electing a leader in synchronous ring greg n. frederickson nancy a. lynch

Presented by Jiossy Rami

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Presented by Jiossy Rami. Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH. Agenda. Background Problem description What’s new in this work? Lower bound proof outline Definitions and Model introduction Lower bound proof. Background. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Presented by Jiossy Rami

Page 2: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

BackgroundProblem descriptionWhat’s new in this work?Lower bound proof outlineDefinitions and Model introductionLower bound proof

Page 3: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Leader Election Message Complexity Unidirectional Rings Lennan’s: WorstCase=AvgCase=O(n2) Change and Roberts: WorstCase=O(n2) ,

AvgCase=O(n logn) Peterson: WorstCase=O(n logn)

Bidirectional Rings Franklin: WorstCase=O(n logn)

Complete networks with sense of direction: O(n)

PKR: Ω(n logn) , asynchronous, n isn’t known.

Page 4: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

N (n) identical processors, with unique IDs. Synchronous bidirectional ring.

Lower bound here applies to unidirectional too. Processors can awake at different times.

No processor wakes up after receiving a message.

N is known to the processors. Lower bound here applies to case where N isn’t


Page 5: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Greg N. Frederickson

Nancy A. Lynch

Page 6: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Linear leader election can be achieved if IDs are chosen from a countable set. (possibly integers) In this paper it is demonstrated by

introducing such a leader election algorithm.

Ω(n logn) when only comparison allowed.

Page 7: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

IDs are chosen from arbitrary ID space –X. ( |X|>N )

Processors have state Processor state records exactly its initial ID

and history of received messages. Certain states are designated as ‘leader’


Processors begin at the same time. Worst case when considering complexity.

Page 8: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Execution Initialization: Each processor state includes it’s ID only.

Round step: Processor examines its state and decides if to

send message to each of its neighbors or not. Each sent message contains the sender

processor entire state. Processor receives messages from its

neighbors, if any.

Page 9: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

S-expression (commonly used in Lisp) Representation of structured data. Example from Lisp: (1 . (2 . (3 . nil)))

Well-formed S-expression: Element of X (S1,S2,S3): S2 is well-formed S1,S3 each is well-formed or the atom NIL.

Page 10: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

S-expressions S, S’ are order-equivalent if: S,S’ have the same structure. For any two atoms in S, their

corresponding two atoms in S’, satisfy the same relation with respect to <, =, >.

Let F(X) denote set of all well-formed S-expressions over X.

Page 11: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

An algorithm having well-formed S-expressions state and working according to the above introduced model, is named a Free Algorithm. Initially is state contains self ID only. Sent message contains sender state only. Processor starts a round with state S, and ends it

with state (S1,S,S2) S1 /S2 records message from ccw/cw processor.

E is a closed set of ‘leader’ states U is a transport function: F(X) x cw,ccw -> yes ,


Page 12: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

An algorithm is a comparison algorithm provided that, if s and s’ are order-equivalent well-formed S-expressions over X, then: s and s’ send messages in the same

direction. U(s,cw) = U(s’, cw) U(s,ccw) =U(s’,ccw)

s and s’ have the same election status.s is in E exactly if s’ is in E.

Page 13: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Ring Configuration ( c ): Ordered N- tuple of processors states.

Ring Message vector ( v ): Ordered N- tuple of pairs over F(x)UNIL

Execution ( e ): Sequence of (c1,v,c2) Second configuration in each sequence must be the

same as the first configuration in the subsequent sequence.

Page 14: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

K-segment Sequence of k consecutive processors in the

ring in clockwise order.

Execution fragment Prefix of some execution (starts at round 0)

Two segments S, T are order equivalent in R, in case the sequences of IDs are order-equivalent.

Page 15: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Clockwise chain in e for (S,T) is a subsequence of the steps ei1,ei2,…,eik where: ei1 == true if when ei1 executes, either p-1 sends

message to p OR q-1 sends message to q.

ei2 == true if when ei2 executes, either p sends message to p+1 OR q sends message to q+1.

eik == true if when eik executes, either p+k-2 sends message to p+k-1 OR q+k-2 sends message to q+k-1.

Page 16: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

maxcw(e) maximum k for which there are order-

equivalent length k-segments S and T (possibly S=T) where e contains clockwise chain for (S,T).

maxccw(e) Analogous to maxcw(e)

sum(e) = maxcw(e) + maxccw(e) |e|=0 (empty) then


Page 17: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

(k1,k2)-bisegment is defined to be a pair of segments, the first of size k1 and the second of size k2, which overlap in one processor. (end of first is start of the second) Duplicate processor is named center.

Page 18: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Spanning-segment is the concatination of k1,k2 segment while removing the duplication.

Two bisegments are order-equivalent if their spanning segments are order-equivalent.

We denote p's (k1,k2)-bisegment as the (k1,k2) bisegment centered at p.

p and q are (k1,k2) equivalent if their (k1,k2) bisegments are order equivalent.

Page 19: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

S=(S1, S2),T=(T1,T2) are two (k1,k2)-bisegments. Clockwise chain in e for (S,T) is a

clockwise chain in e for (S1,T1). A counterclockwise chain in e for (S,T)

is a counterclockwise chain in e for (S2,T2).

There is a chain in e for (S,T) of either there is clockwise or a counterclockwise chain in e for (S,T).

Page 20: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

S,T are two K-segmentss,t are congruent with respect to S,T if: s,t are structurally equivalent. corresponding positions in s and t contain

elements from corresponding positions in S,T.

S,T are two (k1,k2)-bisegments.s,t are congruent with respect to S,T if: s,t are congruent to the spanning-segments

of S,T.

Page 21: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

A=(x1,x2,…,xk)s = ((…),(xi…)) B=(y1,y2,…,yk)t = ((…),(yi…)) Definition: s,t who are structurely equivalent,

are said to be congruent with respect to A,B if: if xi and yi are from the same positions in s,t then: if xi is the k-th element of A then yi is also the k-th element of B.

Example:A = (1,3,18,4,6), B =(11,4,2,9,5)s = (nil,(3,18,4),(1,3,18)), t=(nil,(4,2,9),(11,4,2)) s,t are congruent states

Page 22: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH
Page 23: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

The absence of long enough chains implies certain processors remain indistinguishable.

If chains are short and there are lots of equivalent processors, any message that gets sent has many corresponding messages sent at the same time by other processors.

Chains can grow by at most 1 in any time step.

Introduce ID assignment which achieves a large amount of replication symmetry.

Page 24: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Lemma3: Let e be an execution fragment in ring R. Assume

e' is a prefix of e except the last step, then:maxcw(e)<=maxcw(e')+1maxccw(e)<=maxccw(e')+1

Proof:Let S,T be order-equivalent and e is a clockwise

chain in (S,T). Let S',T' be the prefix with length |e|-1 of S,T correspondingly, then:

1. S',T' are order equivalent2. Since e' is e without the last sent message, we

conclude that e' is a chain in (S',T')3. Since |S|=|T|=|e| we get that


Page 25: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Lemma4: Let e be an execution fragment in ring

R. Let p,q be two (k1,k2) order-equivalent processors in R, and Let S,T be their respective (k1,k2)-bisegments. If there are no chains in e for (S,T), then at the end of e, the states of p and q are congruent with respect to (S,T).

Page 26: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Proof: Induction on |e|.Base: |e| = 0: s,t are empty so they are


Assume it holds for any length < |e| and any values of k1,k2. Let e' denote e except the last step.

By the inductive assumption, p,q are congruent with respect to S,T by the end of e'.

Name the neighbors as …,p', p , p'',... And …,q', q , q'',....

Page 27: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Lets consider p',q'.Case1: (p'',q'' is analogous)p',q' are congruent with respect to (S,T)

by the end of e'.

p' and q' will take a similar decision in the last step of e so they will send their congruent states and p,q will remain in congruent states just after e.

Page 28: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Case2: (p'',q'' is analogous)p',q' are not congruent with respect to (S,T)

and they don't send message at the last step of e.

By the inductive assumption, p,q are already congruent with respect to (S,T) prior to the last step of e. In this case they don't receive any message from p',q' correspondingly, so their congruency is not being affected.

Page 29: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Case3: (p'',q'' is analogous)p',q' are congruent are not congruent and

at least one of them sends message at last step of e.

Assume K1>1. (otherwise there is a clockwise chain in e)

p',q' are (k1-1,k2+1)-equivalent. Let S',T' denote their respective (k1-1,k2+1)-bisegments. S',T' are composed from the same set of processors S,T are built from.

Page 30: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

By the inductive assumption, their must be a chain in e' with respect to S',T'. Counterclockwise chain: We obtain a

counterclockwise chain in e for S,T. Contradiction

Clockwise chain: At least one of p',q' send a clockwise message in the last step of e, we obtain a clockwise chain in e for (S,T). Contradiction

Page 31: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Corollary 5:Assume in ring R, each k-segment has at

least i order-equivalent k-segments. Let e be an execution fragment and e' is its prefix except the last step. Assume sum(e')<k. Then, if some processor p sends a message clockwise (or counterclockwise) at last step, then there are at least I processors that do the same.

Proof: Let k1=maxcw(e')+1 Let k2=maccw(e')+1

Page 32: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

(k1,k2)-bisegment of p has at most k elements, hence it has at least i (k1,k2)-equivalent processors. Let q be any one of these processors, and let S and T be the (k1,k2)-bisegments centered at p and q, respectively.





Page 33: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

By the definition of maxcw, maxccw, there cannot be a chain in e' for (S,T).











Page 34: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

By Lemma4, p,q will remain congruent with respect to (S,T) at the end of e'. Since we consider a comparison algorithm, q also sends a message clockwise at the last step.

Page 35: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Corollary 6:Let R be a ring where every k-segment S

has another order-equivalent k-segment T. Let e be an execution fragment of a comparison algorithm which elects a leader in R, then sum(e)>=k.

Proof: Assume on the contrary, that

sum(e)=maxcw(e)+maxccw(e) < k Let k1=maxcw(e)+1 Let k2=maxccw(e)+1

Page 36: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

The (k1,k2)-bisegment of p which becomes leader, has at most k elements -> p has a (k1,k2)-equivalent processor q. Let S,T be their (k1,k2)-bisegment centered at p,q respectively.

By the definition of maxcw, maxccw, there cannot be a chain in e for (S,T).

Page 37: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

By Lemma4, p,q will remain congruent by the end of e with respect to (S,T).

Since we consider comparison algorithm p,q cannot be distinguished for leadership.

Page 38: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Assume N (n) is power of 2.We introduce an assignment of IDs

which exhibits a large amount of replication symmetry.

Assume processor indexes P0,P1,…,Pn-

1.For integer i, denote reverse(i) as:

Integer who's binary representation is the reverse of i's binary representation.

Page 39: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Q<n> labeling: ID[Pi] = reverse(i) i=1: 000001 -> reverse(i) = 100000i=2: 000010 -> reverse(i) = 010000

Important observation: The i-th high order bits decide order in

segment.N = 23=8: 000 001 010 011 100 101 110


000 100 010 110 001 101 011 111



Length = 2i=22

Page 40: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Lemma7: if a ring R is labeled with Q labeling, and S is a segment of length at most 2i where i<log(n), then there are at least n/2i order-equivalent segments in R for S (including S).

Proof: In a segment of length at most 2i ., each ID differs from all others in its i-th high order bits.

Page 41: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

If considering some processor P with id=IDx in some segment, then the processor q which is far from p by distance 2i, will have identical values for the i-th high order bits.

So, any segment that is order equivalent to S will have its first processor at a distance that is multiple of 2i from the first processor of S. There are such n/2i segments (including S).

Page 42: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Theorem: Assume N is a power of 2. Let A be a

comparison based leader election algorithm over the arbitrary ID space X. A operates in synchronous ring of size n.

There is an execution of A for (n/2)*(logn+1) messages are sent.

Page 43: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Proof: Consider ID space X with Q<n> ordering. Let e be the execution fragment which

elects a leader. By Lemma7, every segment of size n/2

has another order-equivalent segment. By corollary6, execution e must have

sum(e)>= n/2. (increasing from 0) By Lemma3, the sum increases by at

most 2 in any step (messages in both directions) and by 1 which sending in one direction only.

Page 44: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Lets consider the first time e becomes larger than k=2i .

Let e' be the prefix of e except the last step, then sum(e')<k=2i

By Lemma7, and corollary5, if any message is sent clockwise at this step, then at least n/2i messages will be sent. Similarly for the counterclockwise . So if the sum increases by 1, then n/2i messages are sent, and if the sum increases by 2, then 2xn/2i messages will be sent.

Page 45: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Cost of increasing sum from 0 to n/2: n/2i for each increases from k to k+1.

At the beginning (20), all

processors send messages

Increase from k to k+1 equals

increase from 2i -1 to 2i










Page 46: Electing a Leader in Synchronous Ring GREG N. FREDERICKSON NANCY A. LYNCH

Electing a leader in a synchronous ring

Journal of the ACM (JACM), Volume 34 , Issue 1 (January 1987), Pages: 98 - 115


Purdue University. West Lafayette, IndianaNANCY A. LYNCH

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts