ftb ng ini yd - chronicling...

Fair today fresh te brisK northerly winds increasing cloudiness tomorrow NUMBER 3107 WASHINGTON SUNDAY DECEMBER 14 inOS OfTYFOTJR ftb b o i I j 11 ng d t y r ini Y PAGES iRhl Freak A = > COAL FAMINE NOW AFFECTS GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS Less Than Enough Fuel in Some of the Buildings to Permit the Operation of Plants TieentyJout Hours Aany Houses Throughout City Will Close Their Fur- naces TIlls Winter for First Time In Hisfot Hospital for the Insane in Distress on Sevezal Dealers Unable fo Deliver and Prices Advance A canvass of the Dover BBJOW depart rrouTg yesterday aftsrassa developed tho oa band ngs hen d sad their plants In operation i r an en ire toy iikln h entire supply of tbo Cap the cJHte War and Navy ftutMtaajs- i the other large Government work ops an among the entire eregaion pro rata the asjfrcajata bif1y keep the das and a halt The Mm of ul empty sad the supply n t is barely enough te keep tb toin from din to day The figures concerning the dally cua- inptUr ni t oal la the various dov art me if anil the amount on hand irnooo a gi en in the aeeom- ianylim t t were secured frost tit iffiriaU ir charge of the several build Economy Practiced I Occa- sions that of UTe that coal to keep the I i I8IIIg the relay lIE t t sotaio tbem i t easegb build t dividing U old sr scs tor- r dealers are t the its t idiot yes teat C ¬ + > In CM of a snowstorm ur r ilme traffic on the rail dd would lx interrupted shutting oft h tool Mippy and tfco Government of s vovll have to dose If the later pilots ntlnued for days or more j iiiiihlc that furnaces In tht city ill h ih ir area txtingulsbed this inter ha have never before been skit wn nr plants were installed t only with the most rigid hat tin I Jl Id ings art made habit ny to day JOY j i the pam which tsMy- V oar Pcomotry Trow mil ay and electric Ughtln- ft4tatoriKaj and from i 8 s outlook nitre is Uttl- iiod iH 1097 Will be eompelli- oui down this winter All th plaat f the v hngtoa Railway and Electric omptinv an veil except the ain plant t and B Strw ts north lormerly plant of Inlfc d Elect rn Lighting Com A irikc has occurred in the alas i hat hal the contract for uupplytag this nii oncer of th road had g into the open market buy n al n they ould And it payiBg l increased prices for their The storage capaciV at the pleat aboUt I tons sad probably onethird that amount of coal Is m tk Mae ill Cn present tint Hospital in Distress pa Hi l ailed 11IIII to f the lat plant tact Jf J More 4 I supplied z Fourtt nth t the l any the have sad rover t tarp is ttI < Tk Government Hospital j Bane was oa sev i l ocraskMM In dla tree The lealer vto the contract lor applying ambrr it oal has aban H and uo tend had betu- rrctivxl lur sfeveml taoath A fairly goo ii v of MI hand for in but a j tied of tw nty u of the War nearly h n supply iit d M i hand y aterl y iu- tons that wir received i AgrtTVM lcpurtl- i tl Uttt ilffl ulty tbrtl secured the t uiii r- ed iio vrM c to i In the haaluig- i the dope was coapelled to JV a ton fa Afty top at Mtumi- at JMday ad yesterday they were tM hld i dowel hard JaI I day rJt it alawt y iIy tIM lS diJ D 11M I liD then of h to 11 lots d Is t was N t P shiptaeat exbavat- d l Ii tat tad l 2ftf tur Lad emptied ann r iU- Utut elt the ua tt i trk deaf has L d aurtmeDt lad be I > > < secure ther nupplioa rice 1 heat the house for- e ye iliy one of the Uwa compel i to pay f a at- n In mtnv lrectl any tliii A visit to a doses t proojirnait balers yoatottfay 100 AW iMl oao whs to la alee jt prtow are aAvaaeed antHorlia by the Roa4 TRADES UNIONISM IN ENGLAND IN PAST YEAR ItT fe N I Th report of the or corn pr nt af the Board- n traii iiJious for Iftl was rny- s that UM separate oaloo 2 w h a total BMsabershi- wt in ti yuar naioss do- ixtrea ia aomtjar increased 12JM an f compared aa and o94 tn Ming off la tIN he downward aiSTSanat ut Ilt iil tl In tc IS tOIl J I In fL the Is cow Ill DIIII- tat S Iid o urea II 11110 I Comp Bear t jiO r 6 t t II fll- Wf even ter u- tf n i hneeded r r teal peasaser t Cnal tea W beast Ii i t wolf coal The r dell r aal naUUf Lesiaa- Di Tade- r the assn tie with selMMe- C t 3UA est It gylwtl- a tic it wuitd- r1 scoter tees a p ears > > < THE COAL SITUATION AS REFLECTED IN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND ELSEWHERE Daily Amount consumption Hnma of K nirinf laid PriatMg 18 tons 150 tows Agricultural I ti a 25 tons 5 tons CruawCHRce i a 6 Ubrnry 14 tows 35 tons White House i Jnfonnation ref wgod Government lloqnUil r 3i iH c 50 tons 250 tons Uovernntent Printiat OAM 15 teM 60 tote House of lq r iit tJv 8 ft tons U S Senate 35U Me Interior Department Stout U S Jail v State War sad Navy BoiMuft 22 tons 100 tons Po4offiee Department 15 tews Treaenry I ep rtTneBt YV 35 tons i WWiiurtnn Railway awl Rleetrie Company 225 tons 3000 tons Capital Trartipn Company 40 tons 1050 tons on hand 2 tOU 10 tolls tta Ute eo 10 tons totes tows tons I 40 tone t I I I I flat tl3 12 tons 2 15 L trna > BULL PRAISES THE UNtiED STATES Hopes Philippine Question Will Be Adjusted ROSE Dec U The OMerratore1- Mam the aflletal orgaa of the Vatl the tot et the Papal Bull on IT la regard ta dte- etpitwary reform the church la tile Philippines The bull Mentions with praise the settee of the United states Government in oeMHng a mlaaioa to Route to adjtwt wrtala uaetloua m Sea JIll Sept PAPAL I priced of accord would ho elected It hoped at Manila was which or rlt Rt of Otrmaa pu- koa a ieop t t root ta two Yeaezir- ttvaUoa hie hear la the London dubs j Inquiries as to the latest confined to a certain appreb utpirfon in regard to the A of British cooperatio This aoe o far In that the belief i openly the Kaiaor to playing A the this British slit bltl tea sad that these later trine An Kaiaor j 4 sr the front Serious roncern ho feels It or Op- T tic next e- t matte l s kneewise- ls sat N argued drat hsreschhR bs sculls n- e there la either EJIfiIw bOo the Kaiser of hfytllaD with lnDO the Brl to pla- eeatl Downlni lt quito Mac clever shoots that potat It et the W equhsble ne UtlH to bleat Drt bile opttolt MIlE I t wen a tlon a poed utmost co- operation aith Gre whl- reco at g- ecnuc art other t 7 than r- circ t o a- piYpt tf Em- icupa e with the l 11r a prece- Dr at ksfhold bow dent as rvlt t him Is the tnil w Soar vies Ibis t gbvera 1a that tb jams bcl t Is tlvers wlllHai wb make M- easly tenth prey lu this Tbe rotes to 1n country boer e obf 01- ANh ha- t f NsctpNae > + fORr ER SENATOR HILts I GUESTS BORN IN 184 Unique Dinner Give Wolferts Roos- t 1IX z r AIBAY N Y D it1rStsr United States Senator Dtl B M g e- a denser at SV lferta Ia1- to autnber of guests df t e barn In 1811 Among those pr- baasams were 11- of the court of a Baker Comatoc- 3prlagaeld Ma- Rew fork city lb Falls of TEST OF SCOPE Situation in Venezuela a Pracll and Limitations of tlm i- MONRO OCTi n- f mjtHto tha ttfre sill be tow by 1 fens of the allies sftuatioa wit be aftfilflcanoe to the the aM conS la the Ualtod B 1 ta WB ad AmertoaMsm of and Secretary of Kajr sad there Is ao ex pHUitmai that they will allow gWlRf ipr Bay future embarrassment sC flfjl Aourkfin policy ia Western af tttee nobody to know or- avo MytMng about the Merit of the- ir German claims agaiaat Ven la That feature of the subject ta- aetrely Ignored r I- i tea t the JI seems auee to euireplsgelt er Vieeit ian terrl- tori Pseis list tiaatewtthe 1lC3t Lasekia 1Me1ie 21 srs Is awe s herd hc PMW sat tie an- d t > > Defeats Jacobson in Final Sprint by Half a Wheel NEW YORK Dee U Leamler won the ilxHiay nee at MaitiaoH Squat O r doo tonight for Ma la the X sprint with Jaoohoon by halt a wh li- Maath NePariand omrfiy took third position with Bo4 H fomth sad Moran irtb for their respective rosette Ai 9W oetocfc Frau Kreha gal lap for Ma team left track ar place The nw with Jacobson In the lead trailed anti tbs last three laps when be Jumped Jacobson and all the vnon of the latter his advantage t th end wlnaiac by half a length Tile time was 3it 1i- MeFarland Oodell sod Moran then vent away trey a steadies u LEANDER WINS SIX I DAY BIGYGLERAGE least 1 There were so e and oelHk tbe men the I At leot LtlJltter and Jacobson out for the Sun sprtat of for around for a few laps sad were away to a roll tart Lao a fur- ther at h9 came a mile the rode then eat de- spite held were tart American the battle for third honors runaway for Mcyarlaad who woa by lengths from Bodell la 2M1 46 that oran was a length behind Bedel which i ttot and Keegaa aim started from a Bft aa ob looary posiCioa Root woa sixth distance ridden by wlanwa 7 TW ooonl for V l Hrilea 4 later made Ml Wailer la 1IW f teams at tho aniah- Mttw Ups yd M77 Calvin to conform tte practical THe IIUoklDS of a wan I rbps t a le3th alb might tIN j lot I I b 2 ill Test fag tM I t the riument tlla Ltr broqlat surely JNI K 2- 1M Jt ea J4tT JaMr book tII 5 tt that Ute elemfllDuft will eeU Y177 1 course 1 t 1Ope aDd lid Praoz Kr I a J J It nee Tb wu w w Ss cak Lail as meat tbts toted oenae ttae purely y hat Haas tfrconilseu b- of ne v M jot 1 and her miles laps the w al tempt In s st o idea say Ther nut s b ba where I U is ad sad 3 Vera su Rethers l1gi 3 a r of fit ed lferaa 2177 E- Jitieved lITi tl ad Pafersa aN I t drnt the ttl7iii I r < + + Widow of eBiaBnt in a Critical CknAdiMpii at an Early Hoiinr This Morning OOMPLIOffeg FEARED Sovore QbUriL Aa xavates Hoart ftqlhitls Adds to Mrs jifln fitmt Grant widow ef Cea U S In critical cotrfJUs- Kcamedjjyfjt i re coW which she see it days ago and which heart trouble which guttering for few days ago Mra Grants eon m very prowlaiHg ajt Dr P her physician CRISIS IN MRS GRANTS I NrSS Dr P A Gar erliR ports o I a tiMe i- t IT r L Troubldr Seriotfeb ritions tract Las aggr b rest she r setae as d i hoped she r be greatly Improved Id however rapidly kr eten d- chitlB which broHg a a re ifc of the trouble with the heart a sinking spell yesterday bet in the afternoon aad Dr Card fhat she reeled Steve cow 8PI last night though she ta by ao- liaaa out of danger trouble with the heart la than the bronchitis the com Aa the cause of her preaent Department to Be Ask ed to Loan Tents ilL d l rted b y r and t AlA IIM- O REUNION TO BE AT NEW ORlEANS 1 lit mere as i o- nOFEUERAT 1 4C t t ¬ INBH UKLBANS Dee 13 The Coo rennloa exoetttlre eOM tttO decided to hold the aoxt Coafoiorate reunion In New Orloaaa January liH at the fair groatxis At the last m e j aahnia at Memphis and th uttaailaaW o c- 100W Ji was 4PCMP4- KToouda ahouU appaiat ed o ask the of War for a loan of tents for the use of the veteraa during the reunion Burieigh Hall With Valuable Contents Consumed RICHMOKD Va DM elegant ooloalal basso of P P Bwlolgh nan la in arches The family were aroooed too to save aartblag sad ned trout Ute balMtag la their night clothes The steps to the has HISTORIC VIRGINIAN HOMI BURNED DOWN laThe puP alaI ederate tango swap beaded diary kale < I nursery wore whoa they awoke I Yesterday was hg y at jBarlelRh Tho ares In the ifeoemeM teed in renaortag the lard bused vp again at Right The lower part of the house was a furnace before the aura waa given PETIT PALAIS NOW THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS fViw OUoateh to the Wwhtaiton Tinw by C PARIS Doc 11 Americans who tame to the Paris Worlds Fair of 1900 would scarcely reeogatee the beautiful Petit Palate opoasd on Thursday by President Louoet aa tho Mtwetmr of Fine Art of the City of Paris The Interior of the Petit PlaN has bees completely trans fornc d It is heated by a new iaventloa of hot rat s which cannot the are I t l killing Preach water most delicate objects The left creamy ilk vellum smmeaded boaoath the cell loP giver a too M M for njetwres This sew Parts museam In addition to of works by I urrto Cbarann- Uonnat Hoaaer Frt Folgiaere and other modern painter and sculptors customs the whole of the faaRKts Dutitit- collocttoo of old masters It is pronounced by the best Judges here aa tho Meal for a relatlvfcly small the I DteartMarg Gallery it considered the moat latoreatlas permanent treasure la Paris for lovers of palntlntf faience cad rare and b auttful ob Jocte It is also fall of surprises After looking at the mbraa tfs- Ruysdale std other masterpieces one cornea across such contrasts for In- stance as the chased sliver beer mug of tIN austere Luther tilde by Hide with canters that belonged to Du Barry CAPTAIN BENKARD AND BRIDE GREETED BY THE PRESIDENT Capt J Philip Oonkard and Tile bride who WM Miss Otia of New York resolved by tin President at the White House eMcee yesterday Captain Beak and was aa f8 r aC the Twelfth Now York KosjImoMt la the Spoalah war and tho President efhht s rrteos de I after Lea i superb a pair of poreelaJft llquear de- were knew hun- dreds museum and nest the and art t Sevres blare > ¬ REDISCOVERY OF CHECKED BY ItS French Press Believes a Break to Be Certain CASTRO LIKENED TO KRUGER Action af the Powers Held to Be In excusable Kaisers Navy Scored for Sinking Venezuelan Ships Hpwjal BMpstehtoTke W iaia toa Tiam by PAJU8 Doe U PttMf- ethroagheat France which was first decidedly anfaverablo to President Cas- tro aid Veaesaola has nadergono a change la the last Iweatyfoor heirs the moooro la slaking the lasigaiBcaat You esuetan ships This Is regarded here aa a pure piece of aggression up the Germaa character la Its worst and most blnsteriag aspect all the Parts papers were Jocrtag at PreaUoat Castro They teemed with skits and Jests giving promliieBee with exquisite humor to his otter to pay credi- tors whenever peace should prevail In Veneaaela a eoadlUoa the Debata and Important newspapers declared to be practically unknown in that land of pronunciameatos and civil wars and re- garded President Castros promise as a parallel to aa engagement to be ful- filled at the Greek calends Laugh oa Other Side Today however the laugh la oa the other side The Conservative Qaulals- declares the dual alllaaoe of Kaglasrf sad Oormaay owing to the stupid TO- lence of the German commodore to b marred by a grave initial blunder which briags ridicule upon both of the allies awl which la begtnatag to KITe the bean role to President Castro notwithstand- ing all his baekslidlngs says OnuteU there is no longer any doubt hot what the Veaesuolaaa will make a ptaeky a foreign Invaders and will ta Mars as iu if nfMol TIM faas C acataf fs roclty of German commsCore are bitter aad Yeaomoas The Fraaeals that the Oermaa sad British squadrons are acting as Berth in behalf of usurious money loaders and are performing their duties ia a way that might be expected from burglars Tile Fraaeats eoaciaiios its leader with these words Oed there Is ao ship bearing the Slag mixed up la with disreputable keel The Petite Kepubliqtte says the fe EWGSII AtlII1 GERMAN ALLIANCE IN DANGER di to the set of aRt wiltS I Fo the t T Preach Cetbtued i epkie alt owing German eetn Yes- terday other rite jrws s edtmdy en1wtag the tee rays peak aess a Secsad Page ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > To be minister to Jaaaa to uncased A C leek deceased Lloyd C Crimea of Poaaayivaala aowmialottr Persia To be minister to Persia to succeed Oriscsm transferred Hlchmoad P Pearson of North CaroHiw raw ta the consular service The aansun cement of these two ap- pointments yesterday led to much gossip ia political circles It Is doubtful If sim- ilar action regarding say other two names would have called forth such aa amount of speculation as to the which 14 to their selection sad the results likely to follow because of the interests thus recognised t influ- ences ¬ ¬ ¬ Mr GrlscoaTs appotatmoat is aer ally attributed to the Umwace of Sena- tor hasp wits lskawa to be an espe- cially clop friend of the young diplo- mats father Clement A Griaaom The elder Oriaeom Is the bead of the Navigation Company cad with Senator linens the promoter of the ship subsidy bill This measure passed the Senate last wister after a long tight In which the cause of the shipping was championed by Senator Haana President Grlseom been in Wash- ington for several days past Qaestioes Being Asked The question inspired by young Mr- Grlscoms appointment la to what Influence exerted by the ship subsidy advocates oa one occasion will bo potent at another when such legislation Is brought to the tore Consul Pearson who has bee named for the Persian mission has boon claw- ed among the supporter of Sen- ator Pritchard whose Influence he entered the consular service Tilts recognition of the Tar Heel Senator ia giving one of his constituents An im- portant diplomatic post at a time whoa bo been somewhat at odds with the Administration ON the idly WbltoT question I noted with interest The which has ROW gained ground regarding North Carolina politics te that the President will not refute a re chief bas Ute time bas IMp Inter- national Inter- ests ex- tent ardent ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HE OF NILE TO Assouan Dam Marks Jr Era for Egypt fc BECOMES WORLD Difficulties of Agricultural Eliminated by Storage af Wai- LOKDON Dee U Tbe latest the uptMiitdiag of modern Bgypt was celebrated mat Wednesday eeremoay of secmring open the Ntte rooorrolr at AnsoBaa marta of that ktstorie land lnt Ute great producers iiramrisl j If as pwdkted the working f Sew water system will double tbd Huctlveaeee of a country seeds only tickling to yield a ajj optimists say It will become the gf of Burope A New Dispositioa 50 contrast between the pre sibilltle of agriculture In lower and opened by nov t v lag works must make the dsfiiaijl Bgypt ia the sent few roars Interest to the whole T4- dlttun hitherto has bees R la upper Egypt while la tower if rata Is a negligible quantity The Egyptian agriculturist la IK laborious way tried to Insure al by having It watered at least e three weeks the eatrt due to the absence of rain m acre The farmer know that he e expect rain In the months of April June aad July Ills harvest till the next flood which usually tc August PRESIDENT CASTRO REJECTS 9BRUK Doc fc Tlie Statement t Castro rejected aU l Ja iHam l prasaalirt to Mm by it fi wa1 is learned gpviiiasiuat tee rot hems noticed of Castros proposal that Uattc4 States Minister Bowea should act as arbitrator or latermodlary te the present For this reason the oMcials are unable to say what their attitude would be on such a proposition It is also said that more German may he sent to Venezuela but it is considered that the fleet at present oa the spot is swmeiont for the purposes of establishing a blockade which the gov- ernment seems to be hilly resolved to carry into elect at B GRANARY 0 F EU ri r PROD i I for Irrigation r t 1- i- tn raaIiW or w those tile r j r r t la Marsh and AprIL When the Ute Ja1w had to lie ULTIMA Pre llletli palate < It dIM dl8l ate a Pro ri i ttL t The mt a e 4 wen d eves This made wa S were gathered 3au has tibia ets alisefl the tsars war- ships nee > < ¬ ¬ + POLITICS NOTED IN GRISCOMS SELECTION Announcement of Appointment Coupled Pearsons Causes Talk with jwrwioaUoa to jaaiusl H Tick colored postmaster at WHaea N C uaiess something ware teas his crier can be shown against him Vtek has beer atreauoasly opposed by Senator Prtt chard Looking at Pritdura The latter had announced that he ia leaded to stand Ms ground and force the President to make the choice betweea a Lily White candidate backed by a Republican Senator or a colored given commeadatory letters by In view of Mr Pearsons promotWa Ute opintea Is current that the Senator may earn to see more strength ia the ProsMoafs attitude la the ease than ho had previously noticed it ls not considered probable that Ute isms tor will make any dotofte statement to but should the Tick seal aatioa sM to the Senate before Pear- son promljliOB or even after Mr Pritch ard would hardly be la a Mwition it is oggected ta attempt to block It eon armatioa Those who are close to the Senator ia fact have expressed the be Her that he Intends to make Ms whole appeal to the President and not consider asMag tho Senate to take elder on the Uly White question when the Presi- dent baa once taken his stand in send leg in a colored mans appointment NEBRASKA CITY WITHOUT EITHER LIGHT OR WATER NEBRVKA CITY Neb Dec 13 Th satire city is again cut of from its water supply today and now without lire protection sad in darkaaas That potties of Missouri River bed from which the water supply was for- merly pumped Is aw a bar The shave the city almost entirety at Us temp situ atloa is considered most critical I viC I the relief to its utllsiaa M tM Atp starch be atari be e tan Demo- crats rids elf tee and only Is fou d to the- Imasplag plant fac- tory SlsouM a tb town wwid The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ f t fei vrt- matic exaomtloa opened with- y of free discrimination j gunboats sod the conventional seta war and was continued when the Pa ctSe blockade was reported and the question of martial rights raised The military writers contributed af et state of the ngbtlag force and somber Old guns available for defense by a France and de- pjieaible Add operatto- taia passes and ravines between La Gal a sad Caracas kd was in the war of making f he when the ardor of in- vestigators was checked by be report that President Castro had sent t Wash tag proposals for arbitration and that c dull prosaic statement might be sub- stituted for the dubious experiment of attempting to collect bad debts by scuttling leaking galleys and uoffibad Like the release of the ureifpt prlwn ere it was at least a bcr f l icn of conciliation on the part of President Castro and JustMed Lord Laaaaownea treatment of the subject which tile press was discussing with seriousness Acting Together The general results of tbe rediscovery aiola are salutary teglaad and the States are re aa acting together by prseoaeert ia a spirit of mutual ac- tion and confidence as they t always do in matters relating to ta commercial welfare of the maritime worM Whether in China or tropical America prejudice against the Monroe Doctrine has been instantly modified by toe direct evidence that It affords no- te of protection against the of financial loss and political anarchy The recognition of tbe bear- Ings of the Monroe policy once derided as a vagary of Yankee braggadocia has plata In Dote Germany and Uty the conclusion that the aeqatslttoa of new territory by any to prohibited ia tho Views of Today Even the book reviewers reflect this view tar today Atbeaaeum in a well digested article oa Beekles Wlllsons America complains that the au- thors Canadian prejudice is too he seems to argue against the Monroe Doctrine and in favor of European Intervention South America The Atbeneum writer asserts that there la sot iae slightest practical chance C the United States allowing European conqaest on the American eoatlasojt and that the Washington Gov erameiK has ample power to make Its views tad would receive British as sistanc la so doing The special aspect of tbe Venezuela quosttaa proaaote searching of heart and critical reflection While the toiler UTe interests of maritime Europe in tropical America are large a great beoeat win bo conferred by the force of example if a rank instance of dtsaoaesty- la aoaMag with foreign creditors bo out for discipline and punishment Admirals as Bailiffs id of employing admirals a- batttBa collectors and trvag pro eeassa af djstrslal for the o tbs principal and interest a forted ether measure Cojrtmued oa Second Pa c V rt- e j f tile sad the or or I f horse eft in study harbor works cocoantt pehas Sf v ora t i where journal aeeepta I TIle e 4aj- y a ar- c be- t tweet seizere destruetloa oIqtrp M ae a fobhr exhaustive redis- covered country lag aid ous trade a Jed ed assuagement e ttropesa con- sequences Does En- d every responsible as a terse power ra rNphere Pew ap- parent when good Sin- gled one roe very llettte Md quest e ¬ ¬ ¬ < < °

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Post on 08-Feb-2018




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Page 1: ftb ng ini yd - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1902-12-14/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · h tool Mippy and tfco Government of s vovll have todose If the later pilots

Fair today fresh te brisK

northerly winds increasingcloudiness tomorrow


ftb b oi



11ng d ty


iniYPAGES iRhl

Freak A =>


Less Than Enough Fuel in

Some of the Buildings to

Permit the Operation ofPlants TieentyJout Hours

Aany Houses Throughout

City Will Close Their Fur-

naces TIlls Winter forFirst Time In Hisfot

Hospital for the Insane in

Distress on SevezalDealers Unable fo

Deliver and Prices Advance

A canvass of the Dover BBJOW departrrouTg yesterday aftsrassa developed tho

oa band

ngs hen d sad their plants In operation i

r an en ire toyiikln h entire supply of tbo Cap

the cJHte War and Navy ftutMtaajs-

i the other large Government work

ops an among the entireeregaion pro rata the asjfrcajata

bif1y keep thedas and a halt The Mm of

ul empty sad the supplyn t is barely enough te keep tb

toin from din to dayThe figures concerning the dally cua-

inptUr ni t oal la the various dov

art me if anil the amount on hand

irnooo a gi en in the aeeom-

ianylim t t were secured frost titiffiriaU ir charge of the several build

Economy Practiced




that of UTethat coal to keep the






t sotaio tbemi t easegb build


dividing U

old sr scs tor-


dealers aret the itst idiot


teat C




In CM of a snowstormur r ilme traffic on the rail

dd would lx interrupted shutting oft

h tool Mippy and tfco Government of

s vovll have to dose If the laterpilots ntlnued for days or more

j iiiiihlc that furnaces In tht cityill h ih ir area txtingulsbed thisinter ha have never before been skitwn nr plants were installed tonly with the most rigid

hat tin I Jl Id ings art made habitny to day





which tsMy-




Trow mil ay and electric Ughtln-

ft4tatoriKaj and fromi 8 s outlook nitre is Uttl-

iiod iH 1097 Will be eompelli-

oui down this winter All th plaatf the v hngtoa Railway and Electricomptinv an veil except theain plant t and B Strw ts

north lormerly plant of

Inlfc d Elect rn Lighting Com

A irikc has occurred in the alasi hat hal the contract for uupplytag this

nii oncer of th roadhad g into the open market buy

n al n they ould And it payiBgl increased prices for their

The storage capaciV at the pleataboUt I tons sad probably onethird

that amount of coal Is m tk Mae

ill Cn present tintHospital in Distress

pa Hi lailed








More 4


z Fourtt ntht the

l any

the havesad

rover t




Tk Government Hospital j

Bane was oa sev i l ocraskMM In dla

tree The lealer vto the contract

lor applying ambrr it oal has abanH and uo tend had betu-

rrctivxl lur sfeveml taoath A fairlygoo ii v of MI handfor in but a j tied of tw nty u

of the Warnearly h n

supplyiit d M i hand y aterl y iu-

tons that wir received i

AgrtTVM lcpurtl-

i tl Uttt ilffl ulty tbrtlsecured the t uiii r-

ed iio vrM c to i In the haaluig-

i the dope was coapelledto JV a ton fa Afty top at Mtumi-at JMday ad yesterday they were


hld i

dowel hard


day rJt it alawty


tIM lS diJ D

11M I


of h to 11



t was Nt

P shiptaeat exbavat-


l Ii tat tad l2ftf tur Lad emptied ann

r iU-


elt theua tt i trk


has Ld aurtmeDt lad be





secure ther nupplioarice 1 heat the house for-

e ye iliy one of the Uwacompel i to pay f a at-

n In mtnv lrectl

any tliii A visit to a dosest proojirnait balers yoatottfay

100 AW iMl oao whsto la alee

jt prtow are aAvaaeedantHorlia by the Roa4





N I Th report of theor corn pr nt af the Board-

n traii iiJious for Iftl wasrny-

s that UM separate oaloo2 w h a total BMsabershi-

wt in ti yuar naioss do-

ixtrea ia aomtjarincreased 12JM an f

compared aaand o94 tn

Ming off la tINhe downward aiSTSanat

ut Ilt


tl Intc IS tOIl

J I In

fLthe Is cow





o ureaII 11110

I Comp Bear



r 6






ter u-

tf n i hneededr r teal peasaser

t Cnal tea W beast

Ii i t wolfcoal Ther dell r

aal naUUf

Lesiaa-Di Tade-


theassn tie

with selMMe-C t 3UA

est It gylwtl-a

tic it wuitd-












Daily Amountconsumption

Hnma of K nirinf laid PriatMg 18 tons 150 tows

Agricultural I ti a 25 tons 5 tons

CruawCHRce i a 6

Ubrnry 14 tows 35 tons

White House i Jnfonnation ref wgod

Government lloqnUil r 3i iH c 50 tons 250 tons

Uovernntent Printiat OAM 15 teM 60 toteHouse of lq r iit tJv 8 ft tons

U S Senate 35U Me

Interior Department StoutU S Jail vState War sad Navy BoiMuft 22 tons 100 tons

Po4offiee Department 15 tews

Treaenry I ep rtTneBt YV 35 tons

i WWiiurtnn Railway awl Rleetrie Company 225 tons 3000 tons

Capital Trartipn Company 40 tons 1050 tons

on hand

2 tOU 10 tolls



eo 10 tonstotes

tows tons


40 tonet





tl312 tons2 15

L trna>



Hopes Philippine QuestionWill Be Adjusted

ROSE Dec U The OMerratore1-

Mam the aflletal orgaa of the Vatlthe tot et the Papal Bull

on IT la regard ta dte-

etpitwary reform the church la tile

Philippines The bull Mentions with

praise the settee of the United statesGovernment in oeMHng a mlaaioa to

Route to adjtwt wrtala uaetloua m

Sea JIll





accord would ho elected Ithoped at Manila


or rlt Rt of Otrmaa pu-

koa a ieop t t root ta two Yeaezir-

ttvaUoahie hear la the London dubs j

Inquiries as to the latest

confined to a certain apprebutpirfon in regard to the A

of British cooperatio

This aoe o far In

that the belief i openly

the Kaiaor to playing A

the this British slit

bltltea sad that these





4 sr

the front Serious roncern ho











l skneewise-ls

sat N argued drathsreschhR bs




there laeither

EJIfiIw bOo the Kaiserof hfytllaD

with lnDO

the Brl to pla-

eeatl Downlni lt quito

Mac clever shootsthat potat It et

the W equhsblene UtlH

to bleat Drt bile opttoltMIlE

I t


tlon a poedutmost co-

operationaith Gre whl-

reco atg-

ecnucart other

t7than r-





icupae with the

l 11r a prece-

Drat ksfhold bow

dent as rvlt t him

Is the tnil w

Soar viesIbis t gbvera 1a

that tb jamsbcl t Is



make M-

easly tenthprey luthis

Tbe rotes to1n

country boer e obf 01-

ANh ha-

t fNsctpNae





Unique Dinner GiveWolferts Roos-




AIBAY N Y D it1rStsrUnited States Senator Dtl B M g e-

a denser at SV lferta Ia1-to autnber of guests df t ebarn In 1811

Among those pr-

baasams were 11-

of the court of aBaker Comatoc-3prlagaeld Ma-

Rew fork city lbFalls of


Situation in Venezuela a Praclland Limitations of tlm




mjtHto tha ttfre sill be

tow by 1 fens of the alliessftuatioa wit be

aftfilflcanoe to the

the aM conSla the Ualtod

B 1 ta WB ad AmertoaMsm ofand Secretary of

Kajr sad there Is ao expHUitmai that they will allowgWlRf ipr Bay future embarrassment

sC flfjl Aourkfin policy ia Western

af tttee nobody to know or-avo MytMng about the Merit of the-

ir German claims agaiaat Venla That feature of the subject ta-

aetrely Ignored

r I-






auee to

euireplsgelt er Vieeit ian terrl-toriPseis list tiaatewtthe

1lC3tLasekia 1Me1ie

21 srs Is awe sherd hc

PMW sattie





Defeats Jacobson in FinalSprint by Half a Wheel

NEW YORK Dee U Leamler wonthe ilxHiay nee at MaitiaoH Squat O rdoo tonight for Ma la the X

sprint with Jaoohoon by halt a wh li-Maath NePariand omrfiy took thirdposition with Bo4 H fomth sad Moranirtb for their respective rosette

Ai 9W oetocfc Frau Kreha gallap for Ma team

left track

ar place The nw

with Jacobson In the leadtrailed anti tbs last three

laps when be Jumped Jacobson andall the vnon of the latter

his advantage t th end wlnaiac byhalf a length Tile time was 3it 1i-

MeFarland Oodell sod Moranthen vent away trey a steadies u



least 1

There were soe and oelHk tbe menthe I

At leot LtlJltter and Jacobsonout for the Sun sprtat of for

around for afew laps sad were away to aroll tart



ther at h9

camea mile the

rodethen eat

de-spite held



battle for third honorsrunaway for Mcyarlaad who woa by

lengths from Bodell la 2M1 46that oran was a length behind Bedel

which i ttot and Keegaa aim started from aBft aa ob looary posiCioa Root woa sixth

distance ridden by wlanwa7 TW ooonl forV l Hrilea 4 later made

Ml Wailer la 1IWf teams at tho aniah-

Mttw Upsyd M77


to conformtte


THeIIUoklDS of

a wanI

rbps t a le3thalb might tINj lot I


b 2 illTest fag tM


t the riument tlla Ltrbroqlat surely JNI K 2-

1M Jt ea J4tTJaMr

book tII 5tt that UteelemfllDuft

will eeU Y177 1course 1t 1Ope aDd lid Praoz Kr Ia



It nee Tb wu ww Sscak

Lail asmeat tbtstotedoenae ttae

purely y hatHaas tfrconilseu b-

of nev M

jot 1

and her miles lapsthe w altemptIn s st

o idea say

Ther nuts b bawhere I Uis ad sad 3Vera su Rethers l1gi 3

ar of fit ed lferaa 2177 E-

Jitieved lITi tlad PafersaaN


t drnt the ttl7iii





Widow of eBiaBnt in aCritical CknAdiMpii at anEarly Hoiinr This Morning


Sovore QbUriL Aa xavates Hoartftqlhitls Adds to

Mrs jifln fitmt Grant widow ef CeaU S In critical cotrfJUs-Kcamedjjyfjt i re coW which she see

it days ago and which

heart trouble whichguttering for

few days ago Mra Grants eonm very prowlaiHg ajt Dr P

her physician



Dr P A Gar erliR ports









TroubldrSeriotfeb ritions

tract Las

aggr b restshe




i hoped sher be greatly ImprovedId however rapidly kr eten d-

chitlB which broHg a a reifc of the trouble with the heart

a sinking spell yesterday betin the afternoon aad Dr Card

fhat she reeled Steve cow8PI last night though she ta by ao-

liaaa out of dangertrouble with the heart lathan the bronchitis the com

Aa the cause of her preaent

Department to Be Asked to Loan Tents



rtedb y







lit mere







t t


INBH UKLBANS Dee 13 The Coorennloa exoetttlre eOM tttO

decided to hold the aoxt Coafoioratereunion In New Orloaaa January liHat the fair groatxis

At the last m e j aahnia at Memphisand th uttaailaaW o c-

100W Ji was 4PCMP4-KToouda ahouU

appaiated o ask the of War for aloan of tents for the use of the veteraaduring the reunion

Burieigh Hall With ValuableContents Consumed

RICHMOKD Va DM elegantooloalal basso of P P Bwlolghnan la in arches The family werearoooed too to save aartblag sadned trout Ute balMtag la theirnight clothes The steps to the







tango swap





I nursery wore whoa they awokeI Yesterday was hg y atjBarlelRh Tho ares In the ifeoemeMteed in renaortag the lard bused vpagain at Right The lower part of thehouse was a furnace before the aurawaa given


fViw OUoateh to the Wwhtaiton Tinw byC

PARIS Doc 11 Americans who tameto the Paris Worlds Fair of 1900 wouldscarcely reeogatee the beautiful PetitPalate opoasd on Thursday by PresidentLouoet aa tho Mtwetmr of Fine Art ofthe City of Paris The Interior of thePetit PlaN has bees completely transfornc d

It is heated by a new iaventloa of hotrat s which cannot the







watermost delicate objects The left creamyilk vellum smmeaded boaoath the cell

loP giver a too M M for njetwres Thissew Parts museam In addition to

of works by I urrto Cbarann-Uonnat Hoaaer Frt Folgiaere andother modern painter and sculptorscustoms the whole of the faaRKts Dutitit-collocttoo of old masters

It is pronounced by the best Judgeshere aa tho Meal for a relatlvfcly small

the I DteartMarg Gallery it consideredthe moat latoreatlas permanenttreasure la Paris for lovers of palntlntffaience cad rare and b auttful obJocte It is also fall of surprisesAfter looking at the mbraa tfs-

Ruysdale std other masterpieces onecornea across such contrasts for In-

stance as the chased sliver beer mugof tIN austere Luther tilde by Hide with

canters that belonged to Du Barry


Capt J Philip Oonkard and Tile bridewho WM Miss Otia of New Yorkresolved by tin President at the WhiteHouse eMcee yesterday Captain Beakand was aa f8 r aC the Twelfth NowYork KosjImoMt la the Spoalah war andtho President efhht s rrteos



after Lea



a pair of poreelaJft llquear de-




museum and nest the and







French Press Believes a

Break to Be Certain


Action af the Powers Held to Be Inexcusable Kaisers Navy Scored

for Sinking Venezuelan Ships

Hpwjal BMpstehtoTke W iaia toa Tiam by

PAJU8 Doe U PttMf-ethroagheat France which was firstdecidedly anfaverablo to President Cas-

tro aid Veaesaola has nadergono achange la the last Iweatyfoor heirs

themoooro la slaking the lasigaiBcaat Youesuetan ships This Is regarded hereaa a pure piece of aggression

up the Germaa character la Itsworst and most blnsteriag aspect

all the Parts papers were Jocrtagat PreaUoat Castro They teemed withskits and Jests giving promliieBee withexquisite humor to his otter to pay credi-

tors whenever peace should prevail InVeneaaela a eoadlUoa the Debata and

Important newspapers declared tobe practically unknown in that land ofpronunciameatos and civil wars and re-

garded President Castros promise as aparallel to aa engagement to be ful-

filled at the Greek calendsLaugh oa Other Side

Today however the laugh la oa theother side The Conservative Qaulals-

declares the dual alllaaoe of Kaglasrfsad Oormaay owing to the stupid TO-

lence of the German commodore to bmarred by a grave initial blunder whichbriags ridicule upon both of the alliesawl which la begtnatag to KITe the beanrole to President Castro notwithstand-ing all his baekslidlngs says

OnuteU there is no longer any doubthot what the Veaesuolaaa will make a

ptaeky a foreign Invaders andwill ta Mars as iu if nfMol TIM

faas C acataf fsroclty of German commsCore arebitter aad Yeaomoas

The Fraaeals that the Oermaasad British squadrons are acting asBerth in behalf of usurious moneyloaders and are performing their dutiesia a way that might be expected fromburglars Tile Fraaeats eoaciaiios itsleader with these words Oedthere Is ao ship bearing the Slag

mixed up la with disreputable keel

The Petite Kepubliqtte says the fe




to the set of



Fo the






owing German eetn



ritejrws s edtmdy en1wtag





a Secsad Page







To be minister to Jaaaa to uncased A

C leek deceased Lloyd C Crimea ofPoaaayivaala aowmialottr Persia

To be minister to Persia to succeedOriscsm transferred Hlchmoad PPearson of North CaroHiw raw ta theconsular service

The aansun cement of these two ap-

pointments yesterday led to much gossipia political circles It Is doubtful If sim-

ilar action regarding say other twonames would have called forth such aaamount of speculation as to the

which 14 to their selection sadthe results likely to follow because ofthe interests thus recognised







Mr GrlscoaTs appotatmoat is aerally attributed to the Umwace of Sena-

tor hasp wits lskawa to be an espe-

cially clop friend of the young diplo-

mats father Clement A Griaaom Theelder Oriaeom Is the bead of the

Navigation Company cad withSenator linens the promoter of theship subsidy bill This measure passedthe Senate last wister after a long tightIn which the cause of the shipping

was championed by Senator HaanaPresident Grlseom been in Wash-

ington for several days pastQaestioes Being Asked

The question inspired by young Mr-

Grlscoms appointment la to whatInfluence exerted by the ship

subsidy advocates oa one occasion willbo potent at another when suchlegislation Is brought to the tore

Consul Pearson who has bee namedfor the Persian mission has boon claw-ed among the supporter of Sen-

ator Pritchard whose Influencehe entered the consular service Tiltsrecognition of the Tar Heel Senator iagiving one of his constituents An im-

portant diplomatic post at a time whoabo been somewhat at odds with theAdministration ON the idly WbltoTquestion I noted with interest The

which has ROW gained groundregarding North Carolina politics tethat the President will not refute a re





















Assouan Dam Marks JrEra for Egypt fc


Difficulties of AgriculturalEliminated by Storage af Wai-

LOKDON Dee U Tbe latestthe uptMiitdiag of modern Bgyptwas celebrated mat Wednesdayeeremoay of secmring open theNtte rooorrolr at AnsoBaa marta

of that ktstorie land lntUte great producers

iiramrisl j

If as pwdkted the working fSew water system will double tbdHuctlveaeee of a countryseeds only tickling to yield a ajjoptimists say It will become the gfof Burope

A New Dispositioa 50contrast between the pre

sibilltle of agriculture In lowerand opened by nov t v

lag works must make the dsfiiaijlBgypt ia the sent few roarsInterest to the whole T4-dlttun hitherto has bees Rla upper Egypt while la tower ifrata Is a negligible quantity

The Egyptian agriculturist la IKlaborious way tried to Insure alby having It watered at least ethree weeks the eatrtdue to the absence of rain m

acreThe farmer know that he e

expect rain In the months of AprilJune aad July Ills harvest

till the next flood which usuallytc August


REJECTS9BRUK Doc fc Tlie Statement t

Castro rejected aU

l Ja iHam l prasaalirt to Mm by

it fi wa1 is learned

gpviiiasiuat tee rot hems noticed ofCastros proposal that Uattc4 StatesMinister Bowea should act as arbitratoror latermodlary te the presentFor this reason the oMcials are unableto say what their attitude would be onsuch a proposition

It is also said that more Germanmay he sent to Venezuela but it is

considered that the fleet at present oathe spot is swmeiont for the purposes ofestablishing a blockade which the gov-

ernment seems to be hilly resolved tocarry into elect at





for Irrigation r



tnraaIiW or


those tile

r j


tla Marsh and AprIL When the

Ute Ja1w had to lie


Pre llletli palate<


dl8l ate




i ttL t



a e 4wend


This made


were gathered3au


tibia ets alisefl the tsars









Announcement of Appointment Coupled PearsonsCauses Talk


jwrwioaUoa to jaaiusl H Tick coloredpostmaster at WHaea N C uaiesssomething ware teas his crier can beshown against him Vtek has beeratreauoasly opposed by Senator Prttchard

Looking at PritduraThe latter had announced that he ia

leaded to stand Ms ground and force thePresident to make the choice betweea a

Lily White candidate backed by aRepublican Senator or a coloredgiven commeadatory letters by

In view of Mr Pearsons promotWaUte opintea Is current that the Senatormay earn to see more strength ia theProsMoafs attitude la the easethan ho had previously noticed it lsnot considered probable that Ute ismstor will make any dotofte statement to

but should the Tick sealaatioa sM to the Senate before Pear-son promljliOB or even after Mr Pritchard would hardly be la a Mwition it isoggected ta attempt to block It eonarmatioa Those who are close to theSenator ia fact have expressed the beHer that he Intends to make Ms wholeappeal to the President and not considerasMag tho Senate to take elder on the

Uly White question when the Presi-dent baa once taken his stand in sendleg in a colored mans appointment


NEBRVKA CITY Neb Dec 13 Thsatire city is again cut of from itswater supply today and now withoutlire protection sad in darkaaas

That potties of Missouri River bedfrom which the water supply was for-merly pumped Is aw a bar The

shave the city

almost entirety at Us temp situatloa is considered most critical





relief to its utllsiaaM tM Atp starch

be atari be




rids elftee

andonly Is fou d to the-Imasplag plant fac-tory

SlsouM a tb town wwidThe





f t fei vrt-

matic exaomtloa opened with-y of free discrimination

j gunboats sod the conventional setawar and was continued when the PactSe blockade was reported and thequestion of martial rights raised Themilitary writers contributed af etstate of the ngbtlag force and somber

Old guns available for defense by aFrance and de-

pjieaible Add operatto-taia passes and ravines between

La Gal a sad Caracaskd was in the war of making

f hewhen the ardor of in-

vestigators was checked by be reportthat President Castro had sent t Washtag proposals for arbitration and thatc dull prosaic statement might be sub-stituted for the dubious experiment ofattempting to collect bad debts byscuttling leaking galleys and uoffibad

Like the release of the ureifpt prlwnere it was at least a bcr f l icn ofconciliation on the part of PresidentCastro and JustMed Lord Laaaaownea

treatment of the subjectwhich tile press was discussing with

seriousnessActing Together

The general results of tbe rediscoveryaiola are salutary teglaad

and the States are reaa acting together by prseoaeert

ia a spirit of mutual ac-

tion and confidence as theyt always do in matters relating to

ta commercial welfare of the maritimeworM

Whether in China or tropical Americaprejudice against the Monroe

Doctrine has been instantly modified bytoe direct evidence that It affords no-

te of protection against theof financial loss and political

anarchy The recognition of tbe bear-Ings of the Monroe policy once deridedas a vagary of Yankee braggadocia has

plata In Dote Germany and

Uty the conclusion thatthe aeqatslttoa of new territory by any

to prohibited ia tho

Views of TodayEven the book reviewers reflect this

view tar today Atbeaaeum in a welldigested article oa Beekles Wlllsons

America complains that the au-thors Canadian prejudice is too

he seems to argue againstthe Monroe Doctrine and in favor ofEuropean Intervention South America

The Atbeneum writer asserts thatthere la sot iae slightest practicalchance C the United States allowingEuropean conqaest on the Americaneoatlasojt and that the Washington GoverameiK has ample power to makeIts views tad would receive British assistanc la so doing

The special aspect of tbe Venezuelaquosttaa proaaote searching of heartand critical reflection While the toilerUTe interests of maritime Europe intropical America are large a greatbeoeat win bo conferred by the force ofexample if a rank instance of dtsaoaesty-la aoaMag with foreign creditors bo

out for discipline and punishmentAdmirals as Bailiffs

id of employing admirals a-batttBa collectors and trvag proeeassa af djstrslal for the otbs principal and interest a forted

ether measure

Cojrtmued oa Second Pa




j f

tile sad the oror



horseeft in


harbor works cocoantt pehas

Sf vora t i

where journalaeeepta









be-t tweet seizere destruetloa

oIqtrp M ae

a fobhr exhaustive redis-covered country

lag aid



a Jeded assuagemente



Does En-

d every responsibleas a

terse powerra rNphere


parent when



oneroe very

llettte Md quest






