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inu ia uniform Hos the handsonu- rnpp All right Hes suit hero told jptalnj Then ho rang off GOT D PHONES IN VAKDIBUnT BUILDING u About flftoen minutes later CaptHodgli and Detectives Howe Roy McQeo M Donald Murphy and Williams raided B2i on the third floor of mo Vanderbilt at street on the door and waited for i answer Finally they broke In with and screw driver vrasBt home The patrol wagon since Friday were looking or also fifth floors of 29 Pork row where J 0 I Is Maid to have been one the ooond floor of 80 Park row and third floor of 12 Centre street which saloon All the closed Detectives had watched the bulk tog on Park row all day UOHTNINO 3M ON TUB OUTSIDE Shire of the station made a formal call on Jim at 191 East treet He foun some one Is arrested for Interfering policeman This time the captain foun four prisoners Lightning Jim who own with the poll over the business stood in th street as the prisoners were being takes Everything cornea to him who waits h- ha a was In each place the captain tore out the an arrest TOUB TBLEPUONB Mn VEND1O at 85 West Joo Is supposed to abide At East Nineteenth street In by a rear window arrested Seaman of 83 Columbia eUeet because Interfered with them About thirtyfive resorts In the Tender- loin were The pollOI went not own now and never did own but wunt even a telephone In the house old colored woman was charge noKKST JOKJT DEMANDS WABBAN- TRoundsman Anderson of the Tenderloin station called at Honest John place at 141 West street where at the door and Anderson sold he wou d like to look over the house Kelly wanted to know U Anderson had a war rantNo I havent said Anderson Then you can go plumb to hell said Kelly ge in WEST BIDE TZWPnONB OONTISCATION The West street even visits and confiscated nine telephone The first place visited was Club at 140 street which yielded two On tho lower floor was an connected with the two up- stairs All three were ripped from the There was nobody at of the sus- pected poolrooms vUlted Detective ONeill took a out of a billiard room at 1047 Sixth avenue Carter took one out of a house at 104 West Fiftieth street Detectives and Ray invaded the brownstone house cated two Then they went to the rooms of the Emanon at 837 West Fiftieth street and gathered in another Roundsman Detectives Smith and Glllls went to Haymakers Hall and no phone In the saloon on the ground floor a telephone and It ofT despite the that the In- formation for the poolroom upstairs came over this and Hayes found a telephone In the saloon at 991 avenue hi the seemed astonished when the do It from the wall The sleuths that the telephone was the medium through which a did business OOT TWO MEN AT BONNY SMITHS At 101 Mercer the found two telephones and arrested two men up against the Instru- ments when the police and tried and assaulting an officer The police got their names as Harry W Williamson alleged proprietor is At 24 West Third street one arrest was made that of John Anderson who gave the station hos been lately Aloncle of the street station raided the Parole at 114 West Four- teenth street and found an old negro five and a switchboard WBSTEBN BUPU INTENDENTS William J Dealey and David B Mitchell superintendent and assistant superintend commercial news department of the West am Union Company were sub- poenaed to appear before room men were issued at the request of District Attorney Jerome M the some evidence In their raid lost week on the headquarters- A subpoena was Issued for When a county went to the he had no trouble In finding Mitchell but nobody that he was and the third subpoena was not served The mans real later In the day and h today supposed to be one chiefs of and his nickname was on a telegram found by tho raiders in the East H Foarons general attorney both would Justice at 8 oclock this afternoon and willingly answer all questions WANTS TO KNOWWIUTTJIBKETELEaBAPIIEBS- BID Jit lUHONKTS District Attorney Jerome refused to tell what now Doe proceedings are to be but ho was as whatthey will not be He said are not against the any or form Neither are any oncers directors or employees of that It was employees of the company who sub- poenaed to men who wore captured In and to those three men to do In the of track news from the Mahoney headquarters poolrooms- Mr said further I am still of the opinion that the Western Union has altogether In good faith in this poolroom dont want the these subpoenas have been irsued to create the that I have changed my mind DOUBTS IAWTULXEBS op JTUDIT ARRESTS The District Attorney didnt seem to think much of the raids suede 1 y tho on Friday Thoso raids were suede without consulting with this office and the District Attorney knew nothing about tho would not help them out by the police court the assistants hustled appeared to the the day to a to prisoners could be from I see in tho newspapers and from what ma who worn arrested on Friday If thn arrests were Illegal But 1 imagine that the W iiI l the J j i room l r The raider JImmI811 Nobody Ij nine telephones a or chart lit and account and any number of receipts Capt the oen last rIo i Donald who Iii proprietor IJ Peter If the over were ty EMt treet Purcell eoond two oore men reading tho aftemoon paper Shire hIIB men stationed In tront of this for weeks and every othor with a a with JL he to Stewart 1 u a capt Shlro alBo went to two sa1oon that hAve telephones and where Walsh got nothing but a tele- phone street got Barney u through the hOUlle at 61 West Frank he doe there An t arre ted on Frida Kel was stand at 220 West atreet and cones at West nder eve place ea men- The away They were looked up Mercer street on the and a Iroom In the had telephone tON Wyatt In to tty b- yte W West Dee w new lee French place for the Union yeter that Deer Wet h tree honey to tem were over rid the up we app cum next Ute or alt no pole r Building r I pace no I 74 an i 1 I hr- M r tele- phone i 1 42 tree 1 WM I i c c I t 445 l c to push the station double of aiding abetting Smith Federal crash bureaxi Justice in John Doe proceedings against t era Union to servo the t and i t I 1 street t Western company afternoon 1 r bo raid 4 I I L t4 saId l T I nlrht been made police called In Rutgers Street asked 4 I until some evidence against a scintilla evidence thoes- f men i was evidence > > > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < ± ° L HIQHVALLE RAILROAD Wtll SUMt- CMtiMdt trot DmbmutRoM- tMnrYwtud ABACI tvrrr S30 Fulton Street Brooklyn car bttwetn New York an- U Louis Wutward on the BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESS Eastward on Train No 4 New York 1035 A M i arrive Bt Louis next afternoon LeavtBt Louis U Doondaltriarrive New York next ve- nice must have had evidence or Use would not have arrested a hundred c more men If we had boon consult and placed In possession of whatever ev may would be results hi courts It is a most difficult thing to get adi evidence a from track news is distributed to You may go into places am hear a men shouting th races into telephones Isnt enough The further an end to track betting but I am not do It SUITS AGAINST ilADOO ExAssistant District Attorney who Is counsel for of poolroor Commissioner in behalf of some of prisoners taken Jn the recent raids In Cess who was 1 distributing centre in the Court The case was withdrawn by the representative the District Attorney an attempt to ge doss to the he was caught hUNCh Or EXCHANGE PniBONKRS LET X William Sloan and nine others who wer arrested In the raid on Saturday aftcmoo with a were released yesterday by Magistrate May In the court Eleven telephones and a number of charts In the room police could swear that they men arrested sitting about room I their shirt were not to that news had been tele- phoned to poolrooms IT U WANTS NO TAINTED MONEY acob II BchlfT Tells What George Ooul Told Morris If Jeiup H Schiff of Kuhn Loeb Co directors of the Western Unlo Telegraph Company who was on his wa from Europe when the fight agalns racing service of the telegraph com sold yesterday home Tuesday almost nothing about this matter soon In possession of the facts 1 had ai Interview morning with Mr K Jesup whom I found much could be relied to throw hU entire ifluence In the direction of what was kmtlj opinion Mr leWd had Jesup nt out reserve be would rather have entire of the Western Union Compan drown Into the than have one dollai- f them tainted with gambling or wrongdoing if any Boon after my Interview with Mr 1 estem Company I waiting Immediately sub their the order ho jeady promulgated stopping on his ow race the This by committee but It Is only the Initiative was taken entirely him and that If It has been state I or any one else prompted this such a statement Is 1 con that President dowry 1 the first Instance as well as Mr Mr JMUP deserves tbo credit In m- ess what was properly demanded pinion F Norton Goddard who said on Sunda- batbetting at the tracks should be s well as the betting in the poolrooms teemed disturbed a uiny people had Interpreted that remark mean was begin operations against the t oolrooms I nave no Idea of t at the racetracks In half of the City Club I undertook to show that the Western Union in furnishing or the ny activity JiVJiCIO STILL IN PARIS i Statement Considered Another at Francs Sptctal CaW Diipaich It Tax SUN PARIS May Matin says that sensation has been caused In political circles the statement which the Papal nunciatui Paris gave out to the effect that Mgr jorenzelll the Nuncio had no irders to take his leave if M NUard the French Ambassador he Vatican and that Rome had no luaU nation to reply to provocations It Is be loved says the paper that the note will LIve rise to a fresh incident in the strained relations of the Vatican and France The Figaro says that the Vatican seems have decided to give blow for blow I- leolares to be unfounded the rumor 01 del Vats dismissal as Papal of State Porte Rlcan LecUlatore Meets SpfcUt CoM Ditpalclt to To SUM SAN JUAN Porto Rico May 23 The ixtra session of the Legislature opened The Governor In his message as to the 9000000 4 per can that no be taken at any a the actual bonds until Congress hall have acted upon the question of the iw exempting from national taxation isulor bonds now pending to Congress Abyssinian III Special debt to Tn SON LONDON May Emperor Menclik reported to be seriously ill DIG BUSINESS IN FLAGS lolewle Dealers Are Having Difficulty In Supplying tbe Demand lisle Year As Memorial Day approaches the flag lustry annually takes on a boom The j dealers say that there is an excep large demand for the national year Some wholesale houses ave difficulty in filling orders and retail itabllshments are selling stars and stripes untlng at advanced rates which o not regularly carry flogs are andMng season because of early such a line would yield- n unusually attractive profit The con almost the e fine Made silk ra year Rneocd Ftom Petteri Plaid Mrs Catherine of 2Jfl East Forty Ixth street went to the Morgue and the photograph of a killed on the ThUd avenue elevated oad at street on 24 s that of her grandson Henry Wisp a of 1813 avenue sad mans other grandmother Mrs Kate ohmer of 807 street led Sunday Hta body will be nx potters Held and the ineralsof Mrs and the 111 be held together tomorrow i s Pul Lye the OW RAT more d th- om proprietors lad that the th- eca art police as the a suit or In the Now York once but the the Jab the beg I but Mora over but who me the that Mr J Gould I of the found Cow service Dyer cut approve the to by that acton for with such n b X am he and egg news tl and Slip f 23The a by In rive at to Cain toy ont ton Rue 23The i tony Store the Is and buT prom we the yester- day man or gin V sleezln Sleet irs TICKET OFflCES 552234 Brodwsy NwYork yesterday the Polh oiteiii boo papers lor Cbs Theatre charge borne panT knew was tue ltuation assurance attended ezecutlve J resident had eli Clown sod prompt bookmakers not said 9n stopping was ill flags Quotations are inn 0 prove menu > > > < PARTING CAL CONTRACTS MAT Eli E PECTED ABOUT AUG 1 He Will See horses In Peril Wont Will N Mil Vacancy II Return Balli on the GovernorChairman Odell arrived at Fifth Avenue Hotel last night Ho r leave the hotel at 8 oclock this morning take the State tug Governor Flower Hoboken whro he will board the ship Kaiser Wilbelm der Grease return from abroad on this Bteomshl reaching Hoboken on June 14 and after few days rest will go on to Chicago Republican national convention will land at Cherbourg France and spend four In Paris t be followed by a four In Lon donThe GovernorChairman had talks las night with Edward Lauterbaoh Willlan- Halpln Charles S Adler Senator Elsberj and Senator Brackett Another caller was James E March who Is seeking t have John Palmleri to sucoee the late Justice the bench GovcrnorChaUinan Odel he would not fill the vacancy untl ho returns It Is nearly two months Justice Fltzslmons tiled There have been that the GoV ernorChauTnan to have Gen Porter the American Ambassador to France for his candidate for Governor Asket last night If he hud idea of runnlnc Gen Porter the GovernorChairman said I will not talk about or until I get back from abroad Yes I In tend to sue Gen Porter but cannot draw political significance from that specifications was 1 that bids would to be awarded about a month later GovernorChairman Odell does not to nominate Ellhu Root for Governor more than Mr Root wants the nomi- nation so It la a political standoff between the two One of officeholders sold lost night We dont want Root We couldnt any business In Albany remark was not accepted to be a reflection on Cornelius N Bliss Chauncoy- M or Gen Porter all of are on GovernorChairman Odells slate as his candidates for Governor Mr RUse and Senator are 71 old and Gen Porter Is 07 and while the three notably Mr Bliss and Senator D pcw have for years party organization tom of the affairs Mr Bliss Depew In other words would be the Gov- ernor Odell would still control of War II only 69 old and is familiar labyrinthine details of party politics and he was president of the Now York Republican county and the say would make too ous a Governor to suit them Republicans Republican Odell being now i full control of the machinery of the Re lubllcan In the generally admitted by Republicans that tion of Is decidedly perilous GovernorChairman war on W Dunn as chairman of tho State committee was spoken of last as an evidence of Governor Chairmans Insincerity man Odell not want Dunn to remain State chairman end at the same tuna re- tain his place as a member of the Railroad voters said the Gover over and over again while le was directing the war on Col Dunn do not like to have their State chairman n officeholder The GovernorChalr got Col Dunn out of his as State and then the Governor of the State of New York promptly had himself elected chairman of committee JovernorChairman Odell it was said last is hearing from this matter In all directions GOV CUMMINS HOPEFUL e Thinks Roosevelt Will Carry Iowa by a Majority or 1OOOOO CHICAGO May 23 Republican national slltlcs took on a semblance of life today a group of politicians of national at the Auditorium Annex end various States Chief imong the visitors was Gov A B Cummins f Iowa whoso name is associated with the Iowa Idea of tariff revision and real irocdty as opposed to the stand pat policy enunciated by the late Marcus also were former Senator E O Wolcott of Colorado Representative James A Tawney of Minnesota the Republican whip in the lower house of Congress and of the Republican na- tional convention William F Stone Speaking of the national ticket Gov Theodore Roosevelt will be nominated Tor the without opposition- As to the VicePresidency I beyond the fact entertains a of the Illinois candidate Representative Robert R Hltt as it does Out in Iowa we to carry the tate for Roosevelt 100000 ma In off I carried the State by about and the the- n Iowa We also to carry one Democratic district to Congress now repre tented by Judge Haven Will Work for Parker Melvin Z who was David B Hills rat choice of the Democratic committee but who was turned down favor of Cord Meyer came to rday and had a talk with F heehan and Mr Meyer Mr said e bad no hard feelings and be Bslgned to some active work in the further wee of the candidacy of Judge Parker e was to he has doing in where he has been out 14 IlllnoU Delegates for SFBiNoruu HI May 23 rats of Bond county today Instructed four delegates to the national oonven for Hearst after a bitter fight with adherents of Congressman Williams- At the Democratic onrentlon the ten delegates to the State onventlon were ebraska County Against Kancai City Platform NORTH PLATTB Neb May ZJAt the Inooln county Democratic convention resolutions the Kansas Ity platform were voted down end dele itea convention were sent obstructed Still Faithful t Bryan RICHMOND Va May 21 Fluvanna Democrats today adopted mot- ions declaring the platforms of 1890 and 00 of since the day of Jefferson the and patriotic Cram end IHoebse WIUi MnrpHy ATLANTIC Cixr N J May it Charles Murphy Tammany chief it stopping t the Brighton accompanied by J Ser1 1 WORS FRO I DELL Pore but Tel Vat t the and ate a to- rte The dar appoint Curt sic report He or the canal so to the want wit to bother with route ret ot the of tho comment to Gen Mr Root the who up on tours have and It their the vote r Common man when ambled A- Ha sl d of tic heavier Have tow Have ben Aba Bet the ton Beat county han J Bra alt mOt F cat a t City said pushed be possible a himself the but machinery Similar Porter former Seem toot have been State returned Is testimony that Stat fame Fairbanks Intlana the Republican majority state 11 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ SFEOIAX SPRING SALE ged Pianolas Pianos Aeolians Terminate Saturday PIANOLAS at f 160 17G and 200 UPRIGHT PIANOS W upwards GRAND PIANOS 325 and AEOUANB 40 and upwards inn In lbe instruments M tins oBpoitunltrP a this week AEOtlAX COMPANY A n e l e r lh Street PLACE loOn ItASEXFLVOS V4 Ilaiids Out a ftlBOO Job Wertu- narhcr Must o Comptroller Grout gave another jo yesterday to Tarnraany by appolntln Alfred May a follower of Conrad Haser- flugi Democratic leader of tho Nlhetoent Assembly district or Brooklyn to a examining Inspector in tho Finance Depart 1500 a year Hasenflug was sum madly dismissed as Deputy Dock Corn missioner because he would not throw over McCarren Tho Comptroller had n 14600 place he could appoint Haienflu to but difficulty b giving three men to IMS named by Hoaen 11500 places tliftt Mr was op pointed on tho recommendation of Leade Mr Grout would say nothing But when he was were an vacancies his which Commissioner Best went Westernacher would re nounce McCnrren and so hU th plump Deputy has decided to stand pat of decision that when Mr Best back from vacation Mr will bo ask to walk the plank Corporation Counsel Delany returnei to city West H he had not on a political mission TO TAKE OFFICE Cause Warfare In Brooklyn If H Makes Certain Stan Cbanict- ExRegister John K Neal will take f chorg- f the offico of Commissioner of Records n Brooklyn on Thursday as the successor if George Waldo Both the latter his successor are Republicans and since of the employee been of the some seal In accordance with the wishes of tin lepubllcan leaders U to make some in the staff Commissioner ary Johnson have been slated for thief lieutenant and William Burgess are o pet the If the superintendent 9 forced out to the courts for elnBtatement on the ground that ho IH at- tonorably discharged veteran of the clvi war He has retained fonner Corporation Counsel A Burr to look liter The Republican man wont a for he of the Assembly district APPOINTMENTS tate Engineer Announces New Division and Resident Engineers ALBANY May 23 State Engineer Jstyno has announced the appointment f Charles W Trumbull as division en Ineer of tho eastern division with head uarters in The salary Is J300- er Mr Trumbull was formerly engineer of Schenectady 0 ha eon appointed division of with headquarters to succeed Fred W olntod resident i vision with headquarters In Syracuse o succeed G who special deputy State or barge wore Moulton lyrnouse also been resident of tho middle barge anal work FAIRBANKS IS VnECIDED- IU Friends Are OITerlnc Connictlns About the Nomination INDIANAPOLIS Ind May an- louncement by friends of United States lenator Fairbanks that te 10 further to his nomination the VicePresidency how stirred op oaltlon friends and s now advised on both sides of the Those who hope to succeed him hi the urge not to decline the noml who to see him resident advise him to adhere to his purpose and refuse to be a candl bate that Fairbanks was o impressed the disinterested advice f his that he is again undetermined s to what he will do BREXXEX REMOVED Fight In Courts to Get flack as Exec the Member From 18th District Deputy Tenement House Commissioner iVlUlam Brennen who recently deserted he McCarren standard was last night removed as the executive morn ter from the Thirteenth district and Charles V Abrams a McCarren supporter was ilected to the vacancy Opponents of contend that of Brenroa was Invalid and he question may go to the courts en Thinks Cleveland the Brit Can- didate JACKSON Miss May 23 Gen Stephen Commander of the Confederate eterans says that it him very ruth as though Judgo Parker would Democratic Gen Lee con Grover biggest man Democratic and with his backbone Is at Wash igton It is evident that would to see him nominated A rent many Mississippians think as he does Ntbraaka Ounty Stands by BDMI- BZNKLEMAN Neb May 3S Dundy- lunty Democrats In convention today dorsed the Kansas City and structed delegates to vote for dogate at to the Burglars Vied Chloroform Burglars entered the home of Herman lllch at Gran ton North Bergen early i Sunday tnorning and stole KJ2 in cash d 1600 worth of and silverware Froelllche two sons 1 a daughter complained of severe at the break table They lorofonned the burglars JOTTINGS ABOUT TO- NI executive committee of the Marquette Leacue formed to ralM fund or e of- OatheUo Indian schools sad reuudon- ilm atenlar In the VaStest d It MHU of tbo Dr Stortcn Cook WM elected of iki rt Surgeons J Ese and TiE Grout b mont at I men could the there aro t away for two acton bop had that be gel his NEAL nl CORDS E and tin have I- mport and Sere D Thom leer Send CAt cit the In who on Jno 1 the middle of appoint 23The for t Sat ho I 1 Unit nome elder need Bra ton Jewel The he fut I I I II I ef Ire ends Brook- lyn fill Comptroller replied Bridge yesterday a weeki bin The said thy Orenehbe Col Van eer will resign been AdvIce AcceptIng beIng thy Lea D- ee be- Lie a- ma believe LI aiming ens discussed plans for lbs league PolIce yesterday < ¬ > > TRIAL FOR FRAUDS iff IU1I1 STOCK FOR TODAY III own Lawyers and A rt Dtttrie t raey Oarr Have Lest All Tra of Illm Mri Ii on 111 Honda f- aaOOOand Dr R 0 Flower under five indictment for grand larceny in connection with tl sale of worthless mining stock accuse hi more than 100 like complaints In District Attorney Garvans safe missing and will not appear today U trial before Recorder Ooff In tIre General Sessions This Is the Information which the District Attorney received yesterda from Flowers lawyers John R Dos Posse and Howe t Hummel They told MJ larvan yesterday that they hind no of the whereabouts of Flower wh has had a handsomely appointed home a Rutherford Park Rutherford N J The indictments against Flower are about two years old and the Interim betwee the time when the Grand Jury thor and today has been filled motions by the examination of wltneesc in the West and Southwest and by th trial of Edward Mills partner of one o Flowers sons a lawyer for trying to brib Assistant District Garvan to him tho original indictments against Flower Mills is for it harly in this month the trial of Flower wa sot the Recorder for to The complainants In the five pend- ing him ore A Buttrlck Alden H C Wood- ruff 8 Treadwell and Mrs Bell It was Intended to the indictment In Mrs Taylors case to trial but If Flower In not case will be called and the ball In all rating 23000 will be declared forfeited Cornelia Storm widow of a forme Deputy Comptroller of city who live went on bonds as security some of the houses Ii Mulberry street opposite Police as newspaper stations for District Attorney in Mrs Sterns is unseoure in Mr Garvan b- lleves also that she Invested some in Flowers enterprises for which she had no returns The proceedings In the Flower case have cost thousands of dollar for commissions have token mony In Arizona Montana and and have examined n regard to the Flower mines property which he as the basic for wltnosse have been summoned here to the trial Mr Garvan to District Attorney Jerome yesterday that had been although he said the In doted man was in city to a week and had been doing business at 11 Broad- way District Attorneys office Is siblo for the statement Flower cleaned 12000000 in the Arizona Eastern Montana Ore Development Company Attorney s efforts to find out what reall death of Millionaire Theodore Hncamnn who died In the fall of In tre WaldorfAstoria The of Dr Witthauss examination In hoi never been publicly announced COL JAMES F OO0KVS DEAD Chicago Men Victim of ParalysIs on Visit to This CUr Col Janice F Gooklns the son of the late Chief Justice Gooklns of Indiana died yesterday at the Hotel Navarre Seventl avenue and Thirtyeighth street Hi suffered a stroke of lost Tuesday A second and third stroke yesterday in his death Gen 1 third street who has known him for some time visited him In the of the day fled and she started for mains will bo taken to Chicago for Interment His son is the under the city government A daughter also survives Cot Gookins was among the Indiana Ho and civil engineer and possessed artistic of a order war he studied in and France and some of his paintings won commendation He occasionally came to this city because of fondness art He had boon at the Hotel Navarro several weeks Obituary Notes Robins B Woodward M years old son ol the len John B Woodward and nephei of Robert B Woodward a broker 45 Wall street died suddenly about t ocloc yesterday morning at 210 On 12 lost he married to Miss Emily Hopkins GrovenUen daughter of the late Grove steen The marriage which took place both the Woodwind and Groveatwn famlllei prominent In Mr Woodward been engaged In tho business since H He was a morn and Club and the Crescent Athletic Club Dr Cororfri physician that death resulted from The funeral serlees will b held George T Bourne died on After A llnserlnit at his residence 37 West Mr Bourne was the of S Bourne of Bristol R I was for many a member of Hrm of A Appleton Retiring In lair he with they resided until a ago Mr Bourne was of the oldest members of league In 1 M P Baker and In his ilxtynlnth year d Snow one of the moat prominent manufacturers In city at Use age of 61 Hewas Boston when 18 years old entered the shoe For roar e was superintendent of the rd factory 1174 began the acture himself one of largest ihoe businesses In that city He was one the first manufacturers to engage foreign trade He a widow John Cable ol the Hudson Boulevard Commission of norris yesterday afternoon home t 33 avenue He seas 02 old Mr Cables wife died of he same disease on 0 lost His wife of Charles H Cavalll succumbed o pneumonia on April SO Mr Cable wes for many years with lemocratlo politics Arthur Janice a retired news man of Washington died at his home n that city on Sunday in the roar age was In ild but went to Washington when And began newspaper work Ho was con of that until his retirement recently Capt Josiah L Tenable a veteran of war and a prominent cltUen of Washing on died at city on n the seventyseventh year Ho- I Washington Benedict 49 age who several Lak- es horn died suddenly there on He was In railway circles the Bute and years ilroad Coo Hester Jackson who lived In three cen- urles died at her homo In Washington on lundar In the iwth year of She ran born In 17M was the widow of oah negro real tent of Washington DTOWIM Herself In Pond SAIULTOOA May 23 Mrs Margaret ten years In the service of Mr and drowned herself this orntog In pond at Taddo the Traak on Union avenue Nervous rostratlon sad Insomnia made her an In- alM for over two anti caused o ba neatallr disturbed of J On j r fie E lavo the Intone may may cit unable- to ago and the Flower his In In rut a Jut His In not users to cal for troops was yea at the or lat at was at on the or fashionable or the IUd In and club on Thursday Inn lon one the of le- as die at bll bore m F low UIN and the In nvpe die Eaton new city are sad a te In1 was development or the city yea ror hout wa or Ii New York panT know a Sit a late CANNOT FIND DR L SET A Sierra May Lose Entire Asians Assis- tant knowl- edge Head- quarters beer 300 bam josh Washing- ton and Mining Mining Company since also the District IaN I wife who lives Chicago was who responded first tie 00 Grace ileIhts was one tbr events season stock- brokerage afternoon the leaves a daughter lbs late thee Daniel held number identified the growth and sight trio Sanstora and Hudson River seat her t < RICIHAL FLYMOVTH GIN Has a reputation of 200 years as the standard Gin H V f Dry Unsweetened Bottled Black Friars Distillery Plym- outh England Served at all clubs and cafes Sold by all wine merchants and grocers NEW YORK AND KENTUCKY CO 232 FIfth ATBHI Car 27th St KM York Sole Agent for the United States f I 3 at the r f t 41iPu i P- rM n C QATE a 1 P- T i t1 r 11111 1 I t- iIE 111 Ill t- Jli i III I I I 1 1 I R I IiIj110t1II ¬ = DEATH OF THE WHITE QUEEN Bertha Walker GaTe Up liar Convert Chinamen Bertha Walker who had spent the seven or eight years doing missionary work near Chatham Square and who called by the Americanized residents Chinatown the White Queen died in the Hudson street hospital had been there less than a week having been taken from her home at 12 suffering from nephritis She years oldMiss Walkers relatives lived In Phila- delphia her father being at one time treas- urer of Forepaughs Theatre on Eighth In that city and a man of consider She took an interest in missionary work when very young and with the Rev Frederick Poole among the of Her to her associations among the Chinamen and she ran away to this nine years ago She meetings at the Bowery Mission and took an active part In the affairs of the and Rescue missions- in Doyera was credited with the conversion of many Chinamen all of held her In a sort of reverence She continued her work until a taken ill The doctor who attended her said she would have to get out of her small room but she declared she among the people she had tried to few however she consented- to go to the hospital would When news of the White Queens death Chinatown last of merchants preparations to give was to the Stephen Merritt Burial Company at Nine and avenue The funeral will be held tomorrow The ser be conducted by a Chinatown missionary and eight Chinamen will be PIERCE SENT TO SING Negro Who Wa Charred With Two Boys From This City MiDDJJSTOWH N Y May 23 Elmer Pierce tho negro who was arrested on 24 last In his cabin near Florida county charged with kidnapping- two New York boys was sentenced today to nine years and nine In Sing Sing Prison The two boys to havo beers kidnapped by Archie Wielding 15 years old of 277 Thir- teenth street Brooklyn and Robert Sher wood 13 years old eon of L J Sherwood of 18 East Twentieth street Manhattan They were returned home immediately after the negro was arrested and young Wielding when seen by a SUN reporter said that he and Sherwood had gone volun- tarily with the and that when they returned home Notwithstanding the denial that there had been any kidnapping the negro was was not Pierce had been em- ployed at the Coney Island racetrack where first rust and when he secured employment on a stock farm near away from joined him his arrest the negro told same aa the Wielding it was expected that released when case ensue to trial When ar- raigned today however he to and was then sentenced POHTUM CLEVER DOCTOR a 20 Years TrrabU Wlthoat say Medicine A wise Indiana physician cured 20 years stomach disease without any medicine as his patient tolls I had stomach trouble for 20 years tried allopathic medicines patent modl- cinoa and all the simple remedies sug by my friends but grew worse alt Finally a doctor who Is the prom- inent physician In this part told ma medicine would do me no onfy Irritating my stomach and making it worse that I must look to diet and quit drinking coffee I cried out In Quit drinking Coffeel1 why What drtakr Try Pastern sold the doctor I drink It and you will like it when it U made ac- cording to directions with cream for it Is delicious and has none of the bad effect coffee has Well that was two years ago and I am still drinking Postum stomach to right again I know doctor hit the nail on when bo decided coffee was the cause of all my trouble I I had It and In Its place given by Postum Co Battle Never too to mend Ten days trial of PoAtum in place of coffee work Theres a reason Look In h for the famous little book The Road to WellvlU Tout te put of Mot stet work Chine cit Hop mont when w on Mott street want to I who If she I red mae her a big tuner per SING- e Marc mont sup Pie Indict Florid boy CIA get mOt Stat ala M onT Jeers ch fate was yester- day She If got well Many Chinamen to inquIn Kid- napping w Cured ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ATTACHMENT AGAINST BANK Claim f Mtoo Upon the American In Deputy has two attachments gainst the of the City of Mexico to favor of John Young one for 6000 and the other for 11600 on assigned claims on six certificates- of deposits Issued by the bank on Feb 1 and April 7 1602 to the International Money Box Company of New York and Chicago which money was not to be two years from the date of Issue of the which certificates It Is the bank refused to pay at ma- turity The attachments were on banks here They warn on the ground that the is a West Virginia capital of the American Beak U 11075000 par 1216 and It reported in 1803 total of 1000000 and undivided 75000 George W Coch waa then president A manager and F cashier REPUDIATE THE ARBITRATOR Laborers Refuse t Abide by Carter n- eMM Lockout Today MOHTCLAJB H jr May 23 WhIU th4 appointed by the journeymens union and the Master Builders Associa- tion were to conference this afternoon with Benjamin Carter who had been decided upon as arbitrator to settle the labor dlN a member of the laborers union from the laborers union- to the secretary to the effect that they would by the decision of the arbitrator were stopped and a look- out of all the will ooour tomorrow It will affot 800 men and tho trades not only in Montolalr but In Caldwell lien Bloomfield SCHMITT BROTHERS FAMOUS REPRODUCERS OP FAMOUS STYLES Sheraton Chippendale orlg Inals and our copies- Is age Could more be said or Sheraton Llbrsvry ChsUn TiMe Booko s Chi mt4aU Sideboards an Borvorat Purs CaloalsU 40 EAST 23d STRUT X DIED OCX Suddenly as the remIt of an teMmt- oa auaiUy May 8 uoi at Us horn JO Zest IM St Henry D Bibcock Jr third son of Henry D sad Anna U Baboock In kk list rear FuawU Mrvlces at St Them Church TSidae- sar May 2 10 A K Itlsre aeiud1lul no Bower to stat VRKE4 rf T on fttaar BoniacVar at Isle residence a Wect MU it Geort T b twa rear of his age St Thomas Mb ST and EM i Tuesday nomine Or H at 10 oetadc private Suad y Mir JVat his mldcaoc 71 West U4th at marts Coma In tho TOtb year of hU ce- Foaertl private Interment at Bodice T T UMPHBEVSSttddenly on Mar 1KU aboard steamship su Louis Joseph Honphrers seed years Futral privet Iron hit Ute on Be ay Larcbmoat Manor Tuesday at A M- EDOTX On Monday May a at th Hotf- lremnftoa Katharine widow of Lo F Ledoux 0 D In the rear of ber Me at the nddeac of b r son SOU St on at half put oclock Interment Cemeterj Newburg Special ear on New fork Centr train leavIng Grand Central Depot at 101- 3DWARDOn Monday May M 104 BUckbam Woodward ton of tfa John B Woodward ass Zllxabetb a his lat residence Jt Henrr CW Thursday liar 3 M solork P M Kindly omit lowers CEMETERlEt- I rtalw eerie laatlful BouUranU M W Seth t N T MY Wire Clam 8tt4 aad tAble 1 win eei- Mr FUO V MeN rive or ere lus m to and a I THE only I I deSire I C1R J RC U n uu Wd Ira a i mule r l- ater f e Rid h- en Wee Rbi I h- en I r or PN UI with- drawn The walked the building handed uote morning I difference Chin be l Mn Wiaslows SoothIng 5yrnp for obfldrea softens gums taSanmellosi- Uays pain cure bottle 33 4 lbs morning Alma 45 oouniry basis Ira S Wededay morning Wood- ward 4 4fl hiss s r kaaist I my ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > < >

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Post on 20-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Ese Pianolas GIN Pore Vat Pianos Pul Aeolians Has f · 2017. 12. 16. · inu ia ia

inu ia uniform Hos the handsonu-rnpp

All right Hes suit hero toldjptalnj Then ho rang off


u About flftoen minutes later CaptHodgliand Detectives Howe Roy McQeo MDonald Murphy and Williams raidedB2i on the third floor of mo Vanderbilt

at streeton the door and waited for i

answer Finally they broke In withand screw drivervrasBt home The patrol wagon

since Fridaywere looking or

alsofifth floors of 29 Pork row whereJ 0 I Is Maid to have been onethe ooond floor of 80 Park row andthird floor of 12 Centre street which

saloon All theclosed Detectives had watched the bulktog on Park row all day


station made a formal call on Jimat 191 East treet He foun

some one Is arrested for Interferingpoliceman This time the captain foun

four prisoners Lightning Jimwho own with the pollover the business stood in thstreet as the prisoners were being takes

Everything cornea to him who waits h-

ha a wasIn each place the captain tore out the


at 85 WestJoo Is supposed to abide

At East Nineteenth streetIn by a rear window arrestedSeaman of 83 Columbia eUeet becauseInterfered with them

About thirtyfive resorts In the Tender-loin were The pollOI went

not own now and never did own butwunt even a telephone In the houseold colored woman was charge

noKKST JOKJT DEMANDS WABBAN-TRoundsman Anderson of the Tenderloin

station called at Honest John placeat 141 West street where

at the door and Anderson sold he wou dlike to look over the house Kelly wantedto know U Anderson had a warrantNo I havent said Anderson

Then you can go plumb to hell saidKelly ge in


The West streeteven visits and confiscated nine telephoneThe first place visited wasClub at 140 street whichyielded two On tho lower floor was an

connected with the two up-

stairs All three were ripped from theThere was nobody at of the sus-pected poolrooms vUlted Detective ONeilltook a out of a billiard room at1047 Sixth avenueCarter took one out of a house at 104

West Fiftieth street Detectivesand Ray invaded the brownstone house

cated two Then they went tothe rooms of the Emanon at 837 WestFiftieth street and gathered in another

Roundsman DetectivesSmith and Glllls went to Haymakers Hall

and no phone In the saloon onthe ground floor a telephoneand It ofT despite the

that the In-

formation for the poolroom upstairs cameover thisand Hayes found a telephone In the saloonat 991 avenue hi the

seemed astonished when the doIt from the wall The sleuths

that the telephone was the mediumthrough which a did business


At 101 Mercer the foundtwo telephones and arrested two

men up against the Instru-ments when the police and tried

and assaulting an officer The police gottheir names as HarryW Williamson alleged proprietor


At 24 West Third street one arrest wasmade that of John Anderson who gave

the station hos beenlately

Aloncle of the street stationraided the Parole at 114 West Four-teenth street and found an old negro five

and a switchboardWBSTEBN BUPU


William J Dealey and David B Mitchellsuperintendent and assistant superintend

commercial news department of the Westam Union Company were sub-poenaed to appear before

room men were issuedat the request of District Attorney JeromeM the some evidence

In their raid lost week on theheadquarters-

A subpoena was Issued forWhen a county went to the

he had no trouble In findingMitchell but nobody

that he was and the thirdsubpoena was not served The mans real

later In the day and htoday

supposed to be one chiefs ofand his nickname was on a

telegram found by tho raiders in the East

H Foarons general attorney

both would Justiceat 8 oclock this afternoon and willinglyanswer all questionsWANTS TO KNOWWIUTTJIBKETELEaBAPIIEBS-

BID Jit lUHONKTSDistrict Attorney Jerome refused to

tell what now Doe proceedingsare to be but ho was aswhatthey will not be He said

are not against theany or

form Neither are any oncersdirectors or employees of that

It was employees of thecompany who sub-

poenaed tomen who wore captured In

and to those threemen to do In the oftrack news from the Mahoney headquarters

poolrooms-Mr said further I am still of

the opinion that the Western Union hasaltogether In good faith in

this poolroom dont wantthe these subpoenas have beenirsued to create the that I havechanged my mindDOUBTS IAWTULXEBS op JTUDIT ARRESTS

The District Attorney didnt seem tothink much of the raids suede

1 y tho on FridayThoso raids were suede

without consulting with this office and theDistrict Attorney knew nothing about


would not help themout by the police court the

assistantshustled appeared to thethe day to a to

prisoners could befrom I see in tho newspapers andfrom what ma

who worn arrested on Friday Ifthn arrests wereIllegal But 1 imagine that the


iiI l the




lr The raider


Ij nine telephones a or chartlit and account and any number of

receipts Capt theoen last

rIoi Donald who Iii proprietor



If theoverwere


EMt treetPurcell

eoondtwo oore men reading tho aftemoon paper

Shire hIIB men stationed In trontof this for weeks and every othor

withaa with JL he to

Stewart1 u

acapt Shlro alBo went to two sa1oon

that hAve telephones and where

Walsh got nothing but a tele-phone street



through the hOUlle at 61 WestFrank he doe


tarre ted on Frida Kel was stand

at 220 West atreet and cones

at West





away They were lookedup Mercer street on the

and a Iroom

In the



Wyatt In to ttyb-




new lee French


for the Union yeterthat Deer





tem were over

rid theup



or altno






I 74an







1 42












to push thestation double

of aiding abetting

SmithFederal crash


Justicein John Doe proceedings against


era Union to servo thet and


t I1 street


Western companyafternoon










I nlrhtbeen made police

called In Rutgers Streetasked

4I until some evidence against

a scintilla evidence thoes-


i was evidence



> <















Wtll SUMt-CMtiMdt trot


ABACI tvrrr

S30 Fulton StreetBrooklyn

car bttwetn New York an-

U Louis Wutward onthe BLACK DIAMONDEXPRESS Eastward onTrain No 4

New York 1035 AM i arrive Bt Louisnext afternoon LeavtBtLouis U DoondaltriarriveNew York next ve-


must have had evidence or Use

would not have arrested a hundred c

more men If we had boon consultand placed In possession of whatever ev

may would beresults hi courts

It is a most difficult thing to get adievidence a from

track news is distributed toYou may go into places amhear a men shouting thraces into telephones Isnt enough

The furtheran end to track betting but I am not


ExAssistant District Attorneywho Is counsel for of poolroor

Commissioner in behalf of some ofprisoners taken Jn the recent raids In

Cess who was 1

distributing centre

in the Court The casewas withdrawn by the representativethe District Attorney an attempt to gedoss to thehe was caughthUNCh Or EXCHANGE PniBONKRS LET X

William Sloan and nine others who werarrested In the raid on Saturday aftcmoo

with a werereleased yesterday by Magistrate MayIn the courtEleven telephones and a number ofcharts In the roompolice could swear that theymen arrested sitting about room I

their shirt were notto that news had been tele-phoned to poolrooms


acob II BchlfT Tells What George OoulTold Morris If JeiupH Schiff of Kuhn Loeb Co

directors of the Western UnloTelegraph Company who was on his wa

from Europe when the fight agalnsracing service of the telegraph com

sold yesterdayhome Tuesday

almost nothing about this mattersoon In possession of the facts 1 had ai

Interview morning with MrK Jesup whom I found much

could be relied to throw hU entireifluence In the direction of what was kmtlj

opinionMr leWd had Jesup nt out

reserve be would rather have entireof the Western Union Compan

drown Into the than have one dollai-f them tainted with gambling or wrongdoing

if anyBoon after my Interview with Mr

1 estem Company Iwaiting Immediately subtheir the order ho

jeady promulgated stopping on his owrace

theThis by

committee but It Is onlythe Initiative was taken entirely

him and that If It has been stateI or any one else prompted this

such a statement Is1 con that President dowry

1 the first Instance as well as MrMr JMUP deserves tbo credit In m-

ess what was properly demandedpinionF Norton Goddard who said on Sunda-

batbetting at the tracks should bes well as the betting in the poolrooms

teemed disturbed auiny people had Interpreted that remark

mean wasbegin operations against the


oolrooms I nave no Idea of tat the racetracks In

half of the City Club I undertook to showthat the Western Union

in furnishingor theny activity


i Statement Considered Anotherat Francs

Sptctal CaW Diipaich It Tax SUN

PARIS May Matin says thatsensation has been caused In political circles

the statement which the Papal nunciatuiParis gave out to the effect that Mgr

jorenzelll the Nuncio had noirders to take his leaveif M NUard the French Ambassadorhe Vatican and that Rome had no luaU

nation to reply to provocations It Is beloved says the paper that the note willLIve rise to a fresh incident in the strainedrelations of the Vatican and France

The Figaro says that the Vatican seemshave decided to give blow for blow I-

leolares to be unfounded the rumor 01

del Vats dismissal as Papalof State

Porte Rlcan LecUlatore MeetsSpfcUt CoM Ditpalclt to To SUM

SAN JUAN Porto Rico May 23 Theixtra session of the Legislature opened

The Governor In his messageas to the 9000000 4 per

can that no be taken at anya the actual bonds until Congresshall have acted upon the question of theiw exempting from national taxationisulor bonds now pending to Congress

Abyssinian III

Special debt to Tn SON

LONDON May Emperor Menclikreported to be seriously ill


lolewle Dealers Are Having DifficultyIn Supplying tbe Demand lisle YearAs Memorial Day approaches the flag

lustry annually takes on a boom Thej dealers say that there is an excep

large demand for the nationalyear Some wholesale houses

ave difficulty in filling orders and retailitabllshments are selling stars and stripesuntlng at advanced rates whicho not regularly carry flogs areandMng season because of early

such a line would yield-n unusually attractive profit The con

almost thee fine Made silk

r a year

Rneocd Ftom Petteri PlaidMrs Catherine of 2Jfl East Forty

Ixth street went to the Morgueand the photograph of akilled on the ThUd avenue elevated

oad at street on 24s that of her grandson Henry Wisp a

of 1813 avenuesad mans other grandmother Mrs Kateohmer of 807 streetled Sunday Hta body will be nx

potters Held and theineralsof Mrs and the

111 be held together tomorrow


Pul Lye





proprietors lad thattheth-

eca artpolice as

the a suitor

In the Now York


but thethe


thebeg I


Mora over but whome the that Mr J Gould

I of thefound


Dyer cut approve the

tobythat acton

for with suchn b

X am heand

egg news

tl and


f23The a





toy ontton





the Is

and buT promwe the


or gin

V sleezln


TICKET OFflCES552234 Brodwsy


yesterdaythe Polh

oiteiiiboo papers lor


Theatre charge




tue ltuationassurance

attended ezecutlveJ resident




sod prompt


not said 9n stopping



flags Quotations areinn0 prove







He Will See horses In PerilWont Will NMil Vacancy II

Return Balli on the

GovernorChairman Odell arrived atFifth Avenue Hotel last night Ho r

leave the hotel at 8 oclock this morningtake the State tug Governor FlowerHoboken whro he will board theship Kaiser Wilbelm der Greasereturn from abroad on this Bteomshlreaching Hoboken on June 14 and afterfew days rest will go on to Chicago

Republican national conventionwill land at Cherbourg

France and spend four In Paris tbe followed by a four In Lon

donThe GovernorChairman had talks lasnight with Edward Lauterbaoh Willlan-Halpln Charles S Adler Senator Elsberjand Senator Brackett Another callerwas James E March who Is seeking thave John Palmleri to sucoeethe late Justice the

bench GovcrnorChaUinan Odelhe would not fill the vacancy untl

ho returns It Is nearly two monthsJustice Fltzslmons tiled

There have been that the GoV

ernorChauTnan to have GenPorter the American Ambassador to Francefor his candidate for Governor Asketlast night If he hud idea of runnlncGen Porter the GovernorChairman said

I will not talk about oruntil I get back from abroad Yes I Intend to sue Gen Porter but cannotdraw political significance from that

specifications was

1 that bids wouldto be awarded about a month later

GovernorChairman Odell does notto nominate Ellhu Root for Governor

more than Mr Root wants the nomi-nation so It la a political standoff betweenthe two One ofofficeholders sold lost night We dontwant Root We couldnt any business InAlbany

remark was not accepted to be areflection on Cornelius N Bliss Chauncoy-M or Gen Porter all ofare on GovernorChairman Odells slateas his candidates for GovernorMr RUse and Senator are 71old and Gen Porter Is 07 and while thethree notably Mr Bliss and Senator D pcwhave for years partyorganization tom

of the affairs Mr BlissDepew In other words would be the Gov-ernor Odell would still control

of War II only 69 oldand is familiar labyrinthinedetails of party politicsand hewas president of the Now York Republicancounty and the say

would make tooous a Governor to suit them Republicans

RepublicanOdell being now

i full control of the machinery of the Relubllcan In the generally

admitted by Republicans thattion of Is decidedlyperilous GovernorChairman waron W Dunn as chairman oftho State committee was spoken of last

as an evidence of GovernorChairmans Insincerityman Odell not want Dunn to remainState chairman end at the same tuna re-tain his place as a member of the Railroad

voters said the Goverover and over again while

le was directing the war on Col Dunndo not like to have their State chairmann officeholder The GovernorChalr

got Col Dunn out of his as Stateand then the Governor of the

State of New York promptly had himselfelected chairman of committeeJovernorChairman Odell it was said last

is hearing from this matter In alldirections

GOV CUMMINS HOPEFULe Thinks Roosevelt Will Carry Iowa by

a Majority or 1OOOOO

CHICAGO May 23 Republican nationalslltlcs took on a semblance of life today

a group of politicians of nationalat the Auditorium Annex

end various States Chiefimong the visitors was Gov A B Cumminsf Iowa whoso name is associated with

the Iowa Idea of tariff revision and realirocdty as opposed to the stand patpolicy enunciated by the late Marcus

also were former Senator E OWolcott of Colorado Representative JamesA Tawney of Minnesota the Republicanwhip in the lower house of Congress and

of the Republican na-tional convention William F Stone

Speaking of the national ticket Gov

Theodore Roosevelt will be nominatedTor the without opposition-As to the VicePresidency Ibeyond the fact entertains a

of the Illinois candidateRepresentative Robert R Hltt as it does

Out in Iowa we to carry thetate for Roosevelt 100000 ma

In off I carried the Stateby about and the the-

n Iowa We also to carry oneDemocratic district to Congress now repretented by Judge

Haven Will Work for ParkerMelvin Z who was David B Hills

rat choice of the Democraticcommittee but who was turned down

favor of Cord Meyer came torday and had a talk with Fheehan and Mr Meyer Mr saide bad no hard feelings and be

Bslgned to some active work in the furtherwee of the candidacy of Judge Parker

e was to he hasdoing in where he has been


14 IlllnoU Delegates forSFBiNoruu HI May 23

rats of Bond county today Instructedfour delegates to the national oonvenfor Hearst after a bitter fight with

adherents of Congressman Williams-At the Democratic

onrentlon the ten delegates to the Stateonventlon were

ebraska County Against Kancai CityPlatform

NORTH PLATTB Neb May ZJAt theInooln county Democratic convention

resolutions the KansasIty platform were voted down end deleitea convention were sentobstructed

Still Faithful t BryanRICHMOND Va May 21 Fluvanna

Democrats today adopted mot-ions declaring the platforms of 1890 and00 of

since the day of Jeffersonthe and patriotic

Cram end IHoebse WIUi MnrpHyATLANTIC Cixr N J May it CharlesMurphy Tammany chief it stopping

t the Brighton accompanied by J Ser1



Pore but





to-rte The




He or the canalso

to the


witto bother with route

retot the of thocomment to Gen

Mr Root the

who up on tourshave and It theirthe vote








sl d


tic heavier



ben AbaBet




hanJ Bra alt mOt







be possible


himself the

butmachinery Similar

Porterformer Seem


have been Statereturned Is testimony that



Fairbanks Intlana

the Republican majority













Terminate SaturdayPIANOLAS at f160 17G and 200

UPRIGHT PIANOS W upwardsGRAND PIANOS 325 andAEOUANB 40 and upwards

inn In lbe instrumentsM tins oBpoitunltrP a

this week

AEOtlAX COMPANYA n e l e r lh Street


Ilaiids Out a ftlBOO Job Wertu-

narhcr Must o

Comptroller Grout gave another joyesterday to Tarnraany by appolntlnAlfred May a follower of Conrad Haser-

flugi Democratic leader of tho NlhetoentAssembly district or Brooklyn to aexamining Inspector in tho Finance Depart

1500 a year Hasenflug was summadly dismissed as Deputy Dock Corn

missioner because he would not throwover McCarren Tho Comptroller had n14600 place he could appoint Haienfluto but difficulty bgiving three men to IMS named by Hoaen

11500 placestliftt Mr was op

pointed on tho recommendation of LeadeMr Grout would say nothing

But when he was were anvacancies his which

Commissioner Best went

Westernacher would renounce McCnrren and so hU thplump Deputy has decided to stand pat

of decisionthat when Mr Best back from

vacation Mr will bo askto walk the plank

Corporation Counsel Delany returneito city West H

he had not on a political mission


Cause Warfare In Brooklyn If HMakes Certain Stan Cbanict-

ExRegister John K Neal will takef

chorg-f the offico of Commissioner of Recordsn Brooklyn on Thursday as the successorif George Waldo Both the latter

his successor are Republicans and sinceof the employee

been of the someseal In accordance with the wishes of tinlepubllcan leaders U to make some

in the staffCommissioner

ary Johnson have been slated for

thief lieutenant and William Burgess areo pet the If

the superintendent9 forced out to the courts forelnBtatement on the ground that ho IH at-tonorably discharged veteran of the clviwar He has retained fonnerCorporation Counsel A Burr to lookliter The Republican man

wont a forhe of the Assembly district


tate Engineer Announces New Divisionand Resident Engineers

ALBANY May 23 State EngineerJstyno has announced the appointmentf Charles W Trumbull as division enIneer of tho eastern division with headuarters in The salary Is J300-er Mr Trumbull was formerly

engineer of Schenectady0 ha

eon appointed division ofwith headquarters

to succeed

Fred Wolntod resident i

vision with headquarters In Syracuseo succeed G who

special deputy Stateor barge wore Moultonlyrnouse also been resident

of tho middle bargeanal work


IU Friends Are OITerlnc ConnictlnsAbout the Nomination


louncement by friends of United Stateslenator Fairbanks that te10 further to his nomination

the VicePresidency how stirred opoaltlon friends ands now advised on both sides of the

Those who hope to succeed him hi theurge not to decline the noml

who to see himresident advise him to adhere to his

purpose and refuse to be a candlbate that Fairbanks waso impressed the disinterested advicef his that he is again undetermineds to what he will do


Fight In Courts to Get flack as Execthe Member From 18th District

Deputy Tenement House CommissioneriVlUlam Brennen who recently desertedhe McCarren standard was last night

removed as the executive mornter from the Thirteenth district and CharlesV Abrams a McCarren supporter wasilected to the vacancy

Opponents of contend thatof Brenroa was Invalid and

he question may go to the courts

en Thinks Cleveland the Brit Can-

didateJACKSON Miss May 23 Gen Stephen

Commander of the Confederateeterans says that it him veryruth as though Judgo Parker would

Democratic Gen Lee conGrover biggest manDemocratic and

with his backbone Is at Washigton It is evident that would

to see him nominated Arent many Mississippians think as he does

Ntbraaka Ounty Stands by BDMI-

BZNKLEMAN Neb May 3S Dundy-lunty Democrats In convention todaydorsed the Kansas City andstructed delegates to vote fordogate at to the

Burglars Vied ChloroformBurglars entered the home of Herman

lllch at Gran ton North Bergen earlyi Sunday tnorning and stole KJ2 in cashd 1600 worth of and silverware

Froelllche two sons1 a daughter complained of severe

at the breaktable They

lorofonnedthe burglars

JOTTINGS ABOUT TO-NI executive committee of the Marquette Leacue

formed to ralM fund or e of-OatheUo Indian schools sad reuudon-

ilm atenlar In the VaStest

d It MHU of tboDr Stortcn Cook WM elected of ikirt Surgeons







mont at

Imen could the

there arot

awayfor two acton

bop had that

be gel his


E andtin


I-mport and Sere



leer Send




who on Jno 1

the middle




Sat ho













Brook-lyn fill Comptroller replied

Bridgeyesterday a weeki








eer will resignbeen













aiming ens discussed plans for lbs league

PolIce yesterday






III own Lawyers and A rt Dtttriet raey Oarr Have Lest All Traof Illm Mri Ii on 111 Honda f-


Dr R 0 Flower under five indictmentfor grand larceny in connection with tlsale of worthless mining stock accusehi more than 100 like complaints In

District Attorney Garvans safemissing and will not appear today Utrial before Recorder Ooff In tIre General

Sessions This Is the Information which

the District Attorney received yesterdafrom Flowers lawyers John R Dos Posseand Howe t Hummel They told MJ

larvan yesterday that they hind noof the whereabouts of Flower wh

has had a handsomely appointed home a

Rutherford Park Rutherford N JThe indictments against Flower are about

two years old and the Interim betweethe time when the Grand Jury thorand today has been filledmotions by the examination of wltneescin the West and Southwest and by thtrial of Edward Mills partner of one o

Flowers sons a lawyer for trying to bribAssistant District Garvan tohim tho original indictments against FlowerMills is for it

harly in this month the trial of Flower wasot the Recorder for to

The complainants In the five pend-ing him oreA Buttrlck Alden H C Wood-ruff 8 Treadwell and Mrs Bell

It was Intended tothe indictment In Mrs Taylors case to trialbut If Flower In not casewill be called and the ball In allrating 23000 will be declared forfeited

Cornelia Storm widow of a formeDeputy Comptroller of city who live

went on bondsas security some of the houses Ii

Mulberry street opposite Police

as newspaper stations forDistrict Attorney

in Mrs Sterns is unseourein Mr Garvan b-

lleves also that she Invested somein Flowers enterprises for which shehad no returns

The proceedings In the Flower case havecost thousands of dollarfor commissions have tokenmony In Arizona Montana and

and have examined nregard to the Flower mines

property which he as the basicfor wltnossehave been summoned here to the trial

Mr Garvan to District AttorneyJerome yesterday that had been

although he said the Indoted man was in city to a weekand had been doing business at 11 Broad-way

District Attorneys office Issiblo for the statement Flower cleaned

12000000 in the Arizona EasternMontana Ore Development Company

Attorney s efforts to find out what realldeath of Millionaire Theodore

Hncamnn who died In the fall ofIn tre WaldorfAstoria The of DrWitthauss examination In hoinever been publicly announced


Chicago Men Victim of ParalysIs on Visitto This CUr

Col Janice F Gooklns the son of the lateChief Justice Gooklns of Indiana diedyesterday at the Hotel Navarre Seventlavenue and Thirtyeighth street Hi

suffered a stroke of lost TuesdayA second and third stroke yesterdayin his death Gen 1

third street who has known him for sometime visited him In the of the day

fled and she started formains will bo taken to Chicago for IntermentHis son is the under thecity government A daughter also survives

Cot Gookins was among the Indiana

Ho and civilengineer and possessed artistic of a

order war he studied inand France and some of his paintings

won commendation He occasionally cameto this city because of fondness artHe had boon at the Hotel Navarro severalweeks

Obituary NotesRobins B Woodward M years old son ol

the len John B Woodward and nepheiof Robert B Woodward a broker45 Wall street died suddenly about t oclocyesterday morning at 210

On 12 lost hemarried to Miss Emily Hopkins GrovenUendaughter of the late Grovesteen The marriage which took place

both the Woodwind and Groveatwn famllleiprominent In Mr

Woodward been engaged In thobusiness since H He was a morn

andClub and the Crescent Athletic Club

Dr Cororfriphysician that death resulted from

The funeral serlees will b held

George T Bourne died on After A

llnserlnit at his residence 37 WestMr Bourne was the

of S Bourne of Bristol R Iwas for many a member of

Hrm of A Appleton Retiring Inlair he withthey resided until a ago MrBourne was of the oldest members of

league In 1 M

P Baker andIn his ilxtynlnth year

d Snow one of the moat prominentmanufacturers In

city at Use age of 61 HewasBoston when 18 years old entered theshoe For roar

e was superintendent of therd factory 1174 began the

acture himself one oflargest ihoe businesses In that city He

was one the first manufacturers to engageforeign trade He a widow

John Cable ol the HudsonBoulevard Commission of

norris yesterday afternoon homet 33 avenue He

seas 02 old Mr Cables wife died ofhe same disease on 0 lost His

wife of Charles H Cavalll succumbedo pneumonia on April SO Mr Cable wes

for many years withlemocratlo politics

Arthur Janice a retired newsman of Washington died at his home

n that city on Sunday in theroar age was Inild but went to Washington when

And began newspaper work Ho was conof that

until his retirement recentlyCapt Josiah L Tenable a veteran of

war and a prominent cltUen of Washingon died at city onn the seventyseventh year Ho-

I WashingtonBenedict 49 age who

several Lak-es horn died suddenly there on

He was In railway circlesthe Bute and years

ilroad Coo

Hester Jackson who lived In three cen-urles died at her homo In Washington onlundar In the iwth year of Sheran born In 17M was the widow ofoah negro real

tent of Washington

DTOWIM Herself In PondSAIULTOOA May 23 Mrs Margaret

ten years In the service of Mr anddrowned herself this

orntog In pond at Taddo the Traakon Union avenue Nervous

rostratlon sad Insomnia made her an In-

alM for over two anti causedo ba neatallr disturbed of

JOn j r










Flower his InIn



JutHis In not

usersto cal for

troops was yea at the or

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aton the

or fashionable or the

IUd Inand

clubon Thursday



the ofle-as

die at bll bore

mF low

UIN andthe

In nvpe




aresad ate In1 was

development or the city


houtwa or Ii New York









SierraMay Lose Entire Asians




Head-quarters beer




MiningMining Company since

also the District



wife who lives Chicago was

who responded firsttie 00

Grace ileIhts wasone tbr events season




leaves a daughter lbs late



held numberidentified

the growth and


trio Sanstoraand Hudson River






Has a reputation of 200

years as the standard GinH V f

Dry UnsweetenedBottled Black

Friars Distillery Plym-

outh England

Served at all clubs and

cafes Sold by all wine

merchants and grocers


232 FIfth ATBHI Car 27th StKM York

Sole Agent for the UnitedStates



at the




41iPu i P-rM n CQATEa 1 P-



11111 1 I t-

iIE 111

Ill t-

Jli i III



1 1I






Bertha Walker GaTe Up liarConvert Chinamen

Bertha Walker who had spent theseven or eight years doing missionarywork near Chatham Square and whocalled by the Americanized residentsChinatown the White Queen died

in the Hudson street hospitalhad been there less than a week havingbeen taken from her home at 12

suffering from nephritis She years

oldMiss Walkers relatives lived In Phila-delphia her father being at one time treas-urer of Forepaughs Theatre on Eighth

In that city and a man of considerShe took an interest in

missionary work when very young andwith the Rev Frederick Pooleamong the ofHer to her associationsamong the Chinamen and she ran awayto this nine years ago

She meetings at the BoweryMission and took an active part In theaffairs of the and Rescue missions-in Doyera was credited withthe conversion of many Chinamen allof held her In a sort of reverenceShe continued her work until a

taken illThe doctor who attended her said she

would have to get out of her small room

but she declared she among thepeople she had tried to

few however she consented-to go to the hospital

would When news of the WhiteQueens death Chinatown last

of merchantspreparations to give

was to theStephen Merritt Burial Company at Nine

and avenue Thefuneral will be held tomorrow The ser

be conducted by a Chinatownmissionary and eight Chinamenwill be


Negro Who Wa Charred WithTwo Boys From This City

MiDDJJSTOWH N Y May 23 ElmerPierce tho negro who was arrested on

24 last In his cabin near Floridacounty charged with kidnapping-

two New York boys was sentenced todayto nine years and nine In Sing SingPrison The two boysto havo beers kidnapped byArchie Wielding 15 years old of 277 Thir-teenth street Brooklyn and Robert Sherwood 13 years old eon of L J Sherwoodof 18 East Twentieth street ManhattanThey were returned home immediatelyafter the negro was arrested and youngWielding when seen by a SUN reportersaid that he and Sherwood had gone volun-tarily with the and that when they

returned homeNotwithstanding the denial that

there had been any kidnapping the negrowas was not

Pierce had been em-ployed at the Coney Island racetrack where

first rust and when he securedemployment on a stock farm near

away fromjoined him his arrest the negro told

same aa the Wielding itwas expected that releasedwhen case ensue to trial When ar-raigned today however heto and was then sentenced


CLEVER DOCTORa 20 Years TrrabU Wlthoat say


A wise Indiana physician cured 20 yearsstomach disease without any medicineas his patient tolls

I had stomach trouble for 20 yearstried allopathic medicines patent modl-

cinoa and all the simple remedies sugby my friends but grew worse alt

Finally a doctor who Is the prom-inent physician In this parttold ma medicine would do me noonfy Irritating my stomach and making itworse that I must look to diet and quitdrinking coffee

I cried out In Quit drinkingCoffeel1 why What drtakr

Try Pastern sold the doctor I drinkIt and you will like it when it U made ac-cording to directions with cream for itIs delicious and has none of the bad effectcoffee has

Well that was two years ago and Iam still drinking Postum stomach toright again I know doctor hit the nailon when bo decided coffee wasthe cause of all my trouble I Ihad It andIn Its place given by Postum CoBattle

Never too to mend Ten days trialof PoAtum in place of coffee workTheres a reason

Look In h for the famouslittle book The Road to WellvlU

Tout te







montwhen w

on Mott street want to

IwhoIf she


redmae her abig tuner




mont supPie











yester-day She

If got well

Many Chinamen to inquIn















Claim f Mtoo Upon the American In

Deputy has twoattachments gainst theof the City of Mexico to favor of JohnYoung one for 6000 and the other for11600 on assigned claims on six certificates-of deposits Issued by the bank on Feb 1

and April 7 1602 to the InternationalMoney Box Company of New York andChicago which money was not to be

two years from the date of Issueof the which certificates ItIs the bank refused to pay at ma-turity The attachments were on

banks here They warn onthe ground that the is a West Virginia

capital of the American Beak U11075000 par 1216 and It reported in1803 total of 1000000and undivided 75000 George WCoch waa then president Amanager and F cashier


Laborers Refuse t Abide by Carter n-

eMM Lockout TodayMOHTCLAJB H jr May 23 WhIU th4

appointed by the journeymensunion and the Master Builders Associa-tion were to conference this afternoon withBenjamin Carter who had been decidedupon as arbitrator to settle the labor dlN

a member of the laborers union

from the laborers union-to the secretary to the effect that theywould by the decision of thearbitrator

were stopped and a look-out of all the will ooourtomorrow It will affot 800 menand tho tradesnot only in Montolalr but In Caldwell lien




SheratonChippendale orlgInals and our copies-

Is age Could morebe said or

Sheraton Llbrsvry ChsUn TiMeBooko s Chi mt4aU Sideboardsan Borvorat Purs CaloalsU


DIEDOCX Suddenly as the remIt of an teMmt-

oa auaiUy May 8 uoi at Us horn JO ZestIM St Henry D Bibcock Jr third son ofHenry D sad Anna U Baboock In kk listrear

FuawU Mrvlces at St Them Church TSidae-sar May 2 10 A K Itlsre aeiud1lul no

Bower to statVRKE4 rf T on fttaar BoniacVarat Isle residence a Wect MU it Geort T

b twa rear of his ageSt Thomas Mb ST and EM i

Tuesday nomine Or H at 10 oetadcprivate

Suad y Mir JVat hismldcaoc 71 West U4th at martsComa In tho TOtb year of hU ce-

Foaertl private Interment at Bodice T TUMPHBEVSSttddenly on Mar

1KU aboard steamship su Louis JosephHonphrers seed years

Futral privet Iron hit Ute onBe ay Larcbmoat Manor Tuesday at

A M-

EDOTX On Monday May a at th Hotf-lremnftoa Katharine widow of Lo

F Ledoux 0 D In the rear of ber Meat the nddeac of b r son

SOU St on at half putoclock Interment CemeterjNewburg Special ear on New fork Centrtrain leavIng Grand Central Depot at 101-

3DWARDOn Monday May M 104BUckbam Woodward ton of tfaJohn B Woodward ass Zllxabetb a

his lat residence Jt HenrrCW Thursday liar 3 M solork

P M Kindly omit lowers


I rtalw eerielaatlful BouUranU M W Seth t N T

MY Wire Clam 8tt4aad tAble 1 win eei-


MeN rive




m to and a


THE only





J RCU n uu

Wd Ira a i

mule rl-ater




h-en Wee


h-en I






walked the building handed uote




Chinbe l

Mn Wiaslows SoothIng 5yrnp for obfldreasoftens gums taSanmellosi-

Uays pain cure bottle




45oouniry basis



Wededay morning

Wood-ward 4

4flhiss s


kaaist I my








