emmons county record. (williamsport, d.t. [i.e. n.d ... · odessa: jakob fischer's—tuesday,...

•W^ar •I *3 ?£? ^ v * \ tm v & tfW S& ^i$Ti Tf ^ h J % w* r >|3? >v frVC HK §&* F- *w' JK s?* ^ A First publication, > ov. .1—brisi, Dee. 6. ^Notice of Ivinal Ti i;i!ji'r-UuHu!'o Proof. United Statks Land Okfwb. F Bismarck, N. I)., Otobor^J. mot. f Notice is iikukhy iuvicx that Herman Stermvr h;is llkfl 'lUtifu of hiK'ii- Jtiou to umke tlmtl proof tafoiv (' titles a. liiiue. U. 8. Commi*»Hiom ( r. District «»f North Dakota, at Linton, Norih I). loin, on |«'rjrlav, the SOth clay of Dccumhiw, liJOl, on tiuilmV- culturu application No. lilt'. •Portho northeast tjnaili'r of sooiion No. . 1 in township No. KM north, ruu&u No. 77'west of 5th p. in. •- lie names as witnesses: Joseph Holliriffer. of \Vost.fl«'Wl. N. |>, George Whalen, <\f Westfiehl, N. I). Jakob lloffart, of Dale. N. I). Rufus G. Washer, of Linton, N. I). A. C. M<;G1LLIVKAY. Koglstor. Coanty Treasurer's Notice. flates of Taxatiorj and Time of Payment.' Questions Women TREASURER'S OFFICE. EMMONS County, N. I). f a ^IIE TAX LISTS VOii 1001 ARK NOW IN . my hands, and thu Tuxua for said year jiro duo. ' The rates of taxation for all general pur- poses, and the amounts raised for each spe- cific purpose, are as follows: Purpose Hf Levy. eta state revenue £tate interest... State wolf-bounty "^Maintenancestale schools.... Asylum-bond sinking fund... County penoral Couuty bond-Interest .. Oounty tuition County sinking .County bridjee County emergency County uopher-destruction.. County road School poll ltoad poll Burr Oak school district Gaytou school district *Wltiona school district (ilanavon school district "Winchester school district... AVllliamsportischool district. Cherry Grove school district. Logan school district Odessa school district 'Jiaklcer school district $e1% school district XJnion school district Exeter school district Daketn school district. JStrasburg school district..... Buchanan school district - Total §44 C31 00 All Taxes, real and personal, become de- linquent February 1, 1002. The County Treasurer, or his Deputy, will lie at the places named below, on the dates mentioned, for the purpose of receiving 1U01 '.Paxes: Dukcm: Edward Braddock's Monday, January ti, 11*02. Odessa: Jakob Fischer's—Tuesday, Janu- ary 7, 1002. Selx: Ferdinand Miller's—Wednesday, Jan- uary 8, 1002. E.xeter: AlblnSchneider's—Thursday..Jan- nary !», vm. Strasburg: Keller & Feist's Store—Friday January 10,1!)02. Winona: W. II. Robinson's Store—Monday, January KK HK)2. * (tlanavon: Ashgrove Postofflce—Tuesday, January 11, liKKJ. Union: Halo Postofllce, Wednesday, Ja^u- John Rooks' Store, 1902. Hull—Schaap's Hate. 01 Amount Utlti of T'X. MtU*. 5 45 4.0 :;w u5 0.5 yU5 Si 0.2 1,470 U 1.0 l.» 11.S08 KJ 8.0 ^'0 2.0 . ?f»2 20 2.0 ysr> (Mi 0.0 30 2.0 ^5 (!U 0.0 r/w 0.0 147 0.1 l.oiti 00 i.:«w 00 :r.w as «.'i '201 .v» 2.0 741 :r> 5.4 :H7 72 5.0 f». 2 1..W, 8i 0.3 i,ir»i 5.8 : <;0 m 2.4 170 2.» 5.5 IM?.\ 27 11.0 340 45 3.0 784 79 0.2 m 80 2.7 4U1 10 5.7 211 51 2.8 246 73 b.8 try 15.1902. flak ke iker: V»"estfiold - Thursday, January 10, {?tore, Friday, January w, iyi«. * Gay ton: Hampton Postollice Monday, January SO, 11WKJ. * Burr Oak: Llvona Postofflce Tuesday, January SI, 1902. ' Buchanan: Robert Buchanau s—Wednes- day, January 23,1902. _ "williamsport: Yjsalcr's Hotel, Thursday, January S3,1003. * Cherry Grove: Central Hotel, Braddock— Friday, January 24, lU'S. Logan: Tell Postoflicc Saturday, Jan- uary 25.1902. Dated Liuton, N. D., November 2,1001. J.G P1TT3, County Treasurer. CASKETS. Besides my already large stock of Furni- ture, I have added a Hue of Collins and Ca~ k.vts, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Picture Frames. I have purchased a largo assortment of 5'!.:Mire-Frame Materials of the ffcrv latest c!r.signs, and am prepared to frame your aures on short notice. FURNITURE. A complete and carelully selected stock, pnd at reasonable figures. jgg'Call and examine the Goods. J. C. BROWN, Braddock,-N. D. Central House, BRADDOCK, NOR. DAK. T. P. LEE, Proprietor g9T~ Good table and comfortable reoms VJUe patronage of tfoe general public is re* ftpectfuHy solicited. Traveling won q.re in \ itedto give me a call. Embalming and Undertaking. Funeral Snjipli.es on hand and at Lowest Prices. ,Q. M. HOGUE, Steele, N. D. For terms call on I. E. SHEPARD, Braddock, N. D. WALTER KRICK, BLACKSMITH, LINTON, N. D. Blacksmithing, Horse-Shoeing, Wo.od-Working. CHAS. W. SHORMAN, Postofflee Building, L intow. Clods, Watches & Jewelry Repaired, and any work in that line promptly attended to. Work guaranteed. Give me a call when you visit the county seat. I E. SHEPARD, liTerj, Feed 4 Sale Stable, (Opposite Central Ha^se), S; 9RADDOCK, *OR. ^AK. 'Itopk lcfttrlth niB carefully atteod- ^fo.;-Ciooil barn, good riggj attention I also dolndrsjr fwill p.rpinptl7 «iiswer calls In tb^i'lin*. ;V-'' ^ ' i <f v completely exliatwh Do you suffer every month? If yait answer "yes' theK questions, you nave ills Wine of Caraul cures. Do ypu appreciate what perfect health would be to you? After taking Wine of Cardui, thousands like you have real- ized it. Neiairaus strain. Iocs of sleep, cold or indigestion starts menstrual disorders that are not noticeable at first, but day by day steadily etpw into troublesome complications, wine of Cardui, used just before the men- strual period, will keep the female system in perfect condition. This medicine U taken quietly at home. There is nothing like it to help women enjoy good health. It costs only $( to test this remedy, which is endorsed by 1,000,000 cured women. Mrs. Lena T. Frieburg. East St. Louis, III., sayst "1 am physically a new woman, by reason of my use of Wine of Cardui and Thedford's Black Draught." In cases requiring special directions, ad- tiroBB.glrlngprmptoins, "The Ladles'Advl* cry Department," Tho Chattanooga Medl* p\UB Co., Chattauooga, Tsnn* [AWord^^Wise is Sufficient Our famous^ NEW :CAPITOL SHOE for.t&ties BEST MATERIAL FINEST WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLE PERFECT fIT A BIO VALVE PROPOSITION Ask your Dealer for m p&it C.Gotzian&Co. ST PAUL. Meat Market. | LINTON, N. p; | LUTHER WESCOTT.Prop. | ,i Will Keep for Sale Fresh Meats, Salt Meats, T .Pork Sausage, And all Goods usually kept in a Butcher Shop, <gTNext to Wolfer's Store. First publication, Dec. 6—Last, Doc. 27. Notice and Hearinpr ol «•'•» •ml Accouut and lii.iftkuiion at St:ito of North Dakota; I Oounty of Emmons, f In County Court. Before Hon. Peter Kruft, J udge. In the mutter of the estate of Oerflt Braak, deceased. ' Notice and citation, lioarinc of final account and distribution of estate. Tno state of North Dakota to the above- namvd respondents: Y OU, TIIE SAID RESPONDENTS, AND each .<r you, are hereby riotllled that the final accouut of M^urlts Van 8oest. executor of the last will of Gerrit Braak, late of tho county of Emmons ami state of North Dakota, deceased, lias been rendered to this court, therein sliowliiR that tlier estate of said deceased Is ready for tinal settlement and distribution, ana ,petitioning that ills account be 'allowed?- the residue of said estate be distributed to vhc persons there- uuto untitled* Ills V»Wi««Vi nnrl he be disclui cd, bis uctmiiiistraUoVclose'd and . urged; that M^nday. the 30th day of December, A. I). l f JQl,, 4t 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that dayAiit the court-rooms of this court, in the courthouse, in the tovvu of Linton, couuty of \Eminou8 and State of North Dakota, nas be«n Quly appointed by this court for the sfcttfement thereof, at which time and place any person interested in paid estate may appearand file Ills excep* tlotis. in writing, to sala ibccount and peti* tion and contest the same, And you. the above-named respondents, and each of you, are hereby citea and re- quired tben and there to be and appear be- fore this court, and show causo, if any you have, why said account shall not be allowed, the residue of said estate distributed, the ad- ministration of said estate closed, and said Maurits Van Soest discharged. Dated thuotli day Of l>feeember, A. D. 10QI. r By the Court. PETER KBAFT, [seal.] Judge of the Coanty Court. William McKiiiley, IN TOWN AND OUT, The open ,4eer-hunting season closed Saturday,. Dick Evans is running a barber-shop at Pollock. Orlie Burtfc Is building a b^rn on his lot in Li'nton. John Percy was over from the river country, Tuesday. Gcrrit Van Beek, of Westfleld, was in Linton Saturday. Jim King was up frog? tl^e Etp^nj.- burg cotintry, Saturday. Martin Mattison was up from the south country, Saturday. Maurits Van Soest, of Hull, was a visitor in Linton, Monday. Mrs. Dunbar, - of Hampton;, was shopping in Linton lajit Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Vail were up from Glanavon, Monday. Lincoln Gray was in town yesterday. He r^Rprts Mrs. Gray muph better, The Soo has men putting up snow- fences between Kulm and Braddock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Cleveringa were up from the Westfleld country Satur- day. Mrs. W. M. Matthew?, fit Braddock, has returned from her visit in Minne- sota. The ladies of Williamsport will give a basket supper to-morrow even- ing. Tone Sleaseng was up from the coun- try of mmjy new railroad towns last F.iday. A bit of snow fell Wednesday night, but a goodly proportion of U melted yesterday. Mr. Forte is in Braddock, putting the finishing touches to the new suhool-house. Linton Sunday-school is making preparations for an entertainment Christmas Eve. H. P. Boschker and Hy. Bootsnia were Westfleld visitors in Linton day before ypgterday. Former Treasurer Allen c$me down from Cherry Grove, Monday, return- ing home Tuesday. Billy Matthews made a brief call on Linton friends, Tuesday, while he was en route to Winona. Former County Commissioner' Franz Wolf made final proof on his home- stead in Linton, Saturday. The Messrs. Savage father and son—of Logan district, made a busi- ness trip to Linton, Saturday.. J. S. Dunlin;, recently of Kidder county, was in Linton Tuesday night, en route to Colorado by wagon. A. C. Wagher had a well dug on. his pljtce in Linton this week, getting good water at a depth of fifteen feet. Ben Johnson recently purchased <) big water tank frpm Merchant Cotton, qf Brajtyopk, for the Emtgonsburp ranch. The sum of $15 cash buys a new Winchester sho.t-gun. Apply at the Record - office. First come, first serveck Wm. McTaggart made final proaf in Linton last Saturday, with Henry Gravink and Sipke Bootsma as his witnesses. Messrs. S. Silk, ^as. Pollock, Tom Kieffer and G. N. Fiddler were up from the south country a part of Mon- day and Tuesday. Supt. Kulper grap Ifi Lifltot} yester- day. Near town, on his way here, one of his team horses fell, breaking the buggy-pole short off. Ed. Lawler was in town flay before yesterday. He is hauling coal fronj the Edick mine,.on the W. E. Petrle contract with the county. Messrs. Funk & Arnold, of the Twin- Cottage ranch, riiidway between Brad- dock and Linton, have Just corqpleted a cattle-shed 150 by 30 feet. Th^ Soo recently get men at work digging holes for poles of the tele- phone line that is to connect Pollock with Winona and,Fort Yates. Commissioner Bute; was so severe a sufferer from twisilitib last week that he was confined to his house and had to have Dr. Snyder'g services. Paul Muench, of the Williamsport country, was a visitor In Linton yes- terday. Paul doesn't seem unduly stuck up just because he's a n^ papa. Bismarck Palladium: Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Burbage yirere in the city yesterl day.- Barney has been inthe northern part of the state through harvest and thrashing. Sipke Bootsma and Harke DeBoef made final proof in Linton, Saturday, their proofs beiqg vyritten by D. R. Stveeter. Wieger llodenburg accom- panied them, and was a witness. Four car-loads of German-Russian Immigrants direct from Russia ar- rived in Eureka recently. A number of them have "relatives in .Emmons county, and will setcU in this county. One day last week in ^radcjock, C, A. Patterson, of Linton, Was so ijaiily' _ day ley Mouument Fund " Ttius,"e^reiV subsciihei'^ becomes a contributor to the thrown heavily, hprting his shoulder. Evei ybodv w5?buy^'^rters^ofthe The Kecord family arc truly "much asking. Nobody will refuse.. Elegant obleeged" to the friend who sent ilia rtraits^of. the lastpic- nice, fat^ Thauks^iying turkey, and His Life And Work. —w— GEN. CHARLES H. GROSVENQft. The President's life-long friend, com rade in war and colleague in congress. )Va| near his side: with other great 2 iert, wKen im eyes were closed in eath, and followed the bier to the Na- tional Capitol and to " Canton. The of 6 h1sboo£to^be*demoted to^Mcfi^ ^ rt as * ave t080 to 1 bed for a Iat Afnimmont. i?nn#i or twp. He whs wrestling, and-was tobotogr&Yure : -sra mmiaI .1. A1 AAA A.: : _ . » « r IrinH nA/iAMnn Mln<l 4-Ui. will run trough Mr. B.'s door-yard, on them fey addressiijIfJ^ne. ^hexe arc the f.'Afifipr ttyegMnness place," gome eight or 7 tiiat are about and two pther tracts belonging to. Mr. through with their terms of school in B. will be cut in two by the road. ) ' ; this couuty>nd they are gpad, sue? Napoleon J^omesteSd: A dentist was cessful teachers. [TiyS Meljitosli cou.i- badly needed in this locality, and Dr. ty superintendent's address!.? "C. B. Faiioon ha^ filled the bill to perfec- tion. H^^jb a first-class dcfljt/st^ and he has ^een as busy as a bee all of the veejf; Banker M(|tUiews, of Braddock, is Foncanon, Eureka, S. D."] The delinquent-tax s^le, by Coiinty Auditor Herolz, Tuesday, was a very small affair, as, in the first place, not giany pieces j$ Pwere del in- the proud possessor of a peacock that Quent, and, secondly, a good many of a Minnesota friend sent po him; and thoses whose property bad been adver- Editor Tljyji^lSon wants to bet his tised .iaid up before the d<:.;v o? s»je. {Bert's) pelican can ilck the proud and Thirty-nine tracts were sold this year, haughty bird from Minnesota. 7 '? r ^be delinquent taxes of I860 and a Lute McRay came up from Winoiia ' ew ® ,r ® c ' 3 ' or ^be taxes of 1889, which Tuesday to attend a lawsuit in whtch ' s Wl® lowest number at auy tax sale he was interested—the one connected 'be history of the county. La$t with some horses of his which were ; eighty-one tracts (including ,tpwn claimed . under a mortgage to La •'°'®) P®. 1 ? sold. This is a creditable Flelsche. Plaintiff did not appear,' Rowing for the taxpayersbf Emmons Dr. Snyder was in Linton last Fri- coul ^ t J r .' dry and Saturday. Hg .came here to' If you get a-letter from the general re-examinp-jthe app^icaiijte tgr insure 5.r«5e in the New York Life. It seems that the rules of the company now re- quire examination by two physicians. A lawsuit was tried at Westfleld, Monday, between Billy Elgar and Tom Vikse. Mr. Elgaf sjie.d for 944.93 and tgro years' interest. Justice Rooks gave him a judgment for $5. Lynn shouted for Elgar, Lane for Vikse. " Dan Murphy, of the Leonard & BJurphy ranch, arrived at the ranch the fore part of the week. He was visiting frlends.in Linton day before : yesterday. Mr. Murphy is pleased i with the condition in which he found things at. the ranch. Mi's. D. Gi. Johnson-and her son, Harvey James, who have been visit- ing the Burge family for a couple of weeks, will leave next Sunday, via Eureka, for th6ir Iowa home. They iy|!I returntiii jlie spring a.r»d take up their residence in this county. The members of the county board of insanity have been informed that Mrs. ilingius, ' whose husband killed iiimself several months ago, is show- ing evidences of insanity. The mat ter will be investigated. Mrs. Riu^ius resides a miles from Braddock.' A correspondent in the Braddock Republican makes the timely sugges- tion Chat whenever any one shuts off § traveled road with Tjarb-ijrife he ought'to put' a panel of fen.ee <)f an ob- struction of some kind ^gross the road to prevent tfijyelers driving against the wires in the dark. Vfaddy)' T^l'ynn was in Linton Tues- day and Wednesday visiting friends, The band boys want to gep Air. F. to return to Liirtoh to reside and play the bass drum in the band. They say. it would 8ity,e them the price of a drum, i^s Pa$dy could stretch a sheep- skin tij;htly^<jross his bay-<Viqdpw and play on that.' ' - : Marlon Burge r&sefttly visitad Mc- Kenzie, the N. 1?. ^tatign<. where the Wiliiams^ott - Linton brancii leayes the main lip.e, The water at the sta- tion not being good, the company has dammed a brook that flows some dis- tance' away and Is havjng a ditch dgif through ^iilch the brook will run past the station. H. D. Connor returned Monday of last week from bis old home in New Hampshire. Mr. Connpf'tj u}qther passed away just "before he reached her. His father survives, and it |$ re? ported that nextsprlng he Will come U> Egipiops p(iuf)tyand makehishpnie at JiJ r, Connor's ranch, where he will be able to pass his remaining years near his son and daughter, H. D. and Edna F. Connor. I^ast $||hgjur acertain youn^-tuan of Lfntpn Jiad jgg jijind made up'toescort a certain young lac|y lupineJ^uo* chjircb. But several young chaps kidnaped him after the services/fend rushed him down behind the bi(l. where he was :ept in durance Until the lady had lisapReared in the c|ist^qce. It |s sa|d that the young man used much lan- guage that wqqjdn't lc^ok well in print -T?wauted tq lick people—and things like tbatl "-^pllpck ite$s In Eiire^S ?f®tj I'rank Loiitzenhlser has nearly completed bis store. It Is '48"by 60 feet and two sto* ries high. The upper room will be used as a public ha|L |Ie will handle everything from the flq^st needle to thrashing-tnachines, buy and sell all kinds of farm produce, and cater to the farm tratfe In general... .There Is ppe thing Pollock can boast of, and that is a good hotel, th& Pierce house. Billy Jones and Wallte Kyes returned Monday from their deier-huuting trip, fhp tioys repprt^hCt tbeykilled three deer, and, there is op vyay of disproving their statement, it will probably haye tp gq pn record as a fact.^^iiater,—As the Record folks h^ye^just been presented with a sad- dle of venison, we are now prepared to substantiate the foregoing state; tqentis, and also believe that the boys desperately wouiided several other deer tbat.got>4iway. : Those whq are ipteteatefl getting up a brass band in Lintonj-met last Saturday evening. G. W-r Lynn was oiiosen presidept, .P, 'Jfz. Schweitzer, vice-president, }Ar^Armstrong sec- retary, Thoni^B Wones" Irejisurer, and Hennlng ti^Klstrpt;! . instructor. ' ,ve Hew land office asking for an affidavit as to what was done each year on tjj.e tree claim upon which you proved up sev- eral years ago, it' means that more official red tape is to be unwound, and you have got to unwjnd it. As soon as you get the letter, ti>\ce two witnesses—it isn't necessajy to have IhPO&P 30 who were^jjur witnesses when you proved up—and proceed at once to have your testimony taken. It I is exacting a great deal to require a : claimant to remember, several years after lie has naade proor, just what he did each year in tlig way of planting, recanting and cultivation of trees; but you will have to remember it, just the same. A. L. Abel has been standing con- siderable Jnshing this week as to the pedigree of a paip of black eyes tBat he has been parrying, and some of the boys have beet; disposed to give him the laugh when he recited the cause of said brunette optics. But, as the Reeord has learned the fact from a disinterested third party, we are pre- pared to state thg.t ^.bp was tlje vic- tim of*a broncho which he was rid- ing, up near the Leonard & Murphy ranch, when said broncho shied and toosed the rider off of a bridge across a culvert. If Mr. A, will call on us we will agree t*i se# him—or give him —"Itenois"—that venerable and well- .behaved quadruped wnicii he formerly ojvned, and that most anybody can ride. Last Friday Sheriff I$oplc$ se^fed papers on Jerry fiole, at Braddock, charging him with violating the pro- hl^ltioi) law. The papers were sworn toNoy. 14th by Mrs. Flora Lindsay, and signed by Judge Wincljester on the 18th. The complainant aileges that Oct. 8th of this year her husband, Jtwepli Lindsay, bouglit {tre-wate'r at Mr. C.'s epipdrium. It is doubtful whether a half-dozen people of Brad- approve the prosecution of Mr. Cole, who is au old-time -farmer of Emmons county, and wljp jigs few en- PrpliiWtion conies high to thp taxpapei-s, but it^seenis there are a' few folks who are determined that the Missouri Slope people must take the dose that we', have been exeipot from for nearly a dozen years. There has been more "siipk" raised in E.n- mt.ns County pver the villainous pro- llibby law during the preseu.t .year than there was previously from the time the law passg$. Tl»p N. P. surveying party Is very comfortably camped down in the woo4b on the banks of Beaver river, about a quarter of a mile south of Linton." Ttjey have beep working this week up Spring creek and along the draw that runs, from Spring creek, near Johnny Bartu's ranch, to the hi^iier iand towaid the Williamsport plateau. The .Johnny liartq pn>ce re: ferred to is not the "farm wiiere Mr. B. lived for many years, east of town, out bhc place north west of town w hich has been bis home for a couple of years. It is reported that the -line chospn \yi(l run a short distance east of the Linton school-house, crossing Beaver river a miie s(yi£t)east of this village, and following' S^coulee that runs from the valley to the high land soqtl) qf fhp Beaver. This pass is said to be the best outlet between Linton and the mouth of Beaver for a railroad (frade to get out of the valley ttiward the south. The sijrveyqrs expect to be in camp here for some time. ^ funds to the a^b^nt pit about $125 ha l)een pledge^. The englnes of the qe railroad will find when they get here next summer that they are not the only-pebbles on tbe beagt; yrhen It gets kind note-that accompanied the fowl. ucc uuiuii huick. Vioance to prove sue-1 Mr. acd Mrs. Jas Frederipir worm «3ess. Secure yearly contract and be- ! . v **£• * rea ® rlcK *«». CODbe manager Send twelve two-cent from the northwest country, stamps for elegant pr spectus. Takinx Saturday. Next year they'll come by to tooting. ten to fifty, orders daily 50,000 copies the McKenzie Blllsnorfc r.inVon ! ^ Will he sold in this vicinity. Address wL m «, L «' County Svipt. Foncacon, of Mcln; The Continental Assembly, Corcoran Build- V^tfleld, .Afcund gjty and Sellv rail-! tosli county, Si I):, write*'to tjie R eih ing.Ommite U, 8. Treasury, ITaelun^ton^^-. \ j-ord aB follows: "I; haye tieard that tiaissasssasass^sBKsis ' ^ U R- Benz, of Cherry Grove, vas in | yp^r couuty (s shpr^ of teachers.. Will Linton Tuesday night. August came > you please kay in your.'Mper that any to the county seat to attend to some j school board of a diiitrlct iin p' IOU KILE, Old newspapers, at the Record office; -rsvp 4??'? Wli THE HOLIDAYS f' COMINCr - ' Send your Photo to me and . bare It en-, larged (or a CbrlMtLia'i present. Snlarge- tRppie 16x30 ere $5, 4elive, , ed ki /our nesrs i express office, ready to bant; up. Fo«* .ii lusher-priced work wiltFto V. B.rnu, Fu.'( Vates, N. 11., for .partic- ulars. Send your Photos as soon as ikw- S' Jle, as it takes two weeks to do the W o " " ' ' Great Market at KELLER & FEIST'S, Tirsbol. N. D,, MONDAY, DEC. 13, 1901. 1 '!m: •V V* $0 M, Whoever has anything for sale—Horse$> Cattle* Sheep; H^f Grain, Farm Machinery, Chickens, Ducks, QeifMi Butter* 'Ejftga, Etc., is- requested lo briw it to the Public Market. And whoever waats to buy anything is also . requested to attend, as lie ivill find everylhing there that hS'tuay ' be looking for. "Buyers from large cities-will be present. It is our intention to hold these markets tvvice each month. Everybody is invited to attend the first oue-and see how the thing 'will, work, j -and after that we think he will fipd it to his interest to Jse present. We pay 13 cents for BUTTER and EGGS at our' Store; Besides we keep^everything that you can find fn a General Merchandise ston?. ^ KELLER & FEIST, dms* <:•: ' ' ^ mmmmwmms A. J. UONSTAIN, JjlNTON, N. D. ". -'T s- •*»< , f V -j J Carries a full line of Cigars, Confection- ery, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc. FONTELLA THE BEST CIGAR IN THE MARKET, ALWAYS ON HAND. .'J<' r Cv*f. -vl t * > ^ & 9 ! 7 FRED JUNGE, JR., AGENT, BRADDOCK, N.-D., > " / 7_, DEALER IN ^ LUMBEgTODbOAtJ 1 Get our Prices before placing your Orders. LINTON HOUSE; •V v . W. M. DERR, Proprietpr. ^ 9 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT e Aff "Si iw -W" g Good Accommodations at Reasonable P " ^ ^ Rates. Good Livery and Feed Barn in ponnection with Hotel. H ^ F. M. BIIRGE,^®^ Sales Solid tor Ha ckiaey Boy ntoji Land Cbmpauy. 3POSTOF.FICE: W TY CHESTER, N". I>. I have a good Driving Big', and Will take peo- Ie to see the land without cost for team, hotel ills, etc., in case they buy . §1 OALLA^D 8KB MIS BXUTORB PlhK ^ CHASma. Keeps an hand a large and care-. fully selected stock of i)'? goods. > ^ PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. BRUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, PDTfY, WALL PAPER. ETC., kept in stock. Mai} Orders carefully and promptly atleaded to. ; Your patronage is respectfully solicited. J. p. SNYDER, Braddock) N. D. %}}catirig Rifles . .For All Kinds of ShGeSw, . . ' All Desirable Calibers and WdjgMi | A PEW FAVORITES FOR HUHTIHO. Blodel 1895. 33Army oalil^r, Vel^lit 81-4 ponnds. '2Hode! lC94. M TT. C. T. ealibcr, "Extra Xjeht," welglit 61-2pounds. .' MoM lSM. 80 TV. C. P. caliber, "Take Down." W$IgUt78-4poundi, t »6 c*llb«r,« Take Down," traleht | I M«d«l 1S86^«M0 «aliber, "Extra Light," vroght | Shoot Winchester Ammunition. Made for all KindsofGuos. | WUOKSTEB H^PEATISQ mi i t > ,! 1 & £ mmmrmEqumED VJtTH YOUft.ORDER QHARLES S. LANE, Attorney at taw, LINTON, NOR. DAKr^r^' v i CMU.k oat and«eadiu> rfjrht, zs.d we wiU send you . 0.nnniiHg it at yan.Biinii irtlpnt of «xiitai QBwiiud U >uund ettcUy as lepnsrattd vm.cqmI ta ettiertD3(-!Uoesccttlutf?roii|fx3to<6r):r'*yUii?acMtour - IffiCIAl FftffrPY WISE «WAP17jfCTttA.00 miles.teas cr.ncu.r ditancct la pc^oction.: Civt it 4 moutlu' tnBljfe7<>A owniwitie,uHluit UnotntUlactorv. - ^*wm It u uui expenift. and ** wili r^iAd your iponejr. Thl« QuchlrFl. •umi to»ny itwiUtdMKh^ndajtlmie machin sudt, tnd ursiicliiu •Oldforle»;iuor.»jrnu«l«inMfSintKloruatcrUU M'om»ima«ur.ta lug*>iu>titliiaudMileulyu m tnuil adTemeof <ketotircett!i*l3i*»M— ojtejfuu*itrictliUllidiwloujly srlc*. UIIT fiTfino UnkbpwH concerns am cottdaaillvaAtb fiusln^a of Non-RiBsi4ents promptly ' fended to. Some choice pieces of land for sale. A. "•"•(•••••••••BBS BBITT8. Aacg? |pi| Qmywibbp S»MH t^UKMr. yHTO», W»M DAKOTA. - ~~~ 'Kiaor and Shear BbainaDlDi^, dalty, I7IKAHCIB JA8ZKOWIAK, •". Bismiifok. N. I».j , J 1 ';!",, In GoodhM Pumping and Flfw 1 WlDd HIUa. Trfthcra and Tumi l ^otan tad torn (W t«M hM ^ tad ta * •V.;; .• »nu or«*mentcrt .ant1 bwiutlftiDy «ick<4 triaTmedT »2S5 f n.ffJ'fS"* ^cnir-tr. no>tdniaHt >nd i«ni> biMou 2—BmyattacJiratnt Is hue, to7eL*icr vitk a cocnrJ(>tdfrv<»_&-" ypt»«f>y to,tlo any Vlnd of ft^acy vortt. Wt L ^btatfjngcnuraa.tMwHberwymaclJna. It vrM ec«T%Siia&b?toSS' mm rWf 31 83t<rg I. --vv'

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Page 1: Emmons County record. (Williamsport, D.T. [i.e. N.D ... · Odessa: Jakob Fischer's—Tuesday, Janu ... with Winona and,Fort Yates. Commissioner Bute; was so severe a sufferer from


• I *3 ?£? ^ v * \ •


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tfW S& ^i$Ti Tf ^ h J % w*

r >|3? >v


HK §&* F-


JK s?* ^

A First publication, > ov. .1—brisi, Dee. 6. ^Notice of Ivinal Ti i;i!ji'r-UuHu!'o Proof.

United Statks Land Okfwb. F Bismarck, N. I)., Otobor^J. mot. f No t i c e i s i i k u k h y i u v i c x t h a t

Herman Stermvr h;is llkfl 'lUtifu of hiK'ii-Jtiou to umke tlmtl proof tafoiv (' titles a. liiiue. U. 8. Commi*»Hiom(r. District «»f North Dakota, at Linton, Norih I). loin, on |«'rjrlav, the SOth clay of Dccumhiw, liJOl, on tiuilmV-culturu application No. lilt'. •Portho northeast tjnaili'r of sooiion No. . 1 in township No. KM north, ruu&u No. 77'west

of 5th p. in. •-lie names as witnesses: Joseph Holliriffer. of \Vost.fl«'Wl. N. |>, George Whalen, <\f Westfiehl, N. I). Jakob lloffart, of Dale. N. I). Rufus G. Washer, of Linton, N. I).

A. C. M<;G1LLIVKAY. Koglstor.

Coanty Treasurer's Notice. flates of Taxatiorj and Time

of Payment.'

Questions Women


a^IIE TAX LISTS VOii 1001 ARK NOW IN . my hands, and thu Tuxua for said year

jiro duo. ' The rates of taxation for all general pur­poses, and the amounts raised for each spe­cific purpose, are as follows:

Purpose Hf Levy. eta state revenue £tate interest... State wolf-bounty "^Maintenancestale schools.... Asylum-bond sinking fund... County penoral Couuty bond-Interest .. Oounty tuition County sinking .County bridjee County emergency County uopher-destruction.. County road School poll ltoad poll Burr Oak school district Gaytou school district *Wltiona school district (ilanavon school district "Winchester school district... AVllliamsportischool district. Cherry Grove school district. Logan school district Odessa school district 'Jiaklcer school district $e1% school district XJnion school district Exeter school district Daketn school district. JStrasburg school district..... Buchanan school district

- Total §44 C31 00 All Taxes, real and personal, become de­

linquent February 1, 1002. The County Treasurer, or his Deputy, will

lie at the places named below, on the dates mentioned, for the purpose of receiving 1U01 '.Paxes:

Dukcm: Edward Braddock's — Monday, January ti, 11*02.

Odessa: Jakob Fischer's—Tuesday, Janu­ary 7, 1002.

Selx: Ferdinand Miller's—Wednesday, Jan­uary 8, 1002.

E.xeter: AlblnSchneider's—Thursday..Jan-nary !», vm.

Strasburg: Keller & Feist's Store—Friday January 10,1!)02.

Winona: W. II. Robinson's Store—Monday, January KK HK)2. *

(tlanavon: Ashgrove Postofflce—Tuesday, January 11, liKKJ.

Union: Halo Postofllce, Wednesday, Ja^u-

John Rooks' Store, 1902. Hull—Schaap's

Hate. 01 Amount Utlti of T'X. MtU*.

5 45 4.0 :;w u5 0.5 yU5 Si 0.2

1,470 U 1.0 l.»

11.S08 KJ 8.0 ^'0 2.0

. ?f»2 20 2.0 ysr> (Mi 0.0

30 2.0 ^5 (!U 0.0 r/w 0.0 147 0.1

l.oiti 00 i.:«w 00

:r.w as «.'i '201 .v» 2.0 741 :r> 5.4 :H7 72 5.0

f». 2 1..W, 8i 0.3 i,ir»i 7« 5.8 : <;0 m 2.4 170 2.» 5.5

IM?.\ 27 11.0 340 45 3.0 784 79 0.2 m 80 2.7

4U1 10 5.7 211 51 2.8 246 73 b.8

try 15.1902. flak ke iker: V»"estfiold -

Thursday, January 10, {?tore, Friday, January w, iyi«. * Gay ton: Hampton Postollice — Monday, January SO, 11WKJ. * Burr Oak: Llvona Postofflce — Tuesday, January SI, 1902. ' Buchanan: Robert Buchanau s—Wednes­day, January 23,1902. _ "williamsport: Yjsalcr's Hotel, Thursday, January S3,1003. * Cherry Grove: Central Hotel, Braddock— Friday, January 24, lU'S.

Logan: Tell Postoflicc — Saturday, Jan­uary 25.1902.

Dated Liuton, N. D., November 2,1001. J.G P1TT3,

County Treasurer.

CASKETS. Besides my already large stock of Furni­

ture, I have added a Hue of Collins and Ca~ k.vts, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices.

Picture Frames. I have purchased a largo assortment of

5'!.:Mire-Frame Materials of the ffcrv latest c!r.signs, and am prepared to frame your

aures on short notice.

FURNITURE. A complete and carelully selected stock,

pnd at reasonable figures. jgg'Call and examine the Goods.

J. C. BROWN, Braddock,-N. D.

Central House, BRADDOCK, NOR. DAK.

T. P. LEE, Proprietor g9T~ Good table and comfortable reoms

VJUe patronage of tfoe general public is re* ftpectfuHy solicited. Traveling won q.re in \ itedto give me a call.


and Undertaking.

Funeral Snjipli.es on hand and at Lowest Prices.

,Q. M. HOGUE, Steele, N. D. For terms call on •

I. E. SHEPARD, Braddock, N. D.



Blacksmithing, Horse-Shoeing,


CHAS. W. SHORMAN, Postofflee Building, Lintow.

Clods, Watches & Jewelry Repaired, and any work in that line promptly attended to. Work guaranteed. Give me a call when you visit the county seat.


liTerj, Feed 4 Sale Stable, (Opposite Central Ha^se), S;

9RADDOCK, • • *OR. ^AK.

'Itopk lcfttrlth niB carefully atteod-^fo.;-Ciooil barn, good riggj attention

I also dolndrsjr fwill p.rpinptl7 «iiswer calls In tb^i'lin*. ;V-''

^ ' i <f v

completely exliatwh Do you suffer every month?

If yait answer "yes' theK questions, you nave ills Wine of Caraul cures. Do ypu appreciate what perfect health would be to you? After taking Wine of Cardui, thousands like you have real­ized it. Neiairaus strain. Iocs of sleep, cold or indigestion starts menstrual disorders that are not noticeable at first, but day by day steadily etpw into troublesome complications, wine of Cardui, used just before the men­strual period, will keep the female system in perfect condition. This medicine U taken quietly at home. There is nothing like it to help women enjoy good health. It costs only $( to test this remedy, which is endorsed by 1,000,000 cured women.

Mrs. Lena T. Frieburg. East St. Louis, III., sayst "1 am physically a new woman, by reason of my use of Wine of Cardui and Thedford's Black Draught."

In cases requiring special directions, ad-tiroBB.glrlngprmptoins, "The Ladles'Advl* cry Department," Tho Chattanooga Medl* p\UB Co., Chattauooga, Tsnn*

[AWord^^Wise is Sufficient

Our famous^


SHOE for.t&ties




Ask your Dealer for m p&it

C.Gotzian&Co. ST PAUL.

Meat Market. | LINTON, N. p; |


,i Will Keep for Sale

Fresh Meats, Salt Meats,

T .Pork Sausage, And all Goods usually kept

in a Butcher Shop,

<gTNext to Wolfer's Store.

First publication, Dec. 6—Last, Doc. 27. Notice and Hearinpr ol «•'•»

•ml Accouut and lii.iftkuiion at

St:ito of North Dakota; I Oounty of Emmons, f

In County Court. Before Hon. Peter Kruft, J udge.

In the mutter of the estate of Oerflt Braak, deceased. '

Notice and citation, lioarinc of final account and distribution of estate.

Tno state of North Dakota to the above-namvd respondents:

YOU, TIIE SAID RESPONDENTS, AND each .<r you, are hereby riotllled that the

final accouut of M^urlts Van 8oest. executor of the last will of Gerrit Braak, late of tho county of Emmons ami state of North Dakota, deceased, lias been rendered to this court, therein sliowliiR that tlier estate of said deceased Is ready for tinal settlement and distribution, ana ,petitioning that ills account be 'allowed?- the residue of said estate be distributed to vhc persons there-uuto untitled* Ills V»Wi««Vi nnrl he be disclui

cd, bis uctmiiiistraUoVclose'd and . urged; that M^nday. the 30th day

of December, A. I). lfJQl,, 4t 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that dayAiit the court-rooms of this court, in the courthouse, in the tovvu of Linton, couuty of \Eminou8 and State of North Dakota, nas be«n Quly appointed by this court for the sfcttfement thereof, at which time and place any person interested in paid estate may appearand file Ills excep* tlotis. in writing, to sala ibccount and peti* tion and contest the same,

And you. the above-named respondents, and each of you, are hereby citea and re­quired tben and there to be and appear be­fore this court, and show causo, if any you have, why said account shall not be allowed, the residue of said estate distributed, the ad­ministration of said estate closed, and said Maurits Van Soest discharged.

Dated thuotli day Of l>feeember, A. D. 10QI. r By the Court. PETER KBAFT, [seal.] Judge of the Coanty Court.

William McKiiiley,

IN TOWN AND OUT, The open ,4eer-hunting season closed

Saturday,. Dick Evans is running a barber-shop

at Pollock. Orlie Burtfc Is building a b^rn on

his lot in Li'nton. John Percy was over from the river

country, Tuesday.

Gcrrit Van Beek, of Westfleld, was in Linton Saturday.

Jim King was up frog? tl^e Etp^nj.-burg cotintry, Saturday.

Martin Mattison was up from the south country, Saturday.

Maurits Van Soest, of Hull, was a visitor in Linton, Monday.

Mrs. Dunbar, - of Hampton;, was shopping in Linton lajit Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Vail were up from Glanavon, Monday.

Lincoln Gray was in town yesterday. He r^Rprts Mrs. Gray muph better,

The Soo has men putting up snow-fences between Kulm and Braddock.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Cleveringa were up from the Westfleld country Satur­day.

Mrs. W. M. Matthew?, fit Braddock, has returned from her visit in Minne­sota.

The ladies of Williamsport will give a basket supper to-morrow even­ing.

Tone Sleaseng was up from the coun­try of mmjy new railroad towns last F.iday.

A bit of snow fell Wednesday night, but a goodly proportion of U melted yesterday.

Mr. Forte is in Braddock, putting the finishing touches to the new suhool-house.

Linton Sunday-school is making preparations for an entertainment Christmas Eve.

H. P. Boschker and Hy. Bootsnia were Westfleld visitors in Linton day before ypgterday.

Former Treasurer Allen c$me down from Cherry Grove, Monday, return­ing home Tuesday.

Billy Matthews made a brief call on Linton friends, Tuesday, while he was en route to Winona.

Former County Commissioner' Franz Wolf made final proof on his home­stead in Linton, Saturday.

The Messrs. Savage — father and son—of Logan district, made a busi­ness trip to Linton, Saturday..

J. S. Dunlin;, recently of Kidder county, was in Linton Tuesday night, en route to Colorado by wagon.

A. C. Wagher had a well dug on. his pljtce in Linton this week, getting good water at a depth of fifteen feet.

Ben Johnson recently purchased <) big water tank frpm Merchant Cotton, qf Brajtyopk, for the Emtgonsburp ranch.

The sum of $15 cash buys a new Winchester sho.t-gun. Apply at the Record - office. First come, first serveck

Wm. McTaggart made final proaf in Linton last Saturday, with Henry Gravink and Sipke Bootsma as his witnesses.

Messrs. S. Silk, ^as. Pollock, Tom Kieffer and G. N. Fiddler were up from the south country a part of Mon­day and Tuesday.

Supt. Kulper grap Ifi Lifltot} yester­day. Near town, on his way here, one of his team horses fell, breaking the buggy-pole short off.

Ed. Lawler was in town flay before yesterday. He is hauling coal fronj the Edick mine,.on the W. E. Petrle contract with the county.

Messrs. Funk & Arnold, of the Twin-Cottage ranch, riiidway between Brad­dock and Linton, have Just corqpleted a cattle-shed 150 by 30 feet.

Th^ Soo recently get men at work digging holes for poles of the tele­phone line that is to connect Pollock with Winona and,Fort Yates.

Commissioner Bute; was so severe a sufferer from twisilitib last week that he was confined to his house and had to have Dr. Snyder'g services.

Paul Muench, of the Williamsport country, was a visitor In Linton yes­terday. Paul doesn't seem unduly stuck up just because he's a n^ papa.

Bismarck Palladium: Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Burbage yirere in the city yesterl day.- Barney has been inthe northern part of the state through harvest and thrashing.

Sipke Bootsma and Harke DeBoef made final proof in Linton, Saturday, their proofs beiqg vyritten by D. R. Stveeter. Wieger llodenburg accom­panied them, and was a witness.

Four car-loads of German-Russian Immigrants direct from Russia ar­rived in Eureka recently. A number of them have "relatives in .Emmons county, and will setcU in this county.

One day last week in ^radcjock, C, A. Patterson, of Linton, Was so ijaiily'

_ day ley Mouument Fund " Ttius,"e^reiV subsciihei'^ becomes a contributor to the thrown heavily, hprting his shoulder.

Evei ybodv w5?buy^'^rters^ofthe The Kecord family arc truly "much asking. Nobody will refuse.. Elegant obleeged" to the friend who sent ilia

rtraits^of. the lastpic- nice, fat^ Thauks^iying turkey, and

His Life And Work.

—w— GEN. CHARLES H. GROSVENQft. The President's life-long friend, com rade in war and colleague in congress. )Va| near his side: with other great

2iert, wKen im eyes were closed in eath, and followed the bier to the Na­

tional Capitol and to " Canton. The

of6h1sboo£to^be*demoted to^Mcfi^ ^rt as *ave t080 to1

bed for a Iat Afnimmont. i?nn#i or twp. He whs wrestling, and-was

tobotogr&Yure : -sra

mmiaI.1. A1 AAA A.: : _ . » « r IrinH nA/iAMnn Mln<l 4-Ui.

will run trough Mr. B.'s door-yard, on them fey addressiijIfJ^ne. ^hexe arc the f.'Afifipr ttyegMnness place," gome eight or 7 tiiat are about and two pther tracts belonging to. Mr. through with their terms of school in B. will be cut in two by the road. ) ' ; this couuty>nd they are gpad, sue?

Napoleon J^omesteSd: A dentist was cessful teachers. [TiyS Meljitosli cou.i-badly needed in this locality, and Dr. ty superintendent's address!.? "C. B. Faiioon ha^ filled the bill to perfec­tion. H^^jb a first-class dcfljt/st^ and he has ^een as busy as a bee all of the


Banker M(|tUiews, of Braddock, is

Foncanon, Eureka, S. D."] The delinquent-tax s^le, by Coiinty

Auditor Herolz, Tuesday, was a very small affair, as, in the first place, not giany pieces j$ Pwere del in­

the proud possessor of a peacock that Quent, and, secondly, a good many of a Minnesota friend sent po him; and thoses whose property bad been adver-Editor Tljyji^lSon wants to bet his tised .iaid up before the d<:.;v o? s»je. {Bert's) pelican can ilck the proud and Thirty-nine tracts were sold this year, haughty bird from Minnesota. 7 '?r ^be delinquent taxes of I860 and a

Lute McRay came up from Winoiia 'ew ®,r®c'3 'or ^be taxes of 1889, which Tuesday to attend a lawsuit in whtch 's Wl® lowest number at auy tax sale he was interested—the one connected 'be history of the county. La$t with some horses of his which were ; eighty-one tracts (including ,tpwn claimed . under a mortgage to La •'°'®) P®.1? sold. This is a creditable Flelsche. Plaintiff did not appear,' Rowing for the taxpayersbf Emmons

Dr. Snyder was in Linton last Fri- coul^tJr.' dry and Saturday. Hg .came here to' If you get a-letter from the general re-examinp-jthe app^icaiijte tgr insure 5.r«5e in the New York Life. It seems that the rules of the company now re­quire examination by two physicians.

A lawsuit was tried at Westfleld, Monday, between Billy Elgar and Tom Vikse. Mr. Elgaf sjie.d for 944.93 and tgro years' interest. Justice Rooks gave him a judgment for $5. Lynn shouted for Elgar, Lane for Vikse. "

Dan Murphy, of the Leonard & BJurphy ranch, arrived at the ranch the fore part of the week. He was visiting frlends.in Linton day before : yesterday. Mr. Murphy is pleased i with the condition in which he found things at. the ranch.

Mi's. D. Gi. Johnson-and her son, Harvey James, who have been visit­ing the Burge family for a couple of weeks, will leave next Sunday, via Eureka, for th6ir Iowa home. They iy|!I returntiii jlie spring a.r»d take up their residence in this county.

The members of the county board of insanity have been informed that Mrs. ilingius, ' whose husband killed iiimself several months ago, is show­ing evidences of insanity. The mat ter will be investigated. Mrs. Riu^ius resides a miles from Braddock.'

A correspondent in the Braddock Republican makes the timely sugges­tion Chat whenever any one shuts off § traveled road with Tjarb-ijrife he ought'to put' a panel of fen.ee <)f an ob­struction of some kind ^gross the road to prevent tfijyelers driving against the wires in the dark.

Vfaddy)' T^l'ynn was in Linton Tues­day and Wednesday visiting friends, The band boys want to gep Air. F. to return to Liirtoh to reside and play the bass drum in the band. They say. it would 8ity,e them the price of a drum, i^s Pa$dy could stretch a sheep-skin tij;htly^<jross his bay-<Viqdpw and play on that.' ' -:

Marlon Burge r&sefttly visitad Mc-Kenzie, the N. 1?. ^tatign<. where the Wiliiams^ott - Linton brancii leayes the main lip.e, The water at the sta­tion not being good, the company has dammed a brook that flows some dis­tance' away and Is havjng a ditch dgif through ^iilch the brook will run past the station.

H. D. Connor returned Monday of last week from bis old home in New Hampshire. Mr. Connpf'tj u}qther passed away just "before he reached her. His father survives, and it |$ re? ported that nextsprlng he Will come U> Egipiops p(iuf)tyand makehishpnie at JiJ r, Connor's ranch, where he will be able to pass his remaining years near his son and daughter, H. D. and Edna F. Connor.

I^ast $||hgjur acertain youn^-tuan of Lfntpn Jiad jgg jijind made up'toescort a certain young lac|y lupineJ^uo* chjircb. But several young chaps kidnaped him after the services/fend rushed him down behind the bi(l. where he was

:ept in durance Until the lady had lisapReared in the c|ist^qce. It |s sa|d that the young man used much lan­guage that wqqjdn't lc^ok well in print -T?wauted tq lick people—and things like tbatl "-^pllpck ite$s In Eiire^S ?f®tj I'rank Loiitzenhlser has nearly completed bis store. It Is '48"by 60 feet and two sto* ries high. The upper room will be used as a public ha|L |Ie will handle everything from the flq^st needle to thrashing-tnachines, buy and sell all kinds of farm produce, and cater to the farm tratfe In general... .There Is ppe thing Pollock can boast of, and that is a good hotel, th& Pierce house.

Billy Jones and Wallte Kyes returned Monday from their deier-huuting trip, fhp tioys repprt^hCt tbeykilled three deer, and, there is op vyay of disproving their statement, it will probably haye tp gq pn record as a fact.^^iiater,—As the Record folks h^ye^just been presented with a sad­dle of venison, we are now prepared to substantiate the foregoing state; tqentis, and also believe that the boys desperately wouiided several other deer tbat.got>4iway.:

Those whq are ipteteatefl getting up a brass band in Lintonj-met last Saturday evening. G. W-r Lynn was oiiosen presidept, .P, 'Jfz. Schweitzer, vice-president, }Ar^Armstrong sec­retary, Thoni^B Wones" Irejisurer, and Hennlng ti^Klstrpt;! . instructor.

' ,ve Hew

land office asking for an affidavit as to what was done each year on tjj.e tree claim upon which you proved up sev­eral years ago, it' means that more official red tape is to be unwound, and you have got to unwjnd it. As soon as you get the letter, ti>\ce two witnesses—it isn't necessajy to have IhPO&P30 who were^jjur witnesses when you proved up—and proceed at once to have your testimony taken. It

I is exacting a great deal to require a : claimant to remember, several years after lie has naade proor, just what he did each year in tlig way of planting, recanting and cultivation of trees; but you will have to remember it, just the same.

A. L. Abel has been standing con­siderable Jnshing this week as to the pedigree of a paip of black eyes tBat he has been parrying, and some of the boys have beet; disposed to give him the laugh when he recited the cause of said brunette optics. But, as the Reeord has learned the fact from a disinterested third party, we are pre­pared to state thg.t ^.bp was tlje vic­tim of*a broncho which he was rid-ing, up near the Leonard & Murphy ranch, when said broncho shied and toosed the rider off of a bridge across a culvert. If Mr. A, will call on us we will agree t*i se# him—or give him —"Itenois"—that venerable and well-

.behaved quadruped wnicii he formerly ojvned, and that most anybody can ride.

Last Friday Sheriff I$oplc$ se^fed papers on Jerry fiole, at Braddock, charging him with violating the pro-hl^ltioi) law. The papers were sworn toNoy. 14th by Mrs. Flora Lindsay, and signed by Judge Wincljester on the 18th. The complainant aileges that Oct. 8th of this year her husband, Jtwepli Lindsay, bouglit {tre-wate'r at Mr. C.'s epipdrium. It is doubtful whether a half-dozen people of Brad-

approve the prosecution of Mr. Cole, who is au old-time -farmer of Emmons county, and wljp jigs few en-

PrpliiWtion conies high to thp taxpapei-s, but it^seenis there are a' few folks who are determined that the Missouri Slope people must take the dose that we', have been exeipot from for nearly a dozen years. There has been more "siipk" raised in E.n-mt.ns County pver the villainous pro-llibby law during the preseu.t .year than there was previously from the time the law passg$.

Tl»p N. P. surveying party Is very comfortably camped down in the woo4b on the banks of Beaver river, about a quarter of a mile south of Linton." Ttjey have beep working this week up Spring creek and along the draw that runs, from Spring creek, near Johnny Bartu's ranch, to the hi^iier iand towaid the Williamsport plateau. The .Johnny liartq pn>ce re: ferred to is not the "farm wiiere Mr. B. lived for many years, east of town, out bhc place north west of town w hich has been bis home for a couple of years. It is reported that the -line chospn \yi(l run a short distance east of the Linton school-house, crossing Beaver river a miie s(yi£t)east of this village, and following' S^coulee that runs from the valley to the high land soqtl) qf fhp Beaver. This pass is said to be the best outlet between Linton and the mouth of Beaver for a railroad (frade to get out of the valley ttiward the south. The sijrveyqrs expect to be in camp here for some time. ^

funds to the a^b^nt pit about $125 ha l)een pledge^. The englnes of the qe railroad will find when they get here next summer that they are not the only-pebbles on tbe beagt; yrhen It gets

kind note-that accompanied the fowl. ucc uuiuii huick. Vioance to prove sue-1 Mr. acd Mrs. Jas Frederipir worm «3ess. Secure yearly contract and be-!. v **£• *rea®rlcK *«». CODbe manager Send twelve two-cent from the northwest country, stamps for elegant pr spectus. Takinx Saturday. Next year they'll come by to tooting. ten to fifty, orders daily 50,000 copies the McKenzie Blllsnorfc r.inVon ! ^ Will he sold in this vicinity. Address wLm «, L «' County Svipt. Foncacon, of Mcln; The Continental Assembly, Corcoran Build- V^tfleld, .Afcund gjty and Sellv rail-! tosli county, Si I):, write*'to tjie R eih ing.Ommite U, 8. Treasury, ITaelun^ton^^-. •\ j-ord aB follows: "I; haye tieard that tiaissasssasass^sBKsis ' ^UR- Benz, of Cherry Grove, vas in | yp^r couuty (s shpr^ of teachers.. Will

Linton Tuesday night. August came > you please kay in your.'Mper that any to the county seat to attend to some j school board of a diiitrlct iin p'

IOU KILE, Old newspapers, at the Record office;

-rsvp 4??'? Wli


f' COMINCr -' Send your Photo to me and . bare It en-, larged (or a CbrlMtLia'i present. Snlarge-tRppie 16x30 ere $5, 4elive,,ed ki /our nesrs i express office, ready to bant; up. Fo«* .ii lusher-priced work wiltFto V. B.rnu, Fu.'( Vates, N. 11., for .partic­ulars. Send your Photos as soon as ikw-S' Jle, as it takes two weeks to do the W o " " ' '

Great Market at KELLER & FEIST'S, Tirsbol. N. D,, MONDAY, DEC. 13, 1901.

1 '!m:


V* $0


Whoever has anything for sale—Horse$> Cattle* Sheep; H^f Grain, Farm Machinery, Chickens, Ducks, QeifMi Butter* 'Ejftga, Etc., is- requested lo briw it to the Public Market. And whoever waats to buy anything is also . requested to attend, as lie ivill find everylhing there that hS'tuay ' be looking for. "Buyers from large cities-will be present. It is our intention to hold these markets tvvice each month. Everybody is invited to attend the first oue-and see how the thing 'will, work,

j -and after that we think he will fipd it to his interest to Jse present. We pay 13 cents for BUTTER and EGGS at our' Store; Besides we keep^everything that you can find fn a General Merchandise

ston?. ^ KELLER & FEIST, dms*


' ̂



JjlNTON, N. D. ". -'T s-•*»< ,

f V -j J

Carries a full line of Cigars, Confection-

ery, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc.





-vl t

* >

^ &

9 !



LUMBEgTODbOAtJ 1 Get our Prices before placing your Orders.


•V v

. W. M. DERR, Proprietpr. ̂


iw -W"

g Good Accommodations at Reasonable P " ^ ^ Rates. Good Livery and Feed Barn in

ponnection with Hotel. H

^ F. M. BIIRGE,^®^

Sales Solid tor Ha ckiaey Boy ntoji Land Cbmpauy. 3POSTOF.FICE: W TY CHESTER, N". I>.

I have a good Driving Big', and Will take peo-Ie to see the land without cost for team, hotel ills, etc., in case they buy . §1 OALLA^D 8KB MIS BXUTORB PlhK ̂


Keeps an hand a large and care-.

fully selected stock of i)'? goods. > ^


Mai} Orders carefully and promptly atleaded to. ;

Your patronage is respectfully solicited. J. p. SNYDER, Braddock) N. D.

%}}catirig Rifles . .For All Kinds of ShGeSw, . . ' All Desirable Calibers and WdjgMi |

A PEW FAVORITES FOR HUHTIHO. Blodel 1895. 33Army oalil^r, Vel^lit 81-4 ponnds. '2Hode! lC94. M TT. C. T. ealibcr, "Extra Xjeht,"

welglit 61-2pounds. .' MoM lSM. 80 TV. C. P. caliber, "Take Down."

W$IgUt78-4poundi, t

»6 c*llb«r,« Take Down," traleht |

I M«d«l 1S86^«M0 «aliber, "Extra Light," vroght

| Shoot Winchester Ammunition. Made for all KindsofGuos.


i t > ,!

1 & £



Attorney at taw, LINTON, NOR. DAKr^r^' v i

CMU.k oat and«eadiu> rfjrht, zs.d we wiU send you

. C» 0.nnniiHg it at yan.Biinii irtlpnt of «xiitai QBwiiud U >uund ettcUy as lepnsrattd vm.cqmI ta ettiertD3(-!Uoesccttlutf?roii|fx3to<6r):r'*yUii?acMtour -IffiCIAl FftffrPY WISE «WAP17jfCTttA.00 miles.teas cr.ncu.r ditancct la pc^oction.: Civt it 4 moutlu' tnBljfe7<>A owniwitie,uHluit UnotntUlactorv.

- ^*wm It u uui expenift. and ** wili r^iAd your iponejr. Thl« QuchlrFl. •umi to»ny itwiUtdMKh^ndajtlmie machin sudt, tnd ursiicliiu •Oldforle»;iuor.»jrnu«l«inMfSintKloruatcrUU M'om»ima«ur.ta lug*>iu>titliiaudMileulyu m tnuil adTemeof <ketotircett!i*l3i*»M—

ojtejfuu*itrictliUllidiwloujly srlc*. UIIT fiTfino UnkbpwH concerns am cottdaaillvaAtb

fiusln^a of Non-RiBsi4ents promptly ' fended to. Some choice pieces of land for sale.

A. "•"•(•••••••••BBS BBITT8.

Aacg? |pi| Qmywibbp S»MH t^UKMr.


~ ~ ~ ' K i a o r a n d S h e a r B b a i n a D l D i ^ , dalty,

I7IKAHCIB JA8ZKOWIAK, •". Bismiifok. N. I».j ,

J1';!",, In GoodhM Pumping and Flfw 1 WlDd HIUa. Trfthcra and Tumi •

l ^otan tad torn (W t«M hM ̂ tad ta


•V.;; .•

»nu or«*mentcrt .ant1 bwiutlftiDy «ick<4 triaTmedT »2S5 f n.ffJ'fS"* ̂ cnir-tr. no>tdniaHt >nd i«ni> biMou 2 — B m y a t t a c J i r a t n t I s h u e , t o 7 e L * i c r v i t k a c o c n r J ( > t d f r v < » _ & - "

ypt»«f>y to,tlo any Vlnd of ft^acy vortt. Wt L ^btatfjngcnuraa.tMwHberwymaclJna. It vrM ec«T%Siia&b?toSS'

mm rWf 31 83t<rg

