music magazine evaluation questions 5, 6 and 7


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Bold masthead

Cover star

Anchored text

Main image

Secondary images

Pull quote

Free giveaway

Star’s eyes in top 1/3Eye contact with audience (gaze)

Star’s facial expression is serious to show he takes his music seriously

Button with prize

At least five features to convey value for money


Different size text to show audience which features are most important

Clear colour scheme and consistent fonts to create brand ID


BannerAspects of my front cover that attract my audience…


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GenderMy magazine is aimed primarily at females but could also target males that like the same music and artists. However, the cover star is male, but is styled as my audience would dress and present themselves so this therefore would attract them to buy the magazine.

AgeThe target audience for my magazine is mainly aimed at teenagers from the age of 16 up to about 25. The cover star is slightly older than this age range so attracts the audience as they can look up to him and aspire to be like him.

GenreThe genre rock this is portrayed through the cover stars appearance and facial expression. The cover star wears plain clothing and has a blank expression to show he takes his musically seriously unlike manufactured pop bands. This attracts the audience because they will want to read about this type of genre as they will understand that the magazine will value a serious attitude.


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The pull out poster attracts the reader because it is something that they don't have to pay for and get free if they buy the magazine.

The masthead attracts reader because it is bold and capitalised. The fact that the font of the masthead is distressed reflects an informality of attitude in an magazine that treats its subject matter seriously.

The banner at the top mise-en-scene attracts the reader as this is the first thing they will see when its on the news stand.

Extra bands/artists listed at the bottom widens the audience because if they don’t like the cover star there are other features they can look at.


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ColourVisually the colours yellow and red stand out because they contrast with the black, white and dark teal.The colours yellow and red are opposite from these dark colours so it is eye catching therefore draws the audience in.

Verbally the colours do not speak a specific gender which appeals to my target audience as it shows that both men and women read the magazine. However, the colours yellow and red would primarily address females as they are bright and decorative.

The brightness of the colours yellow and red aren’t overly vivid to still show a sense of seriousness of the magazine but allows the important information to be addressed to the audience effectively.

This is carried on throughout the magazine.

FontThe majority of the font on my front cover is capitalised to connote the loud genre of rock music that my magazine is about as it emphasises every feature title.


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The colour white contrasts with the dark teal background colour making the text clear and easy to read. The colour yellow contrasts and stands out against the dark teal background colour and the white text making it evident what is ‘inside’ the magazine.

The word ‘Win’ stands out to the reader because it allows the audience to get something extra out of the magazine. Colouring this word in red on a yellow background helps make this cover feature stand out more apparent.

The bold, capitalised text stands out more because of the yellow colour. This evidently attracts my audience because it advertises the main cover feature. As this cover feature.

To help the secondary pictures stand out I used a red border rather than yellow one so the attention is still drawn to the main cover feature title but the pictures are emphasised.

The colour yellow contrasts and stands out against the dark teal background colour as well as white text helping it to stand out and draw attention to it. The stars connote Hollywood and show that well known bands feature in the magazine.


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Editors letter

Main image

Page numbers

Secondary images

Subscription information

Cover features

Issue number and date

Feature categories


House style colour scheme

Aspects of my contents page that attract my audience…



Social Media

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Using images emphasises the main articles and attracts the audience to the features. It also helps them get an idea of what else the features include. I didn’t include the cover feature to draw attention to the other features.

The heading is in the same colour as the colours used on the feature category titles which maintains the house style as other important information is in this bright colour to attract the audience and not get lost on the page.

Offering a ‘subscription’ of the magazine that gets ‘delivered’ attracts the audience as it creates an effortless way for them to purchase and read it.Yellow, red and white contrast against the black therefore stand out, attracting the audience.

This informs the audience that these features where advertised on the cover so it is easier for the audience to locate the features they were first attracted to.

The font of the masthead is the same on the front cover and throughout the magazine. This creates brand identity as the audience will be familiar with it and attracted to it.


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Giving extra information on the magazines website and twitter page allows the audience to get more from the magazine. My target audience are part of the generation who are constantly on their smart phones, tablets or laptops. So addressing my audience with a symbiotic relationship with social media and a website means that the audience can access the magazine whenever and wherever they are. It will also inform the audience on different articles attracting them to go out and purchase the print magazine.

The mode of address I use when speaking to the audience is informative, intellectual and friendly in the editors letter. This is to encourage the reader to carry on reading the magazine and to draw attention to specific features. Adding a picture and a signature of the editor creates a personal feel for the audience.


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Stand first

Grey box

Pull quote

Main image





Page number and front cover reference

House style colour scheme


Feature category

Q5Aspects of my double page spread that attract my audience…

Social Media

Drop cap

Secondary Images

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The tab used in the top left hand corner categorises the feature and references to the contents page attracting the audience.

The use of two different colours and the different sized text attracts the audience because it makes the pull out quote stand out and gives them an idea of what else is included in the interview. Using italics emphasises the word ‘nothing’.

The grey box anchors the picture and attracts the audience as it gives them more information.

The stand first attracts the reader as it gives more information as to what is included in the feature encouraging the audience to read it.

This informs the audience that these features where advertised on the cover so it is easier for the audience to locate the features they were first attracted to.

I have used secondary images to help attract the audience to the feature.

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The mode of address used when speaking to the audience in the article of my double page spread is informative, intellectual and friendly as it is an interview. The audience will learn more about the artist’s career and current album/tour rather than pointless facts like in a pop magazines aimed at teenage girls.

The mode of address used when speaking to the audience is informative and friendly but tells the audience to do something. This attracts the audience because they are able to input their opinion. Telling the audience to ‘join the conversation’ shows that people online are already discussing the feature but they are still able to contribute.

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To crop out the background of this image I used the magic wand tool on Photoshop. I did this to make a white background on the cover image so the cover star and the text that will be around it stands out.

Front Cover: Photoshop

First I uploaded the image I wanted to edit into Photoshop.

I then used the magic wand tool to select the first section of the image I wanted to delete.

Magic wand tool


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Next I pressed the delete button on my keyboard to get rid of the section of the image and was left with a white background. I then right clicked the mouse and clicked ‘deselect’ to deselect the section.

I then used the magic wand tool to select the rest of the image that I wanted to delete.

I again pressed the delete button on my keyboard to get rid of the section of the image. I then right clicked the mouse and clicked ‘deselect’ to deselect the section to be left with the finished image.


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Contents Page: PhotoshopTo crop out the background of this image I used the magic wand tool on Photoshop. I did this to make a white background on the image as it will be a poster advertised on my contents page so the image needs to stand out.

First I uploaded the image I wanted to edit into Photoshop.

I then used the magic wand tool to select the first section of the image I wanted to delete.

Magic wand tool


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Next I pressed the delete button on my keyboard to get rid of the section of the image and was left with a white background. I then right clicked the mouse and clicked ‘deselect’ to deselect the section.I then used the magic wand tool again to select the other side of the image that I wanted to delete.

After that I used the magic wand tool to select the last bit of the image that I wanted to delete.

I again pressed the delete button on my keyboard to get rid of the section of the image. I then right clicked the mouse and clicked ‘deselect’ to deselect the section to be left with the finished image.


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Q6To advertise a subscription to my magazine I used the masthead title as it creates brand identity and is therefore familiar to my audience. However, the background of the subscription box is black so I needed to change the colour of the font in order for it to stand out.

First I uploaded the masthead into Photoshop.

I then selected the paint bucket tool to colour the text and selected the colour I wanted. I chose the colour red as it is part of my house style colour scheme.

Paint bucket tool

Colour select

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I then selected each letter to input the colour until the whole masthead was coloured red.

Finally, I saved the masthead as a PNG file in order to upload it to the subscription box on my contents page.

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Q6I have categorised the features on my contents page so it is easier for my audience to find what they are looking for. To make the category titles stand out I needed to create a thicker outline for the text so used Photoshop to do this.

First I uploaded the category title into Photoshop.

I then used the background eraser tool to get rid of the white background and just make it clear.

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I then selected the tool that allowed me to create a black boarder around the letters. This made the word ‘feature’ clear and easy to read so the audience can find what they want quickly.

I then saved this file as a PNG so I could upload it into publisher and use on my contents page. After that I did the same process with the other category titles.

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Q6Double Page Spread: Photoshop

First I uploaded the masthead into Photoshop. I then used the background eraser tool to get rid of the white background and just make it clear.

In the top corner of my contents page I included the masthead of my magazine as it creates brand idenitiy and therefore it is recognisable to the audience. The background colour of my masthead is different to the background colour of the double page spread so I needed to delete the background of the masthead in order to use it.

Finally, I saved the masthead as a PNG file in order to upload it to the double page spread.

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Front Cover: Publisher

First I selected the rectangle shape

I then drew the rectangle next to my image

Next I coloured the rectangle red, slanted it a little and positioned it on my front cover

I then inputted my images to publisher and positioned them onto the rectangle

After that I selected the triangle shape again

Next I drew a small long rectangle and coloured it red

I then inputted the text and coloured it appropriately

After that I positioned the text box’s onto the pictures as features titles

Finally I inputted my Leeds logo and positioned it on the correct picture


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• Another technology I learnt to use was the website Blogger in which I uploaded all my work to. This allowed me to keep a record of all the work I had completed but made it easy for my teacher to view and give me feedback and I could edit any work if I needed to.


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Digital Camera

• I was able to use a digital camera when producing my media products. Using a digital camera allowed me to take good quality images that look professional. I was able to take multiple images, upload them all to the computer and choose the best ones for my media products. I feel that the use of a digital camera enabled me to produce professional media products.


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Front CoverThe head banner on my preliminary product isn’t very eye catching as there is a white background with only a thin border and the text colours aren’t very bright. However, in my final media product I made sure I used a block background colour and bright coloured text. The dark teal colour is bright and bold enough not to overpower the text but stand out when on the newsstand. I used the colours yellow and white for the text as they contrast each other and the colours aren’t overly bright to still show a sense of seriousness of the magazine. In my final media product I have also included a footer banner which my preliminary product does not. This allows me to include more cover features that will appeal to my audience.

The font and size of the masthead on my preliminary product doesn’t stand out effectively on the newsstand as the text is in lower case and the font is soft. However, the first letter of the masthead being in a different colour creates brand identity. In my final media product I have created a masthead that is in capitalised bold font and is large on the mise-en-scene. The fact that the font of the masthead is distressed creates a brand identity as the audience will remember it.


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In my preliminary product I have used the word ‘free’ to attract the audience to the giveaway but in my final media product I have just made the feature bright and bold to stand out.

Q7Looking back at my preliminary product there is a lot of white background space. My features seem lost on the page and don’t stand out very well when on the news stand. I feel like in my final product I have used the background space well and made sure my features are big, bold and easy to read. I have used a red panel to structure the cover features but also help them to stand out. I have also included secondary images of actual people to advertise my features where as on my preliminary product I have only included logos.

In my preliminary product I have used the word ‘free’ to attract the audience to the giveaway but in my final media product I have just made the feature bright and bold to stand out.

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My preliminary product features a wide range of topics, not just music, but the cover star is a musician that appeals to a wider audience range than in my final media product. This is because there will be a bigger section of the population of the college that like chart music and will want to read about it. The cover star connotes this as she has a happy facial expression and seems very down to earth so the audience can relate to her.

However, the cover star in my final media product is iconic to the alternative music genre and the majority of the audience will want to read about him. The headline, strapline and pull quote on my preliminary product isn’t very eye catching and is only in two colours. However, the headline, strapline and pull quote on my final media product is in different fonts which are seized differently as well as being in three different colours in the house style.


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Contents PageOn my preliminary task I have repeated the masthead of the magazine as it creates brand identity and keeps the house style.

I have also included the word ‘contents’ so the audience know which page they are reading.

I have also include the date and issue number so the audience know which edition they are reading.

On my final media product I have just included the word ‘contents’ and the issue number and date as the masthead of the magazine is further down the page.


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My preliminary task contents page is split down the middle with the background of one half being white and the other red. The content listing is on the white side and the main image, editors letter and secondary images are on the red side. My final media product has the main image at the top of the mise-en-scene and the content listings and editors letter below in 4 sections. I felt like changing the layout would make my final media product look more professional. I have also made sure that there is no white space between the features and kept them close together so the contents page looks full.


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I have used categories in my content listing to divide up the features and I have again done this in my final media product. However, in my final media product I have used more category headings as I have different types of features and more of them. I have also made the titles bigger and brighter so the audience can easily find what they want. I have included about the same amount of secondary images on my final product as I have on my preliminary task as my audience are intellectual so will be able to read a lot of writing. However, the main image in my final product is a lot bigger than my main image in my preliminary task as I feel the main image should be bigger in order to stand out. I feel that my preliminary task has a lot of background space making the text seem lost and harder to read. In my final media product I have made sure there is enough information to fill the whole page and nothing is spread out to look more professional.


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I have included a subscription box, references to social media and a website in my final media product contents page which I haven’t done in my preliminary task.

I learnt to create an ideology with the audience through a website and social media because almost every teenager has a Facebook and Twitter account which influences them a lot so being able to access my audience through these other media platforms is important.

The subscription box benefits the magazine and the audience because it means magazines are being sold frequently and means the audience don’t have to make the effort to buy the magazine.


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During the progression from my preliminary task to my final media product I believe that I have learnt how to make my magazine stand out on the newsstand. I made sure all my features stood out using bright text in different sizes and fonts and used more secondary images to entice the audience. I also made my final media product more professional by improving my Photoshop and Publisher skills.

My Photoshop skills have improved vastly in the progression from my preliminary product to my final media product. I feel that my final media product looks more professional because I have been able to edit different aspects of it in Photoshop by using different tools that I had learnt to use. Gaining a better understanding of Photoshop has allowed me to crop my images, change the colour of different texts and make texts bolder making my final media product look more professional.

I also think my Publisher skills have improved vastly during the progression from my preliminary product to my final product. I learnt how to draw different auto-shapes, layer text on top of images and auto-shapes and group images and text so they can be moved together and
