film 315- week 3

Evolution of Cell Phones Image by CubaGallery

Upload: sarah2012

Post on 28-Jan-2015




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Evolution of Cell Phones

Image by CubaGallery

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Motorola brought out the first hand held phone in April of 1973

Image by Arte ao Avesso

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In 1985, the US sold 10,000 mobile phones and gathered 340,000 subscribers

Image by Mark & Andrea Busse

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Simon, by IBM was the first Smartphone sold in


Image by Sevan Jan

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The iPhone came out more recently in 2007

... And has sold over 60 MILLION phones Image by Algami

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Apple launched the App Store in July 2008 with 500 apps

Image by Icon Designer

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And has grown to over 225,000 Apps to-date

In 2013, an estimated 29.5 BILLION Apps will be purchased

Image by offernandinhoon!

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In 2010, the average iPhone user spent $80 on Apps

Image by Blind Spot Jewellery

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In 2009, 1.2 BILLION phones were sold and over 4 BILLION subscribers were gathered worldwide

Image by mobilyazilar

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19% of the phones sold today are


Image by jagelado

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9 in 10

Americans have a cell phone

Image by auctionphotos1

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Of these, feature

phones are more popular outnumbering



Image by BiT.Photo

Image by jagelado

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70 MILLION phones are lost every year...

...with the average person

having a phone less

than 2 years

Image by LisaNguyen

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…remote control…

…for life

Mobile phones are now a....

Image by inajeep

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They quickly become PERSONALIZED and you can do almost anything on them

Image by enola05

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Image by Sarah Price

...SMS is the most common feature

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Mobiles can help resolve...

Image by Spencer, Najera

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Image by Sarah Price


…productivity Cohesion


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This information abundance...

... results in a

poverty of


Image by offernandinhoon!

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... Making them DISTRACTING

Image by Expo AA 304

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Hierarchy of digital distractions





Image by Sarah Price

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Mobile knowledge requires

ample time and patience

Image by Keren Leahy

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So, at what AGE should we start to learn about mobile


Image by JeremyHallImage by t.jancewicz

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“9 out of 10 parents believe

theirkids should be taught about

mobile phones and internet safety in school”- a new

study says

Image by nikki.janeImage by Microsoft Clipart

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But the younger, the BETTER

Image by SparkCBC

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Today’s digital natives

are more likely to own a phone (85%) than a book (73%)

Image by TechChuck2009

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"Kids...Our research shows that they use their mobile phones to

talk, text, take pictures, play games and check Facebook," ~ MobileMuster manager Rose Read

Image by MoHotta18

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Howver ANYONE can use a mobile phone...

Image by ansleyalvarez

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... Any PLACE...

Image by eyepiphany

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... Any TIME ...

Image by The Big Jiggety

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... Any AGE...

Image by GOODPEOPLE2010

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Image by mshoop10

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Image by Sarah Price

You will always know where you stand in the world with the new GPS-enabled geo-technology

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How has... ... mobile phones


... changed our... ... WORLD?

Image by tonynetone

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They have increased chatter...

...and changed our way of life

Image by the bad pencil

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Even in the HOME

93% of smartphone owners use their phones at

HOME (digital


Image by beeesocks

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Mobile technology will continue to rise above

it’s obstacles and surpass it’s goals

Image by Sarah Price