evaluation task one in what ways does


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Page 1: Evaluation task one   in what ways does
Page 2: Evaluation task one   in what ways does
Page 3: Evaluation task one   in what ways does

To gain inspiration and find out techniques about how bring up certain conventions we looked at other films and how they portrayed them for example in the film se7en there are a series of very close up shots that do not give anything away and make the audience look really closely to try and figure out with what it is.

We wanted to use this in our thriller , whilst filming the strings and the tent, we did not want it to look as if it was inside, making the audience confused.

Page 4: Evaluation task one   in what ways does

We wanted one of our conventions to be a sense of mystery, to make this clear and give the audience a sense of mystery we filmed our opening shots in a selective way. We used extreme close ups of the strings at the beginning, making the audience ask questions as to what they were actually looking out and encouraging them to watch on. We also used focus on the camera to blur out what was either in the background or foreground again adding a sense of uncertainty to the audience. During these shots we added samples such as wind and rumbles, adding a more creepy and uneasy effect to the shots and suggesting that something bad is going to happen, bringing up clear ideas and conventions of thrillers making the audience engaged.

Page 5: Evaluation task one   in what ways does

We then wanted to slowly want to make it a little more clear about what was happening, so we used wider and longer shots that showed objects giving away what was happening. We put all the shots of the trap before leading to the tent as it indicates that something is being hunted, it also makes it more clear where are why the strings are there. So at this stage the audience are starting to put together what is going on, but still want to see what is in the tent and what is being hunted. To make this a little more nerve racking we used more samples such as dishes and clanking indicating that the trap is starting to go off and something bad is coming. Again bringing up conventions and ideas of mystery and tension, as the build up indicates something bad is going to happen, all of this engaging the viewer even more.

Page 6: Evaluation task one   in what ways does

We used the close up of the bell ringing to indicate that something was coming, as the trap is going off. This again will bring up conventions of fear, tension and still mystery as the audience do not know when the predator is coming or even what it is, making the audience keen to find out, therefore watching on. As the bell goes off we edited a sound of a bell and put reverb on it to make it sound more creepy, adding to this theme of mystery and eeriness. Also we made the sound of the bell a lot louder and more clear than the other background sounds, giving a thrill to the audience keeping its thriller conventions and strengthening them.

Page 7: Evaluation task one   in what ways does

We filmed this shot of our character again waking up as a close up so again we do not give away much about where the character is, however due to previous shots of the top of the tent we wanted the audience to guess that he was in the tent, solving part of the mystery but still want to watch out to find out what was going on. Also the lighting in the tent is very dark, adding to the eerie and thriller effect, along with the panicked and confused look on the characters face strengthening the sense of eeriness as if he is being hunted.

Page 8: Evaluation task one   in what ways does

This is one of the most important shots in our sequence as it is the revealing shot. We shot it very wide, to start to give more away to the audience. Firstly the audience will notice that the strings are attached to the tent, solving about what they were for. But more importantly the shot reveals that the tent and strings are indoors, this is not a normal thing therefore brings up mystery and abstract convention, encouraging the audience to watch on maintaining the sense of mystery. Also the mise en scene we used, helped in this shot to give a sense of meaning to the thriller eg. The empty cartons and plates suggest the character had been hiding in this same area for a long period of time. Along with the boarding up of the windows which portrayed he was hiding from something, adding to the effect of mystery.

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To keep the tension and thriller effect we shot a close up of our character picking up an axe which conveys violence therefore showing the audience that he was clearly under threat by something, therefore building up tension. It also adds to the convention of mystery as the audience still does not know what it is he is scared of, making the audience want to watch on, feeling even more tense.

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During the majority of the time the character is walking towards where the trap is going off we are only filming one shot. We did this to create a sense of tension, we also cut out a lot of the background sound at this point to make the silence very uncomfortable and disturbing. During this shot we see him through the banisters, this gives off that he is being watched, which creates a very dramatic tension that will keep the audience on the edge of their seats and make them to want to watch on so they can see what it is on the other side of the door.

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This shot in our sequence is very important, his hovering hand indicates that he is scared therefore making the audience scared too. Also the sound in this shot is very quiet, making the audience on the edge of their seats expecting something to jump out, showing conventions of thrilling tension and mystery. When the door handle turns on its own, it clearly indicates that there is something on the other side, firstly this with give the audience a huge thrill due to the large audience. But also it strengthens the sense of mystery as the audience has still not found out what is on the other side of the door.

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Showing the title of our film with a dramatic rumble, adding more dramatic effect.