english-romanian-2012-01-06 (1)

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  • 8/3/2019 english-romanian-2012-01-06 (1)



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    April ; Apr Aprilie timeChina ; People's Republic of China ; mainland China ; Communist China ; Red Chi

    na ; PRC ; Cathay China ; China countryChinese Chinez languageCzech Republic Republica Ceh ; Republica Ceh countryDecember ; Dec Decembrie timeEarth ; earth ; world ; globe Pmnt natureEnglish ; English language Englez languageFebruary ; Feb Februarie timeFrance ; French Republic Republica Francez ; Republica Francez countryFrench Francez languageFriday ; Fri Vineri timeGerman ; High German ; German language German linguistics

    Germany ; Federal Republic of Germany ; Deutschland ; FRG Republica Federal German ; Republica Federal German countryHindi Hindi languageIndia ; Republic of India ; Bharat Republica India ; Republica IndiacountryItalian Italian languageItaly ; Italian Republic ; Italia Italia ; Italia countryJanuary ; Jan Ianuarie timeJapan ; Nippon ; Nihon Japonia ; Japonia countryJapanese Japonez languageJuly Iulie timeJune Iunie timeMonday ; Mon Luni time

    Moon ; moon lun natureNovember ; Nov Noiembrie timeOctober ; Oct Octombrie time

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    Russian Rus languageSpain ; Kingdom of Spain ; Espana Regatul Spaniei ; Regatul SpanieicountrySpanish Spaniol languageSunday ; Lord's Day ; Dominicus ; Sun Duminic timeThursday ; Th Joi timeUnited Kingdom ; UK ; U.K. ; Britain ; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort

    hern Ireland ; Great Britain Regatul Unit countryUnited States ; United States of America ; America ; the States ; US ; U.S. ; USA ; U.S.A. Statele Unite ale Americii countryWednesday ; Midweek ; Wed miercuri timeable capabil adjectiveabout ; almost ; most ; nearly ; near ; nigh ; virtually ; well-nigh aproape

    adverbabove ; higher up ; in a higher place ; to a higher place deasupraadverbabrupt ; precipitous ; sharp abrupt adjectiveaccept ; take ; have accepta verbaccident accident transport

    account ; business relationship cont businessacid acid adjectiveacid acid materialacme ; height ; elevation ; peak ; pinnacle ; summit ; superlative ; meridian ;tiptop ; top culme abstractact ; deed ; human action ; human activity act abstractaction aciune mathematicsaction aciune mathematicsaction ; activity ; activeness activitate mathematicsactor ; histrion ; player ; thespian ; role player actor professionactually ; really de fapt adverbacuate ; acute ; sharp ; needlelike ascuit adjectivead ; advertisement ; advertizement ; advertising ; advertizing ; advert

    publicitate businessaddition ; add-on ; improver adaos abstractaddress adres abstractadept ; expert ; good ; practiced ; proficient ; skillful ; skilful expertadjectiveadjacent ; next ; side by side nvecinat adjectiveadjective adjectiv linguisticsadmit ; acknowledge recunoate verbadvantage ; reward avantaj abstractadvantage ; vantage avantaj abstractadvice sfat communicationagain ; once again ; once more ; over again din nou adverb

    against pe prepositionage vrst timeagree ; hold ; concur ; concord a fi de acord verbagreement ; understanding nelegere businessaid ; assist ; assistance ; help ajutor communicationair aer natureairplane ; aeroplane ; plane avion objectairport ; airdrome ; aerodrome ; drome aerodrom cityalive ; live viu adjectiveall tot adjectivealone ; lone ; lonely ; solitary solitar adjectivealong de-a lungul adverbalready deja adverb

    alternatively ; instead ; or else n schimb adverbaltitude ; height altitudine abstractalways ; ever ; e'er mereu adverb

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    among ; amongst ; amid ; amidst printre prepositionamount cantitate abstractand plus conjunctionangle unghi mathematicsangry mnios adjectiveanimal ; animate being ; beast ; brute ; creature ; fauna animalnature

    announce ; denote anuna verbannouncement ; proclamation ; annunciation ; declaration anun communicationanother ; some other alt adjectiveanswer ; reply ; respond a replica verbanswer ; reply ; response rspuns communicationant ; emmet ; pismire furnic animalanteroom ; antechamber ; entrance hall ; hall ; foyer ; lobby ; vestibulefoaier houseany ; whatever ; whatsoever nici un adjectiveanything orice pronounapartment ; flat apartament society

    apparel ; wearing apparel ; dress ; clothes rochie clothesapple mr foodapproximately ; about ; close to ; just about ; some ; roughly ; more or less ;around ; or so aproximativ adverbarea ; expanse ; surface area arie mathematicsargent ; silver ; silvery ; silverish argint adjectiveargue ; reason a pleda (pentru verbargument ; statement argument communicationarm bra anatomyarmy ; regular army ; ground forces armat societyarrangement ; organization ; organisation ; system organizaie societyarrive ; make it ; get in ; go far a sosi verb

    art ; fine art art artartist ; creative person artist (plastic) professionask ; inquire ; enquire a cere verbaspect aspect abstractassail ; assault ; set on ; attack ataca verbastute ; sharp ; shrewd subtil adjectiveat la prepositionattack ; onslaught ; onset ; onrush atac abstractattempt ; effort ; endeavor ; endeavour ; try ncercare abstractattention ; attending atenie communicationattitude ; mental attitude atitudine abstractaudio ; sound sunet abstract

    authority ; authorization ; authorisation ; potency ; dominance ; say-soautoritate societyautomatic automat adjectiveavailable disponibil adjectiveavoid evita verbawake treaz adjectivebaby ; babe ; infant bebelu familybad ru adjectivebag saco objectbag ; handbag ; pocketbook ; purse poet clothesbag ; traveling bag ; travelling bag ; grip ; suitcase valizaclothesbalance echilibru physics

    ball minge objectbank mal naturebarbarous ; brutal ; cruel ; fell ; roughshod ; savage ; vicious crud

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    adjectivebargain ; deal trg businessbase ; base of operations baz societybaseball ; baseball game baseball sportsbasket ; handbasket cos objectbath baie housebathroom ; bath baie house

    be ; live a tri verbbeach plaj naturebeak ; bill ; neb ; nib ; pecker cioc anatomybear a purta verbbear urs animalbeautiful frumos adjectivebecause deoarece conjunctionbecome ; go ; get a deveni verbbed pat housebedroom ; sleeping room ; sleeping accommodation ; chamber ; bedchamberdormitor housebee albin animal

    beer bere foodbeginning ; commencement ; first ; outset ; get-go ; start ; kickoff ; startingtime ; showtime ; offset nceput abstractbeginning ; origin ; root ; rootage ; source izvor transportbehind n spate adverbbeing ; beingness ; existence existen societybelieve a crede verbbell clopot objectbend ; curve curb transportbesides ; too ; also ; likewise ; as well de asemenea adverbbespeak ; betoken ; indicate ; point ; signal a indica verbbetter mai bine adjectivebetter ; improve ; amend ; ameliorate ; meliorate ameliora verb

    between ; betwixt ntre adverbbeverage ; drink ; drinkable ; potable butur foodbicycle ; bike ; wheel ; cycle biciclet objectbill ; account ; invoice factur businessbill ; note ; government note ; bank bill ; banker's bill ; bank note ; banknote ; Federal Reserve note ; greenback bancnota businessbiology ; biological science biologie sciencebird pasre animalbirth ; nativity ; nascency ; nascence natere naturebirthday zi de natere familybit ; chip ; flake ; fleck ; scrap bucic objectbite muctur medicine

    bitter amar adjectiveblack negru adjectiveblade lam objectblessing ; approval ; approving aprobare communicationblood snge anatomyblow oc abstractblue ; bluish ; blueish albstrui colorblueprint ; design ; pattern model objectboard scndur objectboat barc objectbone ; os os anatomybook ; volume carte objectboot gheat clothes

    boring ; deadening ; dull ; ho-hum ; irksome ; slow ; tedious ; tiresome ; wearisome plicticos adjectivebottle sticl food

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    box cutie objectbrain ; encephalon creier anatomybranch ramur naturebrand ; make marc abstractbread ; breadstuff ; staff of life pine foodbreak a rupe verbbreakfast micul dejun food

    breast ; chest piept anatomybreath rsuflare anatomybrick crmid housebridge ; span a construi un pod peste objectbright ; brilliant ; vivid clar adjectivebroken spart adjectivebrother ; blood brother frate familybrow ; forehead frunte anatomybrown ; brownish ; chocolate-brown ; dark-brown maro colorbrush perie objectbrusque ; brusk ; curt ; short brusc adjectivebuilding ; edifice cldire city

    bulk ; mass ; volume mas physicsbus ; autobus ; coach ; charabanc ; double-decker ; jitney ; motorbus ; motorcoach ; omnibus ; passenger vehicle autobuz transportbusiness ; concern ; business concern ; business organization ; business organisation comer businessbusinessman ; man of affairs om de afaceri professionbutter unt foodbuy ; purchase a cumpra verbby ; past pe adverbcake prjitur foodcalculator ; reckoner ; figurer ; estimator ; computer calculatordevicecalendar month ; month lun time

    call ; phone call ; telephone call apel communicationcall ; telephone ; call up ; phone ; ring a chema verbcampaign ; cause ; crusade ; drive ; movement ; effort campanieabstractcapital capital societycapital ; capital letter ; uppercase ; upper-case letter ; majuscule majuscul linguisticscapital ; working capital capital businesscar ; auto ; automobile ; machine ; motorcar automobil transportcarbohydrate ; saccharide ; sugar hidrocarbonat foodcard carte (de joc) objectcardinal ; central ; fundamental ; key ; primal principal adjecti

    vecase ; instance ; example caz abstractcastle castel citycat ; true cat pisic animalcause cauz abstractcell celul anatomycell ; jail cell ; prison cell celul societycellular telephone ; cellular phone ; cellphone ; cell ; mobile phone telefoncelular devicecenter ; centre ; middle ; heart ; eye mijloc mathematicscenter ; centre ; midpoint centru mathematicscentral central adjectivecentral ; telephone exchange ; exchange central society

    century secol timecertain ; sure sigur adjectivechain lan object

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    chair scaun housechampionship ; title campionat sportschange ; alter ; modify a (se) schimba verbchange ; alteration ; modification schimbare abstractcharacter ; grapheme ; graphic symbol caracter linguisticscharge ; complaint acuzaie societycharge ; electric charge sarcin electric nature

    cheap ; inexpensive ieftin adjectivecheck ; bank check ; cheque cec businesscheese brnz foodchemical ; chemic chimic adjectivechemical ; chemical substance chimic materialchemical element ; element element chimic materialchemistry ; chemical science chimie sciencechief ; main ; primary ; principal ; master principal adjectivechild ; kid copil naturechild ; kid ; youngster ; minor ; shaver ; nipper ; small fry ; tiddler ; tike; tyke ; fry ; nestling copil familychin ; mentum brbie anatomy

    chocolate ciocolat foodchoice ; selection ; option ; pick alegere abstractchoose ; take ; select ; pick out a alege verbchurch ; church building biseric citycinema ; movie theater ; movie theatre ; movie house ; picture palace cinemacitycircle cerc mathematicscity ; metropolis ; urban center ora societyclandestine ; cloak-and-dagger ; hole-and-corner ; hugger-mugger ; hush-hush ;secret ; surreptitious ; undercover ; underground secret adjectiveclass ; form ; grade ; course clas artclassify ; class ; sort ; assort ; sort out ; separate a clasifica

    verbclean curat adjectiveclear clar adjectiveclock ceas deviceclose ; shut a nchide verbclothing ; article of clothing ; vesture ; wear ; wearable ; habilimenthaine clothescloud nor natureclub bt objectclub ; social club ; society ; guild ; gild ; lodge ; order club societycoal crbune material

    coat palton clothescoffee ; java cafea foodcognition ; knowledge ; noesis cunoatere educationcoil ; whorl ; roll ; curl ; curlicue ; ringlet ; gyre ; scroll rulouobjectcold frig adjectivecold ; common cold rceal medicinecoldness ; cold ; low temperature ; frigidity ; frigidness frig naturecollar ; neckband guler clothescolor ; colour ; coloring ; colouring culoare artcoloring material ; colouring material ; color ; colour culoriartcome ; come up a veni verb

    committee ; commission comitet societycommon obinuit adjectivecommon ; mutual comun adjective

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    common ; usual obinuit adjectivecommunity comunitate societycompany companie businesscompany ; companionship ; fellowship ; society companie societycompare a compara verbcomparison ; comparing comparare abstract

    competition concuren businesscomplete ; consummate complet adjectivecomplete ; finish termina verbcomplimentary ; costless ; free ; gratis ; gratuitous gratuit adjectivecomponent ; constituent ; element ; factor ; ingredient elementmathematicscomputer ; computing machine ; computing device ; data processor ; electronic computer ; information processing system calculator deviceconcert concert artconcluding ; final ; last ; terminal ultim adjectivecondition ; status stare abstract

    confront ; face up ; face a nfrunta verbconnection ; connexion ; connector ; connecter ; connective conectorabstractconsequence ; effect ; outcome ; result ; event ; issue ; upshot consecin medicineconstruct ; build ; make a construi verbcontend ; fight ; struggle lupt verbcontinue ; go on ; proceed ; go along ; keep a continua verbcontract contract businesscontrol control abstractcontrol ; command a controla verbcontroversy ; contention ; contestation ; disputation ; disceptation ; tilt ; argument ; arguing ceart mathematics

    cook a gti verbcopy copie objectcopy ; re-create copia verbcorrect ; right corect adjectivecotton bumbac materialcotton ; cotton fiber ; cotton wool bumbac materialcough ; coughing tuse medicinecouncil consiliu societycountry ; state ; land ar societycouple ; pair ; twosome ; twain ; brace ; span ; yoke ; couplet ; distich ; duo; duet ; dyad ; duad pereche numbercourse ; course of study ; course of instruction ; class curs educati

    oncourt ; tribunal ; judicature curte societycow ; moo-cow vac animalcrack ; cleft ; crevice ; fissure ; scissure crptur abstractcrime ; offense ; criminal offense ; criminal offence ; offence ; law-breakingdelict societycrude ; rough brut adjectivecry ; outcry ; call ; yell ; shout ; vociferation chemare communicationcry ; weep a plnge verbculture ; civilization ; civilisation cultur societycup ceac foodcupboard ; closet dulap house

    current actual adjectivecurrent ; electric current curent naturecurrent ; stream curent nature

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    curtain ; drape ; drapery ; mantle ; pall cortin housecurve ; curved shape curb artcustomer ; client client businesscut ; cutting croial abstractdamage a strica verbdamage ; harm ; impairment pagub transportdance ; trip the light fantastic ; trip the light fantastic toe a dansa

    verbdance band ; band ; dance orchestra orchestr artdanger pericol abstractdangerous ; unsafe periculos adjectivedark nchis adjectivedata ; information date communicationdate ; appointment ; engagement ntlnire relationsdaughter ; girl fiic familyday ; twenty-four hours ; twenty-four hour period ; 24-hour interval ; solar day ; mean solar day zi naturedaze ; shock ; stupor oc abstractdead mort adjective

    dead mort societydeath moarte naturedeath ; decease ; expiry moarte abstractdecide ; make up one's mind ; determine a (se) hotr verbdecision ; determination ; conclusion decizie communicationdecoration ; ornament ; ornamentation ornament objectdegree grad linguisticsdegree ; grade ; level nivel linguisticsdelicate fin adjectivedelicate ; fragile ; frail delicat adjectivedemeanor ; demeanour ; behavior ; behaviour ; conduct ; deportment purtare

    abstractdemocracy ; republic ; commonwealth republic society

    department ; section departament societydeplorable ; distressing ; lamentable ; pitiful ; sad ; sorry trist adjectivedepository financial institution ; bank ; banking concern ; banking companybanc citydescribe ; depict ; draw descrie verbdesire ; want a vrea verbdesk birou housedestruction ; devastation distrugere abstractdetail ; particular ; item detaliu logisticsdetect ; observe ; find ; discover ; notice descoperi verbdevelop a developa verb

    development ; evolution evoluie naturedictionary ; lexicon dicionar linguisticsdie ; decease ; perish ; go ; exit ; pass away ; expire ; pass ; kick the bucket ; cash in one's chips ; buy the farm ; conk ; give-up the ghost ; drop dead ;pop off ; choke ; croak ; snuff it a muri verbdifference diferen abstractdifficult ; hard greu adjectivedifficulty dificultate abstractdirection direcie mathematicsdirectly ; straight ; direct direct adverbdirector ; manager ; managing director director professiondirty ; dingy ; muddied ; muddy murdar adjectivedirty ; soiled ; unclean murdar adjective

    discover ; find a descoperi verbdiscussion ; give-and-take ; word discuie communicationdisease boal medicine

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    displace ; fire ; give notice ; can ; dismiss ; give the axe ; send away ; sack; force out ; give the sack ; terminate a concedia verbdistance distan mathematicsdiverse ; various divers adjectivediverseness ; diversity ; multifariousness ; variety diversitate artdivide ; split ; split up ; separate ; dissever ; carve up a mpri verbdivision ; partition ; partitioning ; segmentation ; sectionalization ; section

    alisation mprire mathematicsdoctor ; doc ; physician ; MD ; Dr. ; medico medic professiondog ; domestic dog ; Canis familiaris cine animaldominance ; ascendance ; ascendence ; ascendancy ; ascendency ; controlautoritate abstractdoor u housedoubt ; uncertainty ; incertitude ; dubiety ; doubtfulness ; dubiousnessincertitudine communicationdown jos adjectivedown ; downwards ; downward ; downwardly jos adverbdrawer sertar housedrink ; imbibe a bea verb

    drop ; drib ; driblet pictur objectdry uscat adjectiveduring n timpul prepositiondust praf materialduty datorie abstractdwelling ; home ; domicile ; abode ; habitation ; dwelling house domiciliu houseeach fiecare adjectiveear ureche anatomyearlier ; before nainte adverbearly devreme adjectiveearth ; ground pmnt materialeast est adjective

    east ; due east ; eastward ; E est logisticseasy uor adjectiveeconomic economic adjectiveeconomic ; economical economic adjectiveeconomy ; economic system economie businessedge ; border margine mathematicseducation educaie educationeducation educaie societyeducation ; instruction ; teaching ; pedagogy ; didactics ; educational activity educaie educationeffort ; elbow grease ; exertion ; travail ; sweat efort abstractegg ou food

    eight ; 8 ; viii opt numbereighteen ; 18 ; xviii optsprezece numbereighth ; 8th optime numbereighty ; 80 ; lxxx ; fourscore optzeci numberelection alegere mathematicselectric ; electrical electric adjectiveelementary ; simple ; uncomplicated ; unproblematic simplu adjectiveelephant elefant animalelevator ; lift ascensor deviceeleven ; 11 ; xi unsprezece numberembrace ; encompass ; comprehend ; cover a cuprinde verbencourage a ncuraja verb

    end ; terminal capt abstractenergy ; free energy energie natureengine motor device

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    engineering ; engineering science ; applied science ; technology inginerie abstractenhance ; heighten ; raise a spori verbenough ; plenty destul adverbenter ; come in ; get into ; get in ; go into ; go in ; move into a intra

    verbentertainment ; amusement distracie art

    entitle ; title a intitula verbenvelope plic objectenvironment mediu natureenvironment ; environs ; surroundings ; surround mediu nconjurtornatureequal egal adjectiveequally ; as ; every bit ca adverberstwhile ; former ; old ; onetime ; one-time ; quondam ; sometime anterior adjectiveespecial ; exceptional ; particular ; special specific adjectiveestablish ; found ; plant ; constitute ; institute stabili verbeven chiar adverb

    even par adjectiveeven ; fifty-fifty egal adjectiveevening ; eve ; even ; eventide sear timeevent ntmplare abstractevery fiecare adjectiveeverything tot pronounevidence prob abstractexamination ; exam ; test examen communicationexample ; illustration ; instance ; representative exemplu communicationexceed ; transcend ; overstep ; pass ; go past ; top a ntrece verbexcellent ; first-class ; fantabulous ; splendid excelent adjective

    exist ; be a exista verbexit ; go out ; get out ; leave a pleca verbexpect ; look ; await ; wait atepta verbexperience experien societyexpert expert professionexplain ; explicate explica verbexpress ; limited expres transportexpression ; look ; aspect ; facial expression ; face privire communicationeye ; oculus ; optic ochi anatomyfabric ; cloth ; material ; textile estur materialface ; human face fa anatomy

    fact fapt abstractfactory ; mill ; manufacturing plant ; manufactory fabric cityfail ; neglect a eua verbfake ; false ; faux ; imitation ; simulated fals adjectivefall ; autumn toamn naturefalse fals adjectivefalse ; mistaken fals adjectivefamily ; family unit familie familyfamily ; household ; house ; home ; menage familie familyfar departe adjectivefarm ferm naturefast iute logisticsfat gras adjective

    fat grsime materialfather ; male parent ; begetter tat familyfatty ; fat gras adjective

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    fear a-i fi team verbfear ; fearfulness ; fright fric relationsfeather ; plume ; plumage pan objectfeature ; characteristic caracteristic abstractfeel ; experience a simi verbfeeling impresie communicationfield cmp nature

    fierce ; tearing ; vehement ; violent ; trigger-happy violent adjectivefifty ; 50 ; l cincizeci numberfight ; fighting ; combat ; scrap lupt abstractfill ; fill up ; make full a (se) umple verbfinger deget anatomyfinish ; destination ; goal scop abstractfire incendiu naturefire ; flame ; flaming foc naturefirm ; solid solid adjectivefirst ; firstly ; foremost ; first of all ; first off mai nti adverbfiscal ; financial financiar adjective

    fish pete animalfive ; 5 ; v cinci numberfix ; prepare ; set up ; ready ; gear up ; set a (se) pregti verbflag steag objectflat ; level ; plane plat adjectiveflight ; flying zbor transportflim-flam ; play a joke on ; play tricks ; trick ; fob ; fox ; pull a fast oneon ; play a trick on nela verbfloor ; flooring podea housefloor ; level ; storey ; story etaj houseflower floare natureflush ; level ; even out ; even a egala verbfly musc animal

    fly ; wing a zbura verbfold ; crease ; plication ; flexure ; crimp ; bend curb objectfollow a urma verbfollowing ; next urmtor adjectivefood ; nutrient hran foodfoot ; human foot ; pes picior anatomyfootball ; football game fotbal sportsfooting ; basis ; ground baz mathematicsfootstep ; pace ; step ; stride pas mathematicsfor cci conjunctionforce ; forcefulness ; strength for abstractforeign ; strange strin adjective

    forest ; wood ; woods pdure natureforget a uita verbforgive a ierta verbfork furculi foodform formular societyform ; shape ; cast form artforty ; 40 ; xl ; twoscore patruzeci numberfour ; 4 ; iv patru numberfourteen ; 14 ; xiv paisprezece numberfourth ; 4th ; quaternary al patrulea numberfourth dimension ; time timp physicsframe cadru objectfree liber adjective

    free ; liberate ; release ; unloose ; unloosen ; loose a eliberaverbfrequent frecvent adjective

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    frequently ; often ; oftentimes ; oft ; ofttimes frecvent adverbfresh proaspt adjectivefriend prieten familyfriendly amical adjectivefront ; front end ; forepart front abstractfruit fruct foodfull plin adjective

    full ; total complet adjectivefunction ; office ; part ; role rol mathematicsfunction ; purpose ; role ; use scop linguisticsfunction ; work ; operate ; go ; run a face verbfurniture ; piece of furniture ; article of furniture mobilier housefurther ; farther mai departe adjectivefuture viitor adjectivefuture ; hereafter ; futurity ; time to come viitor timegamble ; chance ; risk ; hazard ; take chances ; adventure ; run a risk ; takea chance a risca verbgame joc mathematicsgame joc sports

    garage garaj transportgarden grdin housegate poart housegene ; cistron ; factor gen anatomygeneral general adjectivegeneral ; full general general professiongirl ; miss ; missy ; young lady ; young woman ; fille fat familygive a da verbglass sticl materialglass ; drinking glass pahar foodglue ; gum ; mucilage clei materialglue ; paste lipi verbgluey ; glutinous ; gummy ; mucilaginous ; pasty ; sticky ; viscid ; viscous

    cleios adjectivegoal gol sportsgoat ; caprine animal capr animalgold ; Au ; atomic number 79 aur materialgood bun adjectivegood ; sound solid adjectivegovernment ; authorities ; regime guvern societygradient ; slope gradient mathematicsgrain bob materialgrandfather ; gramps ; granddad ; grandad ; granddaddy ; grandpa bunicfamilygrass iarb nature

    gray ; grayness ; grey ; greyness gri colorgreat mare adjectivegreen ; greenish ; light-green ; dark-green verde colorgrey ; gray ; greyish ; grayish gri adjectivegroup ; grouping grup abstractguest ; invitee oaspete travellingguitar chitar objectgun arm de foc objecthair pr anatomyhair ; pilus pr anatomyhammer ciocan objecthand ; manus ; mitt ; paw mn anatomyhandle ; grip ; handgrip ; hold mner object

    hapless ; miserable ; misfortunate ; pathetic ; piteous ; pitiable ; pitiful ;poor ; wretched srac adjectivehappen ; hap ; go on ; pass off ; occur ; pass ; fall out ; come about ; take p

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    lace a se produce verbhappy fericit adjectivehash out ; discuss ; talk over a discuta verbhat ; chapeau ; lid plrie clotheshate ; detest a ur verbhate ; hatred ur relationshave ; have got ; hold a avea verb

    hazard ; jeopardy ; peril ; risk ; endangerment risc transporthead ; caput cap anatomyhead ; chief ; top dog ef societyhealth sntate abstracthealth ; wellness sntate medicinehealthy sntos adjectivehear a afla verbheart ; pump ; ticker inim anatomyheavy greu adjectiveheed ; mind ; listen atenie verbhello ; hullo ; hi ; howdy ; how-do-you-do salut! linguisticshelp ; assist ; aid ajuta verb

    her ei pronounhere aici adverbhere ; hither aici adverbherself ea nsi pronounhigh nalt adjectivehill deal naturehim -l pronounhis ai pronounhistoric period ; age er timehistory istorie societyhit ; hitting ; striking lovitur abstracthit ; smash ; smasher ; strike ; bang succes arthog ; pig ; grunter ; squealer ; Sus scrofa porc animal

    hold ; take hold a rezista verbhole orificiu abstracthome ; place cas househomo ; man ; human being ; human om familyhook ; claw crlig objecthope a spera verbhorse ; Equus caballus cal animalhospital ; infirmary spital cityhot cald adjectivehotel hotel cityhotness ; heat ; high temperature ari medicinehour ; hr ; 60 minutes or time

    house cas househowever ; nevertheless ; withal ; still ; yet ; all the same ; even so ; nonetheless ; notwithstanding totui adverbhuman uman adjectivehumor ; humour ; sense of humor ; sense of humour umor communicationhungry nfometat adjectivehusband ; hubby ; married man so familyice ghea natureice ; water ice ghea materialidea ; thought gndire communicationidentify ; place identifica verbif dac conjunctionill ; sick bolnav adjective

    imitate ; copy ; simulate a copia verbimmediately ; instantly ; straightaway ; straight off ; directly ; now ; rightaway ; at once ; forthwith ; like a shot imediat adverb

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    impatient nerbdtor adjectiveimperial ; majestic ; purple ; regal ; royal regal adjectiveimportant ; of import important adjectivein ; inwards ; inward n adverbincome venit businessincorporate ; contain ; comprise conine verbincorrect ; wrong gresit adjective

    increase ; increment crestere abstractindividual individ societyindividual ; private individual adjectiveindustrial industrial adjectiveindustry ; manufacture industrie societyinfinitesimal ; minute infim adjectiveinformation ; info informaie communicationinjure ; wound rni verbink cerneal materialinquiry ; enquiry ; research anchet abstractinsect insect animalinside ; within n adverb

    institution ; establishment institutie societyinstrument instrument deviceinsurance asigurare businessintelligent inteligent adjectiveintend ; mean ; think a inteniona verbinterest interes businessinterest ; involvement interes communicationinteresting interesant adjectiveinternational internaional adjectiveinternet ; net ; cyberspace internet mathematicsinterview interviu communicationinto n prepositionintroduce ; present ; acquaint a prezenta verb

    invention ; innovation ; excogitation ; conception ; design invenieartiron ; Fe ; atomic number 26 fier materialisland insul natureissue problem communicationit it pronounits ei pronounjewel ; gem ; precious stone bijuterie objectjob ; task ; chore munc businessjoin ; bring together a uni verbjolt ; jar ; jounce ; shock zdruncintur transportjournalist ziarist profession

    journey ; journeying voiaj transportjudge ; justice ; jurist judector professionjump ; leap ; bound ; spring a sri verbjust drept adjectivekeep ; maintain ; hold a pstra verbkernel ; substance ; core ; center ; centre ; essence ; gist ; heart ; heart and soul ; inwardness ; marrow ; meat ; nub ; pith ; sum ; nitty-gritty esenabstractkey cheie housekey clap objectkick a lovi verbkick ; boot ; kicking lovitur abstractkill a ucide verb

    kind amabil adjectivekind ; sort ; form ; variety fel abstractking ; male monarch ; Rex rege society

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    kiss ; buss ; osculation srut relationskitchen buctrie houseknee ; knee joint ; human knee ; articulatio genus ; genu genunchianatomyknot nod objectlake lac natureland ; dry land ; earth ; ground ; solid ground ; terra firma pmnt nature

    land ; ground ; soil sol materialland ; set down a debarca verblanguage ; linguistic communication limb communicationlarge ; big mare adjectivelast ultim adjectivelate ; belatedly ; tardily trziu adverblaw lege societylead ; Pb ; atomic number 82 plumb materiallead ; take ; direct ; conduct ; guide a conduce verbleader conductor societyleaf ; leafage ; foliage frunzi natureleap ; jump ; saltation salt abstract

    least ; to the lowest degree cel mai puin adverbleather piele materialleave a lsa verbleave ; leave of absence permisie societyleft stng adjectiveleg picior anatomylegal legal adjectiveletter ; letter of the alphabet ; alphabetic character scrisoarelinguisticsletter ; missive scrisoare objectlibrary bibliotec citylie a consta verblie ; prevarication minciun communication

    life via naturelife via timelight suplu adjectivelight ; visible light ; visible radiation lumin naturelike ; similar similar adjectivelimit ; bound ; boundary limit mathematicsline linie mathematicslion ; king of beasts ; Panthera leo leu animallip buz anatomyliquid lichid adjectiveliquid lichid naturelist ; listing list abstract

    listen ; hear ; take heed a auzi verblittle puin adverblocal local adjectivelock a (se) ncuia verblock broasc houselong lung adjectivelong lung adjectivelook a se uita verblook ; appear ; seem a prea verblookout ; lookout man ; sentinel ; sentry ; watch ; spotter ; scout ; picketsantinel professionlose a pierde verblose a pierde verb

    loss pierdere businessloud tare adjectivelove dragoste relations

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    love iubi verblow grav adjectivelucky norocos adjectivelunch ; luncheon ; tiffin ; dejeuner prnz foodmachine main devicemagazine ; mag revist objectmail ; mail service ; postal service ; post pot communication

    mail ; post ; send pot verbmajor major adjectivemajority ; bulk majoritate abstractmake ; create a face verbmale mascul adjectivemale ; male person mascul societymale child ; boy biat familyman ; adult male om familymanage ; deal ; care ; handle a conduce verbmanagement conducere businessmanagement ; direction ndrumare societymanner ; mode ; style ; way ; fashion mod mathematics

    map hart objectmark ; grade ; score not educationmarker ; marking ; mark marker ; marker abstractmarket ; marketplace ; market place pia businessmarriage ; matrimony ; union ; spousal relationship ; wedlock cstorie societymarriage ; wedding ; marriage ceremony nunt familymarried cstorit adjectivemass mas physicsmaster ; master copy ; original original objectmatch vnat sportsmatch ; fit ; correspond ; check ; jibe ; gibe ; tally ; agree a se potrivi verb

    match ; lucifer ; friction match chibrit objectmaterial material adjectivematerial ; stuff material materialmatter materie materialmatter ; affair ; thing lucru abstractmeal ; repast mas foodmean a nsemna verbmean ; mean value medie mathematicsmeaning ; pregnant ; significant important adjectivemeans ; agency ; way fel abstractmeasure ; step msur abstractmeat carne food

    medical medical adjectivemeeting ; coming together ntlnire communicationmember ; fellow member membru societymemory memorie communicationmemory ; retention ; retentiveness ; retentivity memorie communicationmention ; advert ; bring up ; cite ; name ; refer a meniona verbmerely ; simply ; just ; only ; but numai adverbmetallic ; metal metalic adjectivemetallic element ; metal metal materialmethod metod mathematicsmetro ; tube ; underground ; subway system ; subway metrou transport

    midnight miez de noapte timemight ; mightiness ; power putere abstractmilitary militar adjective

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    milk lapte foodmillion ; 1000000 ; one thousand thousand ; meg milion numbermind ; head ; brain ; psyche ; nous minte mathematicsmine min objectminister ; government minister ministru professionminor ; modest ; small ; small-scale ; pocket-size ; pocket-sized micadjective

    minute ; min minut timemirror oglind housemiss a pierde verbmistake ; error ; fault greeal communicationmod ; modern ; modernistic modern adjectivemodel model objectmodern modern adjectivemoisture ; wet umiditate naturemoment ; minute ; second ; instant moment mathematicsmoment ; mo ; minute ; second ; bit clip timemoney bani businessmonkey maimu animal

    month lun transportmore ; more than mai mult adjectivemore ; to a greater extent mai mult adverbmorning ; morn ; morning time ; forenoon diminea timemother ; female parent mam familymotion ; movement ; move ; motility micare physicsmountain ; mount munte naturemouth ; oral cavity ; oral fissure ; rima oris gur anatomymove ; displace a (se) mica verbmovement ; motion micare physicsmovie ; film ; picture ; moving picture ; moving-picture show ; motion picture; motion-picture show ; picture show ; pic ; flick film artmuch mult adjective

    muscle ; musculus muchi anatomymuseum muzeu citymusic muzic artmusician ; instrumentalist ; player muzician professionmy al meu pronounnail cui objectnail unghie anatomyname nume linguisticsname ; call a boteza verbnarrow ngust adjectivenation ; land ; country natiune societynational naional adjective

    national naional adjectivenatural natural adjectivenatural language ; tongue limb linguisticsnature natur naturenear ; close ; nigh aproape adjectivenecessary necesar adjectivenecessitate ; ask ; postulate ; need ; require ; take ; involve ; call for ; demand avea nevoie de verbneck ; cervix gt anatomynecktie ; tie cravat clothesneed ; demand nevoie abstractneedle andrea medicineneighbor ; neighbour vecin family

    nerve ; nervus nerv anatomynet ; network ; mesh ; meshing ; meshwork plas materialnet income ; net ; net profit ; lucre ; profit ; profits ; earnings benefic

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    iu businessnether ; under sub adjectivenew nou adjectivenews ; intelligence ; tidings ; word noutate societynewspaper ; paper ziar objectnice frumos adjectivenight ; nighttime ; dark noapte nature

    no nici o adjectiveno nu abstractnoise ; dissonance ; racket zgomot societynor nici conjunctionnormal normal adjectivenorth nordic adjectivenorth ; due north ; northward ; N nord logisticsnose ; olfactory organ nas anatomynot ; non nu adverbnote ; annotation ; notation not communicationnothing ; nil ; nix ; nada ; null ; aught ; cipher ; cypher ; goose egg ; naught ; zero ; zilch ; zip ; zippo nimic mathematics

    now acum timenumber a numerota verbnumber numr linguisticsnurse infirmier professionnut alun foodnut piuli objectobtain a obine verboccupation ; business ; job ; line of work ; line ocupaie businessof a prepositionoffer a oferi verboffer ; offering ofert abstractoffice ; business office birou business

    officeholder ; officer ofier professionoil ulei materialold btrn adjectiveolfactory property ; smell ; aroma ; odor ; odour ; scent miros natureone ; 1 ; i ; ane un numberopen ; open up a (se) deschide verbopen ; opened deschis adjectiveopen ; unfastened deschis adjectiveopen fire ; fire a trage verboperation ; functioning ; performance funcionare mathematicsoperation ; surgery ; surgical operation ; surgical procedure ; surgical process operaie medicine

    opinion ; sentiment ; persuasion ; view ; thought opinie communicationopportunity ; chance ocazie abstractopposite opus adjectiveoption ; alternative ; choice alegere abstractor sau conjunctionorange portocal foodorange ; orangish portocaliu colororchestra orchestr artorder comand societyorder ; monastic order ordin societyorganization ; organisation organizaie societyoriginal original adjective

    other cellalt adjectiveour nostru pronounoutburst ; burst ; flare-up izbucnire abstract

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    outside afar adverboutside ; exterior afar mathematicsoven cuptor deviceown ; ain propriu adjectiveown ; have ; possess a poseda verbowner ; possessor posesor businesspackage ; bundle ; packet ; parcel pachet object

    page pagin objectpain ; hurting durere medicinepaint ; pigment vopsea artpainting ; picture tablou artpaper hrtie materialparallel paralel adjectiveparent printe familypark ; commons ; common ; green parc citypart ; portion ; component part ; component ; constituent parte abstractpart ; section ; division divizie mathematicsparticular deosebit adjective

    particularly ; peculiarly ; especially ; specially mai ales adverbpassenger ; rider pasager transportpassport paaport objectpast trecut adjectivepast ; past times ; yesteryear trecut timepatient pacient medicinepatient rbdtor adjectivepause ; intermission ; break ; interruption ; suspension antracttimepay a achita verbpayment plat businesspeace pace abstractpen stilou object

    pencil creion objectpeople popor societypercentage ; percent ; per centum ; pct proporie mathematicsperson ; individual ; someone ; somebody ; mortal ; soul persoanfamilypersonal personal adjectivepetroleum ; crude oil ; crude ; rock oil ; fossil oil ; oil petrolmaterialphase ; stage faz timephotographer ; lensman fotograf professionphysical fizic adjectivephysical fizic adjective

    picture ; image ; icon ; ikon imagine artpiece bucat objectpilot ; airplane pilot pilot professionpin ac cu gmlie objectpink ; pinkish roz colorpipe ; pipage ; piping tub objectplain ; field ; champaign cmpie natureplan ; program ; programme plan abstractplant ; flora ; plant life plant houseplant ; works ; industrial plant uzin cityplate farfurie foodplay a se juca verbplayer ; participant juctor sports

    pleasure ; pleasance plcere abstractpoem ; verse form poem artpoetry ; poesy ; verse poezie art

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    point ; dot punct linguisticspoison otrav verbpoison ; toxicant ; poisonous substance otrav materialpolice ; police force ; constabulary ; law poliie societypoliceman ; police officer ; officer poliist professionpolicy politic societypolish ; smooth ; smoothen ; shine a lustrui verb

    political politic adjectivepolitician ; politico ; pol ; political leader politician professionpopulace ; public ; world public societypopular popular adjectivepopular ; pop popular adjectivepopulation populaie societyposition ; place loc linguisticspossible posibil adjectivepossibly ; perchance ; perhaps ; maybe ; mayhap ; peradventure poateadverbpostage ; postage stamp ; stamp timbru object

    potato ; white potato ; Irish potato ; murphy ; spud ; tater cartoffoodpotent ; strong ; stiff tare adjectivepowder ; pulverization ; pulverisation praf materialpower ; powerfulness putere abstractpractice practic artpractice ; practise ; exercise ; do a exercita verbprecisely ; exactly ; just exact adverbpresent actual adjectivepresent cadou objectpresent ; nowadays prezent timepresident preedinte professionpressure ; pressure level ; force per unit area presiune nature

    prevent ; forestall ; foreclose ; preclude ; forbid mpiedica verbprevious ; old precedent adjectiveprice pre transportprice ; cost ; toll pre businessprice ; terms ; damage pre transportprinciple ; rule principiu linguisticsprison ; prison house nchisoare cityprivate personal adjectiveprobable ; likely probabil adjectiveprobably ; likely ; in all likelihood ; in all probability ; belike probabil adverbproblem ; job problem mathematics

    procedure ; process procedur mathematicsprocess ; physical process proces natureprocess ; treat a prelucra verbproduce ; make ; create a produce verbproduct ; production produs objectproduction producie abstractprofessional profesional adjectiveprofessional ; professional person profesionist professionprogram ; programme ; computer program ; computer programme programabstractproject ; projection proiect abstractpromise ; hope speran relationspronunciation pronunare linguistics

    property proprietate abstractproperty ; belongings ; holding proprietate societyproposal propunere abstract

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    propose ; suggest ; advise sugera verbprotest a protesta verbprotest ; protestation protest communicationprototype ; paradigm ; epitome ; image prototip linguisticspublic public travellingpublish ; bring out ; put out ; issue ; release publica verbpull ; draw ; force a trage verb

    pump a pompa verbpump pomp devicepunishment ; penalty ; penalization ; penalisation pedeaps societypurple ; violet ; purplish violet colorpush ; force a mpinge verbpush button ; push ; button nasture objectput ; set ; place ; pose ; position ; lay a culca verbquality calitate abstractquality ; character ; lineament caracter abstractquestion ; inquiry ; enquiry ; query ; interrogation ntrebare linguistics

    quiet linitit adjectiverain ; pelting ploaie naturerain ; rain down a ploua verbrain ; rainfall ploaie natureraise ; lift ; elevate ; get up ; bring up a ridica verbrange ; reach btaie abstractrate ; charge per unit tarif businessrate ; rank ; range ; order ; grade ; place a aprecia verbreach ; make ; attain ; hit ; arrive at ; gain a ajunge verbreaction reacie abstractready gata adjectivereal ; existent adevrat adjectiverear ; raise ; bring up ; nurture ; parent ridica verb

    reason a raiona verbreason cauz communicationreceive ; have a primi verbrecent recent adjectiverecently ; late ; lately ; of late ; latterly recent adverbrecord record abstractrecord ; tape a nregistra verbred ; reddish ; ruddy ; blood-red ; carmine ; cerise ; cherry ; cherry-red ; crimson ; ruby ; ruby-red ; scarlet rou colorreduce ; cut down ; cut back ; trim ; trim down ; trim back ; cut ; bring downa reduce verbreflect ; reverberate a reflecta verb

    refuse ; reject ; pass up ; turn down ; decline a refuza verbregion ; part regiune natureregular obinuit adjectiverelation legtur communicationrelationship ; human relationship relaie societyreligion ; faith ; organized religion religie societyreligion ; faith ; religious belief ncredere societyremainder ; balance ; residual ; residue ; residuum ; rest rest businessremember ; retrieve ; recall ; call back ; call up ; recollect ; thinka-i aminti verbremove ; take ; take away ; withdraw a lua verbreport a anuna verb

    represent ; stand for ; correspond a simboliza verbrepresentative deputat professionrequest ; asking cerere communication

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    request ; bespeak ; call for ; quest a cere verbresearch cercetare abstractrespect ; honor ; honour ; abide by ; observe respecta verbrespite ; recess ; break ; time out pauz abstractresponsibility ; responsibleness responsabilitate abstractresponsible responsabil adjectiverest ; ease ; repose ; relaxation repaus abstract

    restaurant ; eating house ; eating place ; eatery restaurant cityrestrict ; restrain ; trammel ; limit ; bound ; confine ; throttle a limita verbresult ; resultant ; final result ; outcome ; termination rezultatmathematicsreturn ; homecoming ntoarcere abstractreverse ; contrary ; opposite opus abstractrhythm ; beat ; musical rhythm ritm artrice orez foodrice orez foodright chiar adverbright drept adjective

    right drept societyrigid ; stiff rigid adjectivering ; band inel clothesrise ; rising ; ascent ; ascension ascensiune abstractrival ; challenger ; competitor ; competition ; contender concurentbusinessriver fluviu natureroad ; route cale transportrock ; stone piatr natureroof acoperi houseroom camer houseroot cauz naturerope frnghie transport

    rough ; unsmooth brutal adjectiveround ; circular rotund adjectiverug ; carpet ; carpeting covor houserule ; regulation reglementare linguisticsrun a alerga verbsad trist adjectivesafe seif objectsafe sigur adjectivesail ; canvas ; canvass ; sheet corabie objectsailor ; crewman marinar professionsalad salat foodsale vnzare business

    salt sra verbsalt ; table salt ; common salt sare foodsalvage ; salve ; relieve ; save a salva verbsame acelai adjectivesand nisip materialsandwich sandvis foodsauce sos foodsave ; preserve a economisi verbschool ; schoolhouse coal cityscience ; scientific discipline tiin societyscientist savant professionscissors ; pair of scissors foarfece objectscope ; range ; reach ; orbit ; compass ; ambit raz de aciune abstrac

    tscreen ; cover ; covert ; concealment capac objectsea mare nature

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    season anotimp natureseason ; flavor ; flavour asezona verbseat loc houseseat ; place loc abstractsecond ; 2nd ; 2d al doilea adjectivesecond ; sec ; s secund timesecret secret communication

    secretary ; secretarial assistant secretar professionsee a vedea verbsee ; consider ; reckon ; view ; regard a considera verbseed smn foodsell a se vinde verbsentence propoziie linguisticsseparate separat adjectiveserious serios adjectiveservant ; retainer servitor professionservice serviciu sportsset mulime mathematicsset set sports

    sew ; run up ; sew together ; stitch a coase verbsex sex natureshare a mpri verbshare ; portion ; part ; percentage parte societyshe ea pronounsheep oaie animalshelf raft houseship nav transportshirt cma clothesshoe pantof clothesshop ; store magazin businessshort scurt adjectiveshout ; shout out ; cry ; call ; yell ; scream ; holler ; hollo ; squall

    a striga verbshow ; demo ; exhibit ; present ; demonstrate a demonstra verbshower du houseshroud ; enshroud ; hide ; cover acoperi verbshut ; unopen ; closed nchis adjectiveside parte mathematicssign simbol linguisticssignificant ; important important adjectivesilence ; quiet linite abstractsilent ; soundless ; still tcut adjectivesilk mtase materialsilver ; Ag ; atomic number 47 argint material

    similar asemntor adjectivesince de prepositionsincere sincer adjectivesinger ; vocalist ; vocalizer ; vocaliser cntre professionsingle singur adjectivesink chiuvet housesister ; sis sor familysituation ; state of affairs situaie abstractsize mrime physicsskin ; tegument ; cutis piele anatomysky cer naturesleep ; slumber somn natureslice ; piece bucat abstract

    slow lent adjectiveslowly ; slow ; easy ; tardily ncet adverbsmall ; little mic adjective

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    smell a mirosi verbsmell a mirosi verbsmile a zmbi verbsmile ; smiling ; grin ; grinning zmbet abstractsmoke ; fume fum naturesmooth neted adjectivesnake ; serpent ; ophidian arpe animal

    snow a ninge verbsnow zpad naturesnow ; snowfall zpad natureso asa adverbsoap spun materialsoap ; lather spun verbsociety societate societysock oset clothessoft slab adjectivesoldier soldat professionsolid solid adjectivesometimes cteodat adverb

    son ; boy fiu familysong ; vocal cntec artsoon ; shortly ; presently ; before long devreme adverbsound sunet naturesoup sup foodsouth sudic adjectivesouth ; due south ; southward ; S sud logisticsspace ; infinite spaiu mathematicssparse ; thin rar adjectivespecific specific adjectivespeech ; speech communication ; spoken communication ; spoken language ; language ; voice communication ; oral communication limb linguisticsspelling ortografie linguistics

    spend ; pass a petrece verbspill ; tumble ; fall cdere abstractspoon lingur foodspring arc objectspring ; fountain ; outflow ; outpouring ; natural spring izvor naturespring ; springtime primvar naturesquare ptrat adjectivesquare ; foursquare ptrat mathematicssquare ; second power ptrat mathematicssquash ; crush ; squelch ; mash ; squeeze a strivi verbstage scen objectstalk ; stem tulpin nature

    stamp timbru objectstand ; stand up a sta verbstandard normal adjectivestandard ; criterion ; measure ; touchstone msur communicationstar stea naturestate stare mathematicsstate stat societystate ; province stat societystate ; say ; tell a povesti verbstation post societysteal a fura verbsteam abur physicssteel oel material

    step ; stair treapt housestick baston objectstomach ; tummy ; tum ; breadbasket stomac anatomy

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    stop ; halt a opri verbstop ; halt oprire abstractstraight drept adjectivestrange ; unusual straniu adjectivestream ; flow ; current curent naturestrong puternic adjectivestructure ; construction construcie house

    student ; pupil ; educatee student professionstudy a studia verbstupid prost adjectivestyle stil artstylish ; fashionable elegant adjectivesubject ; topic ; theme subiect linguisticssubstitution ; exchange ; commutation schimb abstractsuccess succes societysuch asemenea adverbsudden brusc adjectivesuddenly ; all of a sudden ; of a sudden brusc adverbsugar ; refined sugar zahr food

    sugar ; saccharify a ndulci verbsuggestion ; proposition ; proffer propunere abstractsum ; amount ; total cantitate mathematicssummation ; addition ; plus adunare mathematicssummer ; summertime var naturesun ; Sun soare naturesupplant ; replace ; supersede ; supervene upon ; supercede nlocui verbsupply ; provide ; render ; furnish furniza verbsupport sprijin abstractsupport ; back up sprijini verbsurely ; certainly ; sure ; for sure ; for certain ; sure enough ; sure as shooting sigur adverbsurface suprafa mathematics

    surprise a surprinde verbsurprise surpriz abstractsweet dulce adjectivesystem ; scheme sistem linguisticstable ; tabular array tabel objecttail coad anatomytalk ; speak ; utter ; mouth ; verbalize ; verbalise a vorbi verbtall nalt adjectivetaste ; gustation ; sense of taste ; gustatory modality gust naturetaste ; savor ; savour a gusta verbtax ; taxation ; revenue enhancement impozit businesstea ceai food

    teach ; learn ; instruct instrui verbteacher ; instructor profesor professionteam ; squad echip societytechnology ; engineering tehnologie societytelevision receiver ; television ; television set ; tv ; tv set ; idiot box ; boob tube ; telly ; goggle box televiziune deviceten ; 10 ; x zece numbertendency ; trend tendin abstracttennis ; lawn tennis tenis sportstest ; prove ; try ; try out ; examine ; essay a ncerca verbtestify ; bear witness ; prove ; evidence ; show a dovedi verbthan ca conjunctionthank ; give thanks mulumi verb

    that acea pronounthe -ul articletheater ; theatre ; house teatru city

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    their lor pronounthem pe ei pronounthen ; so ; and so ; and then apoi adverbtheory teorie educationtherefore ; hence ; thence ; thus ; so deci adverbthey ei pronounthick dens adjective

    thick gros adjectivethin slab adjectivethin ; lean srac adjectivething lucru objectthird ; 3rd ; tertiary al treilea mathematicsthirsty nsetat adjectivethirteen ; 13 ; xiii treisprezece numberthirty ; 30 ; xxx treizeci numberthis acest pronounthorax ; chest ; pectus piept anatomythousand ; one thousand ; 1000 ; M ; K ; chiliad ; G ; grand ; thou ; yardmie number

    three ; 3 ; iii trei numberthroat ; pharynx gt anatomythrow a arunca verbthrow aruncare sportsthumb ; pollex pulgar anatomyticket bilet objecttight strmt adjectivetired obosit adjectivetitle titlu societytoday azi adverbtoe deget de la picior anatomytomato roie foodtongue ; lingua ; glossa ; clapper limb anatomy

    tooth dinte anatomytopographic point ; place ; spot loc abstracttorso ; trunk ; body corp anatomytouch ; touching atingere abstracttown ora societytrace ; draw ; line ; describe ; delineate a desena verbtrack ; rail ; rails ; runway in transporttrade comer businesstrade ; merchandise comer verbtrain ; develop ; prepare ; educate antrena verbtrain ; railroad train tren transporttransport ; carry a duce verb

    transport ; send ; ship a transporta verbtransportation ; shipping ; transport transport transporttravel ; go ; move ; locomote a merge verbtreat ; care for a trata verbtreatment ; handling tratament abstracttree arbore housetremble ; shiver ; shake tremur abstracttrick truc abstracttrouble ; problem problem abstracttrue adevrat adjectivetruly ; genuinely ; really de fapt adverbtry ; seek ; attempt ; essay ; assay a ncerca verbtwelfth ; 12th al doisprezecelea number

    type tip abstractugly urt adjectiveundertaking ; project ; task ; labor sarcin abstract

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    union uniune societyunit of measurement ; unit unitate de msur mathematicsuniversity universitate cityuniversity universitate cityuniversity universitate educationunlike ; dissimilar ; different diferit adjectiveuntil pn conjunction

    unusual neobinuit adjectiveunwrap ; disclose ; let on ; bring out ; reveal ; discover ; expose ; divulge ;break ; give away ; let out a dezvlui verbus pe noi pronounuse ; utilize ; utilise ; apply ; employ a folosi verbvacation ; holiday vacan travellingvalue importan artvery ; really ; real ; rattling foarte adverbvillage ; hamlet sat societyvillage ; small town ; settlement sat societyviolent violent adjectivevisit vizit abstract

    visit ; see a vizita verbvogue ; trend ; style mod abstractvoice ; vocalization ; vocalisation ; vocalism ; phonation ; vox vocecommunicationvolition ; will voin abstractwages ; reward ; payoff recompensa societywalk a se plimba verbwall perete housewar ; state of war rzboi societywarm cald adjectivewash ; launder a (se) spla verbwatch ; view ; see ; catch ; take in a privi verbwater ; H2O ap material

    wave ; moving ridge val naturewe noi pronounwear uzur abstractweather ; weather condition ; conditions ; atmospheric condition vremenaturewedding ; wedding ceremony ; nuptials ; hymeneals nunt familyweek ; calendar week sptmn timeweigh a cntri verbweight greutate physicswell pu objectwell ; good bine adverbwest vest adjective

    west ; due west ; westward ; W spre vest logisticswet uda verbwet umed adjectivewhat ce pronounwheel roat objectwhich care pronounwhip bici objectwhite alb adjectivewho cine pronounwhole tot abstractwhole tot adjectivewhose cui pronounwhy de ce adverb

    wide ; broad larg adjectivewife ; married woman soie familywill voin society

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    will ; testament testament societywin victorie sportswin victorie verbwind ; air current ; current of air vnt naturewindow fereastr housewine ; vino vin foodwing arip anatomy

    winter ; wintertime iarn naturewire srm objectwise nelept adjectivewish a dori verbwish ; wishing ; want chef abstractwith cu prepositionwoman ; adult female femeie familywood lemn materialwool ln materialword cuvnt linguisticswork munc abstractwork ; piece of work oper abstract

    worker muncitor professionworld lume naturewrite a scrie verbwriter ; author scriitor professionwriting scriere linguisticsyear ; twelvemonth ; yr an timeyellow ; yellowish ; xanthous galben coloryes da abstractyoung ; immature tnr adjective