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2016 EPISTLE Page 2Pastors Message Page 1 VBS/Food Pantry Page 5

Council Minutes Page 2 Volunteer Schedule Page 6WELCA/Education News Page 3 Calendar Page 7

Dates to Remember Page 4 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Pentecost: The Coming of the Holy Spirit!

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one

place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.”- Acts 2:1-4

As we celebrated the many weeks of Easter and now head toward Pentecost, it has not been hard for me to see the Holy Spirit at work! Almost everywhere I turn I can see God’s work in action in and through the family of St. John’s! We have the blessing of welcoming 10 new sisters and brothers in Christ through the gift of Holy Baptism! We welcomed 7 new families into our wider St. John’s family! The council met for a retreat and gave name to how the Spirit has been at work here and started visioning for how the Spirit might be leading us next. We are winding down another wonderful year of Sunday School and we share in the joy of smiling children bouncing through our halls as they grow in faith! On May 1st we will help train and equip new interested people in helping with worship. Later we will celebrate how the Spirit has been at work in the lives of our young people graduating. But on May 15th we will celebrate Pentecost Sunday.

On that day we will acknowledge the tremendous gift that comes to us when the third part of our Triune God swirls in, around, and through us as it rests on each of our heads. On that day we are reminded of God’s faithfulness in giving us the Great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…and remember I am with you always, to the end of the age.” God invites us into the holy work of redeeming the world but on Pentecost Sunday, we are reminded that God does not leave us alone in that work but descends upon us the very Spirit of God to equip us, sustain us, guide us, lead us, strengthen us, and encourage us! The Spirit is often called the Advocate- our Advocate- having our best interest in mind as we live into our call to discipleship

But sometimes we don’t take notice of how the spirit is at work in, through and among us. Sometimes we go about our daily living grieving the hard parts and calling the good parts “coincidences.” But sisters and brothers- open your eyes! Right there- deep in those challenging or even painful moments, and right in the midst of those smooth and joyful moments- are the thumbprints of our God working in your life! Take a moment in reflection and discussion with your family or friends to answer these questions:

1. When did you first encounter Jesus?2. Who in your life has God used to bring new life to you?3. Where do you most easily sense the Spirit’s presence?

The gift of the Holy Spirit came to each of us at Baptism and that mark of Christ’s cross and the seal of the Holy Spirit rests on your forehead each and every day. When you reflect on your life, can you see where, how, and through whom the Spirit has been at work? Maybe this is easier for some of you than others. Maybe you used to feel so sure of the Spirit’s presence, but it’s been harder recently. Or maybe you are someone who desperately longs for reassurance of the Spirit’s presence, but you are still waiting for it to be revealed. Over the next many weeks we will discover more about how the Spirit works and how we can be better attuned to that holy work.

You have each been given the gift of this holy Advocate and it is exhilarating to watch the Spirit move in, around, among, and through the family of St. John’s. I am eager to see where the Spirit is leading us together next!Blessings,Pastor Annie

THANK YOU!I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful “thank you/recognition” celebration in honor of Jean Blegen and myself during Fellowship hour. It truly meant a lot to me! Also, thank you for the wonderful gifts, cake, kind words and cards. It’s been such a

pleasure and privilege to work with everyone at St. John’s.

Donna Borgschatz


2016 EPISTLE Page 3Thank you for hosting the Pierce County Ecumenical Choir in this years performance of “Hallelujah” (2016) We are presenting the church with our gift of $22 to be used as the church decides. The large portion of the free-will offering is given to the local food shelves. Thank you.With God’s Blessings,Pierce County Ecumenical Choir


John’s Lutheran ChurchCouncil MeetingApril 12, 2016

Belonging to Christ, we are a family of faith,  Encouraging spiritual growth and 

Connecting others to lasting hope.Those Present: Phil Hennemann (President), Bob Kinsman (Vice President), Shelby Crow (Worship), Kate Crogan (Education), Matt Pommier (Deacons), Jay Arneson (Trustees), Jen Bille (Social Concerns), Luann Emerson (Treasurer. Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Phil Hennemann at 7:00 p.m. Opening Prayer: Lord’s PrayerApproval of Agenda: Motion by Bob Kinsman, second by Shelby Crow, to approve the agenda. Motion carried Payroll: Mark Bille from Preferred Payroll presented a plan to do the church payroll. He has experience with church payrolls. Mark reviewed the number of payrolls processed during the month, withholding, direct deposit and paper checks, W2 and other reporting. He would need time sheets 2 days prior to payday for Direct Deposit, could process same day for paper checks. Cost to St. John’s would be approximately $580 annually.  Presidents Report: Approved as presentedPastor’s Report: Approved as presentedSecretary’s Report: Motion by Kate Crogan, second by Bob Kinsman, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: Luann will look into dividing out the Miscellaneous Expense. Projector should be listed separately or as Property & Equipment. Motion by Jen Bille, second by Matt Pommier to approve as presented. Motion carried. Review of Bills: A report is being developed.  Committee Reports:

Stewardship: Stewardship will be planning some more activities for all members to participate in. Those activities will be like our Random Act of Kindness that was done in Dec. We will also be looking for congregation members who have Thrivent accounts.

Deacons: The Deacons Committee has distributed two comfort blankets over the last days.

Trustees: Trustees meet weekly; many general maintenance items have been taken care of.

Education: Nothing to report. Worship: Music has been chosen for the next

three months. Next meeting will be May 2.

Social Concerns: Relay for Life of River Falls Pierce County was held Friday, April 1 at River Falls High School. St John’s had 11 walkers who raised $1300. Our goal was $500 so we exceeded

our goal significantly. The American Red Cross blood drive is Friday, May 13 from Noon until 6:00pm Dana Benson is interested in being on Social Concerns Committee.


Old Business: Retirement Celebration: Retirement

celebration for Jean and Donna is April 17 during coffee hour at 9:00 a.m. Karen Gunderson doing food. Nancy Cleveland has gifts. Phil will call Jean & Donna to formally invite them to the reception. Council will be there to help.

Youth Ministry: Youth Ministry Task Force was discussed at Deacon’s meeting, reaching out to our 

youth. Council Retreat: Our retreat will be April 16 

at the home of Phil Henneman.   Mutual Ministry: Pastor is still working on

her Mutual Ministry Committee. They will be her support team. 

New Business: Payroll Discussion: This would be a council

approval by majority if done. Tabled until all board members have had a chance to review. 

New Members: Motion by Jay Arneson, second by Kate Crogan, to approve the Lynum, Ramberg & Smith families as new members.  

Lawn Care: Jeff Johnson will do the lawn care at same rate as previous year. 

Synod Benevolence: Synod benevolence materials not immediately available. This will be discussed Saturday. 

Weekly Communion: Tabled – Pastor Anniewould like to be involved with this.

June Meeting: There is no Council meeting in June; we serve the kids at VBS on Tuesday June 7instead. Rally Sunday for VBS is April 24. Discussion on Education budget. Motion by Shelby Crow, second by Matt Pommier, to allow Education Committee to spend up to $200 per year on SS Curriculum. Anything more than that would need council approval. Motion Carried.

Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, May 10, 7:00 pm. Adjourn: Motion by Jen Bille, second by Bob Kinsman to adjourn; motion carried, meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm Respectfully submitted: Barb Esanbock, Secretary, per notes from Luann Emerson

STATISTICAL INFORMATION Attendance 2016 April 3: 94 April 10: 92 April 17: 147 April 24: 115Giving: General Open Plate Simply Giving

April 3 $,2812 $141 $320April 10 $1,293 $17 $105April 17 $1,199 $99 $75April 24 $2,015 $14 $20Needed/week: $2874.14 (2016)Total needed to date this month: $48,860.38Total received to date this month: $42,584.59Total budget: (2016) $149,454.92


CONFIRMATION COOK-OUTConfirmation classes end May 11. There will be a bonfire cook-out at Pastor Pete Friberg’s farm in Menomonie. Volunteers will be needed to help transport the youth. If you are able to help with this, please contact Pastor Pete. We will leave St. John’s at 6pm and return at approximately 8pm.

EDUCATION NEWS MAY 1 – Giving thanks to the Sunday school

teachers 8 – Last Day of Sunday School/kids will sing

during worship service. 11 – Last Day of Confirmation Class 22 - Graduate Recognition Sunday


Graduate Sunday will be on May 22nd. The following St. John’s members will be graduating this year from area high schools:Kaitlin Boardman – daughter of Theresa BoardmanChrista Brorson – daughter of Steve & Cindy BrorsonIsacc Esanbock – son of Pete & Barb EsanbockEsther Gland – daughter of Julie Lund & Alan GlandJordan Jensen – son of Kari JensenDevon Johnson – son of Jeremy & Amie JohnsonDevin Larson – son of Leanna & John LarsonBailey Manor – son of Kathryn & Joseph ManorOrion Roen – son of Serena & Scott Roen

GRADUATE RECOGNITION IDEATo honor this year’s graduates, please consider making a donation to St. John’s Mission Endowment Fund (MEF). Donations to the Mission Endowment Fund help us to continue the St. John’s Scholarship program. Envelopes can be found in your envelope set or on the oak cabinet in the Narthex.

WOMEN OF ST. JOHN’SSubmitted by Nina Larson

All women of St. John’s are welcome and encouraged to attend all scheduled events. Circle/Bible Study will be on Thursday, May

12 at 2:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Sylva Anderson will have devotions and Nina Larson will be our hostess. Pastor Annie will lead our Bible Study on Luke 1: 26-56.

Bingo will be on Tuesday, May 3 at the SVHRC at 2:00. This will be the last Bingo day until we resume in September.

Quilting will take place on the first and third Thursdays from 9:00am – 12:00 in the Fellowship Hall. These will be our last work days until September.


CONFIRMATION CORNERAnswering the GREAT Questions Our Youth

Ask!This month I stumbled across 2 great questions many of you were asking! The first question was a repeat from before that I tried to address in the March Epistle, so I thought I’d review this time.1.What does the color white stand for on the

altar and in the worship space? We use different colors for different church seasons all throughout the year. White is used specifically on Christmas, the Epiphany and the Baptism of Our Lord, the Transfiguration of Our Lord, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday and the season of Easter, Trinity Sunday, and Christ the King Sunday. On Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday you might also see Gold used. When you take those days into account, they have something in common- they are ALL about Jesus and his position as God. White is used to symbolize purity (of the newborn King and Jesus’ sinless nature). It also reminds us that Jesus is our light and joy! When gold is used it symbolizes that Easter is a specific important day unlike any other-it is the “queen of feasts!” and is unique in the entire church year. The white and gold together symbolize the extravagant joy we feel at the good news of the Resurrection! Go here for more info on the church seasons, days, and liturgical colors! http://download.elca.org/ELCA%20Resource%20Repository/What_is_the_meaning_and_use_of_liturgical_colors.pdf

2. When do we light the tall candle? The tall candle has its own special, fancy name. It is called the Paschal candle! The word “paschal” comes from the Greek “pascha” which is derived from the Aramaic (the language Jesus spoke) “pasha” and the Hebrew word “pesah.” It means the “passing over,” which comes from the Passover story and is closely defined by “to spare.” The light of the Paschal candle, or any of our candles serves to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world and that God has often worked through fire and light. The Paschal candle is lit at any time we are reminded of Christ’s sacrifice for us to spare us from our sins and raise us to eternal life. Therefore, we light the Paschal candle on Easter Sunday and keep it lit throughout the entire season of Easter! We also light it for every Baptism and funeral that happens throughout the year as we are reminded that we celebrate new and eternal life through the gift of Baptism. We believe that we actually die to sin and are raised from it- joined in Christ’s Resurrection- when we are baptized. Therefore, at our funeral we celebrate a life already redeemed and promised eternal life. We keep the Paschal candle near the front and center even on Sundays when it is not lit to remind us who and whose we are. You’ll notice that the candle also has an “A” and an “O”

inscribed on it. This stands for “Alpha” and “Omega” or “the beginning and the end.” Our whole life rests secured in the promise granted to us by God-the Alpha and Omega.

NEW OFFICE HOURSSt. John’s new office hours are

Tues, Wed, Thurs9:00 am – 12:00 pm

BLOOD DRIVEMay 13th – 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

at St. John’s Lutheran ChurchSign up online at www.redcrossblood.org

Or contact Jennifer Bille @ (715)308-2378

WEAR REDWear Red on Pentecost Sunday May 15. We willCelebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit coming to rest on each of us on this day! It’s a celebration! Wear red and whatever else celebrates the Pentecost! There just might be a surprise for best outfit!

PENTECOST PARTYJoin the Deacons, Social Concerns & Stewardship committees for a Pentecost Party on May 15. More details to come, but mark your calendars for an event you won’t want to miss. Contact Matt Pommier, Jen Bille or Minda Matthys with any questions. Stay tuned to the bulletins for more information.

RELAY FOR LIFERelay for Life of River Falls Pierce County was held Friday, April 1st at River Falls High School. St John’s had 11 walkers who raised $1300. Our goal was $500 so we exceeded our goal significantly. A big thank you to everyone who donated and participated in this fantastic event!

GUITARIST/ORGANIST/PIANISTSt. John’s is seeking additional people for Sunday music leadership! If you are interested in more information regarding expectations & compensation, please contact Pastor Annie.

LUTHER POINT BIBLE CAMPMany of our youth will be going to camp at Luther Point. We are looking for donations to help fund their trips. If you can help, please make checks payable to St. John’s Youth Fund.

FACEBOOKDon’t forget to like us on Facebook! Find us at



VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDWe are in need of Coffee Servers for Sunday May 22 & one Greeter for May 29. If you are able to help, please let the office know.


Garage Sale Season is here!When you are out thrift shopping please

take a few extra minutes to look for baby items for our layette mission project. Only gently used items please. Below is a list of items:

Sleepers or gowns without feet Dark colored hand towel Socks Bath size bars of soap still in wrapper

(gentle soap, i.e. ivory, dove) Lightweight cotton t-shirts Receiving blankets Jacket, Sweater or sweat shirts with a

hood Diaper pins or large safety pins Cloth diapers

If you prefer to buy new, we could use any of the items above. Sizes should be 6 to 24 months.If you knit or crochet, you might enjoy helping by making baby sweaters in any of the sizes listed.You may leave items at the church or

contact Serena Roen at 778-5788.We pray that you can help in this

important project to keep God’s babies snug and warm.

Serena Roen, Layette Coordinator


GIFTS Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment Fund in memory of Marjorie Dorholt given by Beulah Thompson.

Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment Fund in memory of Nathan Dallman given by Richard & Lynda Johnson. Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment Fund in memory of Lorne Hanson given by Richard & Lynda Johnson. Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment Fund in memory of Paul Howard given by Richard & Lynda Johnson. Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment fund in memory of Evelyn Peterson given by Richard & Lynda Johnson.

Thank you for the donation to the Mission Endowment fund in memory of Clark Anderson given by Jon & Linda Anderson

In Loving Memory


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLSpring Valley Vacation Bible School has been set for June 5th – 9th! This year’s theme is “Deep Sea Discovery” Registration forms are

due May 13th.Volunteers are always needed & greatly appreciated. If you are able to volunteer, please contact Missy Hague at 715-778-4318.VBS is made possible each year through generous donations by participating churches, businesses & community members. If you are able, we would greatly appreciate your donation. The following items are needed or if you would like to donate via a check, please make it payable to: SV Community Bible School.CRAFT SUPPLIES: Coffee filters, Old CD’s or DVD’s, purple streamers, bubble wrap, glue sticks, googly eyes (large, medium, small), paper plates (without wax coating) a bag of soil, tacky glue, table cloths, tape.PAPER SUPPLIES: Plastic or foam plates, paper towels, toilet paper, garbage bags (55 gal.) plastic spoons (meal & snack), plastic forks, paper cups (meal & snack), band aids/first aid kit.FOOD SUPPLIES: graham crackers (6 boxes), vanilla pudding (2-3 big cans), white frosting (8 cans), gold fish crackers (3 big boxes), vanilla wafer cookies (3 boxes), bags of popcorn (3-4), m & m’s (3-4 big giant bags), pretzel sticks (2 bags), rice chex or corn chex cereal (2-3 boxes), gummy life savers, lemonade or kool aid drink mix, fresh fruit & veggies (i.e. bananas, watermelon, grapes, carrots all go over well).Donations can be dropped off at any participating church in the box designated for VBS by Sunday, May 22. Food items may be dropped off at the CCD center any time after Friday, June 3.

Need A Prayer?Call Beulah Thompson at 715-778-5542 and our Prayer Chain will go into action!

TREASURER NEEDEDThe Spring Valley Food Pantry is in need of a new Treasurer ASAP. Duties include depositing donations, paying bills & sending thank you notes. If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact Pastor Annie. Thank you to Linda Anderson for her many years of dedicated service to the community!



“Julia’s Last Hope” By Janette Oke

Without warning, the lumber mill in Calder Springs closes down because the supply of lumber is gone. Without the lumber industry, the town will die. John and Julia Harrigan have lived a peaceful, prosperous life and the death of the town involves their future. By the grace of God and for the sake of her family, Julia decides she must find a way to save the town and the home they love. Lynda Johnson,



The Spring Valley Food pantry is available to help anyone in need of food in our area. If you know of a neighbor who could benefit from this assistance, you may obtain help on their behalf, keeping this information confidential.Freezers and a refrigerator are available if you have items to donate requiring this. THANK YOU to all who have helped by contributing to this cause!The Food Pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 10 – 11:30 am and from 4:30 – 6 pm.The phone number for the Spring Valley Community Food Pantry is 778-5988. For immediate need, please call the Pierce County Food Pantry in Ellsworth at 715-273-2070

FOOD PANTRY DONATIONSPlease remember the Spring Valley Area Food Pantry, who has seen increased usage, can always use the following items:

Cereal Paper products Cleaning supplies Toothbrushes & toothpaste Personal care products

VOLUNTEERSIf this schedule does not work for you, please try to find someone to switch with or replace you.

Please notify the church office of changes. Thank you.


1 – Jake & Sam Benson 8 – Kim Brooke & Ben Anderson15 – Marsha Brunkhorst & Shelby Crow22 – David & Elijah Butts29 – Bob Hanson & Gerald Hueftle

Head Usher 1 – Bob Kinsman 8 – Bob Hanson15 – Craigen Anderson22 – Bob Kinsman39 – Bob Hanson

Greeters 1 – Katie & Megan Manor 8 – Doug & Michelle Larson Family15 – Tami & Lyndsey Ramberg22 – Mathiesen Family29 – Kasey Roatch (another Volunteer is also Needed)

Readers 1 – Dana Benson 8 – Lori Peterson15 – Tonya Maier22 – Katie Anderson29 – Elijah Butts

Acolytes 1 – Sina Nystrom & Clara Gland 8 – Connor & Kayla Lynum15 – Tristan Boardman & Wylie Brooke22 – Maddy & Max Matthys29 – Michael Bauer & Matthew Aamodt

Coffee Servers 1 - Cathee Quist & Mattea Roen 8 – Keith & Nina Larson15 – Cindy, Christa & Ellen Brorson22 – LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS

29 – Brenda Anderson & Ernest Anderson

Nursery WorkersThe nursery is not staffed during the summer

Communion Set-Up/Clean UpMary Hampton & Jane Whirry & Theresa Boardman

Communion Assistants 1 – Kevin Anderson & Kristin Larson 15 –Shelby Crow & Kathy Miller

Communion Bread BakingMinda Matthys


5 – Jeffrey Johnson & Duane Peterson 12 – Scott Klug & Judy Larrieu 19 – Rick & Patti Gould

26 – Kasey Roatch & Ed Raehsler

Greeters 5 – Cathee Quist, Serena & Mattea Roen12 – Benson Family19 – Dorothy Ormson & Michelle Schmitt

26 – Gerald Hueftle & Phil Hennemann

Readers 5 – Emma Esanbock12 – Hawken Benson19 – Max Schmitt

26 – Madison Maier

Acolytes 5 – Renata Sandve & Jessica Wildner12 – Pierce & Brody Burr19 – Boen Stoiber & Max Schmitt

26 – Jack Brown & Xen Larson

Coffee Servers 5 – Matthys Family12 – Shelby Crow & Connie Crownhart19 – Nystrom Family

26 – Tiffany Gregg & Jeanne Niccum

Nursery WorkersThe nursery is not staffed during the summer

Communion Set-Up/Clean UpTerri Trealoff & Heidi Jacobson

Communion Assistants 5 – Marsha Brunkhorst & Tiffany Greg19 – Stacey & Jenna Wildner

Communion Break Bread BakingChuck Brictson

MAY 2016 S t . J o h n ’ s L u t h e r a n C h u r c h

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 6th Sunday of EasterFellowship 9amSunday School 9amWorship w/Holy Communion 10amWorship Workshop Day after Worship


Bible Study 10am

3St. Croix Pastors Conf. Trinity, Hammond

Bingo 2pm SVHRC


Confirmation Class6-7:30pm


Quilting 9am

6 7

8 7th Sunday of EasterFellowship 9amSunday School/LAST DAY 9amChildren will sing during worshipWorship Service 10am


Bible Study 10am


Council Meeting 7pm

11Confirmation Classes end today.Confirmation Picnic @ Pastor Friberg’s Farm in Menomonie

12SV Ministerial 11am, Cong. Church

Bible Study 2pmFellowship Hall


Blood Drive 12-6pm @ St. John’s


15 Day of PentecostFellowship Hour 9amWorship w/Holy Communion 10amWEAR RED TO CELEBRATE PENTECOST!


Bible Study 10am

17 18 19

Quilting 9am-12Last quilting session until Sept.

20 21

Synod Assembly in Eau Claire

22 The Holy TrinityGrad Recognition SundayFellowship Hour 9amWorship Service 10am


Bible Study 10 am

24 25 26 27 28

Spring Valley Graduation

29 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Fellowship 9amWorship Service 10am


Church Office Closed


New Office Hours:Tue, Wed, Thur

9am – Noon