evaluation 6 and 7

Evaluation 6 During This whole process I have learnt a lot about film making, opening sequences and more. Research was a good source I was able to use the internet to see different styles of opening sequence and was able to learn about them and have the opportunity to add them to my own opening sequence. Saul Bass is someone who I researched and learned more about it him. Saul Bass is an American graphic designer and filmmaker, he is best known for his design of film posters and motion picture title sequences. His opening sequences are lot different to what others do a good example of this would be the man with the golden arm. The internet was a great resource for researching because I found a website where I was able to explore different styles of opening sequence which widened my options and idea for my own opening sequence. Saul Bass Kyle Cooper

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation 6 and 7

Evaluation 6During This whole process I have learnt a lot about film making, opening sequences and more.Research was a good source I was able to use the internet to see different styles of opening sequence and was able to learn about them and have the opportunity to add them to my own opening sequence.Saul Bass is someone who I researched and learned more about it him. Saul Bass is an American graphic designer and filmmaker, he is best known for his design of film posters and motion picture title sequences. His opening sequences are lot different to what others do a good example of this would be the man with the golden arm.The internet was a great resource for researching because I found a website where I was able to explore different styles of opening sequence which widened my options and idea for my own opening sequence.

Saul Bass Kyle Cooper

Page 2: Evaluation 6 and 7

PlanningDuring the planning I used the camera I was able to go out and see what location would be best to do this I took images of different places to see which place looks best on camera. Also took images of costumes and make up.Other technologies I used was my phone to take pictures of locations where I didn’t have the camera. Also Wordpress was very useful I was able to update all my research and images I took of my possible locations makeup and costumes

Page 3: Evaluation 6 and 7

ConstructionConstruction was a key vital part of film making. I picked up a lot from this I was able to work with different technologies and learn new skills, such as using the camera to create different shots and levels, I god a better understanding of tripods adjusting them to different levels. I learnt how to control the lightning which also depended on the time of day but buy trying to several times I was able to work out the accurate time of the day I should go and film so that it looks effective on the opening sequence. Editing software- Editing was a fun and stressful part of the construction, I learnt and became very familiar with Sony Vegas. I learnt how to use different techniques to create the look I wanted for my opening sequence which included • Text added in to the opening sequence• Transitions • Video FX• Adding sound• Cutting shots, overlaying shots• Adding sound to the opening sequence• Slow motion

Here you can see where I have left the dialogue and where it has been muted and sound effects have been added in instead.

Page 4: Evaluation 6 and 7

Evaluation 7Looking at the preliminary task I first did and comparing to the main task there is a huge difference. I found it a lot harder to do a 2 minutes opening sequence than I did to do a 10 second sequence. The equipment was a lot harder to use and adjust a good example would be the tripod in the preliminary task the ground was level but out side in the woods there wasn’t a level ground therefore I had to find objects to make it levels for the tripod to stay up straight.In the preliminary task the lightning was the same through out but in the main task it took place outside therefore I had to manage the timing of the film well so that it didn’t get to dark and to make sure the night vision was on so I could capture a clear shot.When it all came down to the post-production it got a lot harder for me because I came in to contact with video fx, transition techniques, adding in sound in the correct places and muting the sound in the correct places, I used different transition and most of all adding in text and keeping the transition of the text continuous through out the opening sequence. Due to the main task being longer I had to make sure the continuity of the shots was the same through out because it was a lot longer than the preliminary task where it only took me 10 minutes to do unlike the main task took me weeks to do. In the main task I showed different levels and angles unlike the preliminary task where it all remained the same levels through out.Looking at both these shots you can

automatically tell which shot is edited and worked on. You see the top image is bad lightning not effects and girl looking directly at the camera which shows that she knows she is being filmed. Looking at the bottom image there is the girl looking in the distances you have a clear shot of the background and you can see the shadow of the girl ahead where she paces. The second shot looks a lot more professional and interesting.