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India’s First HR Company Listed on NSE - Emerge FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)on ApHusys

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India’s First HR Company Listed on NSE - Emerge

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)on ApHusys

Page 2: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)on ApHusys · FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)on ApHusys . Table of Contents A. General FAQs B. Security C. Dashboard FAQs D. Communication FAQs E

Table of Contents

A. General FAQs

B. Security

C. Dashboard FAQs

D. Communication FAQs

E. Employee Data Management FAQs

F. Attendance Management FAQs

G. Expense and Claim Management FAQs

H. Leave Management FAQs

I. Payroll Management FAQs

J. Recruitment FAQs

J. Training FAQs

K. Configuration FAQs


Page 3: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)on ApHusys · FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)on ApHusys . Table of Contents A. General FAQs B. Security C. Dashboard FAQs D. Communication FAQs E

A. General FAQs

1. What is ApHusys Cloud HR Platform 2018?

ApHusys is an easy to use application for HR capital management. It provides the customers highly adaptable, accessible, configurable, and reliable applications to manage HR information system and that would reduce the time and effort required for the HR functions of an organization.

2. How is ApHusys offered/available?

ApHusys is a cloud-based technology offering. It is available on subscription basis.

3. What is ApHusys Setup and configuration? (or)What is my URL?

• Firstly, based on the modules subscription, an appropriate instance is created with Unique URL. URL defined will be always company specific and unique, by default it will be followed by aphusys.com

• ApHusys configuration comprises of setting up company specific information such as company name, address, organization structure (salary, leave), statutory information.

• Only upon completion of configuration, the application is ready for going live (after uploading relevant data.

4. What are the possibilities available to address the login ID?

We don’t have any restriction in addressing the login ID’s, it may be employee code, employee name, work email or it may be anything, but it should be unique to all the employees in the organization.

5. What all the ways HR can share the login credentials/password to the employees?

HR can share the login credentials/password to employee in two ways:

1. He/she can share the Reset password link to employee registered email id in the application, from there employee can access the link and change the password.

2. Can also manually change the employee ApHusys password and share it with employee.

6. What is the process to be followed by the HR/ employee/ Reporting mangerto change the password?

Login into ApHusys with the shared/received login credentials.Follow the below path to change the password, Login into ApHusys.


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• Click on the dropdown under your name displayed on the top right-side, Preferences ->

Change Password • Provide your new password and then click on “Change Password” to create your new


B. Security

1. What kind of security is provided in ApHusys?

• ApHusys is hosted on secured site (SSL certificate) and hosted on a well-known cloud provider

• Access to application is governed by user roles and privileges defined. We have an option to decide upon privileges for every user.

• Roles are configured at the database level and hence there is immunity to hackers.

2. What kind of server level security is provided in ApHusys?

• The access to the server is through a pem (RSA algorithm) file which is impossible to crack.

• Even in the server, only the port 80 is accessible to the external world. The other ports like the ones used for database are not accessible to the external world. Hence the only way in which someone can access the data is through the application.

• The admin access to the server is restricted to maintenance activities. Prevention of SQL injection: ApHusys uses an ORM model in Python. Raw SQL is not used anywhere in the software. Thus, there is no chance for SQL injection.

• Prevention of Phishing: We don't allow cross origin connections for HR admin role. For HR admin role, in the advanced security mode we disallow access from new machines unless qualified by a random set of security questions

• Prevention of DDOS: AWS our cloud provider disallows DDOs. We also make sure that any slow query is terminated within 1 second. We also control the number of connections that a single user can make to the system.

3. How is the employee information and any other confidential information secured?

• Access to application is governed by user roles and privileges defined. • Users can download only the data visible to them.


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C. Dashboard FAQs

1. What are the reports that we can get displayed in Reports?

The following are few reports that can be displayed in the respective dashboard (based on roles defined)

• Attendance Analysis • Leave Analysis • Appraisal Analysis • Pay slip Analysis • Probation List • Employee Detail Report • Current Month Exits • Recent Joinees • Holidays • Department wise Leaves • Company Policy • Upcoming Birthdays • Upcoming Work Anniversaries • Employees on Leave • Leave History • Leaves Taken

2. What can we find on our Dashboard? How can we customize it?

• By default, you will be having Calendar, Alerts & Notifications and News feed i.e. Inbox in your dashboard

• Users have an option to personalize their dashboard as per their requirement. • Based upon your role (Employee/Reporting Manager/HR/CEO) in the company, you can

design and decide upon the details that will be important for you to be displayed, as a part of your dashboard and analyse them.

• All the ApHusys users can view the available reports under each module or analysis and get it displayed in their respective dashboard by clicking on ‘Add to dashboard’ option available in the Advance Search dropdown in the Search tab on the top right of each report/analysis.


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D. Communication FAQs

1. How can we communicate with the other employees through ApHusys?

Employee can interact and chat with the other employee using Instant Messaging feature.

2. What can I find under Messaging module?

These menu items are used to communicate with rest of the organization. One can send messages to other members, groups, private groups and receive mails. One can have option to copy the messages in email as well.

Inbox:The messages received from others are maintained in inbox and are displayed to the user in the order of the time (latest first). One can reply to the mails received or can mark as “To do” or as Done status.

To me:This will maintain and display the messages received only for you.

Archive:This will maintain and display archived messages.

3. What is the sub menu item My Calendar/Organizer?

This allows you to mark your tasks or meetings and it also displays organizer entries of your team.

4. What is the sub menu item ‘My Groups”?

This allows to define your private groups and join other groups. You can also check the same in your groups mail boxes for any further action.

E. Employee Management FAQs

1. What all information is gathered and maintained about employee in the application?

• The information comprises of Employment information (ID, Name, Location, Photo, Designation, Responsibilities, Job details),

• Personal information (Contact information, Hobbies, Languages known, Health Information, Birth details, Marital status, Family details, Memberships),

• Financial details (Salary Structure, Banks Accounts details, Identifications details, PPF/PF/ESI details, Passport details, Insurance details).


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• Educational details, skills, previous job experience, Achievements, Facility to add

scanned copy of Employee documents such as passport, visa, driving license, PAN card, Aadhar card, Technician certificate to online Employee file

• Facility to define expiry date details for documents such as Passport, Insurance, etc. • Facility to define employee type, nominee details (statutory information), operations

data such as work schedule, leave structure, pay structure, employment history from joining to separation like salary changes, relieving documents, etc. i.e. the progression details.

2. What will happen to the exit employee record after his/her exit?

ApHusys maintains employee records of both active and inactive (exit) employees.One can even attach the exit formalities documents to the exit employee record for reference.

3. How can we restrict the user Login into the application?

Disable the “Sign in Allowed” option.

F. Attendance Management FAQs

1. How can I mark my attendance in ApHusys?

Employees can login into their respective ApHusys logins and mark the attendance by a click on the attendance Icon which is available on the top right side.

Click on the available icon to Sign in and re click on the same icon at end of the day to Sign out.

2. How HR/User can view/track attendance records of all the individual employees in ApHusys?(or)

Can HR see all the individual employee attendance records in the application?

HR role or employee can view/track the attendance by following the below steps:

• Select HRIS -> Attendance click on Punch In & out • To view the complete records, remove the today flag from search box

3. How can we view “Punch in and Punch out” locationinformation of an employee?

A HR User can view the “Punch in and Punch out”location of an employee by following the below path:


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• HRIS -> Attendance -> Punch In & Out, click open the respective record->Location

information. • Longitude and latitude of location is also shown in the information.

4. What is the solution if we miss the sign in and sign out?Do the employees get any

intimation if they miss their sign in?

We do have an option to create the sign in and sign out for the missed ones. One need to approach the HR for missing sign in and sign out. Yes, they do get the mail notification/intimation to respective employee, in case if they miss the sign in and sign out for the respective day.

We can even configure the duration of time for which the employee needs to get an intimation after missing the sign in for the day.

5. Do we have an Option to Push the monthly data related to leave/ work from home /

official travel / onsite worketc. in to the application.

Yes, this can push the data by using the export & import option, before that we need to analyze their data & same need to be configure in our ApHusys.

6. How the attendance data is imported from the bio metric system to ApHusys?

If biometric system provides for API, ApHusys can be integrated for receiving employee swipe details from biometric system.

Otherwise one can pull out swipe log from biometric system and import the same in to ApHusys at predefined intervals.

Over and above this there is a facility for HR to make waivers, exceptions if any.

G. Expense and Claim Management FAQs

1. How can I raise my expense request? Do I have any option of attaching the scan copy of receipts/bills?

You can raise your daily/weekly/monthly expenses and reimbursements. After creating the expense, upon saving it, can attach the bill/receipt.

2. Can HR apply to the loan on behalf of any employee?

Yes, HR can apply the loan on behalf of any employee. 8

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3. In the absence of reporting manger, can the HR manger can approve the expenses and


No, it is not done. Once after approval from the reporting manger, then only HR can view the expenses from his login.

H. Leave Management FAQs

1. How a HR role User can check the Employee leave balance?

A HR role user can check the leave balance of all the employees by following the below steps:

• Select HRIS -> Leave Management ->Leave Balance.

2. Without any interpretation can we forward the leaves from probation to confirmed structure?

By using same leave rules in the both the structures, we can carry forward the leaves.

3. How we can assign the rights to approve the leaves/loans to any employee?

Follow the path,

• Settings -> Groups -> Users -> Select respective user record • Enable the check box 'Reporting Manager' (under Access Rights -> Human Resources))

I. Payroll Management FAQs

1. What are the payroll reports that HR can generate from ApHusys?

A HR role person can access the following reports after processing the payroll for a specific month:

Pay sheet - Summary of the processed payroll details of all the employees in that month.

Salary Reconciliation Report - Comparison of employee/s payroll details in two months and Comparison of employee/s standard payroll details with their earned payroll details in a month.

Statutory Reports - Monthly statutory reports like PF monthly report, Professional tax monthly report, ESI Monthly Report….


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Bank Advice - Bank advice report with employee bank account details and months disbursement amounts, to be submitted at bank for employee salary disbursement

Salary Analysis Report - To generate and access the processed pay components/calculations of employees

Pay slip Component Report - To pull the required salary details and pay components of all employees/selected employees.

YTD Salary Component & YTD Employee Salaries - To Generate & Download Yearly Salary Components

Follow the below path to access the above reports

Reports -> Payroll -> Click and generate the required report

J. Recruitment FAQs

1. How can HR role user track respective applicant resumes & documents?

A user can track the profiles and resumes of all applicants by following the below steps:

• Select HR Core -> Recruitment -> Applicant Management • Click on the required candidate and select the Documents (on the right side of the form)

2. What are the Recruitment reports that can be generated through ApHusys?

You can generate, analyse, and manage the complete recruitment details using the below reports:

Recruitment Analysis – To analyse the status of each job position with number

of candidates at each recruitment stage.

Recruitment Status – To analyse the complete recruitment activities with status of each candidate.

Job Position Status – To analyse the status of each job position along with the supporting figures.

Client Status Report – To analyse the status of the job positions of each client.


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Job Closure Status – To analyse the statistics of the job positions closed and turnaround time for the job position to be closed.

Recruiter Productivity – To analyse the turnaround time for each job position taken by the recruiter to close along with the supporting figures.

` Follow the below process to access the recruitment reports:

• Select Reports -> Recruitment • Upon clicking the required reports like Recruitment analysis, Job position status etc., will

show the reports in a graphical representation.

K. Configuration FAQs 1. How can we provide a manager privilege to any Employees?

A user with HR role privileges can assign themanagerprivileges to any employees by following the below steps:

• Select Settings -> Groups -> Users • Click on respective Employee record and click on Edit • Click on the check box on theManagerin the Human Resourcesand click on Save.

2. How can we provide a reporting manager privilege to any Employees? A user with HR role privileges can assign thereporting managerprivilege to any employees by following the below steps:

• Select Settings -> Groups -> Users • Click on respective Employee record and click on Edit • Click on the check box on the reporting manager in the Human Resources and click on



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