for tie best tea aid · to pipe...

VOL. XI. DOVEJt, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. MARCH 26. 1881. 16 THE1B0N ERA PL'BLUHID Er»ai BLXCBDII B* , The Dover Printing Company, ruuLtbuiiiid mv ritoiiixioiiH. Offloe oaMorris Street our EUokwall. TKHMi* UV SUUBCBIPVIUN O O B Your, - - - _ _ - - $'1.W f*ix Montha, - - - - - - - l.OQ .fcree roontbo, - - - - - - - 5 0 ADVERTISING RATES •r&m. 1 Inch 3 " 8 " 4 " fi " i Column. 1 " BSACX. I Inch, 3 " 8 " 4 " fi " i Uoluran. 1 " T1OEB 1 5 OE 1*.. 2 tt*B. !l Tfilf 1 25 i ir 1 7fi 2 2!> 27/i 3 at 4 GO 5 W 10 00 a 2 7fi JI 50 4 20 6 20 6 50 8 (HI If! 00 SUOB.ISuOB. t 3 5!) 6 CK. ti AI & 0(1 10 00 IK SI) IB 00 18 CO »a oi) TS PCS $ 4 5(1 5 5(1 'J IKJ U on ia od 19 UD I!) OH 2G 00 41 00 LINE. 3 WIH. a i 5o 2 GO 3 £0 4 60 fi HO r oo 8 00 10 25 19 00 ij MOB. 9 ti oo 1(1 (HI 14 CO 18 00 21 00 Kfi DO lio r.o 87 CO cr> oo luo. $ 1 76 a fio 4 CO fi 611 <t r>o & BO 10 OO ia w SSi (JO $10 00 17 00 22 OO 27 OO ao oo at. ou 45 00 <ir> oo lao oo PASSAGE TICKETS GRAM, HANCE «Co='s STORE, PORT OIUM, N. J. R. A. BENNETT, M. O , HOM(EO1»ATH1C Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sis., DOVE11,N. J., Disease! of Wonii-n imUUiikliea, tail a Kjtfuad Ear spec it Hie*. Office n u i u » ; 7 t..« A. M-, 1 toB aa.11 it. S Y. U. 18-3Ci>J ESTABLISHED 1H 1861. P URE DHUGHft ml MEDICINES, I'AINTH, OIK OLvt*, Ilrnnh™. Perfumery, Ac, sold hvJAMIM A. GOOUALE. the I'imi.iei DriiijfflHl. of Dover. Wore open OQS'INDAYM for tho silo of llflilichuB unit- from 5 IDIU A. M.r mid from 4 tn 5 I'. SI, ' U-iy JOHN r. STI^UIS, Counsellor at Law AND MASTHU UNOHANCKKY, RQCKAWAY,N ,jh_ »y\SS|QM I|OV8R. Corner of Blue It w( II and HdMMHts. DOVER. N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. Boracn aad CtrrUecs to Let. L. C. BIERWIRTH, ANALYTICAL CKFMIST, DOVER, N. J. ANALYSES of all DESCttlPl'IOXS OF ORES AND MINERALS. im- T. LEPOHT, Counsellor at Law, . AND MASTER IN CHANCERY, OfflCo in tlie Nitiou&l Dninn itatiic BmldiuR 3t»cr»j,i.ST., DOVEIl, N. J. SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SA-LOOIST, §M§§EX STREET, (Utitrtm th« MANSION HOCtfEantl Depot,) BOVElt, N. J. •IB been ectirclv -. -jADIrJJ'and'Cg] Url'lKO A BPECIAXTg. H. P. SANBEB8ON, Staltr la WAOOM .nd m E S I A S E •WOOD W0KK, O*&6HEMS bQVm B**01. WHEEL*, an low an $7.00 per ML All Unds I uf FIKE COLORS for carriage «i<l wagon glinting. AIHO OILS unit VAltKlSH, both Fcreijfu aud Doiutifitio. TOBPEWTIKI, WHITE LIAD, etc. Pwiit, Coloring and Varnish Brushes and Striping Peuciln, a full stock. Ail of the abore goods from the bent mi »rs known hj painUirt. fmgT-OLASS 3AiaUAaEamUlLEIGH OltNAMEN'lB. Having Ufil II Ur^ooiiwrieucu formerly iv * o^rriBRe builder, from a thorough fctmwl- udfje nl lhi.> biiKiuoHH I liaVB "id? mi UKt a ""*' HOT othw dealer. THK OIJD STANI3. UNION HALL BUILDING lU«ckHt)U airtcl, Unver, Hot Air Furnaces, if the. lilfil jnd muit juifvovoa ttrles, foi «rmiii({ imlilit 1 >nit priiatt liuilJingi. A Urg* COOK, PAHLOK, HEATING STOVES. RANGES, Ac. llio THJoij of Ki:UOSIiNC OIL, LANIHKN8AND BBOTANU WA11E TIN &JAPAN WARE, S, kc, TIN HOOFING, EAYES, TB0UGH8, [,EADEI!H, tndull klmti atlahhh.g in mj line, 'one in tlie bent mnnwtr'am! it Hie stiurtesi otlce. HiRlifFt prftci paid Tor okl Iron. Copper Icaj aLil pnwlfir Uken in uxchang' r goodi. December 241b. 1870. NEW MARBLE YARD X EXT ;I> O 'XT' I i ~th7 BKRGBl IN 9u.,nnd in prepared to furniili HSISHB01JB a SMITH, ATTORNEYS * COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Cor. lllnckncl! and Su»«es Sr». DOVER. N- J. I. B. HB1O&BO171I. 1. O. BM1TB. L. W. THURBER, SDPEniHTEKDEHT OF T U B U 0 HCHOOLrt OF UORUIH COUNTY, Offlee OTcr OEO. niCHABDa*Co.Si BTonE, BQYEli, N. J. fineciti offlc« imnrR on SitardAv* frnm 9 A. M. tni la a. 17.U MOSES BLANCHAED, ATTM1NEIATLA1V, >*D llASTBtl IN CHASOEliV, DOVER, K. J. Offli*o«r A. Wishtitn'B ttetft inrt llu Htorc, I7-1J BIlAknFll fitTTBt. V B. pOAGLAK » , H . D., *^" l'HVSICIAH ADD SBIIfiEOM, OFFICE AT MB. THOa. WILLIAM'S, «m MINE HIIJII. N. J. PIANOS AND ORCANS TUNED AND REPAIRED, rOU BENT AND FOB SALE ON INSTALLMENTS. -WH. 8. WKI0UI, Dcrnr, N. J. L«» Bol 58. t-U FOB THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WILL, PREPARATORY TO QUITTING THE BUSINESS, OFFER THEIR ENTIRE STOCK at astonishing low figl!J"@g. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OFSIYLISHand SUBSTANTIAL GOODS WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. A PILE OF ODDS AND ENDS THAT HAS ACCUMULATED THE LAST YEAR OR SO HAVE BEEN LAID ON THE COUNTER AND WILL BE SOLD ATANY PRICE. WE GIVE YOU AN OPPORTUNITY NOW that YOU WILL NEVER HAVE AGAIN OF FITTING OUT YOUR FAMILY AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF THE USUAL COSTIN THEIR FEET WEAR. CALL EARLY AND GET YOUR SELECTIONS. HBINL eft? OO., ^ACKWELL St.. DOVER. A Savin* of Transports! tun. "Talk about your mean men," aaid old Pioneer Bhinderson at Fliii McGo?- ero's saloon theotlier night, "the ti eat, closest, far Boeing calculatingold ifliutl ever seed was old Klam- skntter, tlie mine soperiatendsut who lap at Guld Hill tbe other day. Was.eli?" BitcouragiDgly remarked a customer, wbo wan feeding Pliil'i bull doer nit I) petrified tundwitohes from iho lutiob table. "Yes, air-ree; lie vaa JLtat pizen, be was; closer Ibaa tlio birk of a tree, vfaeo be wim waa runuing the hornet mioa up ut Vir^iuiu be uacd to skulk arouad tbe levels, disguised ao a mule tender, Jest to pipe off tbe men who diJn't keep linrd at if, so us to doek 'em tbe aext Saturduj." "Wti.v, tbe dero ouss !" " But wait. He aetnally enoonraged drill riinnor lo tell a Ions slor/, one Juj- wbile thej were wailing for some mucliinory to be repaired, and after- word docked tlie man balf a daj, and all tlie fellottB that hec-,fd it, four bite apifce fur Btopjiiay to laugh. Ha Oltirg- ed oue man tea cents far n ill J«fl,tltO obaeeo tod HtaQfaotarca uf... ood BDII Hanofai'torM ot ctlitRWBre ana china ioy Articles, M andUannfaotarca of. Itona and DatUin Hal«ruis.._ urs aadM*nafiaiiirai of 4KiK B L::::::;;.v.v.:v. lilts," Vuti/LusV, fi. eto....... FOR TIE BEST TEA AID COFFEE l.\ MOKKIS COUNTY CALL AT STIVER'S NEW YOHK AND CHINA TEA GO, BLAGBWELI. St., DOVHB OUR gO CT - snid doi-where at 70 c<a. One Iriul nill prove iba fncf. Our lligb Jo now crop teas, wensou 880, retailed ct 70 cts. ]>er 1b. COFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE! ... ..'. Oemettry lots I null granilp ami marbla post*. With IJcriener; aud riaaonalile pricet 1tea] it that I CHD satiih the public. TH08. JOHNGON. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP! Chas. T. Clark & Son bnilclinif.-COlTfEll ULACKWELL AND EEItQtLN HT3., indluTitt tbe patrons^ of the pahlEc, Horse Shoeing E XTRA W l t T «.6<Mi1105 i ^gotita for Fairbanks' Scales and Tor- VOORHEES BROTHERS, IKORXIXSTOWN, m m mum, «niU trlil r null pitted, T H E DOVEE LUMBEE CO. ffera to builders the bust opportuQities in the purohase of I/UMBEli every grade anddesnription including LOW PRICES and the great .vantage of having Lumber Worked to Order - machinery at the placo where it is purcUaeed, greatlj lesseuing tlie cost of building bj tba great saving inmanual labor. Our stock always includes Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings id LUMBER of every description, nnd especial paiim ore token to give satisfaction in every particular. QloKni Hie DAIRY BUTTER, o SUPPLY BTO11EB ? LOWEST MARKET PRICES, Tliis part of IVarrrn County ii nntcrt for iti gnuo iiyrrEH MAKEIIS. I bmdie an hiiuii PAUHERS PRODUCE. Order by mail ant our Rootli freib and good tlie ume day, BUILDERS', CAIUlIAOE MAKERS', DLA0K- SU1TB8', COHTnACTOIB AND UlN- INO BUPPLlEa, ;oltt raplem Ac, PaiiU, Oils, Oli.i, eto. WALTES A. "WOOD'S CeUbttod MOWERS and SEAFSBS. S U l O t K. TOO1HKZS. /1V»ft.TOtUDI. Uorristami. }He. 18!b. 1B7B. BliAIHSTOWN, N. J. P.O.Box, as. i McKinnon Bros, MiKuricTCBKni or Axes and Edge Tools, ROCKAWAY. N. J. l tbi old-e«Ub ,Uli ..„., _ll"klro*ii fira l)*» badness, «• tato tt»t* metn« of i pafalictbat inch ii not tbe caic, tfL-alwbaiiinr, anil thill enntiiiDt ta make oni •rnlUknuvil (rood* with Rrtitereir* IILBR *Ter. AU bar cooai »r« liiml-miua tbrotlptSnatSun WB BM tfc only Brm la Bdchswtii cisitt-K im-li KOOds t n l l r c l j bj h»nd. W.t.r TBMTI foi forges a «r*et*ltt. S91 -* S. L. WILLIAMST &OTKB, «. 3,, n&KKDU OF LEGHORN FOWLS. Notice of Settlement. [oticeii hntebj Riren tbat the icooaotio lubncritw^Ailministratorof J«.lliUi Kin _^n^ate, •nOrctxii'ltdfcrrscttlBTueQlto IU 1 Oirtiani 1 Court ol the CoBotvoT MorrU;oa " ' Hhe fonHhdiy of April JAHEi n. CARHEL. rkn.SQih.1831. S-lOw Notice of Settlement. In hcrnbjeiTcn tfcit tie accon •neritwi-.V - •"' •*•--»•"- doe'd, ml rocat Orph. EiPontorB'iIRintiirtlHtph il o amiite'l and tUted by tliti 8 qnd r* nor ted fnr icttlnmcnt tn t »'Coatt oftbo CouniT of Slorrii, Qi tlie- Tuarth (liTnf Apnl C< t>i\tS Jan D. MUIUS.I. SihliSi »h»i a »trmt emu- IwhaUaptrt BO^M ia tint *ti n***^ IS. House and Decorative Painter, TtiptctraU) caila xtltatioa l» hia NBW STOHE, COR. 13U.CTWTELI. AW» KSBEX8TI., DOV£BI amt the 1st M. E. 'Cbftnti. whert hDbMa fia* dU]fl»y of WAU. PJS«BL0, in arrcral fcndrtd ttfli'i af Ih* •••*«. *•' iBDi (or lilfSW* ** U Hntn •Inking Bish Qld SJoeLaV G-jvptnmcnt, Java, Moraonibo, tiantos, Bio are all eleam roaBtcd. Always fresh. S U C K A f R S SOLD AT COST. Hit* mlinhitaotB of Dover and Morris (Jonnty will do well bj piirolasiDR tbeir inter supply from us. 40-1' Wsc XDH, Preaidont. , Soo'y ud TTCM. I. W. fl o, Gen" TirEOEfcKBllATED ROCKAWAY AXE! 1DI8 nuted hnml-niadr axehiilnngeDjorrd L HierepiiiMiJoQ of bcinc one ot th< rerv tat in tlie count-* far FOUH,' MATERIAL NDKNDUIt.iNCff. Will) ntwapi-UiucB*fnr rmrai-tnic wr arc now enabled to supply ltirtii'sper than 0T«r beroro, antl *.flir xutl iliBcouiil fur nnrcUspeci or large i,-. Xfc moVu HIT «!lK>r atvln ti.-cdeVt. nwadftiT me aro elrioUy tlat)d-mii]e. s a|uo adiicil tu tiis buuineai HORSE SHOEING SHERIFFS SALE! i Cl.Hiccr.rorNeir Jerst-y—Pi. fa. Tor Hie nf tnortKiffitd pr^mUea. wlxirelu Jobo I). Lau- renco and Mutllnjw it. KIDL- ar« cotnplaln- tn:»j tnd Benjimln Khumaii and Matbaov Hiimn.n tils wife, are d.feml.ntf. Betara- »tl« to Februsrj Term. A. D, 1B81. WALTEItJ. BOSS, Bol'r. By rlrtnu ul the nbovo staled writ of fieri Taclaa iu mj hinds, I ihall exmao for Ule si Public Veqdao at tlie Ooorl Homo, In Mgr- rinown, N. J.,on MONDAY, tha 4th Jay of AP)tTL noit, :i i irtlaulat him «ilh ft call. For fur thi utnt or J , J PEER, Bockaw.y, Morris Co., N. J. A. D, 1881, between tlio IIO 'dt F M < l l i t •i SI. aud BEEMER & PALMER "OAL, WOOD, KABONS' MATERIALS. BLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS. ABD AND PALI BniCK. L1HE, CEHEKT, CAMMED rUBTEn, JU0NT BUCK, FIRE cu il., Ilial h lo say at a o'clock lu tlie uiuu of fiim day, all tboia iraoti IB of land ami picmiiPi, hurcluafler rlyd«gcribeat.ilDBte,lria(rand lioloitfti own»bu> of Mt. OIKrOn tlio Oonnijol v and .Htate uf Saw Jtruej, butUd and ded ta IdlluKi: inn inn at a stnkc three hnndrod fuel iota clifftnut tree on tbo Tatopisp mad lending from tlio alums and Sumei Turuiil! lo the ,l,, n,t of (be Norm A EHKI B. It. U, KUII in also tbf cornet of tho lot or tract' land of which tbe trici about tu (to eonveyt. s once a pirt, tud rom from the »takL neuid ibeMf, (l) m % soulberly duoctiun ._ i direct line from I'M said ehextnut trot, arty fret to c etaU ; tlicnoc -2) ia tu cantor Ii tlir< ciion, ono liundrnl feet to * * u k c ; ib«ai (3) in u Doilln-rlv riinotlnn, flftv feet to Btafcn : (1) ia i wetteilr dlreitinn OL_ buiMlrcil feot tu a stako tho pl&coofbuRinning coMlainmg oae-eiKtub of an aero of l«nd, bo of [mil wliicb was ti-nveTod to henben Wull lock bj Citbitrmo Brit inn, Jnhu H Brit to and Hiitie J. Ilritt.m, bj- clctddatcd tlitbdi or Anjrmt. A D. eiRlneoo hundred and sixt] niRht, anil neorded in tin Morris Conm Clerk's Office, lu book 1 7 oi dmdi, p*Ke 440 Ac, sndcomejou tnllenjamin B bo man Ur ••!< ncubtn Wbitluck and Har.i Ann bitwlh. b' ldlU 8TO«EH VDRBINU, 0EIL1B BTEfP.OOnita, ULLB, WHAKW'8 PHOSPHATE, Bone Dust,' Otu»n«, Pondretie, LAKD PLASTER. W0O& sftwsd is store lengths. STOVE; EGO, CHESTNUT. Often -my sd<r«H»4 tkronibtbcpoai OAct Leek Bos St,erbjft " - " " the Motriit'iinnH Clurk'n offlee, in lo; ol deeda, paiei 3S9. Ac., Oct. ltflb, 1BC9. Taa Sfcoum)TK.icT,lHg.t,niiiB at * i»olnl twi tturlrod mil ninp(» fet-t #outh of fc larRi t t t 1 td \\ l d n \\\P> ravtrrlv edire g torn tlioMorriiai ihc dopt.t of the ML »«id tree Vine acorn hich the followinn trac tifntnu 1ri Ktsnd tho turnpike road l Sntoci Tamittko road to ihc dopt.t of the ML l A E I l i t l r o . i l , »«id tree V i n e a f l d r hih h fllowin itt ,rit>noV^ndrMirMt h m^fl p*rfl!tf i l witli tlin fmirth Hit" n or 1»n i convryi'd h* Ibnbcii Whtll «i<«to-H«Dlimii Hbosii., otic liundr,. Uy frft; li) ihttipn iit mi.iitiierlj dirw- jou and parallel with tbo tampika road, ml fi»t; (J)th-nce ID . wmlt.W direct Ion llel with flrat conn* *boTB meutionx. fcM; (4}lhi>ncelnanorlhei'Ir dirwtfoi ile] wltb Mid tanftlka and alone th« tbir oonrw of tho inwi «WT«T«J I O HVd Hbnmai afcrftii1,,an?r»ci; (l>) >lof>the|ni]nbl.iii of tald lot in a w«i*rt»dtrwtTon parallel will tba firat cottToo abrwe written, oil. faad f to tbt aifd InrnplU ro»dr Biildiarapikft h»dl* TEACHERS WAITED o, Thai's Dftliia " JimSripgft, who is up on tlio hods wbon tlie old J, fluid tbat uboat BO hoar before imsltutter Imtided ia liis cbeoks be 1 for tbe doctor, nod says be, ' Due, e os tho g'ruight basio r ai. In tbere i i-liow fur me ? " " Narv sliow, SOJB tbe 3ootor; ' you'll ike bed rock afora u]j;ht." "Tben, "saja old Klamakotter. " I it sums of yon follows to curry me up tbe (op of Mount Daviifcoa right off. I canligbt out from (here, it will -e my soul a clear mile of trausporla- r." Aotldid Ibeydoit?" asked A man i bad waked up over Ibe stove " Wall, no," replied tbe nnrrntor, iply. "Tbe beys took bim over, it bim on theouge, and let bim down tbe lowest level of the Unmet, tteo.3. Tbey Baid tbat tbey guessed bad made s Htlle mistabe about tbo i, Butoebow. To tba best of eir judgment, liie soul was going tbe ier wuy I" Queer Olil \Mj. lim uf (be most ecaeDttlo o!d Isdies Europe died tbe otber day r.t ber sldeace, ia tbe Strolnaer Strasao, IID, wbereole lad lived in ill but itate seclusion Tor Dearly balf a coa- y, a. aoYitary femnlo eerFont liavlog iu Ilie ooly buman being with whom bad beld any parsooul oommuiitea- i for more tbpc Ibirlj years. 8be us well off, aad deified berself DO lux- in tbe way of enling aud dnahing, would never permit bar opart ment» be swept or ber furniture to be olenn- so tbat upoo enteriog ber dwelling Ier ber deatb, tbe police GDtboritles md everytblng vilbin them, except fcitobfw uteosiiB, coT.iied wilh layers venerable dost, from two to four ;bea tblck. Fot rnauj years sbe bod o nolinen r or any otber body gur- it but a mua'i dreaslog gowo. It ber custom to wear a boot an one at and n shoe pa tbe older and she rrr look off ber glove*, day or night, cept to ctiaoge Ittcm for cow ones IPD fairly worn out. 8b© ntw.iys pass- :boda,y!tgbt hours to bed, rising late tlie eveuiufis and oconpyiog l*er ;hts with cootiug BumiituoDB meals berself und ber companion, makiog point of tJuiuhing ber repast before Sbe kept A great many dogs, :B, nod birds, andcaused every new irk on coology tobe purchased for ber as it cume oat. Ia ibis strange iBuiou she lived totbe age of einbly- Her whole property, with the PI- •ptitm of a bandsume legacy to ber tbful oldservout, 1B left to a grand, ce, toreverb, ufter her decease, tu an lorn for dugs. •loir to SMI A Child, 9figin young to giro himwhat be ri for. Tulk freely before the child about bii iriness ns incomparable. Ttiil bim that lie is too ration for you, it yon can do nothing with bim. Huve divide! counsels as between itbcr nnd mother. Let bim learn front his father's ex- imple, to despise his mother. Let him learo to regard bis 'atber as areatareof uab'mited power, enpriciont id tyrauietii. Do nnt know or care vbo hia com- may be. Let him read whatever be likce. Lot theobiltl whether a buy or girl, »?€> the fltreelB ia the evenings—a good diool for both sexes. Devote yourself to ranking money, re- ibering (but wealth is a better legacy ir your rbild iiiiin principles in the heart and babits in life; and let bim ivo plenty of money to spend. S'rafn at goat and swallow a camel ihuslise Beverely for a foible and langh a vice. Let bim ran about from church. ileoiidsm ia religion is the order of the lav. Tbese rnlca ore not untried: Mi treats bsving tried tuem, «Ub Bob* itaatial DDiformitjof resolta. If a faith- il observuneo of tbem does not spoil our cliild, yon will at leut bkve the comfortable refleetion that yoa bn ono wbtt you eonld. A Triumph*! Reception On his retnm bomeloSrookvale Fiab Jotnmissioner Sisty was net bya> grand irinmpbnl nrocaaaion, eomliliDc; ofi wbile hon, two dogs ind a otweyed trooL Bv reuoD of tbe character of tbo welcome tbe on«*«yed trtral, vhish ia well known to Krookrala dsitoraii _, admirer of red fltanel asm miicle food, was given Difofdenotiin tbe nniqne aerrmonles. Ever^Uiino 1 • passed off jtty until the last, when tfaehar- ,„„ nf the oceaiioo was umewlftt marred tbroogh a dispato which _. between tbe jonngtr and more iecon •{derate of tb* dogs and the wblla beo, tbe ooDstqueaea of which b«iDRth«t tbe! ben waa forced toflybefoM ihe Artwork* bneftn. Uaeh iadlgtutioa ft felt Brookvale over the dog'« "Mem. Total •181,1*7,653.65 The totnl importation of dali»blo n>qr- iDdtBe having been $419^06,090 99, id tliat of of merchandise free of duty !OB,O40.179.O7, tlie nvprage ad valorem ;r of dn'y was 18.5 percent, oa dmia- : aud 29.1 per cent, oa free and du- lie. It is wortly of remark thnt tbe odvo- teflof a BO called "Tariff Tor Revenne" partioularly violent ia their atteobs dnst tbe duties on those articles wlioh >!d as tbe most revenue, snob as sugar, uol, and wool manfuclares, iron and feel, silk, Urn, andcotton, mamifao- ires. ebaniealB, etc. Yet tlie following; ties sbow plainly bow iaslrumeata) dniies have beoa ia raiBJDg our aredit by enabling as to redaee or pnblie Ban Wtf 1 BBMnma—"Nov Imp #e, h MiJapioa».NflwHawn they'll flinp the Blblsao nob know it with thiin.w feraioa. b 7 h ' t «ip»tp(y>atotmDy ool •rrt chariR*d in a *nu f dtesaing gown •ttli » gold-cord t a t ^ l , and tbe mna c" Uiri.m «wd« ovw ipto a 'Ploafor «bortw, IUliRi^a URetHnf to be aw'i stcmtar thawa 4*w. H -Jbt (tomt VM a«lr*] Ibat th* Old TMtamra W*>Mraii»t**iMDiWd»»d Mhmjoy bllviKitaaAKfcMi biMBa* eoJ wtu OUR CUSTOM REVENUE Tbe following table exhibits in tbu irder of valae the principal dutiable lommodities, with amount of duty col. lasted oa each, during tbeyear ending :ue 80, 1680: J.BTICLBB. »rtT Itiffir, Wo la .Mi and CoDfatioii. Wl, Bad HaDuiiotaiei* cf.''.',', [TOO Bud Hiwl tnd Maonrauloni of Ilk Manufacture) oltoD Ifantttatnru 'IBS, and UaucilaottireB uf. •ID,• *t. . . .. .... nil «nd il*d. 4.079,817 07 ^,401,410.0(1 fl.411 4M.M H,IB0,621.T8 XB,S50,8W07 B.97S,* 17.95 LAWS OF NEW JEttSUl. (BY CHiPTEB LXXV. 1 troBtroer.t of; approved llaicb tlihd, hundred siid eiKhtr, ' cteB1-- M , * (including nal») her andHrninhotarsii R78.677.04 4,8)ILB!».79 l,83tl,9il.65 2 831,1H.« 3,110 **8.*9 SB"" 63B,iB3 »t 1,100,237.65 iit,BoBneta«Bd Rftoi%....,,. iLflla,HBil>ia.mpu.ltlona<eto. lauandGHun .... :,.„.. ... pper and aWniirietuvoB o t .... ailoiUnmrutnt-niB i d M _.-, A!B ami 'porUr'"'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Ii, {VeitfliBble} flied or E i- ironed ; iles and Man ofiotare* of .... Ino'and Mnouraolawi of. BIB and Haltimt , ariota and Ousnt Oliith UBB «uo MiDohctore* of. IN (Volatile or Batentfal liftitiibbVrHin'nfaotorte'.'.'.'.'. id and Maunraetarti of...... other Artiolst Toui im.m.m.iA IditloDcl and DlioriiainatiDg *— ' .... WMH.U BOL.08tt.fll 107.653 13 sas,v9ai» asi.eoo.70 309,1108 76 173.833,17 187,18383 398,463.00 318,7S8.7i 800,414,10 8H.W8.B1 100,804.11 JQ*.4».9G 12S.859M 10« 691 08 116,712 0J UflU<tB7 DXDBEABC Or DK8T je«r ending Haroh 1,1878, » 46,74i,01B.Hl '* " " 1879, 18,fW9,8B7.« " " •• IR80, 81,095,820.10 " *' *' 1881, 118,1M.BOB.4O :O!B1 rudnotlon lu four v u r s , $309,^31/730.27 ARXDAl. tNTIBtBT 0SUKt». jearendiug Uatoh 1,187H, « W,M7|M3,90 1880, tOSlljmM " " " 1681, 7ti.8H,937M England, whom tbs free-traders bold OH a pattern of wiadnm, raise* a CUB- a revenne of about $100,000,000 on ,000,000,000 of imports, nioe tenths vbich atefood of raw materials abso- aty neocsiary to bor phyeloal and ic- itrial exliteuoe. OI aour^e sbe does uot n attempt to redaee ber debt, nodby llnwing her emmpla we Would yearly >rfiiise ours, us may be seen from the iovefignres.—Protectionist. A Vftrleealcd Doff. AD EoRlUh paper says : There Is a at Brighton—a remarkable dog— laree maltese. Sometimes tbat dog parple body, Ttith ByeVour bead ad a green tail; sometime* ho U scarlet •d pnoe, He It a kind of rainbow dog, 'be fret is be belong! toa dyer la the i, and being naturally white be takes otber color easily, and now he a dip in one vat, and' oow io iotber, and he forma a sort of canine IverLiBemeat. It is fan to we this dog, s qnito aneoDBcious of bis dis- tinguished condition, come no to otber dogs wagging his yellow head snd green tall, and the way that those dogs, after 1 regarding him out of tbe coroer of tbeir tea, fora minute, took their tails be> p een their legs and "scoot" is mtton. Sometime aiuce a friend oi in, 1 who bad been ocosaionally a vie* [im of (be oia "complaint," was going Iowa to Brighton for the raee in great lealth aad spirits. Wben driving from beatalion hssaddctily came OD thia og. " Hollo, bey ? Wbat'a that ? He; ley 1 what I a purple dog with a green nil I Ot), Lor'I got 'em again ?" aud ie turned round and.went back to Lon- Ion, firmly persuaded (bat be was again victim of D. T. For enrr<loa of two tiiotuaad poiindi of >tnle italbB, not Imthan two .nd Tbalf foal X, ton didlird; trantiutu or uot lout than a tter too wdl 1)8 imul fur at tlie Mine rale ; every pound or disintegrated nml« ready comuag live canlai lor evorj pouador ilo jam ready lo weave, Ion ctnli ; or ever? Innof twj t lionland ponn<lB otflBx tt, for nlire or ibo onlinarv leuniha t»r ininff parpoieit, tbui excluiflug all quail- of tow, aeveii dollira; frautiotu urnot [I-M J a quirt er ton will bu paid lor »t the sjimu i: fur every pound ut (Isjortlutwl or nod fln ui ordinary American quality, li«r ilian tow, tbiee anil a hall eeuti; IV.—UCMF. every tou or liemp italhi of two Ifaounad indi, ol tlia ordiaai-y lenxtoB, BIX duUar*; than a quarter Ion will be ,t»: far every ptiund ot <le- -.- i hemp, or ordinary Aoner- qualltT, tbree watt; provided, thfct thB -jti«B.Ufirel;y Bathurlzod baill ceaie oa tbe it day of April, one tboomod eigbt buadred 1 Bichty.fl?e j and protlJrf, itutlwr.lhat an OTtnt thill tlie total amaont MpetidMi in - 'aria of bctinliei, andtr tLii tot, owned . Jitut of flnetin tbo'timd dollars, lo lie ip- ipriwed as TulluHB: fi»o ihonotDd dollars to iwarded tn tlm t>name rated sialka: ava -Jtand dallan to the enumerated eleaosd ire aud fife thouund dollara icthe ratnio n, .ppiofed Mtreh S, 1881, JOIST BBSOLuTlON, MO, J?. itreBolmiuu rtsuecliufrtue celebrttton or \a ceuteuuial of iitu bMttie ut Cuwpeas, ind u erwtiun tad anvoiliog <>t a inemoiUI lolutnu ai HparUnburgli, £uth Oirollaa, tn of tbb vlolurn. LB, II IB propmBo by tho Sttte of floclli at to weet B( Bpirunhura, In that memorial oaluuic in honor of Ihe euldlurs, from lliu Hoitli and Bomb, wlio aohlufed a victory at the bKttlo of Cowponit, iuihawitrot tbe ruVDlntlou ; an>l whutvaa, tlic Slate ot NewJersey, IB one of ike ttir- en rorming tbo unglnnl DDion,hu .-..Ited topanicipaie in stld ereotlon aad un?flJliiB,ttuil. tauiufcd a email money appropiUtLonfur ilio purpoie of being for- mally i(Jaulined ultli ilie ouierpriie; mare. . i e it resolved hy tho Henata no1 General Assembly ol tlit> Htaie or Nuw Jenej. That btuto cordially czprcMCBHi ipiiroved of DrupoHud RDtiou of tliu titatu orSoutb Oir- -X and churlshos thu pitriulia spirit and itnorluB wblah ummpt il, aud that ilif> State uBtirer beaud is borttuy HUtliomed ind iu ttml 11 par lu tlie treasurer -ai ihe Htaia of iih Carolfbi, t>nt or any nton«y« in llie •aaurjr an otlwrwn* appropriated, tbe aotn tbru« hnndred dollm|in order that the ito Dr New Jcrtuy miv bo formally identified 1U ibe metuorlal, »ud in tha ptnol tlttaroon ipart Tor tue Middle BlftlfB. Aad uo it reiolvod, ibai a delegation con. of bin eicellency, ibe governor, the Theae l)ereni>rate Times. Mrs* Homespun threw down ihe paper od palled off ber spectacle* with ioions jerk. " It's perfectly scand'lona! 1 ibe f lolaitnBd. " For my part, I can't tee how any reapwloble woman eoald iTer wear si,oh a tblnp/as that. was a gal we used Io wear low necks and tort sleeves i but rnarcy 1"—nod leu IB cost a withering gluQOo at tbe paper in her U p before flingiDg it upon the [nor. " Why, what is the matter, sniii liked Cicely, pinking up . Iho paper Matter r Matter cnongb, I should! Buy cried the ririted old lady ; " just look at that fatbloa plate then, if yon are d t l k ai it. It ia per- tollysQand'ioni,Xny." "Why,aunt, •aid Oioaly, bn eyes brimming ' fan, *i that Is only a liver pad picture T" I don't care what kind of new-fangled oane tbey give to it," persisted ber mt; "It'ssoand'loasand disgmoefal and no woman that's got a spark modeaiy about ber would ever be sc In one of them." Ctrt for Your Httlth. ICehmMvnaebrdtlu mostdanguottB part-efths7Bara»braadipthetUaiid sm dtaeHw «n cousraed. To avoii as far as posBlbl* the dosfsw, m r y 711 ud BW<UDshonld oowbe elsana of deoajing EtHmal Mtd vtgtUbU mttUr, whieh Hwa atlawtd to nvuAa Ijlaft «beo» voriog Ibe wintoi, and wfclah at ifaU wmmm of thi rnr bMona iMrt dMbooUv* braMltrs &1**m. At thUSMSOB Of Ib. yfltf t b m |s4soBioraoilssarar(a«Bwattr psaring l< y atthttaaM whiab aa*fcra tb* wattr varj m W l M l uh) *Dt U utmost eartalu U ia tat laallj. ".Boof. of BtQlwaiw. W. 'lbe Sentlb lad Genera] . Tbt w Jener.TaVtwiib itivaifoii or Hbrou pilots, that thetwtuutw Ibit State he lie.tbj aalliorlsi'd tupar tb* lbwiti|{boi]|ie«upotifiiDohersdulvreoelp(ea Ibo pano,'sntfag" forth laVqusuiiFj'snd sen ur tba ptoducti crown. conTened oi uuractnrctl by him or tuero, whuae afBilarii (liflr trathmineaa *Hall l>e Hr«t ifflsed tt BBI<1 voncheri, and be attcited by Ibocterl Jm county lu which tbe produetiare grown, mvarttd ur maaufcolureJ; and, moieover, io uid voncaurs abali be certi&<>d Uv tail -T «f the bureau of a labor »nil'~ J '— i—Jim. 'or ever; two Ihunaand punndi of abutlloo iseUHB «ulk* grown In Kew Jemay, ootlea» JU ihieefeullong.fivBdoilBrB: fotivery ton two ihoaBBtid puuntli ol wlutU known u i, ur niarih matluw, uol leas tian Ibree feet r, md no iiiory than one inott tn dlamter lie butt, fire dollars; fraetlom »f not Itm -n s quarter tou in cicb cue will IM paid Tor same rite; IDT e»urypnund uf mirieUbfe ''It; of dirfaiearaied jata, two and B. lull hXXJX. it to ao act entitled <> A* aet lo proyiue for lictnnnii boala. bicki, and other by itioarpuraled camp oieetuiB'»uif orMMBldurtiuru.ind lor tfaelwttcr it of tbe Bai]it:,"4ppToied Btrvli i,unn tlioUMUdoljlt liuulred and 1. Byiteniticd by tlie Senate IUJ Otneral ot the Uuto uf Nuw Jeisey, 'Iliat eotthlB acttowbleh tbUU *»un- tumeut, beand tbe Mine is hereby kmeodwl IB to read and be m (to worda lolloi»Jug ti *Be it enacted bythe SentUi and General etauly of ine State or Mew jsrwy, Tut: bwrd of trnflWeB, dfreuww, comnii*sloBer> tlber corporate authorities uf «i>y lucurpo- Kl oBmp tueeung auuuUUou ur suauile re- t«Ua|iji|,Vftpo«*ir, witUin tha premlat-e or t «rp6rtti3g to QiakeTi'ilBbliih, pabllafa 1 raodily, auvad or repul ordimnees, rults, alBduuiaiid by-lavs r«rliceuBiugana rig- .-iing cartuicn, poitvrs, hncl, c»l*( otnmbas. tage and Irncu owners anU driTorv, or uwaen -JU driven of market waftom, garbiire WICOD*. bis&Bge HBgons.iuilL wagotii and cnrnage> sutl vohicltH mud fur the* transporUtlua uf LMPBtturi Bnd merebandlie, aud liuBtB upon je Ubeauod pteoints ul nwd turporati^- ned tor tbo transportation or paseengeri a. _ If] huckatem ^nil pad die i« or nieruliandiio nd proTinlouB,« peisjui Bullaitiog orders fta t:u thtrcuf, (but tltm aot unal! uut txi ouu- w u~d tu require a licoiiMOfruiQ a u y p o n u n o i raouB ielliug or mpUBiiift Turaalu produce of air uwu growl og) mid tu Hi the rates of DODI- .nMtlon tobe |oi.l tothem, and to urolilblt ahcenird uerions and vehicle* from aoline * ' u»ed iu such cipaottieB and toltuw*.- feu oriloenju »eei ttiorolor nnd ttiu ucli liuenee muj lie Irapustd for teve. me; and thatiusuch oaso, and ia all CMMM Uere tha Raid boardt liavu authority to pan nancL'g, rules, rogalBtious and bj-laws on ., subject, that ma/ priwcrltie a i^ntltf or malciei for tbe violation thereof, either by -juriBonoiBnt in thecounly jail, not eueedtiig; toti dare, or by flee, sot exc*udfug tfauty dot- i and any jutuceor tbe peaoe, policeJosiIce, .. nffli-er specially ooramliBloood. poueultifi the powciBuf pohaeJustices nppointcil ur to be •ipuiutcil lor any Boca corpuraUon, shall have irndiotlon of.uoh caKca.euil raajglvsjadg- t tn<l i»nu»eojlioL> forcolleoWn uf suek o r flnn to be levied on any personal prop- .. owned by mob person o. penoaH, fined at uremtid, directed tu tuj mtx*\itX or peace Boer ippoinwrt or lo ho BCpoioted foi such -poratiou, Ol to moy ouugUiils of <ne county whioh euicl or porn Hon is viluate, which «- Ulon sbnil be levied, oiacat«U and returned the nimo uiaiiDDt BB I'Sooutluui in oilier ICBUT, In c m oftecleuco (o Impriioameut . toe cotiutvjall, msylBBoeuis warrant for lie iniprimiuuioiti of audi uOeodur BI in Other les cognizable before him. * ' 'That this aol shall lake GHAFTEll LXXX. fartter pupplement tg an act entilled "An ict lor the ecu lenient aud relief uf the poor" ' "—• t '-— inth Bty- fail to pro- «r, me r .__ .. r o\ the June «f Bsminibly, and iwu monibBra of the mite and two niooibersof Ihe hoiisaofttf My, buappoloiBtl bj ihe retseeUn presld. , jtHeen tboruor, ba and aro hsmby author* >d aud requested lo confer witn the proper tuuritius of the States of New Turk, Paun. [vaniaand DjUware, io determiolos ss tfl in.crlption to be placed upon stitl ptnBl, In lelectinitan orator lo reprejeni the _ilio IJtBtei on tbe octal I on or the unveiling uid memorial colamn. 3. And be It further rewired, that the aae- tan of itate be and IB heivbr directed ta imiiati t-niirosnd copy of thU Joint reio- liap, under ibe great seal of tbs State ol ITT Jeney, tofainexcellency tbo goTarnc .estate or Month Oarollo*. Approved March B, 1BH1. JOINT RESOLUTION NUULEfl T. liutttesolnllonln ratatlentotka BtrtKtgleof ILa Dmou raraien iu tbe loath of Afnsa to maintain their Independence. ' HIM, Tb« peoiileol New Jersey owe much - HulUo4 iu. the «axly setilenieoi of tbe italo for nt*nj> of our civil and religious In- itilattaUB, aBd In addition, intermarriages JI the drsceiklanisot iba srly settlers during the last twocenturies bin ntadn a liraepor- ' of our popnlmioa kindred t>i blued to " opli boil ffliereis, iL_ ,__. _„_. .__ liindlal of Dutch larmen in the south nf ;hoio t - ooluDlaad by thttn! and lha nneqail fight hetwean tbe Atnea with the might* Uritlih EmpTro'im. cats especially tu our sjmpaihlei; not only at a liiudred peopU but io oar gratitude for the aid estended to ua by tbe Dmoh in our •iiuilar content with Orent Britain lor lade, penuoaoa; theloforo, 1, lie it ititolvttl by tbeSenste md General Ainetnbiy ft tbe Bute of Mew Jersey, Tliat oar y ft titi In Oongrean ba'rua'aested'to iblBeffanatoodingto a Httle, _4huppyconl«t bytlto oivflifted ibriallati muthod ul arbitration, instead of lie barbarous one ur farce and an d tl tb Ull runs oos uf farce and snneripr might they especially gtre finoontaBetami r J tq that appeal to tbti'falinusa and nirnaniml ty nf the Eoclinb people lately made r leading oltiseufl of in Iwhtlf of tbe itch hrtnarBitfSoutb.Arrkain thBirpiltiotio adenendt BrltlBh . trogglu to maintain theli —init tha mighty power of the; *An« be It moire!, That hta esoeltenoy the ernor be roqacktod in forward a cupy of JB resolutions to each of oar Hnatara aad Kpreiealaltyes in Coagmi. OUATim LSSVII. further anpttldtneut toauaet entitled "An ict reipuciinif extoutiont," unproved Mareh iweatr-MJvenili.unfl ibouundeight Unnoted audiuTeoty-ioun fin It enacted by the Benata and'QBoarkl imblT of tbe Utato uf Sow Juraey, Tt*t ..a maj «xo«attvn tUall be liauad.agatoit •yaebuol dlib-ict urthfa «Ute, or aRtluit thf irmteetof any nuch icUool dlBtrict at a bodj mrnanierepnstiutlugsaahhcaouldl' ly cvart Bmhonawi t u isiue ilivti jadgucnt recoierotl befur^icr > tW bie- hl pp / eft to* a Id lemta) dutr.ot > Doipuratu BuHh-ieot lu latufy the lamt ..jbk ^o <«la?ltd on, then (be iiflL-er author- if ml ID c»cnte aach proueiB shall nervu a tht- MUO upon tbe maau^ur or anew— „ • towaxlilpur towniblp^ IL wbirhnud dimrictia an " • ureollcctora .. .„_ r ,_, and D|MU ;eooipt of socli copy orooulea It stiall bu tbe duty or snob. *B*eMur or an»a»on -' iituata, and aliO apoti the cotleoiui B Of tOOb lOWUsillp or tUWB»ll]|)l; and Ifliy lu adJitlon to tald > Uses, the amount dnu Dt KltU iiitereBt lu tbe time » ta paid to tho otSccr *einn«iocb proeeUk npou tbo inbattlUuta of aaid. Buboul thatijct, and ibuir eatktci »nd npoa tue Uiable prop- erty tbercfn; and Ibla Uz aliall bo aitcr-- aud collMietl at Ihe siine time and inthe m iBanoer and nnner ttis iamn cunmttunt, atrlotloDa and recntatlunsnpoa tb«aiwaor i uaeBMira, rollector or collet:tort aaother tu •jacitora. < fur Bcboul | - nt U t tbisUx when collected thill tn , H u n t e land, and aliall be paid over by thi olhscuir of the tuwnsblp In which »oob school Jlalrict aball ba iitaatc, or II stub school dIt- met be attnate it two or tnnra towntblp* then Uf thecullMitorerthat tuwnahlp in which " rraeilonof ibe school district conuiulnii set iasa is situate, to the offlcer aervrng the pro T'AUJ ba It enacted. That tbta act be a pnbltB aot, and take effect lan«diat«ly, "Zxivin. Lo aet ta pruteet and propagate front* T^«He Atvri. 1. Belt enact > '-.' tbtBenats mi Otnersl Ls*cmair or lbs Jiute of Hew Jerae/, That sunn an? parson or niton dab Boail, at ibtlr iwn eipcnte, proenra any BTDOB* or pralrf .o-l aJaturi^riU-m.Va^ ^ UmL ur name pr»»Bfve. and iu urn*. - offspring snail t l n v u r |u upon tb* lands v\ olbrh., -ball ml Ul.-lol foraiy perwn olWi bin tUowntf of Hid lands ur BMBSbef ol suit tame olnb to sboot any gioue* or urairw fowl tod MpeMw aball trapor nt«ti tb»mm: L l i d b i i l niuoled, That aay BMttaa bllwr than tfcoM aathonsut by WCIIOB MM. ahoolK - irimMorprarl* rBwLorfeaiid calcblnc " : trap or aay other darter, BBVgnoea otu. fowl stall i i n t ntuofKBd cwitletlw tbe f Ibe treaaarvt, lot S e n »l tb* Mtl §£*• tlakur lit I M pnwa uv^tog «M* tt*m«,N •to «BM.SB * W, hir « « j web IWM nptojweding tbrw moullta,Dr l»»ib, at tb* djaorelion of the cunrt. 8. And be it enacted, Tlut it ibaJt'L lawral faraD/peraou to gonarln soy other manner, *Dyjtron« ur pru^* fowl, Ue- tffcen thefirstforttTUmeaiUorand tbe fir itb daj of Ootobor, yo»rl» and over/ year erory person •onffnodnjR iLallb* anbii "' -lie riiDfililos named in section twu ur tin. _ 4. And I* it enacted, TbBt evrry wuraberol aay «moditIon or orgnrlxaigtmeolubio tbli dtal«, toniiug ou» «ujr grome or |>nirjfi fowl. npoD Ihetr fintldor gstno preserve, aliall be aad aw bareuyaaipuirbrMl t»iirn«-otite,eit' hn uwn fn/iviiiwl name or ihe name of JD« club .if nblcu he ia i numuer, far ^ uaities atwn pKMrlbed for the viola. Inutt uf IWpronaiooi of thi. act. 5. Aud be H euBoied, '1'bil this act shall DODtinoo In forco fur » pxrlod nffi»#juars. 8. Aud bo. It enacied. That chin ilall be let-med t public sot aud Uks enect imme- iBti, Iho laws of thin State fltl«" bom ur alien g pare te w wiihiu tin* 8t"»ie, iclii _ _ '1.1 and beuomo entitled lo the rights ol litizeoihip. and who may become objects >f public lihurity; therefore, I. Ue tt emctflii by Ihe Bonate and Genorsl lembly of ihe State of Now Jorwy. Tint such pontuinebBllKain « sultlumeiit in the ne manner, and anderthe Bame restriotlnn* are nnw or may heretftor be provided, tot 3 Bfltllement and reiiuf of poor paracm born . aslire oltlnus (if this State. 3. Ami be it eatoted, Tint this sot shall lake Docl Immediately, Approved Mureb 8,1881. OBAPTEB jupploment to too not entilled "An aot to provide for.ttio eiitblltbainnt af;>u ngrloal* inraleipertment station." approved March lonth, one thomand eight * ' (Ifibtv. 1. Be ii unacted bythe Seuate and .Gcnoral ot the HUte of New Jeuty, tbat after lbs passage vt this act, tbe uirtofairactorauMutlouW and created hy .jld BOt, shall be called and known -- '• board >r raauigers, 2. And be It «nut«l, Tbat Inaddition to the amirs now wn(crra1 a pun said liasrd, tbey lall hate power to Biect a tWawror, who nil hold hf« offlce for one year and until blL Bball he Heolcd and qualified; and i auu ot mty be ncoenary to wrry L_ -*ie institution; and to make tank rnlei bj- iw» and regulation! frr iho Rorornmentol ao board, nnd for oarrylnvont tbeohjecti, itulneia and purpowii of tlifi inatltntion •• raiy, in their Judgment, be nooeiiary and iropar. 8. And ho it enacted, That tbe annual appro- rriBtlon lor the aoprwrt of theMew Jenef Agrienltnral Eiperim«nt Statif.n he and tlie me iti hereby iiiorpase-f from its prrsent mm live thouiani! dollars a year to eight thou- md dolliri a year. 4. And beltonaoted, That thii aot shall tab effect immedUtelj. Approved Maiuh 8,1B81. CHAPTEU LSXS1I. An aot respecting tbo clerk i a chancery. 1. Beltcqao tha Senate and Genera atembly or ths State ol New Jer*ey, Ttiat very E»non wbo (bill ba appointed clerk In biruory shall, before be cnton upon the e cntfou or bis office, or he ail mined to take tU oath, or Bffli-maiJon pretoriben iijr law to be taken fur tho dnoandfaitbfaldlacbarae of the itfeeofhliraid office, before tl.ecl ...r the time being, enter into boodi 9tMo of NRKT Jraey with t l t id mncimil ssintlH, being freeholder iu Ji Btato, Jointly and severally, in Ibe nun of Iffy thousand doilan, to be aporoMd by the jaid chancellor, which bond, mih tho eondl- tfnthMwrahall be In the VhrnVfflSfUr lenliiQed; aad when so executed, shall, to- atberwltn the sith or afflrra»tion or offlce, rhen sutwcribfld, be recorded in tbe secretary T»Ute'*offlOB, and Hied in theaame, lo be by -imk.ptaraongtUapnbliopapersofUofflM, 3. And bo It enacted, That the bnnd to bo jnterodfntoqs iroresaid bytlie said cltrk of obmoery KDd hit mreties, wltli the condition llrcor ehti ba I tbe form follwing tat I well and^niiy to"be"msde, We bind oaneltm,' iot, eiiatl bo In tbe form ioi)oVin^"t5Bt*Is Know oil m«n by thete preaonta, tUat we, A, 3., G. H. iin-l £. £ , of .areheld km Irmly bound auto ttio Stata of New Jersev, II - t . au , thonaanj. d0| lfcr . m0niyol Utalei, to bo paid nntothftiaid w the Trhloh -paytne'tit, jty to be made, we I A ----- •• >ur heln, eieoutora and i lolntlraod Bovertlljr,flrmlyby sealed tiltb our Beth. Dated Jntba vtar of our I*»d ana thousand The en ml it ion of tiiii aUliaiitlou in sncli .. the above bnuudeu A. B. ihall wall and ;.„., eji-cotc llieoffl;* otolerk in chtneury o| tfae 'uto ot New Jener, and In all ihinci tr ' .og or concerning the said office, ithaliwe! truly. Ihi<lirall5 and im partial I v, 1 eieouti lerform Uie Mtue. locording to taw, itt ri<b iGBpc^t io Bll pitrtoimciinrernpil us i aid Htato of NewJmej, and nt tliu eiiiirt- ion r f IIIN said office, iliall doliver allmonev Js|>osi1o.1 lii liiHuOIoi'.tnfrethrrwitlithebooki p»por» and reo.irdH remaining In tbe snnm lernto. lubis iocoettioriu nIB _stlao to be votd, olhrrwi, D be and remain in full force audvlrtne- - 8, Anil bo it enacted, That this ut ihall lak* effect Immediately. Approved HarpL' Supptemont tnIhe act entitled 'An aet to 1 euro toernlitors an equal and JustdlTiM of llin rMtlr. of dolors who eouny aulgneer f»r Ibe benefit of creditor*"!* vtslun], ipprovetl March twentv-terenL an^tlioiiaand tight bundrad and nnmv »1. Po It caaeted by the Senate and Ocnenl Ataambly «if tb* Htate uf New Jersey, That S. Andlw it auiatsd, That this aotih ffiMt immedlatoly. Approved Karen 9,1881, A further si lerentli, mje tbuntaad BIRUI auDdrod and (iiveutj-Taqr, 1. Be It nnactet) by tbo Senile and O«nnr*l AstetDblyof tlio ItuM or Mew Jerapr, 1'hat ia t i w i writ of errurebaltbubrought iorenniv* in? Jadgioeot rendered in trtf cHinioal tctioa or prnceeding, iv any coort of tLiif*Btale, «od iu0h writ uflrrar shall prewutfld tu such cowl, fie said writ of error shall h*vo the effect of itflTUJk kit proeeodlnjTB upou tbe f«id JudRiaeot, and upon the aenMnca which the court or any Judge thereof may have pro- nounced sgifuii'tne person orporaon* oblsio,- Ing B»d prowaotiiff tlie Mid writ of error, pending and dor ing the prosecution or such writ of error. % And be ft sucted. That penli&nr tlie proiecatlon of iaob writ of error, Ihe cuiirt IB vrhicnBacuiadtnneutBball have bean rendered "iay, If (foeiuecr necessary, Teoofre tbe par.? . noMOOting tbosame to gite ball, dnrinfi tba prosecntton of inch writ ur error In auch sum and witli inch coiHituHu u tbs conrt Dr any rbfeb lb« Baid conviction _. _ _ __liee or tbe supreme court it deem reasuualjle; and It ittifllf ue ihe dot? the Mid court, and or the MM Judges Io admit SMt jpeisooito bail, waonippllentioa i#n»de fortneiarue, and proper sno intScieDt bat! 1B offered: provided, that this section of 'its act thill not apply tocapital ossea. 8. And be Ueaa9Ud,That thi* ut sbtU tak» bet iaamedlaW.T. Approved Karda 1,1881. JOIHf B&BOLUTIOH, NO. TI. olnt rasaltitfon as tocertain TDllitary j,aperi of ttiia Bute loaned totbe general govern- ment. - , 'UEWAB, it Is kanwn to tbe anttoiltio* of hw HtoU that there are anonfr tbe arcbirt* jf tha department of «tat« and the depart' ment of the interior, Wanblnnton, Dlitrict of Columbia, Important papin pertaining tff tbe early military bfstory or K«* lenty, a* —" as a larRe nuralior of uio original mat* mdpay-rulls oftbo troops uf thU State 16 Ifevolutionnry War, at one lima tli» property of tlie SUt* aud loaned to tho cen- eral guTornmEUt after tbe (kitroctiuti of tnefr reconli during tbo war of eighteen hundred »nd twelve, for Ibe verifying nf UedacalaatUieUDlledStateMiiKJcr n ifon and bounty land aets; *nd It being rtlitefor the )>drp*ie of perfecting thB milittry reoords of this Htate, that fbcBB pjipora and rolls nbmild be returned or copies thereof mude ; thoroforo, 1. Ce It resolvcrl by tbe Senste snd Ocnenl A-Hombly of tbe SUteof New Jersey. That •he Governor of this State tie »nd is hereby tutboriied Bod empowered to direct the Ad- int General to take Buoh nwasuroB ti may m best for, ibe interests of till Biatc, to are ir poimhln tliera original pipers and rails, and if on hi la re thereof to procurecop- les of ike same, the? to b»certifl»d Mcorrect *. And be ir molved, Tn»t tail resolution sliall take effect Ira mediately-. Approved Uarcb 9,1611. CHAPTER LXI5VI- An jiot relative to publla printtng. l.fieltaaaated bytlw H*u»teaad deaeral - emblv of the State qf New Jertey, That laws eniotedat-eioh session or tbe legisla- te ibill ttereifter be urlnted IQ the tarns —nersl atyle in vliiob the voloma of lawi was inted In tbe year one Ihotmnd e'gK hun- nd tnil atvenlr-etght, excepting tbat tbe u shall be oollaud and imle»d nndor tbe u neada nf gensraJ pubiio acts, special, pub- and prh«;e sxts i Blso tbe leglilltivp doca- mtu shall hsrea/ter printed ia the same lylo In tvhii'b ibe Bald work (tan done iu the uar uno thousand eight hnndied and BeVentj- .ight, otniltins thoindex; the joornalB nf tbe lenste oud utinntes ot the Joint meetings and -.eoatiie nossicug *nd thB minutes of the of annomblf, jibatl beprintedln the same , iot and wotknauULe TMinner in which _.ic auid wmk wai dune IBtbe year one tboit- Biud tiebt hundred and seventy-two; aiao, it tb« Dttblic Liiu ordered bi deber branch . tbe lefclslntare sbsll be priot«d ongood fihlngpiiptr, wllu pica, type, each p*Ru to ontaiu tbifty-one lioen; »nd the pricei to ba paid ritrauidprlntiagatullbeiBtflllowi: Fur TiDttQK Biz thoosaod oopiei of tha upsnion WB, tlu> sum of fortj-two dollars per sheet of Isteeti pagaa; for pnctf&g one thousand opien of the jooroal of the leaate, wiili ilis ituuiee ot Ilio Juittt merliDga, and one tbon- •nd oi>j)ie» itr ibe miaates ot tbu boaw of mhU, tlio flam of twenty-two dollam per it ol sixteen pages; for printing oue thou* I copies or tbB leglBlative dooinn*niB,Bt rate ol «t»voiit,v-flv« cunti per tbQmand lor oompoalLion. aad Miontj-fl'e cents r__ tokeu ai tnobanured and fifty Impresriocs aflixteenlilies for press work Moiprinting two liundiwl copies or the uabllo bills, ordered by either hrnucli oX tbe teKlslature. at tbo rain if five dollars per shetit of tour foolicup ptgeei ind iu eases vbers extra capiesf Lall be ordered ,ud deljvEivil to cither home, thar ahull be ild lur at Ike rate of two dollars per sliest of iur lodges)) pages for e»ch two liandred ex- tn coplus.; nniirur ptiullug the pamjjhlottand ""' er pBpcru ui'ilered by ttie lefiulam:e, at ibe 3 of aev.cnij-five ocnlt per thousand em« eomnoaltlop, and seventy-nrn dents per .,so ol two hnndred and fifty Impmauiona of liteen pigea fur ihb prtee work; provided, lat In all CIBCB where rule and flguro work I* •quired, tbe pries lor twinposition shsll be inble tho ratei abuve stated) and where _iatter require* two jmtitiotion*, wit boat rales, one prioe-aini-a-b»l. shall bepaid; »nd •provided farther, thai Bcventj-flve ceati extra. per ptco BUBU ue paid lor printing all tudiees ,ud tables of oonlecti set In booigeola typt in i Jawa, jvornkU of_th© s«a»t« and. ioii law of the b it 3. Ant* bo it emoted Tint the above prloea ibalt Inafodeall the expeoscB Incident to tha irinttng and Uelirery tu tho suits treasarer ol ,11 docamet-ts onlvred eioept folding aad titcbmjt, wlfiob shall be ohnrgedat tlie cur- rent rjricei fur BUDII work, and the paper.which ahsllMofguod quality antl of tbe following dttwriotlon: for me documents, journals and -ilnntei wtitte calendered pilJtlng piper, rentj-four by thirty-eight ILB-ICB in iiz*, welshlog not lemban fifty pound* to the warn of four Twntlred and eighty -«beets; rur the IBWI the Mtutt sita u for tha JoorEit*. and ta weigh n»t leu tUmaitypoonil* to tbe nsm or toar bjndieU and etghtv ibeeti; fur the bill*, to be on good flat cap paper) weighing fomtdon pounds to Uiere*m i tbe price to bo allowed fjr snob paper shall be at the lowest rate ptr pouad »l which the asms is sold per pound by paper aenltifs la New fork or Phil* adeJptfi oil the first day of April j Jtnd satis- factory evidence ol the price ol inch piper within tbe sild period eliall be sobmlUnl to the comptroller l*for# any allowance by Uira of BBV bill fur piper opwhich anypublto. printing ahall netixecuted. .And ba tt ducted. That all meissgCB. Dpblet«, reports oc other documents watch deemed orsuffleictit ynfalia Importance to deemed orsaffleibnt uabU be printed and bound tax pre nurentter baembraoed in, iwovoinmei under title of "legitlailn dMuments," and nodocu> roent or report ah>Ii be embraced In said vol. umes sutesa to oidered bytbo Joint commutes n printing; wheuAid Jl* c l l hll rder any doeijinont to be printed in tbe aaid volumes of dcwntcenti there shall be one thoaMnd'copias tUenof printed, *bicb doca- meatB abs.ll tw iintabereil m lb« order in which they ar» ordered tu be printed, and the gover- aorv aonnal and- other- ureiaagei shall be 6iaas«4'aBi doopmsnt number una In saidvol- note and, shall ba prtoeded oy a list of tit* iiocwntntf contilned in BDOII volume in tba ord«r-iuwn1ch'tBBy > 'i» arranged| vtien aav d9c«maut aball be «nler«d to b* pnnted mor* - a DDoe (at pcrioda more than tea d»yi art), tba pnnfer thereof ball '-be entitled ta charge «MDpo#itton as above provided for each time Ihe d-wumeut shall be io ptinted, and. in other c*aa ihall more tban uue eumpa- •IUOD be paid For lliu printing or unah reports doaums-nu. . 4, And be it *ttactcd. That In conformity with the set approved April Ititeeaih, on« tbotiBiad fligbtaututred aud furty-alx. it ihall be ibe doty of ilia ckrli of Iba general usen- bly tod U»u taoicUry ol Ihe senate io delitt -r.-ll*aHaaMf8 tn tb« pt-rsaoi emp _ print.tbe i»iaa within ibirty dayi tfier the ciots or tbe lebmon of tut* legulature; and in lament of iwdolertaoiiwcrwury railing tit dslivei inch oopi« ai pru?lded toxin this s«e* tiou. they sbaii fwrf«lt to tho treaaurer fur tba nee at tli«Hlate one hundred dotltrs of iheu work, and ; deliver it ta the State 'ITusanr, wliUa three monUiB or the time ot reomvlng tho copy tber«ferf under a penalty of tLm huridre(iii()llars.Bwltb»lltataTre»ur«rtbaU maliediBtribauou according totewol tba said tainnleoandjourDalswittiiuoae raoatU attar he aball receive the same tram tbe pwson oi road«ebjiMtta to priul thflsKine tbe Bet io wbica is aVanplemrnt. iDd'thVas* slgnMforanyteaaun hmm not told the real catale , _,_ within nne year as provided by law, it man t* lawmlforaneh aMiB&M to heream>r prooetd to adverliic and sell such real taltte in the uteTia ke hla msnner presorfhai by Iaw7 and' make : portBBd.elUeMianUteithami|. »no if ulJUm. o# one Tear had not eiplrrd} rrti»ld*J, thtll make inch rsJe and Die aaid eeoonnt willtlo on* year from the «p- prpialoftliisaet. pamphlet U%B, to th» Journal'OVUMT HMU" »&d to tbi DintrtM of tu* bosw of seSBmbly, shall hereafter tnsde out by Idt person or ns nsMGdnir. who ma* be empowsred nuUBatdpriBtmg^Bnd tfae MtmolMV QTB dullara euli auall be aliowed said irs tor compiling Mid mdloea: satd la* to the pamnblat lava ahail be printad in solid boatgeais type, and Uiete shall be bat two indiMB to Iba pampblst laws, uoarullowing tbe general public tawa, and VBO foUowioi the saeolal pubue andwivatslaw*, tbe laet u n e d lobeanflcralindMttethawltbUioliim. . B A 1 aaiA ir.Jiwi snail tw made ont i In ti a style of Iba unnemortttf, A>rtbeie«romibouand«iB|at 3. An ffect i A Biltnwle ailiaWly. Mareb 9 CHAPTEU L 1 I I I V . prnmo; rrpalrt to toe iniu r-vpsrai.-rr School 1. lie it r'r.rlfJ by lha ft Sss«ml>ly pr ihe Butt of (• kertb* ni MrtM ilkelMu^aMBjm- ^SSBSBF 36 in iKWrxwl* trl* ami «&M1 b. Bud. out .ad pHnlrf lilt. i i . . h i . u u U ludlwl. Ib. )«r t u UWMWI .1(1.1 blDdnd ud Mtraty-twr. (. A«lt» II nulrf, Tbal ITOlui. 0. n .miJojil u rnai li. rnwt or o _ , S rnort wltb RVP*Bdn< V »K1HI « « M , TUitMa L.Ku b. wrmtt u pern arm. ot u . S l w U ' l Mk «k r,;«od wWvitar'Aectl a. Aid N II tBeetsd. Tk»l SMfi Bttti,el?btsiiy.i'f nwilBitoa, b«f« •nail ette uMl*M'WM<» «l UMapi

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Page 1: FOR TIE BEST TEA AID · to pipe off tbe men who diJn't kee p linrd a t if, s o us t doek 'em tbe aex Saturduj." "Wti.v,



The Dover Printing Company,ruuLtbuiiiid mv ritoiiixioiiH.

Offloe oa Morris Street our EUokwall.


O O B Y o u r , - - - _ _ - - $'1.W

f * i x M o n t h a , - - - - - - - l . O Q

. f c r e e roontbo, - - - - - - - 5 0



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Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sis.,

DOVE11,N. J.,Disease! of Wonii-n imUUiikliea, tail a

Kjtfuad Ear spec it Hie*.Office nuiu»; 7 t..« A. M-, 1 to B aa.11 it. S Y. U.



PURE DHUGH ft ml MEDICINES, I'AINTH,OIK OLvt*, Ilrnnh™. Perfumery, Ac ,

sold hv JAMIM A. GOOUALE. the I'imi.ieiDriiijfflHl. of Dover. Wore open O Q S ' I N D A Y Mfor tho silo of llflilichuB unit- from 5 ID IU A.M.r mid from 4 tn 5 I'. SI, ' U-iy


Counsellor at LawAND


»y\SS|QM I|OV8R.Corner of Blue It w( II and HdMM Hts.

DOVER. N. J.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

Boracn aad CtrrUecs to Let.




i m - T. LEPOHT,

Counsellor at Law,. AND MASTER IN CHANCERY,

OfflCo in tlie Nitiou&l Dninn itatiic BmldiuR

3t»cr»j , i .ST. , DOVEIl, N. J.



§M§§EX STREET,(Uti tr tm th« MANSION HOCtfEantl Depot,)

BOVElt, N. J.•IB been ectirclv

-. -jADIrJJ'and'Cg]Url'lKO A BPECIAXTg.


O*&6HEMS bQVm B**01.WHEEL*, an low an $7.00 per ML All U n d s I

uf F IKE COLORS for carriage «i<l wagonglint ing. AIHO OILS unit VAltKlSH, bothFcreijfu aud Doiutifitio. TOBPEWTIKI, W H I T EL I A D , etc. Pwiit , Coloring and VarnishBrushes a n d Str iping Peuciln, a full stock.

Ail of t he abore goods from the bent mi»rs known hj painUirt. f m g T - O L A S S3 A i a U A a E a m U l L E I G H OltNAMEN'lB.

Having Ufil II Ur^ooiiwrieucu formerly iv* o^rriBRe builder, from a thorough fctmwl-udfje nl lhi.> biiKiuoHH I liaVB "id? mi UK t a " " * 'HOT o t h w dealer.


UNION HALL BUILDINGlU«ckHt)U air tcl , Unver,

Hot Air Furnaces,if the. l i l f i l jnd muit juifvovoa t tr les, foi«rmiii({ imlilit1 >nit pr i ia t t liuilJingi. A Urg*


STOVES. RANGES,Ac. l l i o • THJoij of





[,EADEI!H, tndull klmti atlahhh.g in mj line,'one in tlie bent mnnwtr'am! i t Hie stiurtesiotlce. HiRlifFt prftci paid Tor okl Iron.Copper Icaj aLil pnwlfir Uken in uxchang'r goodi.

December 241b. 1870.


i ~th7BKRGBlIN 9u.,nnd in prepared to furniili


LAW,Cor. l l l ncknc l ! and Su»«es Sr».

DOVER. N- J.I . B . HB1O&BO171I. 1. O. BM1TB.



Offlee OTcr OEO. niCHABDa*Co.Si BTonE,

BQYEli, N. J.fineciti offlc« imnrR on SitardAv* frnm 9 A.

M. tni la a. 17.U



DOVER, K. J.Offl i*o«r A. Wishtitn'B ttetft inrt llu Htorc,

I7-1J BIlAknFll fitTTBt.

V B. pOAGLAK » , H . D.,







L«» Bol 58. t-U


STOCK at astonishing l o wfigl!J"@g. A



A Savin* of Transports! tun.

"Talk about your mean men," aaidold Pioneer Bhinderson at Fliii McGo?-ero's saloon theotlier night, "the tieat, closest, far Boeing calculating old

ifliutl ever seed was old Klam-skntter, tlie mine soperiatendsut who

lap at Guld Hill tbe other day.Was.eli?" BitcouragiDgly remarked a

customer, wbo wan feeding Pliil'i bulldoer nit I) petrified tundwitohes from iholutiob table.

"Yes, air-ree; lie vaa JLtat pizen, bewas; closer Ibaa tlio birk of a tree, vfaeobe wim waa runuing the hornet mioa uput Vir^iuiu be uacd to skulk arouad tbelevels, disguised ao a mule tender, Jestto pipe off tbe men who diJn't keeplinrd at if, so us to doek 'em tbe aextSaturduj."

"Wti.v, tbe dero ouss !"" But wait. He aetnally enoonrageddrill riinnor lo tell a Ions slor/, one

Juj- wbile thej were wailing for somemucliinory to be repaired, and after-word docked tlie man balf a daj, andall tlie fellottB that hec-,fd it, four biteapifce fur Btopjiiay to laugh. Ha Oltirg-ed oue man tea cents far n ill

J«fl,tltOobaeeo tod HtaQfaotarca uf...ood BDII Hanofai'torM otctlitRWBre ana chinaioy Articles,M and Uannfaotarca of.

Itona and DatUin Hal«ruis. ._urs aad M*nafiaiiirai of


lilts," Vuti/LusV,fi. eto.......



OUR g O CT-snid doi-where at 70 c<a. One Iriul nill prove iba fncf. Our lligbJo now crop teas, wensou 880, retailed ct 70 cts. ]>er 1b.


... „ ..'. Oemettry lotsI null granilp ami marbla post*. WithIJcriener; aud riaaonalile pricet 1 tea]it that I CHD sa t i ih the public.

T H 0 8 . JOHNGON.


Chas. T. Clark & Sonbnilclinif.-COlTfEll ULACKWELL AND

EEItQtLN HT3., i nd luTi t t tbep a t r o n s ^ of the pahlEc,

Horse Shoeing

EXTRA W l t T«.6<Mi1105 i

^gotita for Fairbanks' Scales and Tor-


m m mum,

«niU tr l i lr null pitted,

THE DOVEE LUMBEE CO.ffera to builders the bust opportuQities in the purohase of I/UMBEli

every grade and desnription including LOW PRICES and the great.vantage of having

Lumber Worked to Order- machinery at the placo where it is purcUaeed, greatlj lesseuing tlie

cost of building bj tba great saving in manual labor. Ourstock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsid LUMBER of every description, nnd especial paiim ore token

to give satisfaction in every particular.QloKni Hie



LOWEST MARKET PRICES,Tliis part of IVarrrn County ii nntcrt for iti

g n u o iiyrrEH MAKEIIS. I bmdie an hiiuiiPAUHERS PRODUCE. Order by mail ant

our Rootli freib and good tlie ume day,



;oltt raplemAc, PaiiU, Oils, Oli.i, eto.


SUlOt K. TOO1HKZS. /1V» ft. TOtUDI.Uorristami. }He. 18!b. 1B7B.

BliAIHSTOWN, N. J.P.O.Box, as. i

McKinnon Bros,MiKuricTCBKni o r

Axes and Edge Tools,ROCKAWAY. N. J.

l tbi old-e«Ub


. . „ . , _ll"klro*ii fira l)*»badness, «• tato tt»t* metn« of ipafalictbat inch ii not tbe caic,

tfL-alwbaiiinr, anil thi l l enntiiiDt ta make oni•rnlUknuvil (rood* with Rr t i t e re i r* IILBR *Ter.AU bar cooai »r« liiml-miua tbrotlptSnatSunWB BM t f c only Brm la Bdchswtii cisitt-K im-liKOOds tn l l r c l j b j h»nd. W . t . r T B M T I foiforges a «r*et*ltt . S 9 1 - *



Notice of Settlement.[oticeii hn teb j Riren tbat the icooaot iolubncritw^Ailministratorof J « . l l i U i K i n

_^n^ate , •nOrctxii'ltdfcrrscttlBTueQlto IU1

Oirtiani1 Court ol the CoBotvoT MorrU;oa" ' Hhe fonHhdiy of April

J A H E i n . CARHEL.rkn.SQih.1831. S-lOw

Notice of Settlement.:« In hcrnbjeiTcn tfcit t i e accon•neritwi-.V - •" ' •*•--»•"-

doe'd, mlrocatOrph.

EiPontorB'iIRintiirtlHtphil o amiite'l and tUted by tliti 8qnd r* nor ted fnr icttlnmcnt tn t» 'Coatt o f t b o CouniT of Slorrii, Qitlie- Tuarth (liTnf Apnl C<

t>i\tS Jan


»h»i a »trmt emu-IwhaUaptrt BO^Mia tint *ti n***^

IS.House and Decorative Painter,

TtiptctraU) caila xtltatioa l» hia


amt the 1st M. E. 'Cbftnti.

whert hD bM a fia* dU]fl»y of

WAU. PJS«BL0,in arrcral fcndrtd ttfli'i af Ih* •••*«. *•'iBDi (or lilfSW* ** U H n t n

•Inking Bish Qld SJoeLaV G-jvptnmcnt, Java, Moraonibo, tiantos, Bio are alleleam roaBtcd. Always fresh.

SUCKAfRS SOLD AT COST.Hit* mlinhitaotB of Dover and Morris (Jonnty will do well b j piirolasiDR tbeirinter supply from us. 40-1'

WscXDH, Preaidont.

, Soo'y u d TTCM.

I. W. fl o, Gen"


ROCKAWAY AXE!1DI8 nuted hnml-niadr axehii lnngeDjorrd

L HierepiiiMiJoQ of bcinc one ot th< rervt a t in tlie count-* far FOUH,' MATERIALNDKNDUIt.iNCff. Will) ntwapi-UiucB*fnr

rmrai-tnic wr arc now enabled to supplyltirtii'sper than 0T«r beroro, antl *.flirxutl iliBcouiil fur nnrcUspeci or largei,-. Xfc moVu HIT «!lK>r atvln ti.-cdeVt.nwadftiT me aro elrioUy tlat)d-mii]e.

s a|uo adiicil tu tiis buuineai


SHERIFFS SALE!i Cl.Hiccr.rorNeir Jerst-y—Pi. fa. Tor Hie nftnortKiffitd pr^mUea. wlxirelu Jobo I). Lau-ren co and Mutllnjw it. KIDL- ar« cotnplaln-tn:»j tnd Benjimln Khumaii and MatbaovHiimn.n tils wife, are d.feml.ntf. Betara-»tl« to Februsrj Term. A. D, 1B81.

WALTEItJ. BOSS, Bol'r.By rlrtnu ul the nbovo staled writ of fieri

Taclaa iu mj hinds, I ihall exmao for Ule siPublic Veqdao at tlie Ooorl Homo, In Mgr-rinown, N. J.,on

MONDAY, tha 4th Jay of AP)tTL noit,

:i iirtlaulat

him «ilh ft call. For fur thiutnt or

J , J PEER,Bockaw.y, Morris Co., N. J.

A. D, 1881, between tlio IIO' d t F M < l l i t

•i SI. aud







il., Ilial h lo say at a o'clock lu tlieuiuu of fiim day, all tboia iraotiIB of land ami picmiiPi, hurcluaflerrlyd«gcribeat.ilDBte,lria(rand lioloitftiown»bu> of Mt. OIKrOn tlio Oonnijolv and .Htate uf Saw Jtruej, butUd andded ta IdlluKi:inn inn at a stnkc three hnndrod fuel

i o t a clifftnut tree on tbo Tatopisp madlending from tlio a lums and Sumei Turuiil!lo the , l , ,n , t of (be N o r m A E H K I B . It. U,KUII in also tbf cornet of tho lot or tract 'land of which tbe t r ic i about tu (to eonveyt.

s once a p i r t , t u d r o m from the »takLneuid ibeMf, ( l) m % soulberly duoctiun

._ i direct line from I ' M said ehextnut trot,arty fret to c etaU ; tlicnoc -2) ia tu cantor Iitlir< ciion, ono liundrnl feet to * * u k c ; ib«ai(3) in u Doilln-rlv riinotlnn, flftv feet toBtafcn : (1) ia i wetteilr dlreitinn OL_buiMlrcil feot tu a stako tho pl&coofbuRinningcoMlainmg oae-eiKtub of an aero of l«nd, bo

of [mil wliicb was ti-nveTod to henben Wulllock b j Citbitrmo Brit inn, Jnhu H Brit toand Hiit ie J . Ilritt.m, bj- clctddatcd t l i t b d ior Anjrmt. A D. eiRlneoo hundred and sixt]niRht, anil neorded in t in Morris ConmClerk's Office, lu book 1 7 oi dmdi , p*Ke 440A c , sndcomejou tnllenjamin B bo man Ur ••!<ncubtn Wbitluck and Har.i Ann b i t w l h . b'

l d l U 8 T O « E H VDRBINU,



Bone Dust,' Otu»n«, Pondretie,


W0O& sftwsd i s store lengths.

STOVE; EGO, CHESTNUT.Often -my k« sd<r«H»4 tkronibtbcpoai

OAct Leek Bos St,erbjft " - " "

the Motriit ' iinnH Clurk'n offlee, in l o ;ol deeda, pa ie i 3S9. Ac., Oct. ltflb, 1BC9.Taa Sfcoum)TK.icT,lHg.t,niiiB at * i»olnl twitturlrod mil ninp(» fet-t #outh of fc larRit t t 1 t d \\ l dn \\\P> ravtrrlv edire

g torn tlioMorriiaiihc dopt.t of the ML

»«id tree Vine acornhich the followinn trac

tifntnu 1ri Ktsndtho turnpike road lSntoci Tamittko road to ihc dopt.t of the MLl A E I l i t l r o . i l , »«id tree Vine a

f l d r h ih h fllowin

itt , r i t > n o V ^ n d r M i r M th m fl p*rfl!tfil witli tlin fmirth Hit" nor 1»n i convryi'd h* Ibnbcii Whtll

«i<«to-H«Dlimii Hbosii., otic liundr,.Uy frft; li) ihttipn iit mi.iitiierlj dirw-

jou and parallel with tbo tampika road, m lfi»t; (J)th-nce ID . wmlt.W direct Ion

llel with flrat conn* *boTB meutionx.fcM; (4}lhi>ncelnanorlhei'Ir dirwtfoiile] wltb Mid tanftlka and alone th« tbir

oonrw of tho inwi «WT«T«J IO HVd Hbnmaiafcrftii1,,an?r»ci; (l>) >lof>the|ni]nbl.iiiof tald lot in a w«i*rt»dtrwtTon parallel willtba firat cottToo abrwe written, oil. faadf to tbt aifd InrnplU ro»dr

Biildiarapikft h » d l *


o,Thai's Dftliia " Jim Sripgft, who

is up on tlio hods wbon tlie oldJ, fluid tbat uboat BO hoar beforeimsltutter Im tided ia liis cbeoks be1 for tbe doctor, nod says be, ' Due,e os tho g'ruight basiorai. In tberei i-liow fur me ? "" Narv sliow, SOJB tbe 3ootor; ' you'llike bed rock afora u]j;ht.""Tben, "saja old Klamakotter. " Iit sums of yon follows to curry me up

tbe (op of Mount Daviifcoa right off.I can ligbt out from (here, i t will-e my soul a clear mile of trausporla-


Aotldid Ibeydo i t?" asked A mani bad waked up over Ibe stove

" Wall, no," replied tbe nnrrntor,iply. "Tbe beys took bim over,

it bim on the ouge, and let bim downtbe lowest level of the Unmet,

tteo.3. Tbey Baid tbat tbey guessedbad made s Htlle mistabe about tbo

i, Butoebow. To tba best ofeir judgment, liie soul was going tbeier wuy I "

Queer Olil \Mj.

lim uf (be most ecaeDttlo o!d IsdiesEurope died tbe otber day r.t ber

sldeace, ia tbe Strolnaer Strasao,IID, wbereole lad lived in ill butitate seclusion Tor Dearly balf a coa-

y, a. aoYitary femnlo eerFont liavlogiu Ilie ooly buman being with whombad beld any parsooul oommuiitea-i for more tbpc Ibirlj years. 8be

us well off, aad deified berself DO lux-in tbe way of enling aud dnahing,would never permit bar opart ment»

be swept or ber furniture to be olenn-so tbat upoo enteriog ber dwelling

Ier ber deatb, tbe police GDtboritlesmd everytblng vilbin them, exceptfcitobfw uteosiiB, coT.iied wilh layersvenerable dost, from two to four

;bea tblck. Fot rnauj years sbe bodo no linen r or any otber body gur-it but a mua'i dreaslog gowo. Itber custom to wear a boot an one

at and n shoe pa tbe older and sherrr look off ber glove*, day or night,cept to ctiaoge Ittcm for cow onesIPD fairly worn out. 8b© ntw.iys pass-:boda,y!tgbt hours to bed, rising latetlie eveuiufis and oconpyiog l*er

;hts with cootiug BumiituoDB mealsberself und ber companion, makiog

point of tJuiuhing ber repast beforeSbe kept A great many dogs,

:B, nod birds, and caused every newirk on coology to be purchased for ber

as it cume oat. Ia ibis strangeiBuiou she lived to tbe age of einbly-

Her whole property, with the PI-•ptitm of a bandsume legacy to bertbful oldservout, 1B left to a grand,ce, to reverb, ufter her decease, tu anlorn for dugs.

•loir to SMI A Child,

9figin young to giro him what ber i for.Tulk freely before the child about bii

iriness ns incomparable.Ttiil bim that lie is too ration for you,it yon can do nothing with bim.Huve divide! counsels as between

itbcr nnd mother.Let bim learn front his father's ex-

imple, to despise his mother.Let him learo to regard bis 'atber asareatareof uab'mited power, enpriciontid tyrauietii.Do nnt know or care vbo hia com-

may be.Let him read whatever be likce.Lot the obiltl whether a buy or girl,»?€> the fltreelB ia the evenings—a gooddiool for both sexes.Devote yourself to ranking money, re-

ibering (but wealth is a better legacy

ir your rbild iiiiin principles in theheart and babits in life; and let bim

ivo plenty of money to spend.S'rafn at goat and swallow a camel

ihuslise Beverely for a foible and langha vice.Let bim ran about from church.

ileoiidsm ia religion is the order of thelav.

Tbese rnlca ore not untried: Mitreats bsving tried tuem, «Ub Bob*

itaatial DDiformitjof resolta. If a faith-il observuneo of tbem does not spoilour cliild, yon will at leut bkve the

comfortable refleetion that yoa bnono wbtt you eonld.

A Triumph*! ReceptionOn his retnm bomeloSrookvale Fiab

Jotnmissioner Sisty was net by a> grandirinmpbnl nrocaaaion, eomliliDc; o f iwbile hon, two dogs ind a otweyedtrooL Bv reuoD of tbe character oftbo welcome tbe on«*«yed trtral, vhishia well known to Krookrala dsitoraii_ , admirer of red fltanel asm miiclefood, was given Difofdenotiin tbe nniqneaerrmonles. Ever^Uiino1 • passed off

jtty until the last, when tfaehar-,„„ nf the oceaiioo was umewlftt

marred tbroogh a dispato which _.between tbe jonngtr and more iecon•{derate of tb* dogs and the wblla beo,tbe ooDstqueaea of which b«iDRth«t tbe!ben waa forced to fly befoM ihe Artwork*bneftn. Uaeh iadlgtutioa ft feltBrookvale over the dog'« "Mem.

Total •181,1*7,653.65The totnl importation of dali»blo n>qr-iDdtBe having been $419^06,090 99,

id tliat of of merchandise free of duty!OB,O40.179.O7, tlie nvprage ad valorem;r of dn'y was 18.5 percent, oa dmia-

: aud 29.1 per cent, oa free and du-lie.

I t is wortly of remark thnt tbe odvo-teflof a BO called "Tariff Tor Revenne"

partioularly violent ia their atteobsdnst tbe duties on those articles wlioh>!d as tbe most revenue, snob as sugar,

uol, and wool manfuclares, iron andfeel, silk, Urn, and cotton, mamifao-ires. ebaniealB, etc. Yet tlie following;

ties sbow plainly bow iaslrumeata)dniies have beoa ia raiBJDg our

aredit by enabling as to redaee or pnblie

Ban Wtf1 BBMnma—"Nov I m p#e,hMiJapioa».NflwHawnthey'll flinp the Blblsao nob

know it with thiin.w feraioa.b 7 h ' t« i p » t p ( y > a t o t m D y ool

•rrt chariR*d in a *nuf dtesaing gown•ttli » gold-cord tat^l , and tbe mna c"Uiri.m «wd« ovw ipto a 'Ploafor«bortw, IUliRi^a U RetHnf to be aw'istcmtar thawa 4*w.H -Jbt (tomtV M a«lr*] Ibat th* Old TMtamraW*>Mraii»t**iMDiWd»»d Mhm joybllviKitaaAKfcMi biMBa* eoJ wtu

OUR CUSTOM REVENUETbe following table exhibits in tbu

irder of valae the principal dutiablelommodities, with amount of duty col.lasted oa each, during tbe year ending

:ue 80, 1680:

J.BTICLBB. »rtTItiffir, Wo la .Mi and CoDfatioii.

W l , Bad HaDuiiotaiei* cf.''.',',[TOO Bud Hiwl tnd Maonrauloni

ofIlk Manufacture)oltoD Ifantttatnru

'IBS, and UaucilaottireB uf.•ID,• *t.. . .. .... „ nil «nd il*d.

4.079,817 07^,401,410.0(1fl.411 4M.M

H,IB0,621.T8XB,S50,8W 07

B.97S,* 17.95



1 troBtroer.t of;approved l l a i cb tlihd,hundred siid eiKhtr,' cteB 1--

M ,* (including nal»)

her andHrninhotarsii

R78.677.044,8)ILB!».79l,83tl,9il.652 831,1H.«3,110 **8.*9

S B " "

63B,iB3 »t1,100,237.65

iit,BoBneta«Bd Rftoi%....,,.iLflla,HBil>ia.mpu.ltlona<eto.l auandGHun. . . . : , . „ . . . . .pper and aWniirietuvoB ot. . . .

ailoiUnmrutnt-niBi d M

_.-, A!B ami 'porUr'"'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.Ii, {VeitfliBble} flied or E i -ironed ;

ilesand Man ofiotare* o f . . . .

Ino'and Mnouraolawi of.BIB and Haltimt ,ariota and Ousnt OliithUBB «uo MiDohctore* of.IN (Volatile or Batentfal

liftitiibbVrHin'nfaotorte'.'.'.'.'.id and Maunraetarti of......other Artiolst

Toui im.m.m.iAIditloDcl and DlioriiainatiDg* — ' . . . . W M H . U

BOL.08tt.fll107.653 13sas,v9ai»asi.eoo.70

309,1108 76173.833,17187,18383398,463.00


800,414,108H.W8.B1100,804.11JQ*.4».9G12S.859M10« 691 08116,712 0JUflU<tB7


je«r ending Haroh 1,1878, » 46,74i,01B.Hl'* " " 1879, 18,fW9,8B7.«" " •• IR80, 81,095,820.10" *' *' 1881, 118,1M.BOB.4O

:O!B1 rudnotlon lu four v u r s , $309,^31/730.27

ARXDAl. tNTIBtBT 0SUKt».jearendiug Uatoh 1,187H, « W,M7|M3,90

• 1880, tOSlljmM" " " 1681, 7ti.8H,937M

England, whom tbs free-traders boldOH a pattern of wiadnm, raise* a CUB-a revenne of about $100,000,000 on,000,000,000 of imports, nioe tenthsvbich ate food of raw materials abso-aty neocsiary to bor phyeloal and ic-itrial exliteuoe. OI aour^e sbe does uotn attempt to redaee ber debt, nod by

llnwing her emmpla we Would yearly>rfiiise ours, us may be seen from theiove fignres.—Protectionist.

A Vftrleealcd Doff.

AD EoRlUh paper says : There Is aat Brighton—a remarkable dog—

laree maltese. Sometimes tbat dogparple body, Ttith B yeVour bead

ad a green tai l ; sometime* ho U scarlet•d pnoe, He It a kind of rainbow dog,'be fret is be belong! to a dyer la the

i, and being naturally white be takesotber color easily, and now hea dip in one vat, and' oow io

iotber, and he forma a sort of canineIverLiBemeat. I t is fan to we this dog,

s qnito aneoDBcious of bis dis-tinguished condition, come no to otberdogs wagging his yellow head snd greentall, and the way that those dogs, after1

regarding him out of tbe coroer of tbeirtea, fora minute, took their tails be>peen their legs and "scoot" ismtton. Sometime aiuce a friend oiin,1 who bad been ocosaionally a vie*

[im of (be oia "complaint," was goingIowa to Brighton for the raee in greatlealth aad spirits. Wben driving frombeatalion hssaddctily came OD thiaog. " Hollo, bey ? Wbat'a that ? He;ley 1 what I a purple dog with a greennil I Ot), Lor'I got 'em again ? " audie turned round and.went back to Lon-Ion, firmly persuaded (bat be was againvictim of D. T.

For enrr<loa of two tiiotuaad poiindi of>tnle italbB, not Im than two .nd Tbalf foal

X, ton didlird; trantiutu or uot lout than atter too wdl 1)8 imul fur at tlie Mine rale ;every pound or disintegrated nml« readycomuag live canlai lor evorj pouad orilo jam ready lo weave, Ion ctnli ;

or ever? Innof twj t lion land ponn<lB otflBxtt, for nlire or ibo onlinarv leuniha t»rininff parpoieit, tbui excluiflug all quail-of tow, aeveii dollira; frautiotu urnot [I-M

J a quirt er ton will bu paid lor »t the sjimui: fur every pound ut (Isjortlutwl ornod fln ui ordinary American quality,

li«r ilian tow, tbiee anil a hall eeuti;IV.—UCMF.

every tou or liemp italhi of two Ifaounadindi, ol tlia ordiaai-y lenxtoB, BIX duUar*;

— than a quarter Ion will be,t»: far every ptiund ot <le-

- . - i hemp, or ordinary Aoner-qualltT, tbree w a t t ; provided, thfct thB

-jti«B.Ufirel;y Bathurlzod baill ceaie oa tbeit day of April, one tboomod eigbt buadred1 Bichty.fl?e j and protlJrf, itutlwr.lhatan OTtnt thill tlie total amaont MpetidMi in- 'aria of bctinliei, andtr tLii tot, owned. Jitut of flnetin tbo'timd dollars, lo lie ip-ipriwed as TulluHB: fi»o ihonotDd dollars to

iwarded tn tlm t> name rated sialka: ava-Jtand dallan to the enumerated eleaosdire aud fife thouund dollara i c t h e ratnion,.ppiofed Mtreh S, 1881,

JOIST BBSOLuTlON, MO, J ? .itreBolmiuu rtsuecliufrtue celebrttton or\a ceuteuuial of iitu bMttie ut Cuwpeas, indu erwtiun tad anvoiliog <>t a inemoiUI

lolutnu ai HparUnburgli, £ u t h Oirollaa, tnof tbb vlolurn.

LB, I I IB propmBo by tho Sttte of floclliat to weet B( Bpirunhura, In that

,» memorial oaluuic in honor of Iheeuldlurs, from lliu Hoitli and Bomb, wlioaohlufed a victory at the bKttlo of Cowponit,iuihawitrot tbe ruVDlntlou ; an>l whutvaa,tlic Slate ot New Jersey, IB one of ike ttir-

en rorming tbo unglnnl DDion,hu.-..Ited to panicipaie in stld ereotlon

aad un?flJliiB,ttuil. tauiufcd a email moneyappropiUtLonfur ilio purpoie of being for-mally i(Jaulined ultli ilie ouierpriie; mare.

. i e it resolved hy tho Henata no 1 GeneralAssembly ol tlit> Htaie or Nuw Jene j . That

btuto cordially czprcMCB Hi ipiiroved ofDrupoHud RDtiou of tliu titatu orSoutb Oir-

-X and churlshos thu pitriulia spirit anditnorluB wblah ummpt il, aud that ilif> StateuBtirer beaud is borttuy HUtliomed ind iuttml 11 par lu tlie treasurer -ai ihe Htaia ofiih Carolfbi, t>nt or any nton«y« in llie•aaurjr an otlwrwn* appropriated, tbe aotntbru« hnndred do l lm | in order that theito Dr New Jcrtuy miv bo formally identified1U ibe metuorlal, »ud in tha ptnol tlttaroon

ipart Tor tue Middle BlftlfB.Aad uo it reiolvod, ibai a delegation con.

of bin eicellency, ibe governor, the

Theae l)ereni>rate Times.

Mrs* Homespun threw down ihe paperod pal led off be r spectacle* withioions jerk. " I t ' s perfectly scand'lona!1

ibe f lolaitnBd. " F o r my par t , I can ' ttee how any reapwloble woman eoaldiTer wea r si,oh a tblnp/as t ha t .was a ga l we used Io wear low necks and

tort sleeves i b u t rnarcy 1"—nod l e uIB cost a withering gluQOo a t tbe paper

in he r U p before flingiDg i t upon t h e[nor. " W h y , what i s the matter, sn i i iliked Cicely, pinking u p . Iho p a p e r

M a t t e r r Mat t e r cnongb , I should! Buycried the ririted old lady ; " just lookat that fatbloa plate then, if yon are

d t l k ai it. It ia per-tollysQand'ioni,Xny." " W h y , a u n t ,•aid Oioaly, b n eyes br imming 'fan, *i t ha t Is only a liver pad picture T"

I don ' t care what kind of new-fangledo a n e tbey give to i t , " persisted ber

m t ; " I t ' s s o a n d ' l o a s a n d disgmoefaland n o woman tha t ' s got a sparkmodeaiy about ber would ever be scIn one of them."

C t r t for Your Htt l th .I C e h m M v n a e b r d t l u mostdanguottB

part-efths7Bara»braadipthetUaiid smdtaeHw «n cousraed. To avoii

as far as posBlbl* the dosfsw, m r y 711u d BW<UD shonld oowbe elsana of deoajingEtHmal Mtd vtgtUbU mttUr, whiehHwa atlawtd to nvuAa Ijlaft «beo» voriogIbe wintoi, and wfclah at ifaU wmmm of thirnr bMona iMrt dMbooUv* braMltrs&1**m. At thU SMSOB Of Ib. yfltf t b m

|s4soBioraoilssarar(a«Bwattr psaring l<

yatthttaaM whiab aa*fcra tb* wattr varj mW l M l uh) *Dt U utmost eartalu U

ia tat laallj.

".Boof. of BtQlwaiw. W.

'lbe Sentlb lad Genera]. „ T b t

w Jener.TaVtwiib

itivaifoii or Hbrou pilots, that thetwtuutwIbit State he lie.tbj aalliorlsi'd tu par tb*lbwiti|{boi]|ie«upotifiiDohersdulvreoelp(eaIbo pano,'sntfag" forth laVqusuiiFj'sndsen ur tba ptoducti crown. conTened oiuuractnrctl by him or tuero, whuae afBilarii(liflr trathmineaa *Hall l>e Hr«t ifflsed ttBBI<1 voncheri, and be attcited by Ibocterl

Jm county lu which tbe produetiare grown,mvarttd ur maaufcolureJ; and, moieover,io uid voncaurs abali be certi&<>d Uv tail• -T «f the bureau of a labor »nil'~ J '—

i—Jim.'or ever; two Ihunaand punndi of abutllooiseUHB «ulk* grown In Kew Jemay, ootlea»JU ihieefeullong.fivBdoilBrB: fotivery tontwo ihoaBBtid puuntli ol wlutU known ui, ur niarih matluw, uol leas tian Ibree feetr, md no iiiory than one inott tn dlam terlie butt, fire dollars; fraetlom »f not Itm

-n s quarter tou in cicb cue will IM paid Torsame rite; IDT e»urypnund uf mirieUbfe' ' I t ; of dirfaiearaied jata, two and B. lull to ao act entitled <> A* aet lo

proyiue for lictnnnii boala. b ick i , and otherby itioarpuraled camp oieetuiB'»uiforMMBldurt iuru. ind lor tfaelwttcr

it of tbe Bai]it:,"4ppToied Btrvlii,unn tlioUMUdoljlt liuulred and

1. B y i t e n i t i c d by tlie Senate I U J Otneralot the Uuto uf Nuw Jeisey, 'Iliateo t th lB ac t towbleh tbUU *»un-

tumeut, be and tbe Mine is hereby kmeodwlIB to read and be m ( to worda lolloi»Jug ti

*Be it enacted by the SentUi and Generaletauly of ine State or Mew j s rwy , Tut:b w r d of trnflWeB, dfreuww, comnii*sloBer>tlber corporate authorities uf «i>y lucurpo-Kl oBmp tueeung auuuUUou ur suauile re-t«Ua|iji|,Vftpo«*ir, witUin tha premlat-e ort « r p 6 r t t i 3 g to QiakeTi'ilBbliih, pabllafa1 raodily, auvad or r e p u l ordimnees, rults,alBduuiaiid by-lavs r«rliceuBiugana rig-

.-iing cartuicn, poitvrs, hncl , c»l*( otnmbas.tage and Irncu owners anU driTorv, or uwaen

-JU dr iven of market waftom, garbiire WICOD*.bis&Bge HBgons.iuilL wagotii and cnrnage>sutl vohicltH mud fur the* transporUtlua uf

LMPBtturi Bnd merebandlie, aud liuBtB uponj e Ubeauod pteoints ul nwd turporati^-ned tor tbo transportation or paseengeri a. _If] huckatem ^nil pad die i« or nieruliandiiond proTinlouB,« pe is ju i Bullaitiog orders ftat:u thtrcuf, (but tltm aot unal! uut txi ouu-wu~d tu require a licoiiMOfruiQ a u y p o n u n o i

raouB ielliug or mpUBiiift Turaalu produce ofair uwu growl og) mid tu Hi the rates of DODI-

.nMtlon to be |oi.l to them, and to urolilbltahcenird uerions and vehicle* from aoline

* ' u»ed iu such cipaottieB and toltuw*.-feu oriloenju »eei ttiorolor nnd ttiu

ucli liuenee muj lie Irapustd for; and t h a t i u s u c h oaso, and ia all CMMMUere tha Raid boardt liavu authority to p a n

nancL'g, rules, rogalBtious and bj-laws on., subject, tha t ma/ priwcrltie a i^nt l t f ormalciei for tbe violation thereof, either by

-juriBonoiBnt in the counly jail, not eueedtiig;toti dare, or by flee, so t exc* udfug t fauty dot-

i and any ju tuceor tbe peaoe, policeJosiIce,. . nffli-er specially ooramliBloood. poueultifithe powciBuf pohaeJustices nppointcil ur to be•ipuiutcil lor any Boca corpuraUon, shall have

irndiotlon of .uoh caKca.euil raajglvsjadg-t tn<l i»nu»eojlioL> forcolleoWn uf suekor flnn to be levied on any personal prop-

. . owned by mob person o. penoaH, fined aturemtid, directed tu tuj mtx*\itX or peaceBoer ippoinwrt or lo ho BCpoioted foi such-poratiou, O l to moy ouugUiils of <ne countywhioh euicl or porn Hon is viluate, which « -Ulon sbnil be levied, oiacat«U and returnedthe nimo uiaiiDDt BB I'Sooutluui in oilierICBUT, In c m oftecleuco (o Impriioameut

. toe cotiutvjall, msylBBoeuis warrant forlie iniprimiuuioiti of audi uOeodur BI in Other

les cognizable before him.* ' ' T h a t this aol shall lake

GHAFTEll LXXX.fart ter pupplement tg an act entilled "Anict lor the ecu lenient aud relief uf the poor"

' " — • t ' - — inthBty-

fail to pro-

«r, mer .__ ..r o\ the

June «f Bsminibly, and iwu monibBra of themite and two niooibersof Ihe hoiisaofttf

My, bu appoloiBtl bj ihe retseeUn presld., jtHeen tboruor, ba and aro hsmby author*>d aud requested lo confer witn the propertuuritius of the States of New Turk, Paun.[vaniaand DjUware, io determiolos ss tfl

in.crlption to be placed upon stitl ptnBl,In lelectinitan orator lo reprejeni the

_ilio IJtBtei on tbe octal I on or the unveilinguid memorial colamn.3. And be It further rewired, that the aae-tan of itate be and IB heivbr directed ta

imiiati t-niirosnd copy of thU Joint reio-liap, under ibe great seal of tbs State olITT Jeney, to fain excellency tbo goTarnc

.estate or Month Oarollo*.Approved March B, 1BH1.

JOINT RESOLUTION NUULEfl T.liutttesolnllonln ratatlentotka BtrtKtgleofILa Dmou raraien iu tbe loath of Afnsa tomaintain their Independence.

' HIM, Tb« peoiileol New Jersey owe much- HulUo4 iu. the «axly setilenieoi of tbeitalo for nt*nj> of our civil and religious In-itilattaUB, aBd In addition, intermarriagesJI the drsceiklanisot iba srly settlers duringthe last two centuries bin ntadn a liraepor-' of our popnlmioa kindred t>i blued to

" opli boil

ffliereis, iL_ ,__. _„_. .__liindlal of Dutch larmen in the south nf

;hoio t - ooluDlaad by thttn! andlha nneqail fight hetwean tbe

Atnea with the might* Uritlih EmpTro 'im.cats especially tu our sjmpaihlei; not onlyat a liiudred peopU but io oar gratitude forthe aid estended to ua by tbe Dmoh in our•iiuilar content with Orent Britain lor lade,penuoaoa; theloforo,1, lie it ititolvttl by tbe Senste md General

Ainetnbiy ft tbe Bute of Mew Jersey, Tliat oary fttiti • In Oongrean ba'rua'aested'to

iblBeffanatoodingto a Httle,_4huppyconl«t by tlto oivflifted

ibriallati muthod ul arbitration, instead oflie barbarous one ur farce and and tl tb Ull

runs oos uf farce and snneripr mightthey especially gtre finoontaBetami

r J tq that appeal to tbti'falinusa andnirnaniml ty nf the Eoclinb people lately mader leading oltiseufl of in Iwhtlf of tbeitch hrtnarBitfSoutb.Arrkain thBirpiltiotio

adenendtBrltlBh .

trogglu to maintain theli—init tha mighty power of the;

*An« be It moire!, That hta esoeltenoy theernor be roqacktod in forward a cupy ofJB resolutions to each of oar Hnatara aad

Kpreiealaltyes in Coagmi.

OUATim LSSVII.further anpttldtneut toauaet entitled "Anict reipuciinif extoutiont," unproved Marehiweatr-MJvenili.unfl ibouundeight UnnotedaudiuTeoty-ioun

fin It enacted by the Benata and'QBoarklimblT of tbe Utato uf Sow Juraey, Tt*t

..a maj «xo«attvn tUall be liauad.agatoit•yaebuol dlib-ict urthfa «Ute, or aRtluit thf

irmteetof any nuch icUool dlBtrict at a bodjmrnanierepnstiutlugsaahhcaouldl'

ly cvart Bmhonawi t u isiue iliv tijadgucnt recoierotl befur^icr >

tWbie-h l

pp / ef t to* a Id lemta) dutr.ot> Doipuratu BuHh-ieot lu latufy the lamt

..jbk o <« la?ltd on, then (be iiflL-er author-if ml ID c»cnte aach proueiB shall nervu a

• tht- MUO upon tbe maau^ur or anew—„ • towaxlilpur towniblp^ IL wbirhnuddimrictia an " •ureollcctora . . . „ _ r „ ,_,and D|MU ;eooipt of socli copy orooulea It stiallbu tbe duty or snob. *B*eMur or an»a»on - '

iituata, and aliO apoti the cotleoiuiB Of tOOb lOWUsillp or tUWB»ll]|)l;

and Ifliy lu adJitlon to tald >Uses, the amount dnu DtKltU iiitereBt lu tbe time »ta paid to tho otSccr *einn«iocb proeeUknpou tbo inbattlUuta of aaid. Buboul thatijct,and ibuir eatktci »nd npoa tue Uiable prop-erty tbercfn; and Ibla Uz aliall bo aitcr--aud collMietl at Ihe siine time and in the miBanoer and nnner ttis iamn cunmttunt,atrlotloDa and recntatlunsnpoa tb« aiwaor iuaeBMira, rollector or collet:tort aa other t u•jacitora. <fur Bcboul |

- ntU t tbisUx when collected thill tn ,

H u n t e land, and aliall be paid over by thiolhscuir of the tuwnsblp In which »oob schoolJlalrict aball ba iitaatc, or II stub school dIt-met be attnate it two or tnnra towntblp* thenUf thecullMitorerthat tuwnahlp in which "rraeilonof ibe school district conuiulnii setiasa is situate, to the offlcer aervrng the pro

T ' A U J ba It enacted. That tbta actbe a pnbltB aot, and take effect lan«diat«ly,

"Zxivin.Lo aet ta pruteet and propagate front*

T^«He Atvri.1. Belt enact > '-.' tbtBenats m i Otnersl

Ls*cmair or lbs J iu te of Hew Jerae/, Thatsunn an? parson or niton dab Boail, at ibtlriwn eipcnte, proenra any BTDOB* or pralrf.o-l aJaturi^riU-m.Va^ ^UmL ur name pr»»Bfve. and i u urn*. -offspring snail t l nvu r |u upon tb* lands v\olbrh., -ball m l U l.-lol foraiy perwn olWibin tUowntf of Hid lands ur BMBSbef ol suittame olnb to sboot any gioue* or urairw fowltod MpeMw aball trapor nt«ti tb» mm:

L l i d b i i l niuoled, That aay BMttaa bllwrthan tfcoM aathonsut by WCIIOB MM. ahoolK -irimMorprarl* rBwLorfeaiid calcblnc " :

trap or aay other darter, BBV gnoea otu.fowl stall i i n t ntuofKBd cwitletlw tbe

fIbe treaaarvt, lot S e n »l tb* Mtl §£*•tlakur lit I M p n w a uv^tog «M* t t * m « , N•to «BM.SB * W, hir « « j web I W M

nptojweding tbrw moullta,Dr l»»ib, at tb*djaorelion of the cunrt.

8. And be it enacted, Tlut it ibaJt'Llawral faraD/peraou to gonarln soyother manner, *Dyjtron« ur pru^* fowl, Ue-tffcen the first for ttTUmeaiUor and tbe fir

itb daj of Ootobor, yo»rl» and over/ yearerory person •onffnodnjR iLallb* anbii " '-lie riiDfililos named in section twu ur tin. _

4. And I* it enacted, TbBt evrry wuraberolaay «moditIon or orgnrlxaigtmeolubio tblidtal«, toniiug ou» «ujr grome or |>nirjfi fowl.npoD Ihetr fintldor gstno preserve, aliall beaad aw bareuyaaipuirbrMl t»iirn«-otite,eit'

hn uwn fn/iviiiwl name or ihe name ofJD« club .if nblcu he ia i numuer, far

^ uaities atwn pKMrlbed for the viola. Inuttuf IWpronaiooi of thi. act.

5. Aud be H euBoied, '1'bil this act shallDODtinoo In forco fur » pxrlod nf fi»# juars.

8. Aud bo. It enacied. That chin ilall belet-med t public sot aud Uks enect imme-

iBti, Iho laws of thin Statefltl«"bom ur alien


te wwiihiu tin* 8t"»ie, iclii _ _'1.1 and beuomo entitled lo the rights ollitizeoihip. and who may become objects>f public lihurity; therefore,I. Ue tt emctflii by Ihe Bonate and Genorsllembly of ihe State of Now Jorwy. Tintsuch pontuinebBllKain « sultlumeiit in thene manner, and anderthe Bame restriotlnn*are nnw or may heretftor be provided, tot3 Bfltllement and reiiuf of poor paracm born

. aslire oltlnus (if this State.3. Ami be it eatoted, Tint this sot shall lakeDocl Immediately,Approved Mureb 8,1881.

OBAPTEBjupploment to too not entilled "An aot toprovide for.ttio eiitblltbainnt af;>u ngrloal*inraleipertment station." approved Marchlonth, one thomand eight * '(Ifibtv.1. Be ii unacted bythe Seuate and .Gcnoral

ot the HUte of New Jeuty, tbatafter lbs passage vt this act, tbe

uirtofairactorauMutlouW and created hy.jld BOt, shall be called and known -- '•board >r raauigers,

2. And be It «nut«l, Tbat In addition to theamirs now wn(crra1 a pun said liasrd, tbeylall hate power to Biect a tWawror, whonil hold hf« offlce for one year and until blL

Bball he Heolcd and qualified; andi auu ot

mty be ncoenary to wrry L_-*ie institution; and to make tank rnlei bj-iw» and regulation! frr iho Rorornmentolao board, nnd for oarrylnvont tbeohjecti,itulneia and purpowii of tlifi inatltntion ••

raiy, in their Judgment, be nooeiiary andiropar.

8. And ho it enacted, That tbe annual appro-rriBtlon lor the aoprwrt of the Mew JenefAgrienltnral Eiperim«nt Statif.n he and tlie

me iti hereby iiiorpase-f from its prrsent mmlive thouiani! dollars a year to eight thou-

md dolliri a year.4. And beltonaoted, That thii aot shall tab

effect immedUtelj.Approved Maiuh 8,1B81.

CHAPTEU LSXS1I.An aot respecting tbo clerk i a chancery.

1. Beltcqao tha Senate and Generaatembly or ths State ol New Jer*ey, Ttiatvery E»non wbo (bill ba appointed clerk Inbiruory shall, before be cnton upon the ecntfou or bis office, or he ail mined to take tU

oath, or Bffli-maiJon pretoriben iijr law to betaken fur tho dno andfaitbfaldlacbarae of the

itfeeofhliraid office, before tl.ecl...r the time being, enter into boodi9tMo of NRKT Jraey with t l t

id mncimil ssintlH, being freeholder iuJi Btato, Jointly and severally, in Ibe nun ofIffy thousand doilan, to be aporoMd by thejaid chancellor, which bond, mih tho eondl-tfnthMwrahall be In the VhrnVfflSfUrlenliiQed; aad when so executed, shall, to-atberwltn the sith or afflrra»tion or offlce,rhen sutwcribfld, be recorded in tbe secretaryT»Ute'*offlOB, and Hied in theaame, lo be by-imk.ptaraongtUapnbliopapersofUofflM,

3. And bo It enacted, That the bnnd to bojnterodfntoqs iroresaid by tlie said cltrk ofobmoery KDd hit mreties, wltli the conditionllrcor ehti ba I tbe form follwing t a t I

well and^niiy to"be"msde, We bind oaneltm,'

iot, eiiatl bo In tbe form ioi)oVin^"t5Bt*Is

Know oil m«n by thete preaonta, tUat we, A,3., G. H. iin-l £ . £ , of .are held kmIrmly bound auto ttio Stata of New Jersev, I I- — t . a u , thonaanj. d 0 | l f c r . m0niyol

Utalei, to bo paid nntothftiaidw the Trhloh -paytne'tit,jty to be made, we I A ----- ••

>ur heln, eieoutora and ilolntlraod Bovertlljr, flrmly bysealed tiltb our Beth. Dated „

Jn tba vtar of our I*»d ana thousandThe en ml it ion of tiiii aUliaiitlou in sncli

.. the above bnuudeu A. B. ihall wall and ; .„ . ,eji-cotc llieoffl;* otolerk in chtneury o| tfae'uto ot New Jener, and In all ihinci tr '.og or concerning the said office, ithaliwe!truly. Ihi<lirall5 and im partial I v,1 eieoutilerform Uie Mtue. locording to taw, ittri<b iGBpc t io Bll pitrtoimciinrernpil us iaid Htato of New J m e j , and nt tliu eiiiirt-ion r f IIIN said office, iliall doliver allmonev

Js|>osi1o.1 lii liiHuOIoi'.tnfrethrrwitlithebookip»por» and reo.irdH remaining In tbe snnm

• lernto. lu bis iocoettioriu nIB_stlao to be votd, olhrrwi,D

be and remain in full force audvlrtne-- 8, Anil bo it enacted, That this u t ihall lak*effect Immediately.

Approved HarpL'

Supptemont tn Ihe act entitled 'An aet to 1euro toernlitors an equal and JustdlTiMof llin rMtlr. of dolors who eounyaulgneer f»r Ibe benefit of creditor*"!*vtslun], ipprovetl March twentv-terenLan^tlioiiaand tight bundrad and n n m v

»1. Po It caaeted by the Senate and OcnenlAtaambly «if tb* Htate uf New Jersey, That

S. Andlw it auiatsd, That this aotihffiMt immedlatoly.Approved Karen 9,1881,

A further si

lerentli, mje tbuntaad BIRUI auDdrod and(iiveutj-Taqr,1. Be It nnactet) by tbo Senile and O«nnr*l

AstetDblyof tlio ItuM or Mew Jerapr, 1'hat iat i w i writ of errurebaltbubrought iorenniv*in? Jadgioeot rendered in trtf cHinioal tctioaor prnceeding, iv any coort of tLiif* Btale, «odiu0h writ uflrrar shall 1» prewutfld tu suchcowl, fie said writ of error shall h*vo theeffect of itflTUJk kit proeeodlnjTB upou tbe f«idJudRiaeot, and upon the aenMnca which thecourt or any Judge thereof may have pro-nounced sgifuii'tne person orporaon* oblsio,-Ing B»d prowaotiiff tlie Mid writ of error,pending and dor ing the prosecution or suchwrit of error.

% And be ft sucted. That penli&nr tlieproiecatlon of iaob writ of error, Ihe cuiirt IBvrhicnBacuiadtnneutBball have bean rendered"iay, If (foeiuecr necessary, Teoofre tbe par.?. noMOOting tbo same to gite ball, dnrinfi tbaprosecntton of inch writ ur error In auch sumand witli inch coiHituHu u tbs conrt Dr any

rbfeb lb« Baid conviction_. _ _ __liee or tbe supreme court

it deem reasuualjle; and It ittifllf ue ihe dot?the Mid court, and or the MM Judges Io

admit SMt jpeisooito bail, waonippllentioai#n»de fortneiarue, and proper sno intScieDtbat! 1B offered: provided, that this section of• 'its act thill not apply to capital ossea.

8. And be U eaa9Ud,That thi* u t sbtU tak»bet iaamedlaW.T.Approved Karda 1,1881.

JOIHf B&BOLUTIOH, NO. TI.olnt rasaltitfon as to certain TDllitary j,aperiof ttiia Bute loaned to tbe general govern-ment. - ,'UEWAB, it Is kanwn to tbe anttoiltio* of

hw HtoU that there are anonfr tbe arcbirt*jf tha department of «tat« and the depart'ment of the interior, Wanblnnton, Dlitrictof Columbia, Important papin pertaining tfftbe early military bfstory or K«* lenty, a*—" as a larRe nuralior of uio original mat*

mdpay-rulls oftbo troops uf thU State16 Ifevolutionnry War, at one lima tli»

property of tlie SUt* aud loaned to tho cen-eral guTornmEUt after tbe (kitroctiuti oftnefr reconli during tbo war of eighteenhundred »nd twelve, for Ibe verifying nf


nifon and bounty land aets; *nd It beingrtlitefor the )>drp*ie of perfecting thB

milittry reoords of this Htate, that fbcBBpjipora and rolls nbmild be returned orcopies thereof mude ; thoroforo,1. Ce It resolvcrl by tbe Senste snd Ocnenl

A-Hombly of tbe SUteof New Jersey. That•he Governor of this State tie »nd is herebytutboriied Bod empowered to direct the Ad-

int General to take Buoh nwasuroB t i maym best for, ibe interests of t i l l Biatc, toare ir poimhln tliera original pipers and

rails, and if on hi la re thereof to procure cop-les of ike same, the? to b»certifl»d M correct

*. And be ir molved, Tn»t tail resolutionsliall take effect Ira mediately-.

Approved Uarcb 9,1611.

CHAPTER LXI5VI-An jiot relative to publla printtng.

l.fieltaaaated bytlw H*u»teaad deaeral- emblv of the State qf New Jertey, That

laws eniotedat-eioh session or tbe legisla-t e ibill ttereifter be urlnted IQ the tarns—nersl atyle in vliiob the voloma of lawi was

inted In tbe year one Ihotmnd e'gK hun-nd tnil atvenlr-etght, excepting tbat tbeu shall be oollaud and imle»d nndor tbeu neada nf gensraJ pubiio acts, special, pub-and prh«;e sxts i Blso tbe leglilltivp doca-

mtu shall b» hsrea/ter printed ia the samelylo In tvhii'b ibe Bald work (tan done iu theuar uno thousand eight hnndied and BeVentj-

.ight, otniltins tho index; the joornalB nf tbelenste oud utinntes ot the Joint meetings and-.eoatiie nossicug *nd thB minutes of the

of annomblf, jibatl be printedln the same, iot and wotknauULe TMinner in which

_.ic auid wmk wai dune IB tbe year one tboit-Biud tiebt hundred and seventy-two; aiao,

it tb« Dttblic Liiu ordered bi deber branch. tbe lefclslntare sbsll be priot«d on goodfihlngpiiptr, wllu pica, type, each p*Ru toontaiu tbifty-one lioen; »nd the pricei to ba

paid ritrauidprlntiagatullbeiBtflllowi: FurTiDttQK Biz thoosaod oopiei of tha upsnion

WB, tlu> sum of fortj-two dollars per sheet ofIsteeti pagaa; for pnctf&g one thousandopien of the jooroal of the leaate, wiili ilisituuiee ot Ilio Juittt merliDga, and one tbon-•nd oi>j)ie» itr ibe miaates ot tbu boaw of

mhU, tlio flam of twenty-two dollam perit ol sixteen pages; for printing oue thou*I copies or tbB leglBlative dooinn*niB,Btrate ol «t»voiit,v-flv« cunti per tbQmandlor oompoalLion. aad Miontj-fl'e cents

r__ tokeu ai tnobanured and fifty Impresriocsaflixteenlilies for press work Moiprintingtwo liundiwl copies or the uabllo bills, orderedby either hrnucli oX tbe teKlslature. at tbo rainif five dollars per shetit of tour foolicup ptgeeiind iu eases vbers extra capiesf Lall be ordered,ud deljvEivil to cither home, thar ahull beild lur at Ike rate of two dollars per sliest ofiur lodges)) pages for e»ch two liandred ex-

tn coplus.; nniirur ptiullug the pamjjhlottand""' er pBpcru ui'ilered by ttie lefiulam:e, at ibe

3 of aev.cnij-five ocnlt per thousand em«eomnoaltlop, and seventy-nrn dents per

.,so ol two hnndred and fifty Impmauiona ofliteen pigea fur ihb prtee work; provided,lat In all CIBCB where rule and flguro work I*•quired, tbe pries lor twin position shsll beinble tho ratei abuve stated) and where

_iatter require* two jmtitiotion*, wit boatrales, one prioe-aini-a-b»l. shall be paid; »nd•provided farther, thai Bcventj-flve ceati extra.per ptco BUBU ue paid lor printing all tudiees,ud tables of oonlecti set In booigeola typt in

i Jawa, jvornkU of_th© s«a»t« and.ioii lawof theb it3. Ant* bo it emoted Tint the above prloea

ibalt Inafodeall the expeoscB Incident to thairinttng and Uelirery tu tho suits treasarer ol,11 docamet-ts onlvred eioept folding aadtitcbmjt, wlfiob shall be ohnrgedat tlie cur-

rent rjricei fur BUDII work, and the paper.whichahsllMofguod quality antl of tbe followingdttwriotlon: for me documents, journals and-ilnntei wtitte calendered pilJtlng piper,

rentj-four by thirty-eight ILB-ICB in iiz*,welshlog not lemban fifty pound* to the warnof four Twntlred and eighty -«beets; rur theIBWI the Mtutt sita u for tha JoorEit*. and taweigh n»t leu tUmaitypoonil* to tbe nsmor toar bjndieU and etghtv ibeeti; fur thebill*, to be on good flat cap paper) weighingfomtdon pounds to Uie re*m i tbe price to boallowed fjr snob paper shall be at the lowestrate ptr pouad »l which the asms is sold perpound by paper aenltifs la New fork or Phil*adeJptfi oil the first day of April j Jtnd satis-factory evidence ol the price ol inch piperwithin tbe sild period eliall be sobmlUnl tothe comptroller l*for# any allowance by Uiraof BBV bill fur piper op which any publto.printing ahall netixecuted.

.And ba tt ducted. That all meissgCB.Dpblet«, reports oc other documents watchdeemed orsuffleictit ynfalia Importance todeemed orsaffleibnt uabU

be printed and bound tax prenurentter baembraoed in, iwovoinmei undertitle of "legitlailn dMuments," and no docu>roent or report ah>Ii be embraced In said vol.umes sutesa to oidered by tbo Joint commutes

n printing; wheuAid J l * c l l h l lrder any doeijinont to be printed in tbe aaid

volumes of dcwntcenti there shall be onethoaMnd'copias tUenof printed, *bicb doca-meatB abs.ll tw iintabereil m lb« order in whichthey ar» ordered tu be printed, and the gover-aorv aonnal and- other- ureiaagei shall be6iaas«4'aBi doopmsnt number una In said vol-note and, shall ba prtoeded oy a list of tit*iiocwntntf contilned in BDOII volume in tbaord«r-iuwn1ch'tBBy>'i» arranged| vtien aavd9c«maut aball be «nler«d to b* pnnted mor*

- a DDoe (at pcrioda more than tea d»yiart), tba pnnfer thereof • ball '-be entitled ta

charge «MDpo#itton as above provided for eachtime Ihe d-wumeut shall be io ptinted, D» other c*aa ihall more tban uue eumpa-•IUOD be paid For lliu printing or unah reports— doaums-nu.

. 4, And be it *ttactcd. That In conformitywith the set approved April Ititeeaih, on«tbotiBiad fligbtaututred aud furty-alx. it ihallbe ibe doty of ilia ckrli of Iba general usen-bly tod U»u taoicUry ol Ihe senate io delitt

-r.-ll*aHaaMf8 tn tb« pt-rsaoi emp _print.tbe i»iaa within ibirty dayi tfier theciots or tbe lebmon of tut* legulature; and inl a m e n t of iwdolertaoiiwcrwury railing titdslivei inch oopi« ai pru?lded toxin this s«e*tiou. they sbaii fwrf«lt to tho treaaurer fur tbanee at tli«Hlate one hundred dotltrs of iheu

work, and; deliver i t ta the State 'ITusanr,wliUa three monUiB or the time ot reomvlngtho copy tber«ferf under a penalty of tLmhuridre(iii()llars.Bwltb»lltataTre»ur«rtbaUmaliediBtribauou according totewol tba saidtainnleoandjourDalswittiiuoae raoatU attarhe aball receive the same tram tbe pwson oi

road«ebjiMtta to priul thflsKine

tbe Bet io wbica is aVanplemrnt. iDd'thVas*slgnMforanyteaaun hmm not told the realcatale „ , _,_within nne year as provided by law, it man t*lawmlforaneh aMiB&M to heream>r prooetdto adverliic and sell such real taltte in theuteTia

ke hlamsnner presorfhai by Iaw7 and' make:portBBd.elUeMianUteithami|.»no if u l JUm. o# one Tear had not eiplrrd}

rrti»ld*J, h« thtll make inch rsJe and Dieaaid eeoonnt willtlo on* year from the «p-prpialoftliisaet.

pamphlet U%B, to th» Journal'OVUMT H M U "»&d to tbi DintrtM of tu* bosw of seSBmbly,shall hereafter b« tnsde out by Idt person or

ns nsMGdnir. who ma* be empowsrednuUBatdpriBtmg^Bnd tfae MtmolMVQTB dullara euli auall be aliowed saidirs tor compiling Mid mdloea: satd la*to the pamnblat lava ahail be printad in

solid boatgeais type, and Uiete shall be battwo indiMB to Iba pampblst laws, uoarullowingtbe general public tawa, and VBO foUowioi thesaeolal pubue andwivatslaw*, tbe laet u n e dlobeanflcralindMttethawltbUioliim. . B A

1 aaiA ir.Jiwi snail tw made ont iIn ti a style of Iba unnemortttf,A>rtbeie«romibouand«iB|at

3. Anffect iA


Mareb 9


p r n m o ; rrpalrt to toeiniu r-vpsrai.-rr School

1. lie it r'r.rlfJ by lha ftSss«ml>ly pr ihe Butt of

(• kertb* n i MrtMilkelMu^aMBjm-

^ S S B S B F 3 6

in iKWrxwl* trl* ami «&M1 b. Bud. out .adpHnlrf l i l t . i i . .h i . u u U ludlwl.Ib. )«r t u UWMWI .1(1.1 blDdnd udMtraty-twr.

(. A«lt» II nulrf, Tbal ITOlui. 0. n• .miJojil u rnai l i . rnwt or o

_ , Srnort wltb RVP*Bdn<

V »K1HI « « M , TUitMa L.Ku

b. wrmtt u pern arm. ot u. S• l w U ' l Mk «k

r,;«od wWvitar'Aectl

a. Aid N II tBeetsd. Tk»l SMfiBttti,el?btsiiy.i'f nwilBitoa, b«f«•nail ette uMl*M'WM<» «l UM api

Page 2: FOR TIE BEST TEA AID · to pipe off tbe men who diJn't kee p linrd a t if, s o us t doek 'em tbe aex Saturduj." "Wti.v,

THE IRON ERAThe Dover Printing Company,


THE BREAKING UP.. Ko 'b ing lins dc-ng *o iijuclt lo »»feak tip I

. B o u r » i ! lioldupmt ttia S li.l H u h m Iindi) ;enJtnt ncliou i£ Arii.ilor M •lioue,Vlr^Lii., in t i c Unit A Slntea S^uni*, nthe iusuleut, titieuipt nf flu ma or Hill,Oeir^ia, to balltinr.o biiu into MibuiiNWOu Wclti* H Uy the Sftite Coaimitl«o of his

y in irt nn<. ttg o u t idcrteil !I1B ncticn iu p

yard of Sf'S Soulhcm iffctit* m d '. iatfepeint'eiil pressaud public Ilieil

nil ttiostrong vuriiti tt £omniBUil.ilii.r.. for hi* camEven Knitj of tbe strongmt Pemecbelieva that Sena I or Hill's t lundf t hi i dniucb to KFnkfiu tbat putty i i ILu iv-intb.Alcumder H. BUuhenr, ikt ne.ocwle.

the intt r (lJBleaiilJ thrnmjh llited mHiscwelly since

My'tr^u^'HilT'll'itn-ko. 1 regret Ms i'xn<ini<t; IE.ujudicinu*. Wnnt right hud he Inor nltiiek his penr? I< «"* n u " :

piece fif JucatifiiUlD. A ninn J* ftiouljf lo bU own eaineieiwe. I believe. " ".»,thi**e CHUOUH measures nre ruinous! 1 willnnt submit to tbam. Mr. Hill's (.petel.TerynuwUt?. Ue Wa prub.iblj Jo»t tucver j - Cooper mine k _ ...t ir ing." NMhtu Cooper, on whose estatoit is open.-J

Combined with Ibid t i n t ure tt»">y olbtr W o r k W m h e n in December, 1679. «ml IitrteeringinJIeaiioiia A ibe breaking up of j j 1 ( W gO ! ) e onvLorotHveinee ib it time, urdoit h s Bourbon purljuntl anew futoM lor tbi- ( i i e 6 U p e i . iWFDdenie of Jobu I>. E v a m

Amape ilMM ia a tkrUniiioD <f tbu

MORRIS COTNTY MINES-From tba excellent report for UbO of Prof.

Oeo. H Cook, Slate GuologUt, we eopy the'oli-nvlDg noiiaei i f Morris Couaiy iniauarviiicU were Iu opemtlou 1 sn1 year ;

B.IUP3 BELT.K&h&rt mine, Penuiutjoch fc^ffnpbip- Tin*

mine was worked tbrcs o r four waeks !*»lspring m d forty to flf y tons ot orft rained

Detwtr miup, P.qunnoeklawiuliip. 80100nork in exiibriug w-a-idotic i .erein enrlytli<* juprlnfi by TliO-. D. Hiwie , nt Puter*™, butibe |>laee WM absndoued after tUe tnilure tofind a workable <Mt»nt of good ore.

PlSPAlC BELT.JjUtHig<tou mine, Ciicetp'1 townwbip. This*

place M bein^ developed t y L- W. Uwfl ȣ Son, n-id In spor ted tut vi-ry linjiniriiig.

r i ' cpy mint. Chester towm-blp- On lend*of It. X). J'jfnev, one Mid ft qwiuttr mile*irom IlflcVbbftrney, and in tLe \nVey olDlack river Tbe ml e lins l i m v.orkvd byCooper, Hewitt it Co., anil a I r g e VaTl o f

(be or t lia* been used i j ibeir I'equ s t f«t-iiaee.

Topping roiD.'. Chettei imrntliip. TboTCID oa this prop*Tlj wtw re-opeced duritiHtbe year, find worked four raon^bs by Wil-liam J, Taylor A Co., of Chester Tbe orewent to tbe Che-Ur fun-ace.

Samson mine, Chester township- Tliii.mine was j-e-opeiied in Jsunarj b j Cooper,Hewitt A Co. It has been in optnvf »tlirnugbout tba j-ear, nnd the ore baa beeiiiiaV'tl "t X^urLiiiii P A .

Cooper mine, Chester lowosbip.

owcad by the estate of J . Coopar Lord. I tIjas-beea ID operation during tbe wbolayear.

Cobb mtno, HooVawny townabip. TheCoi-b miiiu i> worked for tba supply of tbeSplttrock forge.

Split rnck Pavd mino.E^fe.itrny t"«ii*hip.V u i . S . DeCaup worked thia mine pmt ofthe year.

T h e

South. Among ibrse i& a (kcUnaloN*w Otlenun Deroocret, tb* must prDprnocmtic orgiiii in ibe Rmuof L'tbnt P m t d e o t QmHehl will find Hi


ot la ud will hareover.v patlietirltt-r wipjwiMfm in nuy i^rt of tbecouulry tbitullic SnutUcrn p?oi»le in nil <fbw tHbit. in a-etire ibo disirnltlc noii.j.fli i-c d rtforus to wbuli bo t-tamU pie eeii :niiislotttrofairceplttnceaLdin his iwtngui-»laddreffl.

Tii© sifpm of the limes ftrc propiti«ti t

onoi iRhtownrnmtihcbt l i - f ibit the S li.lSoulh in & tliiue ul tbv p u t Thp J=iy ofBourbon doniiup* tins << over.

of WINb? net if


Virfne is wmieilineti iu OITU rnre gl'ii] le unlc i t nns in ihn clinni Hill, of Jerw? City, who in (b? (disrburgiiig A inrtoiH amt tbm-fiuRMyiiilmtioni-d kiik «t bin wile, thpp"A I\I«!f. 11 m hetif iiy ns lo bre-.fe hU I. g- Hil^.bllllt]* givnu lo imlliigftiH'e iu these piavfiiletnlPiirraeii.BMnHo well tn mnke tvure oftbeir footiiiR. Tliey will iln.l tbat roncttbs w.iVu nnd i>v«t . i l -divp ,-l.n ia totiiDeh Ibe Moronii down fii>t a« d tbeu jimi'iu p nnd dim'ti ou lier. Some IVIVCK nlier at in e become sn pnrlinl tu iliis k iudo i fomi-

1111}% is Iberu any wbljipiuji post Iu Vnw

tb« Gtscripl


a qiuiBlitlO,



oopprliou itUDI t

liru'tiin pii

U In ing (, givcu Ino tbiB lint


ihe a

mine, CbeMcirea to a m

Tier of a mile inndIt ii

tkl.WJllChttthii ifor I

on the »s iit-nr ihe

•r Iron C-noted winbe y i c r c


• PSt fil

Leakne, Cmpan

my. \ fuller de-Dtice of new niinps

r townDbip. Thi"ipeoed mine about^ s t of ibe CooperIrle nf ibe Uovt-r. Mine.'liester lonnsb'p.T coutiuiifi* tad*-

Hproi'crty, nod the ji*-.UJOUHts to 2iJ,000 UBS.

Green Pond mine, Roekfiwny townsbii-The mininfir operntlotiH here linve beecarri'd

mKlioiit tbe yenr by

He Couldn't Barrett.Ironia, ilarub tbe 18 1881

To thn Iron Era office proprietorsYou Mod ilia p a p w with tbe 97 of Deo.

on it we bxvo a ism-ipt to *bow la the 27 ofnd I d ut waut you to stmd il any

more i t wm wbito wliau I «ip«eJ l»-t it lnwt-d black aud U t ibe btucJt ropubliuaui

t , iort i t I wout I bnlnt liku the Editora turn coat I wont p a r for It M\y mare.

From WK- «iody little epistle that wafled downfrom Ironia last tiaturdiy raised our

moment, but the g'ist soon wentE I h s n l l . Tr .M H for tbe Gre.u p B a l a n d w e d o w n to a t m l j . z e ,be tliiig.

P..ndIrouMinii'eComp^>y. That there may be no mbjUke M t iOav^port mine, H o c k e y t ^ n ^ i p . A | ^ w . | U f t m o f m ^ ^ p p . ( t , p

new runic opened witlim tbe jc»r by Cooper,

Th* Lcgiilatun-now* frou Trenton woa u

foUovi :

itt 4 Co.Howill Tinct mine, Rnviinwnj townsliip.

K tilMf work wna <joae bare ln^t Spriu-j byWin. S. DciMtmp.

Clmrlnttetibnrgb niinP, Kockaway tawn-ship. The old mine south of Clurlolte-Imrgh U fiRfiiii tn fpf-niii n «vA IH UOWworked Iiy Conprr, Ilt-welt A Cn.

Bnrfcawny Vftllpy inina. Idcfenwny inwn-*liip P.n-.l P. TaH-\, «f NVr York re-nppnuiil>« p(-Cnmp or Rnekruvay Valley mine andrninal five lm- dri'd t"ii* of ore and tlicnnbntidiiiifil it. I i iiing'in id1.

Tkr ' n iiiinf, R-cknw»y townnbip« . J. Ryrrsou mi™.) n1>o<it lOlttonK of orelUirinf! the yfnr and it w>s worked intoh}aaim in the forge at Bloomiugdile. It lanow idle.

MUSC1VETC0NO BEIJT.Hnnii ntltif. nVliiiiRton lovropbip. The

ITann mine wm worked up to to May W h jtl'illimn W. Mni-Kti, nf Sulmnlfy'i) Mnuntntn.Tlic notk wnx ntniuly surfnco eipinmlion.rpfiiiltiug In TiiUiug ubout ICO tons of good

miuo «iiH opcrnted Purina the firstIhrpemontlisof tbe yenr, for tbe supply of

Konriplit n inp . Wulilitfttna townshp.Tbii properly Is lirlii unJer ft le»«e by D.Itmiklr A Co.. of Penn«vlvnnm. Very littleAnrk bas l»en dnne furl her thnti to opsu a j

ra-ll^jville in tbe spring. On Ilia fllmrpfarm 2J or 30 tons r-( ore nmy bftve boeii

n out, but no development* nf ei teut or

Poole wine, W^hingtcn tow*w oprnlng on Im.tls <f WiU


rc»-. Ou

part of tbe yi^, Itnxbiiry to^

Tlio recent in-wi^siuiiiiuii of tl u n i d a , of Rii-Ma, ILUH! Ibu nt( cituiH In r . \ , , l;rtiumli(iut Europe, fnmis-h l y 'likii R ciniuple of t to votne (iftizembi]). Aflrr c;.r^rn! n-Reel

oltor e bii 11 ju

t b n t v o uonlil rntUir enjoy tho IIIIII.I>]O>.1d ign i l j ol our saneu: i i in New Jcreej, tlto l t a i i InrRet for Ilio KiiiR-killprs everEurope. Thi« pult lag up of ot:e'u enreuwos n tnrgrt for bimib m l rifli; i«ii'tice iw in t nil tmiigeninl to our t iste.

By tlio vnto of H.-tmior Mubonc the Ipublicaim were i>u Minidny tnnbleil Ingnuize Use tu i l f t l StiUcs Seimlo, iiiiiliipimtlieir ofllcern nud cuminiHesH. Aud i«.w IDcioncnilic | . r«« nil over the coiiuirj-nre inouuciiiR Mnbrrio ns a t mi tor. n JIKIIIN,Arnold, t to . V«t in the mme S-inito tnjt?n who were I'louted by ItepHblicuu vo—DuTifi, ol IlitnoiH, nml Penrnnn, of Ten-nerwfie—nre flctinn wilh tbe DcnrrcrntiThe i r action in Und^c. ns all thnt i^ onrl mulpure iu palilictt. Tbe j are pntrinls of tinUnit water. I t tnnfceH a wondtrrul umoontof difference wbofio ox U gnred.

Gen GnmlhfiTfnHri'Bigiied tboFrenidemof Ibe World's F<ifr, there ifrumor nfloat thnt Qcn. MeClellnu inny pust l y be otTi'Kd Ibe vnenncy. Tbo wisdomcneb a selection wrmld l»r^!y depend tipthe jmtieuce of lh« people of New York.t h r j uro vill ing to p^Miiono tbenff.iir forfewyenrn t o g i r e Ilio Gtneni l i imo to nmo p h is ntlud unJ (In smnn rtiibnmto engcet iug nbout tlio file, tlio Poloction uiigbtIbe cud prove jiiriitimiH.

DeHart a td Laorer.ce wines t a r e bfeuv rk«-d tfci-ouet">nt the y t s r by tbe IteadicpIron Ci inimoy. Tb* ore it «*nt toF:

DuliTmiilc or Cnrbon n ine , 1towueliip. Tbe Cmne Iron Coicpftny h«-been working tbit mice ibrowgbout tbe venr.Tbe ore is fctm-l-ed at ibe comp«nj'B fur-

Lomfa mine, Bsudolph tfittntbip Som*1

W-Ik done nt re-opeuiug by E. P . Merrill,cf New York.

Coni.Bii.iuo,nini 'olplitownship- Workedb j E. Uanfltld. Tbo ora hns been used atScmnlon, Pn.

Bryant niinp, Hancl"! ph townsbip. This'mine is owned by D. L & A, Hrjnnt. Iiban been in rpirnlinu utcdflily during tb(na« fi^e ycurii, nuct tbe ure tins bten sliippcdto tbo Iron Ct'»ipt.oy,Pft, Tbe total produiH ol the imiiii'dul 20,0(10 totiH.

King urine. Kondulpb lown fbip. Ov.n.r, wddon nii-ir,

lfB«co, A. Fardcc. It bas be^ii in np.-raliou w n r k ( -d until itmore or It-m tbroutjlioiit tl.e Tbo ore b ( l ( . l u , 0 v;uc^wan Kent to fiirnncoH on Ibo Ltliigh mid lo n l iK , r_ Tbillm MiiRcouetcoDR Iron VorltB at Stnulinpe. W i t i . Alb-n Smith,

EvtrB miii«, Randolph tonnUnp. TbiSilicon Iron Cumpi.tiy has beta workiinthe Efern mine Ibroiigb&nt the year. The D 0 ( ] g e

vE-ttia cniitinue, nn herettiforf, narrdw, bnl lwmt$ nompsny.Ibe ore in uf rxci-llont qtmlity, nlthoiiRl. wt i F o r < 1 mim> j t , n ,

iry rich. Tlio rompiuij'ii iuruace nt II.-1 ; p l i r i i . . o , t r 0 . , work lliis

sWp. Am Pools,

c mine, Mount Ol ive tomship .live niiiifflwere worked from

Workedup to 5Uy 1-* I860, by L. F . A W. E

fift niino, Roibary township.TLi iminc stopped in M>iv.

Oore Mine, Itoxburj township. Theove \m W t i going throiiRhout the.mtcis M O«v^ h workiiifi it. The ore isg*lly shipped to I'eunKvlvanii* fIl«rd mine, Jtfferson township.nrtuljle rre body coulitiunt to be followed>vn IIIKI t o j i . b U i l a r B p l y ax ever. ThelMnIeii Iruu CON |>IWV liold* it.

n township. The, mid•peuetl last win'c

M found Ihnt Hiid to diverge fnn Mining Company, Mr.superintendent, own tbo

not" fir>t tbat he boldi the exnlted position. f Poandltecper of (he towiixblp of linn-ilolpb' anJ tlit-ruforo «penkn by nuthorily.Now il seems by Willlaiu'is own adaiiripiont int he oven un for two monlbu' Bul*crip-ilon ; ihnt bo ww o^ifectl; willing lo differtbn horrible lit -ckiie-iB o f tbe E m nn lot.g a-,bo wiw not compelled to pay lor it. In inctwe never lenmcd tbat Wjlliiun was uo t lusweet nccord with us until wn sent him nbill, and had I lie Beudh« of Ruch bill boontielayed for a ye tr it ifl fafe to presume tlwtWilliam would bnva smothered bis abbnrreui-u f-ir tbe ERA nnd wmld bnve contiuutdtu read it iiotwlibfttandlutf i ttJlueknesB. U seems to have been H B billthat bothered William nnd lio conldu'tl ) , .mt t . He neeuis t o have known perfecllyt rd lwben hUt ime expired, aud if bs budiicb nn bveriion t , i t an bo mm-fffsts »li'hy didu't be then uotify us lo dincontinue

it, or *W refuge to take i t from tb<

Iiniu'culaio nud pure in lilnpoli-tics. William ebonld carry a little of it intibia dealings wittt Ills fellow men. But Wil-

ijH be won't poy for tbe two mon bsbe Las bad, uotwitlintauding tbencwupnpeilaw of tut* State Bays be nball p a ; for i t "Blong an be receives it. and tbat tbe publiskerin not compelled lo discoatinus the sending

tbe Biyiifl ho long iis any nrtcaragttin unpriid. Uilliam evidently ima|it tbo oflltM] nf Poundkaopf r ix paramounttbe hw-H of Ibe Stnto of N«w Jersey

Come up to the score like a IDRD, William ;pay your just anvftrago to tbd paner, andstop it in n rnnuly way. Tinpiss through lire serenely, without f iar ofmolest ill iou from tbe ERA, whether .\your coat or not. Some people tbtuk it tbecorrect thing never to chaoge their shirt,

imply ft nralUr of Ittste, Williiitn, andin exercise your own Bweet will about

yuurnppar t l , i-vituif the Inw will uot allowyou to ilo BO nbout your subscription.

A T.tiiiiber of our Democratic friends binpried tb>ir euliHcriptionfi, saying co

teounly Ibat they could not Rgr«e wflh us,nnd pnjiiiK ftrrennigeB where RUCU were due.For i l l such we li»v« tbe greiiteRt respect,nnd will ever treat them wi 'h tbe considera-tion duo to ^cbtlfRiPii, nut when sn ill-until red boor tnkea occnwnn to iusuHua byBUCII a comimiuic .lion ft* the above wt -.haln<:e delight in putting him upon a spit aud

• oastiug liim before tlm public gnz

Beatty's Parlor Organi-We call attention to Mr. Beat'y's Inrge

orgnn ndvprlmrment nublihbeil in this issued tbnt Mayor Benily

will obip over 000 Cubiuft Organ*, duringtbe month of Slnrub, ond tbnt he is com-pelled lo enlargR bis work a ut Washington

ir dvr to meet tbe demand. He refers to

ObHuary.Martha E. Baldwin, n l i o t of t i e U U J o i n

M. Baldwin o( HacketUtovn, d l td *t Man-hope, Btarcb l7lb, and « u buried f r c n th# T b . LeyiMLitnre wi 1 poiiUmlyIlaoketlMtown U K. Churoh iUrefa Sli t , u s x nut lo jnorrotrtU noon, avtrything be-Mra Bttldwia, origiuftll/ Opdyke, W H bom ing lu ttwdiu«Mi fur that tvent . All tbe iiMay Oib, Jfl l l , and early came to live in Uie porUut meaaureainti-odaotdiiave been din-f mi l j of Itev. U r . Campbell, p r u b y t e r l M I posed of, u d nodiiog renuOu* ou tbe cako-miDibter »t Haakettstcwo. When sight I dw of «itb«r Loiumbuta aurpliui of insig-yearn of age she became tbe subject of tilfioant billxi

reilfiioQH convJotionN wbich contianed until ' The bill Unit ing Ibo number of eonriotsat tbe ngj of thirteen nho fooad the Saviour to 100 to ba employed In any one branchat a Melhoditit pmyer meeting- 8b* wan of industry in iba State P r i w a waamarried September StWb, 163t, nnd in uouwo [ in tbs SenniB by a vote ot 12 to fi, tbo*

; of time became tbo mother of fire sonB andthree, daughters, nil of whom with the etccptioo of one daughter nurt l^e hor n m o ntu a belter world.

Immediately on hnx marriage Pba con-nected herself with the M. £ . Church a tRacfcoHHtDurn oud ratualoed io its oouimiin-Inu until lier dt

unry Dtb, ]Hually br ken u

tbu dohut wbicb on the oili

Her busband diedd the f am iiy was grad-

circumxtntice i ho life of Mrs Dal

html e n tbi ad her to

oirry her belprul kiudnens und cUristimlihte •fulness into

• borfcnndg utbo widely depurated

ohildr^a andfrieudf renids. On November 24IU of last

r she was stricken with paralysis wbflelrnlng from n BOcinl visii, Bho was IIH-ed lo lha residence of b t r Bon-in-Iaw, P

0. Blazon, of Sianhope. and there lingered,patieut Hufferer and tbs reeipleut of tbe

liudly njiuistcations ot children and frieodintil h r r rclcnq"camc and she ws*permitted

x rent wilb God.Tbe remains were taken to HuckelUtown

l llondny aud n fuutral aerviea m i heldi tho M. E , Church. Tbo Itev. G. W,

MiU-r, her paaior. preached a ?ery nppro-pri i te and comforting sermon from John14th nnd 3d. Tbe Itev. K. 8. Van H a m , s

rmcrpautor, *n i Itev. A. R. Tuttle wereso present and pirtiotpated ID the servl.-es.

The Hydrophobia Curs,Mr. Reeve declares potitively in reference

to Ibo recipca rccootly published, as "Pen-ney'a origlual" and the like, tbat they are

h A f hof hvdropbribin by his fathe

is mother and himself. H e Bays h e knownnothing of Penney, nor can he tell of whom

IB father procured tho t rne rea lpe , b a t h elioen kn«w that it linn never been publishednod never iu nil tbe forty years or bis

;te»Bire icqunjntltoce witb the treatmentthich hns proven no KUceeBsful hai the real

tpe ln> HI snld to any person, nor hni itever beeu published o r written.nt the ulwur.iity of the RiatetnenI Ihut

ld for $2 / i ;

$10,000 would beirt with it, and

mine, Jfflcin ino nko is

tertuwn, V<\.. t tbe

, township,rked by the

nine for lb«r supply

mill'a QVH nioutlis-•. LiBseis. Oci

The drift ti" public ojiiniou ni"y bo nee(n Ihe m m p k i i o n of Ihe now United StitSenivto. Eneb pnrly Iw thirty-sight vntThe Republican pmty tins ihirtjr-f.ii Birit.trfrom the Ninth nnd Uvo fir>m the Buntwhile the Deinocmlic jmrt}1 ba.s ciplit Sftorsni'.ly from thit ffrt-itt Nmth nml ibifrom the leaner Sdiiib. And y t t tlm Deierotic iireus nnd puliiic-i.uis Room Rreittly iin n w d Ihnt these Ihirty S-iiitheni Deniocrare t o t Iti be nllnncul In taupe lltb policy(lie Unlled HlntcH.S.'iiitlt'.

For the flrnt lima in nmny year* ihe Stnlcf New Jersey Lot been hoimred in tho ap i iu imrn t of ouu nf ili cilizeuH to i\ fidiplnniiilic tnlwton. Tbe l.wt rme to bntneb a dignified nngiiion was W. L Di j iowho wan MitiisUr to Prance. I» Ihe »polwimont of Hou. Wm. IV-.ltfr Phi-lpBtbe AnMrinn miwion Pn^iticnt Qatfield hnSttltiply wcrgtiizcil Ihe int'fi'B of ourfiiid ive belicTG linn BPCiireil r«n able teprificntntivc of thin gfivoriitui'iit fit Vionnn.

Tlio Domocmey hnvirg recently jjivenpnUio nlniiLr to 0 ,a t r . i l Hudcnd;, Ibu ncthiPK in OTder for ibein io do is tn Ret upmormnry nffiiir for Win. II. EuslUli, 8J . TiMen nnil Jnhn K. llj% nnd the lotm y of D'uiorr-itic iniLtljrs who were lickedto death by Ilaruum'rt timles.

. Beuntor JLIIIOUP, iliu iudriieiuirnl Yirt>iInn. nnlywi febi eLchly lioiitiiln, but wlieiBen Hill Rit through with him ha fritlightiiing bnri struck him.

Succasunna.A number cf mta, tome with teams.

' anraer tn n call mude bj our ovtr^eer of thiroad, cttne oiit Tuesday morn i OR to wot je partlhlly BoisliNi font-waik betweciand Dmbeville, but did cot go to work, asone of the property holilpra on the linothe walk forbid tbeir taking any dirt titor gmdinfl the front of wbut ho claims tohis property, but i««uppo§ed to bo withiiil-e limits of the road. Tho ro»d is »u rtnrupiate read, ami when Lild out wai tirods wide. Tbe old map of the road ha<been found and lo **tt!e nny further <litbo road *ill ptobabij bo avrvtrynl.

ObkDge of work is rent Talkative per-*ou* irhose toncaei luve been million n ^ yat a breakneck pace over brdrophobie dngbaie » cluncB to oil up their talkiug miehinti and set Uietn at work on bydropbotiiceaU for awhile. Tueidar afternoon Mr.George Bklpp nolJofd tb,.l his eat, whichMt OB the porch, acted strangely. Trr*.a little girl pitted by ; tbe cat spracR nt herand scratched her on the bip and then n nunder Ihe building. Mr. H. can* oat andWM abnat to look under when it .-prausi ••ad lilt him below the kun\fti teetb pawthransh t i t boot ami ibree thicknetsclMh to hii fl».b, bn-ginR blood. Hi*wound vu cwtoilifd by Dr. Itieliis. Tbia d wis Hppooed t< be nisi and w u tbotIt fovgtt wllbacat UuciRfat before andp«rlap*bitoth«ra. P .

etunpUlnt from nb>****j*h*n thai Che Eat dori not

U \U nly **y Ifthat pip*1* •*• rrgvUrly wnt from tbi*«Kce, and lb*t tbt t.ull ia In UM poaU'•trvlo*. W a n e tnaLlog afir ta la b*t# it

Tt« bW ««»|»UO| tttmmn trrm th • pe*-mmlot M tea b u ?*u*4 brfk I M H I O(

bit UU oriitMltd la

Thin mino was iu optmtto June of the preneut yiA Pultumn.

B j m m mine, nnndniph townnhip. ThAndovir Iron Company ooutiuucH to workthin tniuo.

Mellon mine, nandolph township. Tbifimino ban ht-en worked hy i u nwiwrs. tin11coutors of estato of ITAH. 0 . Lord, amDOiler the nuperiutendenco of Robert F .Oratn. Tbe ore bos hsea used at Boontonand at Port Omni.

Uandall Hill Mine, Bandolpb township,Otrard and worked by tho Crane Irou Com-t)any.

Illnck HIUi Mine, IUudolpb township.This mine of tbe rHckerMu-SuecosimnnMining Company, in leased to A. Pnnlec.It hi\H been worked more or less throughoutthe year. Tbe oro has lias been used in the

niiufncttiro of Be«H< mor p ig st the Secau-IH Iron Works.Dickeroon Mine, Randolph township.

Dicberson-Succiminun Mining Comi<, A. Pflrdeo. T h i s m i n a eontinueii to

yield a Inrga amount of rich ore. Tbe nq-ate product lor the jpnrs 18fift-18P0 in-ivp, exceed)! 300.000 tons, Tho "Gei

ogy of Ntjw Jersey,1 ' piiblishril in 18fi8, pestimated prmluct up t" Hint dateIKIO toiiB, nnliiiR a graml total of ovj-ntiiirtprs of i> milli

' mi:UP, Uantlolpli foviiiship. TheIron and Coai Company ownsthis Unit.

f tlieir iMhope.

swnieteouR Iron Works, nt stan-

u»li!p. Tb«Crime Iron Uonipauy is nbout to re-ojScnfit-ld miiip.

lliulc, ur Stnchopo miuo, Byram toi n«hip,


mty. This mine baa beim worbeimt throughout tho yenr by Jobi

i. or Ironia. Tho greater purl ofn been utei] nt Stnnbope.

r Budil Mine, llyrnm townsliip.g ,

x county. Hmilli A Uuitling, of NewYork, have a lenic of this property, iradtbfy hnvo been mining during the grente*pir t of tbe year.

Sickles m i n e Ppnrtn (Duly. Tbe Sickle* ininn


mlier, 1B70. The Dloomlng TMining Couipnny has been raising oruit during Ihe current year, nnd shipping it


s at Stnnbope and Hecanm:, Sparta lowusbip,

county. Three purlieu hnvo been worhiint the Opden Mines; the Davenport Minaof tno RtiHtirx Iron Company, wnrkud forAtkina Brothern, of Pottsfillo, Pit . ; Ibonobcrtti Mine by tho Hime purlieu; thePimlee Oedf-n Mine worketl far lha supply

i; nnd the old Ogden,i Com'

jfthoStanhopofi)r Iifllilph Mine, of the Cuplny I '

pany by i ts owners.HF.MAflTK IHO» OBES.

Imur mine, Wellington township.Tlifl hrinnlite mine on tho Turn

-. two mWcft nortlienst of Onlifon,wns worked n p«irt of tbo year, anil tha ore

... ~t., ...t^., ,....' ^. .-._—. WHK u^fd at GheBter, hut it proved too trouIrondalo Mine, Honda]ph lownnb!p. Of b ] e R o m ( , o n ftccmmt of ;the zloo iu It. Its

of minPH Ihe Sterling nud lTurdrarking duriuc the year. They

; l ion beet; ititHcd lo the Tboi

Tbe New Jersey Iron Company is tbe

Orolinrr. mine, Randolph towr»hip.Owner, estate of J . Ceojirr Lord. Tbtfmii

m been worhed tlironfilmut tbe year by the(fcutnrK of the Lord eistnti?.Scrub Oalt mine, Itacdolph townublp. Tbiitno was worked from February lo June byH owner, Amlorer I ron Co, Tho vtiu

larfjo, hut Hie oru ia lean.HolT iniie, HockftwnT townsWp. Ti

Chenter Irou Company worked this mi;nbout half of tboycnrnn<Ubi]i]»d(.,OOOtoof ore. The AT in nt thn bottom in tbo rondibaft lift* grently tnlnrgrd, nnd thieery Bolid m d cknn. The) enpneity of ttieminu for the en«uliiR yrnr is rr.tin.ntfdir.,000 tmm, Tho ore i* eRproinlly adaptedlo M>fl foundry Iron,

WftOiinRfon Forg* m i m , Rneknway ti'hip. Since the Inil an noal report thoCnr->on Tmn ilnnofftdurioB Company ha a Inworking thin mine.

i nt tbo f urnnco led to the suspensionbcr work at the mine.jnl- mine, WnslitnRtnn townshipluce wan worked in 1879. and a lilt!tbo preBEtityear, by t i e Port Omme Company, nnd a large amount of ore

Mount r icanuit mint*. Itoctawny town-iip. Thtriwflt-fennivu mine bus bcenst-wl.

iiy worked ibrongh th» year hy Un owners,itnto of J . Cooper Lord. Th» weitei

lennion of the Tfta on thisproperty inopfticdthe \V»RhitjRton mint>. It Is known an

Ihe Went Mount Plra<«nl mine. TheIfl feet wlile, inclwiilnK >* bnno of rock 2

et wide. The d*-plh i<> Un feet.Iticbtrd* Vino. R m k i w a r toirti*hip.

Worked UDintemipttdly by the ThnmiwIron Company, Or« goes to IIokendauq,ua.

i.Allen Minn. Rockuway lowmh.p . Owner,cw Jersey Iron Company ; leMee, Andover

Iron Company.Teabo OIIDP. Rocknway townnlilp. Worked

irauRhont yea/ byowncra, Olendon IronDtn pany.Miitnt 11'pe mine, Itoekawiy Mirnsliip.

The larpti ind noted minei a t l lnont Rr*p*md workrd b j tba LMeknwiinni

'ran nu1 Cml Compauy. They faata beeioperation all Ihe jnr. Tbe ore got* li

in t>b,Rh Valley, P a . The aRRTfprodaot of IheM t n i n « approx imate to

,000,000 tona.DMCU mltift, I tockaviy towwhip . R P -

d in Uareh, »ml « o r k M by tha An-iortr Iron Cnrnpany. I t ii t h e prop*rtr of

was taken out.

Newark Conference Notes,There m e r e i n niiiul<«rnf v u n m b l c i

b e n ot thin IMUV. Amtnig Ihe supernnnro HPT. JiiN. H. D.mey, wlin wits ndinIn 1826; J. B. I*.>rter, D. P . , Bev. II, An-»l iw In 18-2(1. H.v. D. W. nirlitif, D.

nt Ilio bend of .hose in Ilia effft

ino yenn n« i-ff..-ctivp. Fortv.r-iof llm Ciifcronco have died since

nr. Il'-v. W. II. Dickerson nnd Rev8 . II. Oi*l.vke. TIMI BVITUBO np;e of Ih*

whn Imve ilied van nbout flfty-fonrf..rly

tliirly-fm;>n(y R

C41. Th..11 depart m

Mipi'liefl, Ft've-iri

Munch worlt.patiiubt-rof prrnrhci i , m*rti1»cri nti'l phtircbe;

m m.irn than d.-nll.-.l tlucc thn C mfarenn,l ibn


t work

tnh'i.t i« rhin?. Tl'f w.-rk o f« - ' "buil Rpcciiil nileti ifi i . Th^ T

.uilimryat II v.lUmi U >.:>E n f

ud with ihn ii>minr<t ui II.ckftMnuri! liiuml n rmoffftiiii biHlTV. I)»tii mini[iilliV'tri-ii t n v - «lvcti lilienvlly tn witu>ni.i> ir n i.>ii" l ' | 10 Il-Iinta-OH pf

Onm' d n u t nwi i i i yfor Die

K«* J«n^y Iran Uininn Oompuny.HibeniU ulnea, Itockkmy towwOiip,

«irop«*I«»*at *ork on I hi*long an4 iTta-rkibly penthtont nre brd, TIK:Ttat Audorvr Iran Com|«ny. u tb i •oflth-

• 1 : tb* OltmJon Iron Gomptay. In lb»J<ll#i and tii* Bt.hltl>*-» Iroe CoMpuy,tha nartfKaU. TlM uian b**t btm

all the /Mr , u»J lb#MfUM tbra*

The Jjbilce Slngsra ComlnE .The Nt'n- O r i e n t UnivfMt? SiugTH • »

Rni'i tn ri i i t D >vrr. nnd will nnprnr in tLeF.n.1 H . E Chnrrh next ttVlnvMlnjr (WU-fllff. Kbni Ibty >ill ring In the ii.ler.M ullb« H.I'UH, S.-h."!. T i n . will ho Roml who enj>j<d tbi i r tin g i t * M>ghly whm they wrw bet» before. TheyTo been Ringing *U "*«r lh« ctmnirj fur

M-irr»l J r t t n iMKt, mid have jn*l *ut*ttti,&l ht»<ht«

f <10COO

jt off au lu l rb l

tue rclltri<M»

tbe following gcnlleinfn in this nnd adjnin-fouiiticH wbo have bought hla inntra-

its. Hpioo will oidy permit n few of thely : IMvidero, ^- J . - H o n , Henry

Ilnrrin, Member of Congrcsn; Hon. Willianer thorn, e i -Sinnior ; Adam Bellts, E^q.or Warren Journal ; Jo.-iah K»Hi*iia

£ . q , Editor llelvidcre Apollo. AVRShhiglonN. J . - P . H. Hnnn, En j . , Cashier FinNntionn) Hunk. flnciltetlhtrtwu—WhitneyIiirtilule, . Mr. Wbitutij, D. D., Pre«ident; Rt'r. John H. Egbert. Cliiton, N.J.—Hon. John Cnrpenlor, Jr., CXARBPIUIImnn. MorrUtown—A A. Vnuce, Editor npublUlier of the JerBejni Boonton~B.L. Garrison, Editor and publisher at theBulletin; Crane Bron., tto.

Proposed Railroadi,Four new r.'ilronds across Sussex Coualy,

nre ID contemplation. There mflylvauin and New England, from

iia Wnter Qnp and Poughkoepiit ; tiniek Valley, to conuect thu Pentsy

mania's Belvidere Dtvisioo at Bvlviders wittbe Newbuig branch of tho Erie at Grey-court, and t» be called, when computed, thaLehigh Valley nnd Hudson Hiver railrnad,third, Ihe Hew Jerwy Midland'H road froiOsdenshurg, Sussex county, Ibrongh Warrccounty to the Delaware, Laolmwamm anWestsru'B line at Wider Gup, and thence toNew York city; this la becked by the Mid-land's friends latff ly Interented in Luzerncand LaekA«-anna oountieB oisl lauds; fourtlthu Sussex railrond, to uuite BbintcwnNewtm aud connect with the AVarwiclVidley, making a through Hue from tbePenunBylvauia coal regions to K<*w Eugland

Mysterious Disappearance of a Farmer-A singular story c d to tho E m from

Hnctett-town. Mr. Edward Ayern, a furmer living wltUn a f«« milei of thnt plane,drove over to Hrtckettetown, and leavlug hhorse and wagon at hU brother-tn-low'e,myaterio-BJy a imp pen red, after writingnote lo Mr. Chris- Hi bier, his neighbor,tclllnp him to look after his family Uyear, nnd saying tbnt be was going away,It wana-certaiacd at the stnliou that a tnRDanswetixg hi-)de."oripiloD had called thereand inquired tbe price of a ticket to sowpoint in Minnesota. He had made nil hfarming Arrangement* for tha coming yeaand us be had no domwtio troubles or &n<ncml difficulties, i t ia believed that ho mmhave become dei-auged. Ha bud about $r>iu money with him at Ihe time of leaving.

WEEKLY IRON REPORTS.The Engineering and Miuiof, Journal o,

last Bnturday enyTbe iron market is still very (inlet, bnt alie aimi- lima firm. Them iinouutpf pic«iroo, rails, elc, bei,

bnt on previims ortlers. There are no ac<ctinml illnnn nf Htookn worthy of note.

AMEMOAS I>IO —We le.«n of noleu. Although tbe market i» qniet, it i

very Rlroog. nr.d nlochu nre not nccnniiilaWM qtiote No. 1 P. o'.dry nt troC$l'l<>;

9 Foaudry, *!a@$SS; and Furga,

ficoicn Pio.—Tho nrriTnii nrs tnndmnle.l n

holh herei--n nt S 2 U @ * 2 3 ;

nlmtitbed. FricfJi nre atcnrlynw. We qnolo

The Ho»Balt.The member* of Vigilant How Company

re nlrea^y tnnkiiiR prcpurilionn fur tlirl•munni Ea-der Monday W l , which U\U thhyrnr on tbe IBIh or April. Every eff rt willW made to make it it Dnmibla niora iacorm-ful tbnu lUidialiniral-bed predvocaMrK. Thef l l I r o i t t e w i have been appealed:

or Amne-aienUt -Wlllkin H.Q V U k , JohnLatnbm, Frank Cox, Jaa.

P . "ltecfption Committeir—Jus. H. Roagh, U.

H. Matone.T. John T. rain, Hugh Bmltb,John D. I'fllft u d Jnbn ER*O.

Floor Manager—Vim. Cos,

riandtrt,I aotlee tbat year eetreaponiienUi fro

qqe&tly aay good word* wwpeciiug U.Uplao*. Tb. M corotsf ndallona i n gtnenllrw*ll oanwd, for • • h»w an tndnitriona,tbrirty and peactabl* eomnoDltyaa a wholi.

baft only rot mggntlo-i to oflWr t Thatfew or Ib* yotuf cam at tbU vlolnlty do

jrinliin wjib vblcit itioy wrra"rt*rr lltcy R.t tlwy *iu tb h i l

UHII f r

Al U'lllMiianttf** wtvkitttfft tbn Ljetumw«» t n i d r d s i lb a dflivbltd sndirtwa

I ifa^y n|i)Mrtd tb»rv. Tbclt t u M i l

t Howl-. mt4 tu«n« nf tfc# ik j . Sa, !>•! a i U ebttt

tbat I* t i n ia to ! • altewtatj*

UttlrUm* and mexwy t s Ib* oflotlr iUlfUieu to la*b- aciabbom MM!U»ir I .milk*.

A* Otr-Fuuaains Fnxov.

Ur. Aw THBIUHT, of lUchriWowa, U iha

o f ywhkh i. aa oddity to all who Unit «MBhim. H» -111 pmrtmm near I Urirkka, aw» will rraity sofj ih*

dfl Hh l

fete M U**y» toi MB M Ur. T.**

not at all tbe lania tu tha ty

for the

induIbttt all oBers hn

him tobeen

lifnrmly r<?f iscd by hid father and by[•If. l i e doi>H Ituow tbnt nbout t«-entyngu a trnTellina pn3dler pretended to

iRseRKed of tbcoriftinoJ andflnld recipesigli this so at f (in of the ctunlry nt from

{I to $10 encli. bnt never, t o liiu knowl-IRO, lifts any ono hnd confidence enough fiidno to try them in a cans whera a persoQns been bitten hy a rnbld dog.Tbo wine nr npiritn, with which, accorrl-

lg to the publinbed recipes, tbe medicinei mixed, would t a t bn uaud by him jinder

nny eonalder&tlou. Xotbtog la more im-portant in oonoectlnn with t h e Reeve treat-ment tfaan B total abs t in iKe from is heating t o lbs blood, either in die*or eiercUo.

The Rights of the Proprietor!,A correnponilent of tbe Madiion Journal

In 1(5(14, Charles IX. of England gatins brother, tbe Duke uf York, a patent fur

great part of North America, Including tbe-^vinous of New York and New 3e

Tbiri va% S1G years ago, conwtineiitljpeople have ti'ivigated tba watcnt of New" j w y f e r S l f ly ran wilh nil kind of craft

nl tWy nay tbo Inw givon a right nfterfeuly ypnnf of iieaceable pottrwitMiou, I aml old man now, and have always boated

nnd flnheil ou these watn-R, thinking I had aright t o do no. The Uoiteft fltnten Courtsaid " nil n water* nre free," and ilthe Pri'prMorn nssome Ibe right to sellShark river, and Lake ilnpntcong, tbpy haih ri ithe

, yriBht lo mil Pxtoaio river frutn

Newark bay all tbn way t o Mendbam j alsoihe Delawnr* river to the Pinmylvania line,rind make the inhabitants psy them toll anctribute.

I t !H my opinion that Ibe Proprietor*ghta to the waters a n no t H I good in real

Ity aa the frogs that inhabit them.

The Southern District Polling Place.We learn that Mr. Ju-ed D. Ooe {• making

a n effort to have the polls ID the SoutheroElection District of Ilaudolph Townshipfixed nt hia place, instead of at Ur , PeterC. Tottcn'fl, where tliry wore last heH, ithe ground that there was n t i t to te o n t t UqueKtinu ia the Bon I her a Dint riot a t Ihe Intoelection. Dot the Southern District alonedoesn't fli th« choice. T h e whole towanblvotcR npon tbo plaofB for helping all th*p llrt. Tn the Kouthera District tho votewan it tie. In tlie Norihcm aud Centr il Dlft-

•fcts Mr. Toteu'H plnce WHB CD the I tepub-^ n tiettuh Va\\e,d. This l ieVt bad 14 tna->rily civisr tha ooruLliirii »ote of the Duiu-

ooratlo nud Qreenbauh tioltiU In the^w twoaUrictH, and an Mr TOUOD'H pliuw wai notnorntchtd nnoa bo tlietefoIu t i e townt.hi[>, wbluh a recount of tberot-'B will show If the same 1B muda necra-

StruckJury.Tba followiQg U the list of Hunt* Jnr

In the wneof theflUifcva. Anul Oomptnn tcbe tried April 5lh :

linm. Ilenjiniin B . OrWnM. Abra-hum M. French, J U M P S A. TW-bb. Wm. J .Itiittiti, Henry P. Hay. Albert Li rd i tey .Oiniat H. Ucakcri M w r i ^ B-maT. Oi>keSmilli H »lt »w,iy. TIUIIMRQ B. Piers on. Zen-H. Kmilh. Jnwa P . SnlUran ( Huiovoi

How<U. Dawitt 0 . Quimby, HemB .11, Xlmliins N. Qxil , J.ih.1 OJ^HII . Vf. R.W i U n . Bimii«l M. Hnpplnft, W.ilterMiiehell, QonnreB. Smith ; W. Olive, DuviiA Ninholft*; Pcquftunn*, Ocorge Rwtno

t, John 0 . Wuloh.

The Prospect of Fruit0"ninaien of frqlt nerd not hive an;.

fear* with reference to the coming emp, Ianddillon to th« prrdiolion or the pmeh menof an entire failure, which fnvurfably pre-eed»H good crop, an old fmH Rrower notonly m y that there -ill be a good yield,bat R!»M the grounds on whleb he t*a«t Lisiplnlon. Tl« my* Ibe protracted cold

weather retarded Ibe premature budding Dftbe tree*, and (he br iv j snewi protected

root*, aa well a* Ibe vine* of the tmnBfruit, and in bia experlenoe awb a Hhas HIWIITI bees followed by u incrttMd

IMwtng the UsakrtUtnwD wtlm.viB.U.AB.n. R. to Ponuylfsnta, for UM «s*k •odiDgTliamUy ev*Dinft, Kar, Mtb, 1W.

Unrriit'-wnUonntaln Vi«w,...

OraraQheslrr It, 11. (Ilortfla a.Corwis'i,

rakfirilk «...




Di«trWt, for UiaUot |« Austria,A MW UtoejiDg M Ur. (l*\

Uoaivllk, which «M U » M by a nbtf 4og,h U 4

|U bottlM el ti. MOI M thrti bj ufitm.The n v M *tttl«a «f ik* Jfiw TMIMH*

codugiu tafl uegsUve being Ueasrs. Bodine, Bosenbnrv, Cramer, I ^ r e u p u dWorttndyke.

Every water bill tbat came *p iu tb<HoDHe was defeated, and 'Lo ono iutrodaod'hy Aluun. as n BubHtitnte for the Hobaribill, eoabliog puteraon uuDUfaaturen toprovide water Btornge reservoir, w « , after nwarm debate, witbdravo by him in defer-

e to puhlioaentimeut, wbiob shoved It-

Tbe btll enabling railroad companiesacquire title to land* for dupot and other

was ordered to b e reprinted wlllimdments, whiob meanu, at tbia Into

hour of tbe aewion, c e r a f i defeat t o itTbe I ill limiting tbe time for bringing aaUoBuagainut railroad eom[»nle« on icoonntof pcnonal injury, A?., to one year, was re-eommiltcd, which also tuenoi defeat.

Bills pWMed in the Senate i—Providingir the further examination of the Canada

thistles : providing for t h e appointment ofcollectors for delinquent b-i-payom inlea ; tbe general bill for tbe KCTerameut of

mntiea, w tb atueodmonU; the polio*-en tenure of office bill,TheHouia passed a bill enipoweriog tbeLmmMider of the Grand Army "f the Bs-iblio to enforce martial law in oatnp and

BOO yards about, Jfco.A lively time was bad in tbe Howe over

f. bill which provide* for the appointmentof a oaw Board of BiimHin Ccby tba Governor, to ootifllst nfrrotu each political party. At pi

«d the Board fitanda thrns deius-oue republican Tha bill wai orig-

inally Introduced by a a raoerat who had »grudge against Judt>B L ' tbrop , one of thecoiomlssiouers. Home of tbe republicanssaw that their party would gain an addi-tional vote (o 'bo 11 nnfl and tbnrefure did

11 they could lo help Iti pmange, but oth-er«, Ird by I'otU aud Lnwreuoe, ruiBtd Ihehue and cry ih >t tha P^ntwylvavla Railroadwile at (uei buck of it, r! i ich \R denied by

frleiilr" ol (hat corivoration here, andm u l t wai that It was indefinitely p o 4 -

[jonedl .yavote o r a l toUl.G o v i m o r noininnted tba fnliowlng

Kentlem:u aa eomnisBaionern to the World'ir a i n Edward l i t t l e , of Oniudan ; EdwardJ, Ai.derson, of Trenton ; George H. Oook,if Now Hruimwiek ; Obarhui Horatiton, of

Oxforfi John Kyle, of Patorsoii; OrtsteaCleveland, of Jersey Clly, and Edward Bol-baok, J r , of Ntwark.

Oliver Conlou WAX nominited fur harbormamer a t Elizabeth.

Tbe Governor will not send tbe nnmefl ofKeluey for Secretory of S t t e nor

ntlnon keeper to tbe Bsnato again thiiyear, bu t nil) appoint them to nil vacauoieaas soon w they oooor.

Daring 8urgtary<A during burglary was perpt tmted Thm»-

diy night s t BeottTstown, tares miles southol Hiickellatcwn, by which the itoraHuniy Johnson & Sou WUH brokna into nnd

to tbe ertiicnted value of about *2WThe lobbern effected an entmnoe by b a n t i n gnpen the fr mt doom by uieaiw of Jlminiea,

r which tlipy proceeded to Ret into Ibiby drilling three- ko\*n arouud the lock,met uml ou uttUer s t l e , and one i a ibenf tbe Bare, titter vrhioli they hud carriedB of clover ML'Oik from Ibe room a bstore, whiuh they bud pluoeii iu Ibe fi

(,f thoBiifenNif locntcb tha door if it wiulikely to M l at tbe time tho blast wmt made.All or the hoha lind been clmrged with «•

) innteriiil by which the wfo TOBlitemlly hlnwQ to yiuee*. All tho money lith« Mifw which in ealiuialed nt from $25 t»30, w,,u t,.ken. Tbrre n n also two puirs oboots mid Bevprnl palm of shoes niliwing.ftwt-II a s a lot tit pocket knives, elgitnt, etc.

i envelope cnnUiutuB ISO worth otpnntnge etunipn w>is in the safa mid eonxM-enibly burned nl the time of thoand was handled by tlio ImrgluB, bnt wasInit behind. The sufe belonging to J u h n B ,Pitber, E*q , the owner of tbe Hug w»

ilucd $100. Noe luuna to tbebaiKlurabebeen obttineil a t last report.—Warwu Dmocrat.

The Future of Jaras, Central.A pmtniDeat operator fn Wall street MM

f6wdr.j i i»go/"The JernerOeotwl peoplehave been ready for Bomo lime to makeJudge Lathrop president of tbe ronj, bnt he

Tba probablo oaudidAtea for tbi Democritic nomination! focfitati* Sm^Qf IB] War.

Ingtoo boroaghi l.m. S. Uaoii, PaUlip*-b u r g : John Hiiiienoii Mil Wm. M. kUckey,BrJvidere; Calab WycLoff, O i f o r d j Q u OH. Beatty, Hope ; Uwtio WyokolT, Franklin

> Is not often • utunnoMin' <s ere.*titdto«0Tcl uutil it nan dune ilf flail .war* M«Jled Into lilnury. tjuoa.d ttie conlemplaleOrtian of a mpuoment t o XX Omupnoiiin in Imnor of Hi mauy cures, it would b>

„ . Crst on recorJ, i t that irtinlo in in itirima a&a still iDcreamng Ip pjjiiilirity am

rot . So many have born b>ni>ntt«il by I t .•o that any tmonot or funtU ooali) lie raised,lie igontlQu far it ban not liaon decided upon,

For tbe licet cigar• aud cigBrettea go UVougUt & KillRdreV Corner Drng Store.

Ifoo may be troubled with a lane back, or i•pralD, rneuraatiBni or h p e n e s i . Ask vonueiRhbour the W t liniment to ii.<a. Tltej'li

tall yon ID get the XX Cimpbor OruoiIhst!» to*Hn by VOBRIII & Klllfurs.

Goad Advic*.It ;on keep yo^r ito nsoh, I. nr »nd kldueyr

tu purfuetr workiotf ordur, yutt will premnt ameuro by rar the greater part uf the ill> tuatiffliot mnoklnd la ibis or *u; section. There

nu medicine tiuotrn tbal mil do this arqulclilf or sorely *• PABKEB'3 QINQBFfONIC, which nil) iccnrp a portedIj Dstnrsolioo or tbesa important nrgsbs without In-srferiusin tho leant with your diitr Jutlet.

Fox sale by Tou«bt & Killgore,

How it wai Done-" How <lc you tnatiijtcV' •>•<• » lady to her

Trleud, " to appear to happy ind giiod nttnredtil tho time ?" >' I slvrayi Imve PBTIIGI'M G.n-

Tonlohandy," wan Ihe icplr, •'and tin*Iiy keep myvolfanilfuniil/ ID good health,en I am w elf I alxtay feel' good Data red.'Ml about it in * no! her column.

POT sale by Vought & Kill^ore.

Klduey l u u i i ,Kidnoj dlieaawj afflict ibe greater partiu human race, and they iro constantly on

tlio iQoreaxe, but where tbu virtues of KID-BY-WOJIT hare Lueome known, tbey are

leld ft) check snd speedily cured. Ltt thosehave had to constantly dotu ipirlts oand such alnff, Rl"e this (treat lemedy i

trisl nnd be cnrucl. In Ibe ilry form it is tcoiecmnmlcal, In tbe liquid the most convenient

,the nuJers'ftned,r^idintuot ElizabethN. J., DeliiR veil ncquHinted nltb tbe meritof ELY'S CREAM BALH.a spsciflo forCtturliand Ha; Fever, irnnlcl parnostly recommend it:B'lbcrt W. Townley, c«.M»yor; T. V. McCor-

ilolt, Judpo Cotntnou Pitas.; E. II. 6 b or wood,NationalBlnle Banu ; Juc. Uaj;ulio, Nation*!Stale D«nt<; deorga S. Pa?Is, First NationalLink; J. O.Ticlnnor. houtt nnd Mioei, 102Brwid at,; John S. HigLtalhor Bank, 371 Broadway, N. Y.l Henry Q.MilligaB, Pres': Newark Stamping Co.;Oook, PnbliEhor of Ulfxabotb HBIULD ; 0. U.Ggglcaton. Pastor SI. £ Churon, LfiJ.; Mm. T. Ourr. Presbyterian Pastor i E.L.Button, Merchant, and many others,


le reported to havel

a anxious t l » l a ter-tain Fchedala of obligation* shonM be aidbefore tbe reoelforrtip was Aiuobed. Hemay have chautzed his mind within a fewdays, but tUt wni his feelbg. I do notcredit tbe report th >t tbe mad la to be taiwiont of the receiver** haads Imnwdiately,aitbongh tba eon I roller* u n do tt whenevertbey choose." The bull* say that JerseyCentral will go u high as f/whawannt, bn teonserr& people eutertaia wmo doubts•fit.

The Chester Furnaoe.A onnwpoad«nt writes ua frum Cheste

that tbe blast fnrnnoe at that p k e e in doinftH Hhs h u been In blrtrt four weeka nn

two fUtya. Tbe first week 4S tonn of iroiwere a»tdf, second w ek, 211J toivi No, 2th i r l w k , 892 tnon N.w. 1 nnd 9; fbnrtl

k. 944 toiIB N™. 9 nnd 3 ; fifth week. WiN.m. l f lod 8, We Ind two stopsRe

Imtt week CRDsed by tbe {inrnp g i r log nmTbe delay canned the Itm of a CMt. Tbe

nicer io a Pottatown {Pa.) Rfnllerannwho has hn i an experience of 40 yean iiibe boxinen,—Bnonlnn Bnllelin.


Newton'a dogt have been maziled by in-thotity.

The Newton ihoe faotory now amploji220 handt.

SaBMX County has four new railroads hcoottmplation.

Tt« abeet iron rolling mill at Philllpatrors,WM put In full operation but weofc.

Mrs. EUu Titiu, cf Walnut Valley, War-ren County, died a few dayi BIDM fromtoottaobe.

Tbe SQM« Tteglstcr wants to know whathatbeeems of tc* SaiMax Coootj AgrinO-taralBcelsty. Has U got kat abwdy t

Ttoaj Oflvmior haa nonlnalnl namii!nan Uarttn for Common P l m Jadf* taB u n s , sod B, C. Bolta for Praweotor olWarm.

Abewt flflj IialUtM are at work at IUn-vllltmtb«FrqMstE.a.*itfMkM. Tl«yktrd lentber In oat buUdlof and noaiw

Jonah HeweB, ttrlaf w t t 8 « s n 1 . _b v kwtfow MWB, d>lBc «tthU iho«t t alymrafUrtbt attMk. BetHinla Ibtyls4

U M faraaM at BtMitVatam U sow•taf nt It* fittest MBtaitjr, O H -Jay kat

Lara*) m t 44toiMar plf t m . U• 46ftOMpsrdar.

TUosMttiyMtieMlwlhalL K e h m h


Tke ooaifUuwirflw talking ft( fuMlitl g•ay van '-'


FOR SALE!Xota^n First, Second. Third,

Fourth andFiftli Stfeets.PennAvenue. Cheap and terms easy.

Apply to

lt>8io , . . Tiii[ m uu n '

Tbetjibw-rilwb.iuB nbout to give up theffAHSE^B' B U S I S m In Parer r i i iU fell t t>.il.i!n ft-iln »• hn, eimp iin «u»»« 81. (rtcUirir*

u BWJPOIg Bi-ptentar SOU.

Jolle,, uid by ta h> m Do in .KK;"-oiopnuy, lo »h>m the same n u b . 3No one einpt au emplowa, of tbat coniliihimanlborltj to rmln B i S S S Jclot an, bill, for Um*&£5SFa,'"JT•ciTpUou torinwj b.lo»glii, lo BraVSi

Tn DOTH Prnrrom Ooip,^


All of the"hnndsorao*i*a of Jalsorainearp toiiobailnlYuuRl

s Dry

Btitistlcs on en prove nnnrclcome fads andnone more ro than that twenty per cent, ofthe people uf thin Btnie A[o from consumptionand kindred diaciaei. Tho great qooitlihowtor^lufw (his terrible mortality has eKig«d tbe ntlndfl or vnr most eminent Boholannd phy<ioisn», From tbo ttititnouikls otbontatuli who baxe w e d ABTHliG'3 E L a t l tOPSULPatm.DotbinK in tbe #11 of medi-cine bas eier done u> mneh toward thlaentt.[nail •fflicbam of tbe throat snd lunga ireiwdlal otbet i i simply wonderful. Onu.Introdncsd iolo t-Terv honBebold it won Id bao*Isb tbe terror of tbii atreaw from tbe land.

For iftle by Vgnghl * Eillgore,


AWNINS8,tor stores, ofHeon and <ltn?lllngs, \l§o Oa r*riafietnmoiiu',*ami l i t rmtue npbolttenna; inall Its branches, Morria 6t. , Dover.

Sleighs! SleighsA fine lot of well llnislici

SLEIGHS, both swell body

and Portland cntters, for

sale at Geo. JlcCracken's

Carriage Fnctory.


: 'DOVER, N. .T,

StLEH alteniiril in anr part of tbe ctrantr.T»na ailiahetlun inarnleea.


Letters remnmins unclalmeiiIn thePuMOITct at Dover. N.J

Dona, N. J., Mnr. Mlh. 1881.J*me« H.Ri>nHarv MorriiI t . : 0 r Bll

W. W. SernuttH. I^wreno.W. F. RmllhDon FooterVra, h. F. LlodMcyM.rj K. obtain an/ of tbo BIMTO letters iay

nrll«d"and gift date nf Mil. Hit.0. 0. HISOHMAK. P. M.

It.:MlnnlJ. B. NpakvU n . ] . L Wllion

FT/mmALS!•Vf¥ sv

Hy tba

vulem of Smalt Prnflts ipprecistFt).oaMty indnnrroanshiprthe b t

svulem of Smalt Prnflts ipprecistFt).1TL QoaMty rindnnrsroanshiporthe bout.

Hy tbaoktror tlberdipRtronaeeinthopaiit .Order* by telegraph mosieoger or telephone


UAOE-At Hi. Han1. Uirell 171b, Wllllillaok, aged K ;earH.

TII^IVELLA-At Mt. Ptoataot, Miireb 17tb,CBABLtR, aav nf Haltfanw and EHaj JaneTreffclta. aK.d 9 yenra ana 1 month.

FOB SALE !ElBbt.bnr.« atiam angina acd boiler u d

o^raplete fitting* and oonneatlona, and ererrthing anpenafninn to a ateam Taunt. AiIn (ood order. Tor nle eBup, at Ibo

LAKE VIEW HOUSE,10-J» Lake Bopalesng, N. I.


For MI energetic, t in bui.n«ta mm, with

bat little capital, to eogftg* in • parnuient,

plea-ant u d paying btulQiM by [nvnting ID

Milter's Axle Dreislng MachineThliUasinipii, porUble devloe for dnss-

lot Uw U I M Htd rtflUlos tba which of

IDS and twtWftw Ui*4 tan

worn, tod BMUUI tbim At t i •oo»ry

track H trae M wbea mw.

—BhMln tmi ta tU rigU «.»« u d « _

ontflt fatofabid. Far pafUnltn, •pp]j

E. R. NEWELL,Ooanl i ( M (ac MlbrVa l i lo Drataimi

MaaMne. JolVj'. Hotel, D a w , * . 1.IC-lw


on Sussex St, has aery line assortment

of EASTER E863 of everydescription, inolndingPANORAMIC

CHQVSTALIZEDspeolmens. They aresomething vary pretty.Qo and see them.

THUKHOAT, March 31st,1881, at) his flntalHrd *i<l noflclilied Ktnek,wnfiislinR ol ilnele and donE>b HAHNEHU,r«iinbrii!lea,aol|ars.iiiireiDfiler>,lili«i.ii»lti'rti,•nrry eombM and limthe*. linnHpK, MIBIM.h<ps, benchp*. aewltiK bor'Oi.Whtintrilt'l'k. i

•hup nlove aori m»oy otlior RiDclea nut nitmuu. I\\rt> at the Kmnt> tlnie I will toll A part or tnvHOU6EH0LD and KITCHEN FUIiNITriiE,

tbrto ntid four feart oW. Halt> hi anirtnu-nitrtt 1 o'clock, fliarn, *l»cn rnndltlouH mil be

mn.l" knnwn bv PETRR (1LANNAU.A.iVDaOif UOE, Anctmn*ir..


is: m mnmn



WESTWARD TRAVEL!Ail partlea deairinjr to BO Wrat thla tinH

rill lot IB, beatroftca t ' w US M " «

New York, Pennsylvania andOhio Railroad.

fliecked to deitination.

a W "*'" " " '"' "" P°'°li Wl"J, W. CABEEMV, A j t ,

« • ! • *T TBI! DOTEE OT4TI0S,

Wednesday Imhi M l 30th,fur (he benefit uf the Sunday School.

MB3. A. T0OMD8,M1SB T. JONRfl.


i A B D X V, W n i a i l T OrganUt.. J O I O famoni cnlort-d Jubilee Singeri held

00 eoucertscoDU-cnllvely in I'tiiladelnlilB. andIBVO Riven nn equnl uumber In New York and

" t i l y n , Qoand hear their rendition or thoIlu* of tlieir not) . With rare tnaiical

ubiliUo* they cutnblmi tue qualitfsi of intelli-gent aa4 calturert people.ADMISIilOM , . , . . , , . 85 cents.OHILDBEN , '. 30 "

Bo leseiTBil t u t i . v .DOOIB uptn st 7:18. Concert ben ins at 8.

Recent Travels, and Explora-riONB in BII1LB L*\DS. ronsMirs ofwkrtchVwritUnrromTlJiiflONAXoB-'EfiVA^I I 0 N 8 ; giviujF result* of recent rea^srebes inthe East, and Ihe rocovory i>r msii.vplati'K in}aored Hiulory lonRconnideied IUHI. Laltst ,

LAND. Biclily illnntn

id *j»enU. AdnrcfR,PHILLIPS 4 HUNT.BOS ErotdiveT, New York.



9- N . DELAVAM,NEW VEBNOX, Moiti. Co., K. J.

WAMTD-To rrnl or oo alnn, «tir


li; WBgDiiR.a lop bugRteH, tmiitlyw»g«jn, 2 fli'iyliB, '& Bluilri, 2 wbrelttarrnni,

plnwi, harrnwx. lilHrkflmiiti1,! b'«lii.».H,"ti«iind tools. 1 nelsof donble sod sinuU- iiHrni.jsUbiat- boat, elrtw cutter, ermd uinuc. '


HEICEB. COI.T, cAiuiag two year.-. Ureefoimillsit I elmrn dnu, 40 fuwln, i>it> fim

. . - . t i m o i h v lii.v. 150 uiiBhols i>f enru, *<m*o i l s , rye, win -tit aud lincktt: heat, pouoch. 2parlor nnd 2 miokins fllo^es, carpi tB.PituiiBinutable, fitlicr taUles, c o n , cnjil'uardH cliaim,taljies, cola, en;

ZteV*~$iuhii?,*nJo Iber'irile i caBt.». miin .'riTiitfl mention. Sale to on mm race at 13 u'cVickM.. Pharp, rum nr «Ulnn. Condi limit, mtdeknown nn day of sal.i uv

JOHK E. RINUItEI).M. D. KITCHEL, Auctioneer. 15-Sn

H. RENSTROM,The Tailor,

is etill in buB.noBs, opposite the depot, nndwill pay strict attenticm to tho making nf

FIHST-CLASS CUSTOM WORKat low rattrepaired.

Clothing cli'aued aud urnllj


$65 BEATTY'S ORGANS $65slllvjns of Dover ai)d Ticlnily \ You srp onrnrHMv rf'OiK^torl to vinit mv OItG\Nf atWaablOBiru.rl . J . .u i idm(.kejour onu M-Ucliuu m pL-raim, if r«ui .W iu nanl3 PARLOR OBQAN.


t. DiapasonForte.


» I

3. PrincipalForte.

4. Dulcet,

5. Diapason,

6. Grand Or-gan.

7. Voi Humins,jj 8. Aeolian,

ft 9. Echo.TP* 10. Dulciana

| J f 11. Clarijnel

IS, Vox telsilt13 Octave

Coupler,14 Flute Fcrlo.

Dy the OBO or thii,by thu tincu n;tliont ubin^I'cuilarKBti.. * 3 * Tin. IanHm nut'llR, Iiamlltn. lampc j t n luye fane; (op i . ebow,. ID cut, nprlxht b1uf(, «e. For tue monf7 It I. nneqwtllfil Stiit

' Ui. D«.er Lou KJU iW D l l | r

16 Bourdon.

~ i?GrandOreanKnee Slop.

EhtlMliaw*. .i-t>l flprlngi. n.eutl K»H jitaie., ro lent tor moi~ ' - il, Iwxt, ind mink toanr r«d*

o( Ui. D«.er I.on £BA f or oiilr *6C. The n*nt*r price \irivg |B3 This »i*tLI dl.cwiiDt I. mordorlo Introduce iuy C1DIKKT OltQAN In Unv.r .ud vicinity. Thi». whu .h i t i:iy /Ktory . t Wuh.iDlttoo.H. t . udtnikclbelrciwiiivleclloii are .ulltled to faro BEATTYB QOAnTEHl-T.bMullfultr IIIoatraM, nallrd tree. Addrei.. or call npnu




It «flbrda mi pleuurn lo aainnsaeo to mj ctutorjitra knil tb« psbli*that raj (lock of SPUINO AND SUMMER (100D3 » now COBrtSMSiJil!11.1.11" XFP™* t o M k a e D r a 8 "K> CBDEB (FITAMD WOBKUANBHIT OOABANTEED) al p r i m M low &U »

J0ow«d to b r a rar don tiU U» culonur9mMion wil U Ui™ to U>b end Ihttm d o b . l l n pjmt wilh U»lr raalom. Mr

Page 3: FOR TIE BEST TEA AID · to pipe off tbe men who diJn't kee p linrd a t if, s o us t doek 'em tbe aex Saturduj." "Wti.v,



Ucifenitj BiogenAt Ihft P in t U. E. Chntob

-6» WednweUy ensuing, March Mlfe.The UsWatare voted to adjourn jester

dyr.Friday of n«it week b tha bed bug car.

Dr Kifidetwmowi&om Drew Seminarynt i t week.

buck Ma. a of tlia AlleBtovn furnaoa UprcpArlng to blow in.

The Mr abop men began working on tsnhoun* lima thin w«k.

Uaoj p*3pl* wbo want b o w s la Dovera n unabla to find them.

Tbo rrwbyterj of Morris aad Onngameets at BooBtoo, April lfth.

Tb« death U announoad of 0. W. Kbge-land, of Old Doonton, aged 73.

The net receipt* of (be oyster Bnpper in theChflter M. E. Cliurch BDloanted to 140.

BfTtml aooessloaa by letter Live recentlybeen made to tha Obeetdx U. K. Uburoh.

The ecwl oonjpimiee announce a rtdnclionof from 10 to 85 per Bent, in April prioea.

Tbe HBW brick block will be l'.gliUd willgas, supplied from » gns bourn ia the nut.

Air. Frtd. U u t b<« ndded a billiard tableto the at ractloDHuf blah"t«l«t Suoouannt.

Newark SI. E. Canfcrenm opens in SI.Puul'a Church, Jersey City, next Wednesday.

A bill mflklug intewet five per can',, wilIntrodaood iuto the Letf la'ur* i>U Holiday.

Hen. J. I Morrow and W. I. G U willclose tbeir pastorate* in tbla plase to-mor-row.

Ab nt one hundred Italian laborers painedthrough Dover on Tnesdaj afteruoou, golugwest.

Mr. Gwrga I. Benev, the EarnardtvlUapbllnntbropltft, Ia bored almost to dttatb by

The latest whim with faibionntala womenit to wear i-labonttely bordered Horn toweliu nprone.

G. J GPIRT, nf Moirtntown, graduatedfrom tlie New York College of Mmriuiicvlust Tuesday.

The darn at the Itocknwlty rolling

Lcntia just half over.

Tlia wh.d is drjiug Hie muds IT

Tie Mori in Canal will probably openBf i t WM;k.

JBwthcp Hani* (resides o « r the NewarkConference.

Keep yonr wits about you next Friday-toe l r t r f April. : • . ,

Bcxmtou people are Intuited wboc comingout of lha ohunjhflrf.

A fix and a half pound eel w » recentlyoitnght at BeniardsviUfl.

Kllpatrick leclarei before the O. A a , o f ,Uarrii'om), next month.

A, BOJ*I1 breena about a supposed wild onprevails on Fair View Hill.

Hhort HIM-, near Madlunn, is towith (he Srush eluotrlo lt«lit.

On Tbundny D., L. & W. ntoak fellII7J, and N. J. Central to OflJ.

Another primmer tin' walked oat of tingo-aa-joa-pleaee j«jl at Kewtoa.

Edmund W. Elngufnnd, a prominent resi-dent of Old Boonton, died an Monday.

It !ti thought tout Eer, E. Olement wj!not return to the Bodnton Id. E. OUnrrh.

Mr Saury's laleat gift Is $2,RQC, tow*tbe erection of a aotiDol h >uss at Bemmdi-ville.

B. Llodslej A Son hire erected a bandmmeflig staff upon Iheir itore: in the new brickblock. . . .

There in yet pmid ftieigtiinff around GrePti-wnod Lnk», and the lea I* some flfwnfnohntliiok,

I * W flock* of wild o>V* oov<ir the Han-a m K n k meednwR. and many bars been

Morris County Rallrokd Contractor*.TliU comity n u bowit tit more batvy mil-

tmd cnutinctoiH pruhibly than an; otber tection of tbe Stntp, The Cuiemiin Urotitin, orMalixoii, haTeiahnnltbeir immense oon.

l h e d * of miles in Texea,whit h Mr. Jns. a Caleman is mperiotend.inn ; the now tnnnol Ihrangh Bergen Hillf the N. y. OntBrioik Woatern road, which

Mr. Michael Uukmuu bt direotiug. and aneollon of (he new D, L. A W . enteneton,which will be nn'der tbe anpeirisioa of l£r.Ben. Coiemnn.

broken by ibe tilling of tha waters loutSaturday night.

The dog of Jouf j)li Dunn, Rt Heath Starhopp, went mud lost week end bit nevem!dogn ind cows.

We bad geonine BprlDR tliowrni. Kccnmjwnictl with dander lad lightning, lestSaturday nig lit.

It is reported thitt James Mar, livingbetween Irooia and Chteter, baa been bit-tea 1)J a mud dog.

Tbe Jubilee Singers will ulng at n-toknwnyopxt TueKdny evening, and at Stanhope onTbnmflBy tv

Nf xt SundnT about one ltDndreri mi!'ittt«'n«In thn Kewarlc M. E. Oonferenae will preachtteir farewell aertnons.

Mr. and Mn. Stephen Lyon. of Ppnrla.ceiehnted tbe 57lh nnuiveraory of the!:wedatng oa the 18th JnrtTC '

Our jolly frientLJrndt, the grocr, nnwwto bla new renldeoce where ho will donH-ten be I applet than ever.

The editor of tbe E*»t Oranga Onz Vewill soon erect a flee coltipie >t Mt. Tabor.Mtttoi Is to be the builder. •

P. T. Barnam'e " greateitt rtow on eartb''baa started, and all the other " gnntestahows on earth" will soon follow.;

The cotton mill tt WhlppfitiT. lately•bwed by Wm. Hunt, in espccted to be inoperation hy tbe middle of next month.

The little lambs .beg-'n to gambol on tbehills, HDd ttu> litlla boyn have corotneuoed togamble on the gidewalks, iritb innrblen .'

Tbe seven Vintrr« It Is »*ti3, lian beenTory dcKtruotiTa of flub, a large ;tinmt>pr nftbrta having Wen frozen b j tba in'eiiBecold. ' ' /•

Seiifoca Irving wi< fnUnd in-line it) H»r-lem on Friday night nf liwt week. It wn*lanrned tbat sb« rf aided at Gillette, in1 tbfxcounty. -;'.•-

The net which prohibit! tbe tale of liqnofon elef ilnn day* hive brim pn amended RH to« Ter tbe time from sunrise to the close ofthe pnlK

Eanter Hun day com pit tMn year on thnlTttiof DPXL month, EfltiR lab-r thnn tiKiml,TTfipitlonH wraiher for tha*dl play of newdolhen mitj be

Mr, A, V, fllout President or ths Sb»e nndnuttier Bank ban eipscded some v200,(K)0

on bin BenurdsTille place.It Is reported tUt Father J. A. O'Qrmly,

of Hoontori. late nf Mini Hill,, bos beeitnuiRferrwJ to New Br"n«wiok.

Theme addicted to perpclrating Apr'l foolliken RhniiM re*A tliw firs.t vorne of (hieventeentb chapter of Zlotnnm.'

Blubop Hlnrkfy U making 'nrrangpmcniiifnr Iho building of an Epiftonpil church andParoflilal Pahool at V

Mr BPHJ. I* Drown, of Hndlnon, t» men-tioned la o nneetton with the Republican

omfnntlon for Blierlff nni fall.

It Is believed that Mr O. h. Pmdriu. ofMil* town, will be retained os Aflnlatent Pri-ate Becretnry by PrenlJ<^ut Gat field.

The HIIBOPX RfRist*r hM three snVorIb<tr4ha linva t-ikoti thnt nnpur fnr over lmlf a

oenlury. ThpyoiuiUt to be giran p

QPO. Brown, of Roonton, linn rented momto>A power in En,*'an> for tlie piirprme ofmnnnfitoturing foundry f.ieing* on a Ifirge

ftle. '

Pel It tons hnv.*> been nnnnToimly BIHCPII inBoontmi, n<-king tbe Mayor nnd CnmmnnCouncil to o.*<et n foot bridge to and from

Bt. ilAry'B Cbrron trim filled by i\ Inraemgrrgnlion on Sunday night who 11 tened

to nn excellent address by ECT. FutaerO'Grndy, of Boonton. ,

The Bulletin in going to huve the statuteselmngcd renpeot*ng the riublicfttlan of thp

liave them wljird out next winterShnll we bold ynnr ooitt ?

'Logo In the ronfprt of tlieJ

Flrxt M. fl. Ctmrch, ctpprltDg In LrnrBOUgond inuMlc, wilt uot bn disappointed.

Her. Sir. Gill will preneii io-mnrr iw niontng on, "Bttfe-rirttluiEtfilof a Thing Ihnihe Beginning." nnd jn tbe evening *Exneri-noPB ftnd'Ob<ervrttIontIn Dover.

Her. J, I. Morrow, in ncei>r,lnnoa wilan nnnonncrntPnt male 1 -Bt Bundny. will t<morrow e*eniug prem-b on tbe "B'clinrn.<

of Pastor hud People," in ths FirM.E Church. .

pemopHwho were bitten itb ut threeweeks' ngo at.Monlclnlr I y ft dng mppoaedto be nnd, bave.baen and r rawliaal t:

mt nl Poaiptou, had IUOWIID nyinpioniK

, o*eted loy i glHt tuitl in: BlnominRJulo nnm«i

•hree or foiir weclixngn, died on Tuendiynight, I t «|M wnWkiible that' be' sliouldbave llvrf ft d y. -1. . ;

Oon. Dewier, of OxfortJ, whflo being drnwiiBt of a well wli'oli hB won clenuitig, was

prMilpitnted a distance of forty KIX tmt, hythe roller aliiftiujj Itn position, but escape 1without Beriooi injury, , ' -

An Bmtprn pbynlolan riaten ttmt lit faml-HOH that roast their own cofffa dipbthpr;aonntiot get a foo hold, m tlie punpent aroma

ff fllg

of the rna-ting ooff« t

He*, hme wh"se m"tiirnte infxpirei*, will prcseli bin farewell

sermnn it. tb« AoBdomy to-innrrow, nthnlf-fcit three o'clock P. it.

Trnni 2,000 Ibn. nf b'ack mrirt -re vUcr*\

at ItnohawHy, 1.820 )bf- nf iron were ob-t«inecl. This is ouo of the largCBt jlcldMknown.

Tho DMI* BcminBry flndnnM, retiMilly,p r i n t e d HAT. D. P. Kidder, on« of tliePttanlty, wilh a hand if) me ntndr IAM«". nnnn

t of bia departure for another field

Hn. Hfirtbrt Baldwin, ftfjod naventy yearn,died at Stanhope on Thursday of last wepkof !>nrnlyi-ifl of the bnrin. She hnd bfen afailhful moaiber of the IL E. ohuroli for

Itie reported Ibnt B'v. Mr. Olllm, ofNewark, will go to JerMy City, and thepeople of tbe Fimt M. E. Ohnroh, of Dover,nre completely in the dark ne to who theirnew paitor will be.

The Good TempUn'. of Mine Hill, willgive an oyster tupper on Wednesday even-ing next, for Ihe bm'fit of RCT. Pearc*Bogers. AH are inttted to ecjoy tbe goodtime wbi«b !• aure to be hid.

Ifr. Luna Van Pelt, one of Ihe best knownresident* of Mnrrliloivn, AM on Sundayafternoon. Re wax one of Ibe find condnr-t o n o n t b e M . t E Railroad, bat of Meha< followed ths vocation of > eomuarelaitrerelrr.

Tbe MBcr*B»l!nn nf Re*. Chaa. It. B*rry.of Ckldwrll, Itindrd bin b<x»e on l^riiUyevening of l»«t week dnrinR his abaenefl.and then sent for him. On hU nrrltal thoypreaented blin with a new pans containing•lOOMsblrtWij fiifl-

The Oil rip* IJne Compitny hw leswed Ib*rl |bt to lay lh«ir p i p " a]otiH the line nf IbaM. J. Ulilasd from N«* PotodlaBd down,asd nen annaw at work Ibn*. linen linehas Iwta stvfd by k»realti|iig for ss anwoticHt^f «« ; In on* lamp.

A «oa«a living In a Ittll* boow of frenslrrt , near Srarini'a botvl, wval oat

M R l M UaTic, brr wsrk'a

Thos. S. and HaRh Allen. olD»r>-lle, biveliiKe contmoto fir ImritaK <

nadmber vnrkAt Foit M»rrin, nod arebnlHinjz the]urge wullff tbe D.. L. ft W.rotid nt Buonton. They nlso took n cuntmctfnr treaty railnn of tbq P, t . *. TV, extenS!<ID, ten of which they bate sub-1 t. Ot e part whioh they yet hive I here is a sncat over nix Ihowwml fei-t ia length nnd

ftVErage di'plb of foitj.fiva feet. In lomwH it ix ninety feet iitrp This they wi

work with a steam nhovel nt enoh end..Mr. Bicbnrd Hoil'h, nt*ippfuiy, ia

other verj1 lirfte operator in railroad onit-(ric:n. He h«w jnrt bettna work in Witr

nty with a heary furoe of men npone ountntot In the nonntrnctlon of the Pa*

quest Bittlfwri extension.

PORT MORRIS. * " ' " IOn the eveoluA of Bt. Patrick's Say, our

Oatbollo fellow oitis-as gara an enLerUin-tuent in Clark's Hall, Stanhope, for the ben-efit of their new efaaroh.

Mr. T.F.ltailljwiwMarterof Csremaiifesand made the opening address.

Mr. V. J. Callan, of Uine Jill, sang tbe"Old 8ezton"and nd ted Maro Antony'sHddreu at Casat's funeral with tellingf ffeot I have bad ooawloa to say, once be-fore, tbat Mr. Oallan le an neeilent elocu-

A HydrophobiD Cat.Tbe fiiliowinq U « itranga story, bnt

vunohed for us being nbsolately true. Geo.L, Skipp in a miner living at Buccamnnn,tear tae depot Sunn eight or nine weektu» itMiKall 'log li<.-l»i)gi"g to bin iip'g^ibo

H &')' Biaots, weiit nia\ anil while Inhydrophobia Dials went iuto Bklpp'g hypmid ittlaobed bi» Mr Skipp « -

haniined ibe cat after the aktrmbib bntoonM find tin murk of it htmngbeenbitteiBo untbing mnre vn» thnnglit of tho matteruntil a tew dxyn ainoe, when the cat begun

gHlmnetly and hid herself under Ihep, where they threw her food to her.

La«t Ttifsiliiy eveuiug Mr, Skfpp'n little glrut uair the stoop, wbeu Ibe mt flew onl>er and inflicted quite a wound in her

leg ; lint wliutbfrtthe wits bitten orscnitolierl

not known. Mr. Bklpp was vent fur,nn bU nriiml home weut to look at tbe oat,when it flow out at him and bit Li in iu a

i st reiunrtcnble manner iu tbe leg, the teethitilug tbr<»nnb p""'", his lttatber booi

lef(H, wonltsu iimwern nud tbe tnp of bis stackig fitid lifter nlUbat ending nuerere gush

Tlie bairn on the nnimulK buck alocd eteot.andgive tvtty evMohoa of being iu a pei

reot Im iv. Mr. Ukljp Kiiccpeded inkilliugho frliiip, «nd tbi n to««lit Dr. IticbeP, win

wor tiy I haveing wiJ be [resent.

Mr. P,nroe, nf

he ger H nf the dlsnt-mlly dentroyt

,>v. P. T. Pnctunnn bat dtoMned the calli the IMmm cl Obnroti nt Donuton, nud

acnll hnn l» pn, tx'flTded lo Mr. Own*, ofIhfl gr ritn'iiii? clnaxfl of the Thcologloal


IHs n nMiha* R-'v. V.H. Turtle, nf Ruck-tito»n, will KOtnRt, Juinn H. E clinrah

at Eliitlwlli, atid (but Ihn Her. Elwfu W.Rnrr. o1 L^fnyotfe- \t. E. cbnrub. JenwyCity, will come to Hnuht'ttHtown.

Tbeflfmoprt by the New Orinann JnhiWittgen waa onn of the fiutst ever given In

'his plHw, If it h 'd nof >tnrmed, theyi lmve (>'i«en another couowrt here 8 i f . '

untiy nlgbt;—Doontou Bulletin.

We bare: received a commnnleatlon fromRobn'>ley'HM>nnlnin wbiehwe will publishif tba writer, will nend hia name. We donot want tbe name for publication j only asguarantee that the aftiir in genuine.

A mad dog went acroai Hanover Neck tautTne-day, and crowing ever Into E«iexoonnty bit romo twenty anlmsla between thaNeck and Fraukttn, berirlpi biting a boy, It

i wild quite severely, near CnldwelL

Mr. It. H. Loornia, lais of thlt plaoe. weregn t lo tirnr met with quite a mishap at

iruH the otlitr eTening. In alightingfrom Ihe ow* with a heavy bundle be m atbr>wn to Ifie grannd and bad hit faoa•ererely braiaed.

A nobwrltHiofl of (Ton WM ealied for inthe UT. EL Chtmh at Morrlstown but rjab-hilb to mert Mima atTMingta PlPe^n nln-ntea nnljr «aa devolrd to the work, and whenIbe off-rinm • " » a 'inted Ihsy ware foonlto an^nnt lo o'er (DM.

Tit* Haekott«town Ometlt Uanu that a.furm^r iwliltng not far frwnalrmtaln, rrefnllr attrmpted toe nannfae*

ire of Imtter. b* a new ptt**«t bnt f M*Ain gvt Ibe |pgr*d<Hita lo m|a tbnnmghly,Tillow la a poor toUlitnle ;bntivr.

ol.urch en n> xt WHlneMhty etenlcg for tbehentflt pf Rev. Penrea Ungm Tbe objfet

o doubt a large gather

o DlcfetTfinn Mine, InDimlr-fcing. The doclors appllitd tha gal-unio biLu>ry tohiRlimb'toti'Weiineiiilay nnd

be experienced Bcnaationn In them; thin IB ahopeful Digit, because aluott tba aooident fainlower limbs havn been paralyzed and the•looters were afraid Ibe spinal chord wasmnre or lew juiured.

Wo had tbo pleasure of being present atIhe entertainment given in «id or Bt. Mioli*nel'K cburoh. fitmih- pp, on Thursdiv last.And to any wn et'Jojtd a raw treat je rayingbut v<ry.)iitle. I tnjnyed all tbe par's;but " Dng ftiidOit,"au Optra extmnLsDiigby Mii»f« Lno"py and Dnopy, of UorriHto*n,

1 anything I hnve ever heard fro^inotiiinnl amatennt I my NnuntAL b«Munntliej wbnl 1 JIRALIT d« honor to pmfer«[onnlhonrrla 'Ihe work rt>pnnanUa qanrrel be-

hiiKbanii and wife t the nation was per*fed, the NlnRlitg nnoxocllrd. In writing onliin Mibj-trt I am cnoroAohlng on my friend11). 3'*.'1 terrliory. far which I ank his klud

iodulgeuoo ou the plea of admiration,


g^upuktuble anoonncementfur UM- former. Tlitt army

having run i h ooree'r aa tbe chief tn-Reot peat lor 1880. Prof. BUey, a leading

Wi nn en-

lM w«k lk< 1.1. Omlnl U Ctaanlpn.lltil» n0M IIPI hn rm* tan. «W

Ik. *••» tl Ik* Him I n q CWtnl nthw)M l l i f t u inilinii m Iki wrt. w>»

Stanhrpo.Eev. J. W. 1'cikr, the onw piwlnr nf tbe

Dflaii churoligot moved onTliniHdn.vnd lila cniigrcgiiticuj gnve htm n very uli'e;ce|ilinn [II tbe evniiiuK. I HID nnt inuuh) (lebcri|tion of nnoh nfiairx, I only knowo ten WIIH got np lu tint-oiim Mhtipe, andp rybudy ssemed to enj -y the eve mug veijnob,Wo welcome Mr. Porter to bin now charge,id wish him ubuuditut BUooew in bla mis.

Tlw only acctdent of the moving WM thenslif ng c f ciufi < f Clmrlry Htnick'n finger*The Cdiunl nntliniiiiefi are getting na-ly ti

weather will iwnoit. I lnv« beard it »»i.they iiiirixl to cnen on M mdny.

Tin- TJoivi-r-jtv t.liij|-r. nn* fiiina to QIVI, <^»iL-rl In Olul.V H.ll uu Tlmn-diy uvm.

TunHe whn want Inbpur flrsUcliiBShincjiifrlllnm.hi Bli.nriMKtb.-iP.

My ^oori frienl Th IIIIIK J. Allen, rf Deu-

tiotliat, and be sustained bis repnUUoo adinlrebly that night

Miss Looney, of Morrlatown, recited "TheMadonna's Penitent," sing a aolo, "Wheretfau Beautiful Iti few Plow," and a duett, en.tilled •• The Dog and Ctt,H with Miss D&oey,also of Morrittown, wbloh brought downthe home. Hist Daeey sang "The HarpThat Ouofi Through Tsra's Uulb " and gare

Josiah AUau's Wife," In costume, ad-mlnfbly;

Mr. Bi illy sang a couple of duetts wltoMr. Shriner, tba orgaulst of fit John'iOlturcb, Orange, who pieilded at the orgai,

d recited poor eld " CardinalSoliloquy," very nicelr; and Mr. P. H.Reynold*, of tbe firm of Allen Bros. A

this plaoe, gave Ibe address of"Bpartacus to the Gladiators," with mneufeelioR and effect Mr. Shriner waa called

What Vought* Kilmers Have to Say. ' "Vfo wish it distuotly understood tbat our

stock of pom drugs cannot be excelled byu y housa In thu section, ThejaraMeleotedwith great osce and always fas,vs tbe Urgeitassortment possible on hand. Perfumery,toilet artlolaa, fancy artloles, anything,everything usually kept in a fint-olass drug•tore. We are confident that an examina-tion of onr stock and prioea] cannot fail tooonviioo you that by trading with us /oncan save money, and what Is far better giveyou ouly aaffl and reliable! good*.

before the enrtain after bis o a solo.The ball « u erowded and tbe audience

leemed to eojoy lha ent*rt*Inuient thor-

HcrilHlown b t o b e ooDgratalated, if tkeliwea Daves >ud Loiney eta fftir ipeol-ieni of the kini of yonng ladle* they ralae

down there. Thev kindly volunteered theirservices forthii entfirtalnment and oontrfb-uted greatly to its s They wen thegutatB of tbe UIBMM Uvlesa while they re-mained in Stanhope, and I have heard thepeople of tbat town soy they hope theseyoung ladles will ooms again end take partin Father Orftn'i next entertainment

After tha entertainment there was a "grandhop " In Youngs new building, to whioh Idid not go, but I am told they had a goodtune there until the amell of the canal watermuddled the brains of some of the youngmen. If Mr. Nilea can't take the nonsenseout of tbe eanal water, I will have to ask thecanal company to move their ditch oat of

wn.I bave been informed that the net pro*

oeeds of ibe affair waa $06.70, but I don'twant anybody lo rush Into print and call me

liar If IbU only proves to be half theinith. I have the ttatement from neveragentlemen wbo are members of St. Minhaei'f

3b, nnd wh'uw words la good enoughauthority for me.

A gentleman from Racktttuitoffn culled myattention to the fact, tbe other d»y, that tlieyhave a newspaper correKpoudentlu Stanhope

untruth. Happy H'an-uldgWea handsome pre-

r g \>«y,H lni| pv fit«y Ai:c<pt

ufn l>oiiny

•b pp| .^n'rt new M<uk<inii-b

8 -nil) Sfiiuiiftrw in ubiint cnui|il tc-t*.TliuM A3 Ha'1mi.1f»]k»Hnvetei.Mlii-irKine -P,pntitiiD«"t»Ibe SIMWIItail^ulh.lf) llmtuoiit 1). J.

Mine Hill-.There w{|] be nn orrte nupper at thi

part of them, and as aea great many idle peitou

t>startThe entertainment In

fl ^ ptin-ly dfftwnt vliitorfor next athe shupe of ibe NVButeon-ywr locust, rein-forced hy the thirteen-year. The formerwill cbirfly devote ilmir lo the Mld.)le andW*t*leni Bute*, while Ihe 1 liter will iippearIn tha Boat hero. Reongnitliig the ptiuci-p o f n dlri^i<n nf the apniU. iheM IWJdm tit will wmk la am (rely diffimnt » •gioits, Ihungh etch Mill be ountpeient lo duH full lUBMurs of tUrua' e uimiite.) by theother. Tho itiSMt peot for 1883 luu aot yetbeta fortcAxt

OUrOwv*Vim Mid whnn we M>»| nor O«rar to the

I,-K!.Uinr*tb-!l. wnnl f • . him-m-lr If Ihe <>|>)ir rfni Uy iff- ml . Hew hit did

L* 1.1.1 t»y die J. i»rt Oily J..i,n-1 nndrrMJ he«<l 11 -Ihrn Prtu :**AilOnVlnntflnniRht Mr. LimWry, Irv

farmer nmliP rf UorHn Crainty, WM potin ih* clwli. ai«l i h m n n bl»b jinka fnrh ir a t hour. Tbe «1.1 IMH b-mrwrM In^ln for o r l t . Every B»»»iWr HIVMMr. HrraW."lnrrKT«i»Wl Mr. HeDc*

•wm fl. allj w-tl«t - n b* Rnl 4«m A IfM d I * T «M nwn prl<>4, 'T i l U

mmlon |A M J M H U isdiilJflarMd tba B M Il i r i l f

Ferf Ws» B*«p««t»ct

Ut, r* U«wtUnwm. M l lbs t« a M •arly rnt«

wWr* M M * t Ma »ym

. H«k with %\m ftlmt f HO ta puj t l«H*-t*«V<Tl v ». | U« b m r t *»4 | i 4«iw**t<itlHl Jat.fnJMM *»i<ta#4

tK . M M * i t .»•*•*•»sm,ii4 lWv»U» |in Hotlyl M |« 7 T ^

U hass M i U KSHMI S J M

& ft aWrj si aw* «Maa« ta a*M * at *ptw>t (w»W awl I M

**m Waal »*%«»•• mm mA*+umi

rlio onnnot lull ilinpc! Darouin viailum for thnt fellow.

Mn. Baldwin died nt the residence of herPeter Unwn, ia Stanhope, Iset

t a td waa bnrlttl in HaokrUatcwn onUnndiy. Shn « M aboot 70 years old andhoi done a vast amount of good in the worldKluce t-be has been old euougb to know thedifference between right and wrong. Shejoined tbe M. E. Church when ahe was 18je&ra old, although living nt that time withItev Mr. tkinpWll, the Presbyterian nilnliter nt Ha3kelt«town, and hns been n con--Intent GlirUlian from that Uino unt 1 Ibe

She was the mother ofeight children, II of whom urvive her

I hreve henrd mnuy of onr railroad menilio their oonvenwn to Mother Bnld-H prayvrx and in flaw we, urnler Ooti, be-

fore I know who Rhe was, and uVy willn pjnopiely hsr Uking nvay, wliilekuow thftt, if ever mortal weut tit

Hnnven. «be it* there.1 Life's fitful fever o'er, she sleepeth well '•

D . J .

WHIPPANY.Tlie new owners of the oolton faotory are

pttli g it ready lo ntnrt a« fwtt ai it is pon-iole for thorn to do so. It Is Bald that

everything in It will be overhauled and pntin nrcf'-chMfl older before starting I t It *a»thought at first that there would be a war-city of bands when il started, bnt from(irenent'aritipanuicM, nnd from the tmmbeiapplying for work, there will be no diOcull*on tbat ncnre.

Many of tbe hands employed Ibere wentto Peterson after the mill olowd lart fall,but ILo cotton business having beooma dollthere and tlie boss a hearing that those fromtbls plaae intended coming borne an soon anthis mill darted, they discharged tbe grenler

IN AND AJ3OUT DOVER.Velocipedes ttt Beny's.Lamps at fts. A. Ooodale's.Porous plasters at J. A. Ooodole's.Tailors are buying tbe " Eooaihold" tew

Ing machine.

Dress makrn an buying the ' ' Eotuabold"sewing machine.

Drain UK all ilzn, at ADan & Monisg.ton's, Blaekwell 8L

Get one of those one dollar expnii wag-ons at B. H. Berry's.

The best hard metal plowi it Berry's,opposite UM new block.

Johastra'akabioniine at Jas. A. Ooodole'aBed Front Dmft Store.

Pure neatofoot oU at Jt t , A. Ooodale'sBed front Drag Bton.

Housekeepers are buying tbe " House-hold" sewing machine.

The " Hooiohold" sewing1 machine- Isgaining ground rapidly.

Garden seeds thst will grow st Vought &Killgore's Corner Crag store.

Toilet soap and tooth brashes at Jaa. AQoodab'i Bed Front Drug Store.

Minor glasses put In frames st J u . A,Ooodate's Bed Front Drag Stora.

Window gloss snd varnhli at Jai. A.Ooodale'i Bed Front Drag Store.

White wash lime and brashas at Jai. AOoodale's Bed Front Drag Store,

Pure Atlantic Lend, 7} cents per Ib. at 1.X. Goodale'* Bed Front Drag Store.

Great demand for tbe " Household'' sew-ig maohlne. W. H. Baker, Agent

Bay tbe "Honsehold" Sewing Machine,Ike moat durable and cheapest in the longrun.

AU modlalnes advsrUsed In this paper a nsoH at Jas. A. CloodWs Bed Front DragItore.

Writing paper, enveloped, pens, pencils,Ink and mucilage at, A. Ooodale'i Bed

mseqaenos there arehere waiting for

It. Vary's schooln ou St. Patriok'* Night by the oblldren

of tbe school, under their teacher, MimPitlde, tins'a grand inccesft, both flnanelallyniid IM to tbe comber present. The pro-ceeds will ba devott d loward tha uie of tbe

A quarterly meeting will be held in tho H£ Cburoh hera next Bnuday st which thePrmidirjg Eld** will !•« present nnd adnifn-

- tlie Snommintof tba Lotd'e Sapperafter pr-aching.

Mr. niobard CorhAtj, who bar] a uverentUolt of pnenmouiM, Is alowly recovering,lie is now uoiiBldered out of danger.

II is a pltv a portion of the water whlebIs now rnnulug paat oar mills oonld not besaved for the dry tinw la bnmmex, aa for tbebnt two months nearly enough water h ubeen going by them to drive Mveral more

Front Drag Store.

Tbe large stook of elegant patterns ofwait paper haa arrived at Jas. A. Qooi*Wulied Front Drag Store.

Tbe largest and beat line of aarpetn, matlings and hotuekeeping goods generally, atW. B. Babbitt'*, Morrlatown,

Roller skate* are all the "rage," Theyafford to youths the most pleasure of sny-tbtng yet out. B. H. Berry bss them.

A flrsl-cloai work horse, Bound and kind,and one that will woik anywhere. Is for ral>by Qeo. M Cmoken, corner of BUokwollucdBurgen Hi reels.

The " Household" la tke llgbUet runninganil most durable machine invented. Atrial win couvinoe you. Wm, H. Baker,

.(tent. Driver, N J.

Fine frame body bniEBelfl carpet for 91.8°per ynrd ; tspralry bronsela at 85 C'B perynrd; fnnoy mnttings 25 ots. per ynrd atW. 8. Babbitt's, Morristown.

Mrs. B Trewartba, on Buwei Ktreet, ba-ia very pretty neleotloa of £iuter eggs, withpanoramic deslgnn, eta., wtiloh all niiouidm who ooQtemplnte making Easter gifti.

Ur. 0. 8. Jaiineii. in the old Pr. Rin-t.'rmnChurch, does id the vnry bcel ronnner nilhiiidn nf carpet weaving anil dyeing, anihm a chnice lot of oaipets on baud fur0.41 on him.

Kir. L E. SRIIUOD, a thnrouRb hnnemnnnnri 4 ireful buyer, vill bt in EaeketlHtownabout the Ut of April witb a car loud nlfint-ch H Western boneg. See bis tttockbefore bnjiii/-. lG-3»

Tnose who desire Qnndnlterated gnndu,nnd as are alvraya fresh and mllxble.bny Ihrir tMD, o-flTfew aittl spioc» at the N.V. &.Otiiita Tea Oimpan/d Htore, uppoiiiretbs raw brick blnok.

If you will try tbs genuine "Household"•awing maohine, yon would surely buj it,

• It bat the latent improvements and is themoat oonvenlaat for doing all kinds of work.Wm. Hi Baker, Agent, Dover.

The Providence Tool Co, mnnnfiiotnrerllbs Dmnrnlfa mecbine for twelve years, butare now nwnofflotnring the " Household "Sewing Mrtdhine, whlob IM it very superiormaohine. It ban eight different improve-

a over the firmer. It will be to jonrInterest to cull and ate these Improvement*)before baying a maohine—Wm. H. Baker,Agent, Dover.

Snlioon & McCracknn, of Hackelktown,will be able to satixfy the most fnatidbnnwith honea, about April Eib. Both gentle-men bate bail enough experience in IbisII >*, and we nnbM.iUtlinBl? any they knowtbe wants of this community. All whonerd hone* will do well to wait for theirxtntk In arrive. Any informnlir.n can be«blHin«d by Billing ou Joe. H. MuG»ekeu.

Paper Company hasd i k

Ills.Tbe Old Boonto p py

been nearly supplied with paper makersfrom this place} several havefonnd employ-ment then during the past week or two,and are now woiklog tbtre.

John Fntilvr, and Lis wbiU eompiulunfrom near Psnippany, who msd« a raid onPeta Kl>g'ri e-ubll-bm«ot s> week or two

who took posMesion of It, drirlDgPete and IU daughter from ibe plaiw, bavettol yet bars t>nwal«d, alibongb " b hAdanson bis ft warrant fur tbe antnt of

Then a n toon dogf gologaboat annvs*akd than mnttled.

The It . E. Obarefa, la this pl.e#, U ta am y tel fjmdltioa, flnancklly.

I h m is B-ta-. tnMbtalk about ths silkai tbert was a abort tine s«o.

iv. Ur. Day, of Ntaek, prwobed ta U»i l . E. Cburcb « Babday ha*.

Tbe t«sVgnpb O O M wilt SOM be tmandtt H. B. KltabsTi M V btUdlaf eej Uaia!rv«tMr. Resnr PrbM slMtM ft* llortda Uat

k b l U pTfce Kew Ork4» J.Ulse Mt jan watt _

Ihe M. E. Omrew M FrHay mai l s* «f t MMIL Tfcty wax inaissiii fcyM » u

Mid tbm to bo IM^lasa.Ke«. Mr. Kt«tf,c4 (WNtw, MveMal i

* -T~- IK laTii riiiijiiiIaansiBisa

lan»laf tUyeaafai wfttwlaaa* k*vta«a" ~ fMUs«a4a,rt

White selected polaib at Tougbt ft Bill-goio's Corner Drog Store.

Anew itock or paint braabesstTaught A

NEUBALCrlA CUBED. ''BDT Dr. Ban's Kearalils and Slci Held-

aahe Pills. Tbeit uilk are a •peciklli^iwratioa aolHv Tor Ibe core ot special dl*.eatPM, snd fur ibrte illHasca ibey are wortbyor i trUI l»y . | | lL.UlU«tOl ssflbren. Th Vprvntrrd expnwsl] f»r tbe sore of MHtk HeatUdlw, S n J L









DOVER M. .1.

A Big StockOF



Comprising nil ilie neiv designs in Btiif and soft hats.TNE DEEBY low medium and liigl] crown lints froml.fiO lo $3. Fiuo soft fur hats from $1.25 lo $2.50.

Boys' and Children's HATS, veryitylish, from50cts. to$ l . I have allif my bats manufactured expressly:or me and guarantee them to giveierfeot satisfaction. Call and I will•uit you with any style and price

that you may desire. No old stock,everything new and fashionable.


[nrcl. 10th, 1881. DOVER, IT. J.

CHICAGO, E0GE ISLAND & PACIFIC R'YIs The Croat Connecting Link between the East and the West 1

— ... . . ,...,... f<-p[nj jinr>rnrmecplii|I|nirpo«e«,Bnil Paine*


Sewing Machine.Tlircc-qnni'tcrs of all the SOM ing machines

sold throttKlioiitllion'oi'lilnrcSliigvi1!). 'I'lilsworld renowned imicliinu is NOIII UII monthlyimyiutiiilN nf $3 nt tho foiiipiiiiy's ofllec,nonr I He llnllronil. We iihargo no fimryprice fur fiiniy wonil covem. A stilid w<il-nut cover with cnt-li mnclitno. Krcry si'ii-ulne Kinder lius n gilt truilo iimrk in IlioHtaml leg of ouch nincliiiic. All olhci-x ammoro Imitntiuns. Wti IVII.L ItKMOVCA Pit Mi lNtTOI'IIK MAIS STKKKT, >KXTTI) W.II. II. IIAKKlt'S SHUtH. \c«illi>s,nIN and fivcrj tiling pcrtiilniiis lo tho IIIIIIP.Itopniring a Kpcclitlly. llity direct tlimuelitho companyN olllo md I thlItopniring pcl i t l ly . ltho companyN olllco mid Im o n n y h l cwarrwiilce. Wo lurnlili any imiciiliic intbo market nt lowest llsiiroi.

P. II. BUUUKLU Sole Ascnt,AT TDK Ol.ll 1>TASI>.

nmtn.V.t-.r*. ink. IM. KKAK Til t , I»KI-«»T.








CD £ 00

Ootoucr2CtIi,lS80. (41-ly)

Household!The LATEST im-

proved, most dnr-

at)lo, ami eonven-

iont S E W I N G

M A C H I N E for

family uso anil man

ufacturing puvposo

of any invented A,(

i*vai! will coniiuce

, Agent,DOVER, N. J.


mginal and only legitiinuto Eipnuding Lender in tlie market.


SOLE AGENTS ron TOE STATE or NEW JMIBEY. Architects specif;it; builders rcconunrad it; nil practical plumbers, tinsmiths nntl rmif-jrs uso it. This COSDUCTCB oxtensivelv usuil thronghont tho UnitedStales lias sained mi unprcccdcstcd ami increasing popularity, mudo ofBlicet metnl nml so formocl Hint it will yield lo (lie ratiun«ivo.forco ofwater Hint uccomen thorcin; it In thus prevented from bursting in win-ter, thereby saving to property owner* <Le oipoiiBe of rpplnhli ring amirepnponng damp wiUls ocensioned by tho bursting and leaking of theinhnnry ronml conductors.

Testimoniuls hrire been received from tho fallowing renidenta ofoivark, K J., vliero it ia in guucral vm:noHESTIO SEWr«O UACI1ISE COMPASY.HUN. r. K. IIO.VEIJj,• V Oo i n n t o j Mk ?m>r tinner ft PATENT Ei|»o,llt, OiK».i.,,l U..Ur.

i MnMnt .Werner, 1rX|K-rira ut I . liHn« trtoil Uurfnii Ilio prf

n*. I'.l.m EiVawillDR ;i.iv.nij!i.'|li .a"." "' ' m 3 t- ' l r ^ l # IO ll'"t l l l e ^np

II n,-. !•-..,•., I l.»Xr .rr,:, I . . , „, |,

b t K ^ L i ttvn In front -if T*»

I tt ll.t *vnm*M « I 1 Ihr lr-l

toi*. 4rrt<ili-«tf

. di.-i"l i

ant! J iiuwini.

r A>lnn]rr.»r>h»»bnrp!M<Vr«rlll nrttt rnwipt KllNithm tiui










m v » c T i » i v r

Page 4: FOR TIE BEST TEA AID · to pipe off tbe men who diJn't kee p linrd a t if, s o us t doek 'em tbe aex Saturduj." "Wti.v,


V. ^"tVlM-'tri-Vaelinl, T-lt*l Stimuel L. Gir-riflii/.uSllnomun, lie impl.-rcl t» print t>ni>UK^H-IHI e.-pit s fir tliu luiimtt'S at tlie ln>u*eof auwniblvlur tlm curreut year In cutimaciforai us per minutes cl out* tlioaBind eiglu

" V ^ n d L^i^enacTtd , Tliat Thfini»s 0-HoiailiQu.ol Qlou«eeter Cl'-r, bo employed loprint six limosaud eojits fit tho tut* eutctedi t I lie p w n t session of ttio leKistftiurn.irlnclicopies eJ.s!l be delirerod to tbo autn troisuvciwilliin tttonioLltiB niter tbe -aU Thnn»* C.o H I L I I

B aliiitl Dnfier tbe *atd ThnmjB rtcolvert ibc enpirs .lwre-

my inch proccu tu iforeuld tho mid CouiU-lIO kliull Uu QUulila i> UDii the IMinoi) Or pat'wild itirreiu IJarced, t u t s t i l l Bail auj tiuxeuir Lin t Ift. tlinifliii m-l turtL, Ii'. Mlnil bung bticti

I t . buluiri-UKj justice, who •hallili.-i


^itiiuiuu tiiu ri jto, utid if npuu

i&titig bml IIILTCMI, lit- ntiAIL L>LT fenmUid tiiBtcu Ijuiesor l)otlk-»ntJlit[(Jiiybu|i'iiK togu b,

umptaiaaot, lio BIISII ioiibwul) di-nu'i llieame IBID liia, liet or tlieu1 pu»w;Ht»n.9. ALd Ltfl u fnacteO, 'i'lmi-auyuiDepreviniiw

io IIJO btMjioy ut Mild coiupUmt oauloitMiJeiibcrp,irt? may d u a i i d atria1P0Q lU JUfttlCQ

crp,irt? m y d uQ kUlU JUfttlCQ tlt&il I

summnij ajuty ofJin7Disu!o t r y s n dwUtlUwl tUe [vrtt

Hi, m ilit KIIBM fc.tfdi tlitfittn df ttii-eeUun- ,

ti/wiibiiold nud deduct from ilie

U . . . « . LT>^ P»I>1| 4 | H3nt\t W PlJlk.a I IPaHU i j "7

- ' . m i l • • * " .

arnimfu~ io law of tlit? said ci>i.ic» or iliuIstits wfitsttt cue nmutli atlrr lw bliall ivccivi-,tv«aui<>.

• U- AiKHieltfnfltrtoi,. TUat r»lri-W.]tn««i«nfluiaibi-lb.biicnipWi'Kl to print one ilimi-uaifl ni'jj tw of (lie U-gichlWe (iwnnit;ti!tsoi tlivcurrent- ye,,r. • -

12 ati<Ui*HMi*pli'<l,Tli3l SanioelTii'«nl><tofOtiww,!'fc fjiiijnyefl ' o prfi.t Ilm report* " t"tbtt Bialo Vaunt of fljjrK'Blimti tlio flute nns-HiK-jiiiii.flieifdilciiorBialeoltoiiI rtporl, (bo nl-tni'1 t.v KPIIPHII'B rfp»V'i tlio TfMfIon Am'ltiru |

I. ftotf't" dicide

lo¥ ci •JUXI^I buiiit oih tiVitiU^i if ikuj' titk;t^ b&

Miupluitii'd ( 1 ; ami iui'uti: Un.' KUIU jury iltculemull (IUIBL'U UI juiisouo (ii ' i"?. iiicu mill j

iioiil if i*u jHi. i n d b

,',1, iiljilli

y lud dtiiiundi'iJ.n iiu-uuu, Iitiit citUoi- parl.v,il CUdiM iii"nnuLl uutl t)y liili.'. UHl.U, UU , l , m . Mi

at Ilia, lllT Cli the II Ol B



p»tt,of i iilciKl

leUscoerott^Uftititl taxation, Hie n'jsnrt »rilic rijKwtan .o^iiiiiiFSlnit, Hie r..ijniuiii c m -DIM'* rO("3Ht tljC rcpiirl »F 111" MnrnsimvuImiaiii- a»,?lBin,' niKl iliv report ol llutsera'

-""ja! Ami, Cliarl •• H Fo!-wftfl.olMrsiint H;iir.v.bcemp'oyc<llopiint Ib?Rtitfl ticaeiiivr's repirt. tlte rppnrt of *«eliinsTlpi iifialltt, rind tbo rui'Di't cr i|ic etftlabaaf;] (ife'Iocttiriii.

H . AnrtUOItumolol, That ftfwanl R. Tar-tcr, nf Wiiitiervlltr. lw cinp!o*o'i Io print luoropiii-i »t tt'c ))iirc;i» of RIONBIICB.

IS. Anilba it «?IIIPU'J, Tim I Jtilin V. Iinli-c»fb..«t Kti» BrnnMTiii't'. lio rmpiovctl tn pi'imliii'H'poi'Uir tttc wcvciitry ul Sl»io atcmn*iDis'.ion.-rniins-iisniT

ed, T in t Wiiifc'M S.J t b iPrmai

jH»liL'^tirjlliT.^IU^ ^ ^ ^ ( |

limy lUiro u-uuiul u trial by jur j , wuieli ir^il iiruccwl t') uy iliu tumu aud uiukeIjiiilu-aunit till! dell very ttiMxm; an irt ItwiiU'il, J II cjd^ wl tiiL-.i Inal liclui'tf said JJH-

iclfj. That except an Iti'icirj;«liu«* liud miller Ilm pro-

l.v a*. ui*i Uo,

Kiiit tOitlt ii(jp;-muii cluiiug IlK't'iii

u-si, Tint T,, B.mefi'r»ni

10. Ami bit Itf

.... ntsal t Ii in. uui,nbuliIIL' nguluU-d bv Iliu |H>audUJ 111 lliOllKllllllTpIV



BeautKul Music il ECels.



Tlitv will oo1h»Ull i-miimoi.. clmop or^ana

auiiiicml ili'?m to all who wmli u mrioily liiKti



OEO. WOOD^ & Co.,

Cambridgeport, Maas.

V2. And iiiHt Liiicted, That ill acts ami pan*til aoi* iuninmn'-ifii. witli Ihu piuvmoun ul

ivpidltJ, m:U ihiil tUAHitovl^bJlu"iU^S/llWt».

cnArrui LXXXIX.L stlprtidi^ni to mi net cntilJ^l All ai t I*

t,dj-w3"l*film-lw',11 iipiu-oreil Jlaix-h tw.-uiy-tiulii, UIIU iliLnioaiid tit;lit buiiUrcu a..t!

1. Uu il L'liavled by Ibe Seuali' ami OenorLBSBUjblV ul lilP ButO Mf NL-W Jt'ratjf, Til!tL'tiun BOH'HHIUI ul itiotift lo Hli'iii tliin l«

' l 7 Ami !«• i t mH... a j i i t a lw sii.ii i.i ii'iiitiill"

ified. Tlu>r wbroi'ViT Inuf mui'uv limit Hit- hiii I T ilullar *li:-ll, m <

t ue lite ilwilruLln-iiiiBUHUKiiti, tiudiii

wtil <>i tiiijbiiriui|iJiiLiiil Hi u*ltiu'L3 tiLniiuiit-u l>yili« ckrii j flaidbi>ii.lB lu tfui- it lunger pumiil tinu tneinvyfunsld l t t l m l mill l» l»rar niiwom ui u r

•J. AB.I bo il oim-ti<l. Tl,:

|jn.viUftl. it "bull uu'i

>i b* saul in

alien tliuruitacilbum,i* J« ll iv i II:IJ,V U IJWIIII fw

v In; olll^IU-II (if

biiy uiul U»:IL.]II-I id lu uroviae Im iLt ]u.\-n iun td i Baiil buiiilH ulii'ii i i u t ; pii 'vitkii, lit lilt- out itiall Uol '

i! |ifu|dt or

, thu inmie or Iiaii'l tupuisidli irumliilcDl tnnirif<t r l y by wareliiiimt'insii. wimvlotliV-m, mill tit | i nmik ' f<ir Hit-

by oiitliiiui'iiiftit.1. I k ll miiitrtuil by the Sonato i . . .i-Bflittilv o l Ibo Mule or Ntw J I T U T , 'flintu iviirulioiifioti. in, u lmi l iusur . nulilic or:tto li,fi)i'k-liii', or cimliHlinn ol iJiviporiy,

I'll or ii'i

fjrain, Hi

hlolvcl 'llii-it'in, a n j Bliall'lio in tuo Hturi'DIi iiu> prwiii*L'» ii» iir.,iTHuiil, - ' •-- • •

Depou la Netr Stork, IruomfClir


of AMERICANt DiI ' l t O G I i i ^ S : Hi ' loi icnl , Docnmrntnrv . Bio-

. ;.. i ^ . . ^ . ; .J. ? l\iinnnlAl IVi 11 tlf.n I

Six l>n ,B, ,„ ..,ie. KiiUciVliT UI-V."E.O. IU. . .]iii:lmllU3 Hie OENSL'8 oT 1*80, In

l'lnt dtnnaulromi.Lllir.rr.

t Ti-1-




NOTICE.n r vii'tne n f t r i n r l - f «f Hit; Qm

, f 1.1 N'.'n- -I. r - .y . i i i r l f i M . i c i i Hciii-i- tbi-roio rfin11 us >V!ILTL'JII Tli'itiii mi- IK ( ipi i ih 'rni . uutl Tlio Kpll

' M l O l " is O f i l u

f Hit; Qmrt nf Cinn-i i r l M . i c i i H t h . imi . In11 us >V!ILTL'JII Tli'itiiui II.

i uul T l l

H Ciiin|iai.viiirililri;lia t . prectnt to «».r..r VIIid C.imimui-, iind prnre to mt

.c-lt.Hi. (t»..iio^iioiR nntl ilmmtiftrt aft'iiiBl

.M'liniMiiiiii. iviibin lourmuiiilH from tin-il ujiil mik'r ui' tli at 'bt.v l)j ciclndoiltln< IHIHIU "I Kitd) (11 v id end H n* m»vitlt-r bo "nidi' anildeclnri'il b.vuniO Caul1 do pi'osi'uilH nf I lie t-O'iti'iB of wiiac'ii'-uti HIED. 11. OE\Ol!, IWCIVM-.

M'ifHutoivii, N. J.Haf-li 14lh, 1*81. 1S-I7"'




\VA<ii;S, Sl.50 VIM DAY,


Clorcnda Bhepliaril i ATTAC-IHHT

A. Herbert. ( m cw&

NOl'ICE is Lcrub> fiivun tliat a writ of at-laLiiiUDiil al tliti milt or Olernnda SIIP]--

ImrJ ngniiist tliogoud- aud cbotitli, rl£btm1 - - - I , tnniinyi and effects hndM »nJ

ul A Ui'iberl.Bnoii-muiilontdolHiii"Dfhv- hnnlr .d aminrty Oullari,nui or \hv Clrotul f:<iurt DI tlie

(Jjutnv of JliiniJ.on tlio lOUi day of Fobruan..H.198I. ' •

Co.rt il it l.v <•:b t s ii| bv tliol r Fb

uhmaiiir M<irriHcXL.iitu| bv tlio Hb^llTor M

Lt UUi ilnv or Fobiimry.A. B 1HH1.Mt'LVXN S. COSDIT, Clerk.

E. f. SMITH. Ati'v.D l f l J O l l f R I U »




IVTRADfk.A.M. P.M.I.SU 4,S'J Hew York,8.30 9.10 P U M l l l945 688

D0WRA.K. P.M.9,63 C.60

1O.IO T*i7S89.45

I Mi!sai . «



7,ia7.1J7.137.9(17 . U7.407.(0

Oflnnan Vafiey,



7 127.026.686.DSOBI




8Sis.'nJ.OB3.6;9 6.9.409.35


MRS.S.TREWARTHA'S,vholcaala ami rtliil dra'.er in



Clmrrb P^ire, rntlta]< tad ric-nk*. t>f til( m d l AIM> thp "OANIIV

MAN'S" »..rl,l-r.n,--Bnl CaaxU lUopa.t tO\ l lU AHV W>W1INU by Ibo DAT t

WEEK, i t ir*«,u.lile ratra. 4 S 1 ;

> pi i i u t i , an gtrmity tur a

nutny loaned or utlnr luJobtuJu^m,III, I) lfllli(l*t WHICH, PLUlllltlllitl-,[illii. Jjjtiror titbu-r pimiuiH! urlllilM'L-untiu tiini; iifimuniKSUCbnberv.imliir la ibo cn-tmi/ ul


'tUlil liCli'lUlll, III) Allli tf« *H.'U| uiid tbut »b!i a

lIn Chanory cf New iersiy.

TO THOMAS I'OLIIE.Ul AND EL1ZAI1UTBntuio ur n;>aii I lie

uJei Li« or IM cuutrui at tlir»ucli Kcclut or otlitr vouebe BV virtue oftn order of the Conrt or Ch»n-

n-r> of Sew Jcinor, m«lo on tbe diy oll J H

An oetriitlb*i!.eU*l'p»'li3clio3 oftuiit. and n K 8. Aud I* tt eiucted, Thai


IlieeoinpUiiUni'iiday of May ni>it

or IIm uiii bill will be Ukcu ai eonf«uoiipnirnt yon.

Tlio Kith! bill io ilted in rnrwlo«e a nnr tn i teSIVFII by Ton, Tlmiiiia hilmi-ar and BlimTn-ih

. hU «ifi-, ti. R .1;.. t F. Orum. ami by;tnit locnniiilniiiaul. dalftl Jannir>

t-t. 14*73, uu laixlN in Ibo Town orDovet. Hnr-n» f'miiiiv, Wnr Ji-M'T. \od TOO TlionistPnimojraVi- mailua dfi\'ndmii in riirf eanarffiixn TOII (in |i>n maker «r »ii«d v iii'Mrili-tli l\>mt'4raroinin lionidie a* Ilici wir« «f Tnoin),* rulinoar

riRlu cr dower o

t.Uvtlt lUfi rtiiHi-H tntiUWKt ' tuenmr, tu «««,*«


S'.Wil bun twitxi, *Vl *'lr»u we. 1*11, aim**" "•«utt atol' u

I I . U M I I . m. l f l i Ulrro »l

W. S. BABBITT'S.IHUMI nul l t>a<vl> Ivut

*1*! Jt» ti»tf apH tlj* "itwtinb'tt ttiijt * i i * i - , u >«

DIHiu rctopUlnli, u l all t b i nIMkll l C d i i tI IMkallH »a loporc Condition ot

, Uw I M , TbU llrudeWBMBil nf Tfirrlabb. e i tnr t s tli«cklrf «t vtikh >ro Ktl»ll'AR(l4Jt• K 4 , , |

1 * M * ^ * bt nay J fe*. **»"• ' . w «*••*•• »» The cum rSirtr4ILI/rt Ul.OOB 1NO LITER

la nur ture* . j Ikllan.



lltudug MOHUAY, JAN. l i t , 1891.Lt-AVE MKW 1011K.

I)A. 11, ( enton Jliiil Train),outvilli Iliu iimuiliul iJtUVll

;uiid U


i Uvwvl

luiix; lUuU.L. <X W. U. il, at \VB>liiiiij(uuin JlamiubuUiiuuk.Wutu Gap, airou^ijiirfe-,luruutuu, Ui'L-ui liuuii, UHIUU.IUIIJII, ULk-uj.ivtK" uu>l iJuimu uu tlie liiu'kitvviLuiifl HIIUtlunuisl'Ui'KnuU i/ulawnit uml llndcuii lluu-

roads ; HIKU ut FtiatipnLicrg wilh LitliiKli Yul-

it. fur (JetUlwUt'iu.Mautlt Utiunli. iti.'udiui;aiiu

lluum Ua»

Uap.U i u g b ,Uuuiur,SjraifO a v r w i i u O

UuuutiiU, rilUB tli ion

"ladle, ** UttrAkUui

Ii lo Watvtrt-ai linitl


Dovurwiui OUoutLT H. It., *l VV<it#rluu wu(diWBBJ, 11. It. Tur Auduvur, Nowlou nuU all uta-liuuu ; at Udatrura wliU IlhiruKmti l.r., at^Tftiitoii witb MlfiiuHlmru JJiviMJuii lor l*in£*lou, Kiniatou. Wilbcabarre. DanviUo, Kortb-umborliiuj, Lo., m Uiaglianitou iriih IDivii.Dii lor (IruBue, SorwIolL Uiion,Kictilleld Hprluga. l'lHutougerb tuKiiigtram (rum Hew Xork, iVtenou nudiluocaii coauetil »% WanblURtiiii with iraln rot.'liillipaliury, Eaiilou, itetblolioin. A.llentof C,Uar.-ial.umauapoinii on iliu Iicl ill V»lluv,iuJ Uliit'li-iniTttiunnabiipM Jtk-/M<>B f •(t'uillipuburs wilb JJulviJuro Divinlon ol V*. It.U. ror Luuilwrtville, TreUtou iml I'lillndolpUU,

At IU>1» A, M. Duvur AcaummudatiOD.At I4.l>i» M.Bmton Expron*.At 1 -MIf. U.Bgliamtouk.preia.DrawingEoott

nWu wlili Uwk. A BWyowtng. KJajrrtoE a

SMf.'.'.* P. M E,cliug at WMorloo fur Auduvor,

. j d Bradflbvillo, BUd a t riiillipBbnrawith Leblgli Voile; Railroad and ULilfib n&dd U a D D n 11. it . for lte 111 Inborn, AJlcutowii,

Bud Hurriabuttf. AI10 witli Bel. Del,1siir» i l . . o » , ,

it, OliatLam, Hndinod all Hintluim n»«t tu JlacUotl

[, ooiinautlnif at Waterloo witli Irani u.ttKU P. SI., Duver Esproef for Bmiitnit,

Boratrdsvilb. liaitiugfiagennJ ell poinlii»jfluio mid Delavvaro ttallnmil,) Cbutbitlmtimili, llorriitoivu, Uurnn i'laina, Uttiviluvknwuviiuil Uuiur. Cuunectiu« nt DIHtb 13s|iroastMiil Tor Wnterloc, Hickulttt.Vualimeimi, M.iiiu.ik* Oliin.b. WaHir QUimidiliitrrr, Hcraulun, JJiimliimloil, Utitifbliuld Hpilnta. Sjiuouaa and OKwegu, iiI c m tiaoliod.

jAI T:<il) P. M. OBWCPO Eipress Ifon

Viirli (nk'c|>iiif{ uiirnattualifd) vin. I'UIIIId l o i i ilnuuKli in Wttii.-r Uiii), Mtruud

D l U l U l I


Jew tun ; utDulu -AtBliiLdiatiitDiiwiili irnlii lurGieiiic, Oxiuil.\ornfi-li, Utlca, Ac. TIIIM I ruin runs ibrou^l

> OaiTi'Rit Mitlui'ilnv nielli9,At ltd P . SI. PlilMipHiiorg special lor U m

nui, Mum«l(HTii, Ubver. Hni*kott»l.)nn,Wm«liiglon, Fiwinii, Di'tlili'bfiii, AHi-;ilowii, lhndig >ud Harrliiluirg, wiilnnit clmut.o.Fur BiTOiinUvillu, Itnakinsrulfie, Ljnnn

id alT stn'tloiiB ou'l'an«alo VIKI UdaMar* ItR. (N, J . WiM MtiD Bftilroud) 0:10 A. II muS:GO aud 5:30 P. H.

A. ltEASONEIt, Superin.undent

DOVER TI»JK TABLE.nn arrive and depart from tbU etatior,

WEJ7D0UHD , A.M.EuMti.ii Mill S:2;U»w.guEipieflB»tl:5i;

New York Bxp. ,8:42

B'abtmton £ i p . a 1:67.Sen- York lHi i 3:14Dover Accum. 0:45Oinege Eiureii* 7:o'lNew York Acenm. 8:97

*Via. Bounlon Bmnoli,

a Expreit

T BipmO^iRoEip.' 8>8lI'billlpab'eBpec. 10:83

0HE8XER BRANCH :rtiTW&itu.

i . AI, t.a,10.67 7.0010.47 a.fia.U.37 B.47iU.27 6.4310.17 1) US10.05 B.SOLO.eO 8.M

DboatcrHortoaIrooiaBncciHnomUeCtlnirMiPort OrtmRovrr

A.M. I ' .AI8.00 1669.07 1.161..3 4.80B.17 4.4U8.S0 4.509.ffl 6.108.81S 5.25


A. TAYLOR & SONIi. ';. •.!* t i'. < .': , ii! u hv \ | I.I. -1

l , ' , ( \ l SI •' i1 . • ,'•(!!: . It, , t . j , ! i. 1 ^


In the renewal of McKIEGAN & Co.'s ad-vertisement in this paper we feel that tnisold reliable firm deserve more than a meremention. This firm haa essentially "ritruckOil." Commencing business with the firstintroduction of Petroleum, by steady industryand strict attention to business and the wantsof their customers, they are to-day the greatoil kings of the Mate. MeKlRGAN & Co.OILS are noted for their PURITY, SAFETY,BRILLIANCY and ECONOMY. All thevarious brands of Oils handled by this firmare perfectly pure and are up to the markedstandard as rated. They handle no impureoils. This being the case dealers in MorrisOounty and vioinity, if there are any who donot deal -with this firm, we advise them toopen business relations with them, as weknow whereof we speak when we advise themto that effect. Their Machinery Oil is usedall over this busy region. There is no opposi-tion to it inthe market. Their BRILLIANTSAFETY and PARLOR WATER WHITEbrands lor illuminators are superior to gasand rank next to the electric light for illu-minating purposes.

McKIRGAN & Co., Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE,nth, IBID. ao.ata N X3 XKT A . H :K. 2T. T



LAGER BEERRUmta on Sransht and Ibe bust of

.VINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSalnrnjs provided fur tho pairoas <>t






;; w s t5r'™5.rt,Wi.r.?'w"«',t1?. BS

GEO. MANN'SNew Billiard Parlorond S i lOON, IlUoliw«ll Bt., Dovir, ju.lLUed up with new an.l ckgaut Hiippini"ipnt«sflem to the pleasure Hetktr ouo of the qui.*Bt aud most ulenwiut plac«B of enjoyuitmI towu. THE UILLIAltD 1'AULOU couling two Hue cftruu, tnble« nud is fitted \\\' everything n^ceBuurj' for tin, eujoymtu

iYlvn t^iiiin one iv• LJIT CoMinil-3**I,>B» A^'c.yi li.iy vour sunrtn ulnh<'1 rrnm [h9 mBiiuinrllllVr I " 11HI j VLJ VUII "«hrnpu an BHent« O™ K''-* to '-11' "wl.HyBtom. anlek »1". Is my innttfl. HTlllB.U«t«4 C*l«l»s-»

' .wf»libti™h«ornm;.%.iraad^«.tjr;ijij.a.liM™J«^™»t.^ „____ , _

17 i y"f™ "" KlBffi F."B

• *'t(BiitB, M iiKleYeach"

m, New Jaraey.





SIRS. M. FARRof Port Oram, wunld reined fully call tl>e at-tcotion ol ibe ladka or itiat p'tce set] vlciuittto ber ntT» RIVIOR In FALL MIMJMEIty.Sh* alao W-pn all (lie la lent uoTuItlce iu

Ladies' Fancv Goods,Btae h also BOLE AQENt in PORT O«A

InrthrciUiff.r^lflnns^ii: -

Btalcn laland U>tlni; and CTeanlng KnUlsliinont, uT Sd-mth ; t ie Rock CI-VBUI Opllc.tntnuariv. New lurk, and Tor Mine*. Demnreat'itEUAtiLE PATTEItNU. Ghe htr a eall.Purt Onm. Uay Qd, lf!80.






Profitable Reading for Everybody* M M *«a u d vows, tcKhcn, tMch>nli;(,

BMtkcn, HHI BU >ln> an i"t<tOl uulworry el yeuf-crt

UWl ™ r « ^ ' «( 1V« Wik. «•*« MHWI u d IU 4 J l lTn!!.m"!s^<!."t;

It Uu ut*4 n«*4r*4i • ! t i n * 1II Mki l l t»ir>.


Conlracli taltn and imlpriil* rnrultluJ fur

BRIDGES.and all kiofli of noik, nLolher of liltICK c


:t nuiltr TUK IHOK £HA bcitdiug, Murri• l ,c , t . Dovfr, S. J .



Witti t,. tt, r f<•.» SLATE 11(11loiip Imt tl.^ l>|ib>ii>^ tirnt rl«


OECHESTEION"•"I"?!"".1!'?."il ali1.1 .1

guiijiliml will now musiciclil lli< f«l'on» »t llie tomo moteturoUliinc music eqonl tu »

thinK aeoeiwarG. HUPFEL'

k lof thoKnuiG. HUPFE ,mi bevernge drank, alwnj-B kept in fwRl)'upnllcii, nml a full Block of Genunn cbu-huH,Miuerhl WBters, Pine Apple Cider, trutiw.u,

riiiiieH, etc. Ocorge will bo alwtijud to pleftso liis friends, fled will lerv BtmiiRcr feel at borne. /ilM

Freeman WoodFIRE



BOTBR.N.J.Kally lUltorizeil »eral or Iho folle.lDB Ol

clUBBCompaiiiua—UieiieBtio Ilie world :


OLOBE, Cupital 920.000,000.


Cnpitnl $10,0011,000,


Cnpito.1 $10,000,000.


Capital »,000,ITO,


Capital 33(M,iKX',

PEOPLE'S. Newark. " UOO.OOO,


of Philadelphia, assets fuoo.w*.The London Aammnce Gorporati

London, oapital «S,fi0O,O0O.BprinKlisld Fire itmurHUoe Co., alasuchs-

Htla, oapilal tl,G0O,HW.CHtohtia r Fire Inmflince Oompuij ol

Hew Cork, capital t.WO.OOO.

OtBUAN /MESIdAM $1,000,001

Fire Association

Freeman Wood,JnNtlc. nf tlio ri'iec kutl I'uiue MiKitlr.ti

1 r I.tM.-llvi: F.II.!. ,) .ut lUd.


THEhrtt ULKA(M1ED MU^i.IK for lUctiper m i l i« ai \V. N. IIAUIIITTr). HUni1

ai.l IIIH.FIIO.1 MiuliBN.S. y. Uill*. Ulif-i.rrt(if tlir WfBt.Wam'UlU.Fnilt of Ihc Loom 1(Kruii nf iltcj^otn, Hill. Holmc»*ill(. Durki^itb ITIKUT nibrr tnaii'i^(if tnoiliii.

fltip i>rill,(«?a^ii ° ' " " " " W n C°




t.atji ctrrj a remp1«:r in-tl al

Parker's Hair Balsam. fX^'.'itTtnf

r.S llVUIt nntl (IrnnrilIn unod tltlr.

m-Sz! aim's Pi nmu! J ^ ? J S I -

g ^ 1 " ^ 1IMTH £ BUSAMM*«*t»h*.a>MaaMaM<^|l>«> . •«* . —> > ••• Ii I •>••

M»}iWaiStakbM^ialaAakt II ».» <SESC! «l »•»•• <•>• •» »• « • • * • • • »i«^.MI<uak;aWl>ayM«aA

gg^Sjp"* "*11* H|MkalMl!

- >*<>«.w*aw>;



ailA'lw *n*9 1* tha aM»i«# H

1 *f t l i l * * - . i»-rt»*i»j

iroij- nowA•IIIO, lUfcXC**, rtltJt.

(4 It


DOVER. N. J./^FTtTl* i'i-%»{»| tfc* ts*n tmmUt C*nt-\f fO«f'ai«-3 O I M I ' I I l:fc n ><tj f 'vu.


OR SUMMER & WINTER USE,the. tchoieuatotkof

Hard ware. Cutlery,ISB, Waodrn, Copper, Plain and Jopiaced

Oil Cloll.j, Csi-|iiitl, Lamjn, P&inti nn-1 Oils' •• c<-t, Fcatlitrs, I'ratt'B Astral Oil <UOD

•o.) AUo.


;, Plumbing and JobWart promptly attnnd&d to.


k'n Scales a* Maitufacturer 'B pr icve;

Ihl Iron, On]ipiT, Dram, I/'Rd, IURB am'IrcenbackH taken hi SICIIKUK'; for KOIHIH.



'OM.Iluokuwar, March 1.1873.


I'OLt HAI-1" l 'OR H r U l N O O F ISH1.

11IIK mi.hirdif-nfil nill runiiiih I V I L I I TrCPibv t l .o ihiiuiifti.i] »t vi)i? Km- ralcB, Uu

• l lwinftUic beet Krowii . ltuy <if nit< amnumi'v. r .n i ' i i Htuck uroivu IQ Morm

n v . Al^o Uinl iTiu

Standard Apple. Pear,

Cherry and Quince Trees,

Something New in Strawborrios.1 have n nuw variuty or fitriuvborry cult.

rrcsiiU'iit Liiifoln. oiiBof Hit virv brut Stra1

uTticn liunwu lor me und i,imhn-. ll hnrKf-T limn Hli;irji'fr-fl uml lur »u\<vriv> iutv. I linvi-aleo lite HIiiiliil.Hrtnliil M«i-ttiiu \V.-.-t. I trill fmtiUli IJIQIIU idn>l

Orders tiunt byniAil will rc^'oivo ptrnont itt-tci.tiiin, O. W. COWlJllKY.

P.O. Dux filifj. Noon Ion, lIurriB Co , N. JDwcinbcr Olb, 18R0- 2-lv

TliiT 1CT9 AT IHssii ieTMEIIVER,


Tliit etimllntA action glott itflpoiarte turiall

J Ws Sick?tt K< allow the

io becomt cl^ei or (oi;;.^, andpoisonous hunwn art thmfon forcedntotht blood thai thould be erpeUvl

fr.s action of than r-rni:] their power to throw <if


Mon is County Orphans' Gourt.JANUAitY TF.UM. nil.

PlFilllllUP»K W«OT.

FOR OKOOBKIEBuit nt Tint t






audei^it Lundreia


" Film

Esquires Jod,In Ibo matter of the caveat a^alntit )

idmittiufi to probats a cerliiu Ip*ptr wnlmf;, por nor ting to be )Ui,. |B l t Wilt and S'^Umr-u; or )

Co only ofllorrle, d°c<rarcd, jIt tspptarinR lo tlio Court tli«t the e>tatiorj;

vrtiiuluraliuiucij.ii Ibc ftboto nUttnl taatttM,AV» beett rci^ifiO'1 (tot* terri'd »» to Oath.

_riM M. Weir. Andruw J. Tu»:M Abrara A.Tm-n. Jobn KDight, Hary Knielit, WilliamKiijcbt, ADOIP KniRltt, Lcnah Kulghl, LctiaKDIRIJI, ida Kuijjiit, iSaaua Enlffbl, and hacjKnluhl. And ilm Ann E. Hmitb, mile ot E<1-

»td BwltU. nicbanl Twri-, Cltarli'v Tatr» t

lie Mtate of New Jorifj or cannot bo f(

'tt U tlnTf lore un tlil* r<iarir-rntb dir or Fab'nary. In i)inyrarr>roir Lwd, un-j ihnaMni•l((Ol hutiilrnu *ud cljiUIV-iiiio, iirdnrird b j tb

Oian that Ilm *.iiil Ann K. rjmilli, IltcnardTiirr»,(;t«rln«Tii..., Arthur fuen and LlicisTuirra, <ln appear in ilti atxirc nUtrd uiatir at tlie I'ourt llonta at Mcrri-lO-u, \a u iTflonlyof Mix-tin, on UnnrUr, lh.« aFCoKldiilMay, A. It. cichtvi-n bniulxd anil, at Ihc lionr ut t.'ii oVInck In tho forfnoo.jf-«ici:|(,T. Ami Ihtt in ilrtniill nf nieb >ivHiran:-- .udi j>rae*-rdinK« willht li«l »K '

riff. Anrl It i* furl htr urilrfnl thbl ihli iI. pnl,l,.h,.l „ i l , , l.r,, E»,. . , . . , p , p ,^lintrdftlxl !>.ll,li.l,i<l In . ih! C<r,nir nf Mui

FOR THE 8PEINO TRADE.Isaac N. Doty & Co., Newark,

are now opening largo invoicesof new nnd elegant DBES3FADRIC8. specially muinfao-turcd for the coming Spring

i 5 0 a s o n- T h e l a t c s t «tyle»andimoat fashionable colorB areI displayed in Bilk and Woolland all woo' materials. In^ FLAIN FABRICS we show nawshade: of Crenra, Beige, Navy,MyrUp, Brown and Bronte,

d f i h B


ELY'HCHEAH !ULM CO., D . ^ , , Y "


•l~-»t Ii

'. .t— . . » ! . . * . i / / , | , ( ^ < r - * . . — .c. « m i m , N T O S

mrnllouHi. , H4> York«»TVooniipiKi,.i.o,.in.Htlp DrngfliBe, (jnncrolly. ic-rm

(TELLS, Bi:ZA-3M;i * C3., F:^Wfj, Ll

I LiquidqIn rcsponM la the ure«n. M^I

b r l h f

D dry In

is »lw«T» ready, BUidiacaDia euilyUJaopI*. Prloe,«lp«rbc*tl*.







NO aridltiunal charge for extraotlng whinnew tr>etbareiii*crlrd. Weirenownil*

Off iM-ontiim a«ta of teeth for


OU Tahlp D*m.»l. hatfan<t in1ll.l.>dit^Diri>c*lT Table, EVinl.U Ditnnxiabk Hatln Damaak, Table Uu 11.

W. a.BABtl.TTB.

muter of Joint llMk.r. A.IUIJDK'r MaTRirct Crttk-:, Ji-wntJ. Mirior<Ur lo limit tttilitort.

ui INI>1 ailmitil .

4 1>«tlig BI

. HIP of .,1,1 iirr.-Jn, Hint dtbt.. Jtfn.u,}! .».| rlain,. a,

,^ntid.i.b.rp.llrr. 1,1* Qv, irl Hi. rrplarr. in Ur f ul ! !„

ins III. . .u.1,1 i«

i.l ll,e ii'«.r-i[uriI the *'!*.»I l l *


'.t'.Tl n^e^p!l"^'.BtT*'^l•^ " ' .1.4 »„.!(-

&r I.MNI .t.,,r..l »r Iiuill . da^



n A 1 , B I j -



and furnish Brocades in samecolors and shades for combina jlion or trimmings. We havoihj choicest assortment of'*?FLAID3 ever oprned in car;«"i=

, city. th» combinations arc en•!tlrely new noJ dectde41jrjk,Hunique. From prtssni iBdica-|i™tions ]>litidi will i^is season' - ~be more popular than ercr be-1

, fore They.r.certainlyh«>d-! STORE TO LET!soraer and merit special atuntloa. Our Block of BHESS »'^-',"%l".'.'.t.n'J^.l"l.t,

>'.'r'.'HARDWARE "-CUTLERY, omoHaw i. th, B«.t »«::,• . : : ^ - r - — -

variety, novelty «sd de»!|8! I. D SCIIW^U/yftihowa. Wt!:ii-» a naperb > •• ».»...,-'

"*"'*"** aji»a:tKi«ni of Prsueh, ScoicJi: ... _..• rad Amtricui nrodctt. wh!«h j

BIM*9 K.M.rUlt. .«a P »««» . »•« «.!.» »r. fari S H E R I F F S SALE!• w *4v«c» sf *ajr predated.

G*s P I H a n d Fi t t ina j . U » t t e * * o a . W . b»v« r » r « « . * * " " '" "" "lr*e«oi» in COLOBEB DBTS3

IRON AUD S U f i , 9 1 U S S