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FLASH TALK: The INSPIRE Directive and MyOcean2 compliance Laia Romero, MyOcean2, Central Information System MyOcean2 User Workshop Lisbon 19-20 July 2014 CIS Central Information System

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Page 1: FLASH TALK: The INSPIRE Directive and MyOcean2 compliancemarine.copernicus.eu/documents/UW_2014/1-Plenary... · INSPIRE Directive Highlights •Infrastructure for Spatial Information


The INSPIRE Directive and

MyOcean2 compliance

Laia Romero,

MyOcean2, Central Information System

MyOcean2 User Workshop – Lisbon 19-20 July 2014 CIS – Central Information System

Page 2: FLASH TALK: The INSPIRE Directive and MyOcean2 compliancemarine.copernicus.eu/documents/UW_2014/1-Plenary... · INSPIRE Directive Highlights •Infrastructure for Spatial Information

INSPIRE Directive Highlights

• Infrastructure for Spatial Information to support European policies

• Established and operated by the 27 Members states

• Directive entered into force in 2007 with full implementation required by 2019

• 34 data themes

• Common principles

• Implementing Rules

MyOcean2 User Workshop – Lisbon 19-20 July 2014 CIS – Central Information System

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Data Themes

MyOcean2 User Workshop – Lisbon 19-20 July 2014

CIS – Central Information System

• Themes are grouped according to common characteristics in data content

ANNEX I 1. Coordinate reference systems 2. Geographical grid systems 3. Geographical names 4. Administrative units 5. Addresses 6. Cadastral parcels 7. Transport networks 8. Hydrography 9. Protected sites

ANNEX II 1. Elevation 2. Land cover 3. Orthoimagery 4. Geology

ANNEX III 1.Statistical units 2.Buildings 3. Soil 4. Land use 5. Human health and safety 6. Utility and governmental services 7. Environmental monitoring facilities 8. Production and industrial facilities 9. Agricultural and aquaculture facilities 10. Population distribution — demography 11. Area management/regulation zones 12. Natural risk zones 13. Atmospheric conditions 14. Meteorological geographical features 15. Oceanographic geographical features 16. Sea regions 17. Bio-geographical regions 18. Habitats and biotopes 19. Species distribution 20. Energy resources 21. Mineral resources

Oceanographic geographical features Description:

An Ocean Geographical Feature (OF) represents the (physical or chemical) properties of a Sea Region. This type of information is essentially a coverage describing the ocean and could be presented as a set of point data, gridded data, but also as vertical profiles through ocean depths and trajectories along the ocean surface. The Ocean Geographical Features theme employs the ISO 19156 Observations and Measurements standard for consistent encoding of measured, modelled or simulated data.

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Common Principles

CIS – Central Information System

• Data must be collected once, and maintained effectively

• Seamless combination of spatial information from different sources, shared by European users and applications

• Information collected at one level can be shared with all levels of public authorities (detailed and general)

• Ready and transparently available information for good governance

• Available spatial data must be easy to discover, to evaluate their fitness for purpose and to know the conditions applicable to their use

MyOcean2 CIS Technical Workshop – Paris 25th Sept. 2013

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Implementing Rules

CIS – Central Information System

• Common Implementing Rules shall be adopted for each main infrastructure components

Metadata ( about Data and service),

Data Specifications,

Network Services,

- Discovering

- View,

- Download with sub-setting

- Transformation of datasets for interoperability

- Services allowing previous service to be invoked

Data and Service Sharing

Monitoring and Reporting

MyOcean2 CIS Technical Workshop – Paris 25th Sept. 2013

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MyOcean2 Compliance

CIS – Central Information System

• MyOcean2 DISCOVERY service relies on:


• ISO 19 115 Geographic information – Metadata Yes

• ISO 19 119 Geographic information – Services Yes

• ISO 19 139 Geographic information - Metadata - Implementation specification Yes

• MyOcean2 VIEW service relies on:

• OGC WMS 1.3.0 Yes

• Specific INSPIRE requirements In-progress

• MyOcean2 DOWNLOAD service relies on:

• Network Services Regulation Yes

MyOcean2 CIS Technical Workshop – Paris 25th Sept. 2013

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Perfomance, capacity, availability

CIS – Central Information System MyOcean2 CIS Technical Workshop – Paris 25th Sept. 2013

• Along with metadata requirements and provided services, INSPIRE requires a high level of Quality of Service, measured by 3 parameters :

– Performance (download speed, response time)

– Capacity (load accepted)

– Availability

• Quality of Service need to be measured for discovery interface (catalogue), download interface (subsetter, DGF) and view interface (WMS).

• CIS and top level engineering conduct regular tests on the view and download interfaces which are the most demanding interfaces in term of Quality of Service

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How do we measure Quality of

VIEW Services? • Normalised testing procedure

• Performance side:

– “Nominal” response time < 5s for a “reference” request

– The 5 seconds refer to first byte returned by the service

– A nominal response is one the best 90% response times

– A reference request is a request of a map with the attributes:

a single layer , 800 pixels width - 600 pixels height, 8 bits color depth, varying bounding box (geographic area)

– Requests have to be done at least 10 times per hour

• Capacity side:

– 20 requests per second during 1 min

– Respect performances requirements

• Availability side:

– Reference requests have to be done at least 10 times per hour

– 99% availability

Page 9: FLASH TALK: The INSPIRE Directive and MyOcean2 compliancemarine.copernicus.eu/documents/UW_2014/1-Plenary... · INSPIRE Directive Highlights •Infrastructure for Spatial Information


How do we measure Quality of

DOWNLOAD Services?

• “Nominal” response time should not exceed 30s for a “reference” request

• The download speed should be above 0,5Mo/s

– A nominal response is one the best 90% reponse times

– A reference request is a request of a dataset with the following attributes:

a single layer (variable), Varying bounding box (geographic area)

– Requests have to be done at least 10 times per hour

• Capacity side:

– 10 requests per second during 1 min

– Respect performances requirements

• Availability side:

– Reference requests have to be done at least 10 times per hour

– 99% availability

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Quality of Service Implications

• Each individual service (= dataset!) needs to be monitored

• Configuration of the central monitoring tool

• An increase of requests for availability and performances measurements

• 99% of availability means max downtime 3.6 days per year

• Technical teams for continuous monitoring

• Appropriate equipment

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• Every European service and project involving geographical data, needs to be compliant with INSPIRE Directive

• Service Infrastructure needs to be adapted to standards and directives according to its content

• Parts of the directive have evolved for a more complete definition of required practices (i.e. VIEW services)

• MyOcean2 is strongly committed to achieve full INSPIRE compliancy in all data services, and is evolving steadily towards this goal.

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CIS – Central Information System MyOcean2 CIS Technical Workshop – Paris 25th Sept. 2013

Thank you for your attention

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