everyone welcome family quiz...jimmy durante kim suon-grant complementary therapist tel: 01787...

Items for inclusion in The Worm must be with the editor by the third Thursday of the previous month. Post: The Worm, c/o The Worm Box, The Village Shop, Church Road, Wormingford, Essex CO6 3AD Email: [email protected] No: 589 March 2018 Kindly sponsored by CSH Environmental Thanks to Nick Miller for the Masthead Recreation Trust 100 Club WINNER The Recreation Trust are pleased to announce that the February winner of their monthly 100 Club Draw is: Number 77: Penny Beavis All profits go to improving our facilities in and around the Village Hall and surrounding play area. Many thanks for your continued support. If you dont yet have a number, please visit Heather at the village shop where we have a few available. Litter Picking Morning Please come and help tidy up your village Saturday 3 rd March @ 10am Meeting in the Village Hall Car Park Everyone Welcome Weather PermittingPlease contact the Parish Clerk so we can get an idea of numbers: [email protected] Good news, Kessy is alive and well! f a m i l y q u i z Wormingford Village Hall Friday 9th March - 7.30pm Rounds include Music; Sport; True or False; Missing Vowels etc Licensed Bar & Snacks Teams of 4 (ish) - if you havent got a team, well make one up on the night! All proceeds in aid of Wormingford Recreation Trust C o f f e e M o r n i n g Saturday 24th March - see inside for full details

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Page 1: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!

Items for inclusion in The Worm must be with the editor by the third Thursday of the previous month. Post: The Worm, c/o The Worm Box, The Village Shop, Church Road, Wormingford, Essex CO6 3AD Email: [email protected]

No: 589 March 2018 Kindly sponsored by CSH Environmental

Thanks to Nick Miller for the Masthead

Recreation Trust 100 Club WINNER The Recreation Trust are pleased to announce that the February winner of their monthly 100

Club Draw is: Number 77: Penny Beavis

All profits go to improving our facilities in and around the

Village Hall and surrounding play area. Many thanks for

your continued support. If you don’t yet have a number, please visit Heather at the village shop where

we have a few available.

Litter Picking Morning

Please come and help tidy up your village Saturday 3rd March @ 10am

Meeting in the Village Hall Car Park Everyone Welcome

‘Weather Permitting’

Please contact the Parish Clerk so we can get an idea of numbers:

[email protected]

Good news,

Kessy is alive and


family quiz Wormingford Village Hall Friday 9th March - 7.30pm

Rounds include Music; Sport; True or False; Missing Vowels etc

Licensed Bar & Snacks

Teams of 4 (ish) - if you haven’t got a team, we’ll make one up on the night!

All proceeds in aid of Wormingford Recreation Trust

Coffee Morning Saturday 24th March - see inside for full details

Page 2: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!

ESSEX POLICE Neighbourhood Policing Team

PC Dave Underwood/PC Angie Pearson

Tel: 101 option:1 option: 3 In an emergency always dial 999

In accordance with the recommendations of the Rural Communities Council of Essex no responsibility for the information given or the views expressed in The Worm by contributors can be accepted by the editorial team, Parish Council, Parochial Church Council or Recreation Trust neither can any culpability be accepted in work undertak-en by advertisers.

Wormingford Weather

Rainfall for January 2017 1.99 inches Rainfall for January 2018 1.97 inches

Thanks to John Jackson for the weather

Coffee Morning @ Wormingford Village Hall

Saturday 24th March 10am to 12.30pm

Bacon Rolls,

Sausage Sandwiches, Homemade Cakes,

Tea, Coffee & Squash

Children’s Activity Table All proceeds in aid of

Wormingford Recreation Trust

Philosophers of the 20th Century Wood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it

yourself! Harrison Ford

Hollywood must be the only place on earth where you can be fired by a man wearing a Hawaiian shirt and a

baseball cap! Steve Martin

Having more money doesn’t make you happier. I have 50 million dollars and I was just as happy when I only

had 48 million! Arnold Schwarzenegger

Wormingford Flower Festival “Bric-a-Brac Stall”

It is that time of year again.

Are you having a spring clean or clear out?

I am looking for Bric-a-Brac for the stall at our Flower Festival at the end of May. I am happy to collect, or just leave

in front of my garage (weather permitting).

Just remember, one person’s rubbish is another’s treasure!

Please ring me, on 01787 227282 for any further details or leave by my garage at Church Hall, Church Road, Wormingford, just next to the

church. Thankyou, Caroline Post.

Page 3: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!

Collett’s Farm Kitchen

Fresh homemade pies available to order weekly, made using our prize-winning Longhorn beef.

Come and find us at our regular markets: Bures Market - 2nd Saturday each month

Sudbury Farmer’s Market - last Friday of month

Find us on Facebook

Wormingford Village Hall

Our village hall can accommodate over 100 people for functions and meetings. It is popular for Wedding recep-tions, Children’s parties, Dances (great acoustics), Bowls and Badminton. Facilities include Main Hall with stage,

seating for 120 people, kitchen, toilets (with disabled access) and good car parking.

NEW HIRE CHARGES EFFECTIVE JULY 1st 2016 Badminton £22 per 2 hour session at any time. Mornings & Afternoons, Mon to Friday & Sunday (One off) Minimum 3 hours £14 per hour Evenings, Monday to Friday & Sunday (One off) Minimum 3 hours £17 per hour Saturday 8am to 12 midnight … £200 Saturday 6pm to 12 midnight … £140 Wormingford residents receive 10% discount on all charges

Regular bookings: To be negotiated To enquire about or book the hall please contact:

Debbie Moore on 01787 228615 or email: [email protected]

Litter Picking Morning

Please come and help tidy up your village

Saturday 3rd March @ 10am Meeting in the Village Hall Car Park

Everyone Welcome

Wormingford Parish Council Report

A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Thursday 8th February 2018. Matters discussed included:

The clerk confirmed that the order had now been placed for the new playground equipment and that in-stallation should commence towards the end of March. It is expected that the playground will be closed for use for about two weeks once work starts this however will be weather dependant.

Following the comments in last month's report about litter and in particular bottles being thrown from ve-hicles along the Fordham Road one resident had contacted the clerk to inform that she had collected 70 bottles between the Packards Lane/Fordham Road junction and Butts Cottages! Many thanks to the resi-dent concerned. The PC discussed what actions could be taken to address this increasing problem. A fur-ther reminder about the village litter pick due to take place on Saturday 3rd March. Anyone who feels con-cerned about the tidiness of the village and wishes to help, please meet at the village hall at 10.00am

A meeting is to take place in March between the PC, Recreation Trust, Parochial Church Council and Glid-ing Club to discuss the potential commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the ending of WW1.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place in the Village Hall on 8th March at 7.00 pm.

Please email any comments or views to the Parish Clerk at [email protected]. Further infor-mation and the latest draft minutes and past copies of the Worm can be found athttp://www.essexinfo.net/wormingfordpc/

Philosophers of the 20th Century When a man opens a car door for his wife, it’s either a

new car or a new wife! Prince Philip

The best cure for sea sickness is to sit under a tree! Spike Milligan

If life was fair, Elvis would still be alive today and all the impersonators would be dead! Johnny Carson

Page 4: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!

Nancy: Our local Nutritionist

GARLIC Age old benefits in a modern world

Garlic has been used for thousands of years for healing and medicinal uses; indeed, Aristotle considered garlic a tonic and Hippocrates wrote of its use for infections. Recent clini-cal research on garlic has shown its role in cardiovascular disease prevention, metabolic syndrome and immunology. It is high in a sulfur compound called Allicin, which is be-lieved to bring most of the health benefits. Garlic is a plant in the Allium family and is closely related to onions, shallots and leeks.

*Contains Calcium, copper, iron, phos-

phorus, potassium, manganese, selenium and Vitamin C

*Antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, decongestant

*Nature’s own antibiotic *It is low in calories *Garlic can help to lower blood pressure; high doses of

garlic appear to improve blood pressure of those with known high blood pressure.

*It can be effective in reducing total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol

*Garlic’s historical role in preventing and treating infec-tions is well documented. This is backed up by clin-ical research which indicates it has significant effects on the boosting immune system including upper respiratory infections, colds and flu.

*Supports Liver detoxification *Garlic contains antioxidants that protect against cell

damage and ageing. It may reduce the risk of Alz-heimer’s disease and dementia

*Studies suggest that garlic may have beneficial effects on bone health in women

*Foods like onions and garlic from the Allium family have also been shown to have beneficial effects on osteoarthritis

If you enjoy eating garlic but don’t like the lingering aftertaste or strong breath, try chewing parsley as it works very well as a

breath freshener.

Philosophers of the 20th Century A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match

for me at kick-boxing! Emo Phillips Kill one man and you’re a murderer, kill thousands and

you’re a conqueror! Jean Rostand I don’t believe in Astrology. I’m a Sagittarius and we’re

very sceptical! Warren Tantum

Page 5: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!

Vehicle body repairs, accident repair specialist

Insurance work undertaken, Resprays FREE Estimates, FREE Delivery

& Collection Service Unit 11, Regal Works, Fordham CO6 3NR

Tel: 01206 241533

P & N

Barry Beevis Michael Cook 01787 228113 01787 227148

GENERAL BUILDERS Extensions & Renovations No Job Too Small Free Estimates No VAT

March 2018 3rd Litter Pick @ Village Hall 10.00am 7th Rec Trust Mtg @ Village Hall 7.45pm 8th Mobile Library @ Robletts Way 11.30am 8th Parish Council Mtg @ V/Hall 7.00pm 9th Family Quiz @ Village Hall 7.30pm 22nd Mobile Library @ Robletts Way 11.30am 24th Coffee Morning @ V/Hall 10am to 12.30pm

Post Office: Every Wed @ Village Hall 12.30 to 3pm Every Friday @ “ 10am to 12.30pm

“ I feed wild birds, such as Blackbirds, Sparrows and Wagtails every morning with corn and a good sprinkling of fishing mag-gots. Recently, a Kestrel has joined the party! Then a couple

of weeks ago he (or she) didn’t appear! A friend told me that there was a dead Kestrel on the Main Road - thinking the

worst I assumed that my new wild friend had come to an un-timely end! That is till the following day, to my joy, there he

was again! Perhaps he had missed a day whilst mourning the passing of a family member? Call me daft, but I feel privileged

that this wild bird comes every morning to tuck in, and that it’s friendly enough to allow my neighbour to get close

enough to take this photograph!” Phil Burge

Philosophers of the 20th Century The only reason they say ‘Women and children first’ is to

test the strength of the lifeboats! Jean Kerr I have kleptomania and when it gets bad, I take

something for it! Robert Benchley Home cooking. Where many a man thinks his wife is!

Jimmy Durante

Page 6: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!

Kim Sutton-Grant

Complementary Therapist

Tel: 01787 228441


INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by advertising in The Worm - £8.00 per centimetre per year! Customer supplied inserts (250 copies)

£15 per month: Call Brian Jones on 01787 227787

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Visit us online for full list of services

Desert Island Discs Revd John Chandler

Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Queen) Because it’s cleverly written & unusual for a rock band… and because it’s a good idea! Love changes every-thing (‘Aspects of Love’) It’s a strong song with a great finish; and because it does. If I were a rich man (from ‘Fiddler on the roof’) To remind me of the many times I’ve conducted it and enjoyed working with singers & musicians. I don’t wish I was rich, but it will also remind me of my years in the bank! Send in the clowns (‘A Little Night Music’) To June and me, it’s ‘our song’. I took her to see the show when we got engaged. We sat in Stalls Row A be-hind the conductor – as always. Easter Hymn (from ‘Cavalleria Rusticana’) Or any uplifting choral piece. But Easter is the reason for my faith. Poet & Peasant Overture (Black Dyke Mills Band) I was brought up on brass band music, and this was the first record I ever bought. And I still have an ambition to conduct a brass band! Rhapsody in Blue (Glenn Miller version) I just love the Big Band sound and Gershwin’s cleverness. Plus an old friend of mine now plays in the UK Glenn Miller Orchestra. Chanson d’amour (Manhattan Transfer) I could listen to close harmony for hours. One book to take with you: Prepare to Survive (Tim O’Shei) Otherwise I wouldn’t live long enough to listen to 8 tracks! One impractical luxury:A clarinet. It would take me years to master all my favourite music. Stranger on the shore?! Big wave comes – you can save only one disc: Send in the clowns. (Call me a romantic… please!)

Page 7: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!

Open hours: Monday: 5pm to 11pm; Tuesday to Friday: 12 to 3pm & 5 to 11pm; Weekends & Bank Holidays: 12 to 11pm

THE CROWN: Takeaway Delivery Service Free delivery to all Wormingford Postcodes

Available Tues-Sat 5pm to 9pm - 01787 227464 Beer Battered Cod

… with hand cut chips, mushy peas & tartare sauce


Lasagne … with chunky chips,

salad & coleslaw £7.95

Chicken Wrap … with skinny fries

and salad £6.95

Half Roast Chicken

… with chunky chips £8.95

Burgers … with skinny fries

8oz Beef/Halloumi/ Morrocan Lamb


This Friday and Saturday, 2nd & 3rd March 2018 10am to 5pm @ The Minories, High Street, Colchester

* All the artworks have been donated by professional artists, amateur artists, students and up-and-coming artists!

* All artworks are the same size and cost £40 each * All proceeds go to The Cancer Centre Campaign

* All the works are signed on the reverse and are displayed anonymously. You only find out who has created your work when you buy it!

Page 8: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!

Flower Rota

A ll enquiries to Phyllida Tufnell—Tel: 01787 229079

Contact John: Tel: 01206 366930 [email protected]

Church Matters St Andrew’s Wormingford

John’s Journal The view from the Vicar’s study

Spring up

Yours in Jesus

Revd John Chandler is around for a chat at "Coffee & Cake" in

the Community Education Centre on most

Monday mornings from 10 - 11am

He will be there on the 12th & 26th March

March 11th - Mothering Sunday April 1st - Easter Sunday. All welcome to decorate the Church

Winter has been exceptionally cold. Not very cold, but after some mild winters, this one has been an exception. We’re really ready for Spring! So I looked in my Bible for the word ‘Spring’ and found it in 105 places. However, almost all of them are about fresh water springs, or the word is used in another sense. Here’s my favourite quotation, which is framed in our conservatory at home:

As the earth brings forth its shoots, and as a garden causes what is sown to spring up, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring up in all the nations.

(Isaiah 61:11) The word itself is a mix of German, Dutch and old English words which all mean ‘move quickly’. So it’s no surprise that we use the same word for nature’s burst of activity after winter, for jumping out of a chair when the doorbell rings, and for fast-moving water. The common thread seems to be that it’s an external stimulus that causes a very natural reaction. So what’s your natural reaction in springtime? Mine is to get out into the countryside; June’s is to get into the garden, and I fully expect March will provide the opportunity! Yet the quotation above is a reminder that our own nature should cause us to react to circumstances around us. A mother responds to her baby’s cry; we rush to help if someone falls; and so on. We might learn a lot about ourselves if we think for a while…. what would cause us to move quickly, and more importantly, why? What does that reveal about our character? Are we happy with what we learn? Translating that quotation again, it means: just as surely as springtime happens, so surely our God-given nature will prompt us to do right things, do things right, and thank God for all around us. So the task I give myself is to test my nature against God’s. Am I loving, caring, creative, responsive, determined, distinctive, discerning? The only test is in my actions. If you take the test, expect to pass and give yourself some praise, because we are all made in the image of God. But you may discover some parts of your nature that would benefit from a spring-clean. Doing that might be a natural response – and if so, praise God for that! May you have a spring in your step this month.

Page 9: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!

Other services in the Benefice:

Mount Bures St. John the Baptist Sunday Services are at 9:15am

4th Family Service 11th Mothering Sunday Family Service 18th Family Holy Communion 25th Communion for Palm Sunday Holy Saturday, 31st March: 8pm Vigil Service Little Horkesley St. Peter & St. Paul

4th: 8am Holy Communion 11am Morning Service 6:30pm Evensong 11th: 11am Mothering Sunday Family Service 6:30pm Evensong,

with David & Janie Beales 18th: 11am Morning Service 6:30pm Evensong 7:30pm Shortened Holy Communion 25th: 11am Morning Service 6:30pm Evensong Good Friday, 30th March 2pm The Last Hour at the Cross A service of meditation and music

Services in St Andrews March 2018

4th 11am Family Service Theme: ‘Spring Cleaning’ for people 11th MOTHERING SUNDAY 8am Holy Communion

11am FAMILY SERVICE with a gift for all mums 18th 11am Family Communion With a dramatised Bible reading of the events of Holy Week 25th PALM SUNDAY# 8am Holy Communion 11am Morning Service Come and receive a Palm Cross 29th MAUNDY THURSDAY 7:30pm Holy Communion remembering the night Jesus instituted Holy Communion then was taken to His crucifixion

The 2018 Lent Course

eat, pray, share

The ‘what and why’ of Holy Communion each Wednesday evening in March

For more information, contact Revd John, [email protected]

or on 01206 366930

Revd David & Janie Beales have been licensed by the Bishop of Chelmsford to minister across

the Colchester area – and we’ll be meeting them at a Service on the evening of Mothering Sunday:

Little Horkesley Church, Sunday 11th March, 6:30pm

Page 10: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!

Heart charity appeals for the Colchester community to support its community volunteering drive to help beat heart disease

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) is calling on the people of Colchester to help accelerate the fight against heart disease by joining the Colchester community volunteer group based in the lo-cal area. Around 19,300 people across Colchester and the local area are fighting a daily battle with heart and circulatory disease. Each year these devastating conditions claim the lives of more than 395 people in this area alone. The nation’s heart charity is calling on the local community to take heart and join the fight against heart disease by joining our community volunteer groups across the region and raising vital funds for heart research. Community volunteer groups are the face of the BHF in their local communi-ties. From running fundraising events to supporting schools and local businesses and organising collections, they are a fantastic way to support the charity’s vital work. Any time that you can give will be invaluable, because every pound raised from BHF community volunteer groups will help fund vital research and identify new treatments that could help save lives. Alex Beresford, who lives in Chelmsford, is the grandson of the founder of Beresfords Es-tate Agents and currently runs the Chelmsford branch. Alex underwent heart surgery at the age of just 26. Before his heart condition he was a healthy, sporty person and had even climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. Alex started to occasionally feel light headed and was getting heart palpita-tions. After various tests he was diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic valve causing a third of the blood to leak back into his heart and an aneurysm was also found in his aortic root, which was like a time bomb waiting to go off. Alex underwent life-saving surgery to remove the aneurysm and replace the bicuspid aortic valve. He was in intensive care for two days, but was home in just under a week. At first he could only walk a few feet but gradually did more and more. Incredibly, Alex was able to run the Brentwood Half Marathon for the BHF just a year later. Kirsty Brzeczek, BHF Fundraising Manager for Essex, said: “It’s only thanks to BHF research that pioneering heart surgeries like these are able to take place, and with your support, we can save the lives of more people like Alex. “Heart disease is heartless. Too many lives are lost in Col-chester each year, and we’re determined to do everything we can to protect more families from this devastation. “By joining a community volunteer group you can help us fund the research that’s so desperately needed to bring us closer to beating heart disease. Together we can save more lives, and it’s a fantastic way to meet new people and make a real difference in your community!” BHF research has helped halve death rates from heart and circulatory disease over the past 50 years, but there is still a long way to go. Through the public’s generosity the BHF will fund half a billion pounds of new research by 2020.

For more information, please visit www.bhf.org.uk/localfundraising and for details about

joining this community volunteer group contact Kirsty Brzeczek on [email protected] or 07920845365

About the BHF For over 50 years we’ve pioneered research that’s transformed the lives of people living with heart and circulatory conditions. Our work has been central to the discoveries of vital treat-ments that are changing the fight against heart disease. But so many people still need our help. From babies born with life-threatening heart problems to the many Mums, Dads and Grandpar-ents who survive a heart attack and endure the daily battles of heart failure. Join our fight for every heartbeat in the UK. Every pound raised, minute of your time and donation to our shops will help make a difference to people’s lives.

Page 11: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!


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Marriage in Heaven? On their way to get married, a young couple are involved in a fatal car accident. The couple find themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates waiting for St Peter to process them into Heaven.

While waiting they wonder: Could they possibly get mar-ried in Heaven? When he turned up, they asked him. St Peter said, “This is the first time anyone has asked, let me go and find out”.

The couple sat and waited, and waited. Two months passed and they are still waiting! They then began to won-der what would happen if it didn’t work out, could they get a divorce in Heaven?

After yet another month, St Peter finally returns, looking somewhat bedraggled. “Yes”, he said, “you can get mar-ried in Heaven”.

“Great”, said the couple, “but we were just wondering, what if things don’t work out. Could we get a divorce in Heaven?”

St Peter, red-faced with anger, slammed his clipboard onto the ground.

“What’s wrong?”, asked the frightened couple.

“OH COME ON”, shouted St Peter, “it took me three months to find a priest up here! Do you have any idea how long it will take me to find a lawyer?”

Charlie Dobson update: A sensational weekend of athletic action took place at the EIS in Sheffield over the weekend of 24th and 25th February as hundreds of youngsters battled it out at the England Indoor Age Group Champion-ships.

Charlie Dobson from Wormingford, was repre-senting Colchester Harriers in the U20 Men’s 200m.

Charlie confidently sailed through both his heat and semi-final, in 21.63s and 21.66s respectively, eas-ing down to the line on both occasions after ensur-ing he was under no threat. After a four hour wait he then displayed sublime running technique in the final, as he attacked the bends seamlessly on his way to a huge personal best and club record of 21.02s, along with the championship title. Fin-ishing metres ahead of the rest of the field – which included a Junior European Common-wealth Games semi-finalist – his time was the quickest recorded by a British Junior In-doors for a decade and currently ranks him first in both the United Kingdom and Europe at Under 20, and third quickest overall in the UK this year. His win brought with it an invitation to represent England once again, this time at the Welsh International to be held in Cardiff on Sunday 4th March.

Page 12: Everyone Welcome family quiz...Jimmy Durante Kim Suon-Grant Complementary Therapist Tel: 01787 228441 INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by adver sing in The Worm -£8.00 per cenmetre per year!


Recycling for the future

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Wormingford Sport

Border Premier Division: Border Division 3: Sunday League: Mar 3rd Hatfield Peverell Home 3rd Oyster Away 4th No Game 10th Kelvedon Home 10th No Game 11th TBA 17th Hatfield Peverell Away 17th Colne Athletic Home 18th TBA 24th Harwich Home 24th No Game 25th TBA 31st White Notley Home 30th Riverbank A/Cup Home

Briefly, February saw our three teams play just 6 games between them, achieving 5 wins and a draw! The first team played, probably their best football of the season, against Hedingham United, winning 4 0. This was followed by an away draw against improving Harwich & Parkeston Tony Armstrong’s boys have been in the doldrums for quite some time, but seem to have turned the corner this season and looking to get back to former glories! The Stiffs had two home wins, 3-0 and 2-1 against Great Bentley and Hedingham Reserves respectively. Frustrated by the lack of games, Liam’s boys remain 3rd in their Divi-sion and are still on course for promotion to Division Two. Sunday School played consecutive Cup matches against Premier Division opposition, seeing off both Brightlingsea Regent and St John’s, 3 1 and 2 1.

Acorn Village comprises of seven houses (Catkins, Phyllis Mary Lodge, Mistley Wood, Spring Lodge, Jubilee House, Oak Lodge and Gregory House). Overall Acorn Village provides care and support for up to 38 people, with each house providing

specialist care and support for adults who have a learning disability and/or autistic spectrum.

As far as we know, for the first time, the Worms are looking to field a combined team made up of 1st, Reserve and Sunday team players, to play in the Acorn Charity Cup this season, with the first game V Riverbank @ home on the morning of Good Friday KO 10.30am with reserve manager, Liam Meadows, looking after the team. Though our Sunday School boys are in 2 Cup Quarter Finals, where they are playing Pegasus (Premier Division winners for the last few years!) on both occasions, this is probably the Worms best chance of winning silverware this season!

Working for a better environment...


Recycling for the future

01206 242345www.colchesterskiphire.co.uk