morgellons sufferer tells her story of triump1

8/14/2019 Morgellons Sufferer Tells Her Story of Triump1 1/16  Morgellons Sufferer Tells Her Story of Triumph Click HERE to watch the video Hi! My name is Connie and I’m a victim, I believe, of a disease presently known as Morgellons. I have traced my symptoms back to as far as 10 years ago, based on the information I’ve receive from other people that have this infection. I am a 54 year old female. I was born and raised in Nevada. I live, presently live, in Reno. And I have all my family here, I’m divorced and I have one adult daughter. And just to begin my explanation of my experience, I’ll tell you that there’s no one in my network at this point in time that shown these symptoms visually or otherwise. About a year ago, at this time… it was in January, I noticed some little green fibers that were starting to show up on my hands and arms. And I attributed it to disassembling an artificial Christmas tree that I had. I thought maybe it was the remnants or remains of particles from the manufacturing of the tree. Well the symptoms didn’t go away, and they actually got worse. I started noticing that I was more depressed. I have had a problem with what is known as “brain fogging” for many years, but it seemed to escalate at that point of my life. I was having a lot of joint pain... wondering if… why am I having arthritic pain in summer months. I was suffering confusion, frustration… I was tired all the time. I slept a great deal. I napped when I could. I just seemed like I couldn’t get enough rest. About four months passed, maybe five and in May I was talking with a friend and I showed him my arms and said “Look at this!”

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 Morgellons Sufferer Tells Her Story of Triumph

Click  HERE to watch the video

Hi! My name is Connie and I’m a victim, I believe, of a disease presently known asMorgellons. I have traced my symptoms back to as far as 10 years ago, based on the

information I’ve receive from other people that have this infection. I am a 54 year oldfemale. I was born and raised in Nevada. I live, presently live, in Reno. And I have all my

family here, I’m divorced and I have one adult daughter. And just to begin my explanationof my experience, I’ll tell you that there’s no one in my network at this point in time that

shown these symptoms visually or otherwise. About a year ago, at this time… it was in

January, I noticed some little green fibers that were starting to show up on my hands andarms. And I attributed it to disassembling an artificial Christmas tree that I had. I thought

maybe it was the remnants or remains of particles from the manufacturing of the tree.Well the symptoms didn’t go away, and they actually got worse. I started noticing

that I was more depressed. I have had a problem with what is known as “brain

fogging” for many years, but it seemed to escalate at that point of my life. I was

having a lot of joint pain... wondering if… why am I having arthritic pain in summermonths. I was suffering confusion, frustration… I was tired all the time. I slept a

great deal. I napped when I could. I just seemed like I couldn’t get enough rest.

About four months passed, maybe five and in May I was talking with a friend and I

showed him my arms and said “Look at this!”

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In that four month period these lesions had began to surface where the fibers where…

where, this fibrous material. Now granted, I could see these with the naked eye. I did not

need a microscope. Some of them were curly. Some of them where short. Some of themwere a little bit long,

less than a quarter of an inch, but they were all green and they were all real. I, at that point

collected some samples of them. Put them in a plastic vile. I took them to a dermatologist 

and she absolutely refused to acknowledge that my little “so to speak”, “matchbox  sample” was real. What she told me when she saw these lesions, and at that point they

were very bad and I had it up and down the tops of my arms, and I had them  at the

back of my hands…

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 she keep kind of nagging me and saying “Don’t pick at yourself anymore. Don’t pick at 

 your, your hands”. Well I walked away angry from that particular encounter. A fewmonths later while I was still fighting with this lesions, I went an saw an “Ear, Nose

and Throat” doctor, because I was having a tremendous sinus problem where I was

blowing a lot of blood and strange mucus out of my nasal area. And interestingly

during the… after the x-rays, on the a pre-op visit, he looked at me and he said we’re

gonna get in there and fix this deviated septum. And he said were gonna look at this

other tissue in there or this other matter. Well this other matter, I’m firmly

convinced was Morgellons, and it was, you know, the disease building itself in areas

in my body where it could breath and grow which were my sinuses, my throat. I had

chronic sore throats. And then a friend of mine… well, this friend showed me…

Introduced me to NutraSilver… and at that point I was desperate. I had no other

way to turn. I had been to dentists. I had dentists look at my teeth and tell me therewas something not right. I’ve had this derma… two dermatologists… I had gone to a

dermatologist ten years ago, and I was treated with massive doses of antihistamines.

Three different kinds… because I had this severe itching. When we discover when

these symptoms probably began, at the onset I had these terrible attacks of itching on myarms and couldn’t wear any heavy clothing. I couldn’t wear any animal knits. Nothing… I

mean I was miserable! I went to my family doctor and we thought maybe I was going

through the “change of life”, which I wasn’t. They did a test for that. My blood

pressure was checked and it was determined that I had a high blood pressure. I’m

self diagnosed. There’s no doctor in this area that I can find that is willing to acknowledge

that I have this disease. So I… this is all my diagnosis… my opinion. It’s my body, I know

what’s going on with it. But anyway up until that point these symptoms just keep buildingand persisting. What brought them to the surfaced where the lesions were visual, I believe

was stress.

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I was going through a very depressing, debilitating, personal part of my life. Last, a year 

ago this last May. And it was then that the lesions started to form, and they were comingout. They were started on the lower part of my arms...

and they were slowly gravitating up in my arms. I had them on my hands.

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I was starting to see a little bit of tunneling, but not much.

And I went to visit a friend one day, and he looked at my arms he says “Wow! I have something I think you need to try.” he says, “Just take this and rub it on your arms.” and 

 so we did… or actually it was, at that point it was just on my hands. And so I rubbed it on

my hands, and “My god“… I could not believe it! I had skin and these little fibery

things just coming out of my hands.

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Out of my palm… the back of my hands. We were both amazed! We were just sat there

and watched this for about an hour and we couldn’t believe it. And so we thought well,let’s try this. Let’s try putting it, you know everywhere that I have an open lesion or an

area that looks likes its you know it’s been exacerbated by this affliction. So I did, andafter several months of using this, and journaling about it and photographing it, I realized

that the lesions that I was putting the NutraSilver on… That’s the name of the product that

we’re talking about, were healing and I was actually having… I don’t know… matter coming out. I don’t know what you wanna call it. Maybe under a microscope...

you might see a parasite or two. I don’t know. Some of it looked like it was moving andlive, and I was having many more fibers. I started getting red. I started getting blue. Istarted getting uh... I mean these things glowed…

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under a camera eye. Well what we realize is that the lesions I was putting theNutraSilver on were healing, but I was getting new breakouts, new sores in other

areas around that. So we realized, or I realized that it was spreading. It wasn’t 

 getting better, it was getting worse! And so we stopped the  NutraSilver  . I went to a deep

depression and thought you know, this was, “Now what am I gonna do?” and...

Then I said to my friend… my colleague… I said “You know? Something strikes me

here if the NutraSilver has the effect of spreading or moving this parasite or

whatever it is under the skin, what would happen if we tried it internally? Took it

orally? If it moves on the skin, maybe it would move through the blood streams and

the body and push it out?” And so that was our next motivation was to try that, and

in a few words it worked! It was the most phenomenal difference for me in my wholewell-being and visual observation of what is going on. We started me with ten dropstwice a day… excuse me… three times a day, in water and I tried to you know make sure

that I took it at the same time each day, morning noon and night. Within the first 24 

hours I noticed a tremendous change in how I felt psychologically.  My mind was

clearing up. My vision was… I didn’t realize before but it, this was affecting my vision.

 I was having a lot of blurred vision which I thought was just me because I am severelynearsighted. I started eating better. The lesions began to heal, slowly but they begin heal.

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The chronic fatigue disappeared within a week. It was like my whole new part of my

life had erupted, and I still need a lot of rest because the symptoms of this disease actuallykeep me awake at night. There were times when my feet would tingle or I’d get these, uh

you know there’s a syndrome out now that they talk about where your legs do funnythings and the muscles twitch. Well my feet did that a lot… and my hands as well.

That stopped with the use of the  NutraSilver internally.

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The depression lifted. It didn’t completely go away because my depression is hereditary.

I have since started taking 40mg a day of Prozac and I doing really well with that, butinitially I think the NutraSilver  did have an effect of my depression. The brain fogging…

gone! It was essentially gone. My memory was good. My short term memory was

good. You know I was even starting to recall how this disease have progressed over the

years when I started learning about how and what other people had. The healing was

amazing, and again, I still, it took… the lesions healed quicker with the use of the NutraSilver ...

and it took a while because I had quite a few on my arms and I started having them showup on my legs

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and that started happening when I was using it topically and that’s really when we got

scared and realized that you know we better not do this topically anymore becausewhatever this thing is, its in my body and what the NutraSilver was doing topically

was just moving it… and my thought was well if its moves by use of it topically…

“What would happen if I took it internally and got it in my blood stream?”. Again

we saw amazing results!

The other thing I noticed right away too was my joint pain. I would get up in the

morning and I had very little back pain, and now I have none . Oh lets see…in October,

September-October of last year.

We decided to do a purge. We came up with the formula with the NutraSilver and decided

that, you know, my symptoms not quite all gone away and we wanted to try to possibly

see how far we could push this whole thing since what I was doing was working very wellon that regular basis. So we upped the dosage and began what I call the “three day purge”,

and at that point I started taking 7ml (approximately 150 drops), which is one small little

container of the NutraSilver diluted in a glass of water. Very little water, 2 to 4 ounces

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actually, because we wanted it to get it into my blood stream quickly and absorb quickly.

So I started doing that three times a day. On the first day I took my first dosage at about

11:30 in the morning, and twelve hours later… that night… about eleven o’clock… the

 purge began and it was horrific! It was absolutely horrific! I wanted somebody to be

there, and then I didn’t want somebody to be there, because I didn’t want anybody to seeme. But I had… I’m gonna call them parasite, because I believe that’s what they were.

They were small. They looked like worms. Very small. Kind of beige-y color. Very wormylooking. They were soggy. I had, initially I had them coming out everywhere they

could. Wherever my body had an orifice… my eyes… my mouth… my nose…

and they seemed to be predominant in my nasal, my sinus area. And I realized thatthey were gonna push out through my skin wherever they wanted to. That they may go to

areas of my body where, that had not been exposed to

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creature from coming out of, and it worked! What I did was I pushed them out through

my finger tips, my toes, the bottoms and the heels of my feet.  My biggest concern was my face, because I could see them tunneling up my eyes. I could see them in the corner of 

my eyes. You know I was even able to pick them out of my eyes in some point. I could 

 feel them in my ears, and that was another area. And that was a tough one because you

can only get Vaseline in there so far. I had to keep my scalp extremely moist because they

wanted to come out through my scalp and my… Of course, these little guys like the hair follicles and that’s what they thrive on. For months I had these little curly hairs on my

legs, caused by the parasite living off by the follicle. I’m sure. Feeding off of it . But this

 purge was…

It was incredible! I did get some video on it. It would have to be cleaned up in the

laboratory to see, but I had them coming out my lips and in corners of my mouth…

Flowing. They were spilling out during purge. My feces was loaded. I mean for three

days after they purge I was, I could see them in the toilet bowls and I know that its not a

very pleasant thing but you need to understand that the NutraSilver forced this thing 

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out of my body and I tried to, I really did try to journal it but it was very difficult. It was

very ugly. It was very depressing. It was very hard for me. Doing this video is difficult

because I know there’re going to be a lot of people… Maybe even scientist? Maybe

even doctors? That will review this video and they’ll laugh at me and think I’m nuts.

Well you guys are the ones that are nuts because I’ve been there, I know what thisthing did to me, and I know how much it affected my life and changed my life. It

completely altered my life to the point that I considered suicide. I didn’t want to have

go on living that way. Afraid of going in public that I would break out or that one

would come crawling out of my eyes. The fibers were the most phenomenal thing in

this purged.

I have the photographs to proved it; balls of fiber with a little body of some kind, a little

round jelly like body in them. Almost that had a little eye on it, that almost looked like acamera. Ok? I mean it look like an eyeball with hair on it. And I had those poring out of my scalp. I was finding them on my carpet after the purge. But I did come up with a, you

know a crude way of controlling their exit. I wish now I would have collected some

sample, but I was in so much pain even as medicated as I was… and I was alone. It wasdifficult enough having to transform myself from this hideous monster...

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into the person I am right now.

and I have… the before and after photographs...

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 prove my story. This is a real. This disease is real.

The symptoms are real. The NutraSilver, I feel, it gave me back my life! It gave me

back my livelihood. It gave me back something that I thought I had lost! Either the

disease was gonna kill me or I was gonna kill my self.

I’d like to make a closing comment. I have no need to sit down and make up a story likethis. It’s not a make up story. This is a reality.  NutraSilver saved my life. It gave me back 

everything I ever wanted. I’m not making any money by making this video. I’ve asked for 

the copyright to it, only because I wanted to control where it goes and who it goes to. ButI want the world to know what NutraSilver did for me, and “come hell or high water” so

to speak, I want everyone out there that suffers from this disease to know that you havemy support, you have my love and I will do everything I can to bring you my story, myexperience and encourage you to try this product. At least buy one sample of it and try it

 because it saved my life. I wouldn’t care, you know, how much it cost me or what. Like I

said I’m not getting paid to do this. I’ve not been coerced by anyone, I’ve not been asked

or given any favors. I just want the world to know that I know there a lot of sufferers of Morgellons out there that have no hope, and hopefully this video will give you that hope.