evaluation question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task? Evaluation Question 2.

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Post on 20-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Evaluation question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and

ancillary task?

Evaluation Question 2.

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IntroductionI feel the combination of our music video and

ancillary tasks is affective as the aim throughout all parts of this project was to stick to the theme and to typical conventions of our style of song and video. The house/dance music genre is normally very upbeat and fun meaning the videos hold a basic story line and resemble the people in them enjoying themselves. This also resembles in the DigiPaks and Magazine adverts. For example here was my inspiration for the ancillary tasks..

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DigiPak InspirationThis was my second idea which was the idea I liked the most and decided to create a similar product that went with my music video. This again is another way of resembling the house/dance genre.

This was my first idea which contains a very bold and colorful front cover which resembles and relates to the style of music on the album.

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My digiPak I feel my digiPak links well to

our music video because it has the artist on the front cover making an instant recognition to the music video. I also wanted to edit the photograph used on the front cover in a very bold way so that it stood out and appeared ‘fun’ and light hearted like our music video. The artist is also wearing the headphones what he wore in the music video which as well as just making a link to the video it also represents the style of music being very current and played by DJ’s which makes the link to the headphones.

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Magazine Inspiration

These adverts are both from a house/dance/electro music genre and both contain similar conventions. The bold and colorful text is something I wanted to use in mine to follow on the theme and the backgrounds use fairly simple imagery yet are still very captivating.

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My Magazine AdvertMy magazine avert has clear links to my music video as well as the Digipak as I have featured the front cover of the digipak in my advert so that the audience recognize the album. I have also used typical conventions of my genre of music video in my advert by using things such us a very bold font as seen in my inspiration adverts. I wanted the colours to be very bold and to follow the same theme as my DigiPak so that everything has a clear link and comparison.

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The combination of my products

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ConclusionOverall I think I have made a strong link

between all my products as they all follow the same on going theme and structure. All 3 include the same artist and costume. Both my DigiPak and Magazine include the same image and both use the same colour theme to each other creating an overall product. Most importantly all products are recognizable to each other so that the audience would know that the album is for my music video and that the magazine avert is promoting my album.