general passenger agent {corral t awjuocled chinese...

TUB ESSEX COUNTY REPUBLICAN, JANUARY 1, 1915 5fi*i ^ - JAY. —Robert Taylor is home tor the CawisUua* vacatiou. He in teaching of 4a\ C. A.. Peultaey, Vermont. —Miaa Dais* Simpson is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Simp- son. —The thermometer regiateresl **« Jklow Satvvdsy. t >: - vuijah Taylor is boms for a vacs- tUiu, lie is teaching «* Essex. —wf. C. Straight, of M4*TOt%tr*».N. *}.. J* vmiUpg i'sri Straight. ^h* £hrwiDuAK exercises ai both ^ekucehes were well attended slthouf h tntv/wftttjtar was Joiner eoid- The JsUae folks acquitted themselves credtr tsmbj* and all eajoyed a Tery pleasant * •.•mm'sltae Thorns is visiting his par- ants the Rev. laud Mrs. J. T. Thorns. —Miss Carrie, ttroughtoo is visiting ler mother. JMrs. Carlos Green. —Mr and Mrs. William McCarthy lave moved' to Rochester where Mr. McCarthy has a position. —Will Lewis has bought the house and lot owned by Mrs. Juliet Bromley an Peck street. —The jobbers are rapidly getting their wood on the river banks. —Miss Onlay Simpson is homo from Kew Jersey for Christmas. So is Ron-! ert Taylor from Pouitney. —The exercises at the Baptist etturch Christmas night were splen- did. The singing by little Helen train and Kenneth II* vat on was aim h enjoyed. Will Janus, tr^iu the weM. is vis- .:.•» old honit At K;:>** J a m e s . ( AOiRONOACK FA RM S STOC K Tp BE SENT TO VIRGINIA. 'J\: i.a:»e s. P. European War Causa of Transfer ai Valuable Horses to Plantation on York River, Va- Word has boom received at Glens Kails that the entire stock of brood mares and colts of the Adirondack Karma located at the old mile track are to be moved to a plantation oa the York rirer Virginia. The reason for this actio* la laid spun the extended m inter aaasan of that vicinity. Tht local farm pill -be maislniued aa s sals*, yard* a v Mr Geldsr stats* thud the Bvrai^as war was an Important factor ta the decision to tranafer the breeding place to a warmer climate. The true Be I- gian horse, the most popular draft horse In the country at present and a breed which Is fact becoming exter- minated by the war. mast of necessi- ty be raised in America in the future for American ese. They had formerly been imported to this country in large -numbers from Belgium, as had also I horses of the Percaeron breed. The Adirondack Farms possesses about | sixty Ave brood mares which the new conditions of aoa-expartatioa raise to a value almost priceless, and thus it was found necessary to incr**"* breed- ing facilities of the farm to aapply the great increase ia the demand for these breeds. In the warmer climate of Virginia the process of breeding can be carried on to much greater advaat* pre. The new farm was chosen only •:!'i~r i-arefu! stu iy «>f the climate, soil :.:i\ i?::t*s <-<>!*,lit K-US, aud Mr FIGHT ON FOR (THAI Rat AH STATE SENATfc PINANCI COMM. Senator Emerson Has Lets ef Oppo- sition for Leadership of Im- port ant Committee. Lte*teaant-Goveraor Reward Schoe* neck will assign the senators of the Senate to the committees says GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT {CORRAL T AWJUOCLED CHINESE JN BOX CAR IN JERSEY CITY. HEARD RESIGNS JANUARY L Familiar Name on Delaware and Hud- son Time Tables ta Disappear Af- ter First of Year. A. A. Heard, who for the pant ntne years has been general passenger ageat. and for two* years previously the Albany Argus. He will appoint J assists*t paseng^ agetit for the D. 41 the chairmen of the committees. He ' if, has tendered W resignation to Uag showed'it doubtless will, consult with president the compsn* tb tile effect January L Half-Dosea Almond-Eyed Celestial a Almost Fraass to Death aa Four- Omy Rail Trip. ' A watchman going through th^Brw Kaitooed't freight yards in Jersey Ctty ly the athar morniag heard a In s box car whose ^CLINTON SCHOOL CHILDREN TO AID STARVING BELGIANS. come from Montreal Ms salted fumes. Inspector Michael aro tarn, and Floor Leader Hon R. | After ! N>#* Years^uay Mr'Heard will Umly sant thaw opsaad the car. ta Sad ^waajtS|be,,a#i**tors aa to t w*o ^become sales manager for the dia» f wdthta. Jytns>ba»f frsson on *h» floor. ahasL ha aeaej*e|l lor the higher sMprtaatloa*' o* *sisk* wStefs for '' the* she Foang Chmmmsmowew r 4f ;i* ^ j n o M I m p s s ^ ^ a4^u>iraaan were almost senseless other pis^caK hut u* tarn mat ajutaaig.'Witter the* ahpervWn of the state re-1 cold and rifcaastlouK although <u big mmi especially where there is s differ- fceirvet tost comailsstoti. ence of Optoma as to who shall head K tfj anWuhcement was made ar the this or that committee the lieutenant Albany Graces of the D. A H. as to Mr. governor will decide. * j Heards probable eacceaeor. bat the The trouble centers around Ihe fight matter will be decided within a day or for the finance committee chairman- j t wo. Mr. Heards chief clerk Is M J. ship. Senator Jim Cmersaa Is the } rowers and the duties of the office ranking member and If that was all might expect to bacon ansae time, as often happened. Bat j predicting his appointment. Senator Jim. though the logical candl-1 The state reservation date never scams to have had a very . *** bad auaerrisioa over the state strong barking for the place. He has. waters at Saratoga Springs for the friends among the aenators. hat the p * * gve years. Th ewaters are party leader seesas to fear the state i* excaileat condition and ready treasury might be removed to the. marketing and diatribnUo*. X3d Senate district, comprising the] Mr. Heard waa bora in Paris. j wOl full upon him temporarily. If not chairman permanently. Mr. Powers' friends are illk oaa half SUoS wKh ssbslwlches mother m which there Was wat- er showed that they had not snjrered from hanger or thirst. One of the Chinese/ Tom Chung., said th trim China st Victoria. six months ago and had worked their way across Canada. | At Montreal they found their District Superintendent 0. A- Wotcett Sands out Appeal to Teachers Un^r His Cars. District Superintendent of schools O. A. VYolcoit has mailed s circular letter to Ciiatoa county teacher., call- lag upoa them to secure the co-opera- tkm of their pupils la raising money far the starring Belgians. The letter reads as «*llew»r<; wDear TeSeawr. 1 * It time la Belgium U eoantry 4hewsamfs of ^httdreo Sr4 atarrmr We. ta oaY heautlftal aoum* try. «s*^rmg the hfssatags Of pshsat wiU gather around ths Uble to oat oar Christmas dinner. In faraway Belgium are hungry, homeless or- depending upon charity not for the half doaen had landed J Carietmee toys sad pleasure, but for B. C^ about j food and clothing to keep alive. ' Christmas cannot be happy. VY however, relieve their hunger. great couatry of oars ts givtag chance to smuggle their way ia to the' oaaly. The Cnited States, by the geav I — u y of Us people to the enfortuaet- This OOVERNMENT STARTS FROS3e OF FINNSOAN? TRAGIC iGOVERNOR FLETC ENO.f CONVICT CHr..^TMAS P Officials Relieve F»otadam Teaoher j Jerry SVad ey, ^ May Have Fallen Viotim to Pals- j Stfts Prison. uiaav Phiitpewoe Fanatica. - J Frcs en The Huremu of lamtlar Affairs a|» To Jerr> Uradie: Wasiungtosv said today that U f \hv expecting hourly detailed advioes apjpleiyil nearly z:> >.*rs 0 f to the clrcumataatas la eoanacuoa' tenet In the instiiuhcu. > with the death of John H. Pliuu>4S' tbe IUK« »t svuse of \ S New ^YorifVttt, school teachcr t s/^e | CliriMU4*^' > was murdered by *" fyXfrm ao UM^. J Aa IKI of exc« -ut;. araTtnsaa ] land of Palawao Jbs r the KhUlppmajt the pa^t oX i>^wr u : walaeky I December 1. ^ T ^ otiijf lafornialios jej W* U4# lite KA»U recetred to dale is that cosuaiaed Is 1M following cabJegran^ * Joha H. murdered Dec. L Abotiaa. la attack on school by ee> smtails lsckaas. Will details later." aa. H'^ie-p4iw« at W^iMir \t »^ "mtu* a itie ssav >^sy»a t •""•• sua * u ^ riual raited States, as a Grand Trunk Rail- road brak let them secrete them he would es of Europe, is doing :U counties of Warren* Essex and Clin- ton, if Senator Jim was chairman of the fcaance committee. Senator Whitney, of the Washing- ton Saratoga district, is a candidate w.ih i#rece4ent back of htm. although I.o .* a youcg^r wi*ator tLsn Sage or l'j:i*t of s e n :«-e iu the e irr u r ^ i «*o** Jo- ^ v>.'."• v ' •<•* ..; ,l i >en* to create world v.4e iaflaeoce than could the Pier# 15. saoat powerful navy, the largest army. North silver, for $ is a head. | M WIU you no* take part ia this great The freight car left Montreal mat t movement by asking your children to at He was grad- at la Jane. 1SS1. and oa July IS was apf^lmted teacher ia the Phil* ippinea. He had pacity coatluuoasrjr was recently neat to lake charge of the native school at Aborlaa. oa the Island of Palawan. Palawan Is a Christian district. Mr. Mrs. J. C Thongh his nai oi* is . onfo^ j Is freedom for u»i* iifl ^ lifte _*. If he obeys the ias« ^>f the s t A ^ Bat Bradley dij w , t avafl v % oa>portaniiy to inuDediai«lr the walls of the msmutiua tha:hij lis home since j^y « 3 imi \ awaits him and f>r tas tana 1 AA -*i he partook of a in the pruK'ii. It la piaaaed by the pn^m ties to oaslst Bradley in fe^carag^j nioymeat and until he i> krovuai J la this respect he will yr ua>i? at the priaoa though i.« « : ii ^ to leave the institution L^ He has been IS year* ,r c«r n )|j prison than any other *i*Lu»t«. France. June vS. i&gc. He first enter-: ed railroad w x at the ago of seven- • teen entering tae omce of the vice-' president of the B. A O. as a clerk.' Mr. lUard occui^ed various railroad f Wedaeaday morning, bat waa held tor more than a day la the Baffalo yards. It was lateasely ca the Chinamea almost perished Tom Chung had $€S in American ap bring r. <;e' •>•« :.r. or L»rev. ,:\4 4 ^f r&i*u. in . .at* 1 , i ui ,L- :»; V. A.. ' office*. His tir»t big \»heu he oppoctuuity was niSde f thi» Nurth- money. which he offered to his cap- tors fc»r t h e release of himsc'f aud th** ofL«-rj. Tin y were a.I arrrgteJ. a little offering to you of peaaiea. nickela or diaaes, there. * even unued postage atanj J the same oa or before February 1st to Curtis £. Jninaa. Ciiatoa county ' treasurer. Plattsburg. K. Y , who has kifc'Hy consented to reeeive these con- j at Potsdam. N. T. j J#rrjr J^^^J was ^ LU ^^ % , | At was pointed out at the boxeaa of 4 atate prison for life fur | insular affairs today that there Is n Margaret cartel utioiis an J furoard them to the i ii a* KEZ *LL-Y •SlV J^- 1 v a !i« *pt! hup his < y !r. anr! l tht* \ii^..i.H jjJanta!i»rr to t A^S w i:t rt* i.iv.v v^itl l*e o£t*rc*<l :'*>r >ia:e*. Apprtixttiiately 1»M> horses wrre pur- cb«^r*i at the Adirondack Farms dur-, ing the past year, the buyers betng , lo^aetl in nearly erery part of ihe < li^rr was Utd t;oar4 or the party ma- <hme whuh stood behind him aod pat him o\er Seaator HilL Now. so craxy } luited States The returns for these j sxe the tuues, U is the Old Guard who sales netted the breeders in the neigh- \ cannot see how. that can be done in * borhood of $>•.***. There is. at pres- Whitney's case, while witling to tr horses ac- mad. purrhaed with the i--: .••• i c il\\^r< ra^*ation with bi»; !»*rT?rs. ^!n* \rtnur A. Truirh iii . -H^ssald M)u''lntof^h returned to v*liftatielphia Sunday ni^ht after visit* mp h » sister. Miss Marten Macintosh ft*r a few days. -The Rev. Beaton V. Wklkins left t»wn on Monday of this week, for Set Uses. Mass.. where he will visit ent. stall room for about 2*0 Sis T&nily for some days Owing to ' at the mile track, and about 1 ffr. Wtfktns' absence there wiH be no' ree of tillable and sOS of pres4*H n g ia the Congregational ' There mre at present ehurrh next Sunday morning. There oa sale at the farms. There were thir- w4Tl he the usual seasioa of the Sun-' day school and a service ia the even-' Ms <« that day. —Mr. and Mrs U E. Boyle, of Xew Tort, hare been in town for some dmyw. They wer#* called here by the seriotm IHneas of their son. Fred, who tecetitiy underwent an operation, at She !CVfgtthorhAA<l House —Mr: an<f Mrs Abraham Burt have ' "~Amoag those spending the hoii- purchand the property owned by W. «***» eat of town are the teachers, a. KaeJanaltf and taken possessioa of Ml »* »*eteraoa who is nt her home in ) PartehviUe. Miss GUmoar at her home annual Christmas tree and ln Morristown. Of the High school. srenmpatnying entertainment took f A , i i ^ Cronin at her home in Minerva. the Tillage church on Christ-1 Mary Howard at Alder Brook and Rus- Kvw Tfc* entertainment consisted ** 1 *•s^^n« , with relaUvea. >rt;cr » At IA** it'3 [Of -y t .-; hi he ! of r I Hi: 1 Ii ••••«. 1 ,g l l! IS AIMS* :A \*-T «.r; " fcf r\ \\"u Alii-} s «ta*;»'4. elevation U rl ty new brood Virginia mod BLOOM IN GO ALE. -—The thermometer registered 4S | degrees below aero here last Friday. I —S. W. Barnard is suffering , aa attack of r^citafiotifk civ* *<*ngs. etc^ bv of the Sunday scho>iL and seTei Sots of musi • hv the choir. The areef» were heavily laden with git* Tor old and young, it was s w ! to l*> h —.VoiiJ»sday ••« n i *. Ifcw.i.i^ fl If?^ !•.« t *p v «••; c V a l k ' -VfrkHr —Orin Plunders, a veteran of the Civil War. died Monday after a brief illness. —There was sn entertainment given h v the High school in the Town Hail last Wednesday eTeatng. The pro- gram follows: Chorus. Xinas Welcome—High SchooL Kmersou down aad put Sage, with no experience in the high place. Whitney aad Emerson have ascer- tained that Senator Browa. while will- ing to ask them to vote for president pro tern., cannot sea his way dear to their advancement ho- of certain political irregularities ia their conduct daring the past two Ha.** •.::*;«• _i-'.'n P»A>: «*«:/.• r «.:. : l *..i W.v Ivh'ali ' a n * ila:b«^^1 < .»:;.j>^r.y i^if»»r he was nj**i*» j N ^ u j t r<*nera? passenger agvul *>t the I.ih.ffb Va.tvy. Mr Heard came ta Albany in JVuJ, being ai»pomted aa«isU,^t general passenger ag<ent of the li. a- H. com-1 pany oa Iiecemher I of that year On February 1. iWu. he vis made general \ passenger agent of the company, sue-* reeding Joel W. Kardtck. who was ap- pointed pasenger traffic manager. Oa January l. i»i<i. Mr Bardtck - -- zoJ L'K:/ tARec.i c-;of i r*T'0 ^'-tl£D fAZZ C.^Ti-S. : i , >~ *'<*•' * . ' ' :.••"'••• .. ~ ..*»:. t"* i. i. At \ u nf ''•••».-•• H <«f i -.i«*«. »a an a?:;..s. p i : . . *#.»-«-p r >h!»'..:K njuf;.H .n a n a«-|;--«\a] Kei.ff C4»njimittee? * ^IC<" A.'LLCKLE TO PHv FIT TK;;>wOH CLVNN S LATLiT AC r . ...*•*.. '.>.:ii ...i+ y ^ .*^i I Jit- isZ- i ~i li<' ^ u.»* « j»ii ?^ r i - f • v i i ' - ; ,-<. a »:.Hli pra'-iumiiy p*arri» k!l «.»' iin- **.-TO- i f t..»« ht;toitii'l»,it* l»are«u i'.' th»* t i v r e t a r y vi states otTice in the Saea. h< I i penal colony at lurahig ahowt IS miles ' Stamford. 2S years ±; from Aborisn, and it is probable that j the conviru serving there sitacked the st&ool where Mr. KinnegAn was inching. The p^puiailoa of U.c- co- c^iy is upvs^rji v f l x •.« and t - 1 it»eu J.'..«;- liirrv &rt v La**•-:;•* h»'ii'>r \...^*i- <.: r-v.!.* U.e ;a.i vt .>*ui.].a a;;i t i-> .k». I There was always tiiis «ase. IlraJ'tv V Ms? j- men wh^n n*ea f :i- '*:/ were* the WCIf at t^e i!»or It r i r.' •. i .\ <y ' ..'. '•l^i t* V. ^ A . i; m;. .j { rtate aad do ai) .he usher tlin cs ihat make tor sanitation and clean! ae>s The drinking cup and tht* roller towel wiU be relegated alter .March 1. else the person who puts oat either will commit a misdemeanor. Rail- roads in Una state which atill main- tain the common drinking cim will be warned ia due time to take it away from the drinktak fountain and drop * It in some creek along the line. The Mr. Heard lives at 2Zt State street, \ o****** *«» eJao he iaatracted to dis- Aibany. hat will remove to Saratoga, t card U **** roJ, * r , * w * i - * * ^ «*• He is a member of the Fort Orange ***** collecta the Attn of partially Country Haas. washed they aid not he led a certain way aad' ESSEX AND CLINTON OUGHT fallow, la this he has* TO IJNITE ON CANDIDATE. ap by Seaator* Choree ' _ of Niagara, and Wasters. Only la This ***y. It is Said Can ! «f Oaoadaga. who is to be charrmma f Hey Hope to Na*»e ths Next of the State committee aa judiciary. J Cof^reesman. although nosing as a casmsaato for the ^ | f | # ^- .^ tk# Uct |kmt chairmanship , mmmf ^ tiri ^ TllTt mp ^ wiUftag to be bill of aarticamrs being desired j 4fmn ^ hy ^ R * * ^ ^ mrtf ^ en foaad that Seaator Jam ' mmMOO g ^ i Mle Cas^reaamaa E. A mrurred disaOeasare whea M€rTitu Jr ^ A^iroadack Record of logrolled his good roads for his A M * Forks advises <on;»t4lne cla^;*. The p*»*i?$oat. , which hate hereioiiire been in the ex- vuipt class, are now made continue in the hope of protecting in their pos- itions th* incumbents. The persons t aCecied are: Chief of hi -* bureau. James A Mackey; deputy chief. John fel Nugent; depoty ia charcr «r the Baffalo ot&ce. Henry P. Jerge; inspec- tors. Thomas Meagher. Lawrence Ly t one. Thomas A. Smith. Gastave Bern- miag. Christopher Piunkett aad Joha (offey; cashiers. ttichsTd U. Arbackie. 'of Keeeevilie. Herman M. Heasbarg. jwuiiam McLaugaito. William T. j after; Boyle, "nail heretofore i »• '• -•: o;. I. '? i .mm . . ± * j>- t: .i i.^y l:a\t Lev a :..-.: ; r a\ .1 A wh.c^fc Mr. K.»n:.. Zi*n v ±± *. : i- i v*ii another piua^tr of lai* i.j ri^.i^g. ** he ti^uli c at that t:n*e grew out of a <iuarr«ri between two natives, uae o.' the natives engaged in the qoarrjrl wa* neHouaJy wounded and fled to tte htils He was absent for several months and then returned stating : that he had been met la the hills by 1 little people about a foot high who ! had instructed him to establish a new 1 religion. He preceded to carry his al- lieged iastractloos into effect ing about him a cos^saarahle tkm of the male More *-K-IU—^ t ^ ^slubac aad a Umited aamher from Palawan These aeoade altimateiy worked tbeaaselvce lata a frenxy aad placed Park A comaetiUve j ^ ^ ^ ^ smong other things to kiU the act of mimww* mi*** <******* ** *** ****• On Jaly 23. l»U. the place of a Mr Tader the law the state health wbtrh ree- mmi {hi the < red Hrfsnaa to -the Rath ; attacked t ptno wife aad One of Them Cost *. | E*tn Air is utir L Sands a j Damages to ;he ai:^ - : j *\ j were awarded yesterday • >^ \\ ' * l^dward Hatch Jr.. of 1-r.- vn u*ij ' ^try in the Newark bra: us ladled States Lastrict < - »ta heard his libel suit aga*n>: h» Vt ark lauly Advertiser Puhr< . ur ca> pany. says the Newark <N ' ' £T» | lag News of December Zl. v r HKH a s k e d $Za.e<«0 d a m a g e s beca .>f Xm editorial ia The Morning St*r onus ing his opposition to the I'a^ic V*- ley trunk sewer beng coiih - M ^ I esaaty lata Near York Bay. Mr. Hatch, who Is a soa o* FA**i mmm Hatch, president of the JLard ^ j K m PU^JJ^ICO. of New Torlu was chairmatof^ This council is good roads district, through Senate aad and would not halt at the word of tary tive the atate was created.'and Loo m the wheel of of Vcsskerx. to the P. A. McAalaff. to the state iptroJlee. tpiae the law to draft a as effective as any letfala- PRISON SUPT. JOHN B. RILEV NO EXEMPTIONS FO« HUNTING AND TRAPPING LICENSES NOW Out »f _»i-«if«r . vrtaim- s *sfg»-j Recitation. Why the Bells for Xmas eompany at the headquarters. j King—Margaret White. —Or Miller 4 n*»w house is pracli- \ Song. Still Holy Night—The German . sally fiaiahed and the family will take ; Classes. I a*aMf**ioa thm week. | Kssay. Tb#* Olcbration of Xwias in ! —Clarence Behan. who has lircti • Other ljindf"— l*n#r Towne. \ in Schenectady for *«>me U^< iui'iun. Poor Santa Clans—Joan County Clerk Roberts Gets Word f^ewi Cowservatssti Commission that ' War Tax Applies to Them. j County Clerk William H. Roberts has received s oommwntcatkMi from the ' t^ouscrvation Commission which is ia eflVct, as follows: | "Becrntly the commission has re- cein*d liuromiw inquiries from differ- Ciiatoa to play together for the natkm." The story reads as follows; "The death of Cotigresamaa Edwin A. Merrtu has ceased the political cauidroa to begin steaming aad from present iadicaUons the kettle" will continue to hot] until an election de- ! cides whicdi county slia:i be entitled f 1 cities. wiu The place recently. FAVORS FARMS AT ALL JAILS. Ore _ _ ^ ^ A eewifMifey ©r Philiav J P°*Miesi cosamHtee of the M dtsimtched to urn Aeeociatioo ef Near Tork. It of trouble aad iafficted aaaiaav i c*§»city he waa active ia oppn»ua; ta the faaatftal. Moroa.(•»«« proioct cm the grouci tasit Voros of the *-t-~* \ ^owld pollute the waters of N< v Tn ~~ of ra- in effect the regulations that are now impos- Recommeads Convict Agricsittura. the later-state railroads by j Road Buitnifig mn* Improvement tene cosnmissioa. Violation of Priaofi BifHOsnaa. be a mlsdesaeanor I The oueratioa of a farm ia ed the I will j Although splttlac plum for the balance of Mer C&5 saeat the faolidaya with his ' MarteJ. , etrt |«aris of the state as to whether ily. ia this place. j Kpcitatioti. A l/#-Mer to SanU t*laus~- ; «** *"* hunting and traawitig lioeases llaxel Sprague. sre exempt from taxat ion under the GREEN STREET. - - 7". XP Cobb aaased Christmas as 1.4 . ;«*;t of his sister Mrs. Stram st - C-ier Rirers spent Christmas as fce . e s t of his daughter. Mrs. Wal- arr ^i«om of Aasable Forks. FTr and Mrs. W. Pattersoa and •V i=w < aarlea. were the tsarist ef Joseph Santo. Vr. ami Mrs JVx Aaw4a hildrea. Mr. aad Mrs. ^e.i:*r and soa Aaathm. Mr aad Mrs. I ail ~.f A -sable Parks, were the their aareata. Mr m • «>Tnergexu-y reretiue law. •Tn«>r date of i>*cember lita. the T*rj'niis?rirjii wrote the attorney gen- Recitation. If Santa Cians was ! Vincent nrowa. : Chorus. When Good Old Chris* O—^„ , Round—Interm^-dtate l>-pnrtmetit. ! rr » l ^ *° r state of New York reuuest- ! Kkerrise. The luiys of the Year—PH- ! il ^f *• oainioa am this matter. ' mary iTiildrea. j *'**» th ^ l^k day of Isecesaber the j stecitation.Tbe Xmas Saints Mistake— ! c^anmiasiaa rec^eived a realy to its let ! Smtm <*in. 1 ter of the l^th. aigaed by Wfll McQaaid «rst , to this i ritt e 'I respite the fact that St. Lam retire County has had two rcprvof utativca {receatiy. Meaara. Malby aad Merritt. I there is li«tie ev^dewce to show that u cares to reliaquish the offioe. Col. 1 W H ikuiiels <J Oaweasbarg. who wss a candidate for the office at the primaries last September, is again { an aspirant for the place. Halbert H. 1 Sevens 4«f Prank»is cuaaty. who was ' «\mo * candidate at th^ September pri- < marten, is being urged to get into the I fight by his friends. Both the above i sv*ntlcman made a good sVr-tiig ia j. ; their tomes been cosabsaed ia o: * | eaadmate. Cesagressnsa MmKt woak. : not have been rei y aaTarwl a strong ia the peraaa of Hem. Joha P m O B n e s mad potstsnel sri is' «-*- Clark public places lisdemeaaor aad covere! ordinance in practkaily ail la-prc the new code will make it a | crime in every district In the state t north of the Bronx Provision i* made . in New York city against netting in public places. The new code does not ooe"%te in the Metropolis, becaase of the character which makes if exempt j from general state Urns. ' fa- Herman M. ntggs. one of *he leading figure*- cf the pablir bea'th couaci!. recer»»y declcrci Uiat the fil- thy practice . f npitting la public plac *« is repprm^ hie more tsu I else for a large majority of canes of t tuberculosis aad throat diseases. He | favored strongly the provision making 1 it a misdemeanor ta spH hi a public place, ' The an jcaamri] are Dr ; Blair. I*\ ffiaaaa Fleaaer aad fir T Mitchell Prodea of the statute: Dr. W. Caertso ef ion with every priaoa of the state, the improvement of the ceil blocks and the reaeraliaatioa of the scheme of road building by convict labor are some of the recommend st lows which will be i^orporated hi thv annwal re- port to the Legislature of State Su^er-. intend ent of Prisons Joha IL Riley. This rcaort which is a careful review of the operations of the yisoas for the past year, will be presented to the !*»-;•"»• «b«tiy »n« u« ^ - ioa veRMONT CHECKE F , ENDS i*t 1'^is opens. \ SoncTinteadeut Riicy will advocate the purchase of farm lands near the ' believed tc hem feet faith hi the religioa: la any event they re- to their hosaes coatent to re- fcdherents of islam. R stay i hare been however, that they engaged j ia another upriaing which exteads to the penal cosoay aad made Ftamegam a j victim. | Dean C. Warreater. formerly ascre- tary of the laterior tenartmect of the rhUippine govrermaeat who is i New York has written the asking for details of Mr. Pttmegaa's i death aad speaking ia terms of high i prr.»«e of ai? service as a teacher. U sri^saidthathewiuioaeaftliabost American teachers am the service. He was abowt 15 Tears of m^. Bay aad endanger the beah denlr of that city. The editorial which form* : int ss Is of the action, ambllahed A^xi&r. ltllw severely critictaed Mr listcth la opposition to ::.- seas The Jary deiiberated thr•• hues tO JUupr tiAi£L:t for farther ihgunt tiona ami laformation on ':.* SOSB of law iaveived. A GEO METHODIST MINISTER P A S S E S A W A Y IN FLOftlM £tid Cosnea for the Rev. S M. E. Cofifcreacg. *v\ The Rev. Sherman M m ^ sny years a leading taeii. ASSEMBLE AT MONTPEUE* I hL £ Coniercace, died in The animal meeting aad tonraameni : u edaeaday. He was h,.- aay thing ^^^i MiMim wriaims to be operated of th * Vermont Stale Checker Club is ' rUi ** Schoharie Co^ ah-- by the coavicts. In discussing his iB ******** *f Moataeiier. with Preai-! **° H * joined the Tr v forthcoming report. Superintendent li4mi u ^ Ho *C of Barlingtoa presid Riley, pointed out last night that the Jn * There are about i# members of cost of potatoes for the prieoas }mmt Lb ^ ^oecker Ciah acatterad throagh- ! year amounted to $2Um. He said • xmt *** » imt * *&d the majority are at (Cowiereace ia 18^(. His l^fcf to at preached trom T : the sawing of it. a. »• n Trsj ids. iff cf. Tn« ". y«s.^ , tiiwiis: pscttr zt <^ stSSCV COUMTV AGP^CUCTUftaL SOCIETV SJEETS AT UVESTPOajT ar a> sg saaa mr damanuR aa aaaww^ sW •^1^^% jp, SssS^, sS^^j^^s^iy 1. - T^ r^^ _ . mat m saw s a l a eases: sTKVON vj -

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^ - JAY. —Robert Taylor is home tor the

CawisUua* vacatiou. He in teaching of 4a\ C. A.. Peultaey, Vermont.

—Miaa Dais* Simpson is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Simp­son.

—The thermometer regiateresl **« Jklow Satvvdsy. t >:

- vuijah Taylor is boms for a vacs-tUiu, l i e is teaching «* Essex.

—wf. C. Straight, of M4*TOt%tr*».N. * } . . J* vmiUpg i'sri Straight.

^ h * £hrwiDuAK exerc ises ai both ^ekucehes were well attended s l thouf h tntv/wftttjtar was Joiner eoid- The

JsUae folks acquitted themselves credtr tsmbj* and a l l eajoyed a Tery pleasant

* •.•mm'sltae Thorns is visiting his par-ants the Rev. laud Mrs. J. T. Thorns.

—Miss Carrie, ttroughtoo is visiting l e r mother. JMrs. Carlos Green.

—Mr and Mrs. William McCarthy l a v e moved' to Rochester where Mr. McCarthy has a position.

—Will Lewis has bought the house and lot owned by Mrs. Juliet Bromley an Peck street.

—The jobbers are rapidly gett ing their wood on the river banks.

—Miss Onlay Simpson is homo from Kew Jersey for Christmas. So i s Ron-! ert Taylor from Pouitney.

—The exercises at the Baptist etturch Christmas night were splen­did. The singing by little Helen t r a i n and Kenneth II* vat on was aim h enjoyed.

Will Janus , tr^iu the weM. is vis-.:.•» old honit At K;:>** James.



i .a :»e s. P.

European War Causa of Transfer ai Valuable Horses to Plantation

on York River, Va-Word has boom received at Glens

Kails that the entire stock of brood mares and colts of the Adirondack Karma located at the old mile track are to be moved to a plantation oa the York rirer Virginia. The reason for this ac t io* la laid spun the extended m inter aaasan of that vicinity. Tht local farm pi l l -be mais lniued aa s sals* , yard* a

v Mr Geldsr s tats* thud the Bvrai^as war was an Important factor ta the decision to tranafer the breeding place to a warmer climate. The true Be I-gian horse, the most popular draft horse In the country at present and a breed which Is fact becoming exter­minated by the war. mast of necessi­ty be raised in America in the future for American e se . They had formerly been imported to this country in large

-numbers from Belgium, a s had also I horses of the Percaeron breed. The

Adirondack Farms possesses about | s ixty Ave brood mares which the new

conditions of aoa-expartatioa raise to a value almost priceless, and thus it was found necessary to incr**"* breed­ing facilities of the farm to aapply the great increase ia the demand for these breeds. In the warmer climate of Virginia the process of breeding can be carried on to much greater advaat* pre. The new farm was chosen only •:!'i~r i-arefu! stu iy «>f the climate, soil :.:i\ i?::t*s <-<>!*,lit K-US, aud Mr


Senator Emerson Has Lets e f Oppo­sition for Leadership of Im­

port ant Committee. Lte*teaant-Goveraor Reward Schoe*

neck will assign the senators of the Senate to the committees says


Familiar Name on Delaware and Hud­son Time Tables ta Disappear Af­

ter First of Year. A. A. Heard, who for the pant ntne

years has been general passenger ageat. and for two* years previously

the Albany Argus. He will appoint J ass i s t s*t p a s e n g ^ agetit for the D. 41 the chairmen of the committees. He ' i f , has tendered W resignation to U a g showed'it doubtless wil l , consult with president the c o m p s n * t b t i l e effect January L

Half-Dosea Almond-Eyed Celestial a Almost Fraass to Death aa Four-

Omy Rail Trip. ' A watchman going through t h ^ B r w

Kaitooed't freight yards in Jersey Ctty ly the athar morniag heard a

In s box car whose


come from Montreal Ms salted f u m e s . Inspector Michael

aro tarn, and Floor Leader H o n R. | After !N>#* Years^uay Mr'Heard will Umly sant thaw opsaad the car. ta Sad ^ w a a j t S | b e , , a # i * * t o r s aa to tw*o ^become sales manager for the dia» f wdthta. Jytns>ba»f frsson on *h» floor. ahasL ha aeaej*e|l l or the higher s M p r t a a t l o a * ' o* *sisk* wStefs for '' the* she Foang Chmmmsmowew r4fa» ;i*

^ j n o M I m p s s ^ ^ a4^u>iraaan were almost sense less other pis^caK hut u* tarn mat ajutaaig.'Witter the* a h p e r v W n of the state re-1 cold and rifcaastlouK although <u big mmi especially where t h e r e is s differ- fceirvet tost comailsstoti. ence of Optoma a s to who shall head K tfj anWuhcement was made ar the this or that committee the lieutenant Albany Graces of the D. A H. as to Mr. governor will decide. * j H e a r d s probable eacceaeor. bat the

The trouble centers around Ihe fight matter will be decided within a day or for the finance committee chairman- j t w o . Mr. H e a r d s chief clerk Is M J. ship. Senator Jim Cmersaa Is t h e } r o w e r s and the duties of the office ranking member and If that was all might expect to bacon ansae time, a s often happened. Bat j predicting his appointment. Senator Jim. though the logical candl-1 The s ta te reservation date never scams to have had a very . *** bad auaerrisioa over the s tate strong barking for the place. He h a s . waters at Saratoga Springs for the friends among the aenators. hat the p * * gve years. Th ewaters are party leader seesas to fear the s tate i* excaileat condition and ready treasury might be removed to t h e . marketing and diatribnUo*. X3d Senate district, comprising t h e ] Mr. Heard waa bora in Paris.

j wOl full upon him temporarily. If not chairman permanently. Mr. Powers' friends are

illk oaa half SUoS wKh ssbslwlches mother m which there Was wat­

er showed that they had not snjrered from hanger or thirst.

One of the Chinese / Tom Chung., said th trim China st Victoria. „ six months ago and had worked their way across Canada. |

At Montreal they found their

District Superintendent 0. A- Wotcett Sands out Appeal to Teachers

Un^r His Cars. District Superintendent of schools

O. A. VYolcoit has mailed s circular letter to Ciiatoa county teacher., call-lag upoa them to secure the co-opera-tkm of their pupils la raising money far the starring Belgians. The letter reads as «*llew»r<;

w Dear TeSeawr.1 * It time la Belgium U eoantry 4hewsamfs of ^httdreo Sr4 atarrmr We. ta oaY heautlftal aoum* try. «s*^rmg the hfssatags Of pshsat wiU gather around ths Uble to oat oar Christmas dinner. In faraway Belgium are hungry, homeless or-

depending upon charity not for the half doaen had landed J Carietmee toys sad pleasure, but for

B. C^ about j food and clothing to keep alive. ' Christmas cannot be happy. VY however, relieve their hunger. great couatry of oars ts givtag

chance to smuggle their way ia to the' oaaly. The Cnited States, by the geav I — u y of Us people to the enfortuaet-





Officials Rel ieve F»otadam Teaoher j Jerry SVad ey, ^ May Have Fal len Viotim t o Pals- j S t f t s Prison.

uiaav Phiitpewoe Fanatica. - J Frcs en The Huremu of lamtlar Affairs a |» T o Jerr> Uradie:

Wasiungtosv said today that U f


expecting hourly detailed advioes apjpleiyil nearly z:> >.*rs 0f to the clrcumataatas la eoanacuoa' tenet In the instiiuhcu. > with the death of John H. Pliuu>4S' tbe IUK« »t svuse of \ S New YorifVttt, school teachcrts/^e|CliriMU4*^'>

was murdered by *" fyXfrm ao UM . *» J Aa IKI of exc« -ut;. araTtnsaa ] land of Palawao Jbsr the KhUlppmajt the pa^t oX i>^wr u : walaeky I December 1. ^ T ^ otiijf lafornialios jej W* U4# lite KA»U

recetred to dale is that cosuaiaed Is 1M following cabJegran^ * Joha H.

murdered Dec. L Abotiaa. la attack on school by ee>

smtails lsckaas. Will details later."

a a . H'^ie-p4iw« at W^iMir \ t » ^ • "mtu* a itie ssav

>^sy»a t

•""•• sua

*u ^ riual

r a i t e d States , a s a Grand Trunk Rail­road brak let them secrete

them he would e s of Europe, i s doing


counties of Warren* Essex and Clin­ton, if Senator Jim was chairman of the fcaance committee.

Senator Whitney, of the Washing­ton Saratoga district, is a candidate w.ih i#rece4ent back of htm. although I.o .* a youcg^r wi*ator tLsn Sage or

l'j:i*t of s e n :«-e iu the e irr u r ^ i «*o** Jo-

^ v>.'."• v ' •<•* ..; ,l:«i >en*

to create world v.4e iaflaeoce than could the

Pier# 15. saoat powerful navy, the largest army. North silver, for $ is a head. | MWIU you no* take part ia this great

The freight car left Montreal mat t movement by asking your children to

at He was grad-

at la Jane. 1SS1. and oa July

IS was apf^lmted teacher ia the Phil* ippinea. He had pacity coatluuoasrjr was recently neat to lake charge of the native school at Aborlaa. oa the Island of Palawan. Palawan Is a Christian district. Mr.

Mrs. J. C

Thongh his nai oi* is . onfo^ j Is freedom for u»i* iifl^ l i f t e _ * .

If he obeys the ias« >f the s t A ^ Bat Bradley d i j w , t avafl v %

oa>portaniiy to inuDediai«lr t h e wal ls of the msmutiua tha:hij

l is home since j ^ y «3 imi \

awai t s him and f>r tas tana 1 AA-*i he partook of a

in the pruK'ii.

It la piaaaed by the pn^m t i e s t o oaslst Bradley in fe^carag^j nioymeat and until he i> krovuai J la this respect he will yr ua>i? a t the priaoa though i.« «:ii ^ t o leave the institution L ^ H e has been IS year* ,r c«r n )|j prison than any other *i*Lu»t«.

France. June vS. i&gc. He first enter-: ed railroad wx at the ago of seven- • teen entering tae omce of the vice-' president of the B. A O. as a c lerk. ' Mr. lUard occui^ed various railroad f

Wedaeaday morning, bat waa held tor more than a day la the Baffalo yards. It was lateasely ca

the Chinamea almost perished Tom Chung had $€S in American

ap bring

r. <;e' •>•« :.r. or L»rev. ,:\4

4^f r&i*u. in . .at*1, i ui ,L- :»; V. A.. '

office*. His tir»t big \»heu he

oppoctuuity was niSde

f thi» Nurth-

money. which he offered to his cap­tors fc»r t h e release of himsc'f aud th** ofL«-rj. Tin y were a.I arrrgteJ.

a little offering to you of peaaiea. nickela or diaaes,

there. * even unued postage atanj J the same oa or before February 1st

to Curtis £ . Jninaa. Ciiatoa county ' treasurer. Plattsburg. K. Y , who has

kifc'Hy consented to reeeive these con-

j at Potsdam. N. T. j J # r r j r J^^^J w a s ^LU ^^ % ,

| At was pointed out at the boxeaa of 4 atate prison for life fur | insular affairs today that there Is n Margaret


utioiis an J furoard them to the

i ii

a* KEZ * L L - Y

• S l V J ^ - 1

v a !i« * p t ! h u p h i s < y

!r. anr!

l tht* \ii^..i.H jjJanta!i»rr to t

A^S w i:t rt* i.iv.v v itl l*e o£t*rc*<l :'*>r >ia:e*.

Apprtixttiiately 1»M> horses wrre pur-cb«^r*i at the Adirondack Farms dur-, ing the past year, the buyers betng , lo^aetl in nearly erery part of ihe <

l i ^ r r

was Utd t;oar4 or the party ma-<hme whuh stood behind him aod pat him o\er Seaator HilL Now. so craxy

} l u i t e d States The returns for these j sxe the tuues, U is the Old Guard who sa les netted the breeders in the neigh- \ cannot see how. that can be done in

* borhood of $>•.***. There is. at pres- Whitney's case, while witling to tr horses


purrhaed with the

i--: . • • • i c i l \ \ ^ r <

ra^*ation with bi»; !»*rT?rs. ^!n* \rtnur A. Truirh iii .

-H^ssald M)u''lntof^h returned to v*liftatielphia Sunday ni^ht after visit* mp h » sister. Miss Marten Macintosh ft*r a few days.

- T h e Rev. Beaton V. Wklkins left t»wn on Monday of this week, for Set Uses. Mass.. where he will visit ent. stall room for about 2*0 Sis T&nily for some d a y s Owing to ' at the mile track, and about 1 ffr. Wtfktns' absence there wiH be n o ' ree of tillable and sOS of pres4*H ng ia the Congregational ' There mre at present ehurrh next Sunday morning. There oa sale at the farms. There were thir-w4Tl he the usual seasioa of the Sun- ' day school and a service ia the even- ' Ms <« that day.

—Mr. and Mrs U E. Boyle, of Xew Tort , hare been in town for some dmyw. They wer#* called here by the seriotm IHneas of their son. Fred, who tecetitiy underwent an operation, at She !CVfgtthorhAA<l House

—Mr: an<f Mrs Abraham Burt have ' "~Amoag those spending the hoii-purchand the property owned by W. «***» eat of town are the teachers, a. KaeJanaltf and taken possessioa of M l » * »*eteraoa who i s nt her home in

) PartehviUe. Miss GUmoar at her home annual Christmas tree and l n Morristown. Of the High school.

srenmpatnying entertainment took f A , i i ^ Cronin at her home in Minerva. the Tillage church on Christ-1 Mary Howard at Alder Brook and Rus-

Kvw Tfc* entertainment consisted **1 *•s^^n«, with relaUvea.

>rt;cr » At IA**

i t ' 3


• -y t

.-; hi

he ! • of

r I Hi: 1

Ii ••••«. 1

, g l l ! IS


:A \*-T «.r;

" fcf

r\ \\"u Alii-} s

«ta*;»'4. elevation U


ty new brood Virginia mod

BLOOM IN GO ALE. -—The thermometer registered 4S

| degrees below aero here last Friday. I — S . W. Barnard i s suffering , a a attack of

r^citafiotifk c i v * *<*ngs. etc^ bv of the Sunday scho>iL and

seTei S o t s of musi • hv the choir. The areef» were heavily laden with g i t * Tor old and young, it was s w ! to l*>

•h—.VoiiJ»sday ••« n i *. Ifcw.i.i^ f l If?^ ! • . « t *p v «••; c Valk ' -VfrkHr

—Orin Plunders, a veteran of the Civil War. died Monday after a brief illness.

—There was s n entertainment given h v the High school in the Town Hail last Wednesday eTeatng. The pro­gram follows: Chorus. Xinas Welcome—High SchooL

Kmersou down aad put Sage, with no experience in the high place.

Whitney aad Emerson have ascer­tained that Senator Browa. while will­ing to ask them to vote for president pro tern., cannot sea his way d e a r to

their advancement ho­of certain political irregularities

ia their conduct daring the past two

Ha.** •.::*;«• *« _i-'.'n P»A>: «*«:/.• r «.:. : l *..i

W.v Ivh'ali ' a n * ila:b«^^1 < .»:;.j>^r.y i^if»»r he was nj**i*» j N ^ u j t r<*nera? passenger agvul *>t the I.ih.ffb Va.tvy.

Mr Heard came ta Albany in JVuJ, being ai»pomted aa«isU,^t general passenger ag<ent of the li. a- H. com-1 pany oa Iiecemher I of that year On February 1. iWu. he v i s made general \ passenger agent of the company, sue-* reeding Joel W. Kardtck. who was ap­pointed pasenger traffic manager. Oa January l . i»i<i. Mr Bardtck

- --

zoJ L ' K : / tARec.i c-;of i r * T ' 0 ^ ' - t l £ D fAZZ C . ^ T i - S .

: i • ,

>~ * '<*• • ' * • . ' ' : . • • " ' • • • . . ~

. . * » : . t " * i . i . At \ u n f ' ' • • • » . - • •

H <«f i -.i«*«. »a an a?:;..s. pi: . . *#.»-«-p r >h!»'..:K njuf;.H .n an a«-|;--«\a]

Kei.ff C4»njimittee? *

^IC<" A. 'LLCKLE TO PHv FIT TK;;>wOH C L V N N S L A T L i T A C r

. . . . * • * . . ' .> . : i i ...i+ y ^ .*^i I Jit- isZ-

• i ~i li<' ^ u . » * « j » i i ? ^ r i - f • v i i ' -

; ,-<. a »:.Hli pra'-iumiiy p*arri» k!l «.»' iin- **.-TO- i f t..»« ht;toitii'l»,it* l»are«u i'.' th»* tivretary vi s t a t e s otTice in the

Saea. h < I i penal colony a t lurahig ahowt IS mi le s ' Stamford. 2S years ±;

from Aborisn, and it is probable that j the c o n v i r u serving there s i tacked the st&ool where Mr. KinnegAn was i n c h i n g . The p^puiailoa of U.c- co-c^iy is upvs^rji v f l x •.« and t - 1 it»eu J.'..«;- liirrv &rtv La**•-:;•* h»'ii'>r \...^*i-<.: r-v.!.* U.e ;a.i vt .>*ui.].a a;;i t i->

. k » .

I There was always tiiis «ase. IlraJ'tv



j -

men wh^n n*ea f :i- ' * : /

were* the WCIf

at t^e i!»or It r

i r.' •.. i

• .\ <y ' . . ' .

' • l ^ i t* V. ^

A . i;

m ; . . j


rtate aad do ai) .he usher tlin cs ihat make tor sanitation and clean! ae>s

The drinking cup and tht* roller towel wiU be relegated a l ter .March 1. else the person who puts oat either will commit a misdemeanor. Rail­roads in Una state which atill main­tain the common drinking cim will be warned ia due t ime to take it away from the drinktak fountain and drop

* It in some creek along the line. The

Mr. Heard l ives at 2Zt State street, \ o****** *«» eJao he iaatracted to dis-Aibany. hat will remove to Saratoga, t c a r d U € * * * * r o J , * r , * w * i - * * ^ « * • He is a member of the Fort Orange ***** collecta the Attn of partially

Country Haas. washed

they aid not

he led a certain way a a d ' ESSEX AND CLINTON OUGHT fallow, la this he has* T O IJNITE ON CANDIDATE. ap by Seaator* Choree ' _ —

of Niagara, and Wasters. Only la This ***y. It is Said Can ! «f Oaoadaga. who is t o be charrmma f Hey Hope to Na*»e ths Next

of the State committee a a judiciary. J Cof^reesman. although nosing a s a casmsaato for the ^ | f | # ^ - . ^ — t k # Uct | k m t

chairmanship , mmmf ^ t i r i ^ T l l T t mp^ wiUftag to be bill of aarticamrs being desired j 4 f m n ^ hy ^ R * * ^ ^ mrtf ^

en foaad that Seaator Jam ' mmMOOg ^ iMle Cas^reaamaa E. A mrurred disaOeasare whea M € r T i t u J r ^ A^iroadack Record of

logrolled his good roads for his A M * Forks advises

< o n ; » t 4 l n e cla^;*. The p*»*i?$oat. , which hate hereioiiire been in the ex-

vuipt class, are now made c o n t i n u e in the hope of protecting in their pos­itions th* incumbents. The persons

t aCecied are: Chief of hi -* bureau. James A Mackey; deputy chief. John fel Nugent; depoty ia charcr «r the Baffalo ot&ce. Henry P. Jerge; inspec­tors. Thomas Meagher. Lawrence Ly

t one. Thomas A. Smith. Gastave Bern-miag. Christopher Piunkett aad Joha (o f fey; cashiers. ttichsTd U. Arbackie.

'o f Keeeevilie. Herman M. Heasbarg. j w u i i a m McLaugaito. William T. j

a f ter ; Boyle, "nail heretofore

i »•

'• -•: o; . I . '? i .mm . . ± * j>-

t: .i i .^y l:a\t Lev a :..-.: ; r a\ .1 A wh.c fc Mr. K.»n:.. Zi*n v ±± *.:i-

i v*ii another piua tr of lai* i.j ri^.i^g. ** he ti^uli c at that t:n*e grew out of a <iuarr«ri between two natives, u a e o.' the natives engaged in the qoarrjrl wa* neHouaJy wounded and fled to t t e htils He was absent for several months and then returned stat ing : that he had been met la the hil ls by 1 little people about a foot high who !

had instructed him to establ ish a new 1 religion. He preceded t o carry his al-l i eged iastract loos into effect

ing about him a cos^saarahle tkm of the male More * - K - I U — ^ t ^ ^slubac aad a Umited aamher from Palawan T h e s e aeoade alt imateiy worked tbeaaselvce la ta a frenxy aad

placed Park A

comaetiUve j ^ ^ ^ ^ s m o n g other things to kiU the act of mimww* mi*** <******* ** *** ****• On Jaly 23.

l » U . the place of a Mr

Tader the law the s tate health

wbtrh ree - • mmi {hi the <

red Hrfsnaa

to - the Rath

; attacked t ptno wife aad

One of Them Cost * . | E*tn Air is u t i r L

S a n d s a

j Damages to ;he a i :^ - : j *\ j were awarded yesterday • >^ \\ '* l^dward Hatch Jr.. of 1-r.- vn u*ij ' ^try in the Newark bra: us

l a d l e d S ta te s Lastrict < - »ta heard his libel suit aga*n>: h» Vt ark lauly Advertiser Puhr< . ur ca> pany. s a y s the Newark <N ' ' £T»

| l ag N e w s of December Zl. v r HKH asked $Za.e<«0 damages beca .>f Xm editorial ia The Morning St*r onus ing his opposition to the I 'a^ic V*-ley trunk s e w e r beng coiih - M ^ I esaaty lata Near York Bay.

Mr. Hatch, who Is a soa o* FA**i

mmm Hatch, president of the JLard ^ j K m

P U ^ J J ^ I C O . of N e w Torlu was chairmatof^

This council i s

• good roads district, through Senate aad and would not halt at the word of

tary tive

the atate w a s created . 'and Loo

m the wheel of

of Vcsskerx. to the P. A. McAalaff.

to the state

iptroJlee. tp iae

the law to draft a as effective as any letfala- PRISON SUPT. JOHN B. RILEV


O u t »f _»i-«if«r . v r t a i m - s *sfg»-j Recitation. Why the Bells for Xmas eompany at the headquarters. j King—Margaret White.

—Or Miller 4 n*»w house is pracli- \ Song. Still Holy Night—The German . sally fiaiahed and the family will take ; Classes. I a*aMf**ioa thm week. | Kssay. Tb#* Olcbrat ion of Xwias in !

—Clarence Behan. who has lircti • Other ljindf"— l*n#r Towne. \ in Schenectady for *«>me U < iui'iun. Poor Santa Clans—Joan

County Clerk Roberts Gets Word f^ewi Cowservatssti Commission that '

War Tax Applies to Them. j County Clerk William H. Roberts has

received s oommwntcatkMi from the ' t^ouscrvation Commission which is ia eflVct, as follows: |

"Becrntly the commission has re-cein*d l iuromiw inquiries from differ-

Ciiatoa to play together for the natkm." The story reads a s follows;

"The death of Cotigresamaa Edwin A. Merrtu has ceased the political cauidroa to begin steaming aad from present iadicaUons the kettle" will continue to hot] until an election d e - !

cides whicdi county slia:i be entitled f

1 cities.

wiu The

place recent ly . FAVORS FARMS AT ALL JAILS.

Ore _ _ ^ ^ A eewifMifey ©r Philiav J P°*Miesi cosamHtee of t h e M dtsimtched t o urn Aeeociatioo e f Near Tork. It

of trouble aad iafficted aaaiaav i c*§»city h e waa act ive i a oppn»ua; ta the faaatftal. M o r o a . ( • » « « proioct cm the grouc i tasit

Voros of t h e *-t-~* \ ^owld pollute the waters of N< v Tn ~~ of ra­

in effect the regulations that are now impos- Recommeads Convict Agricsittura.

the later-state railroads by j Road Buitnifig mn* Improvement t e n e cosnmissioa. Violation of Priaofi BifHOsnaa.

be a mlsdesaeanor I The oueratioa of a farm ia

ed the

I will j Although sp l t t lac

plum for the balance of Mer

C&5 saeat the faolidaya with his ' MarteJ. , etrt |«aris of the state a s to whether ily. ia this place. j Kpcitatioti. A l/#-Mer to S a n U t*laus~- ; «** *"* hunting and traawitig l ioeases

llaxel Sprague. s re exempt from taxat ion under the


- - 7". XP Cobb aaased Christmas a s 1.4 . ;«*;t of his s ister Mrs. Stram s t

- C-ier Rirers spent Christmas as fce . e s t o f his daughter. Mrs. Wal-arr ^ i«om of Aasable Forks.

FTr and Mrs. W. Pattersoa and •V i=w < aarlea. were the tsarist

e f Joseph Santo. Vr. ami Mrs J V x Aaw4a

hildrea. Mr. aad Mrs. ^e.i:*r and soa Aaathm. Mr aad Mrs. I

ail ~.f A -sable Parks, were the their aareata. Mr

j»m— • «>Tnergexu-y reretiue law. •Tn«>r date of i>*cember l i t a . the

T*rj'niis?rirjii wrote the attorney gen-

• Recitation. If Santa Cians was ! Vincent nrowa.

: Chorus. When Good Old Chris* O—^„ , Round—Interm^-dtate l>-pnrtmetit. ! r r » l ^ * ° r state of New York reuuest-

! Kkerrise. The luiys of the Year—PH- ! il^f * • oainioa am this matter. ' mary iTiildrea. j *'**» t h ^ l ^ k day of Isecesaber the j stecitation.Tbe Xmas Saints Mistake— ! c^anmiasiaa rec^eived a realy t o its let ! Smtm <*in. 1 ter of the l^th. aigaed by Wfll

McQaaid «rst

, to this i ritt e

' I respite the fact that St. Lam retire • County has had two rcprvof utativca {receatiy. Meaara. Malby aad Merritt. I there is li«tie ev^dewce to show that

u cares to reliaquish the offioe. Col. 1 W H ikuiiels <J Oaweasbarg. who

w s s a candidate for the office at the primaries last September, is again

{ an aspirant for the place. Halbert H. 1 S e v e n s 4«f Prank»is cuaaty. who was ' «\mo * candidate at th^ September pri-< marten, is being urged to get into the I fight by h is friends. Both the above i sv*ntlcman made a good sVr-t i ig ia

j . ; their tomes been cosabsaed ia o: * | eaadmate. Cesagressnsa M m K t woak. : not have been rei

y aaTarwl a strong ia the peraaa of Hem. Joha P

m O B n e s mad potstsnel sri i s ' « - * -


public places lisdemeaaor aad covere !

ordinance in practkai ly ail la-prc the new code will make it a

| crime in every district In the state t north of the Bronx Provision i* made . in New York city against n e t t i n g in public places. The new code does not ooe"%te in the Metropolis, becaase of the character which makes if exempt

j from general state Urns.

' fa- Herman M. ntggs. one of *he leading figure*- cf the pablir bea'th couaci!. recer»»y dec lcrc i Uiat the fil­thy practice . f npitting la public plac

• *« is repprm^ hie more tsu I e lse for a large majority of canes of t tuberculosis aad throat diseases. He | favored strongly the provision making 1 it a misdemeanor t a spH hi a public place,

' The an jcaamri] are Dr

; Blair. I * \ ffiaaaa Fleaaer aad fir T Mitchell Prodea of the statute: Dr. W. Caertso ef

ion with every priaoa of the s tate , the improvement of the ceil blocks and the reaeraliaatioa of the s c h e m e of road building by convict labor are some of the recommend st lows which will be i^orporated hi thv annwal re­port to the Legislature of State Su^er- . intend ent of Prisons Joha IL Riley. This rcaort which is a careful review of the operations of the y i s o a s for the past year, will be presented to the — — !*»-;•"»• «b«tiy »n« u« ^ - i o a v e R M O N T C H E C K E „ F , E N D S i*t 1'^is opens. \

SoncTinteadeut Riicy will advocate the purchase of farm lands near the '

believed tc h e m feet faith hi the rel igioa: la any event they re-

to their hosaes coatent to re-fcdherents of islam. R stay

i h a r e been however, that they engaged j ia another upriaing which ex teads t o

the penal cosoay aad made Ftamegam a j victim.

| Dean C. Warreater. formerly ascre-tary of the laterior tenartmect of the

• rhUippine govrermaeat w h o i s i N e w York has written the asking for detai ls of Mr. Pttmegaa's

i death aad speaking ia t erms of high i prr.»«e of ai? serv ice a s a teacher. U

s r i ^ s a i d t h a t h e w i u i o a e a f t l i a b o s t American teachers am the service. He was abowt 15 Tears of m^.

Bay aad endanger the beah denlr of that c i ty.

The editorial which form* : int ss Is of the action, ambllahed A^xi&r. l t l lw severe ly critictaed Mr l istcth

la opposition to ::.- seas The Jary deiiberated thr•• hues

tO J U u p r tiAi£L:t

for farther ihgunt tiona ami laformation on ':.* SOSB of law iaveived.


£tid Cosnea for the Rev. S

M. E. Cofifcreacg.

*v\ The Rev. Sherman M

m^ sny years a leading taeii. ASSEMBLE AT M O N T P E U E * I hL £ Coniercace, died in

The animal meet ing aad tonraameni : u edaeaday. He was h,.-aay thing ^ ^ ^ i MiMim wriaims to be operated o f th* Vermont Sta le Checker Club is ' rUi** Schoharie Co^ ah- -

by the coavicts. In discussing h is i B ******** *f Moataeiier. with Preai-! **° H * joined the Tr v forthcoming report. Superintendent li4mi u ^ H o * C of Barlingtoa presid Riley, pointed out last night that the J n * There are about i # members of cost of potatoes for the prieoas }mmt L b ^ ^oecker Ciah acatterad throagh-

! year amounted to $2Um. H e said • x m t *** » i m t * *&d the majority a r e at

(Cowiereace ia 18^(. His

l^fcf to

at • preached trom T : the sawing of it.

a . » •

n Trsj

i d s . iff

cf. Tn«

". y«s.^ , tiiwiis: pscttr

zt <^


ar a> sg saaa mr damanuR aa aaaww^ sW • ^ 1 ^ ^ % jp, SssS^, sS^^j^^s^iy

1. - T^ r^^

_ . mat m saw s a l a eases:


vj -