evaluation question 6-7

I have learnt about many technologies from the process of constructing this product as I used the software ‘Adobe InDesign’. I have used many skills from using this software such as; working in layers as this helped me organise my three different pages, also by using layers I then was able to place various aspects of my magazine on top of one another this is a huge importance as this skill came in very handy. I also used the skill of working with text as it can be developed in many ways for example it can be stretched, or positioned in various way such as arched. I also used the skill of effects on text as you can see to the right some print screens of text from my magazine, they consist of drop shadows and strokes. From using these effects makes such a big difference to how they appeal towards the audience. Looking back at the prelim task I feel that I have gained a much wider understanding of the use of ‘Adobe InDesign’ as I feel that I have developed more skills from the process of designing my final production. I also feel that I have picked up key code and conventions of Organised Layers. Various ways to use text. Effects tool bar from ‘Adobe Indesign’ What have you learnt about technologies?

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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I have learnt about many technologies from the process of constructing this product as I used the software ‘Adobe InDesign’. I have used many skills from using this software such as; working in layers as this helped me organise my three different pages, also by using layers I then was able to place various aspects of my magazine on top of one another this is a huge importance as this skill came in very handy. I also used the skill of working with text as it can be developed in many ways for example it can be stretched, or positioned in various way such as arched. I also used the skill of effects on text as you can see to the right some print screens of text from my magazine, they consist of drop shadows and strokes. From using these effects makes such a big difference to how they appeal towards the audience. Looking back at the prelim task I feel that I have gained a much wider understanding of the use of ‘Adobe InDesign’ as I feel that I have developed more skills from the process of designing my final production. I also feel that I have picked up key code and conventions of the genre of my music magazine through my research of existing magazines of the same genre which helped influence me for my final production.

Organised Layers.

Various ways to use text.

Effects tool bar from ‘Adobe Indesign’

What have you learnt about technologies?

Technologies...I have used many technologies when using blogger. I have used many different ways to present my work. I used the following; Prezi, slideshare and youtube. By using these I gained a wider understanding of how I can present my work in many ways.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at the prelim task to my final production now is a great improvement. As before for my prelim task I did not manage my time very well, until I was fulfilled to have a complete professional looking school magazine. Therefore for the start of the main task I created a schedule to which I would follow so I would have everything completed at the correct time.

When creating the prelim task I didn’t feel as highly skilled when using ‘Adobe Indesign’ as I was new to this software. However from having experience using the software due to the prelim task I was able to adapt my skills to a higher level when creating the main task. This is a huge benefit as I would have been very clueless and would not of produced my final productions at there strongest.

Looking back at my prelim task research I felt that there wasn’t enough support to back up my final production therefore when completing the research for the main task I made sure that I had a wide range of sources to influence me for my final production.

On the left is my contents page from my prelim task where as on the right is my contents page for the main task. As you can see there is a huge difference between the two as from the prelim task I have learnt to use many more code and conventions to apply in the final production. It provides the final outcome to look more professional and realistic by using the correct code and conventions.