The lleriilctd Co

It MJch

J M stellford A Ce Sprclal Aava-



The Financial WorldtaJ flnloit It i r t t ni i-

offurv lr In tbl in l rri f irrtt i n-Urrnfl i4lj Urmijr U ri r ihr 1-

1niuu r n Inv uiit f i t rUjrunllirt iwlilbr T f r ft i-

frrlr l r tuu c r a unifr ii r n I rlirltuf oWl hrl rot tli irlon IU r 1 I cit r

Etfittrs FREE AdvicetoYtlUtor r In MCI rug trrr rr

GRINDIllative Fruit

new laxative Doesoat tripe or nauseateCures stomach and livertroubles and chronic con-stipation by restoring thenatural action ofthe stomach liver and bowels

For Sale by J tT JfcCollum k Co

MEN AND WOMENI 1 i runn tur l-

l i c84TOtU lliiOi-irt 4I r ul r llon-jf mil r tnr-

l I But aitllD-


r i or i i l m f rt rl r Npr t r J lotf I mi r til II 7-5tlrcuur rot uo tf ucM-

It t uui it n uU-c r urU IM ALL COUNTRIES

i It trill H j K-

ft i IflPmt ind l frl jem flt Prictc Cieuilnil-Vr if i HIHI u

itittt crt vtLiitt num oatWA8HINCTON D C


l hilut












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A Sure CursGalls Bruises Contracted Mutclss Lame Back Stiff JointFrosted Fast Bums Scald etc

AN ANTISEPTIC that steps Irritation subdues Inflam-mation and drives out Pain

PENETRATES the Pores loosens the Fibrous Tissuea tree circulation of the Blood giving the Muoclea

natural elasticity



Hot Springs Ark for edtfc raeaauiisas bat Igt sort free Ballasda anew Liaisaeat-thaa aar audidae or I tart am triedlaclosed fad for 100 Scad BMlarge bottle

THRU SIZES 25c SOc AND 100M sum YOU MT TM omt-

eBillard Snow Liniment CoS-T LOUM U JL A

SOLO AND D B-YGadnesxr 3JL-

eIf You Ire InsuredIu a Company that i K poiimble Have a Policy CorrectlyWritten With Liberality of Iohcy Contract and the CompanyPayi Lo s Promptly

You Are AssuredThat no serious lots can overcome you without you have somerefuge

Fire life Accident and Hdtb Insurance

but Reliable Companies Heprefeuted

A M CUSHIMIIANInformation cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA

JAI M OBAHAM Preoiiient-GRO W HTDI Vicepresident


Lea GKAHAM Asut Cashier



Capital 50000 u

Surplus and Undivided Profits 80000 00Does cackles basiceM wu facltlUeieqtihl to oar bank to the Swie SoUot-

ttte aeeoaou of Mercb tu CorporkUont etc loterett aUowedbr ii ecftl rr ueKeci Aii bu oev trmciacted proKpUj


Do iceceral caniciw hu c our end r Oou jtilc EietamteTbc Account or t a MDttcrncoriH rutior fkrnieniBercsftDU otberaor ua Stucia to m kw eoieciocs oa alltcccMlble voleiito ibe UcUrJ State


The questionK ndTs r liat Ir iervuet of tv ry rt Hlmi tr tar if

of Title the Land Titles m thf State Ferula part ie ilnrijrAlnchim ioi y

Brat coniil-

fn SlEnVLTIES AIMrarN Tux Salt MinliAgents fur un iKiieiit Uml Oniivrs 1lat tountle

the inveitor Towns Klc

Reference First National Bank of utinfrviMe K FDutton A Co Hanker



for Rheumatilm CutsSprains Wounds OldSores Bunions

Eli ITess 1 tile ttathe










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