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Davangere Un.wslty UG- BA HISTORY CBCS Syllabus (2018-19) Select Medium : English Select Paper : Semester-1 : Paper-1 HISTORY OF ANCIENT INDIA (Early period to 1206 A. D) MODULE-1: Geographical Features of India .- Sowces: Literary and Archaeological Harappan Culture :Town Plamlng, Rellglous, Economic and Soclal Conditions. Rig vedic Aryans- Origin- Political Conditions- Soclal Life - Later Vedic Period -PolltJcal & Social condldons. MODULE-2: lndla In 6 th C.B.C.: Causes for the rise of New Religions. a Jainism: Life and Teaching of Mahavira Buddhlsam: Life and Teachings of Buddha MODULE-3: Mauryas: Chandrag .. tha Mourya -Ashoka- Edlcts-Kallnga War- Concept of welfare state -Ashoka Damma-Ashoka and Buddhism -(concepts of pan Indian state to be hlghlighted)-Momyan Administration - causes for the declain of Mouryan Empire. Kushanaa: Kanlshka Patronage to Buddhism , Cultwal Contributions of Kushanas. MODULE-4: Guptas : Samudragupta -Development of Sanskrit Language and Literature- Development of science and Techonology- Revlval of Hlndhlsm, Administration. Harsa Vardhana: His Achlvements -Cultural Contrlbutlon- Nalanda University.

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Davangere Un.wslty


CBCS Syllabus (2018-19)

Select Medium : English

Select Paper : Semester-1 : Paper-1 HISTORY OF ANCIENT INDIA (Early period to 1206 A.D)

MODULE-1: Geographical Features of India.- Sowces: Literary and Archaeological Harappan Culture :Town Plamlng, Rellglous, Economic and Soclal Conditions. Rig vedic Aryans- Origin- Political Conditions- Soclal Life -Later Vedic Period -PolltJcal & Social condldons.

MODULE-2: lndla In 6 th C.B.C.: Causes for the rise of New Religions. a Jainism: Life and Teaching of Mahavira Buddhlsam: Life and Teachings of Buddha

MODULE-3: Mauryas: Chandrag .. tha Mourya -Ashoka- Edlcts-Kallnga War- Concept of welfare state -Ashoka Damma-Ashoka and Buddhism -(concepts of pan Indian state to be hlghlighted)-Momyan Administration - causes for the declain of Mouryan Empire. Kushanaa: Kanlshka Patronage to Buddhism , Cultwal Contributions of Kushanas.

MODULE-4: Guptas : Samudragupta -Development of Sanskrit Language and Literature- Development of science and Techonology­Revlval of Hlndhlsm, Administration. Harsa Vardhana: His Achlvements -Cultural Contrlbutlon­Nalanda University.

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MODULE-5: I. Arab lnvaslans- lnvanslon of Ohaznl and Ghart Mohammad on India II. T11r1afnBattles of 1191 and 1192 A.D.

MAPS : 1. Ma~n empire Under Ashoka~ 2. Kushana Empire Under kanlshka~ 3. Gupta Empire under Samudra G•ta~

PLACES: Thaneshwara, Kanauj, P1rayag, UjJaalnl, Thakshashlla Patallptua, Saanchl, Valahall. Peshawar, Gandhara, Saranallll, Msskl, Flanppla, MahenJodharo, Lothal, Bhodgaya, Kundalavana, Kaandahar1 Lumbinivana.

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Davangere Un.'veratty


CBCS Syllabutl (2018-19)

Select Medium : English

Select Paper : Semester-2: Paper-2 HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL INDIA (1206-1757 A.O.)

MODULE - I DELHI SULTANATE (08 Hours) (I) Outd-U-Dln Albak nad f olftlatlon of Delhi Sultanate (II) Allauddln Khlljl and His Administrative reforms (Ill) Mohammad -Bln-Tughluq and his Administrative Experiments.

MODULE 2 cultural contributions of Delhi Sultanate (06 Hours)

Contribution of delhl sultanate to Society and Economy Literatl.l'e Art and Architecture

MODULE 3 BHAKTI MOVEMENT. (10 Hours) Kabir, Nanak, Meerabal

Sufi saints,. Kanakadasa and Purandaradasa.

MODULE - 4mughal empire (14 Hours) (i) Babar and establlst-.nent of the Mughal Empire • (II) Shershah and his Administration (lll)Akbar- Rajput and Rellglous Polley. (lv)A&nngazeb- Religious Polley and Deccan Policy

MODULE - 5 cultural conditions under the mughals (22 Hours) •

(v). Mughal Administration -Socio-Economic Condition Development of Uterature­Art and Architecture.

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MD1DULE ,_ 6 the maralhaa (08 Haj ... ) (I) ShlvaJI and his Administration 01) Exp1anaia1n af Iha Maiata S.ram■cy under tha Peahwaa.

MDDU1LE - 7 Tha Advant of Europeans (06 Haws) - Tba P·artug uees,.

'The Duc.h, Tbefr,anch Tha Engllsh Anglo- ,French Rlvallary (The Camalic Wars)

MAPS (06 Hours,) 0) KhlllJI Empire Undar Allaudd1hin ICHIJI 00 The Mughal Empire undar Aurangazeb (IJl)'The Ma~tha tongdam Und• ShlvaJ1I

Places: Delhl, Agra, Falllepur Silm, AJmeer. Kandbahar; Chlttul; Dnulathabad1 Ka!Unjar, Aharnad;abad, Sasaram, Paana. Ralgada, Panipath, Hampl, Sattana, Kabul, Malva, Mangalore., Bljapw, Galkanda, Surath,

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Davangere University


CBCS Syllabus (2018-19)

Select Medium : English

Select Paper : Semester-3 : Paper-3 HISTORY OF MODERN INDIA (1757-1885 A.O.)

MODULE-I The British Supremacy In Bengal -Battle of Plessey and

Battle of Boxer Land reforms Under the British-The Penna11Ns1.t Land

Revenue System-The Mahalwarl system and the, Ryotawari system -Merits and Demerits.

Expansion of British Empire- Subsidiary Alllance-Doctrine of Lapse

MODULE - 2 (06 Hows) Tribal Revo Its

-The Santhalas , The Mundas, Indigo Movement.

MODULE - 3 (08 Hours) The Revolt of 1857- causes -Course And effects­

The Queens's Proclamallon

MODULE - 4 (10 Hours) Growth of Education Under the British - Lord 1Vlecau1 ay's Recommendations­Wood Dispatch-Hunter Commission

MODULE - 5 {12 Hours) Constitutional development - Regulating Act of 1773 - Pitt's India Act of 1784 Act of 1813

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MODULE _, (1 I Hows) Sockl~Relllglo■ Refr,r,1111 Movement -Tha Brahma aamaja -The Arya Samaja iMThe Prarthana ,Samaja1 SWa,ml Vivekananda and Ramakllallna Mission- 'The Theosaphlcal ,SocletJ The Allghar Mavement - lyolhiba P• narayana G11n1.

Reactionar,Palicy af Lani Lylta1n- Pra -People :Mavamanl af Lord Rlppanl

MAPS (03 Haurs) The Brlllsh Empire In 1764,. India In 1800 .. India, 1ln 11561


Places : Plassay. Bwcar. Cuk:utla, Madras. Mysore, Hyderabad, Surat. Satara. Jhanal., Me,at_ Delhl, Luckno", Mmnbal, Lahore, Poona, Mangalara, .. Nagapur, Barakpura, Kanpw1 Oudh.

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Davangere University


CBCS Syllabus (2018-19)

Select Medium : English

Select Paper : Semester-4 : Paper-4 INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT (1885-1947 A.O.)

MODULE -1 (04 Hours) Factors Responslble for the Rise of Nationalism In lndla. National Movement - establishment of lndlan National

Congress, Moderates and extremists

MODULE - 2 (06 Hows) Home Rule Movement - Militant Nationalists and Their

Programmes- Bhagat Singh- Azad, Rajguru.

MODULE - 3. (20 Hows) The Gandhian Era- Non Co-operation movement - The

Swaraj Party- Simon Commlnk,n - Clvll Disobedience Movement -Dandlmarch- Gandhl-lrwlnPact-Round Table conference- Gandhljl- Arnbedkar- Communal Award - Poona pact-Crfpp's Proposals- Quit India Movement -Cabinet Independence Act.

MODULE - 4 (06 Hours) CoMtlMlonal developments Act of 1909, Act of 1919.,

and Act of 1935. The role of Subhas Chandra Bose In The Indian National


MODULE - 5 (09 Hows) Growth of Communallsm -

Muslim League- The Hindu Mahasabha­Jlnnah and Nehru-Partition of India and Independence

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MODULE-6 (06 Haw~) Ambedekar a.s a Refan ~ Socla~religiaua Awakening.

MAPS (03 Haurs) Parlllian af Bangal 1905. The British Ind la~ 194 7. The Par1Itlan of Ind la In 1947.

Places: Mum1bal, Culc11lta, Surat, Jallyan WaJa Bagi\ Dandl'1

Delhl, Lahore~ Dhaka, Belgaum1 Banlalll, Chaurl Choura, Trlpura, Lucknow, Adlyar, 1Sabarmathl, 8aya, Slmta, Yarawada11 Ankara, Alwnad1abad

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Davangere Unlvet 1tty


CBCS Syllabus (2018-19)

Select Medium : English

Select Paper : Semester-5 : Paper-5 HISTORY OF MODERN EU ROPE {1789-1945 A.O.)

MODULE-1 : The French Revolution of 1789 A.D. I. Causes- Achievements of National Assembly- Results of the French Revolution. II. Napolean Bonaparte- Life and Rise of Napolean Bonaparte­His Italian and Egyptian Expedltlons-Admlrdsbative reforms of Napolean Bonaparte- Factors responsible for the fall of Napolean Bonaparte.

MODULE- 2 : The Era of Reaction I. Metternich Age II. The Congress of Vienna of 1815 A.O.

MODULE- 3 : The Rise of Nationalism In Europe I. Unification of Italy. II. Unification of Germany.

MODULE- 4 : The Eastern Qwstlon I. Definition- Factors responslble for the Rise of Nationalism In the Balkans. II. The Greek War of Independence. Ill. The Cremean War of 1854-56 A.O. IV. The First and Second Balkan Wars of 1912- 1913 A.O.

MODULE- 5 : The Wortd War and Russian Revolution. I. The First World War (1914-18)- Causes• Co•se and Results. II. The Russian Revolution of 1917- Causes- Course and Results.

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MODULE-, 6 : Europe between the twa World Wara'.41 I. Fasclsi,1- Feaues of' Fascism- Domeadc and Faralgn Palley of Musaollnl. II •• Nazism- Features of N1azf81n- Do,masllc and Foreign !Polley of Hhler. Ill. Tha1 Second World War 1(:1939-451

)~ Causes- 1Course and Results..

MODULE- 7 : OUll1lffll1 Maps and 1Placea of Hlslorlcal lmpartanea.

I. (a) Napollonlc Empire (II) U1nili1ca1lon. of llaly (c) Tha Nazi ,occupadan of Austria and Czechoslovakla

1lll. iPlace.1 : Paris, versan1as, AJlacla, :Elba. Vilanna, Tllslt, Tamln, Naples,. MIian, Nlce1 Ganava, Leipzig, Landon,, Rome, Madrtd, Usban. Berlin, Moscow, G11nava, Saibastopal11

1Conatantlnop1la, SaraJava, Bucharest. Brussats, Brest~Utavald, Belgrade,. Warsaw~ Yaha, Munich, Frankfort.

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D■,vangen1 Unlverally UG- IBA : HISTORY

CBCS sytlabu{20'fl1•'1PJ ------- ------~.

select Medium : English

Select Paper : Semester-5 : Paper-6 HI STORY OF CONTEMPO1RARY INDIA (1945-2000 A~D.)

MODULE- 1 : Integration of Prtnealy States of lndla- with Speclal rafert111Ce to Sardar Vallabhali Patel- Rearganlsa.llan al states on Ungulstic Basis- with special reference to Andhra Pradesh and Orlssa"

IMODULE- 2 : Nehru Era- lnd'ullrlal Davelopmant In five year plans- :Foreign Palley~ China War.,

M01DULE-3: Era of Indira Gandhi- Natlanallsatfon af' Commen::111 Banlcs-14 Paints Programme"" Proclamation of Emergency- The First ever nan-Cangrna Gave1 nnant In Center- Punjab Crisis and Blue Star 1Opar,Itlan.

MODUtE-4 : Rajiv Gandhi~ Pandlayath Raj• De,v■lopment of Science, ,and -iec.hnalogy'- Srllankan Polley.

M01DULE- 5 : Rellgla,n and Pallllca In India- Secularlam and 1Communllm­taala far CammunalladDn of Society• Eduacatlanal Bodlea­NCERT- UGC- ICSSR- ICCR- ICHR.

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MODULE- 6 : Fa111 11ation of Regional Parties in South- 1998 and 1911 General Elecllana~ NaUonal Democratic Alliance- Importance of reign of AB Vajpaayee= Bus Diplomacy• Kargll Warlt]

Maps : 1. Farmatlan of Andhr■pradeah. 2. Farma1lan of Drtssa. 3. Union Terrhary af Delhl.

Plac:as :. Kargll1 Slar:hln, Kast■11lr, Slmla, Ayodhya, Lahore, Amritsar. Junagadh1 Hydarahad1 Ralbuall,, Nagpur. D1urgap~. Rurkela, Pakhran, Jaipur,, Srlpen1mbad~, Bangalore1 Mysore, Gadhra, Patna.

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Davangere University


CBCS Syllabus (2018-19)

Select Medium : English

1Selec.t Paper: Semester-6: Paper-7

HISTORY OF KARNATAKA (From Vijayanagara to 2000 A.D.)

MODULE-1: I. Vljayanagara Empire- Achievements of Srlkrlshnadevaraya. II. The Battle of Tallkot- Causes for the decline of Vljayanagara Empire Ill. Administration and Culttnl Contribution of Vljayanagara.

MODULE-2: I. The Political History of the Paleyagars of Chltradurga­Bharamanna Nayaka- Madakarl Nayaka V. II. Culbnl Contributions- Religion- Uteraue- Art and Architecture.

MODULE-3: I. Anti Colonial Struggle- with Special Reference to Hyder All­First and Second Anglo Mysore Wars. II. Tippu Sultan- Third and Anglo Mysore Wars.

MODULE-4: I. Woodeyars of Mysore- Krishnaraja Woodeyar Ill, Krlshnaraja Woodeyar IV. II. Reforms of Commissioners rule In Princely State of Mysore with special reference ilo Mark Cubbon and L.B.Bourlng. Ill. Diwan, Rule In Princely State of Mysore- Rangacharlu, Sheshadrl Iyer, Sir M. Vlshweshwaraya, Mirza Ismail.

MODULE-5: I. Freedom Movement In Kamataka- with special reference to Belgaum Congress Session of 1924- lsuu- Vldurashwatha and Shlvapura Congress.

II. Unification Movement of Kamataka.

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MODULE-I: I. The Reign of D•araJa Ura- Emerg1ncr- Land a,nd Saclal Reforms- the Bac:kwa1rd Claa Movarr•enl, In Karnataka with Special ref'erence to LG Havanur Commission.

II~ Border Dispute• Water Disputes- Dallt Mavernent

Mapa: 1,. Vljayanagara Empire Under Sri Knsflnadevaraya 2. 1Mysore Under Tlppu Sultan. 3. Mysore In 1800.

Places: Hamp·11 U,dIyaglrl1 Chltradurga, Chandravalll, Srlrangapatna. Mysore, Kalar, Bangalore, Balgaum1 laurq, Vldurashwalhl, Shlnpura, Aakota. Muddenahalll. Bhadravatl, Srlngerl, Madras, Mangalara1 Kaaaragod, Nandl Htllsi.

Page 15: English - gfgc.kar.nic.in

Davangere University


CBCS Syllabus (2018-19)

>elect Medium : English

;e1ect Paper : Semester-6 : Paper-a HISTORY OF CONTEMPORARY WORLD (1945-2005 A.D.)

MODULE-1: Poat Second World War- UNO- Main Organs- Political and Non Political Achievements.

MODULE-2: Cold War- Different Stages.

MODULE-3 : Non Alllgnment- the Thwd World- National Liberation Movement In South Africa.

MODULE-4: Gulf Crisis- Afghan Clvll War- Question of Disarmament- NPT­CTBT- WMD.

MODULE- 5 : End of Cold War- Process of Disintegration of USSR- Its impact on world politics.

MODULE-6 : Globalisation- Neo Global Economic Scenario- WTO· GATT­IMF- World Bank.

MODULE-7: American Attack on Iraq In 2003- Causes Cowae- Effects.

Maps: Riyadh, Band&mg, Usbon, Madrid, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Newyork, Moscow, Johannesberg, London, Beijing, Conatontinople, Cape of Good Hope, Tehran, Bombay, Tokyo, Geneva,Venice, Paris, Islamabad, Athens, Colombo.