fasioxabu: tailoring -...

C And llai» No vole* Jkve th* < ' : < It it iNfj Ht»fjif tiff !*ve, ii o. o. raMTic*. f|tito, lo >k} on wave and Ul^ illghtlilitlo ^•Irtlwp art dn atriog of Attdjpet ot totals brooding]ik* a C t r ect ntt to t|y [young spirit dear. It Is* it s, th* hour of l«VsV , Andi tin blttt(bijthoitewJtrtv LUt, H(I*D, list 1 )Jk# rove's low frhtoiui«Mir«l Jhe ***• k h « ftrJ And lit l » IWMM ihtt wafers b; TW foriat leartiilko harps, are tjtlrr And mid the dim [and rr)Oonligbt grfjve, >,$. "«.-tyv. Jo S m s , Id (he N. Y. Com. Advertlwr, Ihv following Interesting particulars ratogi: I have visited all the which n%nk bird sltgs low, wild and D,lt,ltii 1 lhoho|»ror lore, * em! bleet, fyr thmi art hore. •MM*.* dbo Puno i girss ht following sf tyfeniut iu ihe vty of poetry: *Tlt aoaja, »ud s^kenlog « Hie fair filur ihroughtlrtJvalej of* mumjirs flash promlscuoj memwijla flon«er o'er tli break lha silent »IUIMG«» frp thuncer of pttpatual eo Marred ttU sweet Earth was tkhome.i While ktalousdsw Eternal sil< naa laagl AW aatritjal breathed j no i o{ that nhrillj- louldrlni, toinij Irop* purple round along the abore hltonanlhe floo 1*1 Honetiris ntvt doot, Miral con of us by *low oVg awart of pur flan wMmtdiaruin. too ,*s.tcfcfui ovtr «VH. ... r ' ••y Monty M moreI 4d by trti entry. «t thtt ohpttttty is Indostr r and etc hurry i ao I eunnlnf flomt tut tor «ayt the two epprenik out the* *ever ttoi No man is so tr gained or lost ibis place is so famous, and have been oato. iarshed to find them no less than eighteen in dumber. How many more there are to be discovered no one can of .course foretell.— It It said the healing virtues of these waters were known to the Indians nt an early day. Tho first white man to whom they dlsclo. sed tho secret was their great friend Sir clc ho lion. William Johnson, about the year Ht was sick and they thought he would die; to they bore him on a litter through the wilderness in which these springs were then concealed, and gave him tie waters to >%m JLX.iH Gould pieee or Lewis, Bio s <?o a of nixjee i thou iller ded icling <^ dd * which le"« acres on (fie «o<i ,wl Gould duly »s*ij is sfWeaand iwflut'iLilo Pilta ond PJIOJ . > !• 4 POWUf 10 lgag Hasex on H kept bv i pages 308ui rpco'dccl |in I ldrink—in a few weeks he waji •kics ndi word nrd: Ibfl AAor the Independence oi [States was acknowledged an joltimed, Gen. Schuylcr mado [the woods, then inhabited by b and fill sorts t>f wild auimaft j a path thro' ars, wolves, jand near the High-Rock spring he built a tdnt. to which ihe resoeted annually with his family, for his loneer was by at+i- L iption^iokes >t» tnd we aft before we i r t cannot, tho firtt promitihga •nily tost thajt gni klly experienceiteuci bett policy." will get r i 4 wh|e aro [aying their | plot flurry and Cunnjng ole of despatch and ski their master's trade. it a coward at ho w hat not tho coora f ge|u» do right. Wbtt a man tusneeu' hit o wn jntegritj it fat tlmeibr bins M susptcled by otberl Moral degradation Always begins at homf. Contoioat tnoootnet is the bett innoevne PrltVt exjaltt man to heaven In his estimation, but sinks! him to hell in the eat fnatlpn of others. . , ' Nor sjrtltrupicy is] so much to be f as t bankruptcy ef moral principle. Sue bankruptcy not only blasts tho bett pro! \MM\M in thlt life, but sp'roadt darkness an doubt o W as eodltajs eternity. BitraWgant drsissj It a reoommendatl to th« tytt rather thin totne undorstandin of Oatn. Dr. Franklin syas, «A fino con frequently covert- i ntolerable ignorahce, bg ntmoonceala It." ... ' Outward striouf»tU nnd.ci re U no trot) iodei of [inward sanctiiy _. Chriititn profatsio i bat saved many a rep utatioo to fhialiftf bat never a soul in th land their health.' This great toon followed by others, \ 'ho b litt and set* tied here permanently, aifd ncjw the.re is a largo town, with numcroi s Ion jmany splendid palace's, Ji ateadi tent; and instead of one so. itary are at this hour bt streets and of his mde iihpr, there 3,000 In pursuit health anr^ pleasure. ... ;• - ^ - y ,; ing has a nnrr e, sue h as dottim- Washington, Hani Itao, Plat Hock, bian, High Rock, Rod Spring, Walton, the Moaroe, tho |Ten iprinjj*, Each ont has a history, ijnd e,s|ch one pos. sestet somo viti most remarka spring, and wit! thpuaaudt art been here or.m sands come her tho waters, wiiljout prete spoonful. . Until theso iaters fai Continuo to grpw in im houses must be rations must be le of all restored' to the tTnited peace ^ i, on j rnt follars bren M ol l•>o : and !;>(< It. Bratwbrd in I y fault The anU .e York, bciojf /bur in llog^ra' Pulent hundred #nd fliiy W eu*t qu.Mier, one ban qiu»*-/tM- f boe huitdred d one h rner, be'(( and Hve o K>a>ne more »bid JoIHI g h o Rodney fianjoal of tow* (be Clerk of if. I D09t n*l aid riftn; Is »nly-;iv§ c Paled [1iei"no\t|pi I III. •I p standard laneous ni Udical, SchMli ot SttdionViy of estry ThcA er prices flian hJve tjvef* bvfore t»e this vicMi iy, I Anipn? ilio hoojcn urjj q^lrirlo, < iho ua peculiajriy it*own. The Rarrol, the is th|e Congress whose ttiste a<id character familiar, who jhayo. never y never come* j Also. thoa. whodorio more than'taste dingf to drffik a •nultipiioef, made for Inn Life It ©Inly valuable at It mtnliteN to our OAJoytMot, We were wade for mjoym«ni| With Isavlt tt adapfo I to secure iu Hai plottt tbtr fort, is ths reward o' a mate tmpio reseat of 1 ill our powers. Self government! If the most difficult ot •II gottrnirioot. I tmnJmttlfwebhouli ed number of vifsilors. I residence of thelChancelk of several distinguished nen.! I wonder more gentlemen of leisu re do not retire here, especially for the tur imer^ Many who have establishments in the] propriety* havt a Countrjy ho^st at place. '. •. ',;•• HOW DiSCoVERIBS HAV B BEtt* MADE.— Many of tht most Importi nt dii|coverios in Ihe field of science havo l|ten the result of accident, maker, in Two little ton Holland, whilo at dinner, chanced to It ok : at a distant steeple through two eye gl WKCS ' piated one before tht other. They 4 >und : the steeple brought much ineare/ th r shop window. Theyi told their father on his retur<i/and the circumstance led to a ;ourseolexperi- mental which ondod ia tho Inventioa of the •trymanwouldgbv.|soa| lawt or lawyers. taye M MatHmony Is a lottery in which art drawn mor< blanks Iban prises. Wt wight add thai i natrimony is a bank, wbtrt if tht vaults Jo well fillet! with sound i tho Issues will ahtayt bt worth w^o|t the; bear on their bank.will be No d'rafu on, ^ dlsbonortd or protfsjtf). tbtjury,»salf ahoosl a real shell bfrk jury, of lawyer, addressing "I say this ere mag. naoimotM suni shines : \i the bet vent though yo« can't set jit kase Ht f behind a c l o u d - but 1 know U though: I can't prove i t ; to my clitnt, who rlstt eajrly and hunts coons Ukt an hoaest man, kkf a good case thoogh he eaa't provt It. Now If you believe what I here toll you, abbot tbe glorious sun, you arc bound on youi bible oath to btlie»e what I tell yoy about sly clltntV case, and If you don't tbtn yod pal) me a liar, and be tqeaUwe'd iif I'll stand that any bow j to If you don't Want to twear iklte aod l i t « ao trottWt, y|u'd better gift ut T .:. K>tjitt tfUti « • Mowing W^ i g, y im ImHy aad instil,. ., ••• •.:.;[ I "Hoot*«ybt*Mft>«t)it world, and Knotty tat felltn astt uw Ptaty has hid- \4m Immlt, tad JuttiM **** fltsl UM way. Tbi ttsipWitoot at ho M, and Obarh* || M sltB> I, itntfokoot'It undtr nrrtnt*! and k Atari} tptitgnishtd. ' Tn# Virtues have ho occasion for fiome^hipwrecked Saitohs on«je collected somo sea weeds on the sand, abd made a fire to warm their shivering fingers and When the lire he alkali of the th the sand and all oir difceove- cook their scanty meal, out, thoy found that forced glass*—the basis of riea eve lota! Up ( gunjpowder, which hat done (much covi were ^ • o « J aotaor hat perpe. •'•'"W 1 ^ch may be acoepta* wlt t If npi for its weed bad combined w iti astronomy, and absolutely neceisa our enjoyment tho days when ever ' chemist was seekin hor's stone, toine m Sdiatoga must or tat ice. Public and other pfepa. greatly ini re as- is tho permanent of the state, and city i could with Of jbooVs'bet ,ar(icl«;.ct prdyer bfiKiinbi- ii Ther, ga lural cliemiMj'V ers, I he lat e.^t an h Tp t ever royal 8vo great varie f oT work*, ver' Hion Umt do IBit. ihi fay of vijiih'lhtf ooit I. of a coriniy ct it hundtrd niM, opd i »l there Oe at Pi.We oi Cbpife* e.-Kih day ofdiatduy, Asdgncr- SJalion Ilio ne\V orient, Chi*, »•/ also on riplioa, fo lo ew iind v !:li tliepr ls ninl liiiitf . 8 bound I raltrenm) vf 1 United dad History) Bancrofts U Ptjescof' a |Foi dinan fltfe of Oc.FfanlHn 1(1 *joon a« pub City priee*. Among Ih g j , perfbi Bristol boarJ tnati's water quills, »jeel bloniili, iCiiiae toealland riam t>foatl puncti Hy low as ih tjementflry iabed en«, g and pJititioflt <'.ir| l l^Wri " r.eaij ipelli M 2 50 herTrean^ Peck'a Buildi Bnrlinirlonj, Ma to linden wcii It vauifr nib,tij»licd, rout' mndj for only voM j) inn \. uledj ; dra eoloijsj iJk, i m.-vl hl> <n »e.'() bo »fU»e l»el cat, JMifcef' ittfsottiiieiit sato ut low- n oflercd in o. |2mo ka iu pl»irt tntin (Mu j r*gr*»jit vq le /or preff s luinily Brandes ne ml*, the kind ever in, eiiibra niiiic nnd p Alioa igrioiitiinal <r of'tlie. t^^ $''*0, prica at published wntfc* are for sale al ihe lowest . : I •' '••' foolncap, Heller, note, r o^itf di'awlng papor nnd ne (1 g pp i|vritinjf pcacitn, New ikftnndi*, itand boxr«, i I intlrjmtents, vi< c, backgamwon aim.,., „..„.. osork. Orders fiofo «• ally fjltend]ed I a at Ihe \oxratt prices i u ho >l books, paper Jbc as i in any oJ* theritje*. ks at tSctx pifir dozen.— rajt $160, 175, a OU, iO 6DCCt8ClO heir father was miw •*-• inforrn their wish to obllsrfc •oils, (Hat th P Villase TH!) Mich M P U t L CLC^ •AtiHiTT« t pressed •*<»*, eU»,—MUo a jiuneij lor 11 uro flour t| house, as customers orjtl not rhake them o with a b envy I body neit to give u wijll manufai >afd, as you Qoldod. •*•'*-' We nfyof nil kinjd«orHoth W4af<saUo J •'•-• ' nfi^ulii bo, t whb wij»h. cloie ai you be* Ihe c ay* A. EDWARDS, yatil all k leuli again, r^peclfijllt 1 <*ui teltters anil all who ann f their a»mr* «s new inu • to rriuniifbclurt, at I cloth* lor customer*, of jiM kinds, «*«s(Mea«s of for ni and haft) twmtrd those who Coe! iocli- f>, we wouldsny, we on Mharftsjor by the i\wt\p as life; dheopesl fc ?ejj» itfiiTl«un- '.(or wool, h aUtirJngsn* they rlisl-ji for those astrologer and after 5 the phi. bks, in making g heir materials, by accident invented \te barbarities of; war. r Isaac Newton's mos to dimin important ditr ries concerning Jight ohd gravitation, the; result of accidetjt. His theory experimentt on light were suggested tJOtjp bubbles blown by a child ,• and he pjinciple of gravitation, by the {fall apple at he tat- in an orchard ;?<ahd in hastily scratching on a stone a membraridum of some articles brought him wash'woman, that tba Idea of IhHo- iy first presented itself to the mind of tntfeldef.--Selected. ...'• ] AuJKCDoiTB or NAPOUBON.—^etoral of i journals, in announcing the death of Raoul, a celebrated file maker* relate following anecdote:—Napoleon, when irst ^Jonwl, called upon him incognito, and laving tested ibt tUperiority Of hit l i e s , s k i d : •...;•. ••/;.:.;... . .: ** Yjni live in a country which gives poor ijogement to industry; why do you to England, where merit of this kind tncburaftd ? You would there get a Wee for your socrtt." «Be|l my secret to the English ! n said >ul "poor at I am, I would rather die of n - . ' . ' ' ] - . - Tapileobwaa delighted, but would not *bo he was. Next day, however, ft*! a present to Raoul of 50,0001; and ve hjm a building in which to establish a W ISHW or Pen st Ii>e"Brtot rltore an*l sdf.rtcd esajnine sullill in Silver made ol *iivm Aha, t n assort. G»as(?M shoHj, velvet, nnd (ifihilemee's figured and pi Julv oocco—ai»k| Lndies * ST. f,- PORtJACK, 1-2 part 7 in o'clock P. M rat and horie do le 2 hor m l a ho mtwte* each pw For every t^tdl travelling Hi Theeo tpoalht y took them, even fo ly nnd hourly sustaining the iich lliey have hodently nnd quirtid, no person ever y«t a short period, ujlhout be- intr «o perfoctly aulhtied with their eflVcts upon liimrtclfnii to I'econi mend tlwm to others. Doct. ieira Id r«fui'ttH who IIQV« nottrfcd idem, (lie good Saim irkan,.; where Mhe d 10 . whirl) Ihey cure, <II e. *Uii*t, and their mode of operation is f'oscri joe), t'be ce/ebroled Life Pills and Pbrunix Bilter4 rnay jbo oblitjned wholesale and retail ot his pflice, 336 Broadway New York. The r« ta\l pritt- of the fif« pills is 25 cents, per ho??; oi in large boxes, at 50 rentu, and $t,00. The p iiiMtiK witters ore sold, bul- lies, at $1 00 & $'i UO enc&. I>r•MofKit fOUK|J. cr* It as bin duty lo iublii}h|tot(ie world any ex- iraordinury otire tliut inuy be iiotnmunicated lo him. By adopting I IIH coUise* mu»y invnlids, who might otherwisi ffivcup iodenpnii, aw In- d({f>d id'.profit by the exponents of olhora The " Jf» rnodicin^s lire njosl e.<ooNil|nt relief in eafies id in ufToi'lions of the liver sJKrlionii of I ho head, [ 'Witli puilns and ffiuMiuofci. mm, and consumptive hub* , nnd speedily cured—ner v kind nnd form., and from ti£, fljH before the eH«i-t» of it of* , , and bowclft*—U|HO ii whelbef accompanie A'HO, oldcougli«. HMI it*. n:etoon relievei yods disorder* of »••« wlin (ever cause tile Life Medicines, ijnd all that train, nttxie!ties, and trentoi '(eel the weak, the «| \vi//, in a «bort tim« ortd pre.«ntre of theLllb Pill*, vt'mionca of anv *«rt, incdU'ines, ioordinai| q[ their operation stronger and.belier nlate perlehred preyiotlt jo bring r«, wliicb so dieatiluKy'af* •dentnry, and tho de/if-ntu, ^be sueceeded by cheerlu/* Uealiii. Ih nfmost every II their operation, roineon* (ilteniis the lakins; of llirse y cases, triepnll«nl tvithuoi y left in thait] oflllcied Ayilh din Afro afHieltoiifrVgricf and lonn of It in much the <tie of catching ciuntly wncm- i cold Agen E. Cott/ WM.H. m !?»rroRn T J tli^ Wharf fhalevei nous, Ant shall be andther renpect. rep, aqd renrtnnnMe. W h hat all thf ir W theli delivery. We Would doing bu :n for the sa naine an if a peraoti fortune, *hoi»/«J in a teiofjentupe flot duffi- iuf in but a breath, an cold M j)R. VVM B. MOKFAT, Offic* 3^5, Broadway, Ntu> York.'. aoCltie Life nn, Porl Hfljirv; Rwsax Co. N. do, do. tforwarUiiiff uld in farm the public that huve leniedj fbr a terrn of years, lha t Port Kent nnd Neivporti and intend y matter pi>r aining lo ihe.abovo bui»i- whlcb *hall come uhdrr tiicif cbnr^p, tlendeJ to w ith slri^lneSHiand fidelity, sha 1 1 be nojlack of allention in any d We winh to hav« itl parlictularljr understood l l i h d lhdd for which M 'lermsi will be moderate p j iaries following th# gbodfl lahded at arveP, tn«.»t f osiliv^Jy be paid before merdbsntw, and others Ihe tnke, that if their good** are landed at Pott Kent, instead of New* port, they will inor» e«rt«inly come under our namodiate personal *uj «rinlundenre, W. J AJ.IP. WHALINf? Mav1f)iP44. 10 ly. IVIOHillS A, WHITNEY S FASIOXABU: TAILORING GRANGER 8 R6W t STORE IM v^v r / n w f l * o> different styles;! QAITEROIA t£-GkjSE$L*Pto *h+Ui WITn EVERY S^VLE OF V E S T S , CUT in the best and irt MADE in.the mo«t lowest price* in this It U the intention Establishment not to b| rrln.'Ta«let Work, as we Hnve in potent to turnout Ihe . '•• BRUT KINtt We Iherefore .inviiel tinuanco to past favors our >?(f<>Tl» to l O"AII kindnof p»vl« COOP p H E subscriber voul X friend* and patiom a shop in this v i f op p fbr the pifrpo«i of carr, Hews, wlipre be will be . in his line. eonstontly on band an h Cl b p manufuetnrod lo order. f<t aporoved Styld end tith tut munn<*r. ' at th« the Proprietors of IM9 MUrp»4t*cd !>y any, eilh- »l ^tvffes. or quality of ir employ pttraons coui. iir ne^v. ulahrf, a«suri»jf ihe public of ifcifn fur Work done, JTJ reH|»cotfully Inform his gei>eriillV,unot ho has ls,«fe, r>ear the Brewrv, ing oij «the above busi* io reaMinesn to execute (JJhccjKe tubs and churns fur s4le cheap as the "To tho Victor belongs tho Spoils' - . A LTHOUGH m»i.y prepnraUona in the form 6C'' POP UL A It MCpClN ESV have been A 6CPOP UL A It MCpClN ESV have belore the prrbHtf', cluitnmg to give rolief, even cure tlm, ttiost jnveterate disease*, yet none have <o well answered lhepurpo«e as Dr. 8her- Lge*. They are d inu Lozenge y bio lo the tMte, easily adminirturrd. and Irom ded hif h h lbe unpre<-edenled *wce*m whicli they" hare met with, andj ihe remarkubU curcw C^nit'b have pprlbnrnJd, may justly Invcloiiu tu (lie of CONQUElfOR yver Ihe di*ea»«s for which they have bee* recommended. Dr. ShentaSaV "COUGH-LOZENGES' Cure Ihe inoiit obdiinute cases of Cough in * lew hourn. Ulity have cured a laqje tuimber ofpentonswh THE ONLY w CAN BE rUOBOUc lr«ni tfce humous whirh are t that fle«h ip heir in. purer, tnd mud plant*ulhitii beingeojniiposed ot pp hi^h inrfrotnn«efi it he grtt*>*er p* f^i Id hi iosXaiid curative g ; Invented machinery,) jii ited t ira pa rated (fay i}flwjj| are therefore the natural Hlcscriptiotti auil^d lo alleortv'lhiifionfti foveraolialins; frwinlhe body, difleatiea of tl>4 b'ood< .d[«« (Uoweli*, awl aH other oomplainls ori; human syuUru with Bslhtntf, Areyqtt 't, cou«t* ne*s of Im-a I h, U1fiwen7.tr have Wen given up by their phy and friends, and many who have been reduced to lbe verge of the grave by KpH(i«g blood, Consumption und Htctic Fever, by their use have hud the roso of heajlh restored I o t h e , , , _, hojgnrd cheek and now live to speak forth Ih"''*« I egctal»4 Exfraist Pi, prui««« ofihiaiuvuluable medicine. Vt. Sher W» >V Ihcir i.or*a«ivo,< man's |mucousmntter »vlfich«fli "WORMt.OZVMQm" > Have been proved in morel linn 400,000 cases to be inlhlliblo, in fiict the only certain Worm de* f< I toying; Medicine . evei discovered. CbiWron will cat ihoin when thcycatinot be ftiiced Io take any other medicine and ihe benefit derived from the adfiiinhtlraiion of medicine lo them in this form in grtnt buvood conception. When the breath of ihe child becomes often*;*©, and there \n picking of the none, grinding of the teeth during steep, paleness about (be lips wijrfi " cheeks, bleeding at the n««e, hea< ache, starting during sleep, di* urbed uwukjn^r with frighl and screaming', troublesome cough, loverishnesi, thirst, vora* cious oppelite, HickneAH at the nlonvac i ani bloated stoinaoh—thewo are among the- many prounineot •ymptoms of wornjis, and cuo be r»- lieved by those incomputable Xozengen. TWey have never been known lo fuil. Dr. Sherman'* "CAMPHOR LdZ£NGEiS" : Relieve Headache, Nervou*. Sick UendacHe, Palpitation of (be heart, rnd sickness in a very few minutes. They cure Lowne»« of Spirit n, Despondency, fainloew, Colic, p , m p , of the Stomaih, Summer or Bowel Cotnpfnintfl ; they keep up tfie spiiitA, dispell all tht d^tran- sing symptoms of*a night ofdiiMipatioii, and ana* ble a person to undergo great mental or bodily toil. Dr. Sherman'M POOH MAH'S PLASTER" , ?« ocknowledsred by all who have ever uied ii to be tlie bei»l otrenglHeninf Plaster in th" world, and a mtvereii^n remedy for pale* and weakness to the back, loinn, cide, bien«t, neck, limbs, joint*, rheumatism, luntbatro, Ar, One million a y«ar will not supply tfce dvmatid. Cau tion nee*nmrf ,iu« there are many nnprincipled perMon^ who would force a spurious urticle upon community. BecBrefnl tog«*l Sherman's Poot Man's Planter, with a 'facritoilt' of hi* written nnmo on the bsck—none others are genuine, and WilJ do more- hurt than good. Whon such men as ihe Rev. Darius" Anthony of the Oneidu Conference. Rev Kebaslitin Street er ol Boston. Rev Mr Diinbar, R«r .Vr UnnA cock, Rev Mr De Forrest, Hon Aaron Ctark, J. Hoixe Esq, Hon B fi BenrdslrT. Daniel Pan thaw, E*q, andtohost A* name* of the lii-erepir tut ion csn.be brought tl)rw.ird to prow the efii cacy of Dr. Shermao'e preparatiotis—w hen they are *o warmly recommended by, the medical profrndion, and prescribed in their prrctice, and when »in - h universnl approbntion,follows their use amonjr all c|a«Be«, wr may jjislly miv that the Dr. is nut only entitled to the appellation of •VICTOR,* bul enn fairlv lay" claim to the pa- tronage of ih« publie.>ond will receiva it. For iole by the fullowinjr Agenta in Eesex County. y , JUtt. rheiimaftoin, pains e jit t tdd or Inee jointi>» n mat ion, or rtitcJuw in tb will. «f*i l »rd ient aclion, remevtf psin, tnm «>ery veslijre of disc troaij nervott* > palsey. palnttatioR «f»l; Ve£etaMc Extnut PitU thorough cute njud > re»toi ofsouod health. reirom*. tb«t afiecf tbo con»umption. •or \ownet>* of spirit** \ iarir peculisrly adapt- litlos, to remove the m the coatplaUir. aad h from your aufferuigK. '•» : . ' . »your fhoalders. hi|r Hit swelling or infla- side, the extract Pill* rtJUttf. and, by their atx-r- pud-drive fr«noi the a}a* vffer : ... ..••,..••.•.;•; • - • • . • : . ' A-.ard wraltnew, fff«V liesrt T Stainkurn'g ill effect a radical and you te th« Wit i qutnMey, crbwp, wh' j i«J>ce, phtWsir, ti* tit .«ort s'd to wiUw'ui iosf of I rect inCuetnee Upon the s r<tic power will .prrven-tan Sired \u collvei in uh^tie quantili«>*. ia to produce BISlijrnant fr*4rVjMJch aa scarlet, ty fihun, yellow and others,] whidHgnefrtHy aatf ia iif alb. pg g, pTe«Tirr } act PilU obould br re. .«,as ih«y»xerla H- *ft m K ana bv their #o- err o*e the disease* ' U pitts. of hile, wbieh. ,- i the St. rup rmal! poX, Ab' rmal! poX, me^J*, kfngs «f t ecroffuia Antb»ny's fire, oajt rheum, «l««rs. or any 4 fon of t!ir (kin, th« alUriiti' e and ify l f l | , kfng's h p | p y y co«u'n»cd it? Sluii.b a'a PIUM, *»J gqtp v«l ttioMt auneljt^rive out all d!?••«• fiuwn the system. I t/hcH «*« »r« to/u 1 wrlb cftolir, cholera BtmM-buH, iqdi«:eftti«n t pain be IK>W;J», ri*in«r ia (he tbioat, disentr.ry, ji p rneoM. or ehstructipe* < r relkxatioos oi Soy kind, »nuke iatwediaM att* a. Plant bf Jlvtfiu>$s. ilU W. 1l. e?ullbi^ ,i Kc P. Sharp A. B.Tubbs iff/ 1 8th\oo%Ukt. B. B.Botnloo 1 jj EtstK/ Chipmnow A Wili«»n Ttepnderojrtt, Al the Store of th« Tori * Henry Iron C^. Pok Henry Culling &, WIfh lion " ; llnmmond A, jCo. - Crown Paint, w.r. &r.n, cming wuiport. Warehouse 106 NasMtiu »t.N Y. A rle, 4 Maiden liijfje, Albnny, NJ Y. tfi'iiera\'A- gent lo whom orUer* may be addressed. 3 au6 Mnrcl- 1844. I Magical Pain Extractor I y cheapest. Cl|«ese bargain L ai|d elieese hoop* fd l d Kceaevillf dlft, and eheese hoof ! MOSES GAULAND. I6M4 that they will find the BRINSlVfAID b S UCCESSORS to Paiikboin ^Brinsmaid, lirtsrton Vt., arc prewired to|sell dt the low* Boston or New Yorl prices] at wholesale or retail. WATCH**, CLOCI S, JKW^IRY, GEMAH SIL i pfated'BRIITA'KV'IA and oth^r metal goods, Xxoiv SiTKCTACLIi.*,••CH*.I. IS, RlKGfi, Pll«8l .B'ROOtlH' Ei, Ond* nil goods in th1 line, |ind bfinides the finest <iW'."ip I ion of grods, wje Bre keeping u gront varfeiy "f goods t Wholesale to wirppiy Pedfera oroVhem lo>el again,; and we Invjt calls nnd orders fr Jin abijpad,. ansiiiirig cuiHoinero quern PAIN, nitt IJCAR, ixrr.AMitfo«r and MOIITI ^ICATION I which!before have ileficd the skill of every dim?. Il.jin nl«o a *yver»!ff« remedy fi»r the worst Pikf, 8[l>rr. fyt$, f*pin<U wtakn'en.% In- fl k Thiit STEAM to'ecrti wa« h6ri idly bur our fncqo,.t>rn(tstN, lH f h oods Mw, Vnd ol the quality they are nnld fo.jl We import goods or Btif tfifrrh wherever we enn se'.them lo advantage, and chad *«*lj so that we can give cusiomern sa,ti8faction. Order* from a dislartce attended lo pi omfitly, and a« good bargains given, to way the.teamf,a* bv personal applicalipn. Clpcks or tvalchusj by the box or single. VVP are agent* f >r the diamond pointed Gold Pens, Fly Nets for I orses. and Aforrisoa'n Pillsr. We. have WiHow wor«J Combs, brushes, HouRpfceepiiig articles, HatnrM. nnd other cut lo ry, Cornmunion Furnitnt >, Fi^biriglacklo, Bit<k- elS, stocky, Bcarfs. pollan , aiispcrtdcr«, Aw. Wo have Dreaaijng casi », Work boxe«, Musi- cal Instruments, I aws and double bass viols, iHelodinns, and oi v»t sn aller irtstrumenU and nmsicnl merchand »e. 1 In short, we would jus any that WP haVr a very extensive nod variei awoorimont of Amer» loan, ftngHsh/fterrnan, md Parisian, FjfNCY ARTICLED, and we are lilly a«vare (hot. (lie way to dispose of them is i o put (hem so low thai Boslon or New York Wou d not be a more favor« able place to buy them. Vye bn.y lor Caah and well for Cash. Oor cnstoii here a«I at any ofber place, to send us the cash lor a | from a distance, or any oil he selection to ua, they i WORTH THS WOKEY fffcttT, BV t can be exchanged. O raade fn our own' abop. paid to fine Waich Repairi p t s the (Jth* .October Ivor* parched In the fii<riilly did al time died, and tlie|rpnt were I«M not expected to longer,Jwbon Mr abl« Magical Piu'a fanml»ry Rfinijuatam, Swdkngs. Rfui$e$ t Strain*, and whm aoever is *«re i«d linn ijon. Pains of'th instantly, and hei it haa donu. •: aevcr4>«t Bruison, A-c. ftopped led without sc^n Head tvhat IOAT KXPr;tfelON. ! ly, that I, with several othei*, it, Urnined, and ftcalrled over arms, hnnil», li'gc. &c.hy ihv l«amh<)t Swuliilro's boiler, on, ]|H4U, and forj twenty hours ciccriK iatiuc agjr»ny. Thoitffh {they cotiM.'pHir up to that I was «fi1 t ecroffuia. you* will Extract Piilti iti.»lsHt a#t)i«4r y p |>uigal>v<i qualities are alv»nya«urp I* cspe! bui rtors which have eaus«d the di»eap*. ^t buift's Ve2clab,tejE%tra»l Prils are oHw peculiar \ rff4t (bj ft'pi al vit y irfapfc4t» (be ing and (•pitting 1 ii p f y gravel. v«tnit liver *co«ipl»ial. d^ hd l pg j j, p riniring nnf<e* in the head, *w«ll#<l loa f»wellin|r«, ennrers, k of which they arr th ^ 9 the ,Ac. f the ifljfrrcJien ent;rdirect'r/int. - <# . tioi IB, e^rii Hie pore*, and! J»ra«ie«le «»«r«. no: ipu<* frvm the uyetrm. - 1 ' :\ ' female*. .•')^-: fUrthe cmnptu'tnip inciduul le Mrtntr*, with Ifie RKKM perfect * the{ rr 11*1*9 *H ng nn rxr&rtMn <>t' jih* vetretabl**, they «ran p 01 f»ek lh*» dfthcale fr.tme or weabrn V i i i p cVn*litt;<ionyM'is with f . Mc40'n$ufu,\i t'ftrctntlt Extract Pill* aril allowedAto he the fyf\ medicine eiunl, lor hildren,and; W i n s e<mipV>«e<l o," extracts, sray ^lpiiid in nny farm. If the dir«etioa« h ^p y are faithfuHvfollowed, the/no#l Halutary result win ensue, I - SfmnbtYn'r Pills tr4 notv exten«ivelv uoed w* h«.»p^ Jthia ooua try and .in ftorftpr. from the fart ><tf the*jr' bring for/mfd enfirelr of eitra<7.«, \h*y anr not unpleasant to take, are parttrnlqrtr mM i» Iheir operation, produce 410 ^ripwar or n»M*#«.'• and ore (alilkoll yow/rM to endtsfie pynty ihe lilnod Mid fliiid>». * This Vegetable Jtxtract are sold at TWistf.riv*. <tr(xm pfi i d i PillA b h f n i PH3k> p ho», .ee-fifaia* f illA, by lh»«fi>n««i"irr«; « For A «ule hy iW iolfowiag A \ta\* in Coun.fv. i Plunof , , JiertmUt. -j Wtth-iertngk. .... ttrhraan Lake Essei. : 1 Tievwdnroga. Pfrr* y Port Henry, r A#Vhalloa '• Ifajriroond* A Co , • '«' <rWn Point. w?>: A F. to, v f. W. fL.&ihord,. • '" K Pllnrp, •"' ' , A. B. Tcriirm, / , B. B. Boynton, Chipmarw A Wiffon. AI ihe gtorc'of the Co., {nburn & Clicfecrter.prou^.rr. |i. V. ' A.<5ulhr;»et 4 Maiden Lane, AU«- l UU 4 y | . ; nv, N. V.. firings,! As eftt »' l ° mov'bee<l<1re*M'd* n*4rt» more ihqn hnll an hou D.i I ley introduced bis invalu fix tractor, a^dj on application was «M*y at oncd. i bciie\e hall thisjri«atrem edy been ii^ed'at I fio time of (ho explo«ion,eyery mnn would have I vrd. I am told no personhnc ever died from I iirninif, &c, where Him ha been present, and word lowemylifjt Borlinirtoa Vt., May, J er* cob buy as cheap Jf may one choose* Id or ailvcr Watch er article, and leave all have an article If it dor a not iuit, r "ilywr spoonM are Particular attention & BROTHERS. Tcxlimnruj of I with pleasure we Mr. Dallcy'K Nagif from having wiln mnst happy elf? were scalded on b on eyp D. Chiiirch, Albany. tt. B, HjTorray, •lire. A. Iiilclwof. ti, Ci Ac- Ac. Ac. Forpariieiili ro h«ob. to it I make known lo the «do others. f "llBNRtV Y A T t s i ind /'hriKfophwrwl's N.Y." C/iptain, Ctrtt,.*Scc.—It is recommend ;lhe efficacy of 1 Pain Kxtnw »in<r Uinlment. vd the {tpplication and Its ion Ihe foujr persona wh & the Aieamjboat Swifffture, hp hollar, *i pastor of Fust Baptivt j WatcH Repairing i I CLOCKS, WATCHIS AND JIWELEY b T HE tubaertuer woold Inforns tb©pbblie' that be baa recently fitted ju pa room in the Peat Office, in the vllja*e'Of H>e*evi|fe, where bt will attend to the above bt|iilnea«i. Allerders will tmt}*l?* prompt atterit to lbe subscri Jyrii written signature of Co. former agents. Ihe genuine nirire rt«b. 1843. For iale by [iho County. . Agents fif. W. II. 8.11c P Sharp ABTnbbs B B Boyolon Chlpinans 4c- W\ Altha Store of Heniy Iron Co ' Culling & IFhall Hammond & Co ,-Vf-.- • • T - : 4 M i Wholesale Afsst, be addressed. March I&44. * Atty MORI A II, S . ' - . - : V ! J ' . ? $ ' , : : . / itn of stcjamlNMtl Swift- ofiiteamboitt V. Stale*, pamphlefrib, hands of A box genuine) will havo .the II. f»ally. CoinesirM'k &. We ttpt beet supplied with' i. 1843. I bllowing A*>nt« m Easl* Plac* e) BtakuMm. Kte$mUe. £•»**./ Pert AI.EX7 de» . A NiilAT* FISHES-^ ILLY ;•. Unrivalled far J N cAirinjr diifiaw* f opillintr «f*l«l«*od, whoepingicough, branuhitif. Ac. lil b ^a sure FoV sitle^ w1iote*nre by VV. II SAFFORD General Agiftljor Essex Keesevilie Janr? r l84:C, " 14 £ —^ . , 1 ,,...^, ..... ,., ,,^ ,—r MarsAs Superior Piltmt Truss, Single, Dojible & VmhiUc&U P ^iSE Trvstfu are riMfiRjactured &y ltiif& Vftntor, &»dfourN. Mursln m Conajoliar. re, 5^i*onu>ry.<V>. N. Y. abd are conalrutterf' III iBS^fr partiftrTkff «n #tt ««ft>« »m mUm, Lad - heir tAyantafc* &*r all oifa Tnttts have oeen attested, not opr\y by tb* moat respecUfble/' qf the mftdkttl ft< uliy r b d bv the artval i»pHW • ment of thoie a0icte|tl wilb fbe rffaeaee hev ar« Intended to »llei Ml*, j Tfcte moat tsainent "p4y aicians, upon; ah exa+iinatlon of tM» Tniss. are didl i th h h a , p; T ao decidwl as to ib< «»peTio««y, that thev ha heerfjlly and v*Jan)tiiilt jrivea rertifieates (be p/opneter lo be laid before the snibJ*. -S fresh fwpply iu*t received aod for aaJe aa lh« Kaeeeville Bin* atad Dl S I -.Ongii 3«F^ chea»ieaU:>a at*, rr, A|ejr aVMiit, fruit ar i a«4e«F> flj *V «lf ihe l Itriff rareT all the UU whkh ll«n* ia faeiv'toVcaSh ' ' allliioi»,afthejM«>a I al<>rti«4* ^^ i,i

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Page 1: FASIOXABU: TAILORING - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031741/1844-09-04/ed-1/seq-4.pdfC And llai» No vole* Jkve th* < ••':••< It it iNfj


And llai»No vole*Jkve th* <

• • ' : • • <

It it iNfj Ht»fjif tiff !*ve,i i o. o. raMTic*.

f |t ito, lo >k} on wave and Ul


^•Irt lwp

art dn atriog of

Attdjpet ot totals brooding]ik* a

C t r ect ntt to t |y [young spirit dear.

It Is* it s, th* hour of l«VsV ,

Andi tin blttt(bijthoitewJtrtv

LUt, H(I*D, list 1 )Jk# rove's low

frhtoiui«Mir«l Jhe * * * • k h« f t r J

And lit l » IWMM ihtt wafers b;TW foriat leartiilko harps, are tjtlrrAnd mid the dim [and rr)Oonligbt grfjve,

>,$. "«.-tyv.

Jo S m s , Id (he N. Y. Com. Advertlwr,

Ihv following Interesting particulars


I have visited all the which

n%nk bird sltgs low, wild and

D,lt, lt i i1 lhoho|»ror lore, *

em! bleet, fyr thmi art hore.

• M M * . *

dbo Puno i girss ht following sf

tyfeniut iu ihe v t y of poetry:

*Tlt aoaja, »ud s^kenlog « Hie fairfilur ihroughtlrtJvalej

of* mumjirs flash promlscuojmemwijla flon«er o'er tlibreak lha silent »IUIMG«»

frp thuncer of pttpatual eo

Marred ttU sweetEarth was tkhome.iWhile ktalousdswEternal sil< naa laaglAW aatritjal

breathed j noi o{ that nhrillj-louldrlni, toinij

Irop* purple roundalong the aborehltonanlhe floo


Honetiris ntvt

doot, Miral con

of us by *low oVg

awart of pur flan


too ,*s.tcfcfui ovtr« V H . ... r '

••y Monty M more I

4d by trti entry.

«t thtt ohpttttty is

Indostr r and etc

hurry i ao I eunnlnf

flomt tut tor «ayt

the two epprenik

out the* *ever ttoi

No man is so tr

gained or lost

ibis place is so famous, and have been oato.

iarshed to find them no less than eighteen in

dumber. How many more there are to be

discovered no one can of .course foretell.—

It It said the healing virtues of these waters

were known to the Indians nt an early day.

Tho first white man to whom they dlsclo.

sed tho secret was their great friend Sir


ho lion.

William Johnson, about the year

Ht was sick and they thought he would die;

to they bore him on a litter through the

wilderness in which these springs were then

concealed, and gave him tie waters to

>%mJLX.iHGouldpieee orLewis,


s <?oa

of nixjee i thouiller ded icling <^dd *

which le"«acres on (fie «o<i

,wlGould duly »s*ijis sfWeaand

iwflut'iLilo Pilta ond PJIOJ

. > !• 4

POWUf 10lgag

Hasex onH kept bv ipages 308ui

rpco'dccl |in I

ldrink—in a few weeks he waji



AAor the Independence oi

[States was acknowledged an

joltimed, Gen. Schuylcr mado

[the woods, then inhabited by b

and fill sorts t>f wild auimaft j

a path thro'

ars, wolves,

jand near the

High-Rock spring he built a tdnt. to which

ihe resoeted annually with his family, for his

loneer was

by at+i-Liption^iokes

>t» tnd we aft

before we ir t cannot, tho

firtt promitihga

•nily tost thajt gni

klly experienceiteuci

bett policy."

will get r i 4 wh|e

aro [aying their | plot

flurry and Cunnjng oleof despatch and ski

their master's trade.

it a coward at ho w

hat not tho coorafge|u» do right.

Wbtt a man tusneeu' hit o wn jntegritj

it fat tlmeibr bins M susptcled by otberl

Moral degradation Always begins at homf.

Contoioat tnoootnet is the bett innoevne

PrltVt exjaltt man to heaven In his

estimation, but sinks! him to hell in the eat

fnatlpn of others. . , '

Nor sjrtltrupicy is] so much to be f

as t bankruptcy ef moral principle. Sue

• bankruptcy not only blasts tho bett pro!

\MM\M in thlt life, but sp'roadt darkness an

doubt o W as eodltajs eternity.

BitraWgant drsissj It a reoommendatl

to th« tytt rather thin totne undorstandin

of Oatn. Dr. Franklin syas, «A fino con

frequently covert- i ntolerable ignorahce, bg

ntmoonceala It." ...

' Outward striouf»tU nnd.ci re

U no trot) iodei of [inward sanctiiy _.

Chriititn profatsio i bat saved many a rep

utatioo to fhialiftf bat never a soul in th

land their health.' This great

toon followed by others, \ 'ho b litt and set*

tied here permanently, aifd ncjw the.re is alargo town, with numcroi s Ion

jmany splendid palace's, Ji ateadi

tent; and instead of one so. itary

are at this hour


streets and

of his mde

iihpr, there

3,000 I n pursuit

health anr^ pleasure. ... ;• - ^ - y ,;

ing has a nnrr e, sue h as dottim-

Washington, Hani Itao, Plat Hock,bian,

High Rock, Rod Spring,

Walton, the Moaroe, tho |Ten iprinjj*,

Each ont has a history, ijnd e,s|ch one pos.

sestet somo viti

most remarka

spring, and wit!

thpuaaudt art

been here or.m

sands come her

tho waters, wiiljout prete

spoonful. .

Until theso iaters fai

Continuo to grpw in im

houses must be

rations must be

le of all

restored' to

the tTnited

peace ^

i, on jrnt

follarsbren Mol l•>o :

and !;>(<It. Bratwbrd in I



. e York, bciojf/bur in llog^ra' Pulenthundred #nd fliiy Weu*t qu.Mier, one banqiu»*-/tM-f boe huitdred

d one hrner, be'((

and Hveo K>a>ne more

»bid JoIHIg ho Rodney fianjoal of tow*


Clerk ofif.

I D09t



riftn; Is»nly-;iv§ c

Paled[1iei"no\t|pi I

I I I .

•I pstandardlaneous ni


ot SttdionViy of estry


er prices flian hJve tjvef* bvfore t»ethis vicMi iy , I

Anipn? ilio hoojcn urjj q^lrirlo, <


ua peculiajriy it*own. The

Rarrol, the

is th|e Congress

whose ttiste a<id character

familiar, who jhayo. never

y never come* j Also. thoa.

whodorio more than'taste

dingf to drffik a


made for


Life It ©Inly valuable at It mtnliteN to our

OAJoytMot, We were wade for mjoym«ni|

With Isavlt t t adapfo I to secure iu Hai

plottt tbtr fort, is ths reward o' a

mate tmpio reseat of 1 ill our powers.

Self government! If the most difficult ot

•II gottrnirioot. I


ed number of vifsilors. I

residence of thelChancelk

of several distinguished nen.! I wonder

more gentlemen of leisu re do not retire

here, especially for the tur imer^ Many who

have establishments in the]

propriety* havt a Countrjy ho^st at

p l a c e . '. •. ',;••


Many of tht most Importi nt dii|coverios in

Ihe field of science havo l|ten the result of


maker, in

Two little ton

Holland, whilo

at dinner, chanced to It ok : at a distant

steeple through two eye gl WKCS ' piated one

before tht other. They 4 >und : the steeple

brought much ineare/ th r shop window.

Theyi told their father on his retur<i/and

the circumstance led to a ;ourseolexperi-

mental which ondod ia tho Inventioa of the


lawt or lawyers.

taye M MatHmony Is a lottery in

which art drawn mor< blanks Iban prises.

Wt wight add thai i natrimony is a bank,

wbtrt if tht vaults Jo well fillet! with sound

i tho Issues will

ahtayt bt worth w^o|t the; bear on their

bank.will beNo d'rafu on, ^

dlsbonortd or protfsjtf).

tbtjury,»salf ahoosl

a real shell bfrk jury,


lawyer, addressing

"I say this ere mag.

naoimotM suni shines :\i the bet vent though

yo« can't set jit kase Ht f behind a c loud-

but 1 know U though: I can't prove i t ; to

my clitnt, who rlstt eajrly and hunts coons

Ukt an hoaest man, kkf a good case thoogh

he eaa't provt It. Now If you believe

what I here toll you, abbot tbe glorious sun,

you arc bound on youi bible oath to btlie»e

what I tell yoy about sly clltntV case, and

If you don't tbtn yod pal) me a liar, and

be tqeaUwe'd iif I'll stand that any

bow j to If you don't Want to twear iklte

aod l i t « ao trottWt, y|u'd better gift ut

T.:. K > t j i t t

tfUti « • MowingW ^ i

g, y

im ImHy aad

i n s t i l , . ., ••• • . : . ; [

I "Hoot*«ybt*Mft>«t)it world, andKnotty tat felltn astt uw Ptaty has hid-\4m Immlt, tad JuttiM **** fltsl UM way.Tbi ttsipWitoot at ho M , and Obarh* ||M

sltB> I, itntfokoot'It undtr nrrtnt*! andk Atari} tptitgnishtd. ' Tn# Virtues

have ho occasion for

fiome^hipwrecked Saitohs on«je collected

somo sea weeds on the sand, abd made a

fire to warm their shivering fingers and

When the lire

he alkali of the

th the sand and

all oir difceove-

cook their scanty meal,

out, thoy found that

forced glass*—the basis of




U p (

gunjpowder, which hat done (much



^ • o « J aotaor hat perpe.•'•'"W1ch may be acoepta*

wltt If npi for its

weed bad combined w

iti astronomy, and absolutely neceisa

our enjoyment

tho days when ever

' chemist was seekin

hor's stone, toine m

Sdiatoga must

or tat ice. Public

and other pfepa.

greatly ini re as-

is tho permanent

of the state, and

city i could with



prdyerbfiKiinbi- ii


galural cliemiMj'Vers, I he lat e. t anh T p t ever

royal 8vogreat varie f oTwork*, ver' Hion




ihi fay ofvijiih'lhtf

ooit I. ofa coriniy ct

it hundtrdniM, opd i»l there

Oe at Pi.Weoi Cbpife*e.-Kih dayofdiatduy,


SJalionIlio ne\V

orient, Chi*,»•/ also onriplioa, fo


ew iind v!:li tliepr

ls ninlliiiitf. 8

bound Iraltrenm)

vf 1

Uniteddad History)

Bancrofts UPtjescof' a |Fo i dinan

fltfeof Oc.FfanlHn 1(1

*joon a« pubCity priee*.

Among Ihgj , perfbiBristol boarJtnati's waterquills, »jeel


toealland riamt>foatl punctiHyn« low as ihtjementflry


en«,g and pJititioflt <'.ir|l l ^ W r i "


M 2 50 herTrean^Peck'a Buildi

Bnrlinirlonj, Ma

to lindenwcii It vauifr

nib,tij»licd, r o u t 'mndj for only


j)inn \.uledj

; draeoloijsj iJk, i

m.-vl hl> <n

»e.'() b o» f U » e l » e lcat, JMifcef'ittfsottiiieiitsato ut low-n oflercd in

o. |2moka iu pl»irt

tntin (Mu

jr*gr*»jit vqle /or preff

s luinilyBrandes

ne ml*, thekind everin, eiiibra



igrioiitiinal<r of'tlie.

t ^ ^$''*0, prica



wntfc* arefor sale al ihe lowest

• . : I • • ' ' • • '

foolncap, Heller, note,r o itf di'awlng papor nnd

ne (1

g p pi|vritinjf pcacitn, Newikftnndi*, itand boxr«,i I intlrjmtents, vi<

c, backgamwon

aim.,. , „..„..osork . Orders fiofo «•

ally fjltend]ed I a at Ihe \oxratt pricesi u ho >l books, paper Jbcas i in any oJ* theritje*.ks at tSctx pifir dozen.—rajt $ 1 6 0 , 175, a OU,iO


heir father was

miw•*-• inforrn their

wish to obllsrfc•oils, (Hat thP Villase

TH!)Mich M PUtL CLC•AtiHiTT«t pressed•*<»*, eU»,—MUo a jiuneij

lor 11

uro flour t|house, as

customers orjtl notrhake them owith a b envy I bodyneit to give uwijll manufai>afd, as youQoldod. •*•'*-'

Wenfyof nil kinjd«orHothW4af<saUoJ •'•-• 'nfi ulii bo, twhb wij»h.cloie ai

you be*Ihe c



yatilall k

leuli again, r^peclfijllt1 <*ui teltters anil all whoann f their a»mr* «s newinu • to rriuniifbclurt, atI cloth* lor customer*,of jiM kinds, «*«s(Mea«s



ni and haft) twmtrdthose who Coe! iocli-f>, we wouldsny, weon Mharftsjor by the

i\wt\p as life; dheopesl fc

?ejj» it fiiTl «un-'.(or wool,

h aUtirJngsn* theyrlisl-ji for those

astrologer and

after5 the phi.

bks, in makinggheir materials, by accident invented

\te barbarities of; war.

r Isaac Newton's mos

to dimin

important ditrries concerning Jight ohd gravitation,

the; result of accidetjt. His theory

experimentt on light were suggested

tJOtjp bubbles blown by a child ,• and

he pjinciple of gravitation, by the {fall

apple at he tat- in an orchard ;?<ahd

in hastily scratching on a stone a

membraridum of some articles brought him

wash'woman, that tba Idea of IhHo-

iy first presented itself to the mind of

tntfeldef.--Selected. ...'• ]

AuJKCDoiTB or NAPOUBON.—^etoral of

i journals, in announcing the death of

Raoul, a celebrated file maker* relate

following anecdote:—Napoleon, when

irst Jonwl, called upon him incognito, and

laving tested ibt tUperiority Of hit

l i e s , s k i d : •...;•. • • / ; . : . ; . . . . .:

** Yjni live in a country which gives poor

ijogement to industry; why do you

to England, where merit of this kind

tncburaftd ? You would there get a

Wee for your socrtt."

«Be|l my secret to the English ! n said

>ul "poor at I am, I would rather die ofn - • • . ' . ' • ' ] • • - • . - • • •

Tapileobwaa delighted, but would not

*bo he was. Next day, however,

ft*! a present to Raoul of 50,0001; and

ve hjm a building in which to establish a

WI S H Wor Pen st Ii>e"Brtot rltore an*l

sdf.rtcdesajnine • sullill


Silvermade ol *iivm

Aha, t n assort.

G»as(?MshoHj, velvet,nnd (ifihilemee'sfigured and pi


oocco—ai»k| Lndies

* ST.f,- PORtJACK,

1-2 part 7 ino'clock P. M

ratandhoriedo le2 hor

ml a ho

mtwte*each p w

For every t^tdltravelling Hi


ytook them, even fo

ly nnd hourly sustaining theiich lliey have hodently nndquirtid, no person ever y«t

a short period, ujlhout be-intr «o perfoctly aulhtied with their eflVcts uponliimrtclfnii to I'econi mend tlwm to others. Doct.

ieira Id r«fui'ttH who IIQV« nottrfcd idem,(lie good Saim irkan,.; where Mhe d1 0 .

whirl) Ihey cure, <II e. *Uii*t, and their mode ofoperation is f'oscri joe), t'be ce/ebroled LifePills and Pbrunix Bilter4 rnay jbo oblitjnedwholesale and retail ot his pflice, 336 BroadwayNew York. The r« ta\l pritt- of the fif« pills is25 cents, per ho??; oi in large boxes, at 50 rentu,and $t,00. The p iiiMtiK witters ore sold, bul-lies, at $1 00 & $'i UO enc&. I>r•MofKit fOUK|J.cr* It as bin duty lo iublii}h|tot(ie world any ex-iraordinury otire tliut inuy be iiotnmunicated lohim. By adopting I IIH coUise* mu»y invnlids,who might otherwisi ffivcup iodenpnii, aw In-d({f>d id'.profit by the exponents of olhora The" Jf» rnodicin^s lire njosl e.<ooNil|nt relief in eafies

id in ufToi'lions of the liversJKrlionii of I ho head,

[ 'Witli puilns and ffiuMiuofci.mm, and consumptive hub*, nnd speedily cured—nerv kind nnd form., and fromti£, fljH before the eH«i-t» of

itof* , ,and bowclft*—U|HO iiwhelbef accompanieA'HO, oldcougli«. HMIit*. n:etoon relieveiyods disorder* of »••«wlin (ever causetile Life Medicines, ijnd all that train,nttxie!ties, and trentoi'(eel the weak, the «|\vi//, in a «bort tim«

ortd pre.«ntre oftheLllb Pill*,

vt'mionca of anv *«rt,incdU'ines, ioordinai|

q[ their operationstronger and.belier nlateperlehred preyiotlt jo bring

r«, wliicb so dieatiluKy'af*•dentnry, and tho de/if-ntu,

be sueceeded by cheerlu/*Uealiii. Ih nfmost every

II their operation, roineon*(ilteniis the lakins; of llirsey cases, triepnll«nl tvithuoi

y left inthait]

oflllcied Ayilh dinAfro afHieltoiifrVgricf and lonn of

It in much the<tie of catchingciuntly wncm-

i cold

AgenE. Cott/W M . H .


TJt l i ^

Wharffhaleveinous, Antshall beandtherrenpect.r e p ,aqd renrtnnnMe.

W hhat all

thf ir Wtheli delivery.

We Woulddoing bu

:n for the sa

naine an if a peraotifortune,

*hoi»/«Jin a teiofjentupe flot duffi-iuf in but a breath, an cold

Mj)R. VVM B. MOKFAT,Offic* 3^5, Broadway, Ntu> York.'.

aoCltie Lifenn, Porl Hfljirv; Rwsax Co. N.

do, do.

tforwarUiiiffuld in farm the public that

huve leniedj fbr a terrn of years, lhat Port Kent nnd Neivporti and intendy matter pi>r aining lo ihe.abovo bui»i-whlcb *hall come uhdrr tiicif cbnr^p,tlendeJ to w ith slri^lneSHiand fidelity,sha11 be nojlack of allention in any

dWe winh to hav« itl parlictularljr understood

l l i h d l h d d

for whichM

'lermsi will be moderate

p jiaries following th# gbodfl lahded atarveP, tn«.»t f osiliv^Jy be paid before

merdbsntw, and othersIhe tnke, that if their

good** are landed at Pott Kent, instead of New*port, they will inor» e«rt«inly come under ournamodiate personal *uj «rinlundenre,

W. J AJ.IP. WHALINf?Mav1f)iP44. 10 ly.



v^v r / n w f l * o> different styles;!

QAITEROIA t£-GkjSE$L*Pto *h+Ui

WITn EVERY S^VLE OF V E S T S ,CUT in the best and irtMADE in.the mo«tlowest price* in this

It U the intentionEstablishment not to b|rrln.'Ta«letWork, as we Hnve inpotent to turnout Ihe

. '•• BRUT KINtt

We Iherefore .inviieltinuanco to past favorsour >?(f<>Tl» to l

O"AII kindnof p»vl«

COOPpHE subscriber voulX friend* and patiom

a shop in this vi f

op pfbr the pifrpo«i of carr,Hews, wlipre be will be

. in his line.eonstontly on band anh Cl bp

manufuetnrod lo order.

f<t aporoved Styld endtith tut • munn<*r. ' at th«

the Proprietors of IM9MUrp»4t*cd !>y any, eilh-»l ^tvffes. or quality ofir employ pttraons coui.

iir ne^v. ulahrf,a«suri»jf ihe public of

ifcifn fur Work done, JTJ

reH|»cotfully Inform hisgei>eriillV,unot ho has

ls,«fe, r>ear the Brewrv,ing oij «the above busi*io reaMinesn to execute

(JJhccjKe tubs and churnsfur s4le cheap as the

"To tho Victor belongs thoSpoils' - .

ALTHOUGH m»i.y prepnraUona in the form6C'' POP UL A It MCpClN ESV have beenA6CPOP UL A It MCpClN ESV have

belore the prrbHtf', cluitnmg to give rolief,even cure tlm, ttiost jnveterate disease*, yet nonehave <o well answered lhepurpo«e as Dr. 8her-

L g e * . They ared

inu Lozenge ybio lo the tMte, easily adminirturrd. and Irom

d e d h i f h hlbe unpre<-edenled *wce*m whicli they" haremet with, andj ihe remarkubU curcw C nit'bhave pprlbnrnJd, may justly Invcloiiu tu (lieof CONQUElfOR yver Ihe di*ea»«s for whichthey have bee* recommended. Dr. ShentaSaV

"COUGH-LOZENGES'Cure Ihe inoiit obdiinute cases of Cough in *lew hourn. Ulity have cured a laqje tuimberofpentonswh



lr«ni tfcehumous whirh are t

that fle«h ip heir in.

purer, tndmud plant*ulhitii

beingeojniiposed otpp

hi^h in rfrotnn«ef iit he grtt*>*er p* f^iI d hi

iosXaiid curative g ;Invented machinery,)

j i i ited tira pa rated (fay i}flwjj|

are therefore the natural Hlcscriptiotti auil^d loalleortv'lhiifionfti foveraolialins; frwinlhe body,difleatiea of tl>4 b'ood< .d[«« (Uoweli*, awl aH otheroomplainls ori;human syuUru

with Bslhtntf,Areyqtt't, cou«t*

ne*s of Im-a I h, U1fiwen7.tr

have Wen given up by their phyand friends, and many who have been

reduced to lbe verge of the grave by KpH(i«gblood, Consumption und Htctic Fever, by theiruse have hud the roso of heajlh restored Iothe , , , _,hojgnrd cheek and now live to speak forth Ih"''*« I egctal»4 Exfraist Pi,prui««« ofihiaiuvuluable medicine. Vt. Sher W» >V Ihcir i.or*a«ivo,<man's |mucousmntter »vlfich«fli

"WORMt.OZVMQm" >Have been proved in morel linn 400,000 cases tobe inlhlliblo, in fiict the only certain Worm de*f< I toying; Medicine . evei discovered. CbiWronwill cat ihoin when thcycatinot be ftiiced Iotake any other medicine and ihe benefit derivedfrom the adfiiinhtlraiion of medicine lo them inthis form in grtnt buvood conception. Whenthe breath of ihe child becomes often*;*©, andthere \n picking of the none, grinding of theteeth during steep, paleness about (be lips wijrfi

" cheeks, bleeding at the n««e, hea< ache,starting during sleep, di* urbed

uwukjn r with frighl and screaming',troublesome cough, loverishnesi, thirst, vora*cious oppelite, HickneAH at the nlonvac i anibloated stoinaoh—thewo are among the- manyprounineot •ymptoms of wornjis, and cuo be r»-lieved by those incomputable Xozengen. TWeyhave never been known lo fuil. Dr. Sherman'*


Relieve Headache, Nervou*. Sick UendacHe,Palpitation of (be heart, rnd sickness in a veryfew minutes. They cure Lowne»« of Spirit n,Despondency, f a i n l o e w , Colic, p , m p ,of the Stomaih, Summer or Bowel Cotnpfnintfl ;they keep up tfie spiiitA, dispell all tht d^tran-sing symptoms of*a night ofdiiMipatioii, and ana*ble a person to undergo great mental or bodilytoil. Dr. Sherman'M

• • POOH MAH'S PLASTER" ,?« ocknowledsred by all who have ever uied iito be tlie bei»l otrenglHeninf Plaster in th"world, and a mtvereii n remedy for pale* andweakness to the back, loinn, cide, bien«t, neck,limbs, joint*, rheumatism, luntbatro, Ar, Onemillion a y«ar will not supply tfce dvmatid. Caution i« nee*nmrf ,iu« there are many nnprincipledperMon^ who would force a spurious urticle uponcommunity. BecBrefnl tog«*l Sherman's PootMan's Planter, with a 'facritoilt' of hi* writtennnmo on the bsck—none others are genuine, andWilJ do more- hurt than good.

Whon such men as ihe Rev. Darius" Anthonyof the Oneidu Conference. Rev Kebaslitin Streeter ol Boston. Rev Mr Diinbar, R«r .Vr UnnAcock, Rev Mr De Forrest, Hon Aaron Ctark, J.Hoixe Esq, Hon B fi BenrdslrT. Daniel Panthaw, E*q, and to host A* name* of the lii-erepirtut ion csn.be brought tl)rw.ird to prow the efiicacy of Dr. Shermao'e preparatiotis—w hen theyare *o warmly recommended by, the medicalprofrndion, and prescribed in their prrctice, andwhen »in-h universnl approbntion,follows theiruse amonjr all c|a«Be«, wr may jjislly miv that theDr. is nut only entitled to the appellation of•VICTOR,* bul enn fairlv lay" claim to the pa-tronage of ih« publie.>ond will receiva it.

For iole by the fullowinjr Agenta in EesexCounty.

y, JUtt.

rheiimaftoin, painse j i t t t d dor Inee jointi>» n

mat ion, or rtitcJuw in tbwill. «f*il»rdient aclion, remevtf psin,tnm «>ery veslijre of disc

troaij nervott* >palsey. palnttatioR «f»l;Ve£etaMc Extnut PitUthorough cute njud>re»toiofsouod health.

reirom*. tb«t afiecf tbo

con»umption.•or \ownet>* of spirit** \iarir peculisrly adapt-litlos, to remove them the coatplaUir. aad

h from your aufferuigK.' • » • • • • • : . ' .

»your fhoalders. hi|rHit swelling or infla-side, the extract Pill*

rtJUttf. and, by their atx-r-pud-drive fr«noi the a}a*

v f f e r : ... ..••,..••.•.;•; • - • • . • : . '

A-.ard wra l tnew, fff«Vliesrt T Stainkurn'g

ill effect a radical andyou te th«

Wit i qutnMey, crbwp, wh'j i«J>ce, phtWsir, ti* tit

.«ort s'd to wiUw'ui iosf of Irect inCuetnee Upon the s

r <tic power

will .prrven-tanSired \u collvei in uh^tie quantili«>*. ia

to produce BISlijrnant fr*4rVjMJch aa scarlet, tyfihun, yellow and others,] whidHgnefrtHyaatf ia iif alb.

p g g , pTe«Tirr}act PilU obould br re..«,as ih«y»xerla H-

*ft mK ana bv their #o-err o*e the disease* 'U pitts.

of hile, wbieh. ,-i


rmal! poX,A b '

rmal! poX, m e ^ J * , k f n g s « f t ecroffuiaAntb»ny's fire, oajt rheum, «l««rs. or any 4fon of t!ir (kin, th« alUriiti' e and ify

l f l |

, kfng'sh

p | p y yco«u'n»cd it? Sluii.b a'a PIUM, *»J

g q t p v«l ttioMt auneljt^rive out all d!?••«•fiuwn the system.

I t/hcH «*« »r« to/u 1wrlb cftolir, cholera BtmM-buH, iqdi«:eftti«nt pain

be IK>W;J», ri*in«r ia (he tbioat, disentr.ry,j i p rneoM. or ehstructipe* < r

relkxatioos oi Soy kind, »nuke iatwediaM att* a.

Plant bf Jlvtfiu>$s.ilUW. 1 l . e?ullbi^ ,i Kc

P. SharpA . B . T u b b s i f f / 1 8th\oo%Ukt.B. B.Botnloo1 jj EtstK/Chipmnow A Wili«»n Ttepnderojrtt,Al the Store of th« Tori *

Henry Iron C^. Pok HenryCulling &, WIfh lion " ;llnmmond A, jCo. - Crown Paint,w.r. &r.n, cming wuiport.Warehouse 106 NasMtiu »t.N Y. A

rle, 4 Maiden liijfje, Albnny, NJ Y. tfi'iiera\'A-gent lo whom orUer* may be addressed. 3 au6

Mnrcl- 1844.I

Magical Pain Extractor I

ycheapest. Cl|«ese bargain Lai|d elieese hoop*

f d l dKceaevillf

• dlft, and eheese hoof! MOSES GAULAND.


that they will find the


SUCCESSORS to Paiikboin ^Brinsmaid,lirtsrton Vt., arc prewired to|sell dt the low*Boston or New Yorl prices] at wholesale or

retail. WATCH**, CLOCI S, JKW^IRY, GEMAH SILi pfated'BRIITA'KV'IA and oth^r metal goods,

Xxoiv SiTKCTACLIi.*,••CH*.I. IS, RlKGfi, Pll«8l.B'ROOtlH'Ei, Ond* nil goods in th1 line, |ind bfinides thefinest <iW'."ip I ion of grods, wje Bre keeping ugront varfeiy "f goods t Wholesale to wirppiyPedfera oroVhem lo>el again,; and we Invjtcalls nnd orders fr Jin abijpad,. ansiiiirig cuiHoinero

quern PAIN, nitt IJCAR, ixrr.AMitfo«r and MOIITI^ICATION I which!before have ileficd the skill ofevery dim?. Il.jin nl«o a *yver»!ff« remedy fi»rthe worst Pikf, 8[l>rr. fyt$, f*pin<U wtakn'en.% In-fl k


to'ecrtiwa« h6ri idly burour fncqo,.t>rn(tstN,

l H f h

oods Mw, Vnd ol thequality they are nnld fo.jl

We import goods or Btif tfifrrh wherever weenn se'.them lo advantage, and chad *«*lj so thatwe can give cusiomern sa,ti8faction. Order* froma dislartce attended lo pi omfitly, and a« goodbargains given, to way the. teamf, a* bv personalapplicalipn. Clpcks or tvalchusj by the box orsingle. VVP are agent* f >r the diamond pointedGold Pens, Fly Nets for I orses. and Aforrisoa'nPillsr. We. have WiHow wor«J Combs, brushes,HouRpfceepiiig articles, HatnrM. nnd other cut lory, Cornmunion Furnitnt >, Fi^biriglacklo, Bit<k-elS, stocky, Bcarfs. pollan , aiispcrtdcr«, Aw.

Wo have Dreaaijng casi », Work boxe«, Musi-cal Instruments, I aws and double bass viols,iHelodinns, and oi v»t sn aller irtstrumenU andnmsicnl merchand »e. 1

In short, we would jus any that WP haVr avery extensive nod variei awoorimont of Amer»loan, ftngHsh/fterrnan, md Parisian, FjfNCYARTICLED, and we are lilly a«vare (hot. (lieway to dispose of them is i o put (hem so low thaiBoslon or New York Wou d not be a more favor«able place to buy them. Vye bn.y lor Caah andwell for Cash. Oor cnstoiihere a«I at any ofber place,to send us the cash lor a |from a distance, or any oilhe selection to ua, they i

WORTH THS WOKEY fffcttT, BVt can be exchanged. O

raade fn our own' abop.paid to fine Waich Repairi

p t sthe (Jth* .OctoberIvor* parched Inthe fii<riilly did altime died, and tlie|rpnt were I«Mnot expected tolonger,Jwbon Mrabl« Magical Piu'a

fanml»ry Rfinijuatam, Swdkngs. Rfui$e$tStrain*, and whm aoever is *«re i«d linnijon. Pains of'thinstantly, and heiit haa donu.

•: aevcr4>«t Bruison, A-c. ftoppedled without sc^n Head tvhat

IOAT KXPr;tfelON. !ly, that I, with several othei*,it, Urnined, and ftcalrled overarms, hnnil», li'gc. &c.hy ihvl«amh<)t Swuliilro's boiler, on,]|H4U, and forj twenty hoursciccriK iatiuc agjr»ny. Thoitffh

{they cotiM.'pHir up to thatI was

«fi1t ecroffuia.

you* willExtract Piilti

iti.»lsHt a#t)i«4ry p|>uigal>v<i qualities are alv»nya«urp I* cspe!bui rtors which have eaus«d the di»eap*. ^tbuift's Ve2clab,tejE%tra»l Prils are oHw peculiar\ rff4t ( b j ft'pi a l v i ty irfapfc4t» (being and (•pitting1

i i

pf y gravel. v«tnit

liver *co«ipl»ial. d ^hd l

p g j j, priniring nnf<e* in the head, *w«ll#<l loa

f»wellin|r«, ennrers,k of which they arr

th ^9 the

, A c . fthe ifljfrrcJien

ent;rdirect'r/int. - < # .tioi IB, e^rii Hie pore*, and! J»ra«ie«le «»«r«.no: ipu<* frvm the uyetrm. -

1 ' :\ ' T» female*. . • ' ) ^ - :fUrthe cmnptu'tnip inciduul le Mrtntr*,

with Ifie RKKM perfect *


rr 11*1*9 *H

ng nn rxr&rtMn <>t' jih* vetretabl**, they«ran p 01 f»ek lh*» dfthcale fr.tme or weabrnV i i i

pcVn*litt;<ionyM'is with

f . Mc40'n$ufu,\i t'ftrctntlt Extract Pill*aril allowedAto he the fyf\ medicine e iunl , lor

hildren,and; Wins e<mipV>«e<l o," extracts, sray^ l p i i i d in nny farm. If the dir«etioa«

h^ p y

are faithfuHvfollowed, the/no#l Halutary resultwin ensue,

I - SfmnbtYn'r Pillstr4 notv exten«ivelv uoed w* h«.»p^Jthia ooua try and .in ftorftpr. • from the fart ><tfthe*jr' bring for/mfd enfirelr of eitra<7.«, \h*y anrnot unpleasant to take, are parttrnlqrtr mM i»Iheir operation, produce 410 ^ripwar or n»M*#«.'•and ore (alilkoll yow/rM to endtsfie

pynty ihe lilnod Mid fliiid>».* This Vegetable Jtxtract

are sold at TWistf.riv*. <tr(xm pfii d i P i l l A b h f n i

PH3k>p ho», .ee-fifaia*

f illA, by lh»«fi>n««i"irr«; «ForA«ule hy iW iolfowiag A \ta\* in

Coun.fv.i Plunof

, , JiertmUt.-j Wtth-iertngk..... ttrhraan Lake

Essei.: 1 Tievwdnroga.

Pfrr*y Port Henry,

r A#Vhalloa '•Ifajriroond* A Co , • '«' <rWn Point.w?>: A F. to,

v f.W. fL.&ihord,. • '"K Pllnrp, •"' ' ,A. B. Tcriirm, / ,B. B. Boynton,Chipmarw A Wiffon. •AI ihe gtorc'of the


{nburn & C l i c f e c r t e r . p r o u ^ . r r .| i . V. ' A.<5ulhr;»et 4 Maiden Lane, AU«-

l U U 4y | . ;

nv, N. V.. firings,! As e f t t»' l°mov'bee<l<1re*M'd*


more ihqn hnll an houD.i I ley introduced bis invalufix tractor, a^dj on application

was «M*y at oncd. i bciie\e hall thisjri«atremedy been ii^ed'at I fio time of (ho explo«ion,eyerymnn would have I vrd. I am told no person hncever died from I iirninif, & c , where Him habeen present, andword lowemylifjt

Borlinirtoa Vt., May, J

er* cob buy as cheapJf may one choose*Id or ailvcr Watcher article, and leaveall have an articleIf it dor a not iuit,

r "ilywr spoonM areParticular attention


Tcxlimnruj of Iwith pleasure weMr. Dallcy'K Nagiffrom having wilnmnst happy elf?were scalded on bon e y p

D.Chiiirch, Albany.

tt. B, HjTorray,•lire.

A. Iiilclwof. ti, CiAc- Ac. Ac.

Forpariieiiliro h«ob.

to it I make known lo the«do others. f

"llBNRtV YATtsiind /'hriKfophwrwl's N.Y."C/iptain, Ctrtt,.*Scc.—It is

recommend ;lhe efficacy of1 Pain Kxtnw »in<r Uinlment.vd the {tpplication and Itsion Ihe foujr persona wh& the Aieamjboat Swifffture,

hp hollar,*i pastor of Fust Baptivt

jWatcH Repairing i I


bTHE tubaertuer woold Inforns tb© pbblie' thatbe baa recently fitted ju pa room in the Peat

Office, in the vllja*e'Of H>e*evi|fe, where btwill attend to the above bt|iilnea«i.

Allerderswill tmt}*l?* prompt atteritto lbe subscri

Jyriiwritten signature ofCo. former agents.Ihe genuine nirire rt«b. 1843.

For iale by [ihoCounty. .

Agents fif.W. II. 8.11cP SharpABTnbbsB B BoyolonChlpinans 4c- W\Altha Store of

Heniy Iron Co' Culling & IFhall

Hammond & Co

,-Vf-.- • • T - : 4 M i

Wholesale Afsst,be addressed.

March I&44.

* AttyMORI A II,

• S . ' - . - : V ! J • • ' . ? • $ ' , : • : . • • /

itn of stcjamlNMtl Swift-

ofiiteamboitt V. Stale*,

pamphlefrib, hands of A

box genuine) will havo .theII. f»ally. CoinesirM'k &.We ttpt beet supplied with'i. 1843. Ibllowing A*>nt« m Easl*

Plac* e) BtakuMm.Kte$mUe.



AI.EX7de» . A NiilAT*

FISHES-^ ILLY;•. Unrivalled far

JN cAirinjr diifiaw* fopillintr «f*l«l«*od,

whoepingicough,branuhitif. A c .l i l b

^a sureFoV sitle^ w1iote*nre

by VV. II SAFFORDGeneral Agiftljor Essex

Keesevilie Janr? r l84:C, " 14£ —^ . , 1,,... ,.....,., ,,^ ,—rMarsAs Superior Piltmt Truss,

Single, Dojible & VmhiUc&U

P^iSE Trvstfu are riMfiRjactured &y ltiif&Vftntor, &»dfourN. Mursln m Conajoliar.

r e , 5^i*onu>ry.<V>. N. Y. abd are conalrutterf'III iBS fr partiftrTkff «n #tt ««ft>« »m mUm, Lad -heir tAyantafc* &*r all oifa Tnttts have

oeen attested, not opr\y by tb* moat respecUfble/'qf the mftdkttl ft< uliyr b d bv the artval i»pHW •ment of thoie a0icte|tl wilb fbe rffaeaee hev ar«Intended to »llei Ml*, j Tfcte moat tsainent "p4yaicians, upon; ah exa+iinatlon of tM» Tniss. are

d i d l i th h ha , p ; Tao decidwl as to ib< «»peTio««y, that thev haheerfjlly and v*Jan)tiiilt jrivea rertifieates(be p/opneter lo be laid before the snibJ*.

-S fresh fwpply iu*t received aod for aaJe aalh« Kaeeeville Bin* atad D l S

I-.Ongii 3«F^

chea»ieaU:>a at*,rr, A|ejr aVMiit, fruit ar i a«4e«F>

f l j *V «lf ihe l

Itriff rareT all the UU whkh ll«n* ia faeiv'toVcaSh' ' allliioi»,afthejM«>aIal<>rti«4* ^ ^

i , i