evaluation question 2

Evaluation Question#2 How does your media product represent particular social groups ?

Upload: shahzeb-butt

Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Evaluation Question#2How does your media product represent

particular social groups ?

We can group people together according to age, race, social class

and background etc. These groups can be represented differently.

Representation is presenting something from a specific point of view.

There are 7 key areas of representation:

• gender-whether a person is male or female

• age-how old a person or a group of people are

• sexuality-a person's sexual orientation or preference e.g. homosexual, bisexual, hetrosexual

• regional identity-identity with a specific geographic area

• ability/disability-how mentally and physically able a person is

• class and status-a broad group in society having common economic, cultural or political status

• ethnicity-social group who have a common national or cultural tradition

In my final product social groups I’ll be

discussing are:

GenderIn my final product no female character is

seen, all the screen time is given to male

characters Harold & John. According to

Laura Mulveys theory male dominance is

there in my film ‘The Final Fight’. Both the

characters are shown as fighters.


The mainstream genre of my opening

sequence targets a distinctive range of

people of age group 13-20. Because of

the action and storyline of the

sequence which include fight scenes

and a story of a boy from a poor


Class & Status

In my film ‘The Final Fight’ the main

character Harold belongs to a really

poor background. He lives in a small

room and the condition of his room

‘mis-en-scene’ of the film shows us

that he is from lower class even he

does have a proper plaster on his


Ability & Disability

Harold the main character of my opening sequence was a fighter and he wants to fight in the championship because of the prize money which can change his world as he is a poor guy but he is unable to fight because he is physically disable, his foot is injured due to which he can’t even walk properly.

Made By:

Shahzaib Butt