fin statement analysis_ratio analysis

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  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Financial Statement

    Analysis Ratio Analysis

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    INTRODUCTION Ratio Analysis is a comprehensive tool

    of analysis in that it seeks to measurean esta!lish cause an e"ectrelationship !et#een either t#o itemsof $S or %&' A(c or !oth the $S an%&' A(c)

    Ratio analysis is a relative an morefocuse analysis)

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    There are many variants of ratioanalysis an the analyst can carry outthe analysis of a *iven set of +nancialstatements #ith a lot of ,e-i!ility)

    There may !e many areas #here ananalyst may have a i"erin* vie# oropinion on the treatment of a ratio

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Si*ni+cance. Inter/+rm comparison

    Intra/+rm comparison

    Comparison a*ainst in ustry !enchmarks

    Analysis of chronolo*ical performanceover a lon* perio

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    C'ASSIFICATION Return on Investment Ratios Solvency Ratios

    'i0ui ity Ratios Resources1 23ciency or Turnover


    %ro+ta!ility Ratios Du %ont Analysis 4aluation or Capital 5arket Ratios

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis



    5a-imisation of ROI is the ultimateo!6ective of the company mana*ement)It is the ultimate measure of thee3ciency of performance of amana*ement)

    5a6or ratios are

    7 RON89 2%S: C2%S

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    7) RON8 ;>

    20 Shhol ers Fun or Net#orth

    It is also kno#n as Return on 20uity ;RO2= A 6ust %AT for e-traor inary items 20uity capital to !e taken on 8ei*hte

    Avera*e $asis

    Simple avera*in* of Res & Surplus an5isc 2-p not #(o to !e one

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis



    / ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ anlon*er past/ Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er/ Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e/ In ustry Tren s/ Comparison #ith 8ACC/ Comparison #ith the cost of!orro#in*s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers

    / Bualitative an Buantitative *ro#thin sales/ 23cient asset utili ation/ Cost economies/ 23cient ta- plannin*

    / 'o#er cost of !orro#in*s/ Optimum capital structure

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    9) 2%S ;Rs)=%AT %ref Div

    8ei*hte Avera*e No of 20 shares Outst It seeks to put RON8 in a i"erent

    perspective It forms the !asis for the valuation of

    shares $ench markin*

    same as RON8 Strate*ic ey Drivers


    De!t/20 mi-

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    :) C2%S ;Rs)=%AT/%ref Div Non cash char*es

    8ei*hte Avera*e No of 20 Shares Outst It is a re+nement of 2%S in that it takes

    into account the cash earnin*s an notaccrual/!ase earnin*s

    Ratio is si*ni+cant in lon* *estationpro6ect an start/up casesE #here

    thou*h the co mi*ht report a loss it maystill !e a!le to serve its o!li*ationsto#ar s its len ers an meet itsoperatin* e-penses)

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    $ench markin*Same as RON8

    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ 2%S/ %roportion of non/cash char*es

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis



    The capacity of a company to ischar*eits o!li*ations to#ar s lon*/termlen ers)

    Useful to analyse the capacity of a co toraise further capital an !orro#in*s)

    Useful for FIE $anks an other len ers) / Net asset value

    / De!t/20uity/ Interest Cover/ DSCR

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    7) NA4 ;Rs)=20 sh hol ers FunNo of 20 Sh Outst

    It measures the net #orth per e0uity share)It is also kno#n as !ook value per share)

    No of e0uity sh outst is the year en +*urean not #ei*hte avera*e

    This ratio in icates the e3ciency of the com*mt in !uil in* up a !ack/up of reservesan surplus to fall !ack upon) i*her theratio hi*her is the capacity of a co to raise!orro#e as #ell as e0uity capital)

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    $ench markin*/ In ustry NA4/ NA4s of lea ers an la**ar in thein ustry/ ?ro#th in NA4 over previous year anlon*er

    term/ In ustry tren s

    Strate*ic ey Drivers

    / RON8 an 2%S/ Divi en %olicy/ Share %remium

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    9) De!t 20uity ;Times='on* Term De!t Total Net 8orth

    5easures the proportion of e!t ancapital

    In case of converti!le e!E converti!lepart is to !e treate as e0uity)

    Cos nee to have optimum capitalstructure

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    $ench markin*/ Insti norms 7)G.7 ;hi*her for Capintensive

    pro6ects= / ecline in ratio over %@ an lon*erterm

    / Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er/ Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e/ In ustry Tren s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ RON8 an 2%S/ Div policy

    / Share prem/ NA4/ $orro#in* policy

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    :) Interest Cover ;Times=%AT Int on 'on* Term De!t Non/Cash

    Char*esInt on 'on* Term De!t

    Capacity of the co to pay int lia!ility onlon* term !orro#in*s out of cash pro+ts

    i*her the ratio lesser the +n risk of efault

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    $ench markin*/ Insti norms 9.7/ ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ anlon*er past/ Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er/ Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e

    / In ustry Tren s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ RON8/ De!t/20uity

    / Cost of 'on* Term $orro#in*/ %roportion of non/cash char*es inthe

    e-pense structure of the co

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    H) DSCR ;Times=

    %AT Int on 'on* Term De!t Non cashChar*es

    Int on 'on* Term De!t Instal of %rinDue

    It measures the capacity of a co to paythe instal of the principal ue an theint lia!ility it has incurre on its lon*/

    term !orro#in*sE out of its cash pro+ts)

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    $ench markin*/ Insti norms DSCR of 7)/ ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ an lon*erpast

    / Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er/ Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e/ In ustry Tren s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers

    / RON8/ De!t e0uity/ Tenure of loans

    / Cost of lon* term !orro#in*s/ %roportion of non/cash char*es in the

    e-pense structure of the co

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    III 'IBUIDIT@ RATIOS The li0ui ity position of a co is

    etermine !y analysin* the structure ofcurrent assets an lia!ilitiesE cre itperio allo#e to the customersE cre itperio availe from the suppliers aninventory hol in* of the co)

    / Current ratio/ Buick ratio/ Collection perio allo#e to customers/ Suppliers cre it/ Inventory hol in* perio

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    7) Current ratio ;Times=CAE loans & a vances Short term

    investC' %rovi short term e!t

    It helps in assessin* the cos capacity toischar*e its ay to ay o!li*ations

    $ench markin*/ Insti norms 7)::.7

    / %roportion of non/cash char*es/ ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ anlon*er past

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    / Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er/ Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e

    / In ustry Tren s

    Strate*ic key Drivers

    / %roper asset lia!ility m*mt/ Cre it perio availe from suppliers/ Cre it perio allo#e to the customers

    / Inventory hol in*

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    9) Buick ratio ;Times=CAE loans & a vancesinventory Short term

    investC' %rovi Short term e!t net of 8C limits

    Also kno#n as aci test ratio %repai e-penses are also e-clu e It is re+nement of CR #ith ti*hter as #ell as

    more realistic properties

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    $ench markin*/ Insti norms 7.7

    / ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ anlon*er past/ Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er

    / Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e/ In ustry Tren s/ %roportion of non cash char*es

    Strate*ic ey DriversSame as CR

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    : Collection %erio allo#e to Customers; ays=

    Receiva!les - : GCre it Sales

    Sales sh !e *ross sales an not net of e-cise $ench markin*

    / Decline in ratio over %@ an lon*er perio/ ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ an lon*er

    past/ Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er/ Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e/ In ustry Tren s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ RON8/ %ro uct 0uality an pricin*

    / 5arket share an competition/ Collection policies/ $ran e0uity

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    H) Suppliers Cre it ; ays=%aya!les - : G

    Cre it %urchases In practice total pur is taken as cre it pur

    +*ures are not availa!le $ench markin*

    / ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ an lon*erpast/ Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er

    / Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e/ In ustry Tren s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers

    / RON8/ %ro uct 0uality an pricin*/ 5arket share an competition

    / $ran e0uity/ Collection policy of suppliers/ Competition in the suppliers in ustry/ ne*otiatin* levera*e availa!le tocustomers

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    G) Inventory ol in* %erio ; ays=Inventory - : G

    Cost of ?oo s Sol Avoi unnecessary e-cessive inventory

    !uil up) $ench markin*

    / Decline in the ratio over %@ an lon*erterm/ ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ an lon*er

    past/ Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er/ Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e

    / In ustry Tren s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ Supply chain mana*ement/ Shorter pro uction process

    / Fast pro uct turnover/ 5inimum o!solescence


  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis



    The e3ciency #ith #hich the assetsan resources of a co are utilise in*eneratin* operational revenue has a

    irect !earin* on the top line) / Fi-e assets turnover ratio

    / Net #orth turnover ratio/ De!tors turnover ratio/ Inventory turnover ratio

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    7) Fi-e assets Turnover Ratio ;Times=

    Net SalesNet $lock of FA

    5easures the volume of *ross income*enerate !y the FA) The ratio plays animp role in improvin* the overallpro+ta!ility an +n position of a co)

    Capital 8I% sh not !e taken in FA Net sales J sales e-clusive of e-cise


  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    $ench markin*/ ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ anlon*er past

    / Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er/ Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e/ In ustry Tren s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ %ro uction e3cienciesE min#asta*es an plant shut o#n

    / Invest in appropriate mo erntechnolo*ies/ Optimum plant capacities

    / %ro uct 0uality an pricin*

    9) Net #orth Turnover Ratio ;Times=

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    9) Net #orth Turnover Ratio ;Times=Net SalesNet #orth

    It is the e3ciency in the resourceutilisation from the an*le of e0uity shhol ers

    $ench markin*/ ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ anlon*er past/ Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er/ Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e/ In ustry Tren s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ %ro uction e3cienciesE min#asta*es an plant shut o#n

    / Invest in appropriate mo erntechnolo*ies/ Optimum plant capacities

    / %ro uct 0uality an pricin*/ Optimum Capital Structure

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    :) De!tors Turnover Ratio

    H) Inventory Turnover Ratio

    $oth ratios alrea y iscusse un er

    li0ui ity ratios

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    4 %ROFITA$I'IT@ RATIOS Stu y an analysis of pro+ta!ility in

    relation to sales forms the very !asis an!ack!one of the ROI ratios) / 5ulti/step %ro+t 5ar*ins to sales ratio

    / Ratios of in ivi ual costs an e-penses toSales

    / Ratios of other incomeE e-traor inaryitems

    an prior year a 6ustments to %$T an (ornet sales

    / 2"ective ta- rate

    A 5ulti step pro+t mar*in

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    A 5ulti step pro+t mar*into sales ratios ;

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ Bualitative an 0uantitative *ro#th

    in salesEe3cient asset utilisation an cost

    economies for all ratios

    / A*e of FA for %$IT/ 'o#er cost of !orro#in* anoptimum cap structure for %$T

    / 23cient ta- plannin* for %AT

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    $ Ratios of in ivi ualcosts(e-penses to sales ;>) elp m*mt in concentratin* on cost

    re uction)

    $ench markin*/ Decline in the ratios over the %@ anlon*er term

    / ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ an

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    / ?ro#th in the ratio over the %@ anlon*er past/ Comparison a*ainst in av ( in lea erStrate*ic ey Drivers/ Bualitative an 0uantitative *ro#th insales

    / 23cient asset utilisation an costeconomies for all ratios/ Cost economies in all items of e-penses

    / Cost of !orro#in*s/ Capital Structure/ A*e of +-e assets

    C R ti f th i E

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    C Ratios of other incomeEe-traor inary items an prior year

    a 6ustments to %$T an (or NetSales ;

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    / Decline in the ratios over the %@ anlon*er term

    / Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er/ Comparison a*ainst in ustryavera*e

    / In ustry Tren s

    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ Soun Fin a(cin* policies an their

    consistency/ Concentration on key !usi activities

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    D 2"ective ta- rate ;>%$T

    It measures the actual e"ective rateat #hich a co pays income ta- on its%$T as a*ainst the statutory rate ofincome ta-)

    $ h ki *

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    $ench markin*/ Statutory ta- rate

    / Decline in the ratio over %@ an lon*erterm/ Comparison #ith the in ustry lea er/ Comparison a*ainst in ustry avera*e/ In ustry Tren s

    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ Availa!ility an e"ective e-ploitation ofta- savin* opportunities/ Continuous e-pansion( iversi+cation to

    claim hi*her ep an incentives

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    4I DU %ONT ANA'@SIS RON8 J Net %ro+t 5ar*in - Net 8orth


    ROTA J Net %ro+t 5ar*in - Total Asset Turnover

    RON8 the ultimate overall pro+ta!ility

    ratio is a function of Net %ro+t 5ar*inan Net 8orth Turnover) It seeks tomeasure an esta!lish this relationship)

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    It may also !e calculate #ithreference to Return on Total Assets)

    It ena!les an analyst to un erstan animprovement in the RON8 over the%@E #hether this improvement has!een cause !y improve net pro+tmar*in or improve net #orth

    turnover or an improvement in !oth oran improvement in one an an

    eterioration another

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    $ench markin*

    / ?ro#th in t#o constituent ratiosover the %@ an lon*er term/ Comparison #ith in lea er( in

    avera*e/ In ustry tren s/ Comparison #ith the 8ACC/ Comparison #ith the cost of!orro#in*s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ Bualitative an 0uantitative *ro#thin sales/ 23cient asset an net #orthutilisation/ Cost economies/ 23cient ta- plannin*/ 'o#er cost of !orro#in*s/ Optimum capital structure

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis



    5AR 2T RATIOS / 2%S

    / %(2

    / NA4/ 5kt %rice to NA4/ 5kt capitalisation

    / @iel to investors

    7) %(2 ;times=

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    ) ( ;5kt %rice per 20 Sh

    2%S If D2%S is i" from $2%S then D2%S #ill

    form the enominator) The ratio re,ects the investors perception

    of a company) $ench markin*

    / In ustry %(2

    / %(2s of the lea er an la**ar in thein ustry/ ?ro#th in %(2 over %@ an lon*er term/ In ustry tren s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ 2%S/ Divi en %olicy

    / Future prospects/ Si e of e0uity/ Floatin* stock/ 5arket con itions

    9) 5arket %rice to NA4 ;Times=

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    ) ;5kt %rice

    NA4 It re,ects the investment potential of a

    share) It also o"ers opportunity to the coto !uy !ack its o#n shares from the

    market) $ench markin*

    / In ustry avera*e

    / Ratios of the lea er an la**ar in thein ustry/ ?ro#th in ratio over %@ an lon*er term/ In ustry tren s

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    Strate*ic ey Drivers

    / NA4/ Divi en policy/ Future prospects

    / Si e of the e0uity/ Floatin* stock/ 5arket con itions

    :) 5arket Capitalisation ;Rs)=

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    ) p ; ) No of 20 Shares Outst - 5kt price

    It provi es a macro vie# of the shareprice) It is immensely useful inne*otiatin* mer*ersE takeoversEac0uisitionsE isinvestments an hive/o"

    an also important for research purposes) $ench markin*Same as 5kt %rice to NA4

    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ All those applica!le to %(2/ NA4

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    H) @iel to investors ;>

    Initial Invest It is helpful in evaluatin* a potential

    invest as #ell as in takin* a hol or e-it

    ecision) $ench markin*

    / Same as 5kt %rice to NA4 ratio

    Strate*ic ey Drivers/ All those applica!le to %(2 ratio an 5kt

    %rice to NA4 ratio


  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    COR2 RATIOSI) ROI Ratios

    / RON8/ 2%S

    II) Solvency Ratios/ NA4/ De!t 20uity/ DSCR

    III) 'i0ui ity Ratios/ Current Ratio/ Buick Ratio

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    / Collection %erio allo#e to Customers/ Suppliers Cre it

    / Inventory ol in* %erioI4) Turnover Ratios

    / Fi-e Assets Turnover Ratio/ Net 8orth Turnover Ratio

    4)%ro+ta!ility Ratios/ 5ain ratios throu*h a multi/step common/

    si e income statement

    / Ratios of imp in ivi ual costs an e-pensesto sales throu*h a common si e statement

  • 7/25/2019 Fin Statement Analysis_Ratio Analysis


    / Other incomeE e-traor inary itemsan prior year a 6ustments to%$T(Net Sales/ 2"ective ta- rate

    4I)Du %ont Analysis4II)4aluation Ratios

    / NA4

    / %(2/ @iel to Investors