fàa xwãtÜw

St. Edward Elementary School 2336202 Aaron Becker, Principal Bl. Maria Assunta Pallotta Middle School 2326592 Aaron Becker, Principal Columbus Catholic High School 2333358 Tom Novotney, interim principal Blessed Sacrament Early Childhood 2366131 Carley Epling, Director Waterloo Faith Formation Office 2330498 www.waterloocatholics.org Jacob Rosswurm Pastoral Council Chair 2393220 Chris Starbuck Finance Chair 2692929 Jim Thielen CVCS Parish Board Representative 4931313 Al Schott Prayer Chain online at www.sted.org/prayerrequests Mass Schedule Saturday 5:15pm Sunday 8:00am, 10:30am Weekdays See Inside Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at 4:00pm Upon request immediately following weekday Masses. Excludes school Masses. Sacrament of Baptism Register online at https:// waterloocatholics.org/baptism registration Sacrament of Matrimony Arrangements should ideally be made six months in advance. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Individual celebration upon request. S L Pastoral Care of Sick & Homebound: Please call the Parish Center office or visit www.sted.org/membercare Membership & Registration: Please register at www.sted.org/joinus or request an appointment to visit the Parish Center office. Cedar Valley Perpetual Adoration: Contact [email protected] Archdiocese of Dubuque: www.dbqarch.org S, O 10, 2021 fàA XwãtÜw P ARISH 1423 Kimball Ave. Waterloo, Iowa 50702 (319) 2338060 | www.sted.org | The mission of St. Edward Parish is to be an evangelizing community by faith, with love, in hope. Parish Center 3192338060 Parish Staff Rev. Scott Bullock Pastor Toni PintBurke Business Manager Joan Dalan Coordinator of Parish Outreach Brad Kneeland Deacon Tom Lang Deacon Carmen Lappe Administrative Assistant Ray Larsen Deacon Steve Lathrop Maintenance Rick Lynch Deacon Anastasia Nicklaus Coordinator of Liturgy & Music Jannette Serafin Bookkeeper

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St. Edward Elementary School 233�6202�

� Aaron Becker, Principal�

Bl. Maria Assunta Pallotta Middle School � 232�6592�

� Aaron Becker, Principal�

Columbus Catholic High School 233�3358�

� Tom Novotney, interim principal�

Blessed Sacrament Early Childhood 236�6131

� Carley Epling, Director�

Waterloo Faith Formation Office 233�0498

� www.waterloocatholics.org�

� Jacob Rosswurm�

Pastoral Council Chair 239�3220�

� Chris Starbuck �

Finance Chair 269�2929�

� Jim Thielen� �

CVCS Parish Board Representative 493�1313�

� Al Schott � �

Prayer Chain online at www.sted.org/prayer�requests�

Mass Schedule�

Saturday� 5:15pm�

Sunday� � 8:00am, 10:30am�

Weekdays � See Inside�

Sacrament of Reconciliation�

Saturday at 4:00pm�

Upon request immediately following

weekday Masses. Excludes school


Sacrament of Baptism�

Register online at https://


registration �

Sacrament of Matrimony�

� Arrangements should ideally be made

� six �months in advance.� �


Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick�

� Individual celebration upon request.�

S � � � � � � � � � L � � �

Pastoral Care of Sick & Homebound: Please call the Parish Center office�

or visit www.sted.org/member�care�

Membership & Registration: Please register at www.sted.org/join�us or �

request an appointment to visit the Parish Center office.�

Cedar Valley Perpetual Adoration: Contact [email protected]

Archdiocese of Dubuque: www.dbqarch.org�

S�����, O�� �� 10, 2021�

fàA XwãtÜw P AR I SH

1423 Kimball Ave. Waterloo, Iowa 50702�

(319) 233�8060 � | � www.sted.org �� | �

The mission of St. Edward Parish is to be �

an evangelizing community by faith, with love, in hope.�

�Parish Center� �� � � 319�233�8060�

Parish Staff�

Rev. Scott Bullock� � Pastor�

Toni Pint�Burke� � � Business Manager�

Joan Dalan� �� � � Coordinator of Parish Outreach�

Brad Kneeland� � � � Deacon�

Tom Lang�� � � � � � Deacon�

Carmen Lappe� � � � Administrative Assistant�

Ray Larsen� � � � � � Deacon�

Steve Lathrop� � � � Maintenance�

Rick Lynch� � � � � � Deacon�

Anastasia Nicklaus�� Coordinator of Liturgy & Music�

Jannette Serafin� � � Bookkeeper�

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From the Pastor�

�� Open Wide the Doors to Christ�Another hard

week of work on our project to provide a safer,

more accessible entry into the main vestibule of

our church!� You can see the vision now coming

into focus, with the raised level of the property in

front of the church.� More progress has been made

with the trenching and laying of underground �

piping to direct storm water from the downspouts

from the church and parish center, as well as water

off the ground into new intakes, into the city’s

storm water system intake at the northeast corner

of Miller Park.���

�� Entry into the church�most are now entering

the church for Masses at the Mitchell Avenue �

entry. We are reserving the very few parking �

spaces on the elevator side of the church that are

currently usable for persons who absolutely need

them for weekend Masses.� Thank you for your �

understanding and kindness in walking a little �

further from our large parking lot so that those

who cannot may attend Mass! Another courtesy

would be, after arriving at the Mitchell Avenue �

entrance to choose a seat on the far side of the

church, on the “St. Mary” side.� This way, folks

who arrive near the beginning of Mass can find a

seat more easily. This seems to me to be a �

concrete way to live Jesus’ own gospel command

to reward even those who arrive later to the feast

of the Eucharist with a place of ease (see Matthew

20:1�16). �

� � � � � � � � � � � � �

� � � � � � � � � � � � � Continued, top of next page�

As God has blessed each of us with a mercy and �

generosity beyond human logic and �

understanding, let’s all take the lower and less

convenient seat and practice the generous love

that our Lord teaches us.� We’ll be a better parish

family as a result!�

�� Last week, I invited us to use St. John Paul II’s

prayer for families and married persons. Here’s

the text of that prayer�maybe continue to use it

for married couples and families you know are in

a particular need at this time:�

Prayer for Marriage and Family�

St. John Paul II�

Lord God, from you every family in heaven

and on earth takes its name.�Father, you are

Love and Life.�Through your Son, Jesus

Christ, born of woman, and through the Holy

Spirit, fountain of divine charity, grant that

every family on earth may become for each

successive generation a true shrine of life and

love.�Grant that your grace may guide the

thoughts and actions of husbands and wives

for the good of their families and of all the

families in the world.�Grant that the young

may find in the family solid support for their

human dignity and for their growth in truth

and love.�Grant that love, strengthened by the

grace of the sacrament of marriage, may prove

mightier than all the weakness and trials

through which our families sometimes pass.��

Through the intercession of the Holy Family

of Nazareth, grant that the Church may �

fruitfully carry out her worldwide mission in

the family and through the family.� Through

Christ our Lord, who is the Way, the Truth

and the Life for ever and ever.� Amen.�

�� When I was a small boy, my parents decided to

add a room on the house. (Maybe it was because

of my arrival as the youngest that we needed more

space!) The cost of the addition meant that we’d

have to do without some other perks for a while�

but we sure enjoyed what we then called “the �

living room”�and there was lots of living in that

room!� As a parish family, we’re also in the �

process of improving our parish facilities to give

to present and future generations an improved and

more functional, safer, and more accessible

church. Since this is a choice that we needed to

make together, I ask every family to consider how

you can give to support this work of your parish �

family.� It is clear that it will take a sacrifice�but

that’s what our ancestors did for us and�that’s

what Christians do for one another.� Whatever the

size of your sacrificial gift�it is needed and �

appreciated!�� � � � �

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Fr. Scott Bullock�

Mass Intentions�

Monday, October 11�St. John XXIII�

Rom 1:1�7 / LK 11:29�32�

7:30am � Deceased members of the Kaufman family �

Tuesday, October 12�Weekday�

Rom 1:16�25 / Lk 11:37�41�

7:30am �� Craig Scarbrough†

Wednesday, October 13�St. Edward�

Rom 2:1�11 / Lk 11:42�46�

5:30pm �� Claude LaFlamme†

Thursday, October 14�St. Callistus I�

Rom 3:21�30 / Lk 11:47�54�

9:00am �� Larry Martin�

Friday, October 15�St. Teresa of Avila�

Rom 4:1�8 / Lk 12:1�7�

7:30am� �Don Cunningham†

� ��

Saturday, October 16�St. Margaret Mary Alacoque �

Rom 4:13, 16�18 / Lk 12:8�12�

5:15pm � � Joyce Runde†

Sunday, October 17�Twenty�ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time�

Is 53:10�11 / Heb 4:14�16 / Mk 10:35�45�

8:00am� �Jim Gallery†

10:30am �People of the Parish �

Page 3: fàA XwãtÜw

B� F����, W��� L�"�, I� H�$�.�


The officers of the Sullivan Brothers Council

#16881 of St. Edward Church will gather �

Tuesday, October 12 at 6:30 in the St. Francis

room. �



11. 6:30�8:30pm.�Live Video Discussion.� This �

preparation program is for first�time parents in the

Waterloo parishes who are planning to baptize an �

infant or young child in the near future.�

•�Register online at�https://waterloocatholics.org/


• Learn more about baptizing infants and children

at: �bit.do/infant�baptism�


A Faithful Companions small group for men is �

forming for this fall.� This group will meet weekly

online to examine how they experience God's �

presence and challenges in daily life.� For information

contact Dave Cushing at�[email protected].�

• Learn more about Faithful Companions


�� Indicate your interest in joining a Faithful �

Companions group at��



• Lectio Divina �� Thursday evenings at 7:00pm. For

registration and more information, email �

[email protected].�

• Centering Prayer �� These 30 and 20�minute sessions

are led by members of Contemplative Outreach of

Northeast Iowa Monday nights at 6:00pm; Tuesday

and Thursday mornings at 8:30am and Sunday �

afternoons at 3:30pm. For information contact Julie

Rowell at�[email protected]


Whether it's a desire to deepen your prayer life, �

connect more deeply to a faith community, discover

your spirituality, or identify areas of the Catholic faith

you'd like to understand better, let's talk about

what�you�might be looking for. Contact the Faith �

Formation office at 319�233�0498 to set up an �

appointment or email�[email protected].�

• Learn more at:�https://waterloocatholics.org/spiritual



Saturday, October 16: Come support the high

school youth from the Waterloo parishes who are

heading to the National Catholic

Youth Conference in November.

Spaghetti, meatballs, and garlic

bread are on the menu. Dinner is

served from 5pm�7:30pm in the �

cafeteria at Columbus Catholic High

School. Please enter through Door

21. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for ages 6�12 and 5 and

under are free. Dine in or take out! There will also be

a free will donation bake sale.�


�� Jill Smith, sister of Craig Engstrom�

�� Alan Gruber, brother of Bev Lanigan�

�� Gaylord Armstrong, father of Lisa O’Neill�

Page 4: fàA XwãtÜw

T�� M�''��� �( S�. E�*��� C���� I' T� B� A� E"��-�.�/��- C�00������


St. Edward day is October 13! To �

celebrate our patron’s feast day, why not

revisit our novena, which we originally

prayed together last year to celebrate our

parish’s 75th jubilee. Visit

www.sted.org/about�us to find novena

reflections on our YouTube channel.�

St. Edward, pray for us!�



The�theme for our Cedar Valley Catholic Schools this

year is:��God's Work. Our Hands.�Our parish was

asked to provide homemade breads and jams for a

back�to�school gathering of our CVCS teachers and

staff on their first day. We reached out to several of

our parish "bakers" with a request to assist, and you

promptly responded!� We received a note of �

appreciation for "using your hands to create �

homemade breads (and jams)...making this day �

special for them."�



(tentative) TIMELINE & UPDATES�

Watch for: �

�� Parking available only in the lot, except those

who need to use the elevator for weekend Masses�

�� Main entrance restrooms not available; use upper

and lower elevator entrance restrooms�

�� Tiling south of Parish Center and across from the

Parish Center to the church�

�� Driveway around the New Life Center closed to

traffic until patched�

�� Wrapping of scaffolding around the organ begins�

�� Exterior work on the west side of the church �

� � continues�

�� Removal of exterior doors and start stoop footings�

Please follow traffic signs!�

Stay tuned to the bulletin, �

website, and social media �

for construction updates and photos!�



Survivor of 1994 Rwanda Genocide and best selling

author of "Left to Tell" Immaculee Ilibagiza will host

a retreat at Resurrection Church on

Friday, Nov 5th from 5�9pm, and

Saturday, Nov 6th from 9am�

12:30pm. To register for this retreat,

go to Immaculee.com/Collections/

Retreats and click on “Dubuque, IA



Blessed Sacrament in Waterloo and St. Elizabeth Ann

Seton in Hiawatha are teaming up to host Alpha! �

Sessions will be Mondays,�beginning tomorrow, �

October 11 and running through December 13 from

6:00pm�7:30pm via Zoom. Alpha is an enrichment

opportunity intended to develop a deeper relationship

with Jesus Christ and the Christian faith community.

It is a place where questions build community. Alpha

consists of 11 weekly sessions and a retreat day.

Online sessions will include a short video and small

group discussion. For more information and to �

register online, visit waterloocatholics.org/alpha�


Page 5: fàA XwãtÜw

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