fashion inspect i e

Lesson Project Teacher: Blaj Alina Simona Highschool: Liceul Tehnologic “Sfântul Ioan de La Salle” Pildeşti Grade: 9-th, lectronic! şi automati"!ri Level: Intermediate Topic: #lothes Unit 7: $ashion Textbook : n%lish &' Lo(e Number of students: )* Time: *+ minutes Type of lesson: Lesson of fiation of no.led%e kills : readin%, .ritin%, s/eain% !aterials: .orsheet, 0lac0oard Techni"ues and methods : con(ersation, indi(idual .or Information a0out the lan%ua%e to 0e used: - (oca0ular': .ords related to clothes #b$ectives of teaching: - to 1uestions related to clothes - to reco%ni"e the main ideas of a tet - to match ne. .ords .ith their definition - to decide if some sentences are true or false - to s/ea a0out their fa(orite item of clothin%  Stages of the lesson activities: tarting the lesson %&'( 2he teacher %reets the students and ass them if an'0od' is missin%3 )* +ormulation of the sub$ect %,'( 2he teacher tells the students that toda' the ' are %oin% to do s/eain%, readin% and .ritin% acti(ities related to clothes and e/lains the main headlines of the lesson3 ))* -ommunication of kno.ledge %&/'( 2he teacher %i(es the students a .orsheet containin% s/eain%, readin% and .ritin% acti(ities related to clothes3 0re1reading %/'( 2speaking activity 2he students ha(e to some 1uestions related to clothes3

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Lesson Project

Teacher: Blaj Alina Simona

Highschool: Liceul Tehnologic “Sfântul Ioan de La Salle” Pildeşti

Grade: 9-th, lectronic! şi automati"!ri

Level: Intermediate

Topic: #lothesUnit 7: $ashion

Textbook : n%lish &' Lo(e

Number of students: )*

Time: *+ minutes

Type of lesson: Lesson of fiation of no.led%e

kills: readin%, .ritin%, s/eain%

!aterials:.orsheet, 0lac0oard

Techni"ues and methods: con(ersation, indi(idual .or 

Information a0out the lan%ua%e to 0e used:- (oca0ular': .ords related to clothes

#b$ectives of teaching:

- to 1uestions related to clothes- to reco%ni"e the main ideas of a tet

- to match ne. .ords .ith their definition

- to decide if some sentences are true or false

- to s/ea a0out their fa(orite item of clothin%

 Stages of the lesson activities:

tarting the lesson %&'(

2he teacher %reets the students and ass them if an'0od' is missin%3

)* +ormulation of the sub$ect %,'(

2he teacher tells the students that toda' the' are %oin% to do s/eain%, readin% and .ritin%

acti(ities related to clothes and e/lains the main headlines of the lesson3

))* -ommunication of kno.ledge %&/'(

2he teacher %i(es the students a .orsheet containin% s/eain%, readin% and .ritin% acti(ities

related to clothes3

0re1reading %/'( 2speaking activity

2he students ha(e to some 1uestions related to clothes3

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3hile1reading %&4'(

After the' ha(e finished ans.erin% the 1uestions the teacher ass them to read the tet 53hat

do your clothes say about you6 and .hile readin% the' ha(e to match the /ara%ra/hs .ith theheadin%s3

)))* +ixation of kno.ledge %4'(


8ctivity & %9'( 2vocabulary activity

2he students ha(e to match some .ords in the tet .ith their definition3

8ctivity , %/'( 2 reading activity

2he students ha(e to read the tet a%ain and to decide if some %i(en statements are true or false3

8ctivity %&/'(1 .riting activity

2he students ha(e to read a tet a0out a fa(orite item of clothin% and tr' to descri0e it usin% thehel/in% 1uestions3 After the' ha(e finished .ritin% their tet the teacher ass them to read .hat

the' ha(e .ritten3

)* etting home.ork %&'(

As home.or the students ha(e to descri0e another item that the' lie3

* ;nding the lesson %&'(

2he teacher a//reciates the students4 /erformance 0' encoura%in%, /raisin% and %i(in% themmars3


3hile1reading activity:

5ead the tet and match the headin%s 81< to the /ara%ra/hs &1= and then %i(e ans.ers to these


A3 6o. does fashion chan%e7

B3 8ho decides .hat .e .ear7

#3 6o. do clothes define /eo/le73 8hat is fashion7

 8ctivity &1 ocabulary activity

$ind these .ords in the tet and match them to their definition: skinheads, stereotype, piercing,

rebel, conformist, hippy, consumerism, individualism, designer label, statement 

a someone .ho o//oses or fi%hts a%ainst /eo/le in authorit'

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 0 a desire to /urchase %oods in %reat amountsc a hole made throu%h /art of 'our 0od' so that 'ou can /ut je.eller' there

d a /erson that thins and 0eha(es lie e(er'one else

e a 'oun% /erson .ho has hair that is cut (er' shortf clothes made 0' fashiona0le com/anies

% a 0elief or idea of .hat a /articular t'/e of /erson or thin% is lie

h the 0elief that the ri%hts and freedom of indi(idual /eo/le are the most im/ortant ri%hts in

a societ'i someone .ho o//osed (iolence /eacefull' and often .ore unusual clothes and had lon%


 j to let /eo/le no. 'our intentions or o/inions a 0elief or idea of .hat a /articular t'/e of /erson or thin% is lie

8ctivity ,1 >eading activity

5ead the tet a%ain and decide if these statements are true or false:

;3 Peo/le4s clothes %i(e us a lot of information a0out them3)3 #lothes sho. .hat social %rou/ 'ou 0elon% to3

<3 Po/ stars are the onl' influence on fashion3

=3 In the ;99+ there .as a hi//' re(i(al3*3 Peo/le in the fashion 0usiness chan%e st'les to mae mone'3

8ctivity 1 3riting activity

>ead this paragraph about a favorite item of clothing:

&' fa(orite item of clothin% is a /air of 0oots3 2he' are li%ht 0ro.n casual 0oots3 2he' are a 0it

dirt' and .orn 0ut I reall' lie them3 I 0ou%ht them from >$eet4, a shoe sho/ in 5ichmond near

London3 I 0ou%ht them last 'ear and I /aid ?;++ - a lot of mone'3 I lie them 0ecause the' are

(er' comforta0le and are still 1uite fashiona0le3

 @o. .rite a similar /ara%ra/h a0out 'our fa(orite item of clothin%3 Include this information:8hat is it7

8hat is it lie7

8here did 'ou 0u' it78hen did 'ou 0u' it7

6o. much did 'ou /a'7

8h' do 'ou lie it7

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