1 making inspire work – unece workshop, 13/12/2007 inspire & seis because good decisions need...

1 MAKING INSPIRE WORK – UNECE Workshop, 13/12/2007 INSPIRE & SEIS because Good Decisions need Good Information timely available INSPIRE: Scope of the Directive INSPIRE: State-of-Play Implementation INSPIRE, SEIS & e-Government EC INSPIRE TEAM Joint Research Centre - Directorate- General Environment – EUROSTAT European Commission Sustainable Development and Integration Directorate Hugo de Groof, [email protected]

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Page 1: 1 MAKING INSPIRE WORK – UNECE Workshop, 13/12/2007 INSPIRE & SEIS because Good Decisions need Good Information timely available INSPIRE: Scope of the Directive

1MAKING INSPIRE WORK – UNECE Workshop, 13/12/2007

INSPIRE & SEISbecause Good Decisions need Good

Information timely available

INSPIRE: Scope of the DirectiveINSPIRE: State-of-Play Implementation

INSPIRE, SEIS & e-Government

EC INSPIRE TEAM Joint Research Centre - Directorate-General

Environment – EUROSTAT

European Commission

Sustainable Development and Integration Directorate

Hugo de Groof, [email protected]

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Better and timely Information, better and timely Decisions

• The Sixth Environment Action Programme confirmed the crucial need for sound and robust information

• Forest fires, floods and droughts, the challenge of adapting to climate change and the loss of biodiversity, underline the need for accurate environmental information to be made quickly and easily available.

• Reporting and Monitoring requirements under Community law are the main drive for collecting data and information.

European Commission – DG EnvironmentSustainable Development and Integration Directorate

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The vast amount of data collected by public authorities across the EU is not timely available when it is needed and matters for decision making

range of obstacles of a legal, financial, technical and procedural nature

Despite good progress with modernising and streamlining reporting obligations and systems e.g. WISE, the situation is still patchy: Each piece of environmental legislation has it own reporting system and data flows. In some cases this data is not even reported electronically INSPIRE Directive: the EU is moving towards a distributed system for on-line access

and sharing of spatial data

Limited capability to quickly (=seamlessly) turn data to policy relevant information and implement efficiently (seamlessly) integrated approaches to environmental policy.

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Therefore… INSPIRE:Bringing data and services together through a Spatial Data Infrastructure

Data and services easily discoverable

and accessible to users

Like a road infrastructure makes it possible to connect

different places, a spatial data infrastructure makes it possible to connect data and services located at

different sources

Easier development of

new applications and services


The Danish E-government homepage

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Institutional framework: Institutional framework: Collaboration & Co-ordination Collaboration & Co-ordination


Information Information ServicesServices

Fundamental Fundamental data setsdata sets

Infrastructure:•Technical Standards•Architecture

In order to built INSPIRE & SEIS, we need:

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• INSPIRE lays down general rules to establish an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment.

– This infrastructure shall build upon infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the Member States.

• INSPIRE does not require collection of new spatial data – electronic format

• INSPIRE does not affect Intellectual Property Rights or statistical confidentiality

* http://eur-lex.europa.eu

INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC)*: Into Force 15/5/2007

General Provisions

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• Spatial data held by or on behalf of a public authority operating down to the lowest level of government when laws or regulations require their collection or dissemination

• INSPIRE covers 34 Spatial Data Themes laid down in 3 Annexes – (required to successfully build environmental information systems)

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INSPIRE - Data Sharing

• Member States shall adopt measures for the sharing of data and services between public authorities for public tasks relating to the environment without restrictions occurring at the point of use.

• Public authorities may charge, license each other and Community institutions provided this does not create an obstacle to sharing.

• When spatial data or services are provided to Community institutions for reporting obligations under Community law relating to the environment then this will not be subject to charging.

• Member States shall provide the institutions and bodies of the Community with access to spatial data sets and services in accordance with harmonised conditions. Implementing Rule

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INSPIRE - Technical

I. Metadata

II. Interoperability of spatial data sets and


III. Network services (discovery, view,

download, transform, invoke) - European


IV. Data and Service sharing EU / MSV. Coordination and measures for monitoring

& reporting

INSPIRE is a Framework Directive

“Implementing Rules” for:

“Implementing Rules” to adopt according to directive “roadmap”

“Implementing Rules” bottom-up development with stakeholders

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From Commission proposal to Community Directive implementation

• Preparatory phase (2004-2006)– Co-decision procedure– Start of preparation of Implementing Rules

• Transposition phase (2007-2009)– Directive entered into force 15 May 2007– INSPIRE Committee starts its activities 26 June 2007– Continuation of preparation of Implementing Rules– Transposition into national legislation– Adoption of Implementing Rules by Comitology

• Implementation phase (2009-2013)– Implementation and monitoring of measures– Continuation of preparation of Implementing Rules– Adoption of Implementing Rules by Comitology

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Milestone date

Article Description

2007-05-15 Entry into force of INSPIRE Directive

2007-08-15 22§2 Establishment of the INSPIRE Committee

2008-05-15 5§4 Adoption of IR for the creation and updating of metadata

2008-05-15 21(4) Adoption of IR for monitoring and reporting

2008-05-15* 16 Adoption of IR for discovery and view services

2008-11-15* 16 Adoption of IR for download services

2008-11-15* Adoption of IR for data exchange

2008-11-15* 16(a) Adoption of IR for coordinates transformation service

2009-05-15* 17(8)Adoption of IR governing the access rights of use to spatial data sets and services for Community institutions and bodies

2009-05-15 9(a)Adoption of IRs for the interoperability and harmonisation of spatial data sets and services for Annex I spatial data themes

2009-05-15 24§1 Provisions of Directive are brought into force in MS

2010-11-15* 16 Adoption of IR for invoke "spatial data service"

2012-05-15 9(b)Adoption of the IR s for the interoperability and harmonisation of spatial data sets and services for Annex II and III spatial data themes

Roadmap for IR adoption(http://inspire.jrc.it/reports/transposition/INSPIRE_IR_WP2007_2009_en.pdf)

* = date proposed by Commission

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Milestone date

Article Description

2010-05-15 21§1 Implementation of provisions for monitoring

2010-05-15 6(a) Metadata available for spatial data corresponding to Annex I and II

2010-05-15* 16 Discovery and view services operational

2010-05-15 15 The EC establishes and runs a geo-portal at Community level

2010-11-15* 16 Download services operational

2010-11-15* 16(a) Coordinates transformation services operational

2011-05-15 7§3, 9(a)Newly collected and extensively restructured Annex I spatial data sets available

2012-11-15* 16 Invoke "spatial data service" services operational

2013-05-15 6(b) Metadata available for spatial data corresponding to Annex III

2014-05-15 7§3, 9(b)Newly collected and extensively restructured Annex II and III spatial data sets available

2016-05-15 7§3, 9(a) Other Annex I spatial data sets available

2019-05-15 7§3, 9(b) Other Annex II and III spatial data sets available

RoadmapRoadmap (Implementation)(Implementation)* = date proposed by Commission

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Drafting Teams

EC Consolidation TeamCall for InterestExisting Reference Material

Implementing RulesDraft

Implementing RulesFormal Internet Consultation


Spatial Data Interest Communities participate




INSPIRE IR Development processCommission Services co-ordinate

INSPIRE Expert Groupadvises





Association phase Drafting phase Review phase

2005 2007 2008

CEN, ISO, OGC contribute



Pilots validateExperts are


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Directive RequirementsReference materials

Commission Decision

Work Programme 2007-2009 Implementing Rule development cycle

Drafting of IR

Testing of draft IR

Stakeholder/Public consultation

Commission inter-service consultation

Regulatory process

Manage evolution of IRs

INSPIRE Stakeholders(SDICs, LMOs):1. Reference material2. Experts3. Projects

INSPIRE Committee

INSPIRE Drafting Teams

http://inspire.jrc.it/sdic_call/index.cfmOpen registration at:

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Spatial Data Interest Communities (SDICs)


Legally Mandate Organisations (LMOs)


Proposed Experts 193

Referenced Materials 96

Identified Projects 94


Spatial Data Interest Communities (SDICs)

201 (+45%)

Legally Mandate Organisations (LMOs)

116 (+30%)

Proposed Experts 210 (+9%)

Referenced Materials 144 (+50%)

Identified Projects 112 (+19%)

Results of Results of the call for the call for

ExpertsExpertsOpened on 1 Opened on 1 March 2005March 2005

Experts Experts registered per registered per


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The INSPIRE EU Geoportal

• Required by the INSPIRE directive (art.15)

• Provides access to the Member States INSPIRE services

• Development under EC responsibility

– Aim to provide an operational platform to satisfy the requirements of the directive and IR

– Geoportal dependent on the IR development

• The INSPIRE Geoportal will be operated by the EC

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Current & Future Developments

• Alignment of metadata editor, search criteria and discovery with INSPIRE (draft) IR (2007-2009)

• View services according to INSPIRE (draft) IR (2007-2010)

• Multi-lingual (2007-2010)

• Provide reference info to DTs (continuous)

– feature catalogues, glossary etc

• Download services, incl. security (2009-2011)

• Registries (continuous)

Under development at: http://www.inspire-geoportal.eu/

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INSPIRE Governance Structures• The Commission (Article 22)

– Shall be assisted by a Committee -> Comitology Procedure– Coordinating INSPIRE at Community level assisted by relevant organisations and, in

particular, by the European Environment Agency

• The Member States– Are members of the Committee (Article 22)– Contact points to the Commission supported by a coordination structure, taking

account of the distribution of powers and responsibilities within the Member State. (Article 19)

• Other Parties– European standardisation bodies (Article 20)– Representatives of Member States at national, regional and local level as well as

other natural or legal persons, including users, producers, added value service providers or any coordinating body (Article 7)

• The European Parliament and Council

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Implementing INSPIREImplementing INSPIRE

• The implementation of INSPIRE needs to consider the broader context of existing initiatives which could contribute

• The INSPIRE implementation should interface with those partnerships and initiatives where relevant and establish synergy*

• SDIC bundle the human expertise of users, producers and transformers of spatial information, technical competence, financial resources and policies. Many SDIC exist today, generally organised by region, thematic issue or sector (industry).

concept of Spatial Data Interest concept of Spatial Data Interest Communities (SDIC)Communities (SDIC)

*e.g. GEOSS, GMES, GALILEO, GSDI, Aarhus Clearing House?

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Conclusions • Innovative dual approach

– Top-down: INSPIRE is a framework Directive with implementing rules to be adopted in the coming years.

– Bottom-up: Highest involvement of key stakeholders (through the “Spatial Data Interest Community” concept) needed for development, implementation and sustained operation

– Openness and transparency in drafting implementing measures a must

– Pilots and Projects important to define/validate the implementing rules

– Links and interfaces with Community (GMES, eGov etc..) and other international initiatives (GEOSS, GSDI etc.) essential

• Transposition of INSPIRE, within the fixed time, to National Legislation in each Member State is crucial

• Urgent need of establishing coordinating bodies and structures to start INSPIRE implementation

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Therefore…the SEIS

A System where the public authorities are the providers but also the main end-users and beneficiaries

SEIS is a collaborative initiative of the Commission, the EEA and MSs to establish an integrated, common, shared, multipurpose and sustained information system in Europe serving two main purposes:

improve the timely availability, sharing and quality of environmental data and information (or data impacting environmental policies) within Europe and provision of e-Government/e-Environment services to public policy makers and citizens;

offer to MSs and EU institutions an efficient reporting system to fulfil their reporting obligations related to Community environmental policies and legislation, avoiding duplication of efforts, overlapping and redundancies

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SEIS concept:

integrated but distributed web-enabled "system of systems" in which current systems based on reporting data and information (including documents) centrally are increasingly replaced by e-Reporting systems based on access, sharing and interoperability.

SEIS will be based on a distributed network virtual and institutional of public information providers (or other providers acting on behalf of public providers) for sharing environmental data and information.

It will be built incrementally upon existing infrastructures, systems and e-Services in both MSs and EU institutions, virtually interconnecting them and making them to 'talk to each other' (inter-operable).

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Five issues as prerequisites for

a good and efficient SEIS, meeting its objectives:

• deployment of an efficient, interoperable infrastructure for on-line accessing and sharing data and information and provision of information services;

• modernising the reporting requirements and systems with a view to developing a coherent, common and shared reporting system based on access, sharing and interoperability;

• enhance quality and comparability of the data and information going into the SEIS system

• availability of ‘interoperable’ methodologies (e.g. for integrated cross-sectoral assessments or risk assessment and forecast) and e-Governement services to seamlessly implement them (e.g. decision support systems);

• "interoperability of policies", i.e. policy coherence.  

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INSPIRE and GMES: key partners in developing the SEIS

The effective implementation of the INSPIRE directive: main basis for delivering those aspects of the SEIS system that have to do with interoperability, sharing and access of spatial environmental data.

SEIS beyond INSPIRE: - non-spatial data and non-numerical information

- provision of information services related to a coherent reporting system and e-Government/e-Environment to support decision making and inform the citizens.

The GMES would contribute to SEIS with the provision of e-Environment services such as the fast track services in Land, Marine, Emergency Response which will allow to turn quickly and seamlessly data to policy relevant information (e.g. information integration for indicators and enabling integrated assessments

How about UNECE Clearing House?

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Communication on SEIS: From Concept to Reality

Will set out overall framework/ vision for an integrated Shared Environmental Information System

Concrete measures in the Communication:

Carefully monitor INSPIRE implementation and GMES further development to fit real needs

Early revision of standardised reporting directive (before November 2008)

Assessment of potential to further harmonise in-situ monitoring

EEA to make SEIS centre of its strategy for fulfilling its mandate

Allocation of Community funds (LIFE+, structural)

Adoption in January 2008

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Conclusions 1

• INSPIRE & SEIS are ‘tools’ for developing, implementing and monitoring environmental policies more timely and more cost-efficiently

• Their benefits will be tangible for all levels of society

• INSPIRE is a Directive developed by – and for the benefits of the stakeholders – the bottom-up approach

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Conclusions 2• INSPIRE includes also a technical framework

with implementing rules developed and adopted in the coming years

• INSPIRE is an essential pillar, a first step, of a broader vision for a European Shared Environmental Information System which includes the many applications for environmental management and reporting built on the INSPIRE foundations

• There is a lot of scope for collaboration between UNECE Clearing House and INSPIRE/SEIS

• More info at: http://inspire.jrc.it, www.ec-gis.org; [email protected]

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SEIS data and information content

data and information required by : EC Environment legislation, existing or upcoming

State of the Environment Information (including information provided voluntarily) –EEA’s data flows

Data collected in the context of International environmental conventions in which the EU is a party

Environment-related information and data collected/required by other EC policies .

The ambition of SEIS however is to develop a flexible infrastructure that would allow other data collections, flows and systems beyond the above four categories to ' plug in' on the basis of mutual benefits.

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SEIS Information Services

E.g. of Information Services for Public Policy Makers and Citizens that can ‘plug in’ to SEIS/INSPIRE infrastructure:

– Software applications implementing in a transparent and traceble way methodologies for integrated assessments across policy domains (DPSIR : driving forces, pressures, state, impact, response), integrated assessment of ecosystems and of climate changes.

– Decision support systems for assessment of environmental impacts of big infrastructures/installations taking into account also socio-economic aspects).

– Dissemination and public information portals on DPSIR,  geo -referenced emergency alerting systems-,  forecasting of risks . 

– Automated report generators etc: to decrease the administrative burden of MSs from reporting obligations to EC