fi08 01 asset master data

Title: Module Name User Manual - FI08.01 Asset Master data Asset Management OVERVIEW Business Process Description Overvie A fixed asset is defined as an individual economic good that it is recognized in the balance sh time of closing, and is in the long-term service of the enterrise. In order to ma!e it easier for the user to create, maintain and evaluate master data, the varie information is structured according to its area of use and the relevant functions in the s"stem master record consists of t$o main arts% !eneral Master Data% #his art of the master record contains concrete information about the fix Data "or #alculatin$ %sset Values% &ou can secif" dereciation terms in the asset master recor each dereciation area in the chart of dereciation. In order for "ou to ma!e these secificati master record contains an overvie$ of the dereciation areas. In addition, there is a detailed available for each dereciation area. If there are dereciation areas that are not needed for a asset, it is ossible to deactivate these dereciation areas at the asset level. T&e 'elo transactions ill 'e covered in t&e "olloin$ pa$es: FI08.01.01 'reation of asset master data A(01 FI08.01.0) 'hange of asset master data A(0) FI08.01.0* +isla" of asset master dataA(0* FI08.01.0 loc! asset master data A(0 FI08.01.0 +elete asset master data A(0/ FI08.01.0/ 'reate asset sub number A(11 FI08.01.0 Asset xlorer A2013 PRO#EDUR%( )TEP) *I+, +. +. #RE%TION O* %))ET M%)TER D%T% Via Menu Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets Asset 'reate A(01 - Asset Via Transaction #ode A(01 4ast changed on% 5reared b"% 6ersion% 1.0 5age% Maninder !aur 7elease %75 /.0 1 of

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Post on 02-Nov-2015




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Business Process Description Overvie
 A fixed asset is defined as an individual economic good that it is recognized in the balance sheet at the time of closing, and is in the long-term service of the enterrise.
In order to ma!e it easier for the user to create, maintain and evaluate master data, the varied individual information is structured according to its area of use and the relevant functions in the s"stem. #he asset master record consists of t$o main arts%
!eneral Master Data% #his art of the master record contains concrete information about the fixed asset.
Data "or #alculatin$ %sset Values% &ou can secif" dereciation terms in the asset master record for each dereciation area in the chart of dereciation. In order for "ou to ma!e these secifications, the master record contains an overvie$ of the dereciation areas. In addition, there is a detailed disla" available for each dereciation area. If there are dereciation areas that are not needed for a secific asset, it is ossible to deactivate these dereciation areas at the asset level.
T&e 'elo transactions ill 'e covered in t&e "olloin$ pa$es:
FI08.01.01 'reation of asset master data A(01 FI08.01.0) 'hange of asset master data A(0) FI08.01.0* +isla" of asset master data A(0* FI08.01.0 loc! asset master data A(0 FI08.01.0 +elete asset master data A(0/ FI08.01.0/ 'reate asset sub number A(11 FI08.01.0 Asset xlorer A2013
Via Menu  Accounting→ Financial Accounting→ Fixed Assets→  Asset→ 
'reate→ A(01 - Asset
Via Transaction #ode  A(01
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
+ouble 'lic! on %)+. - %sset
'reate Asset% Initial screen
Restrict value ran$e /.0
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
'lic! the Enter   button for a comlete list for coman" code
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
Input - Re1uired *ields *ield Value 2 #omments
 Asset 'lass nter the asset class; the asset class is the main criterion for classif"ing assets.
'oman" 'ode nter "our 'oman" 'ode
3umber of similar Assets 3umber of similar assets that "ou $ant to create in the s"stem $hen "ou save.
<n screen ='reate Asset% Master +ata>, enter information in the fields as secified in the table belo$%
*ield Name Description R2O2# #omments
+escrition #he descrition of the asset 7
 Asset main no #ext
<ne line descrition of the asset. It $ill aear in reorting.
< If leave blan!, the first line of   descrition $ill be coied over to this field.
Manage ?istoricall"
(et this indicator if "ou $ant this asset to be manage ?istoricall"
< #his indicator ensures that this asset is manage ?istoricall"
Inventor" no &ou can enter an inventor" number   for the asset. #he inventor" is laced into the standard inventor" list for  Asset Accounting @Information ("stem.
< Accounting trace for reorting $ithin the Financial Accounting Information ("stem
4ast inventor" on &ou can enter the date of the last inventor".
< #his field is for information onl"
Include assets in inventor" list.
(et this indicator if "ou $ant this asset to be counted in a h"sical inventor" chec!.
< #his indicator ensures that this asset is included in the standard inventor" list of   Asset Accounting. Asset $ithout this indicator are not outut b" the reort.
Inventor" note (ulementar" information for the anal"sis of h"sical inventor"
< Beneral Information for Csers
'aitalized on #he caitalization date is the value date of an asset.
#he field $ill be automaticall" udated uon acDuisition osting.
First acDuisition <n
#he s"stem automaticall" sets the asset value date of the first acDuisition osting in this field.
#he field $ill be automaticall" udated uon acDuisition osting.
 AcDuisition "ear #he s"stem enters the fiscal "ear of  the first acDuisition osting in this field.
#he field $ill be automaticall" udated uon acDuisition osting.
+eactivation on #he s"stem enters the asset value date of the retirement osting for a full retirement in this field.
<nce an asset has been deactivated, "ou can no longer ost to the asset
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
<nce "ou have entered the reDuired data in the fields, 'lic! on the time +eendent tab on screen.
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
#lic3 on t&e Time-dependent ta' /W&ic& ill 'e &i$&li$&ted in dar3 'lue0
*ield Name Description R2O2# #omments
usiness area An organizational unit of financial accounting
7 nter "our ((A number from the selection
'ost centre #his is the cost centre $here the dereciation exenses of the asset $ill be charged.
7 Cse drill-do$n to locate the cost centre
5lant Csed in selection criteria in reorting < Cse the drill E do$n.
4ocation Csed in selection criteria in reorting < Cse drill-do$n to find out the redefined location.
7oom nter the articular room number , freel" definable
< If available enter the number.
#lic3 on t&e %llocations ta'
*ield Name Description R2O2# #omments
valuation Brou 1 (ervices and sub services 
< Cse the dro do$n function and choose aroriate code related to asset
valuation Brou ) (ub asset class < Cse the dro do$n function
valuation Brou * 7egion < Cse the dro do$n function
valuation Brou (hift factor < Cse the dro do$n function
 'lic! on the evaluation 1 field, and after selecting the reDuired information.
 #hen 'lic! on the icon then clic! onto the next field
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
'lic! on the evaluation ) field, and after selecting the reDuired information.
 #hen 'lic! on the icon then clic! onto the next field
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
'lic! on the evaluation * field, and after selecting the reDuired information.
 #hen 'lic! on the icon then clic! onto the next field
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
'lic! on the evaluation field, and after selecting the reDuired information.
 #hen 'lic! on the icon then clic! onto the next field.
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
!o to t&e ne4t Ta' Ori$in
Field name +escrition 7<' 'omments 6endor &ou can enter vendor number   < #his field is for information onl"
Manufacturer &ou can enter the manufacturer of the asset in this field
< #his field is for information onl"
 Asset 5urchased 3e$
< #his field is for information onl"
5urchased Csed (et this indicator, if this asset $as second-hand $hen it $as acDuired @not ne$.
< #his field is for information onl"
'ountr" of origin
In this field "ou can secif" the countr" of origin for the asset.
< #his field is for information onl"
!o to t&e ne4t ta' Insurance:
Field name +escrition 7<' 'omments
#"e nter the t"e of insurance < (elect from the dro do$n.
Insurance 'omanies nter the name of the insurance coman" from $hich the insurance is ta!en
< (elect from the dro do$n.
 Agreement number nter the agreement number for the insurance
< nter the actual number  
(ul. text nter the text for insurance , if reDuired < nter the text ,
(tart date nter the start date of the insurance < nter the date
Insurance rate nter the rate for the insurance < Maintain the rate
nd +ate nter the end date of the insurance < nter date.
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
!o to t&e Ne4t ta' B)N(:
Field name +escrition 7<' 'omments
+ecommission of assets If the asset is decommissioned, maintain the t"e of decommissioning.
< (elect from the dro do$n.
+ate of +ecommissioning
< nter the date
3et realizable value nter the 376 for ermanent decommissioned asset
< nter the actual amount.
#ax rates for assets In case there an" taxes a licable on assets, e.g. municial taxes enter the rate.
< nter the ercentage rate for the tax
5eriodicit" nter the eriodicit" for the tax < (elect from the dro do$n.
+ate of #ax a"ment nter the date on $hich the taxes are aid.
< nter date
3ext tax due date nter the next due date for a"ment of tax
< nter date
#ax 6endor 3ame nter the vendor name for the tax a"ment
< nter the name
< (elect from the vendor list.
 Amount nter the tax amount on the asset < nter the amount.
#lic3 on t&e Depreciation %rea ta'
&ou $ill be romted $ith the follo$ing screen%
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
#he follo$ing !e" values are disla"ed $ith regard to the dereciation area selected above 1. +ereciation (tart +ate ). 5lanned Cseful 4ife *. +ereciation !e"
'lic! on the icon to save the asset. #he s"stem $ill assign Asset number.
#hen the follo$ing screen $ill be disla"ed
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
%t t&e 'ottom o" t&is screen &en 5ou &ave clic3ed on t&e save 'utton 5ou ill see t&e asset num'er created '5 t&e )%P s5stem
*I+, +.+6 #7%N!E %))ET M%)TER D%T%
6ia Menus Accountingà Financial Accountingà Fixed Assetsà 
 Asset→'hange→ Asset
Field name +escrition 7<' 'omments
 Asset #he asset main number to be changed. 7 nter the asset number 
(ub-number #he asset sub-number to be changed. < 3o need to enter an" number in this field. #he s"stem $ill default to zero.
'oman" 'ode nter "our 'oman" 'ode 7 (elect from the otion.
First screen for the 'hange of Asset master data
'hange the descrition of the asset%
#he asset is changed
Message reads% #he asset 11xxxxx is changed
*I+,+.+8 DI)P(%9 O* %))ET M%)TER D%T%:
6ia Menus Accountingà Financial Accountingà Fixed Assetsà 
 Asset→+isla"→ Asset
6ia #ransaction 'ode A(0*
<n screen Displa5 %sset: Initial )creen;< enter information in the fields as secified in the table belo$%
Field name +escrition 7<' 'omments
 Asset #he asset main number to be changed. 7 nter the asset number 
(ub-number #he asset sub-number to be changed. < 3o need to enter an" number in this field. #he s"stem $ill default to zero.
'oman" 'ode nter "our 'oman" 'ode 7 (elect from the otion.
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
5ress GnterH or clic! on the icon then the follo$ing screen $ill aear%
Note: (creen field names% 1. Beneral +ata ). Inventor" *. 5osting Information.
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
To displa5 &o created t&e asset <n screen Displa5 %sset: Initial )creen;< !o to: . E4trasMana$ement Data  9ou ill 'e prompted it& t&e "olloin$ screen: Details displa5ed as 'elo
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
#o vie$ changes made to the Asset Master +ata 7ecord <n screen Displa5 %sset: Initial )creen; !o to: Environment#&an$e Documents On %sset  9ou ill 'e prompted it& t&e "olloin$ screen:
To vie asset values
<n screen Displa5 %sset: Initial )creen;< clic! on the button .
(Assuming that this asset is already capitalized, if this asset does not have any balance than definitely it will not show you any value)
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
If there are no values in the asset , the belo$ screen $ill aear%
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
<nce the asset is caitalized and has values the belo$ screen $ill aear%
T&is report can 'e accessed t&rou$& asset e4plorer  /T#ode %W+.N0
*I+,+.+= B(O#> %))ET M%)TER D%T%
6ia Menus Accountingà Financial Accountingà Fixed Assetsà 
 Asset4oc! Asset
6ia #ransaction 'ode A(0
<n screen Bloc3 %sset: Initial )creen>, enter information in the fields as secified in the table belo$%
Field 3ame +escrition 7<' 'omments  Asset #he asset main number to
be loc!ed 7
'oman" 'ode nter coman" code 7
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
T&e 'elo screen appears< clic3 t&e radio 'utton (oc3ed to a1uis;
#lic3 on to save
T&e asset is 'loc3ed "or "urt&er ac1uisition postin$s
*I+, +.+? DE(ETE %))ET M%)TER D%T%
6ia Menus Accountingà Financial Accountingà Fixed Assetsà 
 Asset+elete Asset
6ia #ransaction 'ode A(0/
<n screen Delete %sset: Initial )creen>, enter information in the fields as secified in the table belo$%
Field 3ame +escrition 7<' 'omments  Asset #he asset main number to
be loc!ed 7
'oman" 'ode nter coman" code 7
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
I" t&e asset &as values it cannot 'e deleted < t&e error ill 'e comin$ in t&e screen as 'elo :
T&e asset it& @ero values can 'e deleted<
#lic3 t&e icon
)elect t&e radio 'utton p&5sicall5 delete asset
#lic3 on to save
T&e asset is deleted "rom t&e s5stem
*I+, +.+A #RE%TE %))ET )UB NUMBER
6ia Menus Accountingà Financial Accountingà Fixed Assets
 Asset'reate (ub asset number 
6ia #ransaction 'ode A(11
<n screen #reate su' asset: Initial )creen>, enter information in the fields as secified in the table belo$%
Field 3ame +escrition 7<' 'omments  Asset #he asset main number to
be loc!ed 7
'oman" 'ode nter coman" code 7
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
#he details in the tabs $ill be coming b" default from the main asset number, and can be changed in the sub number if reDuired, else same values can be used.
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
#lic3 on to save
%sset su' num'er $enerated
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
*I+, +.+ %))ET ECP(ORER
6ia #ransaction 'ode A2013
 Asset Master data  Asset Management
 Asset Master data  Asset Management