enoch and his calendar secrets complete

As it is Written Episode 41: The Secrets of Enoch

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by Andrew Gabriel Roth


Page 1: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete

As it is Written

Episode 41: The Secrets of Enoch

Page 2: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete

First Step

He is perhaps the most mysterious

figure in all of Scripture.

The attention Scripture gives him may

be fleeting, what is said leaves the

reader craving more.

From Enoch schools of mysticism

have been founded, breakaway sects

created and alternate “scriptures” and

calendars have been credited to him.

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First Step

Enoch is hailed as a prophet of

mysteries and a man so righteous that

he earns a unique tour of heaven.

When he returns he is called a genius,

a mystic or even an angel.

And then Enoch is said to have written

all these secrets down for us, and they

survive even amongst the Dead Sea

Scrolls and are alluded to in Jude.

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First Step

One important thing we should know

off the bat is the meaning of his name.

“Enoch” is the Greek version of his

name. In Hebrew it is actually

chanok, from a root that means “to be

trained, dedicated”.

This is the same root used to describe

Abraham’s retinue of 318 trained men

and is also used for “Hanukkah”.

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First Step

If we just look at the name alone, it

implies that Enoch was the first

“dedicated” or “trained” man in

Scripture—trained in the mysteries of

the Cosmos.

But we should also bear in mind

Cain’s son also had this name, so

perhaps one was trained in evil and

the other in good?

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First Step

But who was Enoch really? What

does Scripture really say? And have

we lost critical information about him?

Did he write books that should have

been part of our Bible but were lost or


Did he take a tour of heaven and

leave behind a first hand account of

what it was like? What can we know?

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Chanok | ֲחנֹוְך

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The Biblical Record

We start our tour where we must:

From the Scripture itself.

It will not take very long for me to

quote every Biblical reference about

him, and that is what adds to Enoch’s

mystery and the need to know more

about him.

Let’s see what Genesis has to say

about this first enigma in Scripture…

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The Biblical Record

Jared lived 162 years, and became the

father of Enoch. Then Jared lived 800

years after he became the father of

Enoch, and he had other sons and

daughters. So all the days of Jared were

962 years, and he died. Enoch lived 65

years, and became the father of

Methuselah. Then Enoch walked with

God 300 years after he became the

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The Biblical Record

father of Methuselah, and he had other

sons and daughters. So all the days of

Enoch were 365 years. Enoch walked

with God; and he was not, for God

took him. (Genesis 5:18-24 NAU)

After this mention in Genesis 5, Enoch

next appears on a lineage list in

Tanakh (1 Chronicles 1:3) and in Luke

3:37 as Y’shua’s ancestor.

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The Biblical Record

Then we get a little more information

on the man in two later NT books:

Hebrews and the Epistle to Yehudah

or Jude.

Both of these references are useful

because they open a window on what

was thought to be true about Enoch

whether it was scriptural or not. Let’s

see what Paul and Yehudah say…

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The Biblical Record

By faith Enoch was translated and did

not taste death; and he was not found

because Elohim had translated him: for,

before he translated him, there was

testimony of him that he pleased Elohim.

(Hebrews 11:5- AENT)

This “testimony” Paul refers to may be

found in other early sources outside of

Scripture as we will see. Moving on…

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The Biblical Record

And of them also prophesied Enoch who

was the seventh from Adam when he

said: "Behold, Master YHWH comes with

myriads of his Set Apart believers; to

execute judgment upon all and to convict

all the wicked because of all the deeds

they have wickedly committed; and

because of all the hard speeches which

they, sinners without Elohim, have

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The Biblical Record


(Epistle of Yehudah 1:14-15-AENT)

That’s all that made it into the official

record, but a little thing like “canon”

has not stopped many other folks from

speculating about Enoch and adding

to his story.

Almost all of these accounts are very

ancient, pre-dating the NT…

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Josephus Bar

Matthias, Jewish

historian [37 CE

to ca. 100 CE],

writing from

Jerusalem and

later Rome

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The Extra-Biblical Record

The historian Josephus relates the

story about how the Greek translation

of the OT was completed in about 280


King Ptolemy wanted a copy of the

Torah in Greek for his library, so 72

scholars from Israel were

commissioned to translate it into


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The Extra-Biblical Record

Also according to Josephus a kind of

miracle occurred where each scholar

produced identical/verbatim copies of

the text in Greek.

But the period between this incident

and the oldest surviving manuscripts

spans more than 700 years and there

is much uncertainty about the details

of the Greek’s development.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

What I can say with some certainty is

this: The original translation was only

for the first Five Books of Moses. The

rest was done over a much longer

period of time by separate scholars

like Aquila and some others.

By the time the full corpus of Tanakh

appeared in Greek—maybe 100

BCE—those Jews added more books.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

To be fair, the final list of canonical

books in Israel was not completed

until almost 200 years later.

But even during the first century, it

was clear that books Greek Jews liked

Israeli Jews did not. By the year 90

CE, Rabbis ruled that only books

originally done in Hebrew could be

accepted into the Jewish canon.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

In recent years though, we found the

Rabbis were not always correct in

making these decisions.

For example, an Aramaic copy of the

book of Tobit was found amongst the

Dead Sea Scrolls and it proved the

Greek version the Rabbis banned was

a translation from Aramaic or Hebrew.

They read Tobit in Israel!

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The Extra-Biblical Record

The Rabbis also largely accept the

historical testimony of 1-2 Maccabees

as accurate for telling the Hanukkah

story, though it was not written in

Hebrew or Aramaic either. (If it was,

those copies have not survived.)

In due time, these “extra” books on the

Greek side would be called by

Protestants “Apocrypha”, or “hidden”.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

The Roman Catholics however

accepted them in their canon, calling

them “deuterocanonical” or “second

canon” after the other Tanakh books.

Whatever the case on canonicity may

be, there is no doubt these books are

ancient and that they contain valuable

historical information on how the Bible

was being thought about back then.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

My quoting though of these books

should in no way imply that I accept

them as authoritative, inspired canon.

But like other sources I use, I do

believe in studying the full interpretive

sweep of ancient literature.

And the fact is Yehudah and Paul

knew of & may have been influenced

by these sources’ popularity…

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The Extra-Biblical Record

Enoch pleased the Lord and was

transferred to heaven, an example for

the conversion of all generations.

(Wisdom of Sirach, 44:16 NJB)

No one else has ever been created on

earth to equal Enoch, for he was taken

up from earth.

(Wisdom of Sirach, 49:14 NJB)

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The Extra-Biblical Record

These apocryphal texts obviously

don’t add a whole lot to what the

Scripture said.

We will be analyzing the actual

apocryphal book of Enoch a little later


But there are other pre-NT resources

we should look at. Josephus only

mentions Enoch in passing…

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The Extra-Biblical Record

Then his son Enoch succeeded him, who

was born when his father was 162 years

old. Now he, when he had lived 365

years, departed and went to God; where

it is that they have not written down his


(Josephus, Antiquities,1:85)

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The Extra-Biblical Record

And indeed, as to Elijah, and as to

Enoch, who was before the deluge, it is

written in the sacred books that they

disappeared: but so that no one knew

that they died.

(Josephus, Antiquities, 9:28)

The historian Philo however, (ca. 20

BCE to 50 CE), clearly wanted to

delve into greater detail about Enoch-

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Philo Judaeus,

Jewish historian

[ca. 20 BCE – 50

CE] writing from



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The Extra-Biblical Record

Why the man who lives a life of

repentance is said to have lived 365

years? [Genesis 5:23]. In the first

place, the year contains 365 days;

therefore, by the symbol of the solar

orbit, the sacred historian here

indicates the life of the repentant

man. In the second place, as the sun is

the cause of day and night, performing

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The Extra-Biblical Record

his revolutions by day above the

hemisphere of the earth, and his course

by night under the earth, so also the life

of the man of repentance consists of

alternations of light and darkness; of

darkness, that is, of times of agitation

and circumstances of injury; and of light,

when the light of virtue and its radiant

brilliancy arises. In the third place, he

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The Extra-Biblical Record

has assigned to him a complete

number, as the sun is ordained to be

the chief of the stars of heaven, under

an appointed number, in the time

which came before the period of his

repentance, to lead to the oblivion of

the sins previously committed; as

Elohim is good he bestows the greatest

favors most abundantly and at the

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The Extra-Biblical Record

same time, he erases the former

offenses of those who devote

themselves to him, and which might

deserve chastisement, by a recollection

of their virtues. Why, when Enoch died,

the sacred historian adds the assertion,

"He pleased Elohim?" [Genesis 5:24]. In

the first place, he says this because, by

such a statement, he implies that the

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The Extra-Biblical Record

soul is immortal, inasmuch as after it is

stripped of the body, it still pleases a

second time. In the second place, he

honors the repentant man with praise,

because he has persevered in the same

alteration of manners, and has never

receded till he has arrived at complete

perfection of life; for behold, some men

appear to be readily sated after they

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The Extra-Biblical Record

have only tasted of excellence; and after

a hope of recovery has been given to

them, they relapse again into the same

disease. What is the meaning of the

expression, "He was not found because

Elohim translated him?" [Genesis 5:24].

In the first place, the end of virtuous

and holy men is not death but a

translation and migration, and an

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The Extra-Biblical Record

approach to some other place of

abode. In the second place, in this

instance something marvelous did take

place; for he was supposed to be carried

off in such a way as to be invisible, for

then he was not found: and a proof of

this is, that he was sought for as being

invisible, not only as having been carried

away from their sight, since translation

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The Extra-Biblical Record

into another place is nothing else than a

placing of a person in another situation;

but it is here suggested, that he was

translated from a visible place,

perceptible by the outward senses, into

an incorporeal idea, appreciable only to

the intellect. This mercy also was

bestowed on the great prophet, for his

sepulcher also was known to no one.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

And besides these two there was

another, Elijah, who ascended from the

things of earth into heaven, according to

the divine appearance which was then

presented to him, and who thus followed

higher things, or, to speak with more

exact propriety, was raised up to heaven.

(Philo, Questions and Answers on

Genesis, 1:83-86)

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The Extra-Biblical Record

Between linking Enoch with both

Moses and Elijah and also drawing the

parallel of Enoch’s 365 years to the

number days in the year, Philo is

clearly suggesting Enoch had special

access to heavenly mysteries.

Philo may have gotten that idea not so

much from Scripture as he did from

legends circulating at that time.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

While the actual origin time of the

Book of Enoch is unclear, we do know

its core formed popular oral legends

that clearly were known to Philo, Paul

and Jude.

And now versions of Enoch’s

adventures have been found in

Hebrew, amongst the Dead Sea

Scrolls. Let’s take a look!

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The Dead Sea Scrolls

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The Extra-Biblical Record

I know the mysteries of the Lord which

the holy ones have explained and

showed me and which I read in the

heavenly tablets. And I saw written in

them that one generation after another

will do evil in this way, and evil will last

until generations of righteousness arise

and evil and wickedness shall end and

all violence shall cease from the earth on

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The Extra-Biblical Record

them…And now please go to your son,

Lamech, and explain to him that this

child is his son in truth and without lie.

Dead Sea Scrolls 4Q204-En (Complete

Dead Sea Scrolls in English by Geza

Vermes, p. 514-15)

..the soul of all the sons of man. And

behold these are the pits for their prison.

They were made for the final day of the

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The Extra-Biblical Record

great judgment which will be imposed

upon them. There I saw the spirit of a

dead man complaining and his moaning

rising to heaven and crying and


Dead Sea Scrolls 4Q206:12, p. 515

And beyond those mountains roughly

northwards, on their eastern side, I was

shown other mountains—nard, cinnamon

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The Extra-Biblical Record

and pepper. And from there I was taken

to the east of all those mountains, far

from them, to the east of the earth and I

was taken over the Red Sea and greatly

distanced myself from it. And I passed

to the Paradise of righteousness.

Dead Sea Scrolls 4Q206:26, p. 515

This Hebrew book (ca. 200 BCE) is

the oldest version of Enoch known.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

The later versions in Greek, Coptic

and other languages are more

complete but all agree on this basic

story contour.

Enoch is taken up to heaven, given a

special tour of its secret places and

writings, then shown Sheol and other

parts of the earth and then he writes

many books about it for us to read.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

There is also an “astronomical book”

attributed to Enoch found amongst the

Dead Sea Scrolls as well.

This and related literature has given

rise to a new calendar theory which

had the Hebrew feasts on a solar

calendar, and saying that Enoch kept

a 364 day solar year. We will look at

these claims and see if they are true.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

But before doing that I must point this

out: Even among the Roman

Catholics who accept some of the

books we call “Apocrypha”, they did

not include the Book of Enoch as

canonical-so it’s not strong even there!

Only the Ethiopian Church accepts a

later and more robust version of

Enoch than is in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

As time went on, the version attested

to in Hebrew fragments at Qumran got

expanded into other versions that

have questionable information.

Also, according to Gershom Scholem

who was the 20th century’s leading

authority on Jewish mysticism, these

Enochian traditions would become

part of the later Merkava Mysticism.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

Merkava, or “chariot” is a mystical

school largely based on the teachings

of Ezekiel’s vision of wheels within

wheels. It flourished between the 3rd

and 8th centuries, CE.

It is actually the next logical

development in the Enochian tradition

from Scripture to “lesser apocrypha” to

Dead Sea Scrolls and now here.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

This mystical tradition will also link

Enoch to a special angel named

“Metatron”, who is also symbolically

linked to Messiah.

The heresy though that arises is that

Enoch as Metatron is sometimes

called “the One Redeemer” which of

course takes this away from Y’shua

and commits horrendous sin.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

The other problem is that the

Enochian view is that the Sons of

Elohim (Watchers) were angels who

married and procreated with human


But again Y’shua said Messengers do

not marry nor are given in marriage,

so this is impossible--this whole story

re: Enoch and “the Watchers” is false!

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The Extra-Biblical Record

But let’s look at the overall story of the

Book of Enoch briefly…

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The Extra-Biblical Record

After Enoch witnesses these “angels”

procreate, he talks about bad angels

given forbidden knowledge to this

group of “giants” that come as

offspring. With that knowledge, they

create chaos upon the earth.

Then Enoch is taken up to heaven

where he gets a kind of grand tour of

the wonders there.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

He also apparently gets to fly over

other key regions of the earth and

learn those secrets too.

Like a precursor of Virgil or Dante’,

Enoch even gets a brief tour of hell.

He hears warnings and rebukes from

YHWH against these wicked men and

angels and he watches the cosmic

war happen.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

It is in fact 1 Enoch’s emphasis on

“angel-ology” that caused the Rabbis

to reject it as canonical text.

There is also not enough emphasis on

righteousness or obedience, except to

say that Enoch himself is worthy.

After the war, Enoch returns briefly to

talk to his son, whom he instructs to

call his son Noah, and the book ends.

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The Extra-Biblical Record

When I read this book, I clearly can

understand why it was popular with a

lot of individual believers.

But I also understand why it was

rejected in all of the Jewish and

almost all of the Christian bodies of


There are things in here that clearly

are against what Y’shua taught…

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Next Week…

But that doesn’t mean other parts from

this tradition are false. As long as we

focus on what can be proven directly

from Scripture and astronomy we will

be fine and not go into error.

This includes, as I said before, the re-

discovery of what some are calling

“The Calendar of Enoch”, and that’s

what we will talk about next week.

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Next Week…

Episode 42: Did Enoch Have a

Calendar? Part 1

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As it is Written

Episode 42:

Did Enoch Have a Calendar? Part 1

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First Step

Last week we began investigating the

life of the Prophet Enoch.

While Scripture gives us very little

details about his life, his impact upon

mystical and Jewish folk tradition

remains quite amazing.

Enoch became part of some of the

oldest “apocryphal” tradition known

and was mentioned in the NT.

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First Step

Enoch is hailed as a prophet of

mysteries and a man so righteous that

he earns a unique tour of heaven.

When he returns he is called a genius,

a mystic or even an angel.

And then Enoch is said to have written

all these secrets down for us, and they

survive even amongst the Dead Sea

Scrolls and are alluded to in Jude.

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First Step

Enoch also has several works

attributed to him amongst the Dead

Sea Scrolls and the book known as 1

Enoch, which we went over briefly, is

canonized in the Ethiopian Orthodox


In Jewish mysticism, Enoch is a kind

of “founding father” of what is now

called the “Merkava School”.

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First Step

All this, and we have barely scratched

the surface of his popularity and

influence, whether he wrote any of

these books or not.

There is also a sequel, 2 Enoch,

where the prophet has even more

spectacular adventures with angels

and demons and so on. Enoch is even

present at Creation itself!

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First Step

And then there are two other odd

entries in the “Enoch Library”.

First is the “Book of Jubilees” which

seems to be aware of and adapting

the Enochian narrative for its own

purposes, retelling the story of the

angels (Watchers) who interbred with

women and bore giants.

And then it makes this odd statement:

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First Step

And all the days of the commandment

will be 52 weeks of days, and (these will

make) the entire year complete. Thus it

is engraven and ordained on the

heavenly tablets. And there is no

neglecting (this commandment) for a

single year or from year to year. And

command thou the children of Israel

that they observe the years according

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First Step

to this) reckoning--364 days, and

(these) will constitute a complete

year, and they will not disturb its time

from its days and from its feasts; for

everything will fall out in them according

to their testimony, and they will not leave

out any day nor disturb any feasts. But if

they do neglect and do not observe them

according to His commandment, then

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First Step

they will disturb all their seasons, and the

years will be dislodged from this (order),

[and they will disturb the seasons and

the years will be dislodged] and they will

neglect their ordinances. And all the

children of Israel will forget, and will not

find the path of the years, and will forget

the new moons, and seasons, and

sabbaths, and they will go wrong as to all

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First Step

the order of the years. For I know and

from henceforth will I declare it unto

thee, and it is not of my own devising; for

the book (lies) written before me, and on

the heavenly tablets the division of

days is ordained, lest they forget the

feasts of the covenant and walk

according to the feasts of the

Gentiles' after their error and after their

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First Step

ignorance. For there will be those who

will assuredly make observations of the

moon--how (it) disturbs the seasons and

comes in from year to year ten days too

soon. For this reason the years will

come upon them when they will disturb

(the order), and make an abominable

(day) the day of testimony, and an

unclean day a feast day, and they will

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First Step

confound all the days, the holy with the

unclean, and the unclean day with the

holy; for they will go wrong as to the

months and sabbaths and feasts and

jubilees. For this reason I command and

testify to thee that thou mayst testify to

them; for after thy death thy children will

disturb (them), so that they will not make

the year 364 days only, and for this

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First Step

reason they will go wrong as to the new

moons and seasons and sabbaths and

festivals, and they will eat all kinds of

blood with all kinds of flesh. (Book of

Jubilees,6:30-38, from Old Testament


A 364-day calendar? Didn’t these

guys “get the memo” that the tropical

year is 365.2422 solar days long?

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First Step

As weird as this sounds, not only is

the author of Jubilees serious about

this, but an Aramaic version of this

364 day calendar has been found

amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls and

was used by the Essenes.

Its name…the Astronomical Book of

Enoch. And it dates to about 200

BCE. Some say it’s millennia older…

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Calendar Review

There are basically two series of

mysteries I need to explore about the

364-day “Enoch Calendar”: How can it

work and if it works, what is its place

in history?

But before that I need to give a basic

review of my other calendar research

and then see how this “EC” might fit

in, if it does.

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Calendar Review

As many of you know, I wrote a book

a few years ago called “Wheel of


Its purpose was to look at how the

ancient Hebrews tracked time

because it was a known fact the

Rabbinic calendar was not around or

in force in either Moses’ or Y’shua’s

day—the whole Biblical record.

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Calendar Review

To use just one example, the current

Rabbinic calendar’s most ancient

piece is the 19 year lunar or Metonic

cycle. Named after a Greek (Meton)

who lived in Babylon, he noticed that if

you add 7 lunar leap months over 2-3

year intervals every 19 years, the

total period (solar vs. lunar) differs by

only a few hours.

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Calendar Review

But Meton only made this discovery in

432 BCE. Some other scholars think

an earlier guy named Kidnu did much

of the “grunt work” for Meton in about

500 BCE, but no historian sees this

discovery going back much further

than that.

Problem is, Moshe died 900 years

EARLIER, so he couldn’t use this!

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Calendar Review

And even if by some miracle this

Metonic cycle was known by some

ancient elite, it wasn’t the way the

Egyptians balanced the year and the

way Moses, a Prince of Egypt, learned

to balance the year to keep spring and

fall feasts on time.

So it was this problem that led me

investigate what Moses did use.

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Calendar Review

As my discovery deepened, I found

out that Scripture did far more than

answer this question for me


I discovered that there was not a

single overall calendar in Scripture.

There were at least 4 separate but

inter-related calendars, each to a

different purpose.

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Calendar Review

Basically, one calendar of course was

for keeping festivals like Pesach and

Sukkot on time by using both the solar

and the lunar year.

Another calendar kept track of the

priestly service cycles, synched to the

Hebrew solar year. Still another

calendar focused on prophecy cycles

for YHWH alone, and so on.

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Calendar Review

At the heart of my studies was this

clear separation from when Adam and

company used solar cycles just to

plant and harvest and when Moses

came along and was forced to

introduce the new and full moon

cycles to count to the festivals.

This solar calendar was based on a

360 day year, a complete circle.

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Calendar Review

360 day math was all over the

Scripture, and it’s a complex topic that

I cannot go into right now.

To give you a brief idea though, Daniel

and Revelation contain references to 3

½ year long periods.

These are called “time, times and half

a time” or “42 months”. Normally this

adds up to 1,260 days…

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Calendar Review

42 x 30 = 1,260 (The Beast persecutes

the woman for 42 months)

Time (360) + Times (360*2 or 720) + half

a time (180) = 1,260 days

The assumption of course is that we

have 12 months, each 30 days long.

Confirmation of this is in Genesis—

Noah is clearly counting consecutive

30 day months, not lunar months.

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Calendar Review

42 x 30 = 1,260 (The Beast persecutes

the woman for 42 months)

Time (360) + Times (360*2 or 720) + half

a time (180) = 1,260 days

Daniel (12:11) also references a 3 ½

year period that is 1,290 days. That

means a leap month is added.

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Calendar Review

In other words, with each 360 day

year being 5-6 days shy of the tropical

year, an entire 30 day month was

added, and the 1260/1290 references

in Daniel and Revelation show this

was done within a 7 year period.

From this point, simple mathematics

tells us exactly when to add these leap

months. Now let’s talk about Noah…

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Calendar Review

Remember the flood starts on the 17th

day of the 2nd month and ends the 17th

day of the 7th month, just after 150

days have passed, or day 151.

There is no way you can get at 5 30

day months in a row in a lunar

system, so the months must be solar.

I also confirmed this in the writings of

Josephus and Philo (long story).

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Calendar Review

But the reason you would have to

have 5 consecutive 30 day months in

a row for Noah is a matter of simple


Start the count on the 17th day of the

2nd month and include it in your


You will now have 14 days from the

17th to the 30th day of that month.

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Calendar Review

You also have 17 additional days in

the seventh month to account for, and

this totals 31 days, leaving a

remainder of 120 days for the four

middle months (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th).

So since your 2nd month was 30 days

long, and the 3rd-6th months also must

be 30 days long, that means 5 30 day

months—impossible with the moon!

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360 Math

I am not spending a whole lot of time

on this, but fortunately the math is

pretty easy.

360 days is the mean (average)

between the lengths of the lunar (354)

and the solar (365.2422) year, so it is

easy to balance the two with this


Here’s how it works…

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360 Math

1) At the end of every 6th year, ADD a 30

day leap month.

2) Do this 6 times in 36 years (end of

every 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th, 30th and 36th)


3) Add 3 more 360 day years (years 37,

38 and 39).

4) Add 30 more days between year 39

and 40.

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360 Math

5) Add up all the days and divide by 40:

14,610 days / 40 = 365.25 days per year.

6) This is as accurate as the Julian

calendar, but not as accurate as our

Gregorian (current) calendar.

7) To fix this, repeat the 40 year cycle an

additional 98 times—99 in all—and when

the last 40 (of 4,000 years) comes you

OMIT the leap month.

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360 Math

The math clearly works, but it is not

practical because the calendar will get

out of season before it is balanced by

the omission of a leap month.

Even 2-3 weeks out of season is

impractical and it is not balanced for a

1000+ years.

This cannot be used to seed and


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360 Math

So I was faced with a bit of a dilemma.

I knew the 360 day calendar worked

mathematically, but it didn’t work for

what mankind needed it most for.

I thought the answer was simply for

man to look up at the stars to tell them

when to plant regardless as to the 360

day month they were in, but that never

totally satisfied me.

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Chanok | ֲחנֹוְך

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The “New” Calendar Emerges

What I was looking for then was a

Practical Solar calendar devoid of

paganism that Adam, Noah and others

could use to do crops in their proper


And here in ancient records was a

calendar that purported to not only be

able to do that, but to help the

Hebrews keep lunar feasts on time.

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The “New” Calendar Emerges

If true, it would be the best of all

worlds. It would explain exactly how

the stars helped the Hebrews keep the

seasons properly.

I had long known the stars were used

in Scripture, such as calling the New

Moon nearest the VE Abib, but this

new system did the same thing in a

very interesting manner.

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The “New” Calendar Emerges

The question of course was: How

could this work with only 364 days in

its year?

I know on the face of it this sounds

contradictory, but bear with me as I lay

this foundation out step by step.

Then, after showing how it works, we

can return to the discussion on what

its role in history might be.

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The “New” Calendar Emerges

Each side of this pyramid has 91

“steps”, which adds up to 364 days.

The top “step” then is day 365.

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The “New” Calendar Emerges

An advantage of the 364 day year is

that it is the product of 52 x 7, so each

year begins on the same weekday.

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The “New” Calendar Emerges

So if New Year’s Day is a Wed, the

last day of that year will be a Tues and

year 2 starts on a Wed, and so on.

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The “New” Calendar Emerges

The amazing secret of this calendar is

that it merges the solar day count with

the 7 day Shabbat count to balance.

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The “New” Calendar Emerges

Here’s how it works…

1) Let’s say March 22nd was a Wed.

2) The VE would not be known “to the

second” as we do today, but would

instead be defined in the stars about a

day later.

3) In our current Gregorian calendar, this

sighted event almost always

translates to 3/21 @sunset.

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The “New” Calendar Emerges

4) Because you started on a Wed, you

will end on a Tues, 52 weeks later, on

day 364.

5) In terms of our Gregorian calendar,

that will be 2 calendar days earlier than

where you started, so starting on March

22nd (ignoring leap years) 364 days later

will bring you to Tues March 20th.

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The “New” Calendar Emerges

6) At that point, let’s say you ran out of

days on March 20th and it’s a Tues.

7) Since the year ended before the VE

you go to the next Wed, 3/28 and call

that new year’s day.

8) That’s all there is to it! Setting the new

year to start on Wed synchronizes the

364 day count to the tropical year. But

there’s one more fact to bear in mind…

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The “New” Calendar Emerges

9) Technically speaking, I am just using

the Gregorian calendar for convenience

and clarity. But all the ancients needed

to know was that if they did not see

the VE in the stars when the Enoch

year ended, they had to add a week.

Otherwise, whenever the VE did happen

in the stars before year’s end, take the

next Wed after that.

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Proving the Cycle

This calendar accurately tells people

when to plant and when to harvest.

Each year its first day (a Wed) will be

within the range of the week of the VE

(the week of March 21st by Gregorian

calendar) capturing the perfect time of

spring planting.

But since I know this sounds still a bit

odd, let me take you through a cycle…

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Proving the Cycle

1) We just went through year 1, starting

on Wed 3/21 and ending on Tues

3/20 364 days later. Because this

was before 3/21 @ sunset, the next

year would begin Wed, 3/28, i.e. a

week is added to the current year.

2) In year 2, 364 days after 3/28 brings

us to Tues 3/26, making Wed 3/27 the

Wed after VE the start of year 3.

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Proving the Cycle

3) If we encounter a Gregorian Leap

Year (Feb. 29th), this calendar is

unaffected as the 7 day week remains

the same.

4) In other words, this calendar always

has 52 or 53 weeks, starts on a Wed,

ends on a Tues, and Gregorian Leap

Years have no influence.

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Proving the Cycle

5) Year 4 goes as expected, with 364

days bringing us to Wed, March 24th.

Incidentally the day still ends at

sunset, so the daylight part of Wed is for

the old year and sunset to midnight part

of Wed is for the new year.

6) Year 5 then ends Tues, March 22nd,

and this is also the Wed after VE,

sunset, March 23rd.

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Proving the Cycle

7) Year 6 began as we saw Wed, March

23rd and will end 364 days (52 weeks)

later on Tues March 21st at sunset.

8) This is a little tricky because by

experience, the ancients clearly knew

the year was ending Tues night just

hours before the VE would have been

seen in the stars. They could have

therefore called the next day new year’s.

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Proving the Cycle

9) However, I believe they would have

rigorously enforced this one rule of the

calendar. Year 6 ends Tues, Mar 26th

and year 7 starts Wed, Mar 27th.

10) From here the cycle will simply

repeat this way into infinity, always

framing VE week. Being tied to the stars,

it never goes out of date. Here’s how

the months fall each year…

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Proving the Cycle

Vernal Equinox

Month 130 days

Month 230 days

Month 331 days (Summer Solstice)

Month 430 days

Month 530 days

Month 631 days (Fall Equinox)

Month 730 days

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Proving the Cycle

Month 830 days

Month 931 days (Winter Solstice)

Month 1030 days

Month 1130 days

Month 1231 days (Vernal Equinox)

Begin Year 2, Wednesday after VE.

And, in case you are wondering why

start always on Wed, here’s why…

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Proving the Cycle

God said, 'Let there be lights in the vault

of heaven to divide day from night, and

let them indicate festivals, days and

years. Let them be lights in the vault of

heaven to shine on the earth.' And so it

was. God made the two great lights:

the greater light to govern the day, the

smaller light to govern the night, and

the stars. God set them in the vault of

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Proving the Cycle

heaven to shine on the earth, to govern

the day and the night and to divide light

from darkness. God saw that it was

good. Evening came and morning

came: the fourth day.

(Genesis 1:14-19 NJB)

So this is one way of interpreting

Genesis, to align a calendar with when

the stars, sun and moon were made!

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Next Week…

At this point then, we know this

calendar works. Its mechanism is

beautiful, elegant, simple, perfectly

accurate and, above all, Scriptural.

But was it really the calendar of Adam

and Enoch? Can history prove that

claim one way or the other? And what

does it mean in relation to our Hebrew

calendar? Join me next week for…

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Next Week…

Episode 43:

Did Enoch Have a Calendar? Part 2

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As it is Written

Episode 43:

Did Enoch Have a Calendar? Part 2

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Going Deeper

12. ...But you have changed your works, 13.

[and have not done according to his command,

and transgressed against him; (and have

spoken) haughty and harsh words, with your

impure mouths, 14. [against his majesty, for

your heart is hard]. You will have no peace.

Dead Sea Scrolls fragment of the Book of

Enoch, 4Q201

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Going Deeper

Milik, Jazef. T., ed. The Books of

Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of

Qumran Cave 4 (Oxford, 1976)

Printed book. General Collections, Library of Congress.

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Page 123: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete

First Step

Last week we continued our studies

into the prophet Enoch, exploring the

possibility that he may have

developed a Hebrew solar calendar.

We looked at the mechanism that

Enoch may have proposed, compared

it the 360 calendar found in Scripture

and determined EC does work

amazingly well.

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First Step

But now we need to turn our attention

to another series of questions, this

time from history and the documented


What can the Dead Sea Scrolls tell us

in concert with other ancient records

about if this calendar and if it was

actually used? Also, was its potential

original use perverted later?

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First Step

Right now, in terms of the small

fragments we have from the Dead Sea

Scrolls, the Astronomical Book of

Enoch and the tiny fragments from

First Enoch, go back no earlier than

about 200 BCE.

We must bridge a significant gulf of

time from there to get to Moses,

Abraham or earlier.

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First Step

But first, before I can outline the right

approach, I need to address some

misconceptions from some folks who

are turning to this calendar today…

The following is given from the website:


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Spinning History…

I am quoting from it not to “bash” it per

se, but because I feel it gives the best

attempt on the web to explain ideas

that are incorrect. In other words,

though I disagree, I admit they have

“done the work” to put their position

together! But history can lead well

meaning people to error without right

context. Here’s what they said…

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Spinning History…

In fact, according to the T'nach, only the

sons of Zadok (the Zaddikim or

Sadducees) will have the right to make

sacrifices in the New Mikdash; see Ezek.

40:46. This means that the Dynasty of

Zadok, the First High Priest in the

Mikdash, will be restored. These items

would include such items as the Mikdash

incense, the anointing oil of the

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Spinning History…

priesthood, the ashes of the Red Heifer,

and the Ark of the Covenant. Josephus,

himself a priest of the Pharisees who

had no knowledge of the Oral Law

being given on Mt. Sinai, relates that

the Sadducees reflected the traditions

of the Fathers, which seems to have

been the forerunner of the Oral Law,

and was also observed as law by the

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Spinning History…

Pharisees. It follows then

that at the time of the First Holy

Mikdash, it was not taught that the

Oral Law was given to Moses.

The article starts out with accurate

information. It is true the sons of

Zadok ruled the priesthood from the

time of David until the end of the

Maccabean Revolt, ca. 164 BCE.

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Spinning History…

It is also true that Ezekiel prophesied

a restored Zadokite priesthood and

that the Sadducees take their name

from Zadok.

But the Sadducees departed from

those traditions and became corrupt,

even though Scripture never suggests

Zadok’s ways were changed either

from David’s or Moses’ time.

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Spinning History…

The fact is, priestly families did bicker

between each other for power, but this

happened because of wickedness, not

because the system was altered.

For example, the priesthood was

taken away from the sons of Eli in 1

Samuel because Eli turned a blind eye

to his corrupt sons. By one system

they came to power and lost power!

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Spinning History…

Here is where we get into a bit of

really lazy language: What they said

about Josephus. The website essay

claims that Josephus both was and

was not aware of the more ancient

traditions of the Zadokites!

You have: “Josephus…had no

knowledge of the Oral Law being

given on Mt. Sinai”, contrasted with…

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Spinning History…

“[Josephus knew] that the

Sadducees reflected the traditions

of the Fathers, which seems to

have been the forerunner of the

Oral Law, and was also observed as

law by the Pharisees.”

Josephus was a Pharisee, so how is

it that he has no knowledge of what

their oldest traditions were? He says:

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Spinning History…

The family from which I am derived is not

an ignoble one, but has descended all

along from the priests; and as nobility

among several people is of a different

origin, so with us to be of the sacerdotal

dignity, is an indication of the splendor of

a family. Now, I am not only sprung from

a sacerdotal family in general, but from

the first of the 24 courses; and as among

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Spinning History…

us there is not only a considerable

difference between one family of each

course and another, I am of the chief

family of that first course also; nay,

further, by my mother I am of the royal

blood; for the children of Asamoneus,

from whom that family was derived,

had both the office of the high

priesthood, and the dignity of a king,

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Spinning History…

for a long time together. (Life of


Throughout the Scripture the calendar

secrets always resided with two

groups: Priests and kings. Josephus is

descended from both groups, as is the

other Jewish historian Philo, writing

from Alexandria Egypt about 70 years

earlier. This brings us to my research

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Page 139: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete

Spinning History…

So if anyone is going to know these

ancient secrets, it is Josephus and

Philo. This is why in Wheel of Stars I

spent a lot of time discussing this

ancient knowledge from Josephus and

Philo and that it neither contradicted

Scripture, nor history, nor physics.

In sum, if EC is right, Josephus and

Philo would have known about it!

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Spinning History…

On the contrary, a smaller body of law

was, at that time, referred to as

TRADITION. Both groups adhered to this

tradition. To justify and venerate their

own rulings, the Pharisees began to call

their own legislation the very Word of G-

d. In this way they set themselves above

their vanquished foe, the Sadducees,

and rewrote history.

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Spinning History…

The funny thing about “rewriting

history”, of course is that if you point

out there’s no evidence for it all the

folks on the other side will say is: “See

how well they covered up the truth?”

But most who study know how hard it

is to get everyone “on the same page”

and there should always be SOME

proof of the original truth.

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Spinning History…

The fact is, it was the Sadducees who

corrupted themselves, not the


The Sadducees, who never had a

single major opinion ever rule in Israel,

were not trusted by the people. The

Sadducees as high priests

answered to PHARISAIC laws and

were appointed by Romans!

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Spinning History…

I could put a dozen quotes from

Josephus proving the Pharisees ruled

the calendar in all things, but I know

these opponents will simply cry “the

winners write history” and allege

“cover-up” again.

Instead, I think what I need is an

unimpeachable source from the

beginning of time. Someone like…

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What did Y’shua say?

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Spinning History…

"The scribes and the Pharisees sit on the

throne (korsiya-כֻּורסיָא) of Moshe. Therefore everything that they say to you that you

should keep and do. But not according to

their deeds, for they talk, but do not.”

(Matthew 23:2-3-AENT)

Note: Not just “seat” of Moshe—his

throne, meaning they interpret Torah!

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Spinning History…

While the Pharisees were criticized for

loading up with human traditions that

Y’shua directly says “forsook the

Torah”, the calendar was not under

his rebuke.

This evidence here is that Y’shua says

the “Pharisaic calendar” (not the

Rabbinic which came later) was the

right system—back at least to Moses!

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Spinning History…

The reason I can be so confident on

this point is simple: Y’shua never

argued with the Pharisees on when

Shabbat or a Great Feast was and

he attended every one of them!

And for their part, the Pharisees never

accused Y’shua of following a

calendar different from theirs either!

So here’s the key question…

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Spinning History…

Given the critically high stakes on both

sides of debate between Y’shua and

the Pharisees, wouldn’t a calendar

difference between them (if it

existed) have to come up at some

point in 3 ½ years?

Or are we really going to think neither

side thought it relevant when to

observe Pesach, Shavuot and so on?

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Spinning History…

This is where our other first century

witnesses come into play.

Josephus and Philo, descendants

from priests and kings on both sides of

their family tree, clearly knew what the

REAL calendar was from deepest

antiquity. They wrote about it in detail.

So, if EC is real, they knew of it!

Now let’s continue with the quote…

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Spinning History…

On the contrary, a smaller body of law

was, at that time, referred to as

TRADITION. Both groups adhered to this

tradition. To justify and venerate their

own rulings, the Pharisees began to call

their own legislation the very Word of G-

d. In this way they set themselves above

their vanquished foe, the Sadducees,

and rewrote history. The truth, however,

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Spinning History…

has come back to bite them in the form

of the Dead Sea Scrolls of the

Sadducees. But regarding the calendar,

the Torah teaches the sun is to govern

"their appointed days" and the moon, the

season. The days are determined by the

travel of the sun's annual circuit through

the 6 gates of the eastern horizon.

Originally then, it seems observation of

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Spinning History…

the New Moon was not for the purpose

of determining the calendar. Even the

Mishna ("Tosefta Nazir") acknowledges

the existence of the solar year and sets

its length at 364 days. Jehuda the

Persian, in the 9th Century CE, wrote

that the Jews "had always reckoned by

solar months (Sachau, p. 69).

-Also reprinted from Qumran.com

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Spinning History…

There is a good deal here I agree with,

but I think it’s the application of these

facts which becomes problematic.

That the New Moon was not used

“originally” is very factual, simply

because the Scripture itself tells us

that new and full moon cycles were

not needed before Moses because the

Hebrews relied on a solar year!

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Spinning History…

The problem is though in not

recognizing that Exodus 12:1-2 re-set

the calendar. The lunar month of Abib

“is now to be the beginning of your

months, the start of your year” YHWH

declares this!

But Abib was also tied to the solar

year, as the time of the barley. We

had to get the season right too!

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Spinning History…

In the month of Xanthikos, which is by us

called Nisan, and is the beginning of our year,

on the 14th day of the lunar month, when the

sun is in Aries, (for in this month it was that

we were delivered from bondage under the

Egyptians,) the law ordained that we should

every year slay that sacrifice which I before

told you we slew when we came out of Egypt,

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Spinning History…

and which was called the Passover; and so we

do celebrate this passover in companies,

leaving nothing of what we sacrifice till the

day following. (Antiquities, 3:248)

Notice that Josephus the Pharisee

gives us star-zodiac information, along

with the day of the lunar month. Stars,

sun and moon work together…

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Spinning History…

On the 4th day of the week of the sons of

Gamul in the first month of the first year.

On the 5th day in the week of Jedaiah

corresponding to the 29th day of the lunar

month, which falls on the 30th day of the

solar month.

Mishmarot A (4Q320), as translated by

Geza Vermes, The Complete Dead Sea

Scrolls in English, p. 336

Page 158: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete

A Guide to Dead Sea Scrolls



4 = the cave designation it was

found in.

Q = Qumran, the location of the


320 = This was the 320th

manuscript found in that cave.

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Spinning History…

Some scholars have argued that lunar

months are not used at all in

determining Great Feasts, but I

strongly disagree. If they did, that was


When we read a bit deeper into the

Dead Sea Scrolls Enochian traditions,

we find something quite different and

in line with the other sources…

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Spinning History…

And this is his birthday on which he (is to

be/was?) born; in the foot of the Bull

(Taurus-AGR). He will be meek, and his

animal is the Bull.

4Q186, fragment 1, The Complete Dead

Sea Scrolls in English, p. 358

And they are not only tracking the sun

thru the zodiac—but the moon also…

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Spinning History…

IV…and on 13 and 14 Pisces; and on 15

and 16 Aries; on 17 and 18 Taurus; on

19 and 20 and 21 Gemini; on 22 and 23

Cancer; on 24 and 25 Leo; on 26, 27 and

28 Virgo; on 29 and 30 Libra…Tishri. On

1 and 2 Scorpio. 4Q318, The Complete

Dead Sea Scrolls in English, p. 361

Sun and moon are linked to Zodiac!

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The Details Emerge

Getting back to my previous point,

Josephus and Philo must have known

about this calendar.

Now I believe it is possible to read

their texts in light of what we know and

see that they are referring to it in at

least a broad sense.

Philo in particular makes a comment

that is hard to explain otherwise…

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The Details Emerge

Moses puts down the beginning (arche:

ἀρχὴν) of the vernal equinox as the

first month of the year.

(Life of Moses, 2:222)

This is a very curious phrasing in

Greek. The vernal equinox is fixed to

a particular day of the year, so why

specify “beginning”? Why not just say

“VE day”?

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The Details Emerge

Part of the answer is that the VE is a

kind of choreography that can unfold

over 24-48 hours from when it actually

happens to when the stars show it is


The difference between knowing the

moment of VE as opposed to when it

is perceived marks the boundary

between ancient and modern method.

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The Details Emerge

Since the ancients needed more

time/evidence to confirm the VE, this

is why Philo says “beginning”—which

means he is framing VE week as

opposed to VE day.

This is process confirmed by Dead

Sea Scrolls researchers Ben Dov

(Head of All Years, p. 16-17) and

Geza Vermes, whom I now quote…

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The Details Emerge

The Qumran sect rejected this seemingly

artificial system [the 19 year Metonic

lunar cycle—AGR] and adopted instead

a chronological reckoning, probably of

priestly origin, based on the sun, a

practice attested to also in the Book of

Jubilees and 1 Enoch, and fully laid out

in a series of calendrical documents

(4Q320-30). The outstanding

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The Details Emerge

feature of this solar calendar was its

absolute regularity in that, instead of

354 days, not divisible by seven, it

consisted of 364 days, i.e. 52 weeks

precisely. Each of its four seasons was

13 weeks long, divided by three months

of 30 days each, plus an additional

“remembrance day” (1QS x, 5) linking

one season to another (13 x 7 = 91 = 3 x

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The Details Emerge

30 +1). In tune with this way with “the

laws of the Great Light of heaven” (1QH

xii, 5) and not with the ‘festivals of the

nations’…Its unbroken rhythm meant

furthermore that the first day of the

year and of each subsequent season

always fell on the same day of the

week. For the Essenes this was

Wednesday, since according to

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The Details Emerge

Genesis 1, 14-19, it was on the fourth

day that the sun and the moon were


The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in

English, p. 78

As we saw last week, there is no

question whatsoever that such a

system is eternally perfect and


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The Details Emerge

But the final question we need to

address this week is this: What is the

relationship between the Aramaic

fragments on this calendar found

among the Dead Sea Scrolls and the

later fuller traditions that end up in the

Greek, Latin and Ethiopian versions of

1 Enoch, Jubilees, and similar works?

To answer that, let’s go here…

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The Details Emerge

The published and unpublished Qumran

fragments show, when they are

compared with the Ethiopic and Latin

versions, that the ancient translators of

the book did their work with remarkable

care. Though these two granddaughter

translations are separated by the Greek

translation from the Hebrew original, they

largely agree with the Hebrew.

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The Details Emerge

The implication is that the Ethiopic

and Latin forms of the book are

reliable indicators of the original text

and can thus be used as authentic

reflections of what the author wrote in

the mid-second century B.C.-James

Vanderkam, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Book

of Jubilees, (Missouri Review, Spring

2011) also from:

Page 173: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete

The Details Emerge



James VanderKam is a Professor of

Theology at the University of Notre

Dame and has edited Discoveries in the

Judaean Desert for Oxford Press. He is

currently working on a new book titled

The Dead Sea Scrolls Today with

William B Eerdmans.

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Next Week…

So now that we know that the

astronomical data in all versions of

these works is reliable both in terms of

content across several languages and

in terms of its accuracy as a calendar,

we are ready to move to the final


Our final test: To prove this calendar

is really part of Scripture itself.

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Next Week…

Once that is dealt with, we will close

the Enoch series by explaining what

this calendar was really for and how

that original intention has been


Please also bear in mind that I am not

in any way endorsing the extra-biblical

contradictory information with regards

to Enoch.

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Next Week…

I will not sanction the idea of “angels”

inter-breeding with humans to make

giants, as mentioned before, because

this goes against Y’shua’s own words.

Anything then that contradicts Torah

or Y’shua in these resources must be

discarded as heresy. It is what is left in

terms of ancient calendar that I

believe is most helpful to us.

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Next Week…

It is also wrong to say, as some

scholars do, that lunar months were

never a part of calculating the Feasts,

again because Scripture says no.

But we will find together what this

solar mechanism was really used for:

Something amazing, beautiful and

Scriptural that no one has thus far has

considered. Join us then for…

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Next Week…

Episode 44:

Did Enoch Have a Calendar?

Part 3

Episode 44:

Did Enoch Have a Calendar? Part 3

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As it is Written

Episode 44:

Did Enoch Have a Calendar? Part 3

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Page 181: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete
Page 182: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete

First Step

Last week we made some great

strides separating the proverbial

wheat from the chaff.

While no believer should

wholeheartedly endorse every detail in

this extra-biblical literature, certain

astronomical and mathematical

principles lined up with Scripture and

wider history to tell us a great story…

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First Step

That story basically showed a chain of

evidence that began with Y’shua

endorsing the calendar he knew as

from people “who sat on Moses’

throne” (Matthew 23:1-2).

We saw that while both Y’shua and

the Pharisees had a ton of criticisms

for one another, neither accused to

other of being on the wrong calendar!

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First Step

From that point, we went into the

wider first century history of Josephus

and Philo, Jewish historians

descended from priests and kings who

kept the calendar secrets.

Going further back we found further

attestation in the Dead Sea Scrolls

that painted a gloriously intricate

picture of the calendar of Enoch (EC).

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First Step

But only now do we get to the heart of

the matter: Is it really Scriptural after


And, even if it is Scriptural, are the

claims about how it should be used


The foundation has been laid, and

now it is time to lift off the veil and tell

the truth!

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The Testimony of…Noah?

Page 187: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete

The Testimony of…Noah?

The first thing we need to establish is

this: The timeline is not based on the

tropical year (from fall or spring

equinox) but on when Noah was born:

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The Testimony of…Noah?

In the 600th year of Noah's life, in the

2nd month, and on the 17th day of the

month, that very day all the springs of

the great deep burst through, and the

sluices of heaven opened. And heavy

rain fell on earth for 40 days and 40

nights. That very day Noah and his

sons Shem, Ham and Japheth boarded

the ark, with Noah's wife and the three

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The Testimony of…Noah?

wives of his sons, and with them every

species of wild animal, every species of

cattle, every species of creeping things

that creep along the ground, every

species of bird, everything that flies,

everything with wings. One pair of all

that was alive and had the breath of life

boarded the ark with Noah, and those

that went aboard were a male and

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The Testimony of…Noah?

female of all that was alive, as God had

commanded him. Then Yahweh shut him

in. (Genesis 7:11-16 NJB)

After 150 days the waters fell, and in

the 7th month, on the 17th day of the

month, the ark came to rest on the

mountains of Ararat.

(Genesis 8:3-4 NJB)

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The Testimony of…Noah?

So the timeline breaks down this way…

1) Flood begins, Noah’s family shut in:

17th day of 2nd month.

2) After 150 days from when it started,

flood waters recede; Ark rests on the

mountains of Ararat: 17th day of 7th


3) “After 150 days” = day 151,

encompassing 5 months to the day.

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The Testimony of…Noah?

In the 600th year of Noah's life, in the

2nd month, and on the 17th day of the

month…(Genesis 7:11-NJB)

It was in the 601st year of Noah's life,

in the 1st month and on the 1st of the

month, that the waters began drying out

on earth. (Genesis 8:13 NJB)

Next’ let’s see the one system of

timekeeping this can not be …

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The Testimony of…Noah?

Page 194: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete

The Testimony of…Noah?

It’s simple physics. As we saw before,

the lunar month is 29.53 solar days

long, so depending on when the

conjunction and crescent are timed to

happen, you will have either a 30 or a

29 day month, usually alternating.

Noah’s count, which takes place when

neither sun nor moon can be seen—

requires five 30 day months in a row.

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The Testimony of…Noah?

And while it does sometimes happen

that you have 2 30 day months in a

row, having five 30 day months in a

row is impossible in a lunar-based


This is because the start and end

months must leave remainders that

equal 31 days, and that leaves 120

days for the 4 full months in between.

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The Testimony of…Noah?

Here’s the one way to add it up if we are

in a lunar system to account for the

greatest number of days…

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The Testimony of…Noah?

1) Flood starts 17th day 2nd month.

2) There can be no more than 30 days in

a lunar month, so only 14 days (max)

remain after 17 days, if we include day

17 itself.

3) To those 14 days add 17 at the end,

accounting for 1 month out of 5.

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The Testimony of…Noah?

4) Since at least one of any lunar month

in the middle of the count (4 total

months) must be 29 days, that total can

never exceed 119 days. (Any variation of

30+ 29 + 30 + 30).

So 31 (14 days remaining from month 1

+ 17 days into the last flood month) +

119 = 150; we need to account for 151,

so we are 1 day short.

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The Testimony of…Noah?

5) This is a very generous and extreme

example. More than likely, a normal

half-year interval would have had 1-2

additional 29 day months, making this

total 2-3 days short!

6) But while the text seems pretty clear

that we need to start our count with the

17th day of the 2nd month as day 1, the

ending date is not clear in the Hebrew.

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The Testimony of…Noah?

7) This is because the phrase is “after

150 days, the Ark rested on the

mountains of Ararat”, as opposed to

“and on the 151st day the Ark rested on

the mountains of Ararat”!

8) The most natural assumption is that it

is an indirect reference to day 151, but

really any number greater than 150 is

also “after” 150 days.

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The Testimony of…Noah?

9) While this may seem a bit nit-picky, it

really isn’t. There is no reason for Moses

to not say “151st day” when he keeps

giving us precise dates elsewhere, e.g.,

“slaughter the Passover lamb on the 14th

day in the first month at twilight”.

10) But in order to traverse 5 months by

any measure and be “after” 150 days by

the 17th, gives a handful of days only.

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The Testimony of…Noah?

In the 360 calendar, which is

Scriptural, every month is 30 days

long throughout the year. So including

the 17th day in the 2nd month

guarantees 14 days left over after the

Flood began, plus the other 17 days

in the 7th month, a.k.a. day #151. But

look what happens with the middle

months, meaning 3, 4, 5 and 6:

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The Testimony of…Noah?

Total days accounted for thus far: 31

(14 from month 2; 17 from month 7).

17th day of 7th month must be “after


Days left to go in months 3-6: 120. 4

months of 30 days each = 120. And

of course 120 + 31 = 151 which is

“after 150 days” certainly, and so 360

does work. But look at Enoch now…

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The Testimony of…Noah?

Like the 360 day system, we have 12

months of 30 days each. But we also

have 4 “remembrance days”, one for

each solstice or equinox, or 364 total.

The practical effect of adding a

“remembrance day” for each of the 4

seasons is that every third month will

have an extra 31st day.

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The Testimony of…Noah?

So, if we pick the right time of year for

Noah’s birth, we can arrange the

months in such a way that the 2nd and

7th months from his birth will add up to

“after 150 days”. Let’s see how…

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The Testimony of…Noah?

Month 1 (Noah’s birth) on

“remembrance day” for the Fall Equinox

September 23rd.

Month 2 (first flood month) begins on

September 24th. The Flood begins 17

days later or October 11th. The month is

30 days long, ending October 24th.

Month 3 begins on October 25th and

ends 30 days later, on November 24th.

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The Testimony of…Noah?

Month 4 begins on November 25th and

ends on December 26th. Because this is

the time of the solstice, there is a 31st

day or “remembrance day” for the

solstice’s approximate time.

Month 5 begins on December 27th and

ends 30 days later, or January 26th.

Month 6 begins on January 27th and

ends 30 days later, or February 26th.

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The Testimony of…Noah?

Month 7 is only counted to the 17th day

and would have had a “remembrance

day” if counted to its end. This is when

the Ark is on Ararat. Now add it up!

Month 2: 14 days| Month 3: 30 days

Month 4: 31 days| Month 5: 30 days

Month 6: 30 days| Month 7: 17 days

TOTAL 152 days!

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The Testimony of…Noah?

So both 360 and Enoch calendar

systems yield a number that is “after

150 days”—151 for 360 and 152 for

Enoch. 152 days is the outer limit of

how many days you can have in any

counting of 5 solar months.

But this gets back to the original

question: Why the vague language?

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The Testimony of…Noah?

In other words, why write in such a

way that covers the counting methods

of both systems?

I believe the answer is that Moses did

this on purpose, as a way to tell us

both systems were valid and in force.

Moses, even as a prince of Egypt,

would have been aware of the 360

day year—they also used it!

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The Testimony of…Noah?

The evidence that I have seen also

strongly suggests that Moses had very

sophisticated astronomical training as

a Prince of Egypt.

Both Philo and Josephus write that

Moses surpassed the skill of the best

tutors in all his subjects—a fact St.

Stephen also alludes to in Acts. More

on this in 2 weeks by the way…

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The Testimony of…Noah?

In any case, my point is that Moses

used his knowledge to merge the two

systems into a master-method to track

the solar tropical year.

Then when writing Genesis, he used

vague language to point to this same

master system, to show that both in a

sense “worked”, without explaining

directly what he did! Now lets go to…

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The Problem with 30 CE

While writing Wheel of Stars I found

out about an issue that I couldn’t

completely solve.

My science adviser, Bill Welker, has

two physics degrees, works on

classified satellites for the government

and can build telescopes from scratch

in his spare time. We found something

very rare in the year Y’shua died.

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The Problem with 30 CE

Many years of research had led me to

conclude that every once in a great

while, the timing of the vernal equinox

and the spring new moon can get

very, very close together—within a few

hours of one another.

Later astronomical research proved

these occurrences happened 24 times

in about 5,500 years.

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The Problem with 30 CE

This was the case in the year Y’shua

died, where the vernal equinox and

spring new moon came within 5 hours

of one another.

I knew theoretically speaking that

there were rare times when the stars

would overrule the moon, and force

what would have been a 30 day month

to end on its 29th day.

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The Problem with 30 CE

I called this “VE trumps all” because

the stars and sun outrank the moon

(Revelation 12:1-2), but I never

thought I would actually see one!

To make matters even worse, Bill

proved that astronomical factors (too

close to the horizon, etc.) made it

impossible to see the New Moon for

3 nights in a row!

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The Problem with 30 CE

So the stars are telling you it’s spring,

the barley is also telling you it’s spring

but you need a New Moon time to

count your Hebrew days from!

As I said, this is very rare and it is

clearly a worst case scenario, but

surely the Pharisees and Sanhedrin

had the knowledge to for even this

contingency—and it’s the EC!

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The Problem with 30 CE

2 weeks ago, we saw the actual EC 7

year cycle in action. It will always

repeat exactly that way, unto infinity.

And because it is tied to the spring

equinox and the stars, it will never,

ever go out of date.

But for the folks who are working the

EC all the time for centuries on end, it

really becomes helpful in this case.

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The Problem with 30 CE

When any EC year starts, the

calendar experts know exactly how

many days they had to add to have it

start on time. (Watch “Secrets of

Moses” coming in 2 weeks for proof!)

Because it’s 364 days, they also know

every year will begin and end on a

Wed. They also will know where that

day falls either before or after VE.

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The Problem with 30 CE

In other words, the 364th day would be

known a year in advance to fall say 2

days before the VE, which will require

more days be added to get the

following year starting the Wed after


To put it another way, they will know

“VE is exactly on the 30th day of EC

12th month, 2 days before new year.”

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The Problem with 30 CE

Hypothetically speaking, if the skies in

30 CE were also cloudy for a few days

and the stars could not be seen either,

this “advance date” will let them know

when to call the Solar Year. We don’t

know the weather for 30 though.

The fact is, you need multiple

witnesses from math and observation

to keep it on time, so next step is to…

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Now Count the Moon

Page 223: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete

Now Count the Moon

Because the Feasts are all tied to the

New and Full Moons, obviously all the

calendar folks in Israel would be

counting from that cycle all the time.

But there would be other moon

specialists who had additional skills

and knowledge counseling Israel.

The last full moon of the year will

always be the one for Purim.

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Now Count the Moon

It is at this point that the moon experts

begin the critical task of tracking that

year’s last two weeks. (If there is a

leap month, Purim is in 2 Adar, so it’s

always the last full moon before


These moon experts, according to the

Talmud, Dead Sea Scrolls, etc., kept

detailed records for centuries.

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Now Count the Moon

The records would show them the full

spectrum of lunar timing and they may

have been supplemented by

astronomical drawings also mentioned

in the tradition…

Tell us in what form you saw the moon; was

it before or behind the sun? Was it to the

north or the south (of the sun)? What was its

elevation on the horizon? Towards which

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Now Count the Moon

side was its inclination? What was the width

of its disk? If he answered before the sun, his

evidence was worthless.

(Rosh Hashanna 2:3 Rodkinson)

This is the kind of data the moon

experts were recording and tracking

over the long haul. It was enough to

cover all the moon’s eccentricities...

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Now Count the Moon

R. Gamaliel had on a tablet, and on a wall of

his upper room, illustrations of the various

phases of the moon, which he used to show to

the common people, saying: "Did you see the

moon like this figure or like this?"

(Rosh Hashanna, 2:5 Rodkinson)

So they also collected visual records

of the moon as well, like the Essenes:

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Now Count the Moon

On the 5th day of the (solar) month, 12

fourteenths of the moon’s surface was covered

and thus it enters the day. On the 6th day, 13

fourteenths of the moon are covered and thus

it enters the day. On the 7th day of it, 14

fourteenths of its surface is covered and thus

it enters the day. 4Q317, The Complete Dead

Sea Scrolls in English, p. 360.

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Now Count the Moon

The Essenes counted in 14 day

cycles, from New to Full and from Full

to New, for a total of 28 days.

But because the total month is 29.53

solar days long, the darkness period

that is before the first crescent and

after the last crescent will vary.

By counting in 14ths, the Essenes

have synched math to observation.

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Now Count the Moon







Page 231: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete

Now Count the Moon

While the percentages must be

approximate, the general math works.

The nearest multiple of 14 near 100%

is 98.

A 98% full moon will, without question,

be perceived as totally full by the

ancient naked eye. The Essenes then

count roughly 14 periods of 7% each

to reach the mathematical full moon.

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Now Count the Moon

After that, the clearest and most un-

mistakeable sign in the entire

month is when what was a full

moon the previous night is no

longer full the next night.

This brings us to the last full moon

before Pesach and our experts. The

same data we have been tracking now

becomes critical, as the Talmud says:

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Now Count the Moon

After this they introduced the younger

(witness) and he was examined; if their

testimony was found to agree, it was accepted

as valid; the remaining pairs (of witnesses)

were asked leading questions, not because

their testimony was necessary, but only to

prevent them departing, disappointed, and to

induce them to come again often, the chief of

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Now Count the Moon

the Beth Din then said: "It (the new moon) is

consecrated," and all the people repeated after

him: "It is consecrated; it is consecrated."

Whether the new moon was seen at its proper

time (after 29 days) or not, they used to

consecrate it. R. Elazar b. Zadok said: If it

had not been seen at its proper time it was not

consecrated, because it

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Now Count the Moon

had already been consecrated in heaven (i.e.,

of itself). -Rodkinson Mishnah, Rosh

Hashanna, 2:3-4

Incidentally, notice the Rabbis didn’t

“need” the witnesses to prove what

they already knew. Rather, they

wanted people to feel encouraged to

come and give testimony, because

they needed constant data.

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Calendar experts, detailed

astronomically accurate drawings,

precise observations recorded for

centuries on end.

All these things, and more, would give

the Sanhedrin the ability, to

completely comprehend any variation

in the lunar cycle. They may not have

understood everything we do now…

Page 237: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete


…Kepler’s laws of planetary motion,

tracking elliptical orbits, precession of

the moon, etc…but they would know

what all that behavior was and could

predict the next step even without

today’s precision theories.

All told, this data could easily tell them

if the New Moon was coming in an

early, normal of late timing that year.

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Once the Purim full moon then stops

being full—again this is the easiest

sign the entire month—the early,

normal or late moon data which is

both predictable and cyclical will give

them a final, certain answer.

If it’s an early moon year, they will

count 15 days from the end of the full

moon to start of the next lunar year.

Page 239: Enoch and His Calendar Secrets Complete


If it’s a normal moon year the hard

count to the next New Moon is

reduced to 14 days.

And if it’s a late moon year it’s only

13 days from the end of the Purim full

moon to the next New Moon of Abib,

which kicks of the Hebrew lunar year.

So in 30 CE, even if nothing could be

seen, they knew what day to call.

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The start of spring then “trumped” the

New Moon simply because the EC

count and the moon count told them

both were coming at the same time.

But with the moon invisible, the stars

brought in the year, exactly as the

Scripture demands in Genesis 1:14-

19, Job 38:31-33 and countless other


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There were also calculated math back

ups hidden in the Torah text that

would enable the priests to accurately

predict Abib NMs from both 1 and 5

years in advance, but that’s a much

longer story for later.

While I know a lot of technical stuff

and math has dominated this study of

the Enoch Calendar…

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We can never lose sight of the

beautiful truth that it is real, Scriptural

and it works.

But, as we have also seen, it’s use

has been perverted by some to

suggest that there was no role for the

moon in pointing to the Great Feasts,

and that is just as bad a heresy as the

other extreme, like Lunar Sabbath.

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Noah’s situation, like 30 CE,

represents a kind of worst case

scenario. Noah could not see sunrise

or sunset, and much of the moon and

stars were obscured while shut in the

Ark 40 days and nights of the flood.

Such a precision count that he gives

then proves the need for sighting and

calculation to work together!

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In the end though, what this does is

tell us exactly how the earliest Biblical

people used the sun and stars to seed

and harvest. In some cases it may

even help us figure out the exact day

a given event with then happened, but

I will leave that for another time.

But I end with a caution: just because

Enoch and his calendar are real…

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…doesn’t mean that we must accept a

lot of the later un-Scriptural stories

that are given in these extra-biblical


They are like the Rabbis who have a

kind of fragmentary memory of the

real calendar, but it’s inter-cut with a

lot of later and unreliable traditions, so

we need to separate fact from myth.

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At the end of the day, I think we should

take Paul’s great advice (AENT)…

Explore everything and hold fast to the good, and

fly from everything evil. And may the Elohim of

peace sanctify you all, perfectly, and keep blameless

your whole spirit and your soul and your body till

the coming of our Master Y'shua the Mashiyach.

-1 Thessalonians 5:21-23