evaluation question 2

Evaluation Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups? By Amy Whittingham

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Post on 05-Aug-2015




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1. Evaluation Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups? By Amy Whittingham 2. Gender and Status This is the character profile that was created in the pre production work. Within our media product the main character represents the particular social group which we have projected on our audiences. Harlow Reeve is represented as a everyday looking female teenager, so that many females can relate to the character. However we have described her as tomboyish and this influences a certain social group of females in todays society. Furthermore, as we have stated that the film would be targeted at the rating of a 12A we believe that having a female protagonist at the age of 18, it would set younger teenagers a sense of envy towards Harlow. Harlows story may relate to certain social groups, children growing up not knowing who their parents are and reaching the adult age of 18 and want to unlock the mystery. For example Harlow wants to look into her past and find out more about her parents as she was abandoned at a young age. The fact that Harlow accepts that she is different from everyone else will be portrayed within our media product and many female and male teenagers will be able to relate to this. 3. Audiences Mass and Niche These are flashcards that I included in my research on audiences in reference to mass and niche. They provide the definitions of mass and niche, as well as reference to the importance of audiences. Our opening title sequence will be based on a Mass audience due to the fact we want to appeal to a variety of people rather than a niche audience where we would have to keep to a specified audience. The advantage of appealing to mass audiences is that we can diversify parts of our OTS. Our opening title sequence will represent social groups of teenagers, associated with the rating 12A. When planning and producing our final media product we ensured that it would be proposal for both male and female. 4. Audience and Institutions Audiences and institutions in my research played a huge role in how our media product was chosen to represent certain social groups. Above I have included the pages from my Emaze on audience and institutions in relation to our media product. 5. How Filming reflected in our media product social group. When filming in London, as a group of 4 girls, we were portraying a social group of female teenagers. We reflected this in our filming as we used Erin as the main character, Harlow Reeve. Additionally Heidi, Gemma and myself changed roles, all taking part in camera work, direction and organisation. Basing the majority of our filming in London our mass audience may incorporate to people in the local surroundings of where we filmed. We used famous tourist attractions such as Trafalgar Square, South Bank, London Bridge and Tube stations. We had a lot of public people enquiring what we was filming for and after explaining our project and storyline, people of all ages were interested