format research for website

Website Format Research

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Post on 24-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Format Research for Website

Website Format Research

Page 2: Format Research for Website

This is the home page of the Krampus website, it’s a horror genre film and I think this is made obvious by the use of colours more than anything. The colour scheme fits the three colour principle, black is used to represent the colour of death and doom, red implies blood or danger and warning and then the white contrasts against both of these backgrounds, which is why it’s a good colour for the typography as it stands out and resembles purity and innocence. I would say the Title is the most eye grabbing thing on the page, the font used is effective as it gives a chilly, cold, uninviting atmosphere that you would expect a horror film to have. I have also noticed the social network links at the top right hand side of the site. This is effective in letting the audience know it has other forms of media. The website from this view looks really easy to navigate which is important because it needs to appeal to everyone and it also has an age rating certificate and production company at the bottom, which seems like a typical conventions of a film website.

Page 3: Format Research for Website

A photo gallery has appeared on most of the websites I’ve looked at, I think this definitely adds extra value to the website and also a point of interest- if you don’t enjoy reading the news updates so much, you can look at the photos and watch the videos of ‘behind the scenes’ of the films to feel just as involved. I like the way they have presented there images and like the traditional chart format as it looks good as they all fit a similar theme and consistent size and apart from the selected image which is enlarged. It’s good how the title of the film stays up through every page of the website, constantly reminding the audience what they’re looking at. The consistency of the website theme is really key to make it appear professional, which means using the same fonts, colour schemes and layouts.

Page 4: Format Research for Website

This site has 4 social networking links, the same ones I would like to use on my website. I think the Facebook page is good for posting article links, competitions and advertising the website, it’s a good to gain publicity because you can get people to interact by liking and sharing the page; it’s an effective way to create a buzz over the film because people can comment and share their own opinions with other people from around the world. This should be quite interesting because their will be lots of opinions and comments to read through.

I think a twitter account is effective for small updates, the occasional picture and just to make people aware of the film by constant little reminders. Its very easy to use and speak out to a large audience; even if the account doesn’t have many followers, tweets can be re-tweeted onto other accounts and this is a way to spread publicity.

Instagram will be great for sharing pictures and videos- I think it will be really effective to show teasers and exclusive snapshots because it will make the audience excited and make them feel as if they’re getting something of extra value by following the account because these images and videos will be posted here first. YouTube is an important one as its where the movie trailer will be posted online.

By having these on the website and linked up to the social networking pages it makes it really easy for the audience to access them and stay updated at the click of a button. It also give them options to pick their favourite network channel as one might appeal to different audiences than others e.g. younger people may prefer twitter as so many of the younger generation are part of this form of networking.

Almost every website I have looked at during my research includes these social features so its very important I include this in my own work. I have already created the Social Networking pages so I will continue to update them and link them to my site.

Page 5: Format Research for Website

This is one of my favourite websites, this screenshot is of the home page which I think is really eye catching due to the central image used and the typography to the right which is really intriguing; not only is the positioning of the text important but I think the numbers make it look important and statistical, which draws the audience in because it suggests the film will be really good and this means they can set high expectations of promise. I really like the design and layout of it as again its simple to use, due to its easy navigation it will appeal to a mass audience. The content under each section is full of quality and detail which gives the audience lots of information and makes them even more excited for the release of the film because they have been fully briefed. The Social networking sites again are made into a key attraction and feature on the page twice.

Page 6: Format Research for Website

This page makes it really easy to buy tickets through the websites, I will be doing this on mine because I think its really effective and useful to provide links to ticket providers. Its just another thing that works to the audiences advantage as its less work for them so it makes them more likely to purchase the tickets. Again, this screenshot just shows the theme, colours and typography is kept consistent and flowing throughout which makes it look really effective and professional.

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I think this feature just adds to the website and shows different media variables of the production values which some audiences may like. It also shows how much work has been put into the production of the film and adds to the feel of how professional it is. This looks very easy to do whilst being effective, therefore I will do this on my website. As the poster is quite striking and has been edited particularly well with the silhouette of the trees landscape in fading out of his hair line, this could make a talking point and create a buzz with the viewers.

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This website has been the created for a thriller/horror movie called Crimson Peak. It has a simple design with a lot less features than the previous website having only 3 sections- a gallery included. The picture is eerie and dark which gives the implication its a horror film and the blue glow indicates a thriller convention. Yet again, it has social networking links at the bottom right and I’ve also noticed it has a sound bar which suggests music is playing. I like this idea because it’s a great way to set the right atmosphere and show the genre of the movie. The title is the largest typography on the page and is in a white, clear font which contrasts against the dark background and makes it the central focus of the image. I feel like the blue glow helps draws us in because we feel like something might be lurking in the dark.