fishy facts


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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Kelsi And Angela!!!!


Page 1: Fishy Facts
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Anemones are like little trees that live in the ocean, and feed on tiny plankton.

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Breeding-fish need to breed so they have a chance to grow and produce more of their kind in the sea.

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Crabs are a crustacean, they have an exoskeleton. Which is a soft, sensitive inside and a hard outside.

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Dolphins spend most of their time in groups of five.In what is called a pod.

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Eels are slimey and if you touch it, it sticks to you, some are electric and can be deadly.

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Fish are our friends so treat them with respect and don’t catch them all. Fish for the future.

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Greymoray eel are the smallest eel in the NZ, but are the most common.

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Hermit crabs are crabs with a soft body and a hard shell, which they can change when they grow out of it.

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Ika is the Maori name for fish.

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Jellyfish have no bones and no proper eyes.

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Killer whales are found in all seas but mostly in the Antarctic.

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Lobsters crawl along the bottom of the ocean for food.

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Mussels at high tide open there shells to feed on passing flakes of food.

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Nautilus has a large head with up to 90 tentacles. It lives in a shell and swims by squirting water out through its sipho.

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Over fishing is killing all of our fish, and if we continue we’ll have no fish left for food, entertainment and pure enjoyment.

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People are killing off our fish, and if we continue, there will be none left.

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Queen angelfish are predatory fish. Their territory is important to them, invade it and they will get angry.

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Red cods are one of the many different kinds and are one of the most common caught by fisherman!

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Squid are carnivores- they even eat other squid and octopuses when needed!

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The fish need to be bigger before you can catch them so that they can grow up and breed.

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Under-water volcanos are results of earthquakes that happen in the sea, forming volcanos.

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Violet Jellyfish are one of the many kinds of Jellyfish that live in our waters near the surface.

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Whales come in many names ranging from Whale shark, Humpback, Sperm whale and more.

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X-Ray fish are a type of fish that live in the sea and the males are smaller than females.

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Yellow-Finned Tuna are possibly biggest Tuna in the sea.

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Zoo plankton are the most common plankton in the sea.

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